02x04 - Runnin' On E

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "BMF". Aired: September 26, 2021 – present.*
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Inspired by the true story of two brothers who rose from the decaying streets of southwest Detroit in the late 1980s and gave birth to one of the most influential crime families in the history of America.
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02x04 - Runnin' On E

Post by bunniefuu »

Pledge allegiance
to the Black Mafia Family!

[all] To the Black
Mafia Family!

[electronic music plays]

Meech. Terry, baby, what's up?

[glass shatters]

♪ ♪

See you tomorrow?

Same place, different position.


I might be buggin',
but Zoe said

she seen Lamar today
at school.

That ain't possible.
That n*gga's dead dead.

[nurse] We're attaching
a colostomy bag

for the foreseeable future.

This is Denise, our new driver.

She can go to places

and pick up clients
that we can't.

[Terry] What the hell
happened to your face?

Boom got mad
like he always does.

My bad I couldn't make it.
My moms took a turn.

But you know you still got
a responsibility here as well.

Tell Meech you got
a hookup to a new plug.

You get Meech to agree
to the meet,

then I do the rest.

Thanks to B-Mickie.

He got us a new flow, access

to some fancy medical
yayo shit.

[brakes screech]

[g*n fires]

[sirens wailing]

Show me your hands!

You heard
what the f*ck I said!

He needs to get
to the hospital.

Put him
in the back of your car.

We'll give you an escort.

Yo, Meech. Come on, dawg.

Stay with me, dawg.

[melancholy music plays]

♪ ♪

[monitor beeping]

[b*llet clangs]

[Older Terry] I was born a year
and a half after Meech.

Like Moses and Aaron,
our roles were clear.

Meech was the alpha.

His job was to protect me.

But every now and then,
life threw us a curveball.

[phone ringing]

[indistinct chatter]

[Lori sobbing]


Stay strong.

He'll pull through.

He has to.

He just has to.

[Lamar grunting]

Shut the f*ck up.

Shut up, n*gga.
You're supposed to be

f*ckin' dead.

[upbeat music plays]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

[monitor beeping]

[Terry] Just in case
I wasn't here when you woke up.

Feels like a f*ckin' b*mb
exploded in my head, man.

Getting shot three times
will do that to you.

But that shrimp cocktail
you call a d*ck

should still sprout
when you rub it.

[Meech laughs] f*ck you, man.

Hey, I've been shot, cut up,
full of medication,

but my eyes still seem
to open wider than yours.

This ain't about to be
no Maserati Rick repeat.

I'm getting your ass
up out of here

before that crazy m*therf*cker

returns to finish the job.

Man, I can barely
even catch my breath.

[Terry] Nah.

Come on, man,
what is you doing?

Bro, we gotta go to Lori's.

B's gonna meet us there.
Come on, come on.

Get up.

Gentle, n*gga.

[tense music plays]

♪ ♪


[Terry] You good, you good?

Let's go round, n*gga. f*ck.

[Terry] At least we got you
the f*ck out.

♪ ♪

[Meech] Son of a b*tch!

Come on. Come on. Come on, man.

- f*ck.
- Come on, open this shit.

Come on. Come on.

There you go. I got you.
I got you.

[Meech] Damn.

[Terry] I got you. I got you.

Come on. Come on.

Damn, bruh.

You good?

No, n*gga. I ain't good.

- [car door closes]
- [engine turns over]

[Terry] Drive, Rolly. Go!

[tires screech]

[uneasy synth music plays]

♪ ♪

I owe you for jumping in front
of them b*ll*ts like that.

It wasn't your beef.

[Roland] Don't matter.

Got yo ass for life.

Straight up.

[Older Terry] We all tell ourselves

that when the moment
of truth comes,

we will stand up
and save the day.

But when the rubber hits
the road

and you runnin' on empty,

there ain't nothing
left to do but fight.

And that's when you find out
who you really are.

