BEM: Become Human (2020)

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BEM: Become Human (2020)

Post by bunniefuu »

Excerpt from the progress report by Sonia Summers:

Concerning Humanoid Monsters.

Bem: Transforms from an adult male form into a large humanoid monster

who controls electric shocks.

Bela: Transforms from a young woman into a medium-sized humanoid monster

who controls cold.

Belo: Transforms from a young man into a small humanoid monster

who controls flames.

The three of them have defended humanity

from crimes committed by modified humans created by Dr. Recycle,

as well as the humanoid monster Vega,

under the direction of the unseen council.

Ever since, the whereabouts of Bem, Bela, and Belo,

as well as Dr. Recycle, have been unknown.

I am currently investigating their disappearance.

End of report, Libra City, Outside, th Branch,

Detective Sonia Summers.

You never learn, do you,


The humanoid monsters are dead.

If there is eyewitness data, I will confirm it. It's part of my job.

Where is it this time?

So it's... Doraco Chemical?

You'd be better off staying away from them.

You won't make it out of there with your life.

The intel I have pointing to this island

suggests that Bem and the others could be hiding there.

For the love of...

As well as the doctor who got away from us.

Dr. Recycle?


That's even more risky.

Nothing good ever happens to those who poke into Doraco's business.

All I need is for you to keep this a secret.

You're gonna die young.

No one knows when they first came into being.

In a dark, soundless world, one cell began to divide and multiply,

and three different creatures were born.

They were, of course, not human. However,

hidden within their bodies was the blood of justice.

These were the humanoid monsters which could not become human.

Good morning, Papa!

Good morning, Matthew.

Am I the last one up again this morning?

Breakfast is already ready.

It is a good morning.

Mama! Papa is up!

Good morning, Mama.

Good morning, Matthew.


Morning, Belm.

Today's breakfast looks good.

Oh, just a minute.


Oh, right.

Now you'll be just fine today.

Good morning, Mama, Papa.

Good morning, Amelia.

Is that all you're having today?

Well, you know, I'm just not hungry in the morning.

Besides, once I add milk,

it's nutritionally not much different than what you're eating.



Boy, you are all thumbs.

How can I get as good at doing it as you are?

You don't have to. I'll tie it for you.

I promised as much when we got married, right?

--We're off! --We're off!

Okay, I'm off now.

Come back safely, Belm.

Hey, Belm!


Good morning, Belm, Emma!

Let's head in together.

Good morning, Burgess and Dana.

Good morning, Burgess. You're looking well today.

So are you, Belm. How are you feeling?

The same as always.

I see. Emma!

You're as radiant as ever today!

How is it that I didn't meet you before I met Dana?

Hey, Dana is standing right there--

Don't worry about us.

I have a firm hold on his stomach, after all.

Yes, alas! I reject anything but Dana's home cooking.

--I love you, Da-- na? --Go to work, already!

--Whoa... --You'll be late!

Don't be ridiculous, Dana.

The office is right there!

Arriving late is hard to do!

Okay, off you go, Belm.

This, please.

Yeah. Fine day we're having, huh,


Yes, it's a nice day.


I've got them.

Good morning, Belm. Yours is a fresh-ground mocha today. Enjoy!

Thank you, Jane!

Hey, another hard day at work?

Fresh out of the oven, no extra charge.

Oh, thanks.

Very grateful.


Have a great day!

Don't cause any accidents!

We here at Doraco Chemical

protect people all over the world from illness,

and work day and night doing research to combat diseases.

The products we develop here improve the lives of all in diverse ways,

including overcoming serious illnesses, driving cutting-edge medical treatments,

and offering medical services to the world's economically challenged areas.

Our never-ending hope is that our medications

bring peace and relief to the lives of all.

Morning, Pete.


Good morning! Have a great day.

--That projection is fine. Yes. --Yes, that sponsorship is...

Yes, as far as that matter is concerned...

Oh, no, not in the least!

