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02x02 - A b*llet for Bullock

Posted: 02/21/23 04:45
by bunniefuu


Nope. Me.

I got a problem.

And you want my help?

Let's get something straight
from the get-go.

I think you're a freak and a menace,
and those are your good points.

But the commish says you serve
a purpose, so I go along.

I appreciate your honesty.
What's the problem?

Somebody's got it in for me.

Tried to give me
a fender massage last night.

It ain't the first time. Last week too.

Any suspects?

So many they could
have their own zip code.

I've put a lot of guys away
and they hate me for it.

Looks like one of them hates me
enough to do something about it.

Why me?
Why not just go to the department?

I step on a lot of toes.

I don't want Internal Affairs
looking at me too close.

They might find some things
I don't want found.

- Are you on the take?
- Watch it, freak!

I never took a dime from nobody!

Ijust bend the rules
a little sometimes.

You understand.

We're not all that different.

We're on the same side,
but we're not the same.

I'll help you find out who's after you,
but you've got to collar them clean.

File copies of my cases
from five years back.

Don't wanna run them on the system here.

You find the guy then tell me.

I'll take it from there.
Sound fair, partner?


There's a doormat outside, Mr. Bullock.

Really? I thought you were
the doormat around here, Nivens.

Don't crowd me, dork,
or I'll wipe my feet on you.


Take out your garbage once in a while.
Your apartment stinks.

I won't have roaches in my building!

And turn the heat down
when you're out all day!

Happy holidays, Nivens.


Thank heaven for rent control.

We are speaking of the
same person, are we not?

Harvey Bullock? The detective
who looks like an unmade bed?

The same.

He came to you for help?
It must be serious.

It'll take the system a while
to collate and cross-index the names.

I'll be back later.

I thought you were through
with your rounds for tonight.

Not yet. I have a feeling Bullock's
going to need a guardian angel.

Stay sharp. These perps are bad news.

Scagged a couple of bank guards
Christmas day.

Police! Nobody move!

Hey! Hold it!

Give it up, hairball!

What are you doing here?

Watching your back. Good thing, too.

I asked you to find a name,
not hold my hand.

You're welcome.

I have some questions.

Later. After my shift.
Where do I find you?

I'll find you.


On your feet.

Harv? You need a hand up here?

Just reading this jerk his rights.

You got the right to remain silent.

If you give up that right
you'll probably bore me to tears.

So keep your trap shut, dog-breath.

Questions, remember?

Sheesh! You take some chances, freak.

- Are these all the threats you received?
- Yeah.

I'm thinking of starting a scrapbook.

You dusted them for prints?

Yep. Nada.

Hand-delivered to my mailbox.

Someone's gone to a lot
of effort to scare you.

But I don't think
they're trying to k*ll you.

Yeah? That attack last night
seemed pretty sincere.

A professional hit man would
do you here, not on the street.

So what?

The guy who gets whacked by an amateur
is just as stiff as a pro job.

When you gonna get me
that list of names?

I wonder how Gordon puts up with this.

Bullock? You okay?
You don't look so good.

I mean, you never look good,
but today you look worse.

After 15 years working in this cesspool,
I'd like to see how good you look.

Well, you're sure
full of holiday spirit.

What are you doing for New Year's?

Same thing I did for Christmas.
My laundry.

- Bullock.
- You got what I want, pointy ears?

You were right, Bullock.
A lot of people don't like you.

The list of suspects was a long one.

Does the name Vincent Starkey
mean anything to you?

Vinnie the Shark? Yeah.

The dirtbag threatened me in open court.

Ran a drug lab in South Gotham.
I broke it up when I was in Vice.

He got 10 to 20 in Stonegate.

Starkey was a model prisoner.
He only did eight years.

He's out, Bullock.

I cost him an empire.
He'd love to see me take a dirt nap.

Where do we find him?

I'm working on it.
I want you to follow up on a lead.

Hey, what am I, some wet-eared rookie?