[Charlie] ♪ I got everything
On the line ♪

♪ I'm out here
I'm on the grind ♪

♪ Trying to get mine ♪

♪ At least you could
Wish me luck ♪

♪ A n*gga move the weight ♪

♪ Trying to get the cake ♪

♪ I'm in and out of state ♪

♪ At least you could
Wish me luck ♪

♪ Too many n*gg*s fake ♪

♪ It's hard to tell a snake ♪

♪ One more flip
And I'm straight ♪

♪ At least you could
Wish me luck ♪

♪ I don't go hand to hand ♪

♪ It go gram after gram ♪

♪ Yeah, holla at me, man ♪

♪ At least you could
Wish me luck ♪

♪ Too many n*gg*s fake ♪

♪ It's hard to tell a snake ♪

♪ One more flip
And I'm straight ♪

♪ At least you could
Wish me luck ♪

[50 Cent]
♪ D's ain't that good ♪

♪ These n*gg*s is ratting ♪

♪ They tell them
What's going on ♪

♪ That's how they know
What's happening ♪

♪ I'm riding
With the top down ♪

♪ Trunk full of yola ♪

♪ Ghetto pharmaceutical ♪

♪ I move that Coca-Cola ♪

♪ Thousand grams of pure ♪

♪ Though I f*ck
With the weirdos ♪

♪ They snort away the pain ♪

♪ Bang their dope
In their vein ♪

♪ Shorty crying
Christmas ain't coming ♪

♪ Her pop's locked up ♪

♪ When it hurts the worst ♪

♪ Your ace find out
She knocked up ♪

♪ Welfare ain't an option ♪

♪ When the Feds
come knocking ♪

♪ It's all f*cked up
So wish me luck ♪

[Charlie] ♪ At least
You could wish me luck ♪

♪ A n*gga move the weight ♪

♪ Trying to get the cake ♪

♪ I'm in and out of state ♪

♪ At least you could
Wish me luck ♪

♪ Too many n*gg*s fake ♪

♪ It's hard to tell a snake ♪

♪ One more flip
And I'm straight ♪

♪ At least you could
Wish me luck ♪

♪ I don't go hand to hand ♪

♪ It go gram after gram ♪

♪ Yeah, holla at me, man ♪

♪ At least you could
Wish me luck ♪

♪ Too many n*gg*s fake ♪

♪ It's hard to tell a snake ♪

♪ One more flip
And I'm straight ♪

♪ At least you could
Wish me luck ♪

♪ Wish me luck ♪

♪ At least you could
Wish me luck ♪

♪ Oh, yeah, wish me luck ♪

♪ Wish me luck ♪

♪ All you got to do
Is wish me luck, yeah ♪

He's still bleeding.
He needs to be in a hospital.

No, that's way too
dangerous, Lori.

I'd rather be hurt out here
than dead out there.

- [Terry] Come on. Come on.
- Oh, yeah?

Well, somebody tracks you here,

it's not just about you, Meech.

They'll find me, Nee-Nee,
and my parents.

Girl, Lamar don't even know
who you is.

- Lamar?
- [Terry] Look, I set up people

outside of your house.

You're good.
You don't gotta worry--

I don't give a damn.

This shit is crazy.

And you in my house.

Let me get you some aspirin.
And you need to put

your shoulder in a sling, okay?

I don't need no aspirin.
I'm good.

Meech, I sw...

- I thought we lost you, n*gga.
- [Meech] I know.

Especially when I seen
your ass over there

crying like a little wet nurse.

I'm good, B.
Only got grazed, man.

Yo, we outta cash,
and we outta f*ckin' work.

Drought's raging.

n*gg*s already on one
'cause we missed one with K-9.

So hit up your medical-grade
shit connect.

n*gga's in the wind.

And even if he wasn't,
shit, what,

five-o's already over
all that shit.

What if we move
the work to Lansing?

I could hire a driver,

have Q set up a trap
in their car, and we just--

No disrespect, Tee,
but nobody asked you.

You ain't have to, n*gga.

This is my brother.

Lansing's got college kids,
politicos, and the slums.

It's a smaller market
with less supply,

so you can charge more.

Sockie has been
clocking up there.

He knows the ins and outs.


So it'll be better
to expand state-wide

before going national.

[Terry] If you could get
that supply run to work

and set it up in Lansing,
you could ship to St. Louis,

Miami, Atlanta,
just keep going.

Never let a crisis go to waste.
I like that.

Hey, what happened
to me being number two?

Dude, I'm not sitting back,
especially after I drove

all the way to Cleveland
when your ass was MIA.

Meech, I got you until
you straight, all right?

And if you need more weight,
I can hit up Big L.

Big L dead, Tee. K-9 offed her.

What the f*ck, Meech? How--

It wasn't my fault, man.

Oh, my fu--okay, look,

I might have an in with Boom.

Man, f*ck Boom.
He been had a chance.

We ain't f*ckin' with no Boom.

Hey, dawg, we running out
of options, all right?

Tee, hit up Pat.

Tell him we want
to work together again,

you know, like old times.

Pat never gave me
the time of day.

That was your guy, Meech.

Don't you want to help me?

Do what I f*ckin' ask you, man.

[Terry] All right.
This is some bullshit.

[uneasy music plays]

♪ ♪

[Markisha] Oh, my God.

Is your brother
gonna be all right?

Yeah, but he's hurting, hurting,

and I've never seen Meech

like this before.

He can't even think straight.

He's just asking me
to do some dumb shit

'cause he's incoherent.

He needs my help,
which means I need yours.

Can you set me up a meeting
with Boom as a favor?


So that's what
the kiss was about?

So you could soft pedal
your way

into a business meeting?

What? No!

Last night
ain't got nothing to do

with why I'm here right now.

He could lose everything.

Then why you trying
to spin game off it?

Markisha, my feelings
for you are real.

I think about you all the time.

And I pray that you feel
the same way.

Right now, you're
the only person

that can help me.

I can't set you up
a business meeting with Boom.

That shit is f*cked up.

Don't you see that?

Yeah, but there's
gotta be something.

[somber music plays]

All right, if you promise
to keep it between me and you,

then I could tell you where
he's gonna be at tonight.

♪ ♪

Why the f*ck is Meech here?

I called him in
to fill in the blanks on Lamar.

Well, you know he ain't gonna
snitch and say who shot him.

Right now,
I don't know anything,

especially after watching you

try to let Flenory
bleed out last night.

You're out your f*ckin' mind.

Maybe. Maybe not.
At least I'm trying.

[dramatic music plays]

♪ ♪

The f*ck is he doing here?

