01x02 - Episode 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Jesus of Nazareth". Aired: 27 March – 24 April 1977.*
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The narrative of Jesus of Nazareth is a kind of cinematic Diatessaron, or Gospel harmony, blending all four New Testament accounts.
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01x02 - Episode 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Though the dust will returneth to the earth as it must,

the spirit returneth unto God, David.

Mary, you'll be left alone.

They will run the shop.

Jesus, we have always known.
It was not for us that Jesus came to earth.

If only I could've stayed a little longer.

God's will be done.

Peace, Joseph.

To thine end, I command my spirit.

Out of my distress,
I cried to the Lord and He answered me.

I cried and He heard my voice.

I went down into the cities underneath the earth,

to the people of the past,

but He lifted my life from the grave.

Here, O Israel, the Lord thy God,
the Lord is one.

Here, O Israel, the Lord, our God,
the Lord is one.

You are born into a new light
through your repentance!

And the Lord forwards his blessings on you!

The Lord rejoices in your kind.

Go in peace.

He will forgive you, if you truly mean it in your heart.

Open up your eyes,
be ready for the coming of the kingdom.

Let your heart now be cleansed.

Forgive me, I have sinned.
Help me to be strong.

Be strong.

It is I who need baptism from you.

And yet you come to me

Let it be so.

We must fulfill all righteousness.

Lord, Eternal Father,
I hear your voice.

"This is my beloved Son,

in whom I am well pleased."

You are born into a new life,
true to your repentance.

And the Lord pours His blessings on you.

The Lord rejoices in repented hearts.

This water cleanses you.

Andrew. Phillip.

Behold, the lamb of God,
who takes unto Himself the sins of the world.

It is Him you must follow now, not me.

He must increase as I must decrease.

He has come to take us, come with us please!

My time is over.

Please please!
Mary! Mary! Mary! Mary!

Hurry! Hurry! Mary! Mary! Mary!

Your son is back! He's at the synagogue.

He went straight to the synagogue! I saw him!

And now our reading from the prophets.

The prophet Isaiah.
Now, who is, who is our reader?

It is my turn today, Rabbi.

Isn't that Joseph's son?

- Yes, Joseph the carpenter.
- The carpenter, God rest his soul.

The spirit of the Lord is upon me,

because He has anointed me to give
good tidings to the poor.

He has sent me to heal the broken hearted,

to preach deliverance to the captives,
to give sight to the blind.

To set at liberty them that are bruised.

To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.


Today, in your hearing, the scriptures are fulfilled.

The scriptures are fulfilled?

- Did he say fulfilled?
- How can he dare to say such a thing?

What do you mean?

The prophecy you have read can only
be fulfilled by the coming of the messiah.

Yes, he's right,
by the coming of the kingdom of God.

The kingdom of God comes not in a way foreseen by men.

Repent and believe the good news.

The kingdom of heaven, behold,
is suddenly upon you.


John the Baptist! Rabbi,
take the scriptures away from him! He is a blasphemer!

He shouldn't touch them with his unclean hands!

I've heard things about you.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

A prophet is never accepted in his own country!

Who do you think you are?
John the Prophet?

You should be thrown out of this holy place!

Blessed is he who is not ashamed of me!

Take this man out of here!
Don't let him touch the holy scriptures!

Today, in our hearing, the scriptures are fulfilled.

What? What's happened inside the synagogue?

Come see!

Rabbi! You must stop them!
You cannot let this happen!

Rabbi! They do not understand who this man is!

Go away, go away! Never come back to Israel!

Don't let him go! Blasphemer!

...Stone him to death!


That's what he deserves!
That's what he deserves...

Don't let him go!

Master! Master!


We were told to make ourselves known to you.

I am Andrew of Capernaum,
a fisherman by trade.

I am your follower now, if you'll take me.

This is Phillip.

We were sent by John the prophet,
the Baptist.

He has just been imprisoned by King Herod Antipas.



Come with me.

Come on!

- Tell me, when was John arrested?
- As soon as he set foot in Galilee

He had to return. Too many people were waiting for him...

There it is. The sea of Galilee and Capernaum,
where I was born.

