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02x20 - Batgirl Returns

Posted: 02/20/23 15:47
by bunniefuu
Back off, creeps.


Are you all right?


Thanks to you.


Hey, Babs!

Yo, bookworm! You up there?

What is it, d*ck?

All work and no play, you know?

Come on, let's do a pizza run.

Love to, but I can't.

If I don't ace these midterms,
Dad says he'll throw me in jail.

And with my dad, that's no idle threat.

Okay, catch you later.


Why did it have to be math?

Hmm. Maybe I should take a break.

Catwoman, I presume.

Well, well.
Look what the bat dragged in.

Give up. I've caught you.

Caught me? At what?

Returning to the scene of your crime.

Look... Batgirl, is it?

I'm just trying to find out
who took the jade-cat statue.

It's an art treasure.
It belongs to the world.

Right. Pull the other one.



Looks like the alarm cord
was eaten through with acid

like the locks on the skylight. So?

That's not my style.

No finesse.



If you're innocent, come down
to police headquarters with me

and tell them your story.

That's also not my style.

One way or another,
you're coming with me.

Bats are just mice with wings,
little girl.


Just came to investigate the robbery.

I didn't expect a convention.

- Come on! She's getting away.
- Robin, wait! She's not...

Here, kitty, kitty.

Bye-bye, birdie.


We'll talk again, soon.

Well, you were a lot of help.

I tried to tell you
she didn't steal the jade cat.

How do you know that?

Ijust know, that's all.

Oh, well, thank you, Ms. Psychic.

And you call yourself a crime-fighter.

If you'd listened
instead ofjust barging in-

Just don't get in my way again, okay?


- That was a great class.
- You said it.

Let's go get a soda.

Got the note, I see.

If this is a trick, Catwoman-

No trick.

I just wanted to tell you
how impressed I was with you last night.

You're smart, and you're fast.

I thought
maybe you'd like to work together.

After all, against the two of us,

whoever took the jade cat
doesn't stand a chance.

Okay. On one condition.

If you're lying to me and I find out,

you'll give yourself up.


So, you won't be back in time to help me
look for your old flame Catwoman?

Sorry, d*ck. You're on your own.

This WayneCorp merger is vital
for the European common market.

Okay, sure.

After all, who needs you
when I've got Batgirl to help me?

Watch out for Selina.
She likes to play mind games.

I hope Batgirl isn't in over her head.

The Stacked Deck?

That's the sleaziest dive
in Gotham City.


The only place to find information
on the jade cat job.

You're not afraid, are you?

No. Of course not. Let's go.

The mouse has guts.

- Hey!
- Here, kitty!

- Oh, my!
- Kitty, kitty!

Hey, kitten, how's about spending
one of your nine lives with me?

Crawl back in your litter box, creep.

Anyone else wanna get fresh?

You stay.

I got nothing to say to you, lady.

Didn't anyone ever tell you
it's impolite to walk out on a lady?

This is from the jade cat job.

Residue of the acid used on the locks.

That's nice. Why tell me?

They call you "The Chemist."

You know every acid, expl*sive
and poison by its first name.

Any idea where this was made?


Basic corrosive compound.

Probably a local manufacturer,
like Axis, Phoenix, or...


Was this part of your plan?

It is now.

I think it's closing time.


This is unit seven, in pursuit
of Catwoman and Batgirl.

Oh, Daddy, if you could see
your little girl now.

- Hang on!
- I am!

You could've gotten us k*lled.

But I didn't.

All that, and we didn't even get
the information we were looking for.

Sure we did.

You saw the way the chemist freaked
when he recognized that acid.

I'm willing to bet only
one guy in Gotham makes it.

An old friend of mine.

This is unit seven.

We lost Catwoman and Batgirl
on the Bayshore Expressway.

What the heck is she up to?

Hey, I recognize this place
from crime reports.

It used to belong to Roland Daggett.

This is where he invented
the Renuyu drug

that turned Matt Hagen into Clayface.

You do know your police cases.

This is also where
Daggett developed a virus

that nearly k*lled me and my cat.


It's nice to be right.

Yes, isn't it?

Selina Kyle,
how pleasant to see you again.

The pleasure is all yours, Daggett.

We'll be leaving now.

On the contrary, my dear,

you and your lovely young friend here
will be staying forever.

Why take the jade cat, Daggett?

There were other
more valuable treasures.

Because it's exactly
what you would have taken.

Also, I need the money to start over.

My legal fees after my last encounter
with Batman left me broke.

The money from this statuette

will set me up quite nicely
somewhere else

while the cops look
for a certain feline thief.

So, what are you going to do?

Leave us hanging over one of these vats
with acid burning through the rope?

If there's one thing
I've learned over the years,

it's that you crime-fighting types
are very resourceful.

So I'll just have my men sh**t you
and throw your bodies into the vats.

There's still enough acid residue
in them to destroy the evidence.

Not bad.

Not bad yourself.

How'd you find us?

Ms. Kitty isn't the only one
with access to a chemical lab.

Where's Catwoman?

Going somewhere, Daggett?

Get away from me!

Nice catch.

Now you know how it feels to look
the Grim Reaper in the eye, Daggett.

The same way I felt
when you pumped me full of your virus.


If you let him fall,
you're no better than he is.

Oh, grow up.

Catwoman, wait!

Relax. You've had a busy day.

You were going to keep that statue
all along, weren't you?

Of course.

Haven't you learned yet that
only the strong survive in this game?

Okay, I admit it.

I was just playing with you at first.

But you really impressed me.

We make a good team.

Together we could pick this town clean.

Even Batman wouldn't be a match for us.

And the cops are a joke,
especially that senile fool Gordon.

We had a deal, remember?

You lost.

Give yourself up now.


Okay. You win.

And by the way, Batgirl's innocent.

She was acting under coercion.

You should've said yes.

If I had, I'd be a rat with wings.

I knew you had Catwoman
on a leash all along.

You're a lousy liar.

But thanks for trying.

- Are you guys all right?
- Yeah.

I said I'd let them take me,

but I didn't say how far.

It's okay.

There'll be another time.