♪ ♪

You're both under suspicion
for sh**ting each other.

First once to yap
gets cut loose.

Dead man walking, huh?

That makes two of us, p*ssy.

How come I got cuffs on
and he don't?

'Cause we running things
and you ain't.

[Jin] Demetrius, is this
the man that shot you?

I don't know.

But I know the m*therf*cker
who did

pissing all over
that g*dd*mn toilet seat

when he pee,

'cause I was only grazed.

The new Batman movie
coming out?

What does that have to do
with anything?

Well, it's a timeless story

about good and evil.

Batman and the Joker,
they both warriors.

But neither gets
the better of each other,

so they just sharpen
each other's skills.

Okay, you gonna put some
real names on this statement?

The Joker loves to squeeze
the life out of people

to ensure that he
the last m*therf*cker

they see before the light.

But Batman is still the hero

who always f*ckin' wins.

Don't matter what
your Black ass think.

♪ ♪

Now if y'all are
not holding me,

I'm getting the f*ck out here.

Demetrius, this is your chance

to put Lamar's ass away
for good.

Y'all do what y'all do,
and I'm gonna do what I do.

I ain't scared
of that burnt-ass m*therf*cker.


Y'all ain't got shit on me,

so you might as well let me go too.

We will, eventually,
but for now,

you're gonna sit here and stew.

♪ Happy feelin's in the air ♪

♪ Touching people everywhere ♪

Don't look at me like that.

I haven't said a word,.

but if I did, I think
you know what it'll be.

Okay, somebody's got
to fill in Meech's shoes

while he's out
hobbling around, right?

My money's on Terry.

DRANO's got eyes on Terry
and the car business,

and so far, nothing to report.

Okay, if I'm right,

and we catch his ass
in some shit,

I get to drive forever.

And if I win, you have
to stop smoking around me.

It's disgusting.

And your breath f*ckin' stinks.

Okay, just for that,

you're gonna have to pull
the plug

on Frankie Beverly in there.

Hospital said
Meech checked out.

Where is he, Terry?

He's at Lori's.

You saw him? Is he okay?

He didn't want to stay
at the same hospital

that messed up my eye.

Enough with the damn excuses.

Clearly, this is
some kind of drug beef.

Pops, Meech is safe.

That's all that really
matters right now.

Praise God.

We will check on him
in the morning.

Terry, stay away from him.

The last thing we need is you
get caught

in the crossfire
of his business.

Yeah. I'ma go upstairs

and change and get ready
for work.

- At this hour?
- [Terry] Uh, yeah.

Flights from the West Coast
were delayed.

If I pick up extra fares,

we can make up
for Devil's Night.

Not to mention,
it's gonna help me

take my mind off Meech.

I'm just trying to handle
things the way Pops would.

Terry, look, maybe
you need to stay home.

I know seeing Meech get shot
had to bring up

some bad memories, right?

Wanda, I'm fine.

I really am. Okay?

[uneasy music plays]

[Lawanda] Terry, what job
are you going to?

Look, Meech needs my help.

I'ma see you tomorrow,
okay, babe?

You okay?

You know,
nobody in this damn house

ever talk straight.

Welcome to my world.

[R music playing]

♪ You do and you don't ♪

♪ What have you done? ♪

How did you remember
where I stayed?

Since we always meeting
in the bathroom at Coney.

Shit, I couldn't wait.

I had to see your ass.

[Njeri] Okay.

You some kinda
romantic roughneck now?

Oh, girl, quit playing.

Shit, how's work?

Probably no fun
since I left, huh?

Hmm. I find fun wherever I go.

Ain't no question about that.


So how did you know
I was hiding

the pills under my tongue?

You think you the first cat
to dodge the big house

by hiding in the nut house?

Moment I saw you, knew wasn't
shit wrong with your ass.

- [chuckles]
- And plenty right.

Hey, on multiple occasions.

I took advantage
of my privileges.

Still do.

♪ ♪

[Lamar groans]

Oh, that's from surgery.

- Does it hurt?
- No, no.

I'm good.

Come here.

- I want you to do?
- Yeah?

- f*ck me good again.
- Yeah.

Beat that shit up.

[Lamar laughs]

Come on, show me you feel it.

- Mm.
- Yeah.



Lamar, this ain't like you.

Come on, b*tch.

Just keep going.

I'ma get there.

♪ ♪

I'ma get there.

Ah, shit, I'ma get there.

♪ ♪

Baby, maybe you should
come back after you recovered.

♪ ♪

f*ck this shit.

♪ ♪

[quiet rap music playing
on speakers]

♪ ♪

Oh, damn, n*gga. Who died?

You look like you're going
to a funeral in that suit.

Yeah, f*ck that.
I look like success.

[Boom] What, they ran out
of Kool-Aid, Scooby-Doo?

Honestly, I prefer
party favors.

And I was looking to open up
a tab if you ain't mind.

♪ ♪

Well, you know
I only run cash bars.

Look, the streets
will know you're flush

if you're fronting me,
especially during the drought.

It's a power move,
if you ask me.

You know you run your mouth
a lot like Meech?

So I'ma tell you
what I told your brother.

Sizzle ain't shit

if you ain't got no steak, n*gga.

Look, we cut ties with Pat
'cause he like to bake

his meat rather than grill it.

