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01x32 - Robin's Reckoning: Part I

Posted: 02/18/23 19:29
by bunniefuu
If I knew
it was gonna take this long,

I would've brought my homework.

You sure about this extortion ring?

- Uh-huh.
- It's been four hours.

- Uh-huh.
- You still think they'll show?


Lucky for me
you're such a good conversationalist.

There's the slime.

All right!

These are contract saboteurs, Robin.

Let's take it by the numbers,
nice and easy.

Yeah, time to kick some butt.

Good thing we had that little chat.

Okay, now I'm gonna need a charge.

- How about-
- Yahoo!

Oh, great.

Come on. Come on.

You can do it.

This is getting sad.

It's back to the gym for you.

Let them go.

He's all we need.

Now, who's behind
this little enterprise?

I ain't saying nothing
till I see my lawyer.

Suit yourself.

Let's go.

Wait. Wait. You gotta help me.

The cops wouldn't leave me.

We're not the police.

You want help? I want a name.

Who's your boss?

I can't. I can't say nothing.

He'll tear me apart.

Oh. Then you've got a problem.

Ahhh! Hey, come on.

For pity's sake!

It's Marin! Billy Marin!


And where do we find Mr. Marin?

I don't... Look, I can't-

- Spill it.
- Forget it, Robin.

- What?
- I said forget it.

But this guy's ready to sing.

Let it go.
The police can take it from here.

- Go get the Batmobile.
- But-



All right, scumbucket.

It's you, me and 30 stories.

You're gonna tell me
exactly what I want to know.

Why can't I go with you?

- What's the deal?
- I'm working alone tonight.

Come on. I don't get to do
this much since I started college.

If it's because I jumped
the g*n back there, I'm sorry.

It's something I have to do alone.

So that's it.

No apologies, no explanation.
Just, "See you later, kid."

You know the rules.

- There are times when I can't explain-
-"My actions, even to you."

Hey, that line worked great
in sixth grade,

but in case you hadn't noticed-

We'll discuss this later.

Master d*ck, dare I ask what's going on?

That's what I'd like to know.

I'll never be
like him, Alfred. Never.

He's a stone-cold, self-righteous...

Master d*ck, try not to be too critical.

I'm certain whatever his reasons,

Master Bruce has your
best interests in mind.

He shuts me out, man.
Treats me like a kid.

I don't get it.

Everything was going great
until that Marin business came up.

You ever hear of a crook
named Billy Marin, Alfred?

Mmm, can't say that I have,

but I'm not one
to peruse post office walls.

I think Batman has.

There. "Billy Marin. Alias: Simon Dirks,

"Sid the Squid, Killa Coburn,
Punky Lesh."

But who is he really?

"Tony Zucco."

Oh! My word.


Okay, d*ck. You ready?

Ready, Dad.

That Grayson kid's a real boy wonder.


Okay, Sitka, give it back.
Come on, you.

You heard me. Get out!

I run an honest business here.

I don't pay two-bit hoodlums
protection money!

Insurance, Mr. Haley.

You know, from accidents?

Can't run a business without insurance.

Get off my property
while you can still walk.

Hey! Hey, fine.
I've tried to be reasonable.

You don't want my services, okay.

But you're gonna wish
you'd listened, old man.

Oh, yeah,
keep my number handy.

You're gonna be calling Tony Zucco,
and soon.

Out of my way, punk.

Step right up.
This way to the big top extravaganza.

All right. Let's move it, you grubs.

Secure the rigging.
Show starts in one hour.

Ladies and gentlemen,
and children of all ages.

Welcome to the grandest show on Earth.

Before we begin,

let's have a hand for the benefactor
of tonight's action-packed pageant,

Mr. Bruce Wayne.

And now, ladies and gentlemen,

direct your attention
high above the center ring

for a dazzling display
of aerial artistry.

- Hey, that's the guy the...
- Come on, honey, we're on.

Performing death-defying stunts
without the aid of a net,

the fabulous Flying Graysons.

It had to be that guy.

He threatened Mr. Haley.

I saw him come out of the tent.

I tried to tell my folks, but...


Okay, son. Okay.

I want an APB
on this Zucco character now.

What about the boy?

Mr. Wayne.

