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05x10 - O.P.P.

Posted: 02/12/23 08:04
by bunniefuu
- Good morning, Jordan.
- Jeez.

Sorry. You scared me.

Oh, I did? My bad.

I know I hate being scared.

No worries, man. You're good.

Not a big fan of surprises, either.

No scaring, no surprises.

Got it.

Oh, and also, I don't like secrets.

But you know what?

That's why I like you, J.

My brother. You always
been upfront with me.

I mean, you told me about
you and Layla, right?

Well, not exactly.

I had to figure it out for myself,

but you never denied it.
Now, that's something.

[LAUGHS] Right.


Layla is the only reason
you're staying at GAU, right?

There's no other reason?

- Just young love?
- Um...

So, you did know your
father took the coach job.

- I knew it. I knew it.
- Spence, look,

I didn't want to lie to you, OK?

I told my dad yesterday

- that either he tells you or I will.
- Yesterday.

So, that's when you
found out? Yesterday?

I wanted to tell you, Spence, OK? I did.

It's just he asked me to
keep it a secret. That's...

Well, I guess A.D. Barnes
didn't get the memo.

But at least I can count on somebody

to be honest with me, right?

- JORDAN: Spence...
- SPENCER: Nope.

OLIVIA: "Keating Records
lost its heart and soul

when my dad stepped down.

I'm hoping to restore my family's legacy

with Formonica Records."

Ha! This is a great interview.

We should hang it on the fridge.

Wait. You think it's fridge-worthy?

I mean, you're just
lucky I didn't write it,

'cause it probably would've
brought down your entire empire.

OK, Garrett had that coming,

and we should hang that article
on the fridge just under mine.

How about it goes under the fridge,

because it literally
ruined everyone's lives?

Everyone is fine, Liv.

- You know what you should do?
- Get back together with Spencer?

That's not exactly
where I was going, but...

The breakup was so stupid.

I mean, we still love each other,

and what's her name has
gotta be a rebound, right?

[SIGHS] Sorry. That came outta nowhere.

I just needed to tell someone.

- What happened to Noah?

- He's my coworker, Layla.
- Wait. Didn't we just...

You know what? Never mind.

You want to get back
together with Spencer,

- so, what is the plan?
- No clue.

You think I can get him to
start hating his new girlfriend?

You could write an article about her.

It's too soon?

It's not a bad idea.

- SPENCER: Coach.
- KENNY: Spence. What's up?

Did you hear about the
head coach position?

No. Not yet.

That's 'cause it ain't you.

A.D. Barnes offered it to Coach Baker.

- KENNY: Interesting.
- SPENCER: That's all you gotta say?

What do you want me to say, Spence?

A.D. Barnes can hire whomever he wants.

- What did Billy say?
- I don't know.

I didn't hear it from him.

And I don't see the point in
talking to him about it now.

And you ain't curious about
how all of this went down?

Hey, look, Spence, Billy
helped raise you, man.

You owe him a chance to explain himself.

And he definitely owes
you an explanation.

Cardell Simms, why should you
get custody of your daughter?

You just said why. 'Cause
she's my damn daughter.

What experience do
you have with children?

I used to be one.

All right, listen, Preach,

I am on your side completely,

but her grandparents and their lawyers

are gonna come at you very hard.

Now, you and I both know that
your past is gonna be a problem.

Now, what is your...
your current profession?

I tutor and substitute teach

at South Crenshaw High School.

- Nothing full-time?
- What did I just say?

Nothing full time at the moment.

But I got two degrees
while serving time.

That's gotta count for something.

I'm sure it will,

but what is your
current living situation?

Do you feel like it's a safe
environment to raise a little girl?

Coop, you've been to my place.

It ain't the Taj Mahal, but
trust, she'll be safe with me.

- Preach.
- What you want me to say, huh?

I'm lucky if I work days a week

- and I live in a crappy apartment?
- No, I don't,

bro, but there are things
you could do to show the court

that you are serious, all right,

and they're gonna want
to do an inspection.

They not gonna like what they see.

Well, too bad I can't afford to
move to a chateau in the hills.

What about your job?

Maybe Billy can get you on full-time.

Layla! Hi! What are you doing here?

- Um...
- Let me guess.

Nurse Asher asked you to check on me.