My mans couldn't keep up
with our rhythm.

Now I know that's not you,
Boom, right?

Markisha, come here.

- Go get me another cutter.
- Okay.

♪ ♪

You know I'm a lot
of things, Tee.

A bad businessman
is not one of them.

No disrespect, but nobody got
the foot soldiers we do.

That's why you're sitting
on all this weight

during the middle of a drought.

How the hell?

All right, I might can do five.

But just like you said,
n*gga, there's a drought,

so I'ma be charging interest
and inflation on all of that.

It don't matter.

As long as we flying, we good.

♪ ♪

[bartender] How you doing?

If you was my wife,
I'd treat you like a queen,

not a g*dd*mn servant.

- Thank you.
- [bartender] You got it.

♪ ♪

[Mark] ♪ The power ♪

♪ And the glory ♪

♪ Forever ♪

- Yes, yes!
- [parishioner] Amen!

♪ A... ♪

♪ Amen ♪

[parishioners cheering
and applauding]

Thank you, Brother Mark,
for that beautiful rendition

of the Lord's Prayer.

There isn't but one God,

one faith, and one baptism.

What is God's name?

[crowd] Jesus!

[Swift] Hallelujah.

My dearly beloved,
let us all join hands

in a prayer for our brother,
Demetrius Flenory,

and a speedy, full recovery.

Heavenly Father, we come asking
that you tend to our flock.

[parishioner] I ain't listening
to this.

Brothers and sisters,
we're not here

to cast judgment,
but to ask the Lord

that our community be spared
further sorrow.

Oh, y'all think
y'all can do better?


You know, when your husband
paid for that prost*tute,

I still prayed
for your marriage.

And when your daughter
got caught drunk driving,

I prayed that the chains
of addiction would be broken.

In fact, I have prayed for each
and every one of you

in this sanctuary
when y'all were in trouble

because God loves the pious
and the wicked.

[Swift] Sister Lucille.

My sons did not come
from a broken home.

They came
from a broken neighborhood,

a broken city, our city.

Now, I'm not asking you
to forgive my son.

I just want to see him
alive and healthy.

And if you walk out that door,

you are saying that I don't
deserve to see my babies

walk and breathe on their own.

And I wouldn't wish that
on none of y'all.

None of y'all.

That'll conclude our service.

[parishioner] Amen.

[parishioners murmuring]

[somber music playing]

Charles, I'm ready to go.

Listen, I gotta help break
things down here.

- Take the keys.
- [Lucille] Okay.

All right,
I'll get a ride with Lou.


♪ ♪

I'm sorry
those people walked out.

Now listen, if Meech
wasn't my son,

I'd probably do the same.

Charles, you don't
really mean that.

Listen, Lucille says Meech came
from the broken neighborhood,

but he's the one
that helped break it.

Charles, you are a good man.

And everybody knows it.

Your boys
are lucky to have you.

And one day, they're
gonna act on all the lessons

you instilled in them
and make you proud.

Charles, it's time to go.

♪ ♪

Got some Dutch Girl doughnuts.

Salty ones too.

[Monique] This your idea
of a wellness check?

What if it is?

More like guilt trip.

I told your ass Lamar was back.

And you thought I was buggin'.

Now you walking around
clutching your neck,

and your boys keep
rolling past my house,

and Roland keep rolling
in my f*cking fridge.

What the f*ck?

And what about Zoe?


She gonna know something up.

And Tiara in her terrible twos.

Send Zoe and our daughter
to your mama house.

We just need to protect
them, that's it.

I'm not about to be
away from my kids

'cause of your dumb ass.

I know you was
right about Lamar,

and I should have listened
to you the first time, a'ight?

But I paid the price
for that shit.

And it's gonna k*ll me
if something happened

to you, Zoe, or Tiara,

so just listen to me
until I pop his ass.

I'll handle it myself.

You've been handling shit
yourself real fine, huh?

f*ck you, Meech.

I need something
to take the edge off.

Then send the kids off,
sit tight, and stop touching

shit you can't f*cking handle.

Get the f*ck out my house
before I pull

this strap out on your ass.

[Jin] What you thinking?

[Bryant] Not much.

I don't think Boy Wonder
would sling

out of his old man's garage.

You would say that.

I mean, you've got
a soft spot for the kid.

I'm just saying.

I mean, Terry seems
like a good kid on paper,

and I know that
doesn't mean shit,

but for once, I would like
to be pleasantly surprised.

This stakeout shit is
like watching paint dry.

But it'll all be worth it
to prove you wrong

and get back
in the driver's seat.


So what do I do
when I get to Lansing?

Park the car and relax.

Leave the keys inside,
go grab a square pizza,

finish eating, drive home.

Three hours
for a simple joyride.

Sounds too good to be true.

Look, you don't have
to worry about anything

except how much
you getting paid to see

some cows and farmlands.

Before we talk price,
I need a reason, a real one.

Your son's at Michigan State?

Use 96 until it turns
to two lanes.

Wear school colors.
Bring him a care package.

If anybody asks, you haven't
seen Junior in months

and want to get to his dorm
before dinner.

You know, we got a saying
on the factory floor:

cheap, fast, and good,
you can only pick two.

And I know you ain't
compromising on fast and good.

[Older Terry]
My brother and I never liked

messing with white people.

