30x07 - Operation Seasoning

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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30x07 - Operation Seasoning

Post by bunniefuu »

-[theme music playing]
-♪ Cosmic Fury ♪

♪ Morphin' in outer space
Time to save the human race ♪

♪ We're morphin'
Power Rangers Cosmic Fury ♪

♪ Morphin' a million miles away
Powers will illuminate ♪

♪ We're morphin'
Power Rangers Cosmic Fury ♪

♪ Evolution, revolution ♪

♪ Mighty Rangers rise ♪

♪ Power Rangers Cosmic Fury ♪

[Amelia] There's Earth.
Now we just need to save it.

-[Javi] Yeah, no pressure.
-[Aiyon] Party at my café when we're done.

[Solon] And then maybe a nice, long nap.

[Zayto yawns]

[exhales] Mm.

Hey, team.

What did I miss?

Uh, well, you slept
the entire journey to Earth.

Aiyon made Lycan tacos, we removed
the tracker from the Dragonzord,

and Solon cleaned the scuttleworm slime
out of her cybernetics.

[Solon laughs] Which took 14 hours,
my boy.


Wow. Uh, I guess I really needed the rest.
I'm sorry I missed all that.

Now that Sleeping Beauty
has graced us with his presence,

we can introduce him
to Operation Seasoning.


I was going to ask.

So, this is Earth, and the thumbtacks are...

They represent a network of Squidrills
projecting the anti-Zord force field.

Our objective, take it down,
destroy the Squidrills...

[Solon] And release the Ranger captives
from Zedd's prisons.

So, Squillia's Mega Squidrill
is in downtown Pine Ridge.

Tarrick's spy is on board.

We have two Megazords.
They wait just outside the force field.

When we send Tarrick the signal,
the spy will sabotage Squillia's ship.

Chain reaction.

The network fails,
and the anti-Zord force field goes down.

Before they know it...
[imitates lasers blasting, laughs]

We take out the Squidrill,
we break open the prisons,

and we free all the other Ranger teams.

[Solon] What do you think, Zayto?
Do you get why it's Operation Seasoning?

Oh, love the name. One question.

-How do the cookies factor in?

I did a little baking.

It's for you. Try dunkin' it.

[Zayto] Ooh. I gotta be dunkin'.

Mm. Peppery, but I like the zing.

The cookie or the plan?

Both. Now, what are we waiting for?

Go, go, go!
Summoning the Zords in five. Go!

[dramatic music playing]

[Amelia] Cosmic Fury Megazord
approaching Earth orbit.

[Zayto] Cosmic Dragon Megazord
right with ya.

[Aiyon] How does it feel, Fern?
Your first official Zord mission.

[Izzy] It's only the fate of the world.
She's got this.

[Fern] Yeah, I'm ready.
Can't wait to press all these buttons.

[Amelia] Dad, signal your spy.
Operation Seasoning is go.

[Mega Squidrill whirring]

[Omwhyzo] Oh, hi, Zentinals.
I need you to...

Hey, wait, there's no Zentinals here.
Where are they? I need...

[Squillia] What are you doing, Omwhyzo?
You're k*lling the vibe.

[Omwhyzo] Vibe?

[Squillia] Heckyl just gave me
this massive voucher. [gasps]

A luxury spa day.

You deserve it.

This invasion has been so brutal.

I'll hold down the fort while you bathe
in something squidishly nice.

[Omwhyzo] This is
completely unprofessional.

Things need to change around here.

[Squillia] Ugh. Fine, I'll stay.

But watch your tone, you basic bird,
or you'll find yourself plucked.

Omwhyzo is a creep, but he's right.

-[Squillia] What do you mean, babe?
-Things need to change.

And if you won't go,
I'll do this the hard way.

[Squillia] Dramatic. Is that for me?

[Squillia and Omwhyzo scream]

[grunts] Unleash the Power.

Dino Charge! Dark Ranger!

What the Heckyl?

[Heckyl] My story began
in another dimension,

where I was very evil.

But after a classic redemption arc,
I became...

[Omwhyzo] A Ranger?

[Heckyl] Eventually, yes.
I'm a good egg now.


[Omwhyzo] Hold it. No touching.

-[Heckyl grunts]
-[Omwhyzo] Oh, Zentinals.

Make an omelet out of the egg-man.

[Squillia] I changed
my relationship status for this?