No. I was just...

OK, he may have mentioned you were here,

but coming over was my idea.

- So, how are you feeling?
- I'm good.

They got the inflammation
in my lungs under control

and the new meds
should keep it that way.

- Good.
- Now I just have to convince Asher.

- Well, he's just worried about you.
- I know.

But it's a bit much.

He doesn't want me moving

and definitely doesn't
want me going back to work.

Uh, well, I'm kind
of with Asher on that,

at least the going back to work bit.

Like, isn't it a little soon?

I don't really have much choice.

Insurance is only
covering half my bills,

so, I need to work , more shifts,

then they'll be paid off.


SONNY OH!: ♪ Come on, get loose ♪

♪ Get loose ♪

♪ You know what time it is, get loose ♪

♪ And if you ain't heard the news ♪

♪ Let me show you what
you got to do, get loose ♪

BILLY: Hustle up, boys.

Combine is right around the corner.

It's good to see you haven't
abandoned these guys entirely.

Or you just trying out plays for GAU?

Look, I know I should
have told you earlier.

Shoulda. Yeah. Kenny, too.

Did you even try to get him the job?

Of course. Look, Barnes thinks

this Garrett scandal
tainted the entire staff.

I don't agree, but it's not my call.

I'm doing everything I can
to make sure Kenny stays.

He's already coached under
somebody he couldn't trust,

and now he's tainted.

Why would he want to do that again?

I did not go in there
trying to get that job.

I was as surprised as anyone
when they offered it to me.

But how many seconds did
it take for you to say yes?

You know, when I asked
you to help out with Kenny,

it's because you've always been

the type of guy who looks out for people

when nobody else will.

When did you start only
looking out for yourself, man?



Jordan ain't here.

Oh. Well, I'm actually here to see you,

but judging by your face,
you don't wanna see me.

I'm just trying to figure
out which Baker I can trust.

OK. Pause. Breathe. Sit.

I got stuff to do, Liv.

It can wait.

I'm gonna make you a protein shake. Sit.

Now talk.

Did you know about your pops taking

the head coach job at GAU?

Seems like everybody
got a heads-up but me.

I didn't. I promise.

Wait. But that means he'd
be your coach again, right?

Why is that bad?

- I don't wanna get into it.
- OK.

Uhh. Boys. OK.

Plan B... you go for
a run and calm down.

I will go to the store,
and when you get back,

there will be a protein
shake waiting for you.


Thank you.

- My man Preach.
- Hey.

What can I do you for?

I was hoping if you can
pull some strings for me

and make this teaching
thing more permanent.

I gotta get a new spot for me and Amina.

Oh. Oh, man. I don't know if I have

any more strings left to pull.

I, uh... I put in my resignation.

I'm leaving to take a job at GAU.

- You're leaving?
- Yeah.

Then I'm probably not
gonna be far behind.

I mean, you was the only one who
was looking out for me here, man.

Come on, man. You did solid work here.

And I'm not the only one who noticed.

- You just gotta give it time.
- Time ain't exactly on my side.

Amina's custody hearing is coming up,

and I'm not looking like Daddy Warbucks.

Let me see what I can do, all right?

In the meantime, I'll ask around

and see if I can find
you work someplace else.

I'll do that, too.

♪ Yeah, it's so fantastic ♪

♪ Know the flow is magic ♪

- ♪ I ain't messin'... ♪
- So, you heard about Dad.

No, I'm staying out of it.

But I do think it's really messed up

that you didn't tell Spencer
or me for that matter.

Well, I'm glad that you
are staying out of it.

You know, I miss rich me.

I could've easily paid for Jaymee's
hospital bills a few years ago.

Well, Jaymee wouldn't
have dated you back then.

- ASHER: You did.
- LAYLA: Yeah, I was richer...

So your rich didn't really count.

JORDAN: Hey, listen, what if
we did, I don't know, like,

a charity car wash to raise money?

OLIVIA: We'd have to wash
over, like, , cars

or charge, like, $ , a car or...

You could just say it's a bad idea.

I thought I did.

ASHER: Guess it's back
to robbing a bank then.

You know, at least Jaymee
could still visit me in prison.

- JORDAN: Conjugals.
- ASHER: Hey.

- JORDAN: Conjugals!
- ASHER: Hee hee!