Yes. Yes. I will handle it.

Belm, I need your signature on these.


Signatures are such a hassle, honestly!

It's hard to believe we're the world's most advanced enterprise.

There's no getting around it.

The representative is someone who only trusts in the tangible.

I know, but still...


Idle chit-chat is off-limits! Get to work!

Jeez, what is it with everyone?

Is Chief Manstall in a rotten mood again today?

Looks like.

You think he might be skipping the company's drug?

I make sure to take two every morning.

Belm, you take yours, too, right?

Hmm? Yeah.

What are you, grade-schoolers?! How long are you going to keep talking--

Good morning, Representative Doraco.

Good morning, Representative. Welcome to Public Relations.

Nice and busy here, huh, Manstall?

A-A product of my leadership, sir.

The representative wishes to have a sit-down

with public relations employee Belm Eyesberg.

Belm, you say?

That's me, sir.

Ah, so you're Belm.

I've heard all about your contributions to the company from Chief Manstall.

I haven't done anything special.

Doraco Chemical is in more than just the pharmaceutical trade.

It has the power to save the world!

It is your job here in Public Relations to communicate that idea.

And you, Belm Eyesburg, have done some truly good work!

I have?

Yes, you have!

This copy you wrote about the company's activities is truly great!

You've all read it, right? It's a concise, yet powerful message!

I am impressed!

Belm, thank you.

Thank you very much.

Did you hear that, guys?

Belm has been promised a promotion. We should celebrate, you big lug.

Burgess, you're getting passed up by one of your peers.

When you put it that way, you're right!

Okay, people, back to work!

--Yes, sir. --Yes, sir.

Yes, Doraco Chemical Public Relations.

All right, gentlemen,

Tell me about Doraco Chemical's past, present, and future.

There is something we would like you to see first.


You were successful?!

Yes. Our tissue engineering technology has entered a whole new territory.

We have gotten past stage two of the experiment. We're almost there.

Fantastic! Now we can save even more lives!

Welcome home, Belm.

Yeah, I'm back.

Welcome home, Papa!

Yeah, Matthew, Daddy's home.

Okay, I'll be playing my game until dinner!

I'm home!

Welcome back, Amelia. Just in time for supper.

No thanks. I ate with my friends.

For goodness' sake, girls that age are beyond help.

I appreciate you working, Belm. How was your day?


the representative came by our section, and complimented me on this.

Why, that's incredible! Wow...

But something is bothering me.

Did I really write that?

Oh, please! They said it was something to be proud of.

Have you forgotten?

I don't have any recollection of it.

But it has your signature, right here.

Lately, when I'm at work, I often have times when I suddenly realize

that it's already time to go home--

You're just tired, dear.


I know!


Take two.


: a.m., a truck has pulled up.

Same time, a passenger car has arrived.

Eyes on the cargo.

:, transaction has begun.

:, evidence sighted.

Detective Sonia Summers, th Branch.

She seems to be by herself.

So Doraco Chemical is not just an ordinary pharmaceutical company.

What are those dr*gs?!

Do you really think we're going to answer your question,

Miss Sonia?!


Damn it!

Wh-Why, you!






That's something important to you, right?

Was that a human who...

...just turned into a monster, like us?

Don't lump us together. We don't dissolve like that.

There was that strange professor named Dr. Recycle in Libra City, remember?

I think he's behind what happened here, too.

He's finally developed the technology to turn people into humanoid monsters.

It makes no difference to me what anyone does.

But doesn't it bother you?

That monster was a dead ringer for Bem!

I got here three days ago, looking into Doraco.

By yourself? Where is your friend?

He said it was too dangerous to get involved with Doraco.

I'll bet.

Doraco says he's working for the good of the world's people,

but his hidden agenda is... Well, you saw what just happened.

It's that hidden agenda that I want to know about.

What is this drug?

Beats me. I figure it's narcotics, the same as usual.

Belo, you're fighting them, too, huh?

