10x08 - Counting/Letters

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Barney & Friends". Aired: April 6, 1992 – November 2, 2010.*
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Features Barney, a purple anthropomorphic Tyrannosaurus rex who conveys educational messages through songs and small dance routines with a friendly, huggable and optimistic attitude.
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10x08 - Counting/Letters

Post by bunniefuu »

( to tune of "Yankee Doodle" )

♪ Barney is a dinosaur from our imagination ♪

♪ And when he's tall, he's what we call a dinosaur sensation. ♪

♪ Barney's friends are big and small ♪

♪ They come from lots of places ♪

♪ After school, they meet to play ♪

♪ And sing with happy faces. ♪

♪ Barney shows us lots of things ♪

♪ Like how to play pretend ♪

♪ ABCs and --s and how to be a friend. ♪

♪ Barney comes to play with us whenever we may need him ♪

♪ Barney can be your friend, too ♪

♪ If you just make-believe him. ♪

( Barney giggling )


Well, hello, everybody.

( Barney humming happily )

BABY BOPNot that one.

No, not that one either.

No... not this one either.

Is something wrong, Baby Bop?

Oh, Barney, I need one more dolly for my tea party

and I can't find one anywhere.

B.J.Hey, guys!

Look what we found in the park.

It's a real treasure map.

Written by a real pirate. Arrggh!

( giggling )

Oh, cool, check it out.

BABY BOPWhat does it say, Barney?

BARNEYWell, let me see.

"If you can count, the treasure you'll win,

so what are you waiting for, let's begin."

Oh, I want to look for the treasure.

You better leave this to us older kids, Sissy,

because you can't count.

Oh! No fair! No fair! No fair!

( Baby Bop huffing )

B.J., maybe you and Riff could help Baby Bop learn to count.

We'd like to, Barney, but we don't have time.

We have to find the treasure before somebody else does.


Okay, um... I better check on Baby Bop.


( talking quietly )

( Baby Bop grunting in frustration )

Um, are you okay, Baby Bop?

Oh, Barney, I'm so mad!

( music begins )

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, I'm really, really mad ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, Ooh, she's really mad today ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, I'm really, really mad ♪

♪ But if you take some slow breaths... ♪

( inhales )

♪ Your mad will go away. ♪

Breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe.

Did that help?

A little, but...

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, I'm still really, really mad ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, she's really mad today ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, I'm really, really mad ♪

♪ But if you march around the park... ♪

♪ Your mad will go away.

BOTHMarch, march, march, march.

Oh, did marching help?

A little, but...

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, I'm still really, really mad ♪

BARNEY♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, she's really mad today ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, I'm really, really mad ♪

♪ But if you sing this song again... ♪

♪ Your mad will go away. ♪

( both humming song )

Well, I hope that helps.


So do you still feel mad, Baby Bop?

No, now I feel sad.

B.J.'s right-- I can't count, so I can't find the treasure.

Look-- our friends are playing a game

that can help you learn to count.

Come on.

Hi, everyone.

KIDSHi, Barney. Hi, Baby Bop.

May we play the number limbo with you?

KIDSSure, come on.

Oh, great! Oh, thank you.

This is going to be so much fun.

Oh, boy, here we go.

( music begins )

ALL♪ We love to do the number limbo ♪

♪ We love to do the number limbo ♪

♪ As we go under, we see the number ♪

♪ It's set at number three. ♪

♪ The bar was set at number three ♪

♪ Everyone went under then ♪

♪ Now we move it lower to number two ♪

♪ So we can start to limbo again. ♪

Here we go.

ALL♪ We love to do the number limbo ♪

♪ We love to do the number limbo ♪

♪ As we go under, we see the number ♪

♪ It's set at number two. ♪

♪ The bar was set at number two ♪

♪ Everyone went under then ♪

♪ Now we move it lower to number one ♪

♪ So you can start to limbo again. ♪

All right.

ALL♪ We love to do the number limbo ♪

♪ We love to do the number limbo ♪

♪ As we go under, we see the number ♪

♪ It's set at number one. ♪

You can do it.

ALL♪ The bar is set at number one ♪

♪ Everyone went under then ♪

♪ Now we can't go under another number ♪

♪ Until we number-limbo again! ♪

Nice limboing.


( song ends )

Well, thanks for letting us play the number limbo with you.

( all saying good-bye )

BARNEYOkay, bye-bye, see you soon.

Counting is fun, Barney.

Oh, yes, it is.

And learning to count helps you do all kinds of fun things


Look for pirate treasure.

Oh, Barney, now we have our own treasure map.

Aye-aye, Matey.

Let's see what the first clue says.

