Doraemon: New Nobita's Great Demon ~Peko and the Exploration Party of Five~ (2014)

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Doraemon: New Nobita's Great Demon ~Peko and the Exploration Party of Five~ (2014)

Post by bunniefuu »

DORAEMON NEW Nobita's Great Uncharted Lands Peko and the -man Expedition

I've been drawing it in my heart forever

Drawing it

My map of the world, filled with my dreams


Flying in the sky, travelling through time

Even to faraway lands

Just open the door, come on

I want to go, right now!

Anywhere Door!

I wonder, when I grow up

Will I forget all of this?

When that time comes

Just try to remember!

Shalalala, I have a dream

Always shining in my heart


Make them all come true

With your amazing pocket!

Shalalala, let's sing a song!

Come everyone, join your hands!


Flood the whole world

With these wonderful dreams!

Long ago, the Earth was full of mysteries

Vast, endless jungles

Colossal white peaks that towered over the clouds

A world of death locked in ice

But what of it now?!

Jungles, deserts, polar regions, mountains

And even the deep seas

Every corner of Earth has been explored

There are no places that humans have not been!

It makes me so mad!

There is not even a single tidbit of mystery left for us!

What are you getting mad at me for?

Fine, fine, fine

We have a favour to ask

I think there must still be uncharted regions somewhere left in this wide world of ours

Right! Doraemon should be able to find a place like that


We're all going to go on a grand expedition for this year's summer vacation

That's what we decided


Got it, Nobita?


I can't do that!

You can't just go deciding that by yourself

I beg you Doraemon! Find me an uncharted land!

If you don't they're going to b*at me up

+++We are from the future. I repeat, we are-+++

Please, oh great miracle worker!

I said it's impossible!

Because every corner of the Earth has already been explored


What if

We just have a look, and see what we can find?

You can't hide from me!

Let it go of me!

Come out!

Hold on!

Look, look!

It's the yen that I was going to buy dorayaki with last year

I gave up looking for it ages ago but there it is!

Let's go buy some dorayaki right now!

See, that's what I'm talking about

If we look thoroughly in every corner of the world

Don't you think we might just come across something?

Thoroughly huh...

Home-Use Satellite, lift off!

So that satellite's going to send us photos of the Earth?

Well, yeah

Look, it's already transmitting

They're so clear

We'll definitely find something with this!

Don't get too happy.

It'll take tens of thousands of photos to cover every corner of the planet

No wait, more like millions


How many days, weeks or months is it going to take going through them all?

In the end, you might not even find anything

Don't whine if you're not going to help!

I'll just do it all by myself


Or are you that afraid of Gian?

Well that's a part of it

But isn't this neat?

Finding some great, unknown land and exploring it

Even if it takes all summer

I think it's worth at least trying

Alright! If you're that determined, then let me give you a hand!


I knew I could count on you!

First we have to adjust the satellite's orbit

Omit all oceans and cities

And where possible, search in remote areas

We'll find uncharted areas in jungles, mountains and deserts

Then let's focus in on Africa!

Good idea!

We're currently entering over Africa from the Indian Sea

Moving from the Atlantic and changing latitudes, we'll cross the continent over and over!

Begin transmission!

Wow! Look at that jungle!

Just wandering around the jungle will be boring,

We want landmarks

Like an undiscovered lake, or ancient ruins!

We're sure to find something!


What is it?

Can you go run some errands for me

Always getting me to run these errands!

What's up with that dog? He's so dirty.

No no no no! We can't keep pets at home!

Oh no!

He's so hungry he can't even stand

Poor thing

But there's nothing I can do for you!

Here you are, thank you


Oh, could I get some sausages too?

The cheapest ones please


Come on, aren't you hungry?

Sausages are fine

But you can't follow me home, okay?

That's a promise

Ah... sorry, hang on


You might be dirty, but you look like a pedigree dog

This is no time to be getting distracted!

I need to keep searching Africa!

Take care! I hope a kind person takes you in!

Wow, they've really piled up

I can't keep up just by looking

So I've paused the transmission for now

Alright, let's go through them all then!

What? That wasn't me

Oh no!

Didn't I tell you earlier? This is not what we promised!

Nobita, did you pick up a stray dog?!

I didn't pick him up, he followed me here!

What are we going to do? What if mom sees him?


It's mom! Don't make a sound okay!

There's something I need to ask you

I'm so sorry!

He followed me here by itself, I'll send him away right now!

What on earth are you talking about?

More importantly, have you seen my handbag?


Ahh, what a relief

How would I know where your handbag is?

Then I must have dropped it on the way home from the bank

All our savings are in there...

Get a hold of yourself!

Let's go look for it right away

After you left the bank, did you head straight home?

Let me think...

It's so hot I can barely remember what I did

He followed us

Looks like he's got a wind of something

But our house is the other way

Well, let's follow him for now

What's with that dog?

What happened here?

Oh! I remember now!

Since it was so hot, I had some ice treats here

Not inviting us...

Only every now and then...

Did you turn down this way?

Now I remember! There was a fire here

There were a lot of onlookers

I got jostled around and lost my balance...

Then fell and landed here

That's it! You found it! Our life savings!


I have a favour to ask

This poor dog is so lonely and sad

Why don't we take him in to show our gratitude?

It's like a dream! To suddenly be allowed to keep a dog!

Wall-Mounted Doghouse!

This is your home

Wow, it's so big!

Looks like he approves

Nobita, what should we call him?

Since he was so peckish, let's call him Peko

Sounds good!

He's such a gorgeous dog!