Yeah, well...

You aren't with Bem and Bela anymore?


I had a hunch that if I looked into Doraco, I'd run into all of you, too.

Wanna see him?


So then Charlie got all depressed. And there you have it.

So that's what happened.


Hmm? What's wrong, Burgess?


I missed you, Bem.

Who... are you, miss?


Who do you think you are?! And who exactly is this "Bem"?!

This is Belm.


Belm Eyesburg. And incidentally, I am his neighbor, his partner at work,

--and his best, best, best friend-- --But...!

His face, his eyes, even his voice...

I am Sonia Summers. I'm a detective at the th Branch in Libra City.

Two years ago, we--

I told you, this isn't him, Officer!

I've been wanting to see you again!

I still haven't properly apologized to you!

I'm sorry, but you really do have the wrong person.


Let's go, Belm. This is a waste of time.

Excuse us. I hope you find this "Bem" person.

I'm home.

Welcome back, Belm.

Yeah, here I am.

Welcome home, Papa!

Yeah, Matthew, Daddy's home.

Okay, I'll be playing my game until dinner!

Oh, I see Burgess is with you today.

We got quite the surprise. A detective stopped us today.

A detective?

Yeah. Apparently, she mistook me for someone named Bem.

O-Oh, really? Well, that must have been--

I'm home!

Welcome back, Amelia!

--Yeah, welcome-- --No thanks. I ate with my friends.

Belm, don't worry about what happened today.


I'm not.

All right, then.

Okay, see you tomorrow.

Yeah, see you.

This is going to be a problem.

How did it go?

Is it really him?

It's Bem. His scent remains the same.

How is it that he had a wife, not to mention children?

I don't know. Whatever the reason, Bem has changed.

Have you spoken to him?

Mm-mm. I can't exactly go over there, right?

It's fine. That's the life Bem has chosen.

That's why I've made up my mind to fight alone.


I'm being followed.

This looks cute, doesn't it?


Refills here are free, but all the customers say it tastes bad.

But if you're okay with it, help yourself to as much as you like.

I can't tell how it tastes, though.

I don't think this life is that bad.

I saw Belo.

He's hanging in there, huh?

He said he was alone.

Mm-hmm, that's right. Did you talk to Bem?

He wasn't the same Bem I know.

"Belm," wasn't it?

Imagine, him changing his name.

You guys are all split up.

But it's just the three of you in the whole world.

We're not exactly clingy with each other like that.

But still, we're away from each other for a short time,

and he goes and fulfills his dream of being human.

Then, you don't know when he started his family?

He had some fairly grown children. I think there's something funny going on.

Well, even if it is funny, there's nothing I can do about it.

You said he chose that life. Did you ever make sure of that?

Mm-mm. I've kind of been afraid to.


What have you been up to since last we met?

We all split up when we escaped from Libra City.

But before I knew it, we were all back in the same town.

Belo was fighting, and Bem had a family.

Our dream of becoming human can never come true.

But I can at least play at being human. Make believe I'm a regular girl.

Make believe?

I'm done with pushing myself all-out and getting hurt.

Nobody can say a thing about me if I look like this.

By the way, how are things in Libra City?

Everyone's fine. Including your friends from school.

The one with the glasses got into medical school.

I see.

Why don't you fight alongside Belo?

There are monsters that look like Bem on the island.

--Belo thinks something is up with Doraco Chemical--

--That's enough. --Belo thinks something is up with Doraco Chemical--

Regular girls don't fight monsters. They don't go where funny deals go down.

And they don't turn into that.

I told you, I'm playing at being a human.


Belm, you're all right! You're all right.

This will let you sleep.

I'm sure it must be a wrong number. Now, go to sleep, okay?

Hey, what was that? They're cutting out. Something malfunctioning?


It's just as you guessed.

The moment I entered the facility...

...there they were. Lots of them.

In other words, that's a monster serum.

It connects with everything else I've learned so far.