Nobody tells me
how to conduct an investigation.

Do you wanna live, Bullock?

Then pay attention.

Summer Gleeson did an expose
on South Gotham crack houses last week.

She might have heard something
about Vinnie.

So, see the woman, huh?

- What are you gonna do?
- Make a few inquiries.

Inquiries? Like what?

Hey, pal, this is my life
we're talking about here!

Bullock? What are you doing here?

Need a favor, Gleeson.
That sh**t you did down in crack town?

You still owe me
for the last favor I did you.

Hey, Summer,
where's your Christmas spirit?

You know you can trust me.

I trust you about as far
as I can throw you.

Come on, Gleeson.

You're lucky I talk to you
at all, Bullock.

Tell you what. Come back in an hour.

Here you go, my friend.
And a happy New Year to you.

Free enterprise.
What makes America great.


What... What do you want?

Not what, slime ball, who.

Vinnie the Shark.

He's not my connection anymore.

Wrong answer.

Take two.

Okay, okay, okay!

Aren't you a piece of work.

You gotta help me, Gleeson.
I need to find Vinnie the Shark.

You wanna find a shark?
You can jump in Gotham Bay!

You've blown it big time, Bullock.
Don't ever come to me again.

Summer, cut me some slack.
This guy's looking to whack me.

Look on the bright side.
You'll make the 6:00 news.


Get in.


You got a serious
attitude problem, freak.

You want the Shark or not?

You know where he is?

He's running rock crystal out of
an abandoned auto plant out in Bayside.

Nice starship you got here.

What's this for?

Passenger ejector seat.

Something about this still bothers me.
Starkey's not one to make idle threats.

Why would he warn you to leave town?

The sicko wanted to see me sweat.

Come on, let's get this over with.

Careful with that merchandise, boys.
You break it, you buy it. Capisce?

Nobody move!

Nice entrance.
Still haven't lost your sense of timing.



Taking out the Batman
will make me look good in Gotham.

But the real pleasure's
gonna be taking you out, Bullock.

Eight years I waited
to do this, Bullock.

Now it's payback time.

Merry Christmas, Vinnie.

And happy New Year.

Just call me Santa.

And guess who's on top
of my naughty list?

- No, Bullock!
- Relax, cowl-head.

This dirtbag don't get off that easy.

- The rest of the g*ng?
- Taken care of.

Good. I'II radio for a wagon.

You think it's over?

Had to be Vinnie. Yeah. It's over.

It's your call.

By the way,
I still think you're a freak.



Okay, Vinnie.

They say confession's good for the soul.

You wanna tell me why
you sent me those letters?

You've taken one too many sh*ts
to the head, Bullock. What letters?

Listen, scum-face,
I don't feel like playing games.

I got a pile of paperwork,

and Internal Affairs is all over me
like a cheap suit!

So spill it!

What are you gonna do? Send me to jail?

I'm telling you, I don't know
what you're talking about!

Get him out of here.

It's just gotta be him, Montoya.

There ain't nobody else.

You should've taken my advice, Bullock.

You should've left town.
I tried to scare you out.

I didn't want it to come to this.

I know you.

Stay back!

You wouldn't take the hints,
so now I have to settle it this way.

It's your fault. I tried to warn you.

I thought this wasn't over.

- Nivens?
- Why wouldn't you move?

Why wouldn't you get out?

You and your late hours
and your filthy habits.

Do you have any idea
what your apartment's worth these days?

You wanted my apartment?

You mean all this
was about rent control?

No! I wanted you gone!

You're not a tenant,
you're a pestilence!

You insult me. You treat me like dirt.

No jury in the world
would've convicted me!

They wouldn't have convicted me!

Somebody like Vinnie wants to pop me,
that's no surprise.

But this...

You know, it's funny.
I was thinking of moving anyway.

Neighborhood's really been
going downhill lately.

Look, I guess I owe you for this.

Forget it, Bullock.
You've got enough problems.