It's a town of fishermen, but it also has
the greatest synagogue in Israel.

You can stay at my brother's house.

He's a good man, Simon Peter.

The commandments God gave to Moses so long ago must not
remain dead stone for the reverence of unthinking minds.

Dead stone? The tablets of the law? Dead stone?

- What do you mean?
- Stone is what the law is written on,

but the law itself is alive!

And living things now are constantly changing

But the law is eternal you cannot change law of Moses.
No! That's right, the law is here.

The man is made of flesh and blood, and he changes.

Doesn't he remain the same man?

God wants to write the law on your hearts.

Rabbi, you said you have come
here to give us the good news.

Is this it? The good news?
That the law is living like a man?

The good news I bring you is this,
Your captivity is over.

What does that mean, our captivity is over?
What captivity?

Captivity in sin!

God fulfills the promise He made to our people Israel,

and reconciles Himself to man.

God is coming to you.

To all of you, even the most wretched.

Do not shut the door in His face

Rabbi! The demon has always tried to burn him into fire,
and to what he has triumphed!

If you do anything, have mercy,
help my poor son!


Leave him!

Son! Son!

Praise be the Lord!

Yes, we're all fishermen in our family.
Andrew here knows us well,

but I was sent off to learn.

That's all that you were fit for, perhaps.

And what have you learned?

That two and two make four, sometimes.

But most people seem to be here to be pushed about,
that getting on is a fine thing,

that birth is the beginning to death.

But there must be something more
for man between birth and death.

Today, when I heard you preaching,
I began to understand, and it gave me hope.

Through your words,
the old scriptures seemed to be coming alive.

That's all we want, we want the Lord to be alive,

written in our hearts, not carved in stone.

What is your name?

John, son of Zebedi.


Stay with us.

Back, back! This way, you idiots!

That's my brother now, Simon Peter.

And there's my brother, James.

He's shouting again, angry as usual.

If anyone's drunk, it's you!

He doesn't mean it. He's a good man.

What's the matter, brother?
Poor catch?

Poor catch?! Nothing!
The only things we catch these days are Roman taxes!

And while we're out sweating,
working our hands raw with the nets,

the stinking tax gatherers take half and give it to the Romans!

Bloodsuckers! The lake.

Hello brother, go and tell that leach,
that two faced tax collector of ours, Matthew,

that if he wants more money out of me,
to put more fish in

Simon, this is the man I told you about.

The man John spoke of. John the Baptist.

What? Another holy man?

Are you another of those that tells us to be patient

and promise us better times will be ahead?

What about now? What about our children?

Who will fill their bellies?

A lot of talk these days while we all starve!

Find a holy man who can put an end to that.
Then maybe I'll listen.

Go out again.

I shall come with you.

We've just pulled in! Get that net off the boat!

Please Simon, do as he says!

Why do you always listen to these people
who knows the lake better than I?



What are you staring at?

Come. You can preach to the fish.

Cast off! We're going out again.

We've been out all day and we caught nothing!
We go out again and we catch all this fish!

It's a miracle!

It's not a miracle! Only God can work miracles.

They speak these profanities, they believe it!

We must go and speak!

...my house will not hold anymore people!
Please! Please! Please!

Help me out!
I can't get up!

It was amazing! I've been fishing for four years,
I've never seen a catch so big...


So, there were miracles were they?

And a big catch inspired by a prophet,
what's his name, Jesus? Get out!

He's staying with Simon Peter,
you know him? The fisherman?

Yes, he owes me back taxes, doesn't he?


Well, well, well...

Well, if there's been a big catch,
he can pay, can't he?

The kingdom of heaven is like a
treasure hidden in a field.

A man finds it, and in his joy spends
everything he has to buy that field.

It's like a merchant in search of fine pearls.

He finds one pearl of great value,
and sells everything to have that pearl.

You, you're all fisherman.

Well, the kingdom of heaven is like a net.
A great net thrown into the sea.

Suddenly it is filled, it's almost bursting!

You have to call to the other boats to come and help!
Everyone is working together, happy, excited!

It's a time for joy,
for rejoicing in what God has freely given.