The only one who could do something like this is Dr. Recycle.

But why do they look like Bem?

It's your job to find that out, right?

I saw Bela.

Leave her out of this.

Good morning, Papa!

Good morning, Matthew.

Am I the last one up again this morning?

Breakfast is already ready.

I'm worried about you after what happened last night.

Good morning, Mama, Papa.

Good morning, Amelia.

Is that all you're having again today?

Well, you know, I'm just not hungry in the morning.

Besides, once I add milk,

it's nutritionally not much different than what you're eating.

This, please.

Yeah. Fine day we're having, huh, Belm?


I've got them.

Good morning, Belm. Yours is a fresh-ground mocha today. Enjoy!

Thank you, Jane!

Hey, another hard day at work?

Fresh out of the oven, no extra charge.

Oh, thanks anyway, Doug. None for us today.


--Have a great day! --He isn't feeling that well this morning.

We'll take ours tomorrow.

Hey, come on! Snap to and let's go!

You had a nightmare? Don't let it bother you. You're just tired.

We've been busy lately, right? Are you making sure to take your medicine?

Taking that makes the fatigue go away.


That is an autonomic nervous system disorder.

Take three of these together.

Let's continue that for a week to start off.

Please take today's dose before you go.

Is something wrong? This is our own company's medicine

and has been through extensive clinical trials. Nothing to worry about.

Did I really write that? I don't have any recollection of it.

Lately, when I'm at work, I often have times when I suddenly realize

that it's already time to go home.

Belm, how did it go?

Ah, those are the new formula!

They're supposed to really work, and they're in demand.

It's a good thing you went, huh?


Sorry if I worried you.

Did you take your medicine?

Yes. I'll get back to work.

Yes, Doraco Chemical Public Relations.

I'd like to transform once.

That's silly. You'd be a humanoid monster. Those are just freaks.

Okay, my humanoid monster, are you quite ready?

Let's begin our lively experiments for the day!

Frida, is there any change in his condition today?

He said he wasn't feeling well today,

so he went to go see Dr. Collins, who gave him the usual drug.

What is a humanoid monster?! Charlie?! What does he mean, "experiments"?!


Take it easy, Belm!

Oh, dear...

Frida! Explain this!

Who are you?

Oh, don't you know?


Let Charlie go, Belm.

Yes, that's better.

Didn't you give him his medicine?

We thought he took it.

Burgess, tell me what's happening! This is the place I saw in my dream!

Yeah, you poor guy, Belm. You're just confused because of your nightmare.

A-ha, so the lady detective stimulated his humanoid monster memories.

What do you mean, "experiment"?!

What is that three-fingered thing?!

Did you turn me into a monster?!

Oh, I see, so that's what you think.

That we have modified you and turned you into a monster.

You've got it all wrong, Belm. You collapsed while you were at work.

They just brought you here for a complete checkup.

Monsters? Now that's the bad dream.

He what?

I'm getting out of here! I'm not a monster!

Open this door! Open it up! Now! Please!

sh**t him.


It won't k*ll him. All we have to do is stop him and overwrite his memories.

You saw how he acted just now, right?

He may have lost his memories, but his body remembers how to fight.

He's still dangerous.

Give me a break. How can you ask me to sh**t my friend?

Don't hold it against me. You'll soon forget it.


I knew it would take more than that to k*ll him.


After him!

This piques my interest even more.

He's gone!

--Where did he...? --How is he still alive?

It's impossible.

That's just the way he is. Let's go.

Where, sir?

Heh, I know right where he's heading.

No one knows more about humanoid monsters than I do.

I promise you that, once we catch him and do a rewrite of his memories,

he will pose no problem at all.

Do it quickly. The world is already taking an interest in our project.

Yes, well, about that. I have a message for you from the count.

Something that you will have to forgo when you move to mass production.

What's that?

The humanoid monster's sense of self.

Sense of self?

Let's call it his mind.