But it's the non-conjugals that
you guys should be worried about.

I mean, you guys would each go
for half a pack of honey buns.

Oh, please, OK?

We would each have
dudes lining up for us.

Asher here would go for
a pack of honey buns.

- ASHER: Thank you.
- JORDAN: No problem.

And me, a young stud, easily a case.

Wait. Um, no, that's it.

We raise the money by selling you guys.

Sounds illegal.

What if... what if the
guy has a girlfriend?

OK, well, nothing illegal or sexual.

Just, like, a date.

You know, we get all
the guys we know, and...

Every guy but JJ.

This is for Jaymee. I don't
want it turning into a joke.

LAYLA: OK, well, every guy except JJ,

and people can just
bid on who they want,

even if they have a girlfriend.

♪ Tap into the groove ♪

♪ Took a shot, good ♪

♪ That everybody's
smooth, don't stop... ♪

LAYLA: OK, what do you think

of Dollars for Dudes?

JORDAN: Why does it need
a fancy name, though?

I mean, why can't we
just call it an auction?

OK. Dollars for Dudes is great, babe.

You are gonna bid on me, though, right?

I mean, unless you want some other lady

taking me home for a non-conjugal.

Formonica Records may throw
down a sizable donation

for a young stud like
you to stock the shelves.

Whatever does it for you.

CLAY: You're attacking me
in the trades now, Layla?

- That's a dumbass move.
- Fall back, Clay.

I didn't even mention you.

"Formonica Records is
the real Keating Records."

No, the real Keating Records is mine,

and the Keating legacy is
why people come to me, Layla.

Yeah, and when they realise

you don't have it, they come to me.

Some come running.
Look, Keating's my name.

I can use it however
and whenever I want.

Consider this a warning.

Try using it again and see what happens.

- LAYLA: ♪ Dun dun dun ♪
- CLAY: Dumbass.

- OK. All right.
- Hey, Jordan, where are you going?

Uh, to knock him on his dumb ass.

I am not gonna let him talk
to you like that, Layla.

Hey, I am a big girl. I can
handle Clay on my own, OK?


- Can we continue?
- OK.

You don't seem like you wanna do

the whole charity date auction.

No. But I'm not about
to let Jaymee down,

so, I'll just smile and be fake

like everybody else.

You still thinking about your
coach? Wanna talk about it?

Nah. It's too much to get into.

Fine. OK. We don't have to talk.

There are a lot of
other things we can do.

You know what? My... my
muscles are kinda tight.

I don't know what to
do. You don't want me

to talk to you or touch you.

- That doesn't leave us a lot of options.
- I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I just...
I got a lot on my mind.

That you clearly wanna deal with alone,

so, I'll leave you to it.

You know where to find me
whenever you're ready to talk.



What's good, Scrappy?

Been a minute, Preach.

I thought you was out the game.

I ain't back,

but I'm looking to make
some guap real quick.

Just looking for a one and done.

Can you help me out?

Look, I wouldn't have pulled up
on you if it wasn't important.

Maybe we can help each other out.

I got something that I
need dropped off tomorrow.

You take care of that,
I'll take care of you.

[EXHALES] How's it look?

Um... looks good.

Sorry. Um, I'm just texting Gia

that from now on, every
Formonica post and press release

needs to mention the Keating legacy,

and we will see how Clay likes that.

You know, I really wish
you'd just let me handle Clay.

And I really wish that you
would drop it, OK, Jordan?

I don't need you coming to my rescue.

♪ ... Nothing can hold me back now ♪

Hold up. You knew, too?

GRACE: I didn't know. I suspected,

and I confronted him
about it after the roast.

So why didn't you tell me?

Because I was giving him a chance

to do the right thing
and tell you himself.

I guess we both overestimated him.

Spencer, give me two hours.

- I can get on a plane...
- Look, I gotta go. I gotta go.

- ♪ Everybody on they feet... ♪


I must have died and
gone to heaven. [CHUCKLES]

And then my angel died
and went to heaven heaven.

What is...


Excuse me. Exactly what
is Dollars for Dudes?

We're auctioning off dates to help pay

my girlfriend's hospital bills.

Oh, so a white boy's about to go onstage

and sell off his black friends?

Uh, [CHUCKLES] no. No, no, no.

