30x04 - Team Work

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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30x04 - Team Work

Post by bunniefuu »

-[theme music playing]
-♪ Cosmic Fury ♪

♪ Morphin' in outer space
Time to save the human race ♪

♪ We're morphin'
Power Rangers Cosmic Fury ♪

♪ Morphin' a million miles away
Powers will illuminate ♪

♪ We're morphin'
Power Rangers Cosmic Fury ♪

♪ Evolution, revolution ♪

♪ Mighty Rangers rise ♪

♪ Power Rangers Cosmic Fury ♪

[tense music playing]

[Squidrills whirring]

This is where Mick's last message
was broadcast from.

He's gotta be somewhere nearby.
And Zayto too.

[goon 1] Who cares about that?

[goon 2] We wish
we could help capture the city.

Our team can find Zayto
and use him to lure in the other Rangers.

-[goon 3] But I wanna fight now! Ha!
-[others grunt]

[goon 4] No! It's more important
to focus on your footwork.

A-five, six, seven, eight.

-[dance music plays]
-[g*ons laughing]

-No dancing!
-[goon 2 groans]

You all work for me now.

[goon 1] Excuse me?
The contracts we signed end tomorrow.

We have other jobs.

But today, we're supposed to be
a part of a team.

-And we have a very important job.
-[goon 2] We do?

When we're done with the Rangers,
then we can enjoy destroying Levvina.

-[g*ons] Yes!
-Lord Zedd will be very pleased.

Now, get hunting!

[goon 2 whines]



Ooh. Could it be?

Free clothes?

Squillia did say my look has to pop.

[grunts] Come to Quaddo.

Hey. Help me get this scarf.

It'll really bring out my red eyes.

I don't think it's a scarf.

[Quaddo] Uh... [shudders]

It's not a boulder either.

-[Mick yelps]

[Quaddo] Well, then, who's that?

-[Mick groans]
-Mick Kanic.

I'd know that stupid hairdo from anywhere.


-[Zentinals grunt]

That's a tad harsh, Ollie.
I just had it trimmed last week.

That's from Zayto's cape, isn't it?

Uh... maybe it is a scarf.

[goon 3] It's not.


Nice try.
But we're not gonna let you morph.

[dramatic music playing]

-[Ollie] Oh.
-[goon 3] What are those?

[goon 4] No!

[group groans]

[group] Whoa!

Who left shields down?

-[goon 4] He did!
-[Quaddo] I was napping.

Having a good day, Ollie?

Uh, no. No. No, he's not.

His team is terrible. You're terrible.


-[goon 3] Wow. My bad.

-We'll destroy you.
-[goon 3] Yeah!

Then little Zayto
won't have a friend in the world.

[goon 3] Yeah! Yeah!

More Zentinals!

[Zentinals grunt]

Check out what Scrozzle made for me.

Link to Morphin Grid!



[goon 3] Whoa. Ha.

[Ollie] You know,
it'll be so easy to beat you.

I wish you did have powers.

You sure about that?

It's Morphin' Time!

[energetic music playing]

[all] Cosmic Orb!

[creatures screech]

Link to Morphin Grid!

[creatures screech]

[Amelia, echoing] Ankylo Fury! Red Ranger!

[Izzy grunts]

Tiger Fury! Green Ranger!

[Javi grunts]

-Stego Fury! Black Ranger!
-[electric guitar plays]

[Aiyon grunts]

[echoing] Mosa Fury! Gold Ranger!

[group] Cosmic Fury Power!

[Ollie] What? How did you... Wait.

Amelia is Red Ranger?

[Amelia] Not gonna compliment
my promotion?

It's courtesy of Billy
hooking us up to the Grid.

[Ollie] And it got you new weapons?

That's it.
I'm cancelling Scrozzle's vacation.

Krymzo, you take on Green and Black.
Quaddo, provide fire support.

-[Quaddo] Whoo!
-[Ollie] Jadana, destroy Gold.

-[Jadana] I love it.
-[Ollie] Snoutia, with me.

[Amelia] Take 'em down quick,
team, so we can free Mick.

Ha. Good call. "Free Mick."

