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01x57 - Shadow of the Bat

Posted: 02/19/23 10:22
by bunniefuu



This place gives me the willies.

No kiddin'.

Why do we gotta do this stuff
in the middle of the flipping night?


Maybe you'd prefer moving
contraband in broad daylight,

when the cops might notice.

Jeez, boss. You shouldn't
sneak up on guys like that.

Just get this stuff loaded.

I never liked this place.



This is the police.
We have you surrounded.

Come out with your hands up.

I can't be seen here. Hold them off.

-(g*ns COCKING)


That's right. Nice and easy.


I never liked this place.


Come on, then. You're not taking
Rupert Thorne without a fight.


If I gotta go down,
I'm taking you with me.



Careful, Gil.

Don't make this hard
on yourself, Thorne.

Step out where we can see you.

Not even if I could, flatfoot.


Don't you just love it
when he gives them to you gift-wrapped?

The deputy commissioner, Gil Mason,
who last night was instrumental

in capturing Rupert Thorne...

Mason attributed the incriminating
evidence against Thorne

to a mysterious informant.

And the commissioner and I won't rest
until every crime kingpin,

hustler, and two-bit crook
is off the streets.

You'll ruin your eyes changing channels
so fast, Master Bruce.

Not to mention your attention span.

One would think the fall of Thorne
would bring a smile even to your face.

I'd love to know who this
mysterious informant is.

This is the third g*ng lord Mason's
brought down in as many months.

Yes, it's quite alarming.

If this continues, you might even
be forced into taking a vacation.


You know, Dad, if you and Gil
keep nailing bad guys like this,

people will start thinking you two
are Batman and Robin.

What can I say? Gil is a godsend.

- And he's not bad-looking, either.
- Dad.

I just got you to stop treating me
like a kid,

-and now you're trying to marry me off.

Hey, don't think I didn't see you two
at that fundraiser last week.

Thick as thieves you were.


Mr. Mason, you must be psychic.
We were just talking about you.

Come in, come in.

- Hey, Gil. What's doing?
- Another tip on a case?

Believe me, Jim, I don't wanna be here.

But I thought it would be best
coming from me.

What is it? What's wrong?

James Gordon, I have a warrant
for your arrest.

This is a joke, right?

-On what charges?
- Accepting bribes.

You can't be serious.

The department has reason to believe

that you've been taking money
from Rupert Thorne for years.

What? Dad's never
taken a bribe in his life.

I'm sorry, Barb.

You have the right to remain silent.

If you give up that right,
anything you say--

I know my rights, Gil.


Don't worry, Barbara.
It's all a mistake, you'll see.

REPORTER: Commissioner, do you have
a statement?

I'm sorry, Barbara. I really am.

REPORTER 1: Commissioner Gordon,
just a statement, sir.

REPORTER 2: What about
these corruption charges?


REPORTER 3: Ms. Gordon,
do you have a statement?


We'll see about this.

But you're the DA, Janet.
You've worked with my father.

- There must be something you can--
- The evidence is solid, Barbara.

Money deposited to your father's name
in laundered accounts.

Witnesses who swear
they saw him take bribes.

That's not sufficient cause
to deny him bail.

True. But we also found deposit receipts
for a South American bank.

We have to consider him a flight risk.

This is crazy. My father would never--

Maybe you don't know your father
as well as you think.

Maybe none of us do.

Don't you believe her, kid.
Your pop's the best there is.

That's why the department's
putting on a rally for him.

- Harvey, that's a wonderful idea.
- Yeah. Wish I could say it was mine.

Just because I have a job to do
doesn't mean I'm not on your side.

I'm going to see Jim Gordon gets
all the public support we can muster.

All the top cops will be there,
including yours truly.

So don't worry your pretty little head.
Should be quite a show.

Yes, and I know someone who'd be
a real showstopper, if I can get him.



I was wondering when you'd get
around to me.

I got a look at the evidence.

BATMAN: Those deposit receipts were
perfect forgeries, dated months ago.

Doesn't look like Thorne's handiwork.

Then who?

Word on the street is
a new syndicate is moving in.

Could be a connection.
I'll check it out.

- Anything you need?
- Yes. Check on Barbara.

Keep her out of this.

But you have to come to the rally.

The public respects you. If they see
you there, they'll know Dad's innocent.

Sorry, but there's more to this
than a simple frame-up.

And I'm not gonna find out
by appearing at rallies.

But don't you see?

The best thing you can do for him,
is to keep out of it.

The people behind this are dangerous.

"I'm a professional,
don't try this at home," huh?

Sorry, Batman.

You being at the rally
could decide if Dad goes free.

So you'll be there, one way or another.

MAD DOG: You called me, boss?
BOSS: The rally's tomorrow night.

Everything's in place.
You know what to do.

Will you at least wear a transceiver?

I can monitor from here
in case they try to--

No, too easy to detect.

Hey. I didn't miss
a Bogart festival in film class

just to sit on my butt here
while you hit the streets.

There has to be something I can do.

Do you make public appearances?

After all Commissioner Gordon
has done for Gotham City,

the least the city can do for him
is grant him bail.



Bruce? What in...

- That's him, all right.
-It's Batman.

WOMAN: Batman!

MAN 1: I knew it.
MAN 2: He knows Gordon's innocent!

- Grandstanding psycho.



And the crowd goes wild.





sh**t: What the...




A Qirl?



The lady's with me, gents.



Are you crazy?
You're lucky you didn't get k*lled.

- Come on. They're getting away.
- This is nuts.






Great. She's gone, too.

Funny, I don't remember
a Batgirl in our little club.

REPORTER ON TV: All Gotham is talking
about the mysterious Batgirl,

who foiled an assassination attempt
on acting commissioner Gil Mason.

Expanding membership
in the crime-fighting club?

If I find out who she is, I'll...

Hey. Look at that.

Mr. Mason ducked before he saw the g*ns.

Almost as though he expected it.

Batgirl, sheesh.
What's next, Weasel Woman?






Gil, you know
those guys who shot at you?

Well, I think I know who one of them...

Something wrong, Barbara?

I didn't know you had company.

Oh, no problem.
My friend here was just leaving.

Oh, yeah, gotta run. Listen, I'll see
you at the business meeting, Gil.


So, welcome to my humble abode.


I just came over to...

To see if you're okay.
I was worried about you.

Hey, I appreciate that.
I really do. Drink?

Oh, gee, I'm sorry,
I was just on my way to see Dad.

But I'm sure I'll catch you again.

Yeah, boss, like Batman, only a dame.
She almost screwed up everything.

No, don't worry. No one can hear me.


Right, boss. I'm heading back right now.



(SIGHS) What am I gonna do?

If Gil's involved in this,
there's nobody I can trust.

And if Batman's not around...

What do you think, Woobie?

Could use a little work, huh?

BOSS: It appears we have a prowler.



Who are you? What are you doing here?

Matches Malone. Heard about a new mob.

- Thought I could make some more dough.
- Is that so?

Well, you heard right.

In fact, you can double your take
on the jobs we're pulling.

Assuming I let you live to join my g*ng.


Matches Malone?

Never heard of you.

But there's something about you
that I don't like.

Nothing I can put my finger on,
but I trust my hunches.

Kind of like second sight, you know?

Good heads, you live.
Bad heads, you don't. Simple, huh?


So Batman can't help me? Fine.

In that case,
let's see what Batgirl can do.