22x21 - Episode 21

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Big Brother". Aired: July 5, 2000 – present.*
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A group of contestants known as "HouseGuests" live together in a specially constructed house that is isolated from the outside world for a cash prize of $500,000 (or $750,000 in the 23rd season onwards).
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22x21 - Episode 21

Post by bunniefuu »

Announcer: Previously on
"big brother all-stars": In a

three-month power struggle for a
half million dollars, "the

committee" alliance of six was
dominating the game.

Congratulations, Dani.

You are the new head of

Announcer: And with Tyler
on the block next to Kevin,

Kevin was their clear target.

I don't trust anybody in this

I trust only one thing... the

Announcer: But after
da'vonne won veto and saved her


I have decided, Kevin, I'm
going to use the veto on you.

Gla ...Ian became "the
committee's" new target.

I am so sorry, Ian gla before
the vote, David wanted to try to

force a tie to save Ian.

If I can split this house, I
can get more blood on Dani.

If she has to pick someone to
leave the house on a split

house, she becomes the number
one target going into the next


Announcer: But when Dani
found out, she wanted to make

David pay.

Here's actually what's going
to happen.

Nicole's actually going to vote
out Ian.

The vote's going to come out
5-3, and I'm not going to have

to break any tie at all.

And, David, that flip vote, it's
going to be blamed on you.

Gla after Nicole's vote
officially sealed Ian's fate...

Julie: After a vote of 5-3.

Ian, you are evicted from the
"big brother" house gla... she

made da'vonne believe of it
David who did it.

Did you flip?

I didn't.

David has been trying to
sabotage my game all throughout.

That doesn't help us in any way.

Announcer: With the power
back up for grabs, Memphis

assembled a second h.O.H. Reign.

Congratulations, Memphis,
you're the new head of


Announcer: Memphis wanted
David out.

I don't have a good
relationship with David.

I'm not in any alliance with

So it just makes sense for him
to go now.

Announcer: So he made a
fake deal with him.

You want to play the veto,
keep my nominations the same,

I'll keep you off the block this

You can't tell anyone that we
made this deal.

Sounds like a plan

Announcer: At the
nomination ceremony.

I've nominated you, da'vonne,
and you, Kevin.

Announcer: ...Memphis put
up two pawns.

I nominated da'vonne and
Kevin but they're basically just

pawns so I can backdoor David.

He is not in my alliance.

It's time.

Announcer: Tonight, with
the veto on the line, will

Memphis succeed in backdoing

Plus, all the way from planet
zing, the one and only zingbot

is back.

All this right now on "big

♪ ♪

This nomination ceremony is

I've nominated da'vonne and
Kevin, I need two people that I

have an excuse to put up there,
which is da'vonne used the

p.O.V. Last week on Devin.

But my main goal for the week is
to send David home.

He's not an ally of mine.

He does nothing for my game.

If anything, he throws a little
rift in my game, and it's time

for him to go.

Memphis and I made a deal
that he wouldn't nominate me, as

long as I don't try hard in the
veto, if I'm selected.

But if I get picked to play in
the veto, I am definitely going

for it.

That is the only way to
guarantee my safety this week.

Well, guess who's on the

She is.

Between using my veto and the
house thinking that I decided to

save Ian, which I didn't, you

I'm not even surprised that this
is going down.

I have to win this veto.

I have to get myself off the

I'm sitting next to an ally and
a friend.

Something has to happen.

Woe can't sit up here together.

It's fine.

I'm on the block for the
fourth time.

I am a block professional.

I'm certified.

Anybody needs any sort of
guidance on how to be on the

block, I'm here to educate.

This is getting annoying.

I just wanted to connect with


This was the toughest one.

I just need some excuse, because
at this point, you know, every

relationship that I have is
really good.

I mean, to be blatantly honest
with you, Kevin, it's like she

used the power on you.

I'd rather say, all right, the
power of veto was used.

So it was an easy excuse.

Obviously, you would much rather
use the power so you're safe for

another week, but from me you
get the benefit, and now you get

the raft.

It's an easy out.

I'm still trying to play the

Look, I don't think this is
the end of the road.

So even though my plan is to
target David this week, I don't

want anyone to know just in case
David gets picked for veto and

he wins the veto and this whole
plan backfires on me.