[Quaddo] One, two. Let's dance.

[Rangers grunt]

[energetic rock music playing]

[Ollie] Red doesn't suit you!

[Amelia] Bitter isn't a good color on you!

[all grunting]

-[Amelia yells]
-[Ollie shouts]

[Amelia grunts]
You're gonna have to do better.

Maybe give hammers a whack?


[explosions echo]

[Snoutia and Ollie groan]

[Amelia] Does red suit me now?

[Izzy grunts]

[Zentinals groan]

[Izzy] A Morpher and a blaster.
It's a twofer.

Oh. [grunts]

[all grunting]

[Javi] Oh! Ah! [grunts]

[Krymzo laughs] And a-five, and a-six,
and a-seven, and a-eight! [shouts]

[loud clang]

[electricity crackles]

[Krymzo groans]

That thing is pretty sharp.

[Javi] Yeah. That's the point.

-[Ollie and Amelia grunt]
-[Ollie] Jadana! Go help Krymzo!

[Jadana] I am busy with a dance lesson.
He's a slow learner.

[Javi shouts]

[staff thrums]

[Javi shouts]

[Izzy] Sick moves, bro.

-[both grunt]
-[Ollie] Quaddo! Where's the fire support?

[Quaddo] I've nearly got
a new routine down.

I can't wait to show Squillia.

-[Izzy] Hey! You really wanna impress her?
-[Quaddo] Huh?

[Izzy] Juggle these.

[group groans]

[Izzy] Ha. Like boomerangs.

-[Aiyon] Ha. Now you'll never lose 'em.

[all grunting]

[Aiyon shouts]

[Jadana] No!

[Aiyon] Where have you been all my life,
Chompy Boy?

[both grunting]

[Snoutia groans] Oh, my butt!

[Izzy] Let's teach 'em our ABCs.

[Aiyon] Attack 'em! Beat 'em!

[Izzy] Celebrate. [laughs]

-Now, that's teamwork.
-[Izzy] Not done yet.


[Amelia and Ollie grunting]

[Rangers grunting]

[Snoutia] Help me up!

-I can take them.
-[Ollie] Save it for round two.

-[all laugh]

Those new suits crushed the competition.
And those weapons...


Now, is that arm Rafkonian tech?
'Cause it's pretty slick.

Yeah. I guess I'm starting
to get the hang of this thing.

If by get the hang of it,
you mean kick butt with it.

-[group chuckles]
-Seriously, though.

Should we track Ollie down?

I want him back too, but finding Zayto
before Zedd's forces arrive

has to be top priority.

What have you learned?

Oh, uh... Well, um,
Levvina is one of a kind.

It only has one teeny, tiny, little city,

and then most of the rest of the planet
is covered in forest that...

But you were asking about Zayto.

Uh, yes.

Zayto's cape. Where did you find it?

[Mick] Oh, it was blowing through the air.

I did have to turn into a bird
to catch it. It was a whole thing.

Can you retrace your st... [splutters]

Your flaps?


-[dramatic music playing]
-[Mick caws]

[continues imitating bird]

[sighs] It was right here.

But I don't see any flying clues.

-Maybe you should try looking down.

An impact crater.

If this is where he landed,
he must've hit pretty hard.

Yep. 'Cause this is... well, was his Saber.

There could be more clues around.


Aha! Here! Look!

I think Zayto landed and then ripped
his cape heading into the woods.

Then that's where we gotta go.

[Snoutia] Where are they headed?

Maybe it's lunchtime. Are you hungry?


Broken. Zayto must have come this way.

Who knew we'd use Dad's
tracking techniques on an alien planet?

Ooh! Fruit!


Uh, did... did that branch just hit you?

I guess the fruit's off-limits.

[Amelia] Okay. Be careful, everyone.

We don't know much
about the plant life here.

[branches rustle]

-Did anyone else just hear that?

It's just trees. You know, mm... treeing.

[Ollie] Okay.

-Now, listen to me.
-[Snoutia] Okay.

-If we're clever...
-[Snoutia] Uh-huh?

We can get the better of them, and we
will be Lord Zedd's favorite warriors.

[Snoutia] No! All your plans stink.