B.J.The first clue says:

"Arrgh, learning to count is lots of fun,

and all good pirates start with number one."

Where are we going to find

something with the number one on it?

I don't know, but I'm sure it's going to be hard.

It's not like you can just turn over a rock.

BABY BOPBarney, look at this pretty rock.

BARNEYOh, you found it, Baby Bop.

It's the number one.


And look, there's the next clue.

It says, "Bark like a puppy, it's easy to do.

Bark two times, you'll find the two."

Oh, I can bark like a puppy.

( barks twice )

( dog barks )

Oh, looky, Barney, it's Roxie.

BARNEYYou're right.

Hi, Roxie.

Oh, look, what are you wearing?

BARNEYOh, it's the number two.

And what's this?

Good doggy.

"Arrgh, hop three times to the nearest tree.

There you'll find the number three."

I can do that.

I know you can.

One, two, three.

( laughs )

BARNEYAnd here's the number three.


I like counting.

Do you like to count?

Show me how you can count.

One, two, three, four, five.

...two, three, four...

BARNEY and BABY BOP♪ Count the buttons on your shirt ♪

♪ Count the pebbles in the dirt ♪

♪ Count the bubbles as you blow ♪

♪ Count the special friends you know ♪

♪ Count some fishies swimming deep ♪

♪ Count some sheep before you sleep ♪

♪ Just use your numbers, numbers ♪

♪ Counting here and counting there ♪

♪ We count with numbers everywhere. ♪


BARNEYOh, there's the next clue.

"Turn around three times, then turn once more,

that's when you'll see the number four."


One... two... three... and four!

Be careful there.

Whoa, dizzy.

Oh, look, Barney, a little pirate ship.

Oh, look at that.

Here's the number four.

What does the clue say?

Let's see:

"Go to the stepping stones near the shed.

To count to five, you must use your head."

It's not in here...


Sorry, Beej, here's the last one.


Oh, did you find

the number one inside any of them?

No, but I built a really cool tower.

Oh, wowser! ( chuckling )

That's a lot of books.

Yeah, but none of them had a number one.

So let's get back to looking for the treasure.



Well, here are the stepping stones, Barney.

And look, it's the number one.

You're right.

If you wants to find a treasure...

you have to count the numbers on the stones.

Oh, Barney, it's pirates.

I think you're right.

Now count the numbers from one to five.

Okay, I'll try.






Yay! I did it, Barney, I did it! Yay!

I knew you could.

( music begins )

Look at them light up!

♪ Way to count, way to count ♪

♪ We count to find out the amount ♪

♪ One hop, way to hop! ♪

♪ When I hop, it's hard to stop. ♪


♪ Way to count, way to count ♪

♪ We count to find out the amount ♪

♪ Two skips, way to skip ♪

♪ When I skip, I rarely trip. ♪

One, two.

♪ Way to count, way to count ♪

♪ We count to find out the amount ♪

♪ Three jumps, way to jump ♪

♪ When I jump, I like to thump. ♪

One, two, three.

♪ Way to count, way to count ♪

♪ We count to find out the amount ♪

♪ Four spins, way to spin ♪

♪ I like to spin with my good friend. ♪

One, two, three, four.

♪ Way to count, way to count ♪

♪ We count to find out the amount ♪

♪ Five claps, way to clap ♪

♪ First I clap and then I nap. ♪

One, two, three, four, five.

♪ Come with me and never stop. ♪

One, two, three, four, five!

Whoa! Yay!

( song ends )

You did it! You found the treasure.

Here you go, Matey.

Come take a look.

Oh, goody.

I wonder what's in there.

Oh, thank you.

It's just what I needed.

B.J.Oh, I give up.

We'll never find the treasure.

B.J., Riff, I found the treasure.

What? Where?

Well, right over here.

Oh, I got to see this!

Wow! A real treasure chest.

And look what's inside.

( giggling )


Isn't she pretty?

A dolly!

We've been looking for a dolly?


Now I have five dollies for my tea party.

Good job, Baby Bop.

But how did you find the treasure?

Well, the pirates gave it to me.


BOTHWhat pirates?

The ones right over there.


Oh, well, they must have gone home to their mommy.

I'm going to take my new dolly to my tea party.

See you.

Okay, have fun. Oh...

BOTHTea party?

Hold on, Sissy.

There's something we need to tell you about your tea party.

( all talking at once )

Bye-bye, see you later.

It's been fun counting to find treasure,

but the greatest treasure we'll ever find is a friend.