I know you get the short end of
the stick, obviously, because

you're not the one who used it.

I'm trying to hint to Kevin he's
not my target.

I don't want him to think it's

I don't want Kevin to go home
this week.

We'll keep talking through the
week, Kevin, all right.

I told her don't use the
freaking veto.

And I literally said, like, I'm
trying to do this for your game.

You had to know that using
the veto was causing a power


This is so frustrating,
because I told da'vonne, don't

use that veto.

It's not good for me.

It's not good for you.

And now she's up on the block.

So I don't know.

Nobody listens to me around

It's so annoying.

I want to play.

Yeah, I want to keep the noms

Lock them.

Keep them locked.

Lock them.

Memphis told literally nobody
who he's going to nominate this

week but I am super happy to see
da'vonne and Kevin on the block.

Now we have to make sure the
veto doesn't get used and the

nominations stay the same.

I just feel so bad.


I knew what I was doing.

We're not in the loop.


I just thought it would be me
and David.

One of of two things are

One, they are aligned.


Or, two, he's going to
backdoor him.

I'm not surprised that I'm on
the block.

I am surprised that Kevin is on
the block.

So I figured I'd probably be
sitting next to David.

The only reason that I can think
of that David is not sitting

next to me is the possibility
that Memphis might be trying to

backdoor him.

If that's the case, then

This man has bhen constantly
trying to sabotage my game.

That means if David is the
target, da'vonne is not.

We just got to figure out how
to survive this week.

There's got to be a way we both
can stay in this house.

You know what, though,
there's really only one winner

in this game.

But I feel like finding a friend
like you...

Don't do that.

You're going to make me cry.

Oh, you're going to make me cry.

You are the worst.

I hate you so much.

You have made my dreams come

I remember watching you and
thinking, she's going to be an


And I'm playing with you on an
all-star season.

And then I became friends with

Ever since I watched your
season, I said if we ever met,

he would be my best friend.

And then I empty you.

And you became my best friend.

I love you.

I knew when I saw da'vonne
that she was somebody that I

would just really enjoy playing
with, and I never knew that I

would meet a real friend in this

Because I really do care about

We'll figure it out.

Okay, I need to stop crying,
get myself together, because I'm

going to go out there and win
this veto so that way we can

both stay here together.

One of us has to win the

Let's ride to the end.

♪ ♪
hey, guys!

It's time to pick players for
the veto competition!

Only six people will participate
in the veto competition: The

head of household, the two
nominees, and three other

players selected by random draw.

Will the nominees please join me
up here?

I don't really care who gets
picked this week to play in the

veto, as long as it's not David.

I'm trying to backdoor him, and
if he doesn't play, then he

doesn't have a chance to win it.

As h.O.H., I will pick first.


[ Applause ]
Houseguest choice.

[ Applause ]
Houseguest choice.

I choose Nicole.

Oh, yay!

[ Applause ]
To my knowledge, when it came

down to the vote last week,
Nicole, myself and Kevin voted

to evict Tyler.

So maybe there's still a
possibility I can defend on


Houseguest choice.

I choose Dani.

[ Applause ]
I picked Dani because maybe

she'll throw it to me.

Maybe she'll use it if she wins
and take me off the block.

There's a lot of maybe
possibilities with Dani.

Everyone else firm no.

Both da'vonne and Kevin got
houseguest choice, and neither

of them chose me to play in the

Like, this is pretty much
da'vonne and Kevin saying,

"David, we don't trust you, and
we no longer want to work with


That is so frustrating.

So I have had my suspicions
for a while now that Dani and

Nicole have been working some
side deals with Kevin and

da'vonne, and then when Kevin
and da'vonne both pick Dani and

Nicole for houseguest choice, my
suspicions are all but


Okay, now I'm on to you guys.

"Big brother" will inform us
when the competition is to


Good luck.

All right, guys!

Have fun!

[ Applause ]
Okay, I'm going to talk to

Memphis and see if he has a
backdoor plan.

That's our best bet.

If I win by any chance, I'll
pulling da'vonne off.

There's no other option.

Are you going to talk to


I really don't want da'vonne
going home this week because

Nicole and I are still working
with her as an ally.