So white!

I'm home

Welcome home, dad!

Welcome home!

What's this dog doing here?

We got a new dog today

Hello, I'm Peko

You can't

It might be harsh, but go take it back where you found it


Why? There's no way your mom will let you keep it



Were you going to abandon such a poor, helpless dog?

Well... if you say it's okay then I guess it's fine

Good night!

It is said that up this river is a place not even beasts will approach

Where a city of the sun and moon once flourished long ago

Wow really

No matter what kind of obstacles face us

We, the Nobita Expedition, will work together and overcome it!

What's that?!

There's something in the river!

Don't let your guard down!

It's a monster!

I welcome you all to Africaland!

It's a robot?!

Full of mystery

Packed with thrills

An adventure park that can be safely enjoyed by all ages

Welcome to Africaland!

Oy Nobita, what sort of uncharted land is this?!

You tricked us!

Hold on! I didn't know about this either!

Shut up and get back here!

Save me!

There are no more uncharted lands!

It was just a dream...

But it might just be true

Uncharted lands might really not exist


What do you think?

Do you think they're still out there?

You're right, there must be some out there

Come sleep with me

Good night

Breakfast time! It's time to get up!

Breakfast, breakfast!

Peko, the dining room's over there

Let's eat!

Here you go, dear

Thank you

Nobita! Watch your table manners

Why don't you act more like Peko?

What a well-mannered dog

Dora, on your cheek

Now we're over the savannah!

What's a savannah?

It's grassland, there are a lot of them in east Africa

Are there wild beasts?

Of course there are!


Hey, how many photos will it take to cover just Africa?

Well one photo is approximately square kilometres

I guess around . million

. million?!

Hey, keep it together

You knew this was going to be tough

Mom! We have an emergency!

Are you alright, Nobita?

Looks like I passed out for a while

If we don't pick up the pace

It'll be winter vacation

Maybe it's better not to overdo it

What's going on?!

I thought I stopped the transmission


Oh, it was just Peko being cheeky

Ahh, they're all over the place

What's this?

There's a clearing in the jungle!

Let me zoom in on that spot!

Is it a rock?

No, it's definitely manmade

In that case...

Six-Sided Camera!

Nobita, hold up that photo and point it this way

Like this?

Yep, keep it just like that

Let's see now

It's a statue!

That deep in the jungle?

Let's go ask Dekisugi, he knows everything

It's already dinner time!

I'll be back!

I've never seen this before

Whereabouts in Africa?

Deep in the jungles of central Africa

Central Africa...

Heavy Smokers' Forest!

Heavy Smokers' Forest?

What's that?

They say it's like a forest covered in tobacco smoke

In a part of the central African jungle

There is a fog so thick

No satellite camera can pierce it

Oh! That's because my satellite sees through cloud and fog!

Thank you Dekisugi!

Thank you!

Finally! We've finally found an uncharted land!

Let's tell everyone

And we'll head out tomorrow morning!

Tomorrow can't come fast enough!

I wonder if everyone's there already

What's that hat for?

It's more suitable for an expedition

Sorry we're late!

Took your time Nobita!


What's with this dog?

It's so cute!

His name is Peko

I found him here

Nice to meet you, Peko

What a polite little doggy


So different from its owner

What did you say?!

Expedition party assemble! Sound off!

! ! ! ! !

Five? Aren't there four of you guys?

That's weird

Well someone definitely did say ""

Come on Gian

You forgot to count yourself

Ah, right! That's five including me

Now then, let's have our team member Dora explain what's going on


Anywhere Door!

Our goal is in the cradle of humanity

On the continent of Africa!

Deep in the fog that has never dissipated since ancient times

Stands a giant, mysterious statue

Hey, do you think there'll be treasure there too?

Who cares about boring stuff like treasure!

Our real goal is to have a heart-pounding, thrilling adventure!

Since it'll be boring if we just turn up where we want to go

We'll walk the last km on our own two feet

To km away from the target area!

Everyone, are you ready?

Of course!


I am!


Then let our grand adventure begin!

So heavy...


The hell are you doing!




We're really in Africa!

Peko's telling us to hurry up already!

Alright! Then let's go!

Expedition party, go!

What an unusual flower

An Okapi!

Must be its mother

Wow! Nice hair style!

Here we go!

Gian, hurry up!

This is incredible

We can spend days here and not get tired of it

I'm tired!

We must have walked at least km

We've only walked km

There's another km to go?!

It's nothing but trees no matter where you look

But that's to be expected

Aren't there any wild beasts around or anything?!

This isn't thrilling or heart-pounding!

Quit your belly-aching!

Look at Peko! He's still so keen

You can all learn from that!

I forgot something super important!

Doraemon, take out your Anywhere Door

What do you need it for?

I left my score test on the table, I have to go hide it!

You're ruining the whole experience!

I'll be back quick okay

Thank goodness, mom hasn't found it yet

Where are you off to?


Make sure you're back by dinner


Alright everyone! Let's not get distracted again!

Now he's all cheerful

Oh, crap!

I forgot to make sure the Advanced French Course is taped!

I... I'll be right back!

Can you guys stop that!

You have to be better prepared as expedition party members!

Alright, everyone!

Let's make a fresh start!

Dora, can you please take out the Anywhere Door again?

Ehh? Even you Shizuka?!

Now just a minute!

No one is allowed to use the Anywhere Door anymore

B... but...

The toilet?!

I've never heard of an expedition

Where people had to go home to go potty!

Listen up!

Anyone who wants to go home mid-expedition

Is getting a walloping from me!