But one day,
God will ask you to account for the gift he has given.

Be prepared.

The kingdom is at hand.

Rabbi. You say that the kingdom of heaven is at hand,

but when exactly will it come?

When you see the clouds moving from the East,

you say the rain is coming, and so it is.

When the desert wind blows,
you say it will be hot, and it is.

All of you can read the signs of the earth and the sky.

How is it you can't read the signs of the times?

The kingdom of heaven is here, now.

What's he doing here?
It's Matthew, the tax collector! Get him out!

- Peter, your friend Matthew is here!
- Get out!

Bloodsucking tax collector!
There's no place for you here!

Out of my house! You scum! Filth!

No Simon, don't! Simon, look!
I will not have it defiled by you!

I hear you've had a big catch Simon!

We'll talk about it later, shall we.

But what about this friend of yours?
This new preacher or teacher or whatever he is.

Am I allowed to speak with him?

Get out of my house.

You seem to be most unwelcome here.

I don't know your name, but I know what you do.

Levi, or Matthew, I'm known by both names.

And by others...

I see you and I must meet in a place
where both of us are welcome.

Is your own house far?

Why do you ask?

I should like to have supper with you tonight.

You would enter the house of a sinner?

I would enter any house where I am welcome...

He's here!

Wait! What are you doing? Be careful!
That's my property!

Help me. I've been this way for 20 years.

It is the curse of God-punishment
for my sins and my parents' sins.

Your sins are forgiven you.

Rabbi, you must not speak so!

That's blasphemy,
only God can forgive sins.

Which of these is easier,

to say your sins are forgiven,
or to rise up and walk home?

The Son of Man has the power to forgive sins.

Rise and walk home.

He doesn't seem to realize the scandal it would cause!
Peter, you tell him!

- I've told him...
- Well, tell him again! The whole place is talking about it!

- Meeting some Pharisees, I suppose.
- Who evaded the law!

Tax collectors cannot even enter the synagogue.
And anyone who associates with them is as defiled as they are.

- Yes, according to the Pharisees!
- But yes...

That's their argument. Peter, tell him again.

I've told him! What do you want from me?

I said Matthew was my bloodsucking enemy.
I hate Matthew! But all

Jesus would say was,
"Well, why don't you join us as well."


Andrew, I'm not like you.

I'm not a follower of priests and prophets.

I'm a fisherman. I have my family to think of.

You followed the Baptist, now follow this one.

- Peter!
- Just leave me alone! Why did you bring him here to me?

This is my life.

My nets.

My boat.

Go on! Follow him!

But leave me!

Come on.
You can't talk to him when he's like this.

Come on, Phillip.

This is where I belong.


It's a scandal for you to eat with these people!
Don't you know who they are?

We've lived our lives honorably.
Made sacrifices to keep the law.

They are thieves, whores.
Violent and godless people.

And now you sit and eat with such people,
who spend their lives in orgies and perversions!

I've not come to call the virtuous to repentance,
but the sinners,

and they might enter the kingdom of heaven before you...

Listen, Master! If you go and eat with
these people they will contaminate you.

The whole town will abandon you!

James, the heart of the Lord is mercy.

He's here.


Peace be with you.

Thank you,

for coming to my house.

Rabbi, you are welcome.

Welcome Rabbi.

- Move!
- No, no, no, don't move. I prepared.

Why? This is my brotherJames.
He's in the same business I am.

I drink to you and all here.

Rabbi, we want to hear your words

Please speak to us!

No, no, no, no, no!
Let's eat first!

No! Let him decide.

No, no.

I'd like to tell you a story.

Sit down! Sit down!

A certain man had two sons.

And one day the younger
of these sons said to his father,

Give me my share of your estate now.

So his father divided his wealth
between his two sons.

And a few days later,
this younger son set off for a distant land,

and there he squandered all the
money he had on riotous living.

Now, not long after this,
a great famine swept over the land,

and the boy began to starve.

He persuaded a farmer to hire him to feed his pigs,

but he was so hungry that even the husks
he fed the swine began to look good to him.

And still, nobody gave him anything.