Can I talk to you?

You want to talk?


Get Tyler.

See if you can grab him.

But before I play this veto,
I need to check in with Memphis

to see where his head's at.

That way, I can decide what's
best for myself in this


Listen to me, my plan worked
exactly as I wanted it.

I am backdoing David and all of
you are going to throw the comp

and I was taking the chance he
wouldn't get picked to make


That was the whole plan.

You don't want us to try to

No, it doesn't matter.

What if we throw it and one
of them wins?

Let them win.

I'm going to backdoor David.

It doesn't matter.

David didn't get picked so he
can't protect himself from

getting backdoored this week.

In an ideal world, myself,
Kevin, or da'vonne can win, and

I can put David up in their

And it doesn't leave this

It's done.

No, Memphis, why, dude?

Come on.

Backdoing David is not the right

I do not want to just let that

That's stupid.

I want to win because I
haven't won anything yet.

I'm so sick of him.

Everything worked out exactly
how I planned.

You guys aren't going home,
neither of you.



I just had to take the

It was a 50-50 chance he wasn't
going to get picked to play.

I got you.

And I had to take that shot
because I didn't want to put him

on the block.

He was going to fight for it.

And he would have won.

I already made a deal with

Either I'm going to win, you're
going to win.

They're going to throw it and
let it happen, okay?

Even if this was genuinely
Memphis' plan, Kevin, we need to

win the veto.

I don't trust these damn people.

Just keep it between us for
now until it's done.

All right.

That couldn't have worked more

So why didn't they pick s him
I don't know.

But they sealed his fate.

Like, I've heard way too many
timeses David's not a threat.

David's not a threat.

Everyone is a threat.

At this point, everyone is a
threat, man.

This kid has got to go.

I get why Memphis wants David
out, kind of.

But that is not good for my

He's by himself.

I think he's an easy number that
I could pull in.

So why are we going to backdoor
him, Memphis?

No, come on.

Why would we want to split up
the power duo in da'vonne and


I mean, look, at the end of
the day, I have a plan.

David's going home this week,

So we want to get him out?

He's sitting on an island.

He's got to go.

.I know you want to compete.

I'll probably give it... give
it a little shot.

Selfishly, I want to win and
I want to send David home.

You need to sit back, let it
happen and call it a day.


I'm so annoyed with Memphis.


Did you hear about what he
wants to do?


It's perfect, I'm trying to
backdoor David.

Backdoing David?

This is your plan?

I am not leaving da'vonne and
Kevin in the house together.

They did not pick David.

They picked Dani and Nicole.

But this kid is on an island.

Of course Memphis told nobody
in the alliance his real plan,

and now Tyler is telling me his
plan all along was to backdoor


David a lone wolf in this game,
who isn't a huge competitive


This is a mi nightmare of a plan
I tried to bring it up and he

shut it down.

He can't play next week.

Am I down for this veto or

I think so.

I think you have to.

W wake up, losers!


Come to the backyard!

Oh, no!

[ Laughter ]

I'm eating my bowl of cereal
all peacefully, and I hear the

voice of zingbot.

It's very distinctive.

What he does every season is he
roasts the houseguests.

What is he going to say about

Come on, come on!

Let's go!

I hate this guy!

There he is!

Hello, all-stars!

I'm baaaack!

What is he wearing?

Oh, tiger zing.

Tiger zing.

I have been waiting three
seasons to meet zingbot, and now

that I meet him that is not who
I was expecting to see.

Who are you?

He doesn't look like an average

He looks a little...


There better not be no tyingers
in there.

Oh, man.

I'm so scared.

I can't believe I'm here on
"big brother all-stars."

And, frankly, I really can't
believe you're here, either.


[ Laughter ]


Oh, that one hurt!


That means me and zingbot are
on the same page.

And he nailed it on the head.

He's a rookie.

So good, so good.

Oh, my god!


What's more pathetic than a man
in his 40s still calling

himself "the meow-meow?"

Everyone just call me by my

full government name.

It's vincenzo.

Don't call me meow-meow no more.

I don't like it.

I don't like that name anymore.


Most people think of you as
Dan's number one.

But to me, you're more of a

Number two!

