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02x06 - The Terrible Trio

Posted: 02/21/23 04:43
by bunniefuu
A valiant effort,
stout sentinel,

but the game was ours before it began.

Time to fly.

Wait, gentlemen.

So, what do they pay you here, Henry?

Nine, ten dollars an hour? A grand total
of, what, four, $425 a week?

- Fox, come on!
- Let's see,

that'd be $21,000 a year.
Can that be right?

Here. In appreciation
for services rendered.

- We won't tell.
- Beats a gold watch.

Ah, ah, ah.

It's business decisions like that
that got you where you are today.

Come, gentlemen. Let us away.

Did you hear that?

Allow me.

Don't worry about me. Get them!

It'll be a pleasure.

Hate to tell you,
but the costume party's over.

You want me, Tweety Bird? Come on, then.

Robin! Stop!

He smells it.

Plan B, then.

See? I told you this would be fun.

The Terrible Trio strikes again.

How about those masks?
They look like refugees from Mardi Gras.

Predators of land, sea and air.

Maybe they're experts in those areas.

The only thing these guys
are experts in is arrogance.

Thanks, Kevin.

"Thanks, Kevin"?

Awfully chummy with the help, Bruce.

Do you thank the garbage man
for picking up your trash?

If I happen to run into him.

Don't get Warren started, Bruce.

You know how
he feels about the servants.

Gunther, Army, please.

I'm just trying to protect Bruce
from his baser instincts. Pull!

So this is all you do for kicks, Bruce?
Charity work?

Well, I do have a nightlife.

Besides, it's important to help others.

It may sound corny,
but, hey, it's how I feel.

But you must recognize
that you are a superior animal, Bruce.

A member of the elite. Pull!

Take my Delta brothers and me.

Why, we've run with the bulls.

Shot game from hot air balloons.

k*lled a great white.

We've done it all.

Ah, therein lies the problem.

After all, what do the rajahs do
when there are no more tigers to hunt?

I'm sure you'll
think of something, Warren.

Dollar for dollar, that has to be
the dullest man in Gotham City.

It should be obvious
even to you, Rebecca.

That dress is not appropriate attire.

Oh, Father, you just don't quit, do you?

Sheldon, nice to see you here.

The pleasure's all ours, Bruce.

Rebecca and I wouldn't have
missed it for the world.

- Isn't that right, dear?
- Right.

Excuse me.


I thought you'd never finish
that stupid game.

Careful, darling, Pater is watching.

He's always watching.

If you think he's mad now, wait until
he gets this month's credit card bill.

And how much did that little frock
set Daddums back?

Five thousand.

I'd say it was worth it.

I don't know how I'm gonna tell him.

Oh, Warren, you are a lifesaver.

It's only money.

With Daddy leaving town,

I should be able to slip this into
his account, no problem.

Catch you in the pool.

Well, old man, I'd say
that fluttering sound you hear

is your check sprouting wings
and flying away.

Actually, I thought that daddy
might be willing to reimburse me.

Ah, well, Ming was
a boring dynasty anyway.

I don't know about this.

It's one thing to steal from strangers,
but we know Fallbrook.

Yes, adds a bit
of extra spice, doesn't it?

Hands up!

She said he'd be out of town.

Hello, police? This is Sheldon Fallbrook
at the Gotham Park Towers.

I want to report-

That's where you belong, old man.
At my feet.

Come on.
The police will be here any minute.

All units,
possible robbery in progress

at Gotham Park Towers,
28th floor residence.

I presume a good time was had by all?

Warren, it's him.

Have a little backbone, Army.

My turn.

He's hooked us!

- I can't shake him.
- What do we do?

- Quick! Dump the money!
- What?

Dump the money! Now!

Hey, free money!

Aced it!

And once again,
we owe it all to the little people.


Daddy, can you hear me?

I'm so sorry.

You might as well
go on home, Ms. Fallbrook.

No telling when your father
will come out of this.

Dr. Forrest,
dial 118, please.

Bruce. It's nice of you to come.

If there's anything I can do, Rebecca...


I came as soon as I heard.

My poor Becky. Dreadful business.
So senseless.

Come, let me take your mind off this.

Dr. Kravitz, you have
a visitor in the main lobby.

You know, Becks, I don't think
you should be alone right now.

The fellows and I were thinking
about the mountains this weekend.

A change of scenery might do you good.

So the police still have
no idea who the thieves are?

No, I guess not.

But I hope they find them soon.

You know, I really shouldn't be here.
I mean, what if my father wakes up?

Come off it, Rebecca. Anyone would
think you actually liked the old coot.

Well, he is my father.

Don't worry. We left the number here
with the hospital.

And we're only an hour's drive
from the city.


Time for a feast.

We're going to cheer you up
whether you like it or not.

You're too sweet.

It's Dad's stick pin. How did it-


According to the computer,

this is probably the ring that made
the mark on Fallbrook's jaw.

It belongs to a frat,
Delta Sigma Alpha, mostly rich boys.

Like Warren Lawford
and his Delta brothers.

All three of them inherited
family fortunes.

Lawford gets his from oil.

Lydecker's father owned
an aerodynamics firm.

And Hardwick's father
was a shipping magnate.

Land, air and water.

It can't be a coincidence.

Scoundrels like these are worse
than the Joker.

At least he's got madness as an excuse.

But they've got more money
than the mint. Why would they steal?

Because we were bored!
Don't you get it? It was a game.

A game?

We've done everything else.

Treasure hunts, safaris,
deep-sea diving.

We wanted a new challenge.
You know, the thrill of the chase.

And we were good at it.
We outfoxed the police and the Batman.

But the people you hurt, my father...

We never meant
to hurt him, Becky. Really.

Of course not. And we'll pay him back.

Sure we will.
Hey, we'll pay everybody back.

- You won't tell anyone, right?
- No. Oh, no, of course not.

- You'll tell.
- No, Warren. I won't, really.

She's a liability, one we can't afford.

Whoa, timeout, old man.

This is getting extreme.
There are limits to-

Haven't you listened
to anything I've told you?

We are beyond limitations!
Beyond restriction!

She's your girlfriend,
for crying out loud!

She's a spoiled, willful child.

And if we let her go...

- She will tell. Ow!
- You're out of your minds, all of you!

In for a penny, in for a pound.

Warren, for pity's sake.

Enough, Army!
I want this done with, now!

- Take over.
- Sure.

Leave me to steer with a broken arm.

Let's go, Fox.
You've raided your last chicken coop.

Wait, wait a minute. We can make a deal.

A million dollars to let me go.

Ten million!
Think about it. Buys a lot of Batarangs.

Your money's no good here.

Okay, fine. Go ahead. Take me in, hero.

I've got every judge
in town in my pocket.

You'll see. I'll get justice,
the best that money can buy!