Being clever never helped anybody.

We need to charge in
and kick their faces off.

Snoutia, this isn't helping!

Don't you tell me what to do.

Wait! Hold on!

[Snoutia groaning]

I don't think this weird forest
likes you kicking it.


[Snoutia continues grunting]


We have work to do.

Completely useless.

This planet's got strange vibes.
You know, I haven't seen a single animal.

Maybe I can eat this one.

Ow! [grunting]

Or, uh, maybe not.

It's like... It's like they're aware.

I know what you're thinkin', Jones.
Gotta be ghosts. Am I right?

On any other day, 100%, but now I wonder.

Maybe I can mind-meld with it?

You don't really think
you can mind-meld with a tree?

[energetic music playing]

Whoa. It's like the forest
is all connected.

Not thousands of trees
and plants, but one thing.

One mind.


Let me see.


[gasps] Whoa. That's why
the forest's been attacking me.

-It doesn't want to share its fruit.
-[Mick] Ah.

Why are we talkin' about fruit?
Ask the forest what happened to Zayto.

Yeah, maybe it saw something.

[Zayto screams]

[Aiyon] Zayto fell
through the portal from Zordnia.

He crash-landed here.

[Amelia] He stumbled into the forest.

When he was close to collapse,
he came across a glowing tree.


[Amelia] It sensed
he... didn't have much time left.

And decided to help him.

Vines drew Zayto inside the tree

to keep him safe from harm
as it healed him.

We need to get to that tree. Now.

The forest thinks
there's someone on our tail.

-[Mick yelps]
-[Aiyon gasps]

[group groans]

[all cry out]

Oh no.

What's wrong?

Can't reach your teleport?

Well, I guess that means
you're all... stuck.

Thank you for the intel, though.

Keep guard.
I only have one more Ranger to capture.

Now, time to look for a glowing tree.

[grunting] Stay away from Zayto!

What are you gonna do about it
from down there, Aiyon?

Bake a Flargon cake?

[communicator beeps]

Zentinals. Prepare the City Squidrill.

[communicator whirs]

[Rangers groaning]

Have I ever mentioned
I don't like confined spaces?

[grunts] Just relax.
The more we move, the tighter they get.

We hurt these plants.
Do they think we're the enemy?

Maybe it's just defending itself. Hold on.

[Amelia] Forest,
we don't want to hurt you.

You've been tricked by Ollie.

[Aiyon] We're here to find our friend.
The one you saved. He's on our side.

[Amelia] Ollie's soldiers are the enemy.
They're going to hurt Zayto.

[branch creaks]

[Zentinals groan]

-[Javi exhales]
-Thanks for the hand, forest.

[calming music playing]

[tense music playing]

What's the holdup?

[Zentinal] We are still scanning.
But it's one tree in a big forest.

[Ollie] Scan faster!

[Zentinal] Yes, sir.

-[Squidrill whirring overhead]
-Um, Squidrill alert.

Aiyon, keep going.
You get Zayto. We'll cover you.

On it.

It's Megazord time.
You down for that, Mick?

Wha... Uh, am I ever! [sighs]

[group] Link to Morphin Grid!

Ninja Spin!

Zord Power, now!

[energetic music playing]

[Zentinal] Incoming Zords.

[Ollie] What? They're free?

[alarm blaring]

Then activate Battle Mode.

[Zentinal] Yes.

Brace for battle.

[loud whooshing]


[chimes ringing]


Are you in there?




-[Zayto groans]

Wake up. Come on. We need you.

[dramatic music playing]

[Aiyon] Zayto, are you there?

[breathing shakily]

Why can't I...

-[gasps, panting]

[bright music playing]

Man, you scared me.

Are you okay?

[both grunt]

I'm fine.

I'm fine.

Why couldn't I read your thoughts?

Maybe the Morphin Masters
bringin' me back changed things.

-I might be different now.
-I read the forest's mind.

-They thought you weren't gonna make it.
-Well, I feel great.

[Aiyon chuckles]

Thanks for protecting Zayto.
You're the nicest forest I ever met.

[forest] You are welcome.

Zayto, enjoy the time you have left.