As I'm sure you are aware from this escape attempt,

things become dangerous when the ego starts to assert itself,

as the institution of human sl*very demonstrates.

And maintaining any sense of self is becoming an issue.

When transplanting his cells into humans to give them various abilities,

it becomes quite impossible to maintain their personalities and psyches--

I don't need their selves.

Oh, is that right?

They don't make me any money.

Having no sense of self makes them more sellable.

Especially for soldiers.

Is this... where I was born?

I'm not human...



I am... Bem.

Sonia Summers...


Hey. I knew you'd come here.


It was a mistake to sh**t you. It's triggered your instincts as a result.

How's that interpretation?

Were you here, too?

Yeah. The place holds memories for me.

Greta was here, too. Do you remember?

We had some good times here as the count's assistants.

The count?

You're exhausted.

You need to take your medicine.

I'm not taking any more medicine.

Well, we can't have that.

If you don't take your medicine, you're going to have more bad dreams.

So you were controlling me with those dr*gs.

Not exactly. Those were to keep a tight lid on your memories.

Emma gave you five pills this morning, right?

I didn't swallow them.

Mm-hmm. You see? That won't do.

You have to make sure to follow the dosage regimen.

And now that you haven't, you're having a hard time, right, Belm?

I'm Bem, not Belm.

Well, either way. You're an important money tree for the company.

Your cells make humans stronger. That's very useful on the b*ttlefield.


Come on, let's go home. Everything you saw today was a dream.

You just need to remember what was enjoyable.

I've arranged for someone to come get you.

Now, let's go, my friend.

My husband is Belm Eyesburg.

We've never been to Libra City. Nor is his name Bem.

I'd like to believe that, too.

But he is Bem.

Can you prove that?

No, I can't.

Well, this is going nowhere.

I don't really want to ask this, but are you his former--


Then, who are you?

This is important. Tell me about him.

Has he been in this city since you got married?

We moved here after we got married. We met while we were both traveling.

We were both backpacking,

bumped into each other at a cheap inn, and really hit it off.

We got married a year after that. Does that satisfy you?

Or would you like to know about his college and hometown...?

Welcome home, Papa!

It's not Papa. We have company.

Okay, I'll be playing my game until dinner!

Sorry if he startled you.

Welcome home, Papa!

Okay, I'll be playing my game until dinner!

Your son said those exact same words yesterday, didn't he?

"Welcome home, Papa."

"I'll be playing my game until dinner."

He's always like that.

Please introduce me to your son.

Why? This has nothing to do with the children.

I'd like to ask him about his papa.

Let me ask you something.

What kind of man is this "Bem"?

Well, he's...

Can't you tell me? After asking me all of your questions?

I'm not exactly sure.

You're an oddball. Are you sure you're a detective?

We need to speak to my superiors about how to treat you.

And who are your superiors?

Come with me and find out. We're friends, aren't we? Trust me.

We aren't friends any... more!

I am Bem.

I've been waiting to hear those words.

You remember, don't you?

You're hurt pretty badly.

I've been wanting to apologize for a long time.

I treated you so poorly, time and again.

And yet you still chose to protect us, getting yourself hurt in the process.

That's all in the past.

It's as though I've been living in some extended dream.

I mean, before I even realized it, I had my own family.

That dream--your family--was all made up.

Let's get out of this city.

I can't leave yet.

There are people here who are trying to exploit my power.

That always comes with a heavy price. I have to stop them.

In that case, I'll fight with you.

I think you're most like yourself

when you're fighting for the sake of others.

I'm sure that, no matter the circumstances,

you choose to be the one who gets hurt. If that's the way you live...

...then I...

...want to be at your battle-worn side.

I know. It's my ego.

It may look to you like I feel sorry for you, or take pity on you.

But even if that's what you think of me, I'll just...

...stay at your side and say nothing.

Until your wounds...

...are healed.

You need to leave. It's too dangerous.


I have someone I have to fight, too.

