30x03 - Off Grid

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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30x03 - Off Grid

Post by bunniefuu »

-[theme music playing]
-♪ Cosmic Fury

Morphin' in outer space

Time to save the human race

We're morphin'
Power Rangers Cosmic Fury

Morphin' a million miles away

Powers will illuminate

We're morphin'
Power Rangers Cosmic Fury

Evolution, revolution

Mighty Rangers rise

Power Rangers Cosmic Fury

[calming music playing]

[gentle breeze blowing]

-[arm whirring]
-[wrong notes playing]

[sighs] Come on, Javi. You can do this.

[wrong notes continue]

[Billy] But after that,
I became a wolf ninja.

[Solon] Oh, that's quite the downgrade
from dinosaur.

Losing Ranger powers is rough.

But we'll need 'em back
if we're gonna get home and fight Zedd.

You've been in the trenches as a Ranger
for a while now, right? Any ideas?

You said the Morphin Masters
helped you last time, right?

[Aiyon] Yeah.

Well, my abilities are nothing compared
to theirs, but leave this with me.

[Solon] Thanks, Billy.

Did you get the comm system online, Solon?
I wanna check in with home.

[Solon] I'm afraid
it doesn't have the range.

Earth is just too far.

[Aiyon] So no one can hear us?

Wait. Do we still have the antenna?

The one Zayto used
to send messages to Rafkon?

[Solon] Yes. If we set it up on one
of the dunes nearby, that could work.

Great, let's do it.

There's more we can do, though.

Lord Zedd is out doing
who knows what with Ollie,

and Zayto could be in real trouble.

-We should have stayed.

We made the only decision we could.

Hey, I know it's not the café,

but why don't you hang back
and cook something while we're out?

Good food is important for morale.

Yeah. Yeah, right. Thanks, Amelia.

[Javi groans]

[Solon] It's okay, Javi.

It'll become easier in time
as you get used to...

Thanks, but I don't really need pity.

I need your help.

I don't know
how to restring a guitar on my own now.

I'll give it a go.

I'll help you restring this.

But you have to tell me
when it's in tune, okay?

Well, this room will be a real downgrade
from wherever Billy usually sleeps.

Hey, this could be handy.
It's a map of the base.

There are more rooms here
than you'd think.

[Izzy] Is that a cockpit?

Wait a sec.

[laughs] It's a plan to convert
the base into a spaceship.

Points to Solon for thinkin' big, I guess.

Well, it did get into space.
Just not how anyone imagined.

And it took us with it.

Which reminds me...

An Oakdale hoodie.
To celebrate your first day.

I know we're all short on clothes,
so you may as well.

It's not like we're gonna go to class
anytime soon.

College will still be there
when we're back.

Think of this as just a brief detour.

[chuckles] Mental gymnastics
are not my favorite kind.

You know, a heads-up
about the Lord Zedd sitch

would've been nice.


I didn't wanna ruin things,
so I was keeping it low-key

in case it never happened.

Total backfire, I know. I shouldn't have...

Hey. I know you're juggling two lives.

College can wait
until the universe is safe.

Still, I'm glad we're here together.

Just promise to tell me stuff. Okay?

If I don't say it enough, I'm very lucky
to have such an amazing girlfriend.

-I could hear it more.

[dishes clattering]

[Aiyon] Come on. Give me somethin'!


Dude, what... what's wrong?

I'm trying to feed all of us,
but there's not much to work with here.

Just old lichen,
stale nutmeg, and petunia seeds?

Might be tasty.

I'm just glad you're keeping busy,
even if it is chaotic.

The rest of us should get
Zayto's antenna and head outside.

-Once up, it'll boost our comm systems.
-Cool. Well, can I come?

I've never set foot on another planet.
Who knows what's out there?

They might have food I can use.
Sign me up too.

[Izzy] Whoa. Whoa.
None of us know the hazards here.

We can't morph,
so we can't protect you, Fern.

But I could be helpful.

There's more to clear out of Billy's room
if you want to help, babe.

Yeah. Sure. Totally. Have fun.

[energy thrumming]

[Solon] Incredible.

If my theory is correct,
the residual grid energy in the key

is reacting to the staff.

Much like on Zordnia,
it's acting as a conduit.

[Solon] Mick theorized
Morphin Masters used these staffs

to channel power from the grid.