[Heckyl] Don't be hard on yourself.
I do put the "spy" in "Spinosaurus."

Now, where were we?

[dramatic music playing]

-[Amelia] Still no word from the spy.
-[Izzy] The force field could be up?

[Aiyon] Gravity's pulling us.

-[Zayto] Could the signal be jammed?
-[Amelia] Or maybe their comm's damaged.

Either way, we won't get a second chance
at this plan. Earth needs us.

We're goin' in.

[all grunting]

[Heckyl] Kiss your force field goodbye.

[Squillia] Actually,
let's cool things off.

'Cause I have
a different kind of crush on you now.

So, if that's your communicator,
ditch the group chat.

You're with me.

[epic music playing]

[Rangers groan]

[Billy] Control system's overloaded.
Inter-Zord sync in free fall.

[Zayto] The force field
is definitely still up.

[Amelia] It could drop any second.
Maintain heading and hold on.

[Javi] Cross your fingers. And your toes.

Oh. I thought you liked
being my main squeeze.

-[Heckyl groans]

[alarm blaring]

[Omwhyzo] What is it? Ha ha!

The force field's got two Megazords.
They're falling towards the city.

[Squillia] Send Squidrones to destroy them
and Zentinals to capture the Rangers.

Your little collab is donezo.
You can blog about it from prison.


[man on PA] Reminder for your safety.
Loitering is still an offense.

[Tarrick] We're too late.

[man on PA] Perpetrators
will be imprisoned without trial.

Praise Zedd.

[Aiyon] Man, our Zords. The damage is...

[Zayto] Don't worry. It can be reversed.

[epic music playing]

[Aiyon] For real?
[spluttering] How did you do that?

-Are you okay?
-[Zayto panting] I'll be fine.

[Aiyon] Tarrick, any ideas
on how we can turn this around?

Nothing good.

The plan failed.

I should've done more.
Something must've happened to Heckyl.

[Zayto] It's not hopeless. Our Zords
are already self-repairing in the Grid.

And you've still got us.
All we need is a... a new... [sighs]


[man on PA] Citizens,
for your safety, please remain calm.

-[Resistance member] Sir, look.
-[Aiyon] Oh man. Come on, buddy.

It's not safe here.

[Solon] Take me to him.

[curtain opens]

[Solon] Oh, my boy.

Asleep again?

I better check on our tactical status.
If you need anything, just ask.

[Solon] Appreciate it.

[gentle music playing]

[Solon] Suddenly collapsing
is never a good sign.

This has happened twice now.

The first time wasn't long
after he used magic to find you.

[Solon] Magic both times, huh?



-Mm. [grunts]
-[Solon] Take it easy.


-Saving Zords really took it out of me.
-[Solon] It sure seems like it.

If this is the toll magic takes on you,
then it's far too high.

I'm more concerned
with where you parked the base. [laughs]

-[Solon] What?
-Is it safe? Not like we can rebury it.

[Solon] It's securely hidden
on the far side of the moon.

The Morphin Masters.
Sorry, this is more important.

When the Morphin Masters brought you back
from the Grid, how exactly did that work?

[Solon] Maybe there's a clue there.

There wasn't a debrief.

I think they filled me up
with their magic, drawn from the Grid.

That explains why you can use the staff.
Do all this new stuff.

[Solon] But how much of that magic
is being used when you do?

It's not as if the Morphin Masters
are free to top you up if you run out.

Saving them is essential. I agree.

[Solon] So, your magic could run out?

That magic that's keeping you alive?

The tree on Levvina said,
"Enjoy what time you have left."

Does the tree know something we don't?

It's difficult to comprehend
secrets of Morphin Masters.

[Solon] Stop. Just tell us. Is it true?
Your magic's going to run out?

And when it does, what happens?

Will you go too?



-[Pop-Pop] Watch out. I'm comin' through.
-[loud crashing]

Oh, good. You're up.

You'll wanna see this.

[Pop-Pop] Plan went off without a hitch.
No one expects the handyman.

-Special delivery from Colonel Pop-Pop.

Yeah. [grunts]

-I picked these up from Jennie Shot.
-You mean General Shaw.

These were designed by Grid Battleforce

to teleport huge objects
like Zords and Megazords.

Or, for us, a Mega Squidrill.

Okay. How will moving that help?

