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02x13 - Sassy Come Home/Photo Finish

Posted: 02/25/23 19:37
by bunniefuu
[Engine revving]

Whoa, these country
roads are something!

Hon, we made it
to the campsite.

That's right, dear.
We did.

Kids, we're going
to set up camp.

That's right.
We're going
to set up camp.

Gee, I guess
mom and dad
love camping.


[Dee Dee laughing]

Ok, time for quiet.

Camping is very much
for your kind of people,

and your kind of people
are stupid!

As for the smart
kind of people
like myself,

we do not need
your fruity
little forests.

We need to be surrounded
by manly, high-tech
laboratory equipment,

to invent and create!

What about
Gregor mendel?

By studying tall
and short pea plants
in nature,

Gregor mendel
discovered d.N.A.

I knew that!
You did not have
to remind me.

But how did you know?

Anyway, mendel
had a robot to go
outside for him.

So you are just
a silly little
forest girl.

But please,
have your little fun.

I am going home.




I'm in a hole.

I don't think
it's just a hole,

Holy cow!

It's a really big

[Thoughts echoing]
A really big footprint.

A big footprint times Dexter,
boy genius,

plus the best high-tech
photographic equipment,

equals the irrefutable
photographic proof

of the legendary

The people will cheer!

On second thought,
I will be staying.

Why don't you
be a good girl
and go play?

I have work to do.



Why is it taking
so long?

I should have been famous
a minute ago.

Hmm...I've got it!

I'll just use
my inflatable lab

to catch
that sasquatch.

For the genius
on the go...





Know what, Mr. Frog?

Know what, Mr. Bird?

My feet hurt.

I'd better take off
these gosh-forsaken boots.



[Both laughing]

Ah! You must be
a sasquatch.

I'll call you sassy.



At last,
my greatest invention.

Now, to prove
to the world

the existence
of the legendary sasquatch.

This whole thing
is just one big balloon.



Honey, what is it?

A giant bat.

What, here
in the woods?

[Dexter screaming]

Come on, come on!

Sassy, what are
your dreams?


I think you're
my best friend, sassy.



No more foul-ups.

Once again, I have created
a world wonder,

with high-density
tracking devices,

awesome defense mechanisms,

all-terrain maneuverability,

and, of course, a hi-fi stereo
for personal enjoyment.

♪ In the mountains high

♪ in the mountains high

all this engineered
into a perfect Land Rover,

cleverly disguised
as a friendly forest bear.

[Roars mechanically]

You are mine,

It cannot be!

Here are sets
of tracks!

A mommy and a baby!

I'll sell the mommy
to the zoo,

and I'll keep the baby
as a pet.


♪ La la la la la



I thought I said
no more foul-ups.

Hey, bub!
I said no more foul-ups.

Hmm...if the tracks stop
at the tree,

it can only mean...

That they are
up the tree!

The sasquatch!

Oh, my goodness!
It's the baby!

Hi, Dexter!

Dee Dee,
where is the baby?


Yes, the baby

There is no baby

Well, then,
whose prints are those
with the large ones?

And I didn't guess
this earlier?

So, how about
coming down now?


Because I would like
to take a picture
of the sasquatch

for my scrapbook.


Fine! Then I will
burn the tree down.

I can't believe it.

Out of all
the creatures
in the forest!

Bear: I'm sorry.

Come with me,
young man.

Dexter: Hey! Hey, wait!
I am really a boy!
A boy genius...

Wait a minute!
Wait a minute!

I am on a scientific quest!
Leave me to my work.

Well, sassy,
it's getting late.

I think it's time
for me to go.


Don't cry, sassy.

I love you, sassy.


Gosh, Dee Dee.
It's almost bedtime.

Where could
your brother be?


Dad, dad, dad!

Hey, everyone,
Dexter's back.

Dad, dad!

Where have
you been, champ?

Dad, dad!
I have got irrefutable
photographic proof!

Gee, son! Of what?

Of smokem the bear.

Gee, son. Everyone knows
that smokem exists.

He does such a good job
protecting the forest.

And remember,
only you can prevent
forest fires.



[Nervous laughter]


Dee Dee, stop!

Never ever
run with scissors.

