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03x08 - The Call Pt. 2

Posted: 02/22/23 08:17
by bunniefuu
TERRY: Previously on Batman Beyond.

I think it's time your protégé joined the Justice League.

TERRY: I've considered them heroes my whole life.

How can one of them be a traitor?
Oh, no! Superman's the traitor.


Do whatever it takes.

But make sure you stop him.


I don't believe it.

It is hard to accept, Barda, but No.

I mean, I don't believe this thing.

It came straight off the Batmobile's recorder.

And that's supposed to convince me?
I know even less about your vehicle than I do about you! What reason would I have to make up any of this?
What reason would Superman have to k*ll Warhawk?
It's easier for me to believe you fabricated this.

Listen, lady.

I never asked to be part of this club.

You people came to me.

It was only Superman who came to you.

And now you're accusing him of m*rder.

It doesn't make sense.

I know it doesn't! But we're never gonna get to the bottom of it unless you open your eyes and stop being so pigheaded! Pigheaded?
Ugh! Uh! Uh! Ah! Ah, ah! Let go of me, Lantern! Not until you calm down.

WARHAWK: Yeah, Barda.

Calm down.

The kid's right.

Warhawk! How did you?
I wasn't in the armor.

I was operating it by remote.

That's the only reason I'm not dust right now.

Very shrewd.

Not like you.

TERRY: Tell me something.

What made you decide to get out of the armor?
The emergency call.

And me being the only one who got it.

With everything that had been happening around here, I got suspicious.

I told him not to tag along, but he disobeyed.

I like that.

We must talk to Superman.


You can talk.

I got other plans for him.

We have to give him a chance to explain.

He deserves that much.


Let him explain.

And then I'll rip his arms off.

WARHAWK: Superman! Warhawk.

You're all right.

No thanks to you.

Uh! Not yet.

What's going on?
We were hoping you could tell us, Kal.

Starting with what you were doing just now when we came in.

I was adjusting Micron's stasis field.

Sorry to be contentious, but that stasis field never needs adjustment.

It runs on Micron's biofeedback.

So, what were you really trying to do, hero?
Finish him off like you tried with me?
I don't know what you're talking about.

But I do know there's a traitor here, and I've been trying to find out who it is.

That's why I brought him in.

You did bring me in.

But that doesn't make you innocent.

Now I understand.

It wasn't one of you that betrayed the League.

It was all of you.

You're all traitors.

Kal, you know I'd never betray you.

Or anyone else who's ever fought at my side.

But something's wrong.

Nothing's wrong.


Let us help.


Look out! Uh!


Ahh! Uh.

No! Get down! The one person I thought I could trust.

Ugh! Ah! Uh! [GROANING]



I only made contact with him for a second, but I got such a weird feeling.

It was that thing on his chest.

It had to have been.

If only I had another second or two.

The Kryptonite was 2 inches from my hand.

But I hesitated.


: Why?
The guy's the greatest hero who ever lived.

Uh, one of the greatest.

I figured there had to be another way.

But now you know better.

There's nothing about him on the news.

No sightings.

I bet he's gone to that fortress of his.

That would be logical.

But what good is that to us?
How are we gonna fight him if we don't know where his fortress is?
I think I can help.

You know where the Fortress of Solitude is?

But I know someone who does.



Uah! So much for the element of surprise.

Perhaps he's not here.

Or maybe he's setting a trap for us.

Right this minute.

I say we find him first.

I second that.


What's that, his pet?

I think this is more like a zoo.

He once told me about-- BARDA: Over here.

Something got out.

What do you think it was?
No way to tell.

Maybe there wasn't anything in here to begin with.

There was something in here all right.

You see those blue things?
What is it, food?
Used to be.

Ugh! Look!

Ugh! Ah! Ooh.

A robot?

Behind you! Ah! Uh.

You are green.

Join the club.


WARHAWK: Good work, kid.

Now, finish him off.

No! We need to see what that thing on his chest is.

You two have been around the galaxy once or twice.

Ever see anything like this?

Whatever it is, it appears to have somehow embedded itself in his skin.

Any chance of getting it off?
I must remind you, this is not just one alien species before us.

It's two.

And I do not yet understand the subtleties of their interaction.

I'll take that as an "I don't know.

" What do you think you're doing?
I'm trying to see what's going on in the mind of thisthing.

I'm the only one who can do it.

It's very old.


It came from a world of water.

It didn't leave by choice.

AQUAGIRL: The creature had never seen anything like the traveler's vehicle.

It never occurred to him to be afraid until it was too late.

He soon realized that the traveler was a collector.

A preserver of different species from all over the universe.

The last of their kind.

Time and again the creature tried to escape, but it wasn't strong enough.

Years passed.

The preserver grew overconfident.

He took someone into his zoo who was too strong even for him.

It was Superman.


Superman had no way to return the creatures to theirhome planet.

So he kept them here on earth at his fortress.

The creature was still a prisoner.

But now he had a plan.

He'd seen how strong Superman was and he wanted that strength for himself.



It took over Superman's mind.

It's been on him for years.

Then why'd it wait so long to try to k*ll us?
Because it has bigger plans.

Controlling Superman wasn't enough for the creature.

It wanted the whole world.

But it couldn't do it on its own.



He was using Superman to help him cultivate these things.

Looks like they were gonna be released into the ocean.

And once they were out, it wouldn't be long before they'd take over.

What do you think, Barda?
Or do we stick with the old-fashioned ways?
I have a better idea.







Barda, give it to me.


You gotta fight this thing, all of you.

You can't let it control you.


Everything okay?
Not really.

But thanks for sending my ride for me.

I never did like those boom tubes.

And now those starfish things are on all of them.

Any ideas?
All I can do is have Barbara contact the military.

But they'll b*mb the place! That's their job.


What's the top speed on this thing?
Mach Three.

Is that faster than a speeding b*llet?

There's no way out of this for you, Batman.


Be part of us.

Soon it'll be our world.

No, thanks.

Ahh! Ugh! Uh [SIGHS]

What's going on?
You don't remember?

I'll explain on the way back to the fortress.

Think you can still fly?

But what's that doing here?
Staying put for now.

This pool feeds directly into the water below the ice cap.

There's a steel door down there blocking the passage.

Can you open it by yourself?
I Superman.

Is he with us?
Not yet.

WARHAWK: We can fix that.


Something's not right.

Put him down.

Of course.

Uh! Ah! Uhh! Ah.

Uh! Ugh.

Kal, what are you doing?
Aquagirl must have opened the gate.

I've got to block it.

Ugh! Uah! But Batman's down there! He knew what he was getting into.



Where should I boom them to?
Someempty galaxy?
Or maybe the surface of the sun.

Barda, these creatures never asked to come here.

We have no right to k*ll them.

Back to his old self again.

We should send them home.

LANTERN: But how do we know where that is?
Barda, let me see your mother box.


Well, kid, I gotta admit.

I was wrong about you.

An understatement.

You saved the world.

Think you can get used to it?
You're saying you want me with you full-time?
We could really use you.

I don't know.

You guys play awfully rough.

Come on.

It'll put you one up on the old Batman.

He never made it past part-timer.


He wasn't what you'd call a joiner.

Maybe he and I have something in common after all.

SUPERMAN: More than you think, son.

More than you think.