Let's get Bela and Belo to help us--

No need.

They're exploiting my power.

I'll be the one who deals with them.

So it turned out to be memory loss.

Will you help us, Bela?

Bem should be able to handle it alone.

Are you sure that's what you want?

There's always Belo, right?

I'm playing make-believe human.

Yeah, sure. This is something that humans caused.

That's really no reason to drag you into this.

Damn, you sure pulled an idiotic stunt this time.

My encounter with Bem

will have turned Doraco's attention toward me,

and made it easier for Belo to act.

A joint investigation with humanoid monsters?

Bem has gotten his memories back.

This string of incidents were experiments by Doraco using Bem's cells,

and there's a chance that Dr. Recycle is involved, as well.

That guy? Now I get your eagerness.

I get it, but this isn't a fight you can win.

This whole case started because we humans victimized Bem.

We have an obligation to Bem and the others!

Enough pretending you're Joan of Arc!

Look, just drop it!

I'm going to keep going.

I told you...!

What a dumbass!

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! That's hot!


That hurts, you know! What the hell are you doing?!

I'm so sorry!

Doesn't that burn?

Not at all.

I mean, ow, that's hot!

There they go again, developing another pesky ability.

We're currently homing in on the other humanoid monster.

You mean that boy who controls flames?


Now that Belm's status has taken an unfavorable turn,

hurry up and capture the other one.

Send the other humanoid monsters, too!

Would it be okay if I kept the lady detective for myself?

Suit yourself.

Thank you!

When Belm gets home, have him take these.

How many?

The same as always. All right, I must be going.

A detective stopped by.

Who is Belm, really?

He is exactly the person we said he was.

I was told that he is a test subject, part of a vital mission for the company.

But what is the truth?

Having him live a perfectly normal life for the last year

is part of your experiment, right?

Of course it is.

Still, something isn't right. His health seems to be deteriorating;

he has these nightmares and sometimes even hallucinations.

I want to do something for him.

You're starting to have feelings for him?

No, of course not! My job is to provide a home life for him, so--

You are not the right person for this job.

I'll report this to the representative.

Damn... what a hassle.

You look like hell.

O-Oh, Belm, welcome home--

Wh-What happened?! You're badly hurt!

That doesn't matter.

Who are you?

What's come over you?

Burgess was putting on an act for me, too.

What do you mean? What kind of act?

You, as well as the children, have been deceiving me.

I don't know what you mean.

Just take it easy.

I am...

...the humanoid monster...



Please let me see the representative.

There's something I need to confirm.

I don't mean to repeat myself,

but I cannot let anyone in without an appointment.

I told you...

At least, that's what I'm supposed to say,

but if you'll go to dinner with me, I'll see what I can do.


Well... Okay, fine.

All right! O-Okay, tonight, :--

--What happened?! --Is she all right?!

--Detective?! --Don't touch her!

M-Mr. Olsen! That was terrible! You didn't have to sh**t her, did you?!

I just put her to sleep.

I learned the warmth that comes with a family... living this life. But it was all made up.

What are you talking about? Are you saying that's the real you?

This is the real me. I've had people look at me like that over and over.

But even so, if you still have any feelings at all for me,

then tell me the truth now.

Who is it that is making you play this ridiculous game of house?

All right. I'll tell you everything.


B-Belm... I... did... love...

Welcome home, Papa!


Okay, I'll be playing my game until dinner!

I'm home!

No thanks. I ate with my friends.

Hey, Belm.


How is your wife doing?

Why would you ask me that?

Just watching you, I thought I'd ask your thoughts on her change.

You were watching me?

I'm watching you right now.

You must have been surprised by Emma.

You're the one who remade her. It's thanks to the cells harvested from you.

You're the one who k*lled Emma?

Sometimes the disposable ones have defects. Moreover,

You're the one who k*lled her, remember?

I could call you the foundation of human development.

Her death had meaning.

I'll put a stop to what you're doing!

They're the opposite of Emma.