No matter what excuse you have!

But Takeshi...

What is it

My mother is...

Super pissed off and needs to see me...

Dora, can I just borrow the Anywhere Door real quick

Who's heard of an expedition where people have to go see their mom?!

Shut up! Shut up!

Let's go

Everyone's all gloomy now

Peko's the only one that's still excited

Hey, why don't we all have lunch?

Good idea!

But no one brought any lunch

Just leave that to me

Delivery Telephone!

Hold up! If you use that here...

Here's your food!

You're right, that'll really break the atmosphere

Hmm, then...

Plant Modder X-!

Everyone, tell me what you want to eat

Curry rice!

Hot cakes!

Crab pilaf!


Let's see, the curry rice ampule is...

This one!

This tree will do

Flowers bloom, then become fruit

Then the curry rice is done


How is this curry rice?

Open it up and find out

Oh wow, you're right!

All together now!

That looks so good!


We might as well eat where there's a good view!

Impromptu Elevator!

Let's make a platform at the top!

Plant Modder X-!

Take it in turns and come up here everyone!

I'm first!

Then I'm second!

Come here, Peko. You should eat too

You must be hungry

Watch your feet


What a wonderful view

Let's eat!

Having lunch in the jungle is the best!


I'm glad you've cheered up again Gian


Suneo, let me try a bit of that

What's wrong, Peko?

What is that over there?

Up north, something covered in white smoke

You... you don't think that's...

Heavy Smokers' Forest?!

It really does exist!

If we keep walking we're sure to get there!

I'm really pumped!

Now if only get got some wild beasts

It'll feel even more like an expedition!

Doraemon, can you make them appear?

Of course I can

Wild Beast Tempting Cape!

The light from this cape

Will enrage any beast that sees it, and they'll come running

What are you barking at, Peko?

Aah, I have no idea what you're trying to say-

It's a leopard!

H-h-h-help me!

Momotaro's Kibi-dango!

It's really cute when it's tame

I want to ride it next!

Why did you butt in like that!

I was just about to turn around and take care of it!

He's at it again

Acting all tough

It's true!

I was about to grab a log like this one here

And b*at it senseless-

I-I-I'm so sorry!

Help me!

Ah, he's in trouble!

Small Flashlight!

Let me do it!


It's not so scary anymore

Looks like an earthworm

Hurry up and unshrink me!


Why are they all after me?!

Shock g*n!

Let me do it this time

Forgive me!

Help me!

How's that!

Well done!


Where's Takeshi?

Why! Why! Why! Why! Why!

This time there's a gorilla chasing him!

Looks like sibling quarrel to me

Super Gloves!

Do you want to try them, Shizuka?

You think I can do it?


I'm going to take you on, mister gorilla!

Welcome back

I'm so sorry, mister gorilla!

Alright! Go Shizuka!

She's just like Tarzan!

We're back!

That was so fun!

I've never had so much excitement!

So that's an expedition!

What're you talking about, expedition?

Screw Africa! It's so stupid!

I'm done with playing explorers

But the mysterious statue!

Who gives a crap about that rock!

Just try talking to me about expeditions that crap

I'll b*at the crap out of you!

He's so selfish

Ah whatever

We had so much fun today

That's right

Screw all of them!


Awaken, Gian!

I must be dreaming

The giant statue!

What the hell's going on!

To give up so easily upon your search for unexplored lands

Can you still call yourself a man?!

But it's so stupid

It is not foolish

There is no harm in going!

I am sure you wish to witness this mystery for youself


Go forth! O gallant youth!

Seize the treasures of Bauwanko with your own hands!

Oh god!


The treasures of Bauwanko?!

Last night, the mysterious statue showed up in my room

And gave me that treasure map

A god from Africa did?

It's drawn on some cheap paper with pen

Smells like a fake

Didn't you say you were going to quit?

To quit on the expedition I came up with

Can I still be called a man?!

I'm a girl!

Well this is still alright

Maybe we can solve the mystery of the statue


Alrighty, then let's pick up where we left off yesterday!

Doraemon, before we go

I'm going to leave these here


What are we going to do if we're in danger?!

It ain't fair to rely on these tools!

We'll overcome dangers with our wits and our courage!


Look, Doraemon

It's like he's guiding us to our destination!

You're right! We're counting on you, Peko!

To be so far from human civilisation

Travelling on an old, swaying boat

I guess this is what they call apprehension...

What an undescribeable feeling this is!

This must be what it was like for Livingstone and Stanley!

Oy Suneo, let me have a go

There's no way you can handle a boat

Check out my boat handling skills

Large rock spotted ahead!

Hard a-port!

What is this!

These lots aren't for people to dump their trash

They're even dumping doors here now!

Darn it, think about what it's like for the people living here!

What's wrong, Shizuka?

Look over there!


They're closing in around us!

I'm so scared!

We're safe here, this boat's quite big

I'll show you

How's that!

Well done!

Great pitch!

Gian, who's steering?

Oh dear, the boat's sprung a leak!

Oh no, we're sinking!

Repairs impossible...

Help me!




Don't let go!

Ah crap

Take this!

Gian, jump!


I ain't getting eaten here

We're going to get eaten by crocodiles!

Doraemon, we need Momotaro's Kibi-dango!

We left it behind!

The Take-copter? The Shock g*n?

Super Gloves? Air Cannon?

We left all that behind remember?!

We can just use the Anywhere Door!

Ah, you're right!

Can't believe I didn't think of that

Anywhere Door!


The Anywhere Door's...