And, I mean, they're
not all black, all right?

- I'll be up there, too.
- DENISE: Oh, God.

- ASHER: Look, we're just trying...
- DENISE: Give it here

before you get yourself
canceled. Give it.


- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm. Lucky for you, I got time today.

Gather round, good people. Come on.

♪ I wanna see you bring the heat... ♪


All right, all right.
Welcome to Dollars for Dudes.


OK. Let's see what we have here.

Somebody's girl needs
money. Blah, blah, blah.

Let's bring on the men, right?

- Yeah. Let's do that.

First up, a little treat named Butler.

[LAUGHS] And, y'all, we all
know how every mystery book ends,

with the butler doing it.

- Let's let the bidding begin!

- What's up, man?
- Look, these are all filled out. I gotta bounce.

Uh, wait. Hold up.

I been thinkin' about
your living situation.

What if we move you into the
Baker house until you find a place?

The court sees that
Beverly Hills zip code,

- and, boom, no more questions.
- I appreciate it, but I'm good.

I'll be getting a new spot soon.

What? Some rich auntie died

and left you a bunch of cash?

Well, if so, don't forget
about your girl Coop.

Nah. I talked to Billy.

He's hooking me up at South Crenshaw.

Bro, that's dope.

But why don't you seem
too happy about it?

Trust me, I'm doing
cartwheels in my head.

Look, I gotta get going.


DENISE: Oh, it looks like we're
skipping right to the dessert.

Do I even need to introduce

- the Spencer James?


You ready for operation Get My Man Back?

We're not calling it that.

- OK.
- DENISE: Let's start the bid at $ ...

I'm not sure I can go through with this.

$ .

DENISE: $ to the superfan.

- .
- DENISE: to the lady in stripes.

Oh, come on, ladies. This
is a date with Spencer James.

The man's got his own
sandwich here. Do I hear ?

- $ .
- .

- .
- .


DENISE: . That should do it.

- Going once...
- $ .


- .
- I know you want that date, but be cool.

- OLIVIA: $ .
- LAYLA: Good talk, Liv.

What? It's for Jaymee, right?

DENISE: What's it gonna
be, lady in stripes?

going once, twice.

Sold to the Baker beauty.


[KNOCK ON DOOR] COOP: What's up, Coach?

Coop. What a surprise.

Right. I didn't even like
coming here when I was a student,

but Preach mentioned that you
were getting him more work.

- Is that true?
- I said I would try.

OK, well, just a few
days ago, he was broke,

and suddenly, he's getting a new place.

If he's not getting the cash from you,

he's getting it from somewhere else.

I think he's back in the game.

Preach wouldn't go back
to doing that, would he?

I mean, he's worried
about his custody hearing.

He's desperate. I
know you two are close.

You think you can talk to him

before he gets thrown back in prison

and loses Amina forever?

- DENISE: Ooh, that boy's in trouble.

Let me know if you need a fourth.

- DENISE: Or if the young man

needs a ride to the
hospital when you're done.

I don't think she's very happy with me.

Weird. Do you think it's
because you're Spencer's ex

and you just made it rain to outbid her?

- Sounds plausible.

DENISE: My, my, my, dreams do come true.

Ugh. Clay just hit me with
a cease-and-desist order.

I need to go take care of this.

DENISE: I'm gonna start the bid at $ .

And since I can't pass up an opportunity

to get me a Baker man,
I'm gonna also end the bid.

- Sold to me.

You are in for quite a workout.


DENISE: Well, y'all, I
guess it is time to add

a scoop of vanilla to
all this hot chocolate.

Do I hear $ for Asher Adams?

$ . Do I hear ...

She looked over here again.

I have no idea

what's going on in any of
the Bakers' heads lately.

But that bid probably
wasn't even for me.

It was for our friend... Jaymee.

It's not a big deal. Trust me.

I do trust you, Spencer,

but it's a bigger deal than you think.

Nobody bids that kind of money

unless they still have feelings.

JJ: $ , for Asher.



Nobody's gonna top that.

Sold to the sugar daddy in the back.

Go get your man, boo.

Y'all, I think Dollars for
Dudes is a wrap! [LAUGHS]

What the hell are you doing here?

I can't believe you didn't
tell me Jaymee needed help.