I've added your pseudo-abilities to humanoid monsters of my creation.


Have a great--

Oh, Belm!

What brings you out at this hour--


I'm sorry. I guess dinner is off.

Hey! Long time no see, Miss Sonia Summers!

Recycle! I knew you were behind this.

Bzzt! Wrong answer!

Well, who else besides you could...

I specialize in modifications. Humanoid monsters are out of my specialty.

There's a great senior specialist here.

You're telling me he's headed this way?

He's coming to see me.

Yeah, but isn't that dangerous?

If the two of us do not meet, this company can't move into the next era.

Thanks to you, my eyes have been opened.

A sense of self is indeed unnecessary.

We have been trying to create a humanoid monster like Bem.

But that was a mistake.

Are you saying that man is a failure?


I agree with this thinking.

By eliminating the sense of self,

the amount of profit coming into the company will be enormous.

Just make sure to be careful. We're dealing with a humanoid monster.

Yeah. Fine day we're having--

Yours is a fresh-ground mocha--

Hey, welcome back, Mr. Eyesb--

Hey, Bem.

I'm impressed. You got up here pretty quick--

I'm going to live a long life. A bit longer than yours.

Oh, with a little help from you, of course.

It's good to have friends. You're going to be a boon to mankind.

Your cells are going to change the world.

There have already been far too many casualties for one day.

Think of it as being an animal study.

People often say, "we won't let this sacrifice be in vain," right?

Oh, yeah. You know that wedding ring that you and Emma wore?

That held a great significance.

The power to meld your cells with humanity.

If we put one like it on that lady detective's finger,

it could be quite interesting.

She seems to be fond of you. And now Emma's gone. Perfect timing, right?

The same power that's in that ring is rigged inside this watch.

The only thing that can k*ll a humanoid monster is a humanoid monster.

Did you know that?

Th-That was mean, Belm... I mean, Bem.

We're friends, aren't we?

Come on, Bem, please--

Burgess was a defective product.

That's because he had a sense of self.

As such, he put too much stock in his own strength.

--Honestly, he's always been like that.

--Manstall! --Honestly, he's always been like that.

He wasn't satisfied unless he was the best.

Where is Sonia Summers,


You can call me Count. I have been granted a title.

Where is she?!

If you want something, go find it yourself.

You've always stood up for yourself, ever since you were born.

Did you think that I created you? No. You were born all on your own.

What I was trying to make was her.


Apparently, that's what she was called in Libra City.

That's something else that was not to my liking.

You see, after I lost my wife to illness, I tried to bring her back.

It was the age of alchemy.

At the time, the race was on to create a man-made person.

So you're the one... I saw in my dreams.

If you were remade, which one would you prefer to be?

I'm proud of each of them! It's scary how talented I am!

An inexhaustible spring of alterations!

You're off your rocker. Bem is so much more...

...human, is that it?

That's so superficial, Detective.

What's that?

This is just the right thing for you. The humanoid monster will be delighted.

Let me do a little more modifying.

Tell me, how would you modify him?


Ho, how fascinating!


It certainly is a body worth modifying.

What kind of man would you choose to be?

H-Huh? What are you talking about?

Ah, look at this one. This is what I would recommend.


You were born in that room, too.

Before I knew it, down at the bottom of that dark pot,

you became self-aware and took shape.

You mean, I was born out of my own volition?

By the time I knew you were born, you had already left.

I closely examined the fluid you were born in,

and knew the power you were blessed with.

I undertook further research for a long time, trying to recreate you.

However, no other identity was forthcoming. Still,

I realized that such a thing was by no means necessary for life.

It sure did take me a long time to reach such a simple conclusion.


I was misguided by you. Which is why you're now going to answer for that.

Didn't Burgess say anything to you?

It's her.

A tragedy, isn't it? But it happened because you have a sense of identity.

You'll pay for that!

You are not marketable the way you are now.

This is what sells.

This is my wife.