Finally, the boy came to his senses.

At home, even my father's servants
had enough food, and to spare.

And here I am starving to death.

I will go home, and ask my father
to hire me as one of his servants."

And so, he set off.

Now he was still some distance from his
home when his father saw him coming,

and he was so filled with compassion,

that he ran towards his son and
embraced him and kissed him.

The boy said,
"Father! I have sinned against Heaven and you.

I am not worthy to be called your son."

But his father called for the servants and said,

Bring me the finest robe in the
house and put it on him.

Put rings on his hands and shoes on his feet!

k*ll the fattest calf, we must celebrate with a feast.

My son was dead and is alive again!

Now, the older brother at this time
was working in the fields,

and as he came back to the house,
he heard the noise of music and dancing.

He called for one of the servants
and asked what was happening, and he was told.

At this, the older brother became very angry
and he refused to go into the house.

The father came out, tried to plead with him,
but he wouldn't listen.

I have worked for you all this time, all these years,
and never once have I disobeyed you!

And in all that time, you've never even gave me so much as
a goat so that I could have a feast with my friends.

My younger brother comes back,
having spent all your money on harlots

and for him you k*ll the fattest calf!

Please, said the father.

Please. Try to understand.

You are always with me,
everything I have is yours.

But it is right to celebrate.

Your brother was dead and is alive again.

He was lost, and is found."

Forgive me master.

I am...

I'm just a stupid man.

Free the man! He is innocent!

He's a man of God!

Free John the Prophet!

Free the man!



What is it you want from me?

Is it just a matter of my violating the marriage vows?

Is that it?

Because I don't mind to repent that, John.

Hmm... Will that satisfy you?

You think it makes me happy to see you rotting away in the dark
in there with a howling g*ng outside the walls?

Why don't you listen to reason?

There's work for you here in this wretched kingdom.

if it's power you want, you can have power.

Power to build, not to break.

My task has been to prepare the way
for the one who shall wear the crown.

Who is this man? This prophet from Galili?
Is he the one I ought to be talking to?

Do not fear the toppling of your throne.

Before kingdoms change, men must change.

Ah, you say that, yes,
but I've been listening to those fools outside.

What leaders intend and what their
followers are after are not one and the same thing.

That crowd of yours needs someone to control it.

John, if I set you free,

what would you do with your freedom?

I would follow the one whose way I have prepared,

just like many others who already follow him.

But you will not set me free.


I was wrong.


I was wrong.

The curse of God is upon us.

Release John.

Yes, send him away. Send him away.
Send him to Egypt. You're right.

What harm can he do us there, after all.

Yes, tomorrow.

Yes, tomorrow on your birthday.

What better present could you give
yourself to your people?

A great gesture of clemency.

I see, I see!

Oh, what a remarkable woman you are!
How quickly your heart changes!

Once he was free, and had gone to Egypt,
he just might meet with a some unfortunate accident.

What imagination,
by seeing how fast your thoughts travel.

Imagination? You know I can always read your mind.

Don't forget I can read your mind too, my lord.


What present shall you give on your birthday?

What do you think I would like most?


You see, I can read your mind.

Welcome to our shores! Come save us!

He's here!

Take her away. Back to Capernaum.

Do no think that I have come to
bring peace on earth.

I've come not to bring peace

but a sword.

I have come to sow discord between
a man and his father,

between a daughter and her mother.

A man's enemies will be members of his own family.

You may say,
"We have left our belongings to become your followers."

I tell you this, anyone who has left home,

or father, mother, wife, children,
land for the kingdom of God

shall be rewarded a hundred times over on earth,
and inherit the kingdom of God.

Whoever wants to save his life will lose it,

but if a man will lose his life for my sake and
for the gospel I bring you, he will save it.

For many that are first will be last,

and the last first.

So do not store up for yourself treasure on earth,

where it grows rusty and moth eaten
and thieves break in to steal it.

Store your treasure in Heaven,

for where your treasure is,
there will your heart be also.

My name is Girus.
I am one of the elders of the synagogue here.

My little daughter is dying.

I beg you, come and lay your hands on
her so she may be cured and live.