( music begins )

♪ I'm so happy you're the one ♪

♪ That's here today having fun ♪

♪ Wherever we go, whatever we do ♪

♪ It's better with a friend like you. ♪

ALL♪ Everything's better with a friend ♪

♪ Everything's better with a friend like you ♪

♪ Playing, pretending, whatever we do ♪

♪ It's better with a friend like you. ♪

♪ Everything's better with a friend ♪

♪ Everything's better with a friend like you ♪

♪ Playing, pretending, whatever we do ♪

♪ It's better with a friend like you ♪

♪ Playing, pretending, whatever we do ♪

♪ It's better with a friend like you. ♪

( music ends )

BARNEYIt's time for a Barney toon.

( propeller blades whirring )

( propeller blades whirring )

Watch the hands, watch the hands.

Okay, before we start the game,

I'm going to move all of the blocks

so they're all out of order...

Here's the next one. Okay.

How about an "E"?

Here's my "Y."

Thank you.


That spells "Barney."

And that's me!

KIDSHi, Barney!

Hi, everybody.

Look, Barney, we're making words with letters.

Oh, that sounds F-U-N,

and that spells "fun."

Oh, boy, oh, boy!

Okay, Sissy, pick a letter.

I pick letter "B"-- "B" for "Baby Bop."

Oh, and "blankey." And "ball."

Good job, Sissy.

And "bubbles" and "butterfly" and "B.J."

Okay, okay, that's good.

Baby Bop was looking for you, Barney.

Oh, she was?

She's over there, playing with B.J.

Oh, good, let's go see her.

Come on!

( kids chatting excitedly )

"Baseball" and "books"...

Ay-yi-yi! That's enough words that start with "B."

It's my turn now.

Oh, and "B" is for "Barney"!

Hello, Baby Bop. Hi, there, B.J.

Hi, guys.

Oh, do you want

to play with us?

Why, we'd be happy to.

Well, let's start right here with the letter "A."


ALL♪ A, B, C, D, E, F, G ♪

♪ H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P ♪

♪ Q, R, S, T, U, V ♪

♪ W, X, Y and Z ♪

♪ Now I've said my A-B-Cs ♪

♪ Tell me what you think of me. ♪

That's it.

Very good, everyone.

ALL♪ A, B, C, D, E, F, G

♪ H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P ♪

♪ Q, R, S, T, U, V ♪

♪ W, X, Y and Z ♪

♪ Now I've said my A-B-Cs ♪

♪ Tell me what you think of me. ♪

( all exclaiming )

Good job.

Bye! We'll see you later.

We had fun. Bye-bye!

See you!

That was fun.


( metallic clanking )

Whoa! What's all that racket?

Oh, it sounds a little like...


Hello, everybody.


What's this? A telescope?

No, Beej, it's a funnel.

But I'm going to use it like a horn.

Listen to this.

( tooting )

Sounds great.

What are you going to do with this?

Today it's going to be a drum.


And what about all these other things, Riff?

Oh, I'm making a one-of-a-kind,

one-and-only, one-dino band.

Oh, I see.


Oh, I can't wait for you to hear it.

I'm going to have a biggity-big concert in the park.

Well, what's a concert?

A concert is a show with music or singing.

Can we come?


I want everybody to come.

Well, except I don't know how I'll ever invite them all.

Well, maybe we can help spread the word.

Oh, sounds great!

I'll go get some more stuff and get ready,

and I'll see you later.

Okay, sounds good.

ALLBye! See you!

Hold on, stand back.

Idea coming...

I know! We can make a humongous sign, "Music Concert."

Everybody will see it and they'll come running.

B.J., that's a stu-u-u-pendous idea.

Oh, can I help?

I know lots of letters.

Baby Bop knows all the letters in her name.

Are you learning to spell your name, too?

My name is Bianca.

My name is Billy.

My name is Savion.

( music begins )

BARNEY and KIDS♪ I am learning to spell my name ♪

♪ Each and every letter ♪

♪ It's almost like a game ♪

♪ And each day you get better ♪

♪ I am learning to spell my name. ♪


♪ A birthday card came in the mail ♪

♪ I knew it was for me ♪

♪ 'Cause on the front was my own name ♪

♪ As I could clearly see ♪

♪ I am learning to spell my name ♪

♪ Each and every letter ♪

♪ It's almost like a game ♪

♪ And each day you get better ♪

♪ I am learning to spell my name. ♪

My name is Elvin.

♪ I drew a picture for my mom ♪

♪ She put it in a frame ♪

♪ Everybody knows it's mine because I signed my name ♪

♪ I am learning to spell my name ♪

♪ Each and every letter ♪

♪ It's almost like a game ♪

♪ And each day you get better ♪

♪ I am learning to spell my name. ♪

My name is Maddie.