There's only the knob left!

King takes Rook!

Bulky Waste

How's that Kuro? I've got you cornered now

What should we do?!

How would I know!




Run Peko!

Watch out!

Over there!

I-it's a crocodile

Oh, right

For saving us from such a dangerous situation

What's more, throwing us such a lavish party

Words cannot express how thankful we all are

Malka balirebani

Takos damolka


What are they saying?

Translation Jelly!

Kulunbapore oeoebatanga?

Malka balirebani takos damolka

"Today is the holy festival of our great god"

"Eat as much as you like"

Tch, so it wasn't a welcome party after all

Elida Bauwanko



From the photo!

From my dream!

It looks just like it!

The people here must have seen this Bauwanko before!

The giant statue must be nearby


Molba Bauwanko semsem dali

He says that to meet the god Bauwanko, three lives are needed

Three lives?

There are seven times seven kings of the fang in the savannah

There, you will lose one life

Odorondoro Canyon

With sheer cliffs, the world of the dead

There, you will lose another life

Beyond that is the land of god, surrounded by an eternal fog

No one has entered and returned alive

There, you will lose your third life

I didn't know it was such a scary place

We should go home...

Don't be so scared!

I'm not afraid of some superstitions!

That's the uncharted land we've been looking for!

We're going to meet this god of Bauwanko, and take his treasure!


Kabinaba kulunba emem Bauwanko dilaz badonga

Bara! Bara! Bara! Elkirema!

What's going on?!

Why are they getting mad?

You who do not fear god!

Leave before calamity befalls this village!

If you do not...

They'll do that!

Just as we got rescued and everything

Things got pretty ugly, huh

What was that?

That was creepy!

Wandering around here at night is dangerous

Let's set up camp for the night


So that wild animals can't get in

The entrance is at the top

So this was a gadget all along

Where would we be without Doraemon!

I wonder if there's a bath too

There are five separate rooms

Each has a bed and a toilet

Oh so there isn't a bath

I'm so hungry

Let's make some ramen fruit again!

Good idea!

I agree!

You can't go out at a time like this, just bear it till the morning

Aaah, if I was home there'd be hot food and cold gelatos waiting for me!

I wonder what's going to become of us...

Who knows

We've left all the useful gadgets behind

Why did we even come on this dangerous trip

So you're saying it's all my fault!

No one said anything like that at all!


It's written all over your faces!

"It's all your fault!"

"It's all your fault!"

You're right! The one who wanted this expedition was me!

The one who left all the gadgets behind was also me!

Sinking the boat, getting us chased out of the village

It's all my fault, isn't it?!

You guys have probably resented me from the start


What the hell is with that attitude,

Throwing a tantrum all by himself!

Let's just leave him be

Peko, come to bed

I wonder where he went



What... what am I going to do?!

According to the map, Heavy Smoker's Forest

Should be beyond this savannah

It's so big

Kings of the fang... losing a life...

Quit that!

Let's just keep going

There might be people living near the giant statue

If we can make it that far...

What's wrong, Peko?

Look over there

Wow, a herd of elephants!

Oh, the kings of the fang must be referring to these elephants!

Wow, they're so big!

So cute! A baby elephant!

What's going on?

I wonder why they're running

Lions! Run!

So the kings of the fang were lions after all!

What should we do?!

Let's run that way!

Oh no, we're surrounded!

We're done for...

Hold it together everyone! Put up a fight!

How the heck do we fight lions?!

Peko! Where are you going?!



Oy! Over here ya furballs!


What's the god of Bauwanko doing here?!

It went right through!

Are you alright, Gian?

The path to the kingdom is open

Now go forth, young ones!

He's disappearing!


Thank goodness you're alright Peko!

What is it?

I just realised, Peko looks just like the giant statue

Now that you mention it...

I wonder if there's a connection

How could there be?

Anyway, what are we going to do?

We're going to lose another two lives in order to reach the kingdom!

What else can we do?

We can only go forward

What do you think, Shizuka?

What I'm worried about is...

Yes? Yes?

Whether there are baths at the kingdom!


{\i}Give me a break

What about you Gian, what do you think?

You've been quiet this whole time

Takeshi has been acting completely different

He's been awfully eager...


Who cares what kingdom it is

I just want to get there already!

Choo-Choo Rope!

This feels so lame, like we're playing trains

This might look lame but

We can move at the speed of a train with this!

It's so deep...

The world of the dead must be at the bottom

Looks like we don't have a choice but go down in this

Who wants to go first?

I'm fine with going last...

Suneo, you can go first!

No no no no, you can go first, Nobita!

You don't have to hold back, go on-

Lower me


That's Gian for you

He's got guts alright


He managed to grab the cliff!

Hurry! Hurry!

But all the useful gadgets have been left behind!

Hold on, that might be useful

Gravity Paint!

Whatever we paint this onto becomes the ground! Like-

There's no time for that!

One wrong step out of the paint trail

And we're done for!

This looks taller than the Tokyo Tower...

Just as the paint ran out

What a gloomy place

This really is the world of the dead

Let's hurry so we can climb out the other side

The rock is wailing!

That spooky light, that spooky noise!

Must be ghosts!

It's coming this way!



Why you little!

Way to go!

You broke it apart!

Gian you're so strong!


I caught a spirit


Look like small flies with light-emitting bacteria on them

Is that all! It's not so scary once you know!

The wailing must be the same

There has to be a scientific explanation for it

Are you okay, Suneo?

Yeah, and now I know

This is be a volcanic area

That's why every now and then, steam is emitted from underground

Which passes through these holes to make that sound

Same principle as a flute!

