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01x09 - The Winning Edge

Posted: 02/19/23 11:49
by bunniefuu
Time for something sweet.

Now, boys.

Don't crowd.

There's plenty for everyone.

I could have some laughs with this.


Drop it, clown! The bat freak! Smoke him! Jeez, what'll I tell my suppliers? Say, you had a fire seth.

That's one armed shipment, that'll never reach the streets.

Good work.


These late night, to much for you? The night aren't tough, it's the mornings.


McGinnis, I see, that gravity's gotten the better of you.

I'm sorry, that my tests aren't more stimulating.

Perhaps this failure to preform file, will capture your attention.

That it home and have your mother scan it.

But Class dismissed! Great.

-Chear up, Ter! There's more to life the vectors and vertices.

Like what? -Like the big game after school.

I don't know, Dana.

Maybe I better pass.

Don't be such a spud.

You need some excitement in you life.

How lame! Did you see that? Macen, what kinda bonehead pass was that? I'm sorry, coach.

-You sure are! I fact you're the sorriest bunch of losers, I've ever seen! I don't care what it takes, I want to get out there and kick butt! Understand? Yes, coach! Look out! Quit whining! It was a legal check! Nice hit, kid.

Wasn't that a great game? I mean, the part you stayed awake for.

It wasn't you.


I'm just seriously sleep deprived.

See ya tomorrow.

What now? I've been testing the new sky cam and picked up something at Vid-City Electonics.

What? Late shoppers.

Hurry, grab the goggles! Hey, it's the special Swimsuit Edition.


Look, I'm on the big screen! and nothing good on.

Run! Mason, wait! -Mason? It's over, Mason.

-No! I'm rippin'! Slamen, Mace! What happened? Guess, I underestimated, how strong they were.

Any idea, who they were? -Yeah.

I know one of them.

A jock named -Macen! Macen, wait up! I didn't see you after the game.

Where did you go? -Out.

Out where? -Guy stuff.

You don't look so good.

-I'm fine.

Mace, you're not using Sla -I don't have time for this, Chelsey! You're right, Macen.

None od us do.


Chelsey! -Hey, Mace! We've been lookin' all over for ya.

Did you unload the stuff? -Here's the cash.

Got top dollar.


I'll meet you at the gym.

Sometime tonight.

I'll let you know.

What? You don't look so good.



Looks like, I got a rodent problem.

I don't know, why you poking your nose in my gym and frankly, I don't care! I eat punks like you for breakfast! Sorry to spoile your apetite.

Boy, are you in trouble.

Terry, is that you? -Yeah, mom.

Do you know, what time it is? -I had to run some errands for Mr.


I'm beat.

I got a call from your school today.

They said, you were sleeping at class again.


What's going on, Terry? -Nothing.

I've just been busy.


Busy with Dana.

Your teacher said, they send home another demerit file.

-I'll get it.

Hey, out of my stuff, twip! What are those? -Nothing.

Don't lie to me.

They're Slappers, aren't they? I've seen them on the news.

-Mom, it's not, what you think.

The lies, the poor grades, the unexplaned absences.

It's because of these, isn't it? No, they're not even mine! -Then, where did they come from? I found them! In the locker room! At school.

-Yeah, right.

Jeez, Matt.

Mom, you gotta believe me! I don't wanna hear any more! You're grounded! So, she'll let me out, to work for you and go to school.

Otherwise, I'm in solitary.

Big time.

-At least, you managed to keep one of these.


I got a real problem here.

She doesn't trust me anymore.

And nothing I say, is gonna change her mind.

You got any ideas, on how to play this? Arch criminals, I know how to handle.

Mothers are something else.

What is it? -Venom.

A highly addictive steroidal compound.

Only one man has the formula.


I've hear of him.

-You're going to need him, as well.


As long as I'm home by nine.

I told you, I was in trouble.

Are you sure, this is the place? He's there, all right.

It's been twenty years, since he left prisone, but I made it my bussines, to keep track of his whereabouts.

Remember, he was a formidable opponent.

Be careful.

-Come on.

He must be a zillion years old.

What trouble could an old geaser Never mind.

Where's Bane? -In there.

Bane! What happened to 'em? -To many years on Venom.

That's what that stuff will do to ya.

It was a dead end? Yeah.

But if Bane isn't making the Venom, then who is? Wake up, Macen.

My grandmother can hit harder then that! I don't feel so good.

-Can we take five, coach? Am I working you ladies to hard? Tought.

Cut it out or hit the showers! I can't even get through practise, without a Slapper.


It be nice to have one.

It wasn't my fault! I don't know, who took 'em! You're suppose to be in charge! Hey, don't break a sweat.

Look what I found at home.

You got 'em? -Not this time! Batman! No! Wait! Come back! That must be the hideout.

The old Gotham Herald building? It's been abandoned for years.


Who reads newspapers anymore.

You're back early, boss.

-No deliveries tonight, thanks to Batman.

Somebody mentioned my name? You.

I should've known.

How'd you con the formula out of Bane? In the end, he needed Venom, just to keep goin'.

It got so bad, he couldn't even make it himself.

He had to trust someone.

-And now you're cashing in by selling poison to the kids? -That's right.

You want me, slappy? I'm right here.

I'll k*ll you! Terry? I'm ok.

What about Banes friend? It's the Venom.

I think, he had too much of a bad thing.

He's late, isn't he? What are you gonna do to 'em? Not as much, as I'll do to you, if you don't get back in bed.

Hi! I know, I'm late, but you're not gonna be mad.

Oh, no? -My fault entirely, Miss McGinnis.

I though, we'd drop by te clinic and get those test results tonight.

He's clean.

You told the truth.

This is such a relief.

Didn't mean to scare you, mom.

Tonight we have a real sports round up for you, folks.

Three Hamilton Hill Highschool athletrs were arested last night, charged with using Slappers.

Although there coach denies any involvement, he's been given a time out from teaching I don't believe it.

Why would he allowe that to go on? He wanted to win at any cost.

So he looked the other way.

Right, Terry? Terry! It's all right.

He's had a busy night.