[splutters] Well, it's more
a crash-slash-ram sitch.

As you kids say,
into that alien prison, pow-pow!

Or Pop-Pop! [chuckles]

The impact will be enough to overload
the prison's shielding systems,

allowing prisoners to escape.

Plus, crashing the Mega Squidrill
will take down the anti-Zord force field.

[Tarrick] Exactly.

[Solon] Two for one. What a bargain.

I can triangulate
the best points around the Squidrill

to put the transporters.

The only thing is,
you don't wanna get caught settin' it up,

so we gotta come up with some kinda...


-[Zayto] I can help.

That's new. Magic might do it.

Cool. So cool.

Quick time-out, though.
Gotta talk to my boy. One second.

[Solon] We'll, uh, be right back.

It's been five minutes
since we learned that magic

sucks the life out of you
like a six-foot mosquito.

But what are you gonna do?
What is it, Solon?

[Solon] Offer to use more magic.

Offer to use more magic. Right.

I hear you.

I really do.

And you're not wrong.

[Solon] Well, that's nice.

But we have an invasion to stop
and friends to save.

Using magic is my choice.
I need you to trust me.

[Solon sighs]

This is why I didn't wanna tell you.

I don't want you to have to worry about
making these decisions.

We both know now, so...

And I want it to stay between us.

Keep this to yourselves
when we free the others?

They need to focus on stopping Lord Zedd.

And... and when we save the Morphin Masters,

I'm sure they will be able
to fix what's happening to me.

-Friends deserve to know what's going on.
-This is happening to me.

I don't want it on anyone else.

Please respect that.

[Solon] Very well, Zayto.
It's your choice.

I've got your back.


You guys wanna hear this distraction idea?
Solon, you're gonna love this.

[Solon] Ugh.

[man on PA] Reminder that Lord Zedd
must come first.

Your alphabet has been fixed.

Learn your ZYXs
at any reeducation facility.

-[communicator beeps]
-We're ready. Begin the distraction.

I should have brought my camera.

[Solon roars, cackles]

[Zentinal] Find out
if that thing is one of ours.

[Solon] I have literally dreamt
about this.

[Pop-Pop exclaims]

[Solon] Look at you.

[Zentinal] Stop. Show us your ID.

[Solon] That's cute. Now, get squished.


Are you sure you can handle this?

Wouldn't hurt to hurry.

Ah. Rampaging like this
takes me back to the Cretaceous.

[Zentinal] All units. We need backup.

[Solon] Don't leave.
I'm having so much fun.

Santaura is not gonna believe any of this.

Exactly why I should've brought my camera.

[controls beeping]

Hang in there, Zayto.

-Boom. Last one is in place.
-[controls beep]

[Zayto breathing heavily]

[staff clatters]

Oh. Oh well. It was fun while it lasted.

-[tense music playing]
-Oh. Got you.

We're out of time.

Here goes.

[Zentinal] Watch out!

Prison shields are down. Let's move.

[man on PA] Apologies. We are experiencing
some minor technical difficulties.

-You go. I'll take him to the base.

[crowd clamoring]

The escape route's this way. Quick!

[Tarrick grunting]

Let's go.


Oh my.


Dad! Pop-Pop!

[Pop-Pop laughs]

Aiyon, was this you? Where's Zayto?

Long story. Is there anyone else in there?

Billy's checking now.

I missed you all so much.
Did the Zentinals treat you okay?

I'll say they're better cooks
than Uncle Carlos.


Javi. Your arm.

It's a bit of an adjustment,
but I promise I'll be okay. Really.

That's what's important.
How did this happen?

We can talk later...

Reinforcements are coming.
We need everyone off the streets.

Javi and I can help prisoners get out.

-Stay safe.
-We expect a full debrief later, okay?


Come on.


The building's clear! Everybody, let's go.

Can you say that again to camera?

Move. Zedd and his forces
could be here any second.

Even better. Thanks, mister.

That's the footage we need.
Time to hit the editing suite!

[Squillia] This sucks.

[Omwhyzo] What kind of monster
releases prisoners?

[Squillia] Plus, we missed
the giant dinosaur. Infuriating.

And you. Are these your friends, Heckyl?

You wanna know
what having friends is like?

-[Squillia gasps]
-[Omwhyzo] My God, that is brutal.

Just a taste of the burn
you're about to feel.