But I soon realized the truth:

the rules for them
was different.

Nixon created
the w*r on dr*gs

as a way to criminalize
our community,

but it was Reagan
who fanned the flames.

Law enforcement, which was
dominated by whites,

became one
of the biggest growing

industries in the country.

The new drug laws popped up
all over the country

increased budget
for more cops, more prisons.

On the losing side
were Blacks and browns.

Our neighborhoods were
the ones decimated

by dr*gs and v*olence,

which locked up millions
of people

from our communities,
which makes me wonder:

what did Reagan really
declare w*r on?

Or better yet, who?

'Cause it damn sure
wasn't dr*gs.

♪ ♪

You want to eat
for Mommy, Nee-Nee?

You want to try?
I need you to eat.

Damn, look
at Wonder Woman on the move.

School, mom, job, basketball.

Still be fine as hell, huh?

Someone sure seems better.

Must have took something
this morning.

Hell no. I don't need to.

I'm ready to rock right now.

Boy, you still got
b*llet holes in your body.

And? Ain't none in my d*ck.

Okay. Come on, Nee-Nee.

Daddy is crazy.

I'ma put her to bed.


And then meet me in mine.



This don't ever get old to you?

Hell no.

Exciting's more like it.

I'm talking about you ripping
and running in these streets.

Riding this wave with you is
starting to get played out.

I just need you to take care
of our little girl.

If she turns out to be
half as good as you,

she'll be a superhero as well.

Now I know your ass
is on medication.

You don't need no medication
when you got this mandingo.

[Lori] Mm.

Just get on top on me,
but don't grab my neck.

Don't take off my sling.

Nurse's orders.


Wait, so you want me
to go no hands.

Stop playing like you weren't
finna do that anyway.


Shut up.
Put that shit inside me.

[sultry pop music plays]

[singer] ♪ Amazing ♪

♪ I feel the tears
I brought you with every ♪

♪ Step you get closer ♪

♪ My heart beats ♪

♪ Running my pressure high ♪

♪ So high ♪

♪ Tonight's the night
We let love ♪

♪ Have its way with us ♪

♪ And here's the chance ♪

♪ We waited for so long ♪

♪ Come on and show you ♪

♪ And I promise
I'm a fool for you ♪

♪ I promise not to be
So long ♪

♪ No more teasing
I'ma please ya ♪

♪ I'm a fool... ♪

[Bryant] He's had
four passengers already

and hasn't noticed a thing.

What, you think we're
getting the runaround?

Maybe he's just doing his job.


People getting off work,
getting ready to go out.

I bet he gonna try one
of the oldest tricks in book,

using the evening rush
as cover.

Okay, Mr. Traffic Reporter.

Hey, I used to drive a cab.

Had a deal go down
one time in my back seat.

Bet you Terry gonna try
something similar.


Good thing I'm not your bookie.

Assisted living facility?

Not sure how many dr*gs
he's about to sling

at the raisin farm.

[Terry] Mr. and Mrs. Miller?

Called for a ride
to the airport?

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

We going whale-watching
on Vancouver Island.

That's nice.
May I grab your bags?

[Mr. Miller]
Yes. Thank you. Thank you.

All right.

[uneasy music plays]

♪ ♪

You know, it's a lot of legwork
just to pass over

some work, n*gga.

Then you should stay back.

I heard
the bingo nights here's fire.

This was a real cute
maneuver and all.

I'm warning you.

Don't f*ckin' get cute
with my money, n*gga.

♪ ♪

Wanna pull over your elders,
do a full body search?

f*ck this. Let's hit the bar.

That is the first smart thing
you've said all day.

[heavy music playing]

Man, I heard Lamar
shot that n*gga.

This ain't no motherfuckin'
As The Hood Turns, n*gga.

Get the f*ck outta here
talking all that bullshit.

[Tiny] Then where's Meech?

'Cause I'm tired
of taking orders

from your string-bean ass.

f*ck you.

Man, can y'all chill
with all that shit?


f*ck you, Mr. Rogers.

- Oh, shit!
- Told y'all, n*gg*s.

n*gga back from the dead.

Never seen
a resurrection before?

I got popped three times.

Damn, that shit look
like that shit hurts.

I'm still here
reppin' BMF, m*therf*cker.

All the passion fuels us,

but the flip side ain't bad either,

and it's called patience.

No doubt.

These newbies actin'
like we first-timers.


We got room for a higher power,

but I ain't looking
at no f*ckin' messiah.

I ain't saying I am.

Every company
has growing pains.

If we ride
this shit out, n*gga,

we'll be like
them Wall Street m*therf*ckers

who bought Ford Stock day one.

Hear this n*gga go.

The prince of m*therf*cking
gab at it again.

We ain't falling
for your shit this time, Meech.

Nedo, we out.

And I'm housing
this EPMD album, too,

'cause it's strictly
business, sucker.

Yo, Tiny, you got to chill.


Yo, this whole merging shit

was a f*ckin' badass idea, man.

- Straight up.
- f*ck 'em.

- Word?
- [Sockie] Straight up.

♪ ♪

[melancholy music plays]

♪ ♪


What the f*ck is
you doing, man?

Put some g*dd*mn pants on, man.

What the f*ck is
wrong with you?

