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01x03 - Black Out

Posted: 02/19/23 11:44
by bunniefuu
Vayger :) This is Miller.

Sector one clear.

How are those new men, we sent you? Feels like we're steppin' on each other.

No one causing trouble here tonight.

Miller out.

Lock the place down! No one gets in or out! Get that tanker outside, before it blows! Come in, Bruce.

What a pleasant surprise.

How you've been holding up? With a cane.

Very clever.

I must say, it so nice to see you taking interest after all these years.

We're lucky to have you as a resource.

You should come by more often.

I'll set you up with the finest office in the building.

Just not this one.

I prefer you not touch that.

In case your worried, I didn't come here to set up shop again.

Why, Bruce! You misread me.

I don't worry.

I just came to say this.

Keep your hands off Foxteca.

Pardon me? I may not have the leverage on paperwork anymore, but I still have friends.

The Foxes were a valued part of this company for years.

I'd hate to find out Wayne-Powers was involved in these att*cks.

Bruce, let me put your concerns to rest.

I'd never do such a thing.

Why Luscious Junior was still vice president, when I took over.

I know.

You fired 'em.

Yes, well.

Had to make room for the new guard, didn't we? The McGinnis boy.

-I work for Mr.

Wayne now.

Well, yes.

I suppose with your father gone, that would make you the bread winner.

Good bye.

So, did you beat it out of 'em? Not exactly.

But I do have some things to check out.

No more interruptions.

Yes, sir.

That does not make me happy.

Don't worry about Wayne.

That performance was to remind me he's still breathing.

And barely, I might add.

He knows too much.

-He's just fishing.

I'll send up an extra basket of oranges this Christmas and he'll be happy.

Moving on.

Her's what I'd like you to do tonight, my dear.

Is it wrong for me to root for the other team? Not under the circumstances.

I'm glad you came out.

I know, it's still gotta be tough.

Yeah? But On my way.


Wayne? Sure got you on a short leash, doesn't he? He needs me.


It isn't normal.

You have no idea.

Wayne, you there? Go ahead.

Is there any time of day, I get to have a social life? Not in this bussines.

You get a real kick out of this, don't ya? Maybe it should be you up here instead of me? I'm doing my part.

-Which is, what again? I did some digging, after I saw a report on Powers desk.

I seems that he and Foxteca are up for the same job.

The government wants a new lunar station and only one of them gets to build it.

So Powers is crippling the competition with sabotage.

And until we can stop him, you're Foxteca's guardian angel.

Now, tell me what you see? Look like, someone's celebrating July 4th.

Inside there office.

I'm goin' in.

McGinnis, get out of there! In a second.

I'm lookin' around.

I said, get out! Now! Why? What's the What, the heck, was that? What did you send me into? It was some kinda blob! You should've warned me! I tried.

You have to learn, to think on your feet.


You may be used to dealing with freaks and monsters, but I'm a little new at this.

I don't even know, what half this stuff is.

Way before your time.


Her name's Inque.

She's a corporate saboteur.

Interpole's been after her for years.

It look like Powers is her new employer.

What is she? -The result of a mutagenic experiment.

The details aren't known.

-So, how do you stop her? That's when thinking on your feet comes in.

This is unbearably cool.


Easy gesture.

Let the suit do the work.

Mind not doing that.


You scratch it, no allowance.

I just picked up a radio call.

Foxes shipping unite.

Pier 18.

I'm on it.

Not exactly a fast learner, are you? You don't like the water, do you? Unfortunately, last night's damage was minimal.

They're still meeting there schedule.


We need to talk.

This better be good.

What happened? Someone's been interfering.

This is the second time.

Who? -I don't know.

He wore a costume.

Black and red.


-The Batman? What difference does it make! -What's happening to you? I have a condition.

I trust, you'll be discrete.

I'm puting you on a new assignment.

Find this Batman and k*ll 'em.

He has an accomplice.

I heard him speak with someone over a radio link.

Then do them both! I'll pay you, whatever you want.

No wonder, I like working for you.

Now, I suggest you leave.

It's not healthy to be around me when I'm shedding.

Bad news.

We're too late.

He's here.


I'll see you, when your done.

At which time, I should be back to my old self.

There's nothing you can do.

Come home.

The car's feelin' kinda sluggish tonight.

Park and I'll run a diagnostic.

It's too heavy.

Look out! Open wide.

What kept you.

-Sudden case of shyness.

This isn't good.

She's heading upstairs! Pays to be prepared.

Someone's got a secret.

She's getting through.

Man, you are prepared.

She won't get through that way, either.

There's a layer of solid steel.

I think she has something else in mind.

Look out! That's it.

You're showing me everything.


I figured, I'd hear from you.

Word is you've rangled a new erin boy.

I never rangled anyone.

Everyone of you came to me.

Maybe once, you should talk someone out of it.

Would it worked with you? I don't suppose you wana meet him? You know I can't.

Because he's leaving you a "get acquainted" gift right now.

I'd keep it on ice.