Catch me up here.
What are Morphin Masters?

Mystical, hyperdimensional beings
that strive to preserve galactic balance.

[Solon] They're space wizards
with magic staffs.

Also, very tall.

Oh. Cool.

[Billy] Between the energy
that's left in these Dino Keys

and the phenomena activated by the staff,

it may be possible
to induce a unique link to the biofield.

[Solon] This stuff might be able
to hook up to the Morphin Grid.

So, new powers?

[Solon] Uh-huh.
Now, what can we do to help?

Well, to start,
I'll need a molecular transducer.

Do you have one?

What self-respecting hoarder doesn't?

It's in the engineering bay,
but it's a tight fit in there.

Just point the way. I'll get to work.

[tense music playing]

For a desert, this is loaded with food.

Want to come help, then?

If I can just find a little bit more,
we'll be snackin' all week.

Whoa. Hey. Come see what I found.

Hey. What are you, little buddy?


What are you? Some kind of scuttleworm?

-[scuttleworm shrieks]
-[Aiyon grunts]

Ow! [groans]

[scuttleworm munching]

My food! Bad baby scuttleworm.

Whoa. That's a hungry baby.

[Aiyon] I guess it's had enough?

[scuttleworm screeches]

-Does it still look hungry to you?

[Izzy] I don't like that look.

Remember morphing? I miss morphing.

Fix the antenna.
We're lucky it's not edible.

Bad big-boy scuttleworm.
That was all my food!

[tense music playing]


[Amelia groans]

-[Javi] Here.
-[scuttleworm shrieks]

[Aiyon] So slimy.

-[scuttleworm trills]
-Maybe this is why this place is deserted.

-[both shout]
-[Javi grunts]

[controls beep]

We're good.

-It's powered up!
-[Amelia] Great!

-Oh, no.
-[Aiyon] Come help!

-[scuttleworm roars]
-[Javi] I've got you!

-[loud clang]
-[scuttleworm cries out]


Wow. I guess that explains
all the broken guitar strings.

[Solon] We're already receiving
signals from Earth.

I'll just patch into BuzzBlast and...
Oh, my.

[people screaming]

Earth is still under attack.

More massive alien drills
have appeared in every major city.

Power Ranger teams
across the globe are fighting back,

but something is affecting their Zords!

-[Jane and J-Borg screaming]
-[lasers blasting]

Take cover!
And don't drop the camera this time, Stan!

[Solon] BuzzBlast's stream is down.
Patching in one from Coral Harbor.

[panel clacks]

Our science team has detected
a force field surrounding the planet

that is causing all Zords within Earth's
atmosphere to malfunction and shut down.

Grid Battleforce and others
are working overtime to find its source.

Until then, Earth is on its own.

We've seen invasions before,
but we're still here.

Let me assure you,
Earth stands united and defiant.

[woman] Yeah!

No Zords?

That force field has Lord Zedd's
meaty fingerprints all over it.

So even if we could morph
to pilot the Zords, we can't help.

Should we get in touch?

-Tell our parents we're okay?
-No. We're too vulnerable here.

A transmission could be traced to Erridus.

Mom and Dad are gonna freak,
but I guess you're right.

I know what'll make us all feel better.
A tasty meal.

Can't strategize on an empty stomach.

[tense music playing]

[Ollie panting]



Why hasn't anyone called me?
The grid energy, did...

Uh, yes. Yes. [quietly] I escaped.

I did manage to save this.

Some of your best work.


But don't ever scare me like that again.
Come here.

[Ollie] The others had this teleporter
in the base for an emergency like this,

but they all left without me.

So I came straight here.

Because if there's one person
that can help me rejoin my team

and beat Zedd...

it's my mom.

I'm flattered.

It seems like everyone
is looking for your friends.

Earlier today, I got an encrypted message
from someone I guess you know.

Wild hair, big energy.

Howdy, Rangers.
I've traveled across multiple planets,

but I think I found him. Zayto.

Well, not him him,
but his energy signature.

Still, he's here.

Well, not here here,
but somewhere on this planet.

It's called Levvina.

Uh, call me as soon as you get this.

Huh. Well done, Mick.

If I get to Zayto first,

the rest of the team
will follow like flies to rotten meat.

Ollie, what do you mean?