BABY BOPNow put the "R" on.

BARNEYHi, Tracy, hi, Scott.

Hi, Barney. Hi, Barney.

We're going to make a sign for Riff's music concert.

Would you like to help us?

Oh, yeah!

Yeah, that sounds fun.

Great, but I don't know

how to spell "Music Concert."

Do you?


Uh, not exactly.

Uh-uh. Will you please help us, Barney?

I'd be happy to!

Let's find some letters we can use.

♪ With the alphabet parade, you can see how words are made ♪

♪ Watch the letters marching in a row ♪

March, march!

♪ Every letter has its place and a very happy face ♪

♪ They spell the words we know ♪

♪ Watch the letters going by, you can wave hello, good-bye ♪

♪ Every letter is important, yes, indeed ♪

♪ Oh, the alphabet parade shows us how our words are made ♪

♪ And helps us learn to read. ♪

ALLA, B, C, D, E, F, G...

H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P...

Q, R, S, T, U, V...

W, X, Y, Z, hooray!

BARNEY♪ With the alphabet parade, you can see how words are made ♪

♪ Watch the letters marching in a row ♪

March, march!

♪ Every letter has its place and a very happy face ♪

♪ They spell the words we know ♪


♪ Watch the letters going by, you can wave hello, good-bye ♪

♪ Every letter is important, yes, indeed ♪

♪ Oh, the alphabet parade shows us how our words are made ♪

♪ And helps us learn to read ♪

♪ And helps us learn to read. ♪

( music ends )

Wow, reading!

BARNEYRight, you got it.

B.J.Good job, guys.

Hey, we can use these letters to make Riff's sign.

( all agreeing excitedly )

BARNEYThat's a great idea.

Okay, let's see now...

B.J.And the last letter is "T."

BARNEYThat's right, B.J.

Look at our sign!

Wow-- what a super-dee-duper sign.

ALLOh, thank you, Barney.

BABY BOPNow, let's make sure we have all the letters.

Okay, these are the letters M-U-S-I-C.

That spells "music."

Uh-huh, and these letters are C-O-N-C-E-R-T.

They spell "concert."

We did it! We made the sign.

Now everybody will know about Riff's concert.

Oh, yay!

Come on, let's go.

( Riff giggles )

Oh, that's a tip-top sign. Yeah.

We're glad you like it.


Oh, and it really worked.

Look at that crowd.

BARNEYYes, welcome, everyone.

B.J.Hi, guys!

( audience cheering )

RIFFThank you, thank you, thank you.

So, Riff, what are you going to play for us?

Well, it's a snappy tune, a calypso beat.

Come on, get up and move your feet.

We'll learn the letters "A" to "Z."

Come on, everybody, singity-sing with me.

Oh, yeah!

( to calypso beat )♪ A, B, C, D, E, F, G ♪

♪ H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P ♪

♪ Q, R, S, T, U, V ♪

♪ W, X, Y and Z ♪

♪ Now I've said my A-B-Cs ♪

♪ Tell me what you think of me. ♪

Sounds great, Riff!

Yeah, jammin'!

♪ Oh... ♪

( to calypso beat )♪ A, B, C, D, E, F, G ♪

♪ H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P ♪

♪ Q, R, S, T, U, V ♪

♪ W, X, Y and Z ♪

♪ Now I've said my A-B-Cs ♪

♪ Tell me what you think of me. ♪

Okay, come on, everybody, and singity-sing.

BARNEYCome on, it'll be fun.

BABY BOPOh, it's faster, yay!

( to calypso beat )♪ A, B, C, D, E, F, G ♪

♪ H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P ♪

♪ Q, R, S, T, U, V ♪

♪ W, X, Y and Z ♪

♪ Now I've said my A-B-Cs ♪

♪ Tell me what you think of me ♪

( solo )♪ Now I've said my A-B-Cs ♪

♪ Tell me what you think of me. ♪

( everyone cheering )

BARNEYThat was awesome.

Good job, everyone.

That was a tee-rific concert, Riff.

Thanks, Barney.

Come on, let's see if we can find some more letters

and make some more words.

RIFFOh, great idea!

Bye, Barney!

Good-bye, see you soon.

Helping friends is always fun

and a great way to say "I love you."

( to tune of "This Old Man" )

♪ I love you, you love me ♪

♪ We're a happy family ♪

♪ With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you ♪

♪ Won't you say you love me, too? ♪

BARNEY and KIDS♪ I love you, you love me

♪ We're best friends like friends should be ♪

♪ With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you ♪

♪ Won't you say you love me, too? ♪

KIDSBye, Barney!

BARNEYI'll see you later!
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