I see!

Suneo's so smart!

Well done!

I knew I could count on all of you

Peko spoke!

I did not intend to startle you

But I should have revealed myself earlier and assisted you more

He stood up!

I thought you would never believe me if I had just told you

And wanted you to see it all for yourself

That is why I guided you

Peko! Just who the heck are you?!

I am the th prince of Bauwanko, Prince Kuntaq

A prince?!

A child of Bauwanko?!

For some reason, I ended up in Japan

But thanks to all of you, I have made it all the way back

Then that giant statue was...

A statue of Bauwanko I

I projected it from this gem here

It is similar to a program

But not quite

This gem has been passed down from generations of kings

The statue can perform many pre-recorded actions


It's so far ahead of human technology!

That means, your kingdom must be really advanced too?

Unfortunately that is not the case...

I will explain it in more detail as we walk

We must hurry onwards!

There is but one path to the kingdom

That is through this cave

The waters of this river flow from the lake within the kingdom

I can't believe there's a kingdom full of dogs...

Well, that goes for me too

Until I beheld it with my own eyes

I did not think the human world existed

It must have happened millions of years ago

During a shifting of the earth's crust

Part of the land must have caved

And became isolated from the outside world

In the outside world, apes evolved and became humans

But in our world, it was dogs that evolved

It's a dead end

It appears so

Doraemon, can you do something?

I don't know, let me think...

Right! That might be useful!

Up-the-River Boat!

Just like how Koi fish climb waterfalls, it can swim upstream

This is great!

You must be happy Peko

To be back home after so long

Of course I am happy

But there is a terrible menace looming over the kingdom



We must be at the surface

This is... the land of dogs

That's a huge waterwheel

It is used for processing harvested crops

And conveying water to the royal palace

It's so beautiful here

Get down!

What's wrong?

Dog soldiers!

What is it?

Thought I heard something weird that way

It's probably nothing

We need to hurry

They are gone

Who were they?

They were soldiers of Minister Dabrandar, usurper to the throne


He is a sly and terrible foe

This kingdom is completely under his control

Where are we going?

Brusus' residence

Brusus is the captain of the royal guard

And the most reliable man in the entire kingdom

Get down!

I merely tripped and fell...

Brusus! Hey, Brusus!

This is terrible

Doesn't look like anyone's here

I fear he has been captured and taken away

I hoped that Brusus may perhaps have avoided such a fate

Is there anyone else you can call upon to help?

At this rate, there may be no one left...

Peko, how did things get like this?

Five thousand years ago, this kingdom

Was far more advanced than it is now

Our ancestors utilised their knowledge

To create fire-breathing tanks

And ships that flew in the sky

Terrible weapons of destruction

However, the wise Bauwanko I

Saw that these weapons would only invite disaster upon the world

He forbade their research

And he sealed their blueprints away

In exchange, as the guardian deity of this kingdom

He constructed a giant statue

And so after five thousand years, our technology has regressed

But peace has reigned in this kingdom

However, when my father ascended the throne

Minister Dabrandar had his own designs

He brought back those ancient weapons

And plans to conquer the outside world

Is this...

There is no mistaking it

Magnificent! These must be the blueprints for the lost ancient weapons!

With this I shall make the world mine!

It was the eve of my marriage to Princess Spiana

Give me your hand

Thank you

I will protect this kingdom

And you as well

I pray that this peace will last forever

Your highness! Your highness!

Wait here for me


Prince Kuntaq!

What is wrong, Schnauzer?

Big trouble, your highness! Listen...

The king has been...



Father! Father!

It appears that someone

Has applied poison to his wine goblet

Hmm, if I recall, this wine goblet

Was a gift from the prince himself

So it was you, Dabrandar!


What could you possibly be speaking of?

I believe you should worry more about yourself at this point!

Arrest the traitor!

Hold it!

Stop right there!

He's here!

Get him!

Where did go?!

Search around the river!

I wondered when you would show up, Prince Kuntaq

And so, I was caught in the flow of the underground river

At first, I was at a loss when I reached human civilisation

But I managed to sneak aboard a docked ship

It turned out to be a cargo ship that travelled between Africa and Japan

Then I found myself lost while I sought a way to return to my kingdom

But I was saved by Nobita

As long as Dabrandar is in power

This kingdom is doomed

I know it will be an extremely difficult task

But I beg you, please help me!



Are... are you kidding?!

We came here to find treasure

Why are we getting involved in something like this?!

I don't even care if we have to walk, let's go back to Japan!

How can you say something like that

She's right! We can't just abandon Peko like that!

What do you think we can do in our condition?!

We'll come up with something

It's impossible!

It's not!

Hold up!

Get back here, pup!

Hah! Now I gotcha!

Jeez, what a slippery little pup you are

Cowards! Two on one is unfair!

Fight me one on one!

You heard him Bernard, we're cowards!

I... I'm not a coward!

Ow... owwww!

How dare you bite my nose...

I'm not going to easy on you anymore!

Hold it!

Wh... who the hell are you guys

I cannot forgive v*olence against a child!

How dare you...!


Come here you!

You... you got me

No, you can't be...

Gh... ghost!


We're outta here!

You're pretty amazing, Peko!

I fear that my identity has been discovered

My name's Chippo

I did steal those guys' food

But I was starving to death

What about to your parents?

They got taken away! Along with everyone else in the village...

Taken away?!

By soldiers that showed up at our village...

Mommy! Can I give this to Boo and Woo?

Didn't you feed them earlier?