-It's Morphin' Time!
-[energetic music playing]

[all] Cosmic Orb!

[creatures screech]

Link to Morphin Grid!

[creatures screech]


Unleash the Power!

[Squillia] Ugh.

[Amelia] Ready?

[Rangers] Cosmic Fury Power!

[Omwhyzo] We'll beat you
to cosmic rainbow paste.

[Amelia] Sure. Keep workshopping that.

[Fern grunting]

Doesn't this thing have...
Chain style. Check it.

Ha! Whoo-hoo!

[Heckyl and Squillia grunting]

[Squillia] Sorry. No one
blindsides Squillia and gets away with it.

[Tarrick shouts]

-[Squillia moans]
-[Tarrick exhales]

-You sure about that?
-[Squillia grunts]

-[Billy] They just keep comin'.
-[Amelia] Yeah. Ideas?

[Billy] I suggest cutting off

[Amelia] Destroy the Squidrills?
You know what? Good call.

Team, on me.

-Ready to fly?
-[Fern] Yeah.

[Amelia] Zord Power, now!

[epic music playing]

[Squillia] Hey, uggo.
Grow giant and swat those Zords.

[Copyguard roars]

[Amelia] Copyguard's joining
the big leagues, huh?

[Copyguard grunts]

[Amelia] Uh-uh! Do not pick on our shark.

[Copyguard moans]

[Amelia] Cosmic Lion Rockets!

[all grunting]

[Omwhyzo shouts]

You're not even a Ranger. Too easy.

[Omwhyzo shouts]

What? What happened?

-[electricity crackles]

Too easy.

[Amelia] Ready, team? Blast in three, two...


[Aiyon] Battle mode? Okay, we can deal.

[Izzy] You know, if they've gone
and turned into a giant robot...

[Fern] I think we should return the favor.

-[Amelia] Zords, combine!

[epic music playing]

[all] Cosmic Fury Megazord, ready!

[Amelia] Nuh-uh!

[all] Cosmic Fury Megazord!

Cosmic Mega Spin Strike!

-[Javi] Yes! Go!
-[Amelia] Only one Squidrill to go.

-[tense music playing]
-[Billy grunting]

[Heckyl grunts]

That's the last of those,
which just leaves...

[Squillia] Eat tentacles,
you crusty fossil.

-[Billy shouts]
-[Squillia groans]

[Squillia coughs weakly]

[Heckyl] I'd suggest learning
some good manners.

[Tarrick grunts]

[Squillia] Sleeping Cuffs?

-[Heckyl] Your occupation is over.
-[Billy] And you're comin' with us.

[Squillia] What? Like, for an interview?



Things are secure on the ground, Amelia.
How are you going?

[Amelia] Just wrapping it up.

Okay, team. Sharky's going first.
Then we finish the job.

[Rangers] Cosmic Mega Blast!

[expl*si*n echoes]

[all] Cosmic Fury Victory!

[Izzy] You saved your first city, Fern.

[Fern] Bucket list, tick.

[epic music playing]

-[birds singing]
-[upbeat music playing]

To a safe home.

And the giant dinosaur.

[Amelia laughs]

-[alerts playing]
-[Solon] Ah. Your phones are charged.

I know you can't live on Earth
without 'em.

[Izzy] Whoa. This is a lot.

I knew my parents would freak,
but six hundo voicemails? I better go.

Maybe we all get
our stories straight first.

Can we say that I saved you all
from a shark monster?

-Or, like, a dragon?

-[alert beeps]
-[Solon] Ah. That's Resistance HQ.

[Amelia] How's it all goin'?

Well, the Zentinals have pulled back.
So Pine Ridge is secure.

The Resistance
really pulled through today.

Tarrick, thank you
for putting in the groundwork.

And our spy, Heckyl.
From one ex-bad guy to another, not bad.

Someone else can take the next
tentacle-related mission, though.

Well, we all made it out of prison,
but... there are tons more of them.

Affirmative. There's still
significant work to do globally.

And, you know, universally.

Plus, finding the Morphin Masters,
wherever Zedd has them hidden.

Not to mention Ollie too.

Don't worry. While you fight,
my new friend might clue us in.

[Squillia snoring]

[whining] But, Mom,
I don't have to go to school.

I'm rich.

[group laughs]

[energetic rock music playing]

[rock music ends]

[orchestral music swells]
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