Did that tree just talk?

You talked to it first.

"Enjoy the time you have left."

That's a little dark.

Maybe it meant enjoy our time
before we leave the planet.

[Aiyon] Hmm.

[Zord screeches]

[Amelia] We've gotta shut this fight down
before it gets too far into the city.

[Mick] Don't worry, team. I've got this.

First I am a bird,
now I'm in a bird. Anyway.

[cawing loudly]

Stop pecking.

Give me a real fight.

[Amelia] Zords, combine!

[epic music playing]

[heroic music playing]

[all] Cosmic Fury Megazord, ready!

[Mick] That's what I'm talkin' about.

I bet this move is powerful.

Okay. Not so good.

You'll need more than feathers
to be a match for me.

[Izzy] My turn. Cosmic Shark, slash!

[Amelia] Ollie, your Squidrill
is going down, and I can't save you.

I don't need you to save me.

[Amelia] He's gone. Let's finish this.

[all] Cosmic Mega Bolt!

[blast echoes]

[electricity crackles]

[all] Cosmic Fury Victory!

[Aiyon] Hey, team.

I found somebody
pretty cool, cool, coolio inside a tree.

Glad to be back.

[Aiyon] Zayto.
Boy, do we have a lot to tell you.

Let's head back to base.

[Mick] Hey, could I borrow
this Zord to get home?

My planet might need a Red Ranger.

[Amelia] Go for it, Mick.

[Zord screeches]

You know, I thought pink was your color,
but red really suits you.

You're really okay with it?
It feels kinda weird with you here too.

No, it feels right.

You stepped up to the plate
and held our team together.

Sounds like a Red Ranger to me.

I'm envious. You all look great.

Love the new arm.

It's cool, right?
I just gotta remember to keep it oiled.

[Solon] Billy helped with the design.

And he whipped up the tech
that reconnected the team with the Grid.

Don't think I forgot about you, Zayto.

Wow. You really have been busy.

[energetic music playing]

T-Rex Cosmic Orb!

Link to Morphin Grid.

T-Rex Fury! Zenith Ranger!

-Wow. Slick color, dude.
-[Solon] Mm.

But "Zenith." Why Zenith?

It's what the Morphin Masters called me
when they brought me back.

But, hey. What's going on over here?

Oh, nothing much.

Solon and Billy have been busy trying
to convert the base into a spaceship.

What? How?

What are you doing
on an alien planet with us, Fern?

-You have a lot to catch up on.
-[Solon] But first, come see the cockpit.

The chairs even have room for my tail.


So some of the stuff that's been
going on doesn't make sense.

Like what?

I can't mind-meld with Zayto anymore.

The forest told him
to enjoy the time he has left.

That's weird, right?

I think it's something
he's not telling us.

Maybe, but what does an alien forest
know about Rafkonian biology?

I don't know.

[tense music playing]

[thunder rumbles]

[Zedd] I asked for Z-shaped ice cubes.
These are clearly Ns!

[Inkworth] Sir,
if you just turn them around...

My apologies, Emperor of Evil.
I'll... I'll do better.

[crying] Inkworth, you fool!

[Zedd] What an incompetent sack
of tentacles.


Lord Zedd.

[Zedd] Ah. Welcome,
boy, to my new fortress.

It's the cherry atop
my latest conquest, planet Eltar.

I've heard of this planet before.
Wasn't your enemy Zordon from here?

[Zedd] And this would only be sweeter
if he were still alive

to watch his people perish.

Now, update me.

I come with bad news.

-My monster team failed.

I failed.

[Zedd] Then choose
your next words carefully.

I was sure that teamwork was the key.

[Zedd] Is that so?

You know, I see great potential in you.

But listen closely.

The true path to power
is to only look out for yourself.

You failed today
because you still think like a Ranger.

But you're evil.

Teamwork will never prevail.

I must forget my Ranger training.

[Zedd] Discard it all
and embrace that darkness within.

Let nothing stop your quest for power.

[tense music playing]

-I'll make you proud, Lord Zedd.
-[tense music fades]

[energetic rock music playing]

[rock music ends]

[orchestral music swells]
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