They said they wanted more!


It's alright dear

Alright, alright, here you go

What is this? I demand a better explanation!

By the command of his eminence Dabrandar

You have all been appointed to the position of w*apon makers

That's absurd!

The fields... our livestock... who's going to look after them?

Take them away!

What are you-?!

Let me go!

Stop it! Stop picking on my mom and dad!

Get out of here, pup!



That's why, I'm gonna go save my mom and dad!

Look! I even made a sword!


Show it to me


This is a good sword




Let us help you too



And of course, us too

If we all put our heads together, we can come up with something

Alright fine! I'll lend a hand too!

Thank you... thank you everybody!

Now that's settled, let's come up with a plan!


Magnificent work, professor Kos

You honour me

No matter what enemy exists in the outside world

We have nothing to fear!

But of course, your eminence

In order to build many thousands of these machines

I have gathered many people from around the kingdom

The day in which you become king of the world

Is almost upon us

Your eminence!

We have a serious problem!

What? The prince you say?!


The prince lies dead deep at the bottom of the lake!

But I'm sure it was him!

What's more, he's brought five strange animals with him

They looked like monkeys wearing clothes...

There was a raccoon with them too!

It can't be, the prophecy of Bauwanko I...

But their numbers aren't right

I care not who they are!

Arrest all of them at once!

Your eminence

Supposing it is the real prince, his swordsmanship is unmatched

We must call upon Captain Sabre for this occasion

Out of the way!

You're in the way! Clear off!

I... I'm sorry!


What do you have there on your cart, pup?

Just... just some hay from the marketplace

Then you have no objections if we inspect it?


Captain Sabre!

We've found nothing suspicious

Just these things

I beg your pardon, pup

I just detected a strange scent on you... We're off!

We're in the clear, your highness

That was close

Seems we have pursuers after us

My Shapeshifting Drink's all gone too

Definitely the work of Kuntaq

Now things are getting interesting

Mobilise every soldier available, search the kingdom!

Capture the prince and all his accomplices!

That's what I've heard

Brusus is been kept in the lowest dungeon of this keep

Let's go with the good old Slip-Through Hoop!

Be careful okay?

You really possess some astounding gadgets, Doraemon

No time to be impressed, hurry, hurry!

Why do we have to sit here and be watchdogs...

This way

This is so creepy

Have you ever heard of a pleasant prison?

Brusus! Brusus!

It is I, Brusus!

That voice! That scent!

Your highness! Am I dreaming?!

We can talk later, let's get out of here first

Don't nap while you're walking


O-oh crap!

We have an escapee!

We have been found!


Th... this is bad!

Your highness!

How did it go?

Nobody is hurt, Brusus too

Come on, come on!

There they are!

O wise Bauwanko I

Please hear my prayer

The kingdom is under the dark rule of evil ones

We are lost in the darkness

Please... please lend us your guiding light

Spread out! Don't let them get away!

Cut them off!

Where did they go?!

I wonder what happened

Your highness!

Oh, I should knock

It is quite alright, Dool

Big trouble, your highness!

The prince... I heard that the prince has made his return!

The prince...

Is this true?!

So he is alive after all!

There was no way I could believe that he had perished!

I am glad... I am truly glad

You must not allow yourself to be deceived, Princess Spiana

The false prince and his accomplices

Will be in our custody before long

Naturally, they will all be ex*cuted

Forget about the prince

Becoming my queen is in your best interests right now

You boor! The prince is not someone

You can capture so easily!

He will rise up with the people

And save this kingdom!

My my, that is something

I will have to confirm for myself

I shall do that by tomorrow morning

With the prince's own head

Your highness!

{\i}Kuntaq, I pray that you are safe...

Someone search over this way!

Do not overlook a single suspicious person!

Find them! Leave no stone unturned!

Listen up!

The false prince and his accomplices are holed up in this city!

Look here, there are four monkeys and one raccoon!

Those who are sheltering them will be ex*cuted!

Those who inform us of their hideout

Will receive a year's supply of bones!

A-a year's supply?!

Get the hell off me!

What, they're all gone

Dabrandar sure is unpopular

Eh? Is it alright to abandon our post here?

You idiot, if we find them we'll get the reward too!

You're so smart, Bruterry!

This is why I always follow your lead!

What do you mean raccoon? Raccoon?!

They're going find us, Doraemon!

They must have never seen a cat before!

I don't even look like a raccoon!

Your highness, who are these creatures...

They are brave heroes from the outside world

What! From the outside world?!

Thank goodness!

Bauwanko I's prophecy was true after all!

What is this prophecy...?

It is an ancient one handed down through the royal family

"When the kingdom is in turmoil,

Ten outsiders shall appear

And rouse the heart of the great god"

Ten outsiders?

Could that be us?

But there're only five of us

I wonder where the other five are from

There's no way there'll be five more!

What does it mean by "rouse the heart of the great god"?

I don't know

But I have heard that the statue itself is hollow

If we can get inside it, we might be able to find out

I guess it is all or nothing...

I'm so hungry I feel like I'm to die!

Speaking of, it's been a long time since we've eaten

I have to do something about that...

Anticipatory Promise Machine!

If you make a promise, then this machine will produce the effects immediately!

Here, let me try it out

I promise you! I will make sure I eat tomorrow

So please make us full right now

Huh? Something smells really good!

I can taste something delicious in my mouth!

You're right!

Ah, I'm so full I couldn't eat another bite!

This is quite amazing

In exchange,tomorrow we have to make sure we eat today's share too!

