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02x18 - Sneak Peek

Posted: 02/21/23 18:34
by bunniefuu
Hello, Gotham.

I'm Ian peek, and on tonight's very special inside peek I've got gossip to shock your socks off.

But first, this question.

Who is boxing trainer Jack turley coaching after hours? Hmm? Would you believe the champ's girlfriend? I'd watch out, Jack.

She's a knockout in more ways than one.



And then there's rocker Jamie jerald.

She must know that splicing's against the law, yet here she is just a day ago, meeting with one of the town's most notorious genetic suppliers.

Maybe hard rockin' Jamie's out to become the real dragon lady in the music biz.

And now for our headline story, the strange case of Paxton powers.

Remember him? We haven't heard much from paxie boy since he took over Wayne powers from his blighted father.

Maybe it's because pax has been side-tracked by, uh, personalissues? Looks like he's making up for all that time he wasted in the boonies.

Now watch this.

Ooh! [Giggling]

What are they doing? This isn't for you.

Oh, I want to see! I want to see! [Giggling on screen]

Hey! Hey! I don't want you watching this.

See? I told you.

I was talking to both of you.

Come on.

It's just entertainment.

You wouldn't find it so entertaining if you were on the receiving end.

And that's all for now, but tomorrow I'll have lots more prime grade "a" gossip for you, and you'll see it all from inside.

Stage manager: All right, everybody, that's a wrap.

Great show, Ian.

Great show, but you got to tell me how you get these videos.

It's like you're right there next to them.

Trade secret.

You sure nobody's going to find out about this? If my friends in the tong hear that I'm talking about them to the cops-- this room's been swept for bugsTwice, and you've seen my security staff.

You don't know the tong.

That's why you're here, Mr.

lin, so I can learn more about them.

But if you'd prefer to face your tax evasion charges, I can arrange that, too.

There are about 500 members of the tong here in Gotham city.

We have interests in sports betting, gambling parlors, weapons sales, and-- just a second.

Hmm, maybe not.


Sounds like something's happening in city hall.

City hall? Better be careful.

Always am.

Yes, but you've never had to face politicians before.

Unh! Unh! Unh, unh! Uhh! Uhh! Uhh! Unh! Uhh! Uhh! Unh! No, don't! Don't forget, this model atom is not built to scale.

If it were and if a nucleus were actually this big, these electrons would be over 2 Miles away.

Any questions? Mr.

mcginnis, you're awake.

Aren't you saying that the stuff we think of as solid is mostly empty space? That's one way to put it.

Then there must be a way for one solid object to move through another.

Well, most scientists believe nuclear forces make that impossible.

You said "most.

" There was one scientist who thought the forces could be circumvented.

He was head of the research department at Wayne powers.

I knew him well-- nobuo taka.

He developed a theory called vibraspace.

He thought atoms and molecules could be made to vibrate in such a way that they could pass right through each other.

Like that guy from the other night.

But what would taka want from that tong gangster? Taka died years ago.

There was a fire.

It destroyed all his research, too.

Ian peek: Gangsters, they act like big men, until they turn into rats.

That's what tong lowlife Jimmy lin just did, and I've got the tape.

Here he is spilling his guts to d.


Sam young about the tong's involvement in gambling, weapons sales.

I'm Ian peek, and that's all for this edition of the inside peek.

Another great one, Ian.


Having those stomach problems again? Uh-huh.

It's probably just tension.

Well, I'd be tense, too, if I was out there exposing the mob.

They're nothing to worry about.

I'm untouchable.

That's exactly what I think.


Don't you have a boot to lick? You were saying? I'm saying that you or someone who works for you figured out a way of moving through walls.

Moving through walls? If I could do that, I'd be a very rich reporter.

You are.

[Door bursts open]

Get him! Get him! [Gasps]

Hey! What? Ooh! Hey! Hey, let me go! You can't do this to me! I know the d.