- I had to hear about this from Butler.
- Stupid Butler.

Look, man, this is not a joke.

- You have to pay what you bid.
- I know that.

I'm doing it for Jaymee, not you.

Let's get this stupid date over with.

Hey, guys.

You ready?

My bad. I don't think y'all
two have officially met.

- Liv, this is...
- Alicia, Spencer's girlfriend.

- Spencer's girlfriend.
- Yeah.

I thought you looked familiar.

You were at my dad's
birthday party, right?

- ALICIA: I was.
- OLIVIA: Yeah.

I probably should've introduced myself.


Well, it's nice meeting you.

I hope you aren't upset
that I'm taking Spencer.

It's for our friend Jaymee, so...

- Spencer said the same thing.
- Yup.

Well, I know you've
had a rough few days,

so I think I have just the thing

- to help you work out your stress.
- Mm.

I'll see you outside.

Yeah. See? Not a big deal.

Everybody's chillin'.
I'm gonna be outside.

So I'm just supposed to beat
the crap outta all this stuff?

You need to get out of your head, OK?

I know how dark it can get in there.

Besides, it's better
these things than my dad.

I guess that printer
is kinda asking for it.

I mean, just pretend I used it
to print out my stupid article.

Hey, there was nothing
stupid about your article.

You know, this reminds
me of when we first met.

Remember I helped you adjust your suit

for that big booster event?

I remember.

Back when people
thought we were related.

Where's my baseball bat?

I used to hoop here all
the time when I was a kid.

Why are you looking at me
like that? I could play.

Look, relax. I just forgot
you grew up around here.

Don't know why that keeps happening.

Maybe 'cause you keep leaving.

Uh, Coop dropped by earlier.

She said she was worried that
you were thinking about doing

something that you will regret.

Amina's in good hands, you know,

with Coop and Laura.

You should trust that.

- It's all gonna work out.
- They already screwed up once.

Things might magically work out for you.

We ain't the same.

People look at you, they
see the million-dollar smile,

the $ -million mansion,

the new high-paying job.

People look at me and
they see a violent ex-con

- with two strikes and a rap sheet.
- I don't see that.

Amina don't see that.

Look, they gonna take her away,
and I can't let that happen.

I've missed too much
of her life already.

Yeah, I missed a lot
of Olivia's life, too.

First steps, first day
of school, first dance.

I was always at practice or on the road.

But then a few years ago, she, uh,

she O.D.'d and, uh...

[CLEARS THROAT] She nearly died.

There were signs,

but I missed those, too.

Look, you and I are not the same,

but we have both made mistakes.


God gave me another
chance to be the father

that I know Olivia deserves.

- Look, that's all I want.
- Well, then...

Don't do whatever it is
you're thinking about doing.

Don't be that guy that
you think people see,

be the man that Amina sees,

the father that she
needs for her future.

You do that,

it's gonna work out. [PATS ARM]

DENISE: ... ...


- / .

- JORDAN: . , , .

My, my, my, it looks like
you've got your dad's...

- Well, everything.
- Hopefully not his hair. [CHUCKLES]

Ah, you're up.

You know, I am more of a hot yoga girl.

I thought that you wanted
a trainer for your date.

I did. And I'm taking it all in.

So you bought me to do all the work.

- It feels a little bit like...
- Oh, no. No, no, no.

You do not get to pull your Black card.

You are your mama's son today.

Fine, fine, fine. But
you are working out, OK?

How about leg press?

- Let's try the leg press, shall we?
- Press the legs, yes.

I'll show you how it's done.
Just go ahead and sit in it.

Give it a shot. Just
tuck your feet in. In...

Jordan, train me like
one of your French girls.

- OK, date's over.
- Oh, I'm just playing. I'm playing.

Jeez, what is it with you Baker men

- getting so nervous around me?
- I'm not nervous. OK, I just...

I have a lot of drama going
on in my life right now.

- I just...
- Oh! I love drama. Fill me in.


Or we can keep working out.

I still can't believe you
didn't tell me about Jaymee.

You would have known if you
didn't run away from home.

I didn't run away from
home. I ran away from you.

At least I finally got you to run.

And you pulled my sumo
suits out of the closet.

Now who's turning this into a joke?

I'm not joking, all right?
I'm trying to make today fun.

