5th Quarter, The (2010)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.
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5th Quarter, The (2010)

Post by bunniefuu »

What time?

Susy's our
student trainer today.

So she'll give me
a lift after practice.


Remember. Swear you'll
stay safe today.

Stay safe today.

I love you, honey.


Sometimes I believe
everything would be better

Sure, the times I believe
that everything is just fine


You've got it.
Get it up there quick.

Yeah, give me three more.

Push it up.

You got it.

Hey, that's too easy, man.

Hi, sweetheart.

Mommy loves you.

I love you, too.

MARYANNE: Rachel? Steve?
Where are you guys?

In here.

Swiss or American?

Cheddar, please.

American it is.


Oh, Luke just called.
He forgot his jersey.

You've got to be kidding.
Oh, I really wanted to go
to the gym.


Well, listen.
My conference call
was canceled.

I'll run it by him.

What a break.
Thanks, hon,
you're a sweetheart.

Let's just remember that.
Shall we?

Yeah. All right, I will.

You know how he can't live
without his number 5.

All right. Bye.

A piece of me you'll keep
So your families won't weep

Hey, Coach!

I know my mom was
proud to see a peach
on an apple tree

We'll remember...

Okay, so honey,
I need to take a rest.
Okay? Let's sit down.


Come on, Dad,
quit screwing around.

Hey! Whose fault is that?

Okay, thanks.


I love you.



I love you, too.



Hey, Luke.

I found out I can retake
that biology test I missed.

So I can't take
you home, okay?

Yeah, sure.

Well, I'll see you
tomorrow then, huh?

Hey, we're riding home
with Henry.
Just come with us.

No, I don't really know him.
I'll just call my mom.

Oh, I wanna call my mommy.

Get over here.


So, Abbate.
How's that hotshot brother
of yours doing in college?

He's all right.
[SCOFFS] All right.

Hey, Henry,
slow down, man.

Shut up, Mitchell.


All right.
I'm turning off that phone.





Rachel. Rachel.



Hey. My turn off.
You missed it.

You know,
you missed my street.
I know. I know.

I wanna show you
guys something.
It's really cool.

I mean, you're gonna
crap in your pants,
but you'll love it.


Will you just turn around?
Drop us off, man.
I'm serious.

Ah! Here we go.

Explain to me
how 23 years later,
your waist is the same size

and mine's
five inches bigger.

Can you explain to me
how that happened?


We're gonna catch
some sick air.

Henry, knock it off, man.
This ain't funny.

Screw this, Henry.
I'm not messing around.

Let me out of this car.
Henry, let me out of the car!
Let me out!

Don't do it, man?
Let me out!

Stop the car, Henry.
Stop it, man! Are you crazy?

ZACK: Henry,
let me out the car!
Lock your seatbelts, guys!

Cut the shit, Henry!






Hey, Bonnie.
Have you heard
from the kids?


What? Wait, wait, wait, wait.
I can't understand you. What?

Are you sure?

Yeah. I know where
that is. Yeah. Okay.


We have to go.

It's here.


Dear God. Be here
for me this night.

Where is he?
Have you seen Luke?

I haven't seen him, Steven.

What happened, Zack?
Where's Luke?

I'm sorry, Mrs. Abbate.

I'm so sorry.

What? What happened?

We tried to...
You tried to what?

ZACK: We tried...

What? You tried what?


Oh, my God!
I can't do this.

Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!

Pam! Where are they?

Mitchell called me
on his cell.

And he said there was
a really bad accident.

He called you?
He called you
on his cell?

Maryanne, don't...

Oh, my God!

Don't assume the worst,

We don't know
anything yet.

He might be fine!

Luke would have called me!
You know that.

He would have called me.

I'm sorry, sir.
Only authorized...

Luke Abbate.
My boy! My boy!

My son is
in the accident.

I'm sorry. Please wait here.
Do you know
anything about him?

Is he...
Somebody will be out shortly.

Listen to me. Listen to me.
I need to be with my son.


I need to be
with my son.

I'm not gonna hurt anybody.
My son is in the accident.

Somebody will be here shortly
to let you know if...

Please! Please let go!

Please let go!

Everything will be okay.

Let me go.
Let me go.

Just wait by the ambulance
and I'll let you know.

Please! It's gonna
be okay. Just...

Listen, do you
have a child?
That's my son!

I just wanna
be with him!

Somebody has to
find something out!
Where is he?

What was his
son's name?

Have you seen my son?
Luke Abbate?

Luke Abbate?
No, sir.

Mr. Abbate?

Your son was airlifted
to Atlanta Medical
about a half hour ago.

You should go.

Luke Abbate? Our son?
Is he here?

Yes. He's in
with the doctors now.

Okay, I'm going to
take you both
to the waiting room

until we know
what's going on.
He's still alive?

The doctors will
speak with you soon.

Is he gonna be all right?
Where is he?

Please, come with me,
Mrs. Abbate.
Where is he?

The doctors will
speak to you soon.
Come with me.


DOCTOR: All right.
He's breaking down.
His pressure's still dropping!

Get neuro
back in here, stat!

Let's give him another
liter of normal saline
and recheck hematocrit.

Thorocotomy tray, stat!


Maryanne, I am so sorry
this is happening.

Look, Luke is
in a great place.

This is a great hospital.


What is it?

It's not good.

MARYANNE: What is it?
What is it?

What is it?

It's not good.
It's not good.