[ Laughter ]



All right, touche, touche.

Memphis is a piece of
[ Bleep ].

He is a big number 2.

That was good.


You are a perfect 10.

Thank you.

But enough about your...


[ Laughter ]

What's a high I.Q. Score?

[ Laughter ].

Cody's vocabulary isn't very

One time I toild him I was
presbyterian, and he thought

that was a religion.

I am the idiot of the season.


From your first season on "big
brother," you looked like an old


Now, you just look...




I don't want to make eye
contact with him.



What's the difference between
you and the holiday season.

Oh, god.

One is cold, stress-inducing
and annoying.

And one is...

The holiday season.

[ Laughter ]

We have to live with
Christmas after this, zingbot.

Shut up!

Christmas literally has, like, a
p*stol tattooed on her hip, man.

You do not want to make her mad.


You guys are all going to pay
for that comment.

Her name needs to be




I came up with a nickname
that captures you perfectly.


And has a agreement ring to



All right, I'll take that.


What do you call someone who
says "the real winner gets the

girl, not the $500,000"?

A liar.


[ Laughter ]

You've done three seasons of
"big brother," and two seasons

of "the challenge."

So I'm dying to know which
reality show do you plan to...

Lose next?

[ Laughter ]
I almost won "the challenge,"



For sure!

She's hidng.

Nicole, you can't hide from

Let's go.

I wrote a song for you.

♪ Here comes the bride
she loves to cry

every time I hear her voice
I to [ Bleep ] die ♪

[ Laughter ]



That was worse than I could
ever imagine.

Too far.

That was so mean.

Is this, like, what you want,
a monotone super-weird voice?

Sure, I can start talking like

I do not sound whiney.

That sounded whiney.

[ Laughs ].

I am running an intergalactic
tiger sanctuary.

I am known around the galaxy as
the tiger zing.

[ Growling ]
But some of my alien tigers have


[ Roaring ]
And I need your help.

Head back inside because only

rson can enter at a time.>> Bye,


♪ ♪
welcome to the beautiful

zingbot tanical garden zoo,
filled with twists, turns, and


The zoo is in trouble and
zingbot needs your help

returning the intergalactic
tigers to their cages.

Hit the button to start your
clock, then race into the zoo.

From there your job is to track
down the three escaped alien

tigers and return them one at a
time to their correct cages.

[ Bell rings ]
Once you believe you have placed

all three tyingers in their
correct cages, exit the zoo and

hit your button to stop your

[ Bell rings ]
The houseguest who successfully

returns all three tigers to
their cages and hits the button

in the fastest time will win the
golden power of veto.

Are you ready to play "tiger


Don't are scared.

I need to track down three
escaped alien tigers and return

them one at a time to their
correct cages.

[ Growling ]
Okay, I see you, I see you.

The houseguest that does this in
the fastest time, wins the

golden power of veto.

Last week I didn't need to win
the power of veto, but I did,

and the power tasted amazing!

This week, I need it.

I need it.


Spotted pygmy.

So you look like a pig.

Where is the the tiger, a pig
and a hawk?

A pig and a hawk.


I find a cage and it says,
"green-eared snow tiger."

I know exactly where that tiger

It is the very first one I

Let me go get it.

[ Growling ]
Throw him in there and go on and

get the rest of them.


[ Growling ]
What the hell!

I find the hawk tiger.

I remember where your cage was.

Let's go get you where you


This is the third one.

Come on.

You're here.

Where have you been, baby?

This damn unicorn rainbow tiger,
I don't know where you are.

What the hell am I looking for?

Where are you?

It's not in here.

Come on!

[ Bell ringing ]
Please be enough.

[ Bell rings ].

I need to win this power of
veto so I can take da'vonne or

Kevin off the block to backdoor

[ Growling ]
My strategy for this comp is I'm

just going to go until I hit
something, and then move from


I see the blue horn rainbow
tiger corn cage, and the tiger I

have doesn't have rainbows, and
it doesn't have horns.

So I'm off to find his cage.

I find the cage, and in it goes.

I finally find the tiger with
the blue horns and the rainbow.

I know where that one goes, so
I'll swap these out and drop the

rainbow tiring off.

I remember where I left the last
tiger, so I scoop him up and

I'll go find his cage.

The hardest thing about this
comp is just it's very easy to

get turned around.

[ Growling ]
[ Bell rings ]

I want to win the veto
competition because, first, I

would just love to get my first
win of the season.

And, second, I'm feeling really
guilty about what happened last

week with the votes and da'vonne
so I would love to take da'vonne

off the block.

It's around here somewhere.

What the heck does that mean?

Spotted pygmy tiger hawk?

Oh, I'm in trouble.

No, that's definitely not this

It's got to be made-up, right?

Where does this go?


Okay, that wasn't very nice.

Sorry, tiger.

♪ ♪

Come here, momma.

[ Growling ]
[ Bell rings ]

I need to win this veto because
I can take da'vonne off, and

that would, obviously, build our
bond even closer.

That would, obviously, build our
bond even closer.

[ Growling ]
I have two tigers in their

cages, and I feel like I've done
that pretty quickly, so I just

need to find my third tiger so I
can appease the tiger zing.


Where is it?

[ Bell rings ]
This is my fourth time being

on the block and playing for

It is so important for me to win
because I need to save myself.

I feel like my luck is running

[ Growling ]
I feel like if I run through the

maze like a maniac, I'll get
disoriented, but if I take it

slow, I can make a mental map of
the maze and get oriented.

My claws are out for this veto.

[ Growling ]
[ Bell rings ]

I know Memphis wants me to
throw this comp, but that is not

good for my game.

I'm not one to sit around and
let the game happen around me.

So I'm gunning for the veto.

[ Growling ]
Oh, it's you!

My strategy when I get into the
maze is just run as fast as I


Spotted pygmy tiger hawk.


I don't even know what that is.

But I'm just going to leave this
guy this here and hope that it's

right and move on to the next.

♪ ♪
oh, so that's a spotted pygmy

tiger hawk.

Got it.

Now I just have to grab him, run
back to his cage, and swap him


Find the right cage for the
green-eared tiger.

This is a timed comp, so one
little mistake like that can

cost me the whole thing.

♪ ♪
I'm a little tired, a little


So I need to pick it up, pump
the lungs, pump the legs, and

keep it going.

♪ ♪
[ Bell rings ]


[ Growling ].

You all really sucked.

But let's see who sucked the

Kevin, let's see what you
finished with a time of.

Five minutes and 33 seconds!

[ Applause ]
All right, Memphis, you will

need to beat Kevin's time of
five minutes and 33 seconds.

Three minutes, 29 seconds.

[ Applause ]

Congratulations, Memphis.

With your time of three minutes
and 29 seconds, you are

currently in the lead.

Dani, you finished with a time

Three minutes and 41 seconds.

[ Applause ]
Nicole, you finished with a time


Four minutes and 22 seconds.

[ Applause ]
Sorry, Nicole, unfortunately,

you did not beat Memphis' time.

So, Memphis, you are still in
the lead.

Da'vonne, you finished with a
time of...

Six minutes and 53 seconds.

[ Applause ]
It all comes down to this...

Memphis or Tyler.

One of you will win the golden
power of veto.

Tyler's is the last score to
be revealed.

I put up a great time.

I'm really hoping he threw this
comp so I can win this veto and

execute my backdoor plan.

Tyler you have to beat a time
of three minutes and 29 seconds.

Let's see how you did.

Two minutes, 55 seconds!

[ Applause ]

Congratulations, Tyler.

You have won the golden power of

[ Applause ].

Look at that!

I got one!


Took long enough.

But I got it.

I saved the tigers.

But I also put myself in a
little bit of a pickle here with


So I got some 'splainin 'to do.

I'm kind of mad he didn't
throw it.

I told him to throw it.

Dude, I mean, come on!


Tyler wins, and not only does he
win, he crushes everybody.

And after Memphis' speech as to
why da'vonne was nominated

because the veto was used?

Will Tyler use the veto?


I really needed this week,
more than anything I needed this


And who gets it?


Oh, my gosh.

Worst-case scenario.

Who knows what this week holds.

Bye, zingbot.


♪ ♪
he's not going to use it?

Trust me.

I think Memphis is a complete

There's definitely a big group
of people in this house working

together, and I do believe to
some capacity, Tyler and David

are working with this group.