Thanks. Now I can find my team

and destroy them.

[tense music playing]

Love you, mama bear.

[whirring loudly]

Aiyon! Hey, Aiyon!

Could you flip the switch back on?
I'm whisking here.

I noticed.

Dinner's cooking.
I'm working on dessert. What's the issue?

All this mess for one thing?

It's my fault.

I thought cooking would cheer you up,
but you seem more stressed.

I don't know.
This usually makes me feel good. [huffs]

Running a café helped me
find my feet after we lost Zayto.

Then he returns,
which is great for two minutes.

Then he's gone again?
But whatever, you know?


-I don't think you're doing so well.
-I'm doing great.

I'm on BuzzBlast's list of top cafés
with cakes to shove your face in.

I mean emotionally.

My best friend is missing.

Of course I'm not okay.

You know, I miss Ollie so much.

Like, all the time.

He's out there doing
who knows what with Zedd.

But I'm focused on the hope that
one day soon, we'll be able to cure him.

Focus on the hope.

It'll get us through.

I'm not trying to replace Zayto,
but I am your friend.

And I'm here to listen.
But sometimes, I'll need your help too.

There's this thing that Pop-Pop says,

"One thread is easy to break,
but you weave 'em with others

and they're stronger together, Nugget."

Like a rope.

It usually comes up
when he's fixing socks. But, yes.

The point is that by sticking together
and supporting each other...

We're stronger, like ingredients
coming together in a tasty stew.

That's mixing metaphors.

But now I have to ask.
What is in that pot? It smells incredible.

You know, it doesn't have a name yet.

-Want a taste?
-Oh. Yes, please.

[Aiyon] Ta-da!


-Good, huh?

[Solon] Oh, don't think of this stuff
as clutter.

It's... decorative.

Maybe we can use some of these as posters.

[Solon] Oh, wow.

Your ancestors had tails
the last time I saw these plans.

You know, I was alone
for millions of years.

And designing things is fun,
but I could never crack this.

It's so cool.
Imagine flying this place around.

[Solon] I can see why Izzy likes you.

-[alarm blares]

[Solon] The proximity alert.
Something must be approaching the base.

Is it Lord Zedd? Has he found us?

Oh, this thing again? Did it follow us?

I've filled my almost-being-eaten quota
for the month.

That thing could damage the base.
If only we could morph.

Well, Billy can, at least.
Billy, are you there?

[Solon] He's been locked
in the engineering bay for hours

and hasn't answered any of my comms.

If he's trying to activate that staff,
we should let the man work.

We can't morph, but we can fight.
Let's take the scuttleworm down.

Just like that? Didn't that thing almost
have you for dessert last time?

We still have a duty to protect people.
That includes you.

-[scuttleworm shrieking]
-[tense music playing]

Sorry, our base is off the menu.

[Rangers grunting]

[scuttleworm sniffing]

[Amelia] Why is it sniffing Aiyon?

Maybe it imprinted on him when it hatched.

Is it me, or is it... lichen, nutmeg,
and a hint of that cactus I found?

[scuttleworm screeches]

[Aiyon] Try again.


Too slow. Ha!


[scuttleworm munching]

Another rave review on your food, Aiyon.
Stew's gonna be great.

Tell me he did not just bail.

[scuttleworm growls]

-[arm whirs]
-[Javi grunts]

-[scuttleworm shrieks]
-[Javi groans]

[moans, chuckles] I do not love this.

[scuttleworm screeching]

[Aiyon] Yo, hungry boy!
Aiyon's café is back in business.

And I've got your stew to go.
Come and get it. Ha!

[scuttleworm screeching frantically]

-[Aiyon panting]
-[energetic music plays]

[scuttleworm growling]

[Aiyon] Whoo!

Order up! [laughs]

[scuttleworm sniffing]

Bon appétit, beastie.

[Squillia] Ready? Okay.

[upbeat music playing]

[Zedd] I am... extremely confused.

And I feel so old.

-Lord Zedd.
-[Zedd] Boy.

-I bring important news.
-[Zedd] Yes. Anything but this.

[Squillia] So? Did you love
our masterpiece?

[Zedd] I was promised a report
on weapons capability.

This was just flailing.

-[Squillia gasps] Flailing?
-[Zedd] It wasn't in time.

-[Squillia whimpers]
-[Zedd groans] She's a handful.

