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02x11 - A Hard Day's Day/Road Rash/Ocean Commotion

Posted: 02/25/23 19:34
by bunniefuu
Ahh, what a fine day
for science!

I hate this part.

Ah, at last,

my latest, greatest work

for the day is completed.


The high-five machine!

Today was a fine day
for science.





Ah, what...

A fine day for...


Dexter, voice echoing:
What a fine day for science.

What a fine day
for science.

What a fine day for science.

What a fine day
for science.

[Clock ticking]

Ah, what a fine day

for science.

Wait. That didn't sound
quite right.

Let me try it again.

Ah, what a fine day
for science!

Hmm. Something's still wrong,

but what?

Oh, no.
Could it mean that--


Oh! Aah! Aah!

Today is not
a fine day for science.



Yes? Dexter!

[Birds chirping]

Where are
your glasses?

Not now, mom.
I am having
a bad day.

sounds like someone

woke up on
the wrong side
of the bed.

That's it!
The wrong side
of the bed!

Thanks, mom.

Ah, what a fine day
for science.


Ah, what a fine day
for science.


Ah, what a fine day
for science.


Ah, what a fine--
ah, forget it!

Today is just
one of those days

when everything
that can go wrong--


Oh, hey, son,
how's it going?

Not so good.

Oh, well, you know
what they say,

keep a stiff
upper lip.
So long, son.

That's it,
a stiff upper lip!


Access denied.


Access denied.


Access denied.


Access denied.

Hello. It's me--

Dee Dee!

And how has
your day been,

my littlest
and only bro?

My day?!

I'll tell you
how my day has been.

Awful, terrible,

It's been
the worst day ever.

I've been banged up,
smashed up,

crashed up!
It's ridiculous!

Uh, Dexter,

you've got something
on your face.

I know I have.
It's keeping
my upper lip stiff.

Dad said to keep
it stiff, so i'm
keeping it stiff!

It didn't work,
did it?


It's ok, Dexter.

Your problem
isn't scientifical,

it's astrological.


Yes. You see,
Dexter, everyone
has a star sign.

Yours is capricorn,

and mine is cancer,

and every sign
has a ruling planet.

Yours is saturn.

Normally, you receive
powerful rays
from saturn's energy,

which helps you be good
at science and stuff.

But today is
the celestial lunation.

What's that?

It's where
the moon passes
in front of saturn,

its powerful rays.

Hey, I need
those rays,
mister moon!

That's right.
But you can't
stop it, Dexter.

in the stars!

Stars, shmars.

I am Dexter!

And if any
dumb old moon

thinks he
can stand in the way
of me and science,

he has got another
thing coming.

Access denied.


Access approved.

to the lab.

You're welcome,

Computer, engage
quad-booster rockets,
trajectory--the moon.

Rocket engaged.

Countdown: , ,

, ...


Dexter's mother:
Dexter, keep it down!

Dexter, proceed
with phase ?

You go, girl.

Target sighted
and locked.

Direct hit.


Ok, Dex,
you have been
lucky so far,

but you are not
out of the woods yet.

Here goes.

It's working.
I can already
feel saturn's rays

my good fortune.


I guess today
wasn't such a bad day
for science after all.


Oh, no!

What a misfortune!

It is still not a fine day
for science.


My--my lab.

Hey, Dexter,
mom said to
keep it down.


Mom, Dexter's
mooning me!

[Adventure program playing]

[Tires screech]

Dexter's father:
Oh, Dexter.


Mom and I think

you don't get
enough outdoor
exercise, so...

We bought you
a bike!

Thank you,
mom and dad,

but I don't
play outside.

Dexter: But what
about air pollution
and the hole in the ozone

and all
of the dangerous traffic
and sudden weather changes?

Now, Dexter,
just hop on

and you can go play
with your sister.

Dee Dee:
It's fun
to play outside.

I am a scientist.
My place is in the lab.

You're just scared.

I am not scared!

Dee Dee:
Ooh, is it broken?

Uh, yes.
Beyond repair,
I am afraid.

Admit it,
you just can't ride.

Can too.

Can not. Can too!

Can not. Can too!

Prove it!

Can't catch me.

Who-oa! Ooh!

[Thud thud]

Dee Dee:
Can't catch me!

Yes, I can.

[Laughing sinisterly]


Dee Dee: Whee!

Can't catch me.

[Car horn honks]


[Inhales deeply]

Dee Dee:
Can't catch me.

[Horn honking]


Dexter: Hmm.

Where did she get to?

Can't catch me.

Laugh while you can.