Isn't that what JJ's all about,

Mr. Fun all the time?

Fun, fun, fun... uhh!

Well, then let's have some fun.

OLIVIA: Come on. Put
some muscle into it.

You've got to channel some of that
rage that you've been holding in.


All right. That's better.

But, uh...

I meant a little bit more like this.

What? It's not all sunsets and
baby goats in my head, you know.

We all got demons.

So, Spencer James,

you ready to smash or what?

♪ Welcome to the show ♪

♪ Turn on the lights,
time to watch me blow ♪

♪ Ready, here we go ♪

♪ Better watch out,
'bout to lose control ♪

♪ Ow, I'm bout to go wild ♪

♪ Everybody take a look at me now ♪

♪ Ow, get a look at my style ♪

♪ Drip so fine, 'bout to hose you down ♪

♪ You're gonna feel the
power, gonna feel the power ♪

♪ Gonna feel the power
when I give you that uhh ♪

♪ Whoop, whoop... ♪

♪ Gonna make it loud, gonna make
it loud, gonna make it loud ♪

♪ Gonna give you that uhh! ♪

♪ Gonna make it loud,
gonna make it loud ♪

♪ Gonna make it loud,
gonna give you that uhh ♪

Bye, Alicia.

DENISE: So now they're all
living in the same house together?

- Mm-hmm.
- Ooh, child.

Your Vortex is juicier than my soaps.

All you need now is an evil twin.

- That would be Liv.
- But my favourite storyline

is this sexy, secret
tryst you have with Layla.

OK, I have definitely told you too much.

How about you just watch
me do some more pull-ups?

Oh, no. No, we ain't shutting this off,

not with the arrival
of Layla's vengeful ex.

OK, Clay is not her ex.

OK, they just...

He's not her ex, all right? But,

you should hear the way he talks to her.

Honey, I don't need to.

I've been around a long time

and dated more men than
you need to know about.

Disrespect ain't nothing new.

I mean, Layla's made it pretty clear

that she doesn't want
me to break his jaw,

but I can't just sit there and
watch him treat her like dirt.

You know you don't have to throw hands

to make your presence known.

- Layla's your queen...
- Mm-hmm.

So you can be her knight

and swing your little sword around,

or you can be her king

and stand by her side
but also have her back.

- Hmm.
- LAYLA: Hey, why are you being so petty?

Is it because I broke up with you?

Did I bruise your fragile ego?

[LAUGHS] Is that what you think?

God, sometimes I forget
how young you are.

But here you are acting like a child.

Clay, you go after every client I want

and you slander my artists online,

- and somehow I'm the child?
- That was business,

but you take it personally

because you're a spoiled little brat

who's still upset that Daddy
didn't give her his company.

Keating is not your name, Clay.

And Keating Records isn't your legacy.

- Like, don't you want your own?
- Don't you?

Yeah, that's why I started
Formonica Records. I...


You know what?

I'm tired of fighting.
OK? The music industry

is tough enough as it is without
the two of us sabotaging each other.

OK, we're both really
good at what we do,

and we should be boosting each other up,

not whatever this is.

So I will stop using my name.

OK? You win.


When did I go from being
your friend to your project?

Probably around the same time

I went from being yours to Coach Asher.

Ho ho ho. Some friend.

I got you the job with Coach Mr. Montes,

and you tried to replace
me with that Jabari kid.

I wouldn't have needed to

- if you weren't out partying all the time.
- It's off-season!

I am so sick of that lame excuse.

You never apologised for
setting my Furbies on fire.


Dude, we were .

- It was an accident.
- You didn't care about me then,

- and you don't care about me now.
- You don't think I care?

Everything I've done is because I care.

If I'm such a bad guy,
why did you bid on me?

Why not just donate
the money and walk away?

Because I missed you. All right?

Look, if I'm such a bad guy,

why'd you agree to hang out?

'Cause I missed you, too.

- Whoo!
- [LAUGHS] Feel better?

[SIGHS] Much.

Yeah? Good. [CHUCKLES]

Wanted to get my money's worth.

Uh, and sorry about
outbidding Alicia today.

I wasn't trying to get
you in trouble. I just...

Wanted to help you get
you out of your funk.

Well, mission accomplished.

Look, um, I know what
my dad did hurt you.