You have to see this.

[tense music playing]

Howdy, Rangers.
I've traveled across multiple planets,

but I think I found him. Zayto.

Well, not him him...

[Zedd] Zayto. That's the red one.
I hate that guy!

...but somewhere on this planet.

It's called Levvina.

[Zedd] Scrozzle, give the... Scrozzle?

Scrozzle! You know I hate yelling.

-[Scrozzle] I'm here. Right here.
-[Zedd] Give the boy his present.

[Scrozzle grumbles] A hello would be nice.


[object resonates]

[Scrozzle] It's exactly
what you think it is.

Wait till my friends see this.

I request a team of monsters
to help me capture Zayto.

[Zedd] You can't do it on your own?

If we want to beat the Rangers,
we should adopt their approach.

And with a team behind me,
I can capture Zayto

and destroy anyone who tries to interfere.

[Zedd] You want a team?
Take these dancers.

[Squillia] Not my friends.
Whose names I totally remember. Please!

[Zedd] I'm leaving
to finish the Earth invasion

with General Omwhyzo.

[Squillia] But Earth sucks.

[Zedd] Agreed, but it's caused me
too much grief and must be secured.

Now, flail away! I need to focus.

There's another world
I've always longed to conquer.


[Solon] Well, we won't leak
delicious smells

now that the kitchen vent is fixed.

And thanks to your quick thinking,

the scuttleworm shouldn't bother us
or the base anytime soon.

Seriously, awesome job at figuring out
how to lure it away, Aiyon.

Just had a case of the rumbly tummies.

Rumbly tummy happens
when Javi has too many chili dogs.


[Solon] Howdy, stranger. Long time no see.

I'm sorry I've locked myself away,

but I've been really,
really busy working on this.

[energy thrums]

And there's more.

These are for you.

I kept the dinosaur theme.
It just felt right.

Are those new Morphers?

-[Billy] Affirmative.
-[communicators beep]

Good. They've linked to your comms.

-Whoa! Oh.

-[Izzy gasps]
-Now I match you guys.

Can we morph? We aren't connected
to the grid anymore. Our keys don't work.

That's where this comes in.

Honestly, it was relatively easy
once I used the molecular transducer

to quantum lock
the residual energy in your Dino Keys.

Uh, it'll be easier if I show you.


[energy thrums]

It's manifesting the Morphin Grid.

[dramatic music playing]

[Fern gasps]

[Solon] These are for Ollie and Zayto.
When they return.

Well, come on. It's Morphin' Time!

Open the hatch
and stick the Cosmic Orb in.

So, these work just like our Dino Keys.


[all] Cosmic Orb.

Close the hatch, and you're good to go.

[Amelia chuckles]

[all] Link to Morphin Grid.

[energetic music playing]

[creatures growl]

[Rangers] Cosmic Fury Power!

[Izzy gasps] Tiger Claws.

I can scratch more than a couch
with these babies. [laughs]

[Aiyon] Chopping jaws?
The Mosa Razor's on-brand.

[Javi laughs] Oh, yeah.
This Stego Spike rocks.

[Amelia] You want a smash hit, Javi?
I think my Ankylo Hammer's got you beat.

It's just a very dark pink.

[Javi] Whoa. No way.

[Amelia] Maybe it's my visor.

No, just still... red.

Red looks good on you.

But this is Zayto's color,
and he's our leader.

Does that mean he's...

No, if the Morphin Grid
chose you to be the Red Ranger,

it's reacting to something within you.

[chuckles] It makes sense.

I mean, you're always looking out for us,
even when you got your own problems.

You hold on to hope and always help.
Zayto's going to be so proud of you.

[alarm blaring]

Rangers, I don't know why
you haven't replied to my messages,

but I have a classic
"good news, bad news" situation.

Zayto is on Levvina. That's the good news.

The bad news
is that Lord Zedd's forces are here.

Squidrills are coming.

I made dessert, but we can have it to go.

A rescue's a perfect way
to test new powers.

They'll never know what hit them.
You coming, Billy?

[Solon] If you don't mind, Fern and I
could use your help with something.

Oh, okay.

You guys will be fine without me.
Good luck on Levvina.

Let's summon the Zords!

[energetic rock music playing]

[rock music ends]

[orchestral music swells]
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