Take me to her.

You're daughter is dead.

Do not weep.

The child is not dead.

Only sleeping.

Who are you to come here with your jokes?

We've seen that she's dead, you haven't!

Please Thomas, please.

Rise, little girl.

Give her something to eat

She's alive! She's alive! She's alive!

Rabbi, I want to apologize.

I didn't know who you were.

I thought the child was dead.

Well, she was dead! I saw her with my own eyes

Can't you believe without seeing, Thomas?

Sometimes I do.

Sometimes I think I know what I believe, but

something happens... my mind gets blurred.

I don't know.

You doubt so much, you must want to be certain.

I do!

Then follow me.

You mean, give up my work and...


Girus, will you give me your servant
to be one of my disciples?

With gladness, master. I am happy for him.

Do you have doubts about following me,


I don't believe I have.


I ask you, why would they listen?

I told my wife I won't be away for long.

In any case,
the fishing is hopeless why not go away.

I told her I said, I'll come back in spring.

Don't lie to her, and to yourself.


Yes. You know very well.

You'll never go back.

I will.

No you won't.


You'll never fish again.

You'll never get drunk again.

And you'll never go back to Capernaum again.

None of us.

We'll never be the same.

And neither will the lives of everyone
in the whole world.

We know why, Simon.

We're the first to know.

The ruthless shall be no more!

The arrogant shall speak to me!

Remember the words of the scriptures!

Vanity of vanities. All is vanity!

Woe unto them that seek to do evil!
Woe unto them who call evil good, and good evil.

Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes!

Have you not known?

Have you not heard?

Have you not been told from the beginning?

Have you not understood from
the foundations of the earth?

Have you... and spread them...

and make rules of the earth, and nothing!

Music! Music! Huh... music!

Woo him. Woo him.





When I've danced, what will you give me?

Whatever thou shall ask of me,

I shall give to thee, unto thy half of my kingdom.

My friends!

The princess is going to dance.

Was that anything?



I want death of the Baptist.

Oh... no!

You promised.

Yes, you promised! You promised, yes!

You swore, my Lord,

before all your guests.

Shall it be said that the king Herod
does not keep his promises?

King Herod, you said anything.
Yes, you promised! Yes, you promised!

A king will rule in righteousness,
and princes will rule in justice

and the eyes of those that will
not see will not be closed,

and they comes in the dark and they say,
"Who sees us? Who knoweth us?"

Oh woe unto them! Woe unto them!

His head, sheared off like a rabbit,

and given as a present to a dancing girl.

Only by k*lling him could Herod hope to
silence his voice,

but I can still hear him.

We must avenge him.

Revenge, bad politics my friends.

Suppose we k*ll Herod, who will replace him?

I'll tell you, another servant of Tiberius,
a Roman procurate like Pontius Pilate.

So what should we do then? Submit?

Or become soldiers of Rome like
the Syrians and Greeks?

No the Romans must know that
they can never rule Galilee with ease.

Oh, I know but at present we strike in the dark,
but the time will come when God shall send us our leader.

Then we shall make open w*r.

You mean a real w*r?

The people of Israel, alone,
against the Roman empire?

Brothers, this is Judas Iscariot.

You should here what he has to
say about Jesus ofNazareth.

Jesus ofNazareth? Do you know him?

Oh, I've heard him preach,
many times and I have seen the kind of power he has.

Is he the man to place our hopes on?

Why do you ask me this question?
John answered it.

Remember what the Baptist said?

I bear witness that this is the man.

Tell all my friends and disciples to follow him.

And proclaim in His name the kingdom of heaven.

We know that, we know that.

But could he be the one priest and king
who will lead our people Israel?

Could he be the messiah promised by our Lord?

I believe that if one day the people
of Israel do find a messiah.

Oh yes, it will be him.

But, no... I beg of you, let him fulfill his mission.

That is my advice.

I intend to follow him,

and I hope, if he will accept me,
to become a disciple.

Very well, Judas.
Will you keep in touch with us?

If you wish...

Peace be on you, John.
Though your blood cries out for revenge,

may your soul find rest in the glory of the righteous.