Dora, can I borrow that gadget for a moment?

You're not full yet?

It's not that!

I promise you

That I will definitely take a bath soon

So please make my body clean right now

I feel so refreshed!

Alright, good night

I need to pee...

{\i}Brusus, the princess... is Princess Spiana unharmed?

{\i}She is kept c*ptive in the royal palace somewhere

{\i}But she is safe

{\i}I heard that she has been praying

{\i}Day and night for the salvation of the kingdom

Hey, Peko!

You can't do that! What if you get spotted?!


I apologise, I could not sleep at a time like this

It just takes me three seconds to be out cold...


Do you believe I have what it takes to rule this kingdom?

I was unable to protect anything

My father, Princess Spiana...

Even Chippo's parents...

Even as the people of this kingdom suffers

I have no choice but to rely on some prophecy

I am truly unworthy

But you're amazing, Peko

As for me, even when I try my hardest

I get on my tests, I'm terrible at baseball

Everyone gets mad at me all the time

But you know

I did get on a test once!

I was so happy when I did!

Even though no one believe in me

What's more, I've even hit a home run too!

I just shut my eyes, swung with everything I had

And I ended up hitting the ball!

Even I was so surprised by it, I forgot to run!

I apologise

You seem so captivated, I couldn't help it...

Huh? What was I talking about again?

Well, I guess what I wanted to say was...


Heads up!

What I wanted to say was:

I trust that you'll be a great king!


All those soldiers, and you could not capture a single one?!

Maybe he flew off, or tunnelled underground

He seems fairly capable

Quiet! He even brought monsters with him...

Please, calm yourself your eminence

I believe that they will use the cover of the night

To make a break for the giant statue

How could you know that!

An ancient prophecy handed down through the royal family

"When the kingdom is in turmoil,

Ten outsiders shall appear

And rouse the heart of the great god"

We're approaching the giant statue's sanctuary

That was surprisingly easy

They must've given up looking for us

It is too quiet

I wonder where all the soldiers have gone

There is a chance...

Confound it, it was a trap!

We're so close to the giant statue, too!

Brusus! It's Brusus!

Leave this lot to me, deliver the prince to the statue!


Yes, sir!

Be careful, Brusus!

Your mongrels!

How dare you call yourself soldiers of the Bauwanko kingdom!

If we can just reach the statue,

I am certain we can be saved

So hold on until then, Brusus!

Look! The giant statue is right up ahead!

What are those?

Fire-breathing tanks, damn you Dabrandar

So you completed the ancient weapons after all

Everyone! Deeper into the forest!

To the false prince and his accomplices

We have this forest completely surrounded

Surrender and give yourselves up right now!

I repeat! Surrender and give yourselves up!

We may just spare your lives

He is lying

If we give ourselves up, they will k*ll us

It's no use hiding

Do it!


Scorch the jungle!

Flush them out of cover!

It would appear, that it is all over

To come this far for my sake...

No words can express how sorry I am

If you head south, you will come to a lake

You can escape out that way

In the mean time, I will distract them

You can't do that on your own!

You'll get caught in no time!

I cannot bring myself to involve you outsiders any further in this



Make sure to get them all to safety

Your highness...

Then you should come with us too, Peko!

You can come live with us in the human world!

I am sure I would enjoy it very much if I did that


As a prince of this kingdom, I cannot run away!

Everyone... please, stay safe!


He ain't going to go alone

I'm going too!

Wh-what are you saying, Gian?!

You'll be walking to your death!

Shut it!

If we don't move, we'll be surrounded by fire

F-fine, have it your way!


Come back!

In his own way, Takeshi

Must have been blaming himself all this time

And this is just his way of taking responsibility

I am gazing at you from afar

I wonder what kind of past

Could have meant we met each other?

I wonder what you think

Because I just don't know

Those endless burdens

That you cannot bear, here

I will bear them for you

I want to be friends forever

I don't need any old promises

I just want to be friends with you

Through rain

Or shine

Geez, looks like we're doing this together after all

That's right! It's everyone or no one!

No matter what happens from here on out

We'll always be together!

Right on! Let's go!

Expedition party, go!

Here they come

You impress me prince, I admire your courage

Shall I arrest them?

Do not bother, just finish them all here

We are going to make a run for the statue, give it all you have!

Even if only one of us makes it...

Looks like the other five outsiders from the prophecy aren't going to show

You can't count on some old prophecy

I've got it!

I promise you!

Soldiers, present arms!

We will make sure...

So please!


Now! Run for it!

Keep up and just run for the goal!


Ah, they're here!

No way!


Ten outsiders!

Sorry we're late!

How are there another group of us?!

You can be surprised later! Hurry up and get inside the statue!

Just leave the soldiers to us!

I've been drawing it in my heart forever

Drawing it

My map of the world, filled with my dreams

Flying in the sky, travelling through time

Even to faraway lands

Just open the door, come on

I want to go, right now!

There's an entrance between the feet

I wonder, when I grow up

How do you know all this?

Use your pendant on this!

Got it!

Will I forget all of this?

When that time comes

Just try to remember!

A way in!

Go on, hurry!

Shalalala, I have a dream

Sabre! Go after them!

Always shining in my heart


Flood the whole world

With these wonderful dreams!

Curses! One squad with me!

They cannot be allowed near the giant's heart!

There's only one thing we're after, the giant's heart!

Is it in here?

Holy moly!

This isn't it! This is just a treasure room!

Who cares


Let's go!

Wait up for me guys!

There they are!

H-h-help me!

Hold it!

Look at this place!