It is terribly

You could trip
and poke out an eye

or get stabbed
in the neck

or worse.

So remember, kids,
never run with scissors

or other sharp objects...

Unless you have proper
scissors-handling equipment.



Well, of course
I am a genius,

but this...

This is--


Yes. Yes, it is.



Dee Dee,
what are you doing?

Testing out
my new camera.

Say cheese!


Ah! Ooh!

Say cheese,
Mr. Monkey.

Say cheese,
Mr. Top secret machine.

Say cheese!

Say cheese!


Ooh, cheese.



Hey, you had
your eyes closed.

Look, I do not have time
for these shenanigans.

I am in the middle
of a highly
top secret experiment.

I cannot have you
just waltzing about.
Good day.

Sheesh, taking pictures
of all of my top secret things.

What nerve! I...

Oop! Computer,
locate Dee Dee and film!

Dee Dee has left
with your mom

to have
the film developed.


If mom sees those pictures,

then my secret lab
will be discovered.

Dee Dee,
have mercy!

Dee Dee!


Kitt car, emergency .

, , ,

, .

[Speaking German]

Hi. Would you like
to try our new
quarex- , finish?

Too late!

Ok, now. Thanks.

Come again.

I guess
they'll have to.

Dexter: Uh...
Excuse me.

Um, yes, uh...


Yes, there has been
a little mix-up,

and I'll need that
film you just got.

Can't do that. Sorry.

It's already gone
to the lab.

What? But where
is the lab?

Oh, wouldn't you
like to know?

Look, little man,

if you're done here,
I got urgent matters
to attend to.

Oh, my good man,

please be so kind
as to develop

these reconnaissance



Some people.


Took the decoy.

Computer, begin tracking
decoy Alpha one.

Computer: Target is retreating
at kilometers per second.

That's unbelievable.

Where did it go?

And it disappeared
under that isle
just off the coast.

Take her down.


So, asleep
on the job again?

You leave me
only one choice.

No, no!
Not the flash again!

Please, Mr. Red eye,
I promise. Not again!

Your lack of focus
in your duties

has failed me
for the last time!

Back to work,
all of you!

Dexter: Psst!


Hi. If you won't
volunteer your helmet,

I'll have to
fight you kung fu style.


[Speaking Chinese]


Oh, why thank you,

I think I will
take your hat.

Katka, phase one

What are sensor

Oh, Dexter, computer shows

processed photos vault
on ninth floor.

Roger that.

They're not here!

Then where
could they be?

[Door opens]

Who are you?


Oh. Oh, yes.
Right, right, right.

I almost didn't
recognize you.

Ah, a spy!


You've been exposed!


Huh? What?

Welcome to my studio.

It's time
for your portrait,
agent Dexter.

My personal camera emits
a special photon beam,

which, on contact,
will destabilize
and reassemble your particles,

which leaves you...

in a lovely x glossy.


It's a...[Sniff]

Really lovely photo

which captures
your very essence
actually well.

Do you expect me
to talk?

No, agent Dexter.
I expect you to smile.

Sir, high commander parallax
on line one.

Oh, thank you.

What is your bidding,

Have you disposed
of the intruder?

I'm taking his portrait
as we speak.




[Horn honks]

Oh, hold on a sec,
will you?

Do you have
the photos?

Yes, my lord.

So that's
where they are.

Apparently you did not know
about my latest technology

to get the red out.


Katka, meet me back
at the photo shack.

I'm taking a shortcut.

Ha! I have you now,

Unhand those photos!

Too late, chump.

Your mom has them.

Ha ha ha!

You'll never get me!


Look at this one,

and this one here.

Well, i--
how did this happen?

I just don't


Mom, I meant
to tell you all along.

It--it just got
out of hand, and I...

What are you
talking about?

Dee Dee!

Say cheese!


enter at
your own peril,

the vaulted door

where impossible
things may happen

that the world's
never seen before.

♪ In Dexter's
laboratory ♪

♪ lives
the smartest boy ♪

♪ you've ever seen

♪ but Dee Dee blows
his experiments ♪

♪ to smithereens

♪ there is
gloom and doom ♪

♪ while things
go boom ♪

♪ in Dexter's lab