May peace be with you John.

Rest in peace, John.

Rest in peace, John.

May your soul find peace.

We shall not forget you, John.

Peace be on you, John

You stupid idiots! Go on, get away!

Mind your mother's business crazy and your sister's!

Get out of here! Get out!

- Get away! Get out of here.
- Can't I come in for a minute?

Can I come in for a minute, too?


You pigs! Don't you come near me anymore!
I'll k*ll you!

What is it? What's going on?

Ask those pigs over there, those big,
brave sons of yours.

And go on!

There's no peace in this neighborhood
since you came here. Noise and filth.

The curse of God is on you.

Don't worry, Mary.
They're only boys' games.

Ah, boys! They would only burn my house down.
The father!

They're all against me.

Not all, Mary. There's a friend of yours in town today.

- I have no friends
- Oh yes, you have!

Jesus, the prophet! Friend of our God,
forgiver of sins, hmmm?

Hey, according to him,

the sins of the flesh are nothing
compared to the sins of the soul.

Man will always forgive a man,
but a woman's sin, that's another story.

For most people, but not for him.

I've never seen anybody like him.

Have you seen him often?

If you go around on business like me,
you can't help seeing him.

Turn a corner, cross a square,
go into camp, there he is!

Go on.

He might be here another year.
I'm sure you'll come across him.

Oh, I sleep during the daytime, don't I?

Sorry, I forgot.

Well, a big crowd is following him everywhere.
Sometimes so big he has to sleep in the field.

He thinks nothing of eating and sleeping
with thieves and whores.

Any scum of the earth is good enough for him, eh?

One of his disciples, as they call themselves,
was a, was a tax collector, devious one.

But this Jesus,

well, he says it's not the righteous that need him,
it's the sinners. So you see, you have got a friend.

I'll be over next week.


There's Joseph of Arimathea.
One of the leading Pharisees in Jerusalem.

Which of you, for all his worrying,
can add one day to his life, one inch to his stature.

So don't concern yourself so much
with the means of life,

what you shall eat or drink,
or with your bodies and how they should be clothed.

Life is more than clothing.

Consider the birds of the air,
they did not sow or reap or gather into bonds

but our Heavenly Father feeds them,

who all the more feed you,
a you not worth more than they.

Consider the lilies of the field, they do not spin,

they do not weave,

but not even Solomon, in all his glory,
was so lead as one of these.

Now if God so clothed the grass and the field which is
here today and tomorrow thrown into the fire,

will he not all the more clothe you who have so little faith?

Therefore do not ask, "What shall we eat?

What shall we drink?

How shall we dress ourselves?"

It is only the faithless who set their hearts on these things.

You must first seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness,
and everything will be added freely unto to you.

So do not be anxious about tomorrow.

Tomorrow will be anxious for itself.

Let the day's own trouble be sufficient for the day.

Extraordinary. But isn't that taking it too far?

Well, surely our religion isn't opposed to honest hard work.

Imagine, what he's said has been said by the prophets,
but not like this.

I agree with you.

But we can't be sure until we meet with him face to face.

Why not invite him to eat with us?

- Would he come?
- I'm sure he would.

Such a man must be willing to discuss
his ideas with people who are open-minded.

Good master!

Please, tell me, master,
what must I do to have eternal life?

Go and Sell all you have and give it to the poor,

and you shall have treasure in Heaven.

Then, come and follow me.

Sell Everything? Everything I own?

Everything my father slaved for?

Everything. You cannot have two masters, God and money.

You see, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of
a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.

Master. May I speak with you.

What is your name, my son?

My name is Judas Iscariot.

People call me a scholar. They say I find things useful.
I read and write... Hebrew, Greek, Latin. I...

I translate documents.

Well, this has become a country of many tongues.

Now I have never beaten copper,
nor carved wood nor caught fish as your men have, but

I know your men.

My father was a prosperous builder who said, "My son must
never have calluses on his hands, nor brick dust in his hair.

My money must make my son into a scholar."

Well, behold, a scholar who wishes to serve you.

But do you need a man like me?

A tree is known by it's fruit.

Come, stay with us.
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