I get it. And I guarantee
that my dad gets it, too.

Why can't people just be honest with me?

Because people don't
want to let you down.

You know, if you think about it,

I should be mad, too.

I mean, my article is
the only reason that

that job's even available
in the first place.

And I didn't even get a thank you.

You want me to book
another hour in here?

Yeah. I do.


You know my dad, Spencer.

He's an ambitious guy.

It's how he got into the NFL.

His whole life's been about football.

But the one thing that he
cares about more than the game

is family,

and that includes you.

- Talk to him.
- I did, Liv.

I said talk, not yell.

Have an actual conversation.

You can still say everything
that you need to say,

just calmly.

Well, I ain't got the
energy for much else, so...

- Yeah, well, thank you, rage room.
- No.

Thank you.

I needed this.

I needed this, too.

Look at that.

It's finally happened.

We're finally learning
how to be friends again.

Man, I was beginning to
think you wasn't gonna show.

- You straight?
- I'm good.

Let me know when you're done.

I still can't believe
you're mad about the Furbies.

I can't believe you still won't
admit you did it on purpose.

It was an accident.

But I am sorry.

How do you accidentally set
a gaggle of Furbies on fire?

But I accept your apology anyway.

While I'm at it,

sorry that I've been so judgmental.

I'll stop breathing down your neck.

Yeah, I'm sorry, too.

I know how important coaching is to you.

You should have been
able to depend on me.

- Eh, it's off-season.

OK. Lame excuse. Hey, from now on,

I'm gonna show you what I'm made of.

JJ, I know what you're made of, man.

I just want everyone
else to see it, too.



You can rest easy,
'cause it didn't happen.

I'm sorry, what didn't happen?

That thing you and Coop was sweatin'.

Figured that's why you
wanted me to stop by.

I'm proud of you, Preach.

I'm happy to hear that.

That's not why I had
you come in, though.

Follow me.

What's this?

Your classroom.

You know I thought Billy was
crazy for bringing you in,

but you proved me wrong.

And with all the extra
hours you've put in here,

plus your bachelor's in English,

the school board is prepared to
offer you a full-time position.

Doing what?


Look, the job is yours if you want it.

I'm gonna take that as a yes.

Congratulations, Cardell Simms.

South Crenshaw High
is lucky to have you.

BILLY: Hell yeah, they
are. You deserve this.

And it didn't even take
much for me to convince them.

Oh, you didn't convince them at all.

It was his hard work and
dedication that spoke for itself.

Right. But I'm the one that...

that made them aware,

so, you know, team effort.

PREACH: Thank you. I won't let you down.

- I need to hug someone.
- Mmm. Hug Billy.

- You can hug me, man.
- Ahh.

- Thank you, bro.
- Yes, yes, yes.

Thank you for looking out
for me when no one else would.

Thank you.


You definitely seem more relaxed.

I just wish I could have
been the one to get you there.

- Guess I should have brought more money.
- Hey, hey.

You get me for free.

It didn't seem like that yesterday.

I'm sorry.

I just didn't want to talk about it.

No, you didn't want to
talk about it with me.

I'm your girlfriend, Spence.

I wanna be there for you.

I wanna be there for all of it.

I wanna be there for
the good and the bad.

You gotta start letting me in.


Let me guess. You want my studio now.

No. You're right.

The fighting needs to stop.

- So, um, I'm right? Just like that?
- Not about everything.

But you're right about Keating Records.

It isn't my legacy,
but it is my label now,

so why am I using someone else's name?

Because Keating Records is a powerhouse

and you'd be dumb not to use it.

Not if I want my own legacy.

The name is yours.

But I'm keeping my artists,

catalogue, and what's
left of my P.R. department.

Uh, you think that's a good idea?

Just take the win, Layla.

But if I fail, I expect you to be there,

because like you said, we
should help each other out.

Hey, hey, hey.

What are you doing here? Actually,

never mind. I wanted to talk to you.

Listen, we both know that
Layla can handle herself, OK,

but I would not be a very good... friend

- if I didn't say something.
- Then say what you got to say.

Jordan. Uh, he doesn't
got to say anything.

You can disagree with her all you want,

all right, but you're
gonna disagree with respect.

Otherwise you and I are
gonna have a problem.