Personally! Peek's the one.

He's found a way to move through solid matter.

You're sure it's him? During the fight, he went into a closet and disappeared.

So what do we do, call commissioner Gordon and have him arrested? Arrested? For what? Well, he--he-- trespassing.

Peek isn't really a criminal, unless being a reporter counts.

Yeah, but, um [Sighs]



Get up! You got to see this! Beat it, twip.

It's Batman! Ian peek: It's some sort of cavern or cave, but what it really is is a bizarre museum, a museum filled with mementoes of a nearly forgotten crusade against crime.

Its chief curator is this man.

You know him as Batman, but he has another identity, one that I'll reveal tonight on Schway.

But that's not all.

You'll also see the face of Batman's mysterious friend, and you'll find out what part he played in Gotham's greatest secret.

[Telephone rings]

Announcer: A once-in-a-lifetime event, only here, only tonight! Hello.

It's me.

There's this thing on the web.

I know.

They've been running it twice an hour since before dawn.

How did he-- he planted a camera in the Batmobile.


I just found it.

Then it's my fault.

It's all my fault! I always assumed I'd be found out sooner or later.

It's just galling that a piece of garbage like peek had to be the one.


I was half-expecting you.

Come on in Terry.

Once I saw that the old guy was Bruce Wayne, it wasn't hard to figure out who you were.

He was the original Batman, wasn't he? Wasn't he? I don't care what you do to me, but he doesn't deserve this.

He's done too much for this city to wind up in the middle of a media circus.

He means a lot to you, doesn't he? Yeah, he does.

I believe you.

I really do.

That's the trouble with this business.

You meet so many liars, you forget what sincerity sounds like.

Want to say ti all again while I've got the camera running? [Chuckles]

[Popping noises]

Terry! I was afraid you were going to miss it.

Miss what? You know, the inside peek.

Everybody at school's talking about it.

And it worked, too.

Aren't you the one who didn't want us watching this? You said I wouldn't find it so entertaining if I was on the receiving end.

Yeah, well, what do I know? [Moans]


It's going to be web history tonight, Ian.


Web history! Count on it.



TV announcer: And coming up next, the inside peek, but first, these words.

Mom, Matt, there's something I need to tell you.

After the show, dear.

No! It can't wait.

I--I'm Batman.

Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! Seriously! I am! Terry, please.

Hey, it's coming on! Announcer: Tonight's edition of the inside peek has been postponed due to technical difficulties.

Please stay tuned for an encore presentation of-- [click]

Postponed? Why'd they do that? Maybe Ian peek lost his nerve.

Somehow I doubt that.



Come on, old man, pick up the phone.




Where'd you go? [Ringing]

Where? Why'd you call me here? I can't control it anymore.

And it's happening without the belt.

So what do you want from me? My body's losing its substance.

You got to help me.

You have the resources-- that company, all those scientists.

There are other companies.

Yes, but taka worked for yours.

What does he have to do with this? I was the last one to interview him.

Taka never would have talked to someone like you.

You'd be surprised how obsequious someone like me can be when I need to.

I have taka's files and research right in there.

I even have the belt he made.

Gaah! You stole it.

You're the one who started the fire! I had to have it! To him, it was just some experiment, but to me it was power, a chance to kick my career into high gear.

You can't leave.

You got to help me! Give me one good reason.

I know your secret! I know who you used to be! You're losing your head.

Wait! This is it, the only unedited footage from the cave.

No one's seen it but me.

Take it! Arrggh! [Grunting]

Aah! [Moaning]


Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah! Help! Help me! It looks like there's only one force left that has any effect on him--gravity.

Ian: Help me! I can't stop! Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah! Ian! You got to stay solid! Concentrate.

Concentrate! Aa--aah! Aah! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha--aah! What's going to happen to him? My guess, he'll keep right on falling till he reaches the center of the earth.

It's about as inside as you can get.