With my new
rocket booster system,

soon, I will be
king of the road!


Pass the cookies.




[Laughing sinisterly]

Aha! A signal.

With my new
Dee Dee tracking system,

there will be
no place to hide.


[Tires screech]

Huh? The signal
is right on target,

but that means--

Dee Dee:
Oh, Dexter.

Were you
looking for me?

[Imitates road runner]
Beep beep.


Can't catch me.

[Jets accelerating]

Dexter: Yee-ha!

Can't catch me.

[Engine sputtering]


Now I have got you.

You're not wearing
any underpants.

Ha ha ha!


Now, Dexter,

if you want to play
on your bike,

you must
wear your helmet.


what's that?


Very funny.

I'm sorry.

what's that?


Will you
cut it out?


what's that?!

Oh, no.
I'm not falling
for that again.

Dee Dee: I'm
going to go try on
my new swimsuit.

Dexter's mother:
Ok, sweetheart.

[Dee Dee

Dee Dee:

I'm a mermaid.

Get off of me.

Seen it.

Ooh, whatcha
doing, Dexter?


I'm about to embark
on an expedition

to communicate
with the whales
using music.

Can I help?

and just what
do you know

about communicating
with other life forms, hmm?

Now, why don't you
just go play with
your fishy friends?

Fine! I will!

[Speaking mermaid language]

[All speaking]

What? Bah,
that is not science!


this is science.


Kind of small,
but I like it.

Let's find some whales.

Dexter's father:
Hey, kids, ready
for your fishing lesson?

Now, where
did those kids go?

Oh, well,
let's see
what's biting today.

Ah, the quiet
of the deep sea.

Hi, Dexter!

Dee Dee,
what are you
doing here?

Playing with
my new friend.

Isn't he sweet?

A white whale?

I'll get a microphone!

Not so fast,
mister so cool

He's my friend,
not yours,

so butt out!


See you later,

Fine. I will find

Ar, ar, ar.

Ar, ar.

Ar, ar.
The white whale

I been searching
all my life for.

Captain ahab,
there she blows!


Captain ahab:
Full speed ahead.
Ar, faster!

Ar, I got you. Ar!

Dee Dee: Stop!

Ahab: Avast!

Why don't
you creeps leave
that whale alone?

Whales are...

A pink mermaid

I been searching
all my life for.

Captain, what about
the white whale?

I'll get
the whale, ar.

...and besides,
are dangerous,

so why don't you
pick on someone
your own size?

All: Ar!


Help! Help!

Help! Help!



All: ♪ ah, ooh

♪ ah, ooh

♪ oh, give me
a home ♪

♪ where
the porpoises roam ♪

♪ where the swordfish

♪ and Halibut play

♪ they
all play ♪

Oh, wonderful.

[High-pitched call]

Computer: Translation:
Dee Dee is in trouble.
Come quickly.

Ah, computer,
locate my sister.

Location found.

Dee Dee: Help! Help! Help!

Help! Help!

Nobody uses
my sister
for a hood ornament.

Engage battle mode.


Hey! That's gross.

Ar, nice and clean
there, Sammy.

I'm entering us
in the boat show
this year.


Ar, the great,
big crab-like thing...

I been searching
all my life for.

Excuse me?

no, you haven't.

Harpoon it anyway!

Ar, get that great, big...

Uh, crab-like thing! Ar!

Yeah! Let's eat it
for dinner.

Yay, Dexter!

Dexter, look out!

Ar, I'll give you
a taste of me wet Willie.

Wet Willie?!

Wet Willie?

Go get 'em, Willie.
And, uh, ar!



[Speaking mermaid language]


g*ns, ar!


Hi, honey.

been up to?

Well, first
I found some whales,

but then the pirates
captured Dee Dee,

so then battle mode!

[Imitates g*ns]

I will save you,
Dee Dee!

Take that,
mister pirate.

[Imitates g*ns]

And then the whales
and the dolphins
and everything

and then boom!

Oh, that's nice,
honey. Now,

she belongs

to the sea now,

Oh, Dexter!

That's not very nice
to say about
your sister.

Oh, look,
your dad's
caught a whopper.

[Cameras clicking]

I'm a mermaid!

at your own peril

the vaulted door

where impossible
things may happen

that the world's
never seen before.

♪ In Dexter's laboratory

♪ lives the smartest boy

♪ you've ever seen

♪ but Dee Dee blows
his experiments ♪

♪ to smithereens

♪ there is gloom

♪ and doom

♪ while things

♪ go boom

♪ in Dexter's lab