You be f*cking dead pussies
all day,

and you offended by me?

And this is
my motherfuckin' crib.

You getting way too comfortable
walking around in your drawers,

smelling like shit.

At least open up a window
or light a incense or something

in this m*therf*cker.
Jesus Christ!

I'ma need you to help me
with this bag.

You a grown-ass man.

You got to do
that shit yourself.

I've had
a rough couple of days.

A'ight, please.

n*gga, come on, man.
You better pay attention.

I'm not gonna keep doing
this shit for you.

Come on.
Jesus Christ.

n*gga, you got to stop eating
them m*therf*cking collards.

Soul food.

You know how that go.

You got to dump
your bag twice a day.

And you got to change it
every three days.

And gotta burp your bag, man.

What you mean, burp my bag?

Open it up, let
the farts out, man.

This shit stink like a w*apon
of mass destruction,

but you gotta f*ckin' do it.

[somber music plays]

What's wrong?

I was trying
to break off ole' girl.

You know, that shit
ain't working like it used to.

No sex for three f*ckin'
months, man.

What the f*ck are you doing?

You gonna run the risk
of a real rupture, n*gga.

Three f*ckin' months.
You can't hold it?

I know you're
a medical professional and all,

but ain't no way you telling me

when and where I can bust
a nut.

You know, there's other ways

you can suffice yourself, n*gga.

Little nipple play,
toe sucking.

Man, I ain't trying
to hear what you do

with your dead bodies, n*gga.

I like my b*tches breathing.

Dawg, we've been
tight for years, man.

Since you moved to Detroit
as a kid, man.

I know you, man.
What the f*ck is up, man?

What's wrong?

I just don't know
what's happening to me, man.

♪ ♪

I popped Meech's ass
three f*ckin' times,

and he's still out there,

strutting like a f*ckin'

attracting rivals.

And you Lamar
"The Beast" Silas, n*gga.

All you got to do is
take whatever doubts

and drawbacks you have
and use this shit

for your advantage, n*gga.

Be yourself
and take back what's yours.

[Bryant] Hope we have
better luck today.

He's probably just
back for an oil change.

Look, positive thoughts
yield positive results, okay?

I doubt that Terry needs
B-Mickie for an oil change.

You might as well
give me them keys.

You haven't won anything yet.

I will, and when I do,
we gonna switch seats.

You crazy if you think
I'm giving up that easily.


[sighs] What up, doe?

Surprised you called me.

[sighs] This right here.

Yo, how that shit look?

Everything look good.

Let me line this
with some carbon paper.

Who did this shit for you?

Q built out that trap.

♪ ♪

[whistles] Tee, you know Meech
will really appreciate

you looking out on all this.

Yeah, I just hope this shit
works out.

♪ ♪

You know this gonna cost you.

[uneasy music plays]

[cars honking]

You want some ketchup
with them fries, m*therf*cker?

[Nedo groaning]

♪ ♪

How it feel getting
ambushed from behind,

m*therf*cker, huh?

[upbeat electronic music plays]

♪ ♪

You thought I'd forget
that you shot a g*n at me, huh?


Nobody fires a shot
at Lamar Silas

and gets away with it, b*tch.

I see you done with your food.

You hungry?


Eat that.

You want to f*ck
with Meech, huh?

Then eat my shit, m*therf*cker.

Eat up.


I'm The Beast, b*tch.


[quiet music plays]

[Bryant] That the woman Terry
was talking to yesterday?

I thought you said they don't
do business with white people.

So do we follow her or Terry?

That m*therf*cker
think we stupid.

[dramatic music plays]

[engine turns over]

["Why You Treat Me So Bad"
playing on radio]

Looking good.


Smelling good.

♪ ♪

Feeling... [laughs]

♪ ♪

I'ma tear that ass
off the frame tonight.

[dramatic music plays]

What the f*ck?!

♪ ♪

[glass shatters]

[Lamar and Tiny groaning]

Trying to sneak that ass, huh?

♪ ♪

Then I'm gonna beat your ass...


♪ ♪

[singer] ♪ Oh, girl,
I loved you ♪

♪ But you turned and you
Walked away ♪

♪ I would love you
For tomorrow ♪

♪ Though I know
I do today... ♪

f*ck you.

[singer] ♪ ...That you'd never
Hurt me ♪

♪ Girl, you just tore
My life apart ♪

♪ Tell me baby
Why'd you do it? ♪

♪ Won't you bring me back
My heart? ♪

♪ I tried to understand it
Baby ♪

♪ I searched my heart
Inside my mind ♪

♪ I searched the depths of
My heart and soul, baby... ♪

You're just mad 'cause I'm
prettier than you,


[singer] ♪ ...Girl you just
Went and you told a lie ♪

♪ Tell me baby
Why'd you do it? ♪

♪ Why'd you make me
Want to cry? ♪

♪ Why you treat me so bad ♪

♪ I don't know why baby ♪

♪ Why you treat me so bad ♪

♪ Why you do me
The way you do ♪

♪ Why you treat me so bad ♪

♪ I don't know why baby ♪

♪ Why you treat me so bad ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Why you treat me so bad ♪

I don't know

Why you treat me so bad

♪ So bad... ♪

[Jin] My best guess:
she's a driver

with Charles Flenory's
car service,

but that's not a company car,

and she doesn't have
any passengers.