The giant's heart should be up those stairs up there!

Very well, no time to waste!


Ahh! Such inconvenient timing!

Legendary Sword: Lightning!

You can hold them back with that!

Ooh, that block just now...

You seem very skilled, en garde!

It's this room!

This heart-shaped sculpture is the giant's heart

We just need to rouse it, right?

We need to twist it, just like a screw!

You know of things that even I do not!

Bang! Bang! Bang!


Who cares how many children there are,

Get in there and finish them!

Those are...

Fire-breathing tanks!

You alright?


All ships, ready flamethrowers!


Let's take cover behind the statue!

Low battery


Not attacking? Then I shall strike first!

No good, it's not budging an inch!

It's just a little rusty after five thousand years!

It's no use pushing it like this

We must all push together!

Right! On my mark!


My arms are at their limit!

Don't be a quitter! Have a little faith!

I can't quit!

I have to fight till the end!

Don't you dare...

I have you now!

Underestimate me!


Well done

Captain Sabre's done for!

We're outta here!

We've done it!

We've roused the giant's heart!

The clouds are gathering

What's going on?!

They can't have... the giant's heart!

You guys!



Guys, come watch!


The... the giant is moving!




You monster! Take this!

Direct hit! That's what you get!


Let's get out of here!

How is a stone statue moving like it's made of rubber?!

Who gives a crap! Get'em!

It's just a giant lump of rock, what the hell are you lot doing?!

Fine! Ready the Howling Cannon!


Ready to fire!


Howling Cannon, fire!

Behold the mountain-shattering power of the Howling Cannon!

Drop all the bombs we have!

We must take this chance to finish it off!

Get up!

Come on, stand up!

You can't lose!


Please, please save this kingdom!

How?! How can it still move!

Oh no, hurry, turn the ship!



Go! go!

We're not going to make it!

Professor Kos, tell me where Dabrandar is!

He fled towards the royal palace a long time ago

The palace...

Princess Spiana is in danger!

Why don't you escape with me, Princess Spiana

If you get any closer, I will jump!

How dare you defy me!

Get out here Dabrandar!

Wh... what is the meaning of this

I've told everyone about your villainy!

And that the prince putting his life on the line for us!

Very well, then you shall die with me!

I have you now!

Circle cross triangle...

The giant statue?!

Princess Spiana!


Even though I swore to protect you... I beg your forgiveness!

No, you have fulfilled your promise

Because right now, I am here in your arms

Princess Spiana...

It's so romantic

The giant statue!

Long live the new king!

Long live the new king!

Long live the new king!

Long live the new king!

Long live the Bauwanko Kingdom!

You guys really saved us, but... who are you...?

We are you that came back from the future with the Time Machine!

Do you get it now?

Because used the Anticipatory Promise Machine back then

That if we get home safely, we will make sure to go back in time

And save us in our most desperate moment!

Now I see!

Is that how it works!

You have to make sure to keep the promise, okay?

Of course

Here's a new Anywhere Door!

Thank you, thank you

We're off, take care, us!

You really saved us, us!

The mystery of the ten outsiders is solved

But it's still kind of complicated, huh...

I do not know if this is to your taste

But please, do not hold back

Let's eat!

Ah, it's going to be hard eating two days' worth of food...

Then hand it over!


We have to make sure to eat plenty!

Since we did make that promise

Wash these!

These too!

Whyyy are we stuck with dishwashing duties?!

Grr, I'm not going to what you say anymore, Bruterry!

Um, I do have a personal promise I have to keep...

A bath, was it? I already have one prepared for you

Wow, such a huge bath!

I'm totally going to swim in it!

I will lather your body

I will wash your hair

I will rinse you

I will massage you

I will perfume you

I will powder you

I... I can do it all by myself!


Words cannot express my gratitude

Your names will forever be marked in our kingdom's history

Please at least accept this

The treasures of Bauwanko

We didn't fight just so we could get some reward

Please use those treasures to rebuild your kingdom!

Peko, you will make a wonderful king

I will try, and Nobita, please take care of yourself

You can't just...

It is alright

If you ever get hungry, come visit anytime

I'll make sure to have plenty of sausages just for you

Of course, I will definitely come see you

Definitely... for sure...

Bye, everyone!

See ya!


Bye bye!


Now! Let us all rebuild the kingdom together!

What a great adventure

That was the best summer vacation

I wonder if we'll still have these adventures when we all grow up...

Wait, this isn't over yet remember?

Oh right, there's one more promise left to keep

Whaaat, there's another?

Cheer up!

We're going to rescue ourselves, got a problem?

None at all!

Here's all the gadgets we left behind

Let's head to the Time Machine in my room!

And tell them about the secrets of the giant statue!

If I stretch my hand out into the distance

There is a shining signal

That is waiting to be found

We stood back to back, never quite understanding

The answer to our sadness

Gazing down into the pool, I murmured

"Are you really laughing?"

You didn't answer me

Following the map of the stars in the sky

There will be times when we trip and fall

There's no time to turn back now

Let's go greet the future

Beyond the blue, blue sky that we gaze at

There is a new future waiting for us

There is nothing to be afraid of

Hold our dreams and our hopes tightly

In our pockets, and then let's go

When I close my eyes I can see it

Soaring into the sky, a shining signal

Let's go find it

Our one and only light

Beyond the blue, blue sky that we gaze at

There is a new future waiting for us

There is nothing to be afraid of

Hold our dreams and our hopes tightly

In our pockets, and then let's go

Did you enjoy that, everyone?

See you around!

What's this?


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