I was in the audience,
couldn't leave after this.

Does he have anyone?


No family.

Some of the circus people
want to take him in,

but, frankly, I'm afraid
Zucco might try to shut him up.

The boy's a material witness.

We'll be here tonight,
but I might have to find a safe house.

I may be able to help.

And remember, lad,
you'll always be a part of this family.

Thanks, Mr. Haley.

I know, Sitka. I'm gonna miss you, too.

This is it.

I'll get your bags.

I hope you find this room
to your liking.

It was Master Bruce's
when he was your age.

Look, d*ck, it's not going to be easy.

You have to take it a day at a time.

But for however long it takes,
you have a home with us.

Thanks, Mr. Wayne.

- Bruce.
- Bruce.

Come, sir, I do believe Master d*ck
could use some time to settle in.

It's not right, Alfred.

He can't take Zucco away from me.

I won't let him!

It had to be that guy.
He threatened Mr. Haley.

I want an APB
on this Zucco.


Isn't Bruce coming down to eat?

I'm afraid not tonight, d*ck.

I've got a late meeting.

Could be fruitful.

Mmm. Very good, sir.

He has a meeting every night.
Who does he see?

Um, some of the most influential people
in Gotham City.

Come on, seven.

Snake eyes.

Tough luck.
Maybe I can change the way they roll.

Hey, you're a friend
of Tony Zucco's, ain't you?

I hear he's been
feeling the heat lately.

Lucky five.

Yeah, the Z-man's been
lying low, all right.

They say he's got bat problems.

Big bat problems.

I can't help wondering
how he's keeping out of sight.

You do an awful lot of wondering,

for someone we ain't ever seen before.

What'd you say your name was?


Smith. That wouldn't be
Detective Smith, would it?

Or maybe Sergeant?

Check his wallet, AI.

Now, about Zucco...

No way. I ain't no squealer.

You're getting nothing out of me.
You hear? Nothing.

Stromwell. He's with Stromwell,

his uncle, okay? All right?

Who's there?

Easy, Stromwell.

You might try knocking some time.

This isn't a social call.

I've come for your nephew, Tony Zucco.

You can't just barge in here
making demands.

I want him bad, Stromwell.

Real bad.

How should I know where he is?

I stopped looking after that loser
a long time ago.

If you protect him, Stromwell,

I'll be very grumpy.

You don't want to see me grumpy.

Uh, yeah. I got you.

Smooth, Uncle Arnie. Real smooth.

Yeah, you sure suckered
that pointy-eared freak.

- He won't be messing around here any-
- Jerk! Fool!

You and your
penny-ante extortion racket!

Look what you've brought on my house!

Hey, come on. Stop already.
We can handle the Batman.

No, buddy boy,
this time you've gone too far.

You're no longer a part of this family,
you hear? You're out!

Hey. Who's there?

It's him. He's still here.

Now I've got you.

You lousy, stinking...

I was so close, Alfred,
I could smell his sweat.

From now on, Tony Zucco
gets my undivided attention.

How fortunate for Zucco,

because there's a little boy up there

who's just aching
for some of that attention.

I'm doing this for him.

I'm sure revenge
can be deliciously sweet.

However, at the moment,
he needs a friend.

Isn't that what you needed, sir?

Hey, d*ck? How you doing?


Sorry I haven't been around.

I forget how big and lonely
this place can be.

That's okay.

As it turns out,

I may have some free time
starting tomorrow.

How'd you like to catch
the Gotham Knights' season opener?

- Box seats.
- Great.

I know it must be very difficult.

If only I could've stopped him.

I saw him coming out of the tent.

I knew he didn't belong there.

I know.

You keep thinking,

"If only I'd done something differently.

"If only I could've warned them."

But there isn't anything
you could have done.

There's isn't anything
either of us could have done.

Your mom and dad?

Does the hurt ever go away?

I wish I could say yes.

But it will get better in time for you.
That I promise.

You deceived me.

You can't take this one. Zucco's mine!

Sorry, Robin,

but on this team, I call the sh*ts.

- But I've waited half my life!
- Batman out.

Oh, no. He's not going to ace me out.

Please, Master d*ck,
you must do as he says.

Not this time, Alfred.

Maybe not ever again.