And she was just
with Terry and B-Mickie.

She could be hauling something.
All right.

Let's see if she has
Black and White fever.

[siren wails]

[Denise] This is ridiculous.

You can't pull me over
for going too slow.

[Jin] You were impeding traffic

and putting commuters
in danger.

Now what is your
final destination?

I told you: Lansing.

And how many days are you
planning to stay there?

Two days.

- You said three a moment ago.
- I meant two.

Look, I'm just trying to go see
my son at Michigan State.

[Jin] What else is In the car?

[Denise] Snacks
for my son's dorm.


Hold on.

[electronic music plays]

[Bryant] That look off to you?

[Jin] What are
the chances it came

off the assembly line
like that?

Can I call him at least,
let him know I'm gonna be late?

Ma'am, stay right there.

He'll be worried.

[Bryant] Carbon paper.

[Jin] Repels X-ray scans.

♪ ♪

Put your hands
behind your back.

No, no, no.


That-that's not mine.

That's not mine.

♪ ♪

[phone ringing]


[Denise] Charles, it's Denise.
Is Terry there?

Denise, is everything okay?

[Denise] No, I'm in trouble.

I need to speak
to Terry, please.


[Denise] They found
what you put in my car.

- Who?
- [Denise] A Detective Bryant.

You need to come here
and tell him I didn't know

what I was carrying. Terry...

Look, Denise, just don't say
shit till you get a lawyer.

[Denise] Terry...

- Is Denise in jail?
- Pops, I gotta go.

No, no, why did she ask
for you and not me?

- Pops--
- No, no, don't "Pops" me.

Why is Denise in jail?

Charles, you're hurting him.

- What did you do, Terry?
- Let him go, Charles.

Pops, I was just
trying to save Meech.

You just ruined that woman's
life and our business.

What I was doing in the streets
is what got us this company

in the first place.

Meech has never lied
about who he is.

You just pretended to be
smarter than you are.

I guess you really
ain't that smart at all.

I tell you to go to Pat,

and you still go
behind my back and go to Boom.

You know Pat
don't f*ck with me like that.

And I heard that m*therf*cker
fell off.

So I took matters
in my own hands.

Now the weight
you copped got took,

and Bryant got
your white b*tch in custody.

She's got a kid, so I doubt

she's gonna eat the charges.


You gotta be the dumbest
m*therf*cker I've ever met.

Demetrius, she's don't stand
there all cool and act

like you never made no mistake.

A mistake?

Man, this is
a major f*ckin' f*ck-up.

This is a violation of all
the rules we ever made.

And I don't even see
a way out this shit.

You know what?
You might just have to jet.

I ain't even playing right now.

We need to just sit down,
take a breather,

and let this shit die down.

You talking out the side
of your neck right now, man.

Tee, we got no more weight,
no more money.

Now Lamar back on our ass
and Bryant got

this Lois Lane b*tch
in custody,

she about to fold,

so now he about to put
handcuffs on you

any minute now.

We got to get the f*ck
on up outta here ASAP.

Where the f*ck are
we gonna go, Meech?

Far away from here as possible.

Meech, we don't got shit
set up anywhere.

What we gonna do,
just go on the run

and just be on the road?

Maybe we go to Atlanta
and go f*ck with Earl,

K-9's homie,
or Todd Washington.

Shit, already heard they been
doing their thing up there.


Then what am I supposed
to do about school?

f*ck school.

We got to worry
about our safety first.

We got to get up
out of here now.

All right, okay.

But I gotta make a run first.

Bro, you not going nowhere.

We still got shit to do.

I'm not going anywhere
until I do this shit.

I'ma be back in a minute.

This the shit
I be talking about.

- Stupid m*therf*cker.
- [Terry] Whatever, n*gga.

I'll see you in a minute.

[Markisha] See y'all tomorrow.

- Excuse me.
- [customer] Excuse me?

- Whoa.
- Hey, no, my man,

can I talk to Markisha Taylor?

Sorry, sir, but we closed.

- She's right there.
- Mike, Mike, it's okay.

- You can let him in.
- [Mike] You sure?

[Markisha] Hey, Mike, I'm good.

- [Mike] All right.
- Have a good night.

Have a good night.

Terry, we talked about this.

You can't keep coming up
to my job like this.

I know, and I'm sorry.

But I'm...
I'm leaving town for a bit.

And I don't know
when I'm gonna be back.

What are you talking about?

The product Boom gave me
got hit,

and all the heat
is falling on my back,

so I have to dip for a minute.

What? When?

- Now.
- [Markisha] Now?

The... the only reason
why I came here

is because I couldn't leave

without seeing you first.

["Tonight" playing]

♪ ♪

Come here.

♪ ♪

[singer] ♪ It's getting late ♪

♪ Why you still here, girl? ♪

♪ Have you made up
Your mind? ♪

♪ You wanna make love
Tonight? ♪

♪ I want you to hold me ♪

You're so beautiful.

[singer] ♪ I want you
To be for real, girl ♪

♪ Please, tonight ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Don't want you to go ♪

♪ 'Cause I don't feel
like being lonely, no ♪

♪ Not tonight ♪

♪ Honey, not tonight ♪

[Terry] Take that shit off.