Did I ever tell you
how much I love

the way the lights
from the bar
reflect off your eyes?

You're such a jerk!

But cute.

Well, that's good.


Mmm. Hang on.

Hey! What's up,
big brother?

[CRYING] It's bad, Jon.
Luke's been hurt.

There's been an accident.

Wait. What?

Adam, what do you mean?
How bad is it?

I don't know.
But Dad was crying.

The woman at school told me
to leave right away.

I'm scared, Jon.

I don't know
what to think.


What is it?

Ms. Cecilia Owens,
please call the operator.

These are for you.

Ms. Cecilia Owens,
call the operator please.

Why don't you come
into his room now?

He's just a very
sick little boy.

Orderly to surgical supply.
Orderly to surgical supply.


I'm Dr. Philips.
I'm your son's
attending neurologist.

Okay. So, what are we
dealing with here?

Well, the next
all our questions.

My baby.

He has suffered a very
serious brain injury.


We just need to
give him a chance.

A chance?

A chance for what?

Twenty-four hours.
We'll know more.

Wait a minute.
What are you saying?

Are you saying that
my son might die? Huh?

Twenty-four hours.
We'll know more, sir.
I am sorry.

It's okay.
It's okay.

Is that what he meant?
Is it?

Talk to your boy, Maryanne.

Go ahead.
Let him hear your voice.


"Marvelous are thy works.

"And that my soul
knoweth right well.

"My substance was
not hid from thee.

"When I was made in secret."



Is he okay?

STEVEN: He's not okay.

JON: What are they saying?

We just have to...
We have to just hope.
We just have to wait.

You gotta wake up,
little brother.

This doesn't work
without you. Okay?

None of us work
without you, buddy.

Come on, please.
We need you to wake up.



Do you want anything?

You want something
to drink?

No. Thanks.

It isn't fair

It's not the way
life was supposed to go

Nothing could
prepare you for this

Losing everything you know

Life has a way
of reminding you

When it's time
to take a turn

Oh, my God...

How do you live?
Where do you begin?

When there is no return

So walk with me, friend

We'll go gently to the wind


I'll be your refuge
and your comfort

You can lay here
in these arms

I'll be your refuge
Your refuge and your comfort

Stay with her.



There's been
no blood to his brain
for quite some time.

And, as hard as
it is to hear this,

he's just not coming back.


Under Georgia law,

he meets the requirements
for being brain-dead.

And we have the right
to take him off
life support.

No! No, you're not
taking him off
this machine!

All right? You're not
shutting that thing off.

Do you understand me?
Wait, wait, Jon.

You gotta give him a chance.
All right?

Nobody's taking my son
off any machine
until we decide.

Do you understand that?

Just take your time.

And think about it.

Can I talk to you
for a second?

It hasn't even
been 24 hours.

Doctor, these people...

His friends, his family,
his teachers, his coaches,

they all came here
to see him.

I want them to be able
to say goodbye to him.

Each and every one of them,
while he's still alive.

That's fine.

I am sorry.

Thanks, Chelsea.
I'm sorry.

Hi, Margaret.
Thank you for coming.

I just can't believe you.
You're my amazing big sister.

It's not really me.
I'm not here.

Excuse me, Mrs. Abbate?

May I speak to you
for a moment?


Thank you for
taking the time
to speak with me.

My name is Jean Amato.

And first, I want
to say how very sorry
I am about your son.

And I've prayed
for you and your son.

I'm a registered nurse
with a company
called Donate Life.

It's an organ donor

I can't take this.
Oh, no, no, no.

You can't have Luke!
Forget it!
Adam, please.

Forget it!
It's okay, Mr. Abbate.

But you have to understand
there are other people
out there like your brother.

Children and parents
whose lives might be saved.

You heard him.
What is it you
don't understand?

You're not ripping
Luke apart.

That's not gonna happen.

Jon. Jon, let's just
go back into his room.

Let me talk.

You have to understand.

This has been
incredibly sudden.

Let us just talk
about this as a family.

Of course.

When I took Luke to
get his driver's permit
a few months ago,

the clerk asked
if he wanted to
check the donor box.

He didn't know what
she was talking about,

but when I explained
it to him,

he didn't hesitate.

He said, "Yeah,
I wanna do that."

He wanted to donate.

So, I want him to donate.

Parts of him
could keep people alive.

I mean,
he's half of you...

And he's half of me.

he'll still be on earth.

With us. You know?


Okay. Yes.

"For he will command
his angels concerning you.

"To guard you
in all your ways.

"On their hands..."

"I shall not want.

"He makes me lie down
in green pastures.

"He leads me
beside still waters.

"He restores my soul."

"Do not hide your face
from me in the day
of my distress.

"Incline your ear to me.

"Answer me speedily
in the day when I call."

We found five recipients.

There'll be
a surgical team
for each organ.

They're being
assembled now.

It's time to take him.


We love you, Luke.

We'll love you forever,
little brother.

I have loved you
so very much.

I have loved you
every second of your life.

Goodbye, Luke.


I know something
about his heart.

NURSE: It's all right, honey.
You're okay.



Weightless and numb
as I stand here

Trying to take it all in
But I just can't believe

everything's different
Something's missing

I wonder, can anyone say

that I don't have

the faintest idea what to do?

And I can't begin



To fathom a life without you

Those morning classes
in the weight room.

I'll always remember
his fire, his passion.

His dedication to improve

is parallel
only to yours, Jon