Jordan, we had just worked things out.

What part of "I don't need
saving" did you not understand?

I wasn't saving you.
I was supporting you.

It is hard enough that we
are hiding our relationship.

I'm not gonna hide my feelings, too.

OK? And I'm not gonna
let anyone disrespect you.

But if that is a deal breaker for you...

OK, no. Stop being so dramatic.

LAYLA: Hmm. You're a
really good, um, friend.

♪ Every time I get to see you ♪

♪ I can't help but smile ♪

♪ 'Cause you're a breath of fresh air ♪

♪ Doesn't matter if I haven't seen you ♪

- ♪ In a while... ♪
- Thank you for coming over.

Some friends wanted to see you.

JAYMEE: Oh, my God!

Asher said he had a surprise, but...

OLIVIA: Oh, we're not the surprise.

No, no. Asher would
not be the that cruel.

Oh, unless you're a Furby.


LAYLA: Go ahead and tell
her the good news already.

Well, we all got together

and... raised money to
pay your hospital bills.

- How?
- JJ: Uh, wrestling.

SPENCER: Breaking stuff.

The important thing is
your bills are covered.

So now all you got to worry
about is getting better.

I don't know what to say.

I can't believe you
guys did this for me.

You're part of the Vortex now.

We look out for each other.


- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

You see, we are part of the Vortex

and we look out for each other.

- Don't push it.

I don't know how I missed this before.

Y'all two? So obvious.

Hey, I'm sorry about
everything with my dad.

- You know I don't like keeping things from you.
- We cool.

I'm just happy I ain't got to
train a new Q.B. next season,

although I do need to stop
this one from fighting.

Actually, I'm getting
a lot better at that.

Be a king, not a knight, right?


- How many of those have you had tonight?
- Only .


You need to get that under control, JJ.

I mean, everyone else here might think

that your drunk stories are funny,

but I was a high functioning user,

and I see the same thing in you.

You're on a slippery slope.

Fine. I'll dump it. Hmm?

Oh, come on, Liv.

We're all together for the
first time in a long time,

and we did something good today.

Can we just drop it?

Live in the moment?

Get it? Liv in the moment?

- Yeah.
- Yeah?

- We can drop it.
- OK.

- It was a good day.
- Yes! [LAUGHS]




What you doing here?

Uh, my parents live here. Remember?

- SPENCER: Oh, yeah.
- OLIVIA: Yeah.

- So you here to beat up my dad?
- No.

Just have a conversation,

like you suggested.

Good. Good.


Yesterday you said

you hate when people
aren't honest with you,

so I should have said
what was really on my mind.

My light never dims around you, Spencer,

not even a flicker.


I don't want to learn
to be friends again

because we're more than that.

And it was damn hard to get there.

I want you back,

I want us back.

How's that for honesty?

I should get going.


- BILLY: You good?
- Yeah.


So, you have every reason
to be upset with me.

I was not honest with
you, and I'm sorry.


You should know that if
Kenny even had a chance

at getting that job, I
would not have accepted it.

Yeah, but you did.

After all your talk about
coming back to Crenshaw,

all the work you put
in to become principal,

you did accept that job.

It's not just any job.

Head coach of a D- school.

I would be coaching my
own son, both of my sons.

I would be insane to
walk away from that.

And I thought a part of you
would be actually excited for me.

Come on, man. It ain't about that,

and it ain't about you lying.

It's about what you meant to Crenshaw,

what I thought Crenshaw meant to you.

Your mother laid the same thing on me.

How come it's OK for your
mother to move off to Oakland,

you can go to college? I take this job,

and all of a sudden, I'm
abandoning the community?

'Cause they need you here.

Coach, all them dudes at GAU, they set.

They don't need you the way
these kids at Crenshaw do.

Who they gonna get to replace you?

There are other coaches.

How many times do I have to tell you

you are not just a coach?

You're a father,

the only one some of
these kids will ever know.

Who else is gonna care enough
to plan a whole combine, man,

to reach out to all their contacts?

You, not some rando on the street. You.

As good as I was,

even I may not have made
it out of here without you.

What does that mean for everybody else?


You gonna make a great coach at GAU,

but you a great man in Crenshaw.

If you ask me,

you'd be insane to walk away from that.



Greg, move your head.