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03x20 - Girls' Night Out

Posted: 02/21/23 06:42
by bunniefuu

Five more miles, missy.
Hey, you should be happy.

If GothCorp Labs can undo your condition,

you could be back to normal
this time tomorrow.

- If you ever were normal.
- Yeah, I love you too, jerk-face.

- Metropolis S.C.U. What's the problem?
- Accident up ahead. Where you heading?

Escorting a prisoner
to GothCorp for treatment.

Go ahead. Just watch out
for the downed power lines.


Come on.

- MAN: What the--
- Whoa!


Huh? What?

- And the hits just keep on coming.


The driver's recovered, and there's
been no trace of Livewire since.

I'll be back in Gotham
in less than hours.

In the meantime, be careful.

I'll see about getting you
some special help.

If I need it. She's probably on her way
back to Metropolis right now.

Or not.


Just what I need,
another killjoy in a cape.



Hi, I'm Livewire.

We haven't been formally introduced,
so I'm taking the initiative.


KARA: Yeah, Ma, I would be
housesitting for Clark

the one week Metropolis is dead quiet.

Yeah, so far the biggest thrill
has been reading... Uh, sorting his mail.

- Oops.

That's another call.
I'll talk to you later.

Hello, Dullsville Central.

- BATMAN: Is Clark Kent there?
- No, may I ask who's calling?

BATMAN: A friend. It's critical
that he gets this message.

- sh**t.
- Livewire has escaped in Gotham.

If he wants to get on top of the story,
he needs to get there right away.

- Do you understand?
- Who is this? Sounds like a cape to me.




Nice move. Here's one of mine.




Fried bat, hot off the grill.

- Supergirl?
- That's me.


At least Superman had the smarts
to keep his distance. (CLICKS TONGUE)

Half the size, half the strength
and, apparently, half the brain.


Ow! Ever see what happens to a bug
that gets caught in the fly zapper?

Oops, lunch break.
Catch you later, babies.

- Welcome to Gotham.


- So she smoked you.
- We put up a fight.

And lost. I never thought I'd hear myself
saying this, but where's the Bat?

- We're handling this.
- Oh, that's reassuring.

Don't let that donut dunker get to you.

We're gonna have this whole thing sewn up
before Batman and Superman get back.

Sure. How hard can it be?
Two against one, right?





Your hyenas have been watering
my plants again.

One more time, and they're mulch.

Come on, Red, give 'em a break.
We're all bored cooped up in here.

What do you say we get dolled up
and go into town?

America's most-wanted women
on a shopping spree. Cute.

I've told you a thousand times,
we have to keep a low profile.

We can't attract Batman's attention
until we have some kind of an edge.

Well, ladies, meet your edge.


She tries so hard.


- One side, there. Okay, cupcake?

POISON IVY: Really like the way
you handle your powers.

Stop, I'm blushing.

- Halt. I mean, stop. I mean...
- (g*n COCKS)

You don't wanna sh**t
little old us, do you?





Didn't think so.

LIVEWIRE: An empty mall,
an unguarded cash machine...

Who says life ain't fair?
Shall we, babies?

Nice, but messy.


At least she's consistent.


Pick up the cash and load it into the car.
I'm going shopping.

When did we become the g*ng?

- Wow, this is incredible.
- SUPERGIRL: I know. It's my favorite part.


Hang on.

Hmm... Too dark.

Too light.

Let me guess, that one is just right.

What's the matter,
didn't get enough last time?

Ah! Playing hard to get.


Gotcha now.



What is this stuff?

Silicate dust,
completely electrically resistant.

You're grounded.


End of story.

POISON IVY: Sorry, just the first chapter.

- BATGIRL: Ivy? Harley?
- Friends?

Not mine.


What's this supposed to...





Yo, Sparky, up and at 'em.


Are you out of your mind?


Get me out of here. Now.



Well, fire two.

Thank you for being
so predictable, Supergirl.

You just released the most virulent
allergenic pollen in the floral kingdom.

The reaction is quite deadly,
as your playmate is finding out.



Hold on.



- HARLEY: Hop in, Red.

What's with her?

She shopped till she dropped.



So you know how to work all this stuff?

It's my job. I'm a systems
and data analyst at police headquarters.

Aside from paying my rent,
it gives me access to all police activity.

- From here?
- Yeah. I can hack in whenever I want.

Just don't tell my dad.

- Your life is so cool.
- Yeah, well...

- So how about you?
- Well, I kind of live on a farm.

A farm? Like chickens and cows and stuff?

Yeah. What about it?

Fresh air. Early to bed, early to rise.
None of this constant night work.

No big-city congestion. You are so lucky.

I've got a lot of chores.

Chores? Man, I always
wanted to have chores.



- I guess what they say is true.
- The grass is always greener...

So, what are we gonna do now?

BATGIRL: We're going to find them.
Under whatever rock they're hiding.

Ain't this place great, Sparky?
Look at the iceberg.

They got real seals in there.

- Yeah, and lots of water.
- Ah, come on, wet your whistle.

- I don't do liquids!
- Hey! I said I was sorry.

- Dry up!

You know, Livewire,
you could show a little appreciation.

Without us, you'd be a dead battery.

I'll show you how dead I am.

that sounds like a challenge.


Ladies, ladies, please.
I run a respectable club here.

No one's talking to you, lard butt.

That's it, out you three pixies go.

This could be fun after all.


PENGUIN: That's right.
I need chain saws, dump trucks,

hedge clippers and a bottle of aspirin
down here. Now.


We're closed. Besides, you aren't even
old enough to come in here.

- Wanna see my ID?
- No.

I want Batman, Superman
or someone who can do something.

Like it or not, we're all you've got.

You either play with us
or give up the game.

Oh, all right.
Not that I know anything, mind you.

- Of course not.
- But I do hear rumors

about where our green little vixen
and her jaded jester may be hiding.

So this is home sweet home, huh?
I guess it's okay, if you're into green.

You're not gonna get all hissy
and rude again,

- now that we've kissed and made up?
- No, but I could do without the mutts.


Beat it!

- Hey!
- She has a point, Harl.


What's with the rhubarb?

We've got visitors.

- How much silicate do you have?
- Enough to cover a house.

If Livewire gets within feet,
she's neutralized. Shall we?

- See something?

They know we're here! (SCREAMS)


So much for master plans.

You take Super-snot. I want Batsy.

- Ha!



Circus time, sweetie.





- Overstepping yourself a little?
- Try me.




Okay, honey, the gloves are off.



(GASPS) My baby!




It had to end sometime, Bratgirl.

Ah, no.





Livewire, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn.
So who was responsible for the collar?

- Just a couple of rookies.

- You bum!
- Impressive.

Well, they show some potential.

- BOTH: Yes!