What are you talking about?! I...

I will take this hand, and...

My wife never developed any sense of self,

and for a long time, I thought she was a failure.

But then it happened, when you arrived on this island.

Instinctively, you returned to the place where you were born.

My instincts may have just been searching for you!

Ho, what for?

How does a humanoid monster become human?

It's because you have a sense of self that you think such nonsense.

I want to live and die as a human.

It's extremely simple.

k*ll a human, and then place your soul into their body as your vessel.

You will lose your power, become one with that person, and be able to die.

You're telling me to sacrifice someone?

No one has ever been successful.

If you succeed, you will be precedent-making.

I'm not going to sacrifice anyone!

Then that is the end of it.

But I can grant you at least one of your wishes.

You will die here.

Outstanding, Count!

Well said! That is how it should be!

Defective products should be disposed of--

Stop making so much trouble for me.

I'll deal with this one!

That is the humanoid monster Belo.




This is the last time, understood? Go!


That's all three of them.

Welcome back, Bem.

You made up your mind not to change, right?

That's why this is just for today.


My lord! To you I offer... all!


I am a humanoid monster!

And I will live as a humanoid monster.


Will you still stay at my side?



Can you even turn back after becoming that?!

You're going to have a hard time when you try to eat.

There's no need for me to turn back!


Stay here.


Is this even reality?

How's that for a sense of self? You're falling behind.

I promised myself I wouldn't change!

Let me keep being...

...a normal girl.

Do you see, Bem?

I, too, have been afflicted by my sense of self.

But now, at this moment, I will be set free!


Stay back!





I wanted... to be with you... forever...


Don't strain yourself.

Where is... Where is Bem?

Belo, where is Bem?!


Where is Bem?!


...had his dream come true.


Sonia! You still alive?!

We're coming to rescue you now!

Sit tight!

Bem's dream...

That being...

--I want to... hurry up... and be human. --I want to... hurry up... and be human.

I'm sorry for worrying you.

You came all the way to the scene for me...

I'm not doing it again. There's a gag order on the Doraco case.

That stuff you were talking about?

I consider it my trump card, in case anything happens.

This trash dump is the safest place for it.

What became of those humanoid monsters after it all went down?

Hmm? You haven't been in contact?

They all split up.

One said she wanted to live as a human.

One chose a life of fighting for humans.

And one of them had his dream come true.



Well, today's your first day back. Take it easy.

m*rder on th Avenue. Who can take it?

Me! I'll go myself.

I'm going, too.

Oh, Sonia. Sure you're up for it?

I told you, take it easy.

I'm fine.

I'm indestructible, after all.

Good grief. Looks like she's all right, though.

Even an infinite life, and a pain-free, pain-free body

leaves my life unfulfilled, unfulfilled, thanks to my boundless freedom

I pretend not to see the ugliness of all the gazes

that look upon my ugly self while everyone tears down someone else

Want me to tell you who we really are?

A sorrowful show time inviting everlasting love

I want to be you, I want to be you

You shine brilliantly through

I want to take on all the brilliance that shines in your eyes,

and your tears, and their ugliness too

I see myself in the mirror, distorted; the world is an insidious place

It's full of unsightly things I never want to see

They sting my ugly self, while everyone tears down someone else

Want me to unmask who you really are?

An anonymous show time inviting thrills

I want to melt together and be you someday

You shine brilliantly through; that's who humans are

Do you suppose we can all become one?

Give me sorrow, or suffering, or a life that can end

Please give me, please give me, please give me a life that will end someday

Please give me, please give me, please give me sorrow and suffering

I want to take on all the brilliance that shines in your eyes,

and your tears, and their ugliness too

I can embrace the gloom in your soul that no one can see,

and your tears, and their ugliness too

Want me to offer up our lives?

A vibrant su1c1de invites eternity

I want us to be one, I want us to be one

You shine brilliantly through, a finite show time

I thought we were dead!

I'm hungry.
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