So I wouldn't be surprised if
Tyler doesn't use the veto.


Well, they definitely didn't
throw it like they said they


But the plan is the same.

Are you sure?

I have to talk to Tyler to
make sure, but there's no reason

for him to kind David.

Not that I'm aware of.

So what's the plan?

I didn't sprint.

I almost died, dude.

Obviously, you didn't throw it.

But what's the play?

I don't know.

Memphis expects us all to just
fal in line, help him backdoor

David, and I'm like, no.

If you're expecting me to just
go along and follow all your

orders, then you don't know me,

Because backdooring is not best
for my game and not even best

for your game.

I want David gone.

But you didn't tell me what
you were doing.

That's the point.

Everyone talks to much.

I didn't talk around.

Everyone talks too much.

I know, bro.

I want to backdoor David
because he's gunning for me.

And now it's a hiccup.

I look at that as a problem?

I get it, man.

If I had an idea and a plan, I
would expect my team member to

bring up other points of views.

It doesn't matter... i mean,
at the end of the day, the point

was to get rid of David.


So if you don't want to do
that, obviously, I look at that

as why are you keeping David

David is sitting on an island
right now.

I know, I get it.

But at the same time, Kevin and
da'vonne don't have to deal with


They might.

Between you and me, I'm still a
little wary as to why da'vonne

never touched the block and I

That is a sign right there.

And when they both got picked in
the veto, that's a sign right


Yeah, I know, there's
definitely that.

So, okay.

Why didn't they get picked?

It makes me question

You know what I'm saying?


So, I will tell you this...
Dani and Nicole, they were

definitely going for it.


And they told me, it's fine.

And that's what's concerning is
to see Dani's time.

I'm like, okay, what were you
going to do with that?

There might be some sketchy
[ Bleep ] going on there.

We can question everyone's
loyalty at this point.

Even though my plan was to
backdoor David this week, the

information Tyler is giving me
is very interesting.

If Dani and Nicole are working
side deals, knocking out of one

of their allies makes sense.

I'm up for whatever.

I'm just trying to look out for

No, I get it.

.>> Hey, guys.

It's time for the veto meeting.

This is the veto meeting.

Kevin and da'vonne have been
nominated for eviction, but I

have the power to veto one of
the nominations.

I want to give both nominees a
chance to tell me why you think

I should use the veto to save

Kevin, you go first.

Tyler, you were here last

I'm being hopeful and a long
shot of a veto being used on


So you know how you I feel, so
here's to being hopeful.

Da'vonne, now it's your turn
to speak.

This plan has been in motion
for a while.

It started back when you were
used to put bayleigh up here.

I knew it was a matter of time
before you, "you, or even you,

would be in a position to take a
shot at me or kif Kevin.

I'm not going to ask you to use
the veto.

I know you're not going to use

At this point, whatever is going
to happen is going to happen.

Let it ride.

I've decided...

Not to use the power of veto.

This veto meeting is adjourned.

So Tyler didn't use the veto,
which means I can't backdoor

David this week.

But it was way more important
this week to cut off Dani and

Nicole's side deal.

We want them stay focused on
"the committee" and not try to

work other angles.

Even though at the beginning
of the week, Memphis wanted to

backdoor David, I prevented

And now either da'vonnor Kevin
is going to go home.

Memphis, I know you always want
to be the Alpha, but I'm

nobody's beta.

So the veto is not used and
I'm still on the block with


That means one of us is actually
going to go.

But I survived the block before,
and I'll survive the block again

because I'm the "big brother"

I will rise from these ashes.

Da'vonne really thinks that
she knows what's going on in

this house.

However, she has no idea, which
is why she ended up on the


But I'm having an amazing week,
so much so that I don't have to

use my blocker power, and I'm
letting it expire.

This confirms there was never
a backdoor plan for David in


Unfortunately, here I am,
sitting on the block next to one

of my best friends yet again
going into eviction night.

But you know me.

I'm going to fight.

Announcer: Who will be the
next all-star sent to the jury

house, Kevin or da'vonne?

Plus, a b.B. Legend returns to
the game to kick off a new


All this live tomorrow night at
8:00, 7:00 central on "big

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