[Markisha moans] Right there!

Right there. [Markisha moans]

[singer] ♪ 'Cause I can feel
Your heartbeat ♪

♪ It's so fast... ♪

I hope no one heard us.

I would be fired for real.

But no, everybody left
after my boss went home.

Wish I could stay here
forever and just do this

over and over and over again.

Well, whenever you dig your way
out whatever mess you're in,

then you need to decide
what you want.

[car horn blares]

[Terry] Ey yo, let's go, Meech.

[Meech] I love y'all, okay?

Got to go.

Daddy loves you, okay?

Aren't you happy
I'm outta your hair?

No, putting your life at risk
doesn't make me happy.

I want our daughter to grow up
with her father.

She will, baby. I promise.

What's your plan, Meech?

My plan is to buy you
and Nee-Nee a big palace.

[upbeat music plays]

♪ ♪

[Lawanda] Oh, my God,
what you mean leaving?

I just got here.

I sold some jewelry
at the pawn shop

so you can take care of Junior.

I know I should have
never came back.

[Nicole] I'm scared!

You'll see me again soon,
I promise, okay?

I got Hoop and Roland
watching the crib.

No. Ain't-ain't-ain't nobody

coming in my damn house,
all right?

- What is going on?
- Mama, not right now.

We gotta go.

- You got to go where?
- Wait, wait, wait.

- Listen.
- I deserve to know.

I know you gave your kids
everything you got,

and this is all I got left.

Now take this and remember
what I told you,

you better stick
together no matter what.

Yes, sir. Come on.

I love you.

[Terry] Love you, too, Mom.

♪ ♪

You think she's gonna talk?

[Bryant] Oh, yeah.

She gonna sing like a bird

'cause she's not in the game,

she has a son,
and no loyalty to the Flenorys.

Then what are we waiting for?

No, we just wait. You know?

Let her marinate
on what she's done,

how it's gonna affect
the rest of her life.

And then we go in there,
and we crack her like an egg.

I'll get the paperwork going.

Ah, ah, ah.


I won the bet.

So tomorrow, I'm back
in the driver's seat.

As long as you don't smoke

and keep your hands
at ten and two

on the wheel, ass-wipe.

[laughs] Thank you.

[singer] ♪ I took advantage
Of the love we made ♪

♪ Thinking you'll
Be here always... ♪

Yo, yo, yo, my man.
You know the rules.

Whoever drives gets
to listen to whatever

they want to listen to.

Man, I don't want to hear
that rock-me-to-sleep

bullshit right now, n*gga.
I'm trying to get hype.

Hype for what?

n*gga, we got
a ten-hour car ride

ahead of us.
You better kick back and relax.

Don't even know how you got
all this energy anyway.

You need to rest.

I'm sorry, dawg. I just can't.

I can't listen
to this stupid shit, man.

Listen, by the time
we get to Toledo,

you can change it back
to whatever the f*ck you want.

I gotta listen to some
gangsta shit right now.

We low on petro.

I'm about to hit
this gas station.

- [glass shattering]
- [tires screeching]

- f*ck!
- What the f*ck?

How this m*therf*cker get here?

[tires screeching]

What the f*ck you doing?

[Terry] This m*therf*cker
is trying

to get beside us and flip us.

How you gonna shake him?

I got this. I got it.
I got it.

[brakes screech]

[car honking]

[driver] m*therf*cker!

f*ck you!

[driver yelling]


[car revving]

[Older Terry]
Everybody wants to be MVP.

That doesn't mean you
win every game.

Sometimes being
a man just means

you live to fight another day.

♪ A fearified freestyle ♪

["Lyrics of Fury" playing]

♪ ♪

♪ Terror in the styles
Never error-files ♪

♪ Indeed, I'm known to exile ♪

♪ For those that oppose
To be level or next to this ♪

♪ I ain't a devil and
this ain't the Exorcist! ♪

♪ Worse than a nightmare ♪

♪ You don't have to sleep
A wink ♪

♪ The pain's a migraine
Every time ya think ♪

♪ Flashbacks interfere,
Ya start to hear ♪

♪ The R-A-K-I-M in your ear ♪

♪ Then the beat
Is hysterical ♪

♪ That makes Eric go ♪

♪ Get an axe
And chops the wack ♪

♪ Soon the lyrical
Format is superior ♪

♪ Faces of death remain ♪

♪ MCs decayin'
'Cause they never stayed ♪

♪ The scene of a crime
Every night at the show ♪

♪ The fiend of a rhyme
On the mic that you know ♪

♪ It's only one capable,
breaks the unbreakable ♪

♪ Melodies unmakable,
Pattern unescapable ♪

♪ I haunt if you want
The style I possess ♪

♪ I bless the child,
The earth, the gods ♪

♪ And b*mb the rest ♪

♪ For those that envy
An MC, it can be ♪

♪ Hazardous to your
Health so be friendly ♪

♪ A matter of life and death
Just like a Etch A Sketch ♪

♪ Shake 'til you're clear
Make it disappear ♪

♪ Make the next
After the ceremony ♪

♪ Let the rhyme rest
In peace ♪

♪ If not
My soul will release ♪

♪ The scene is recreated
reincarnated, updated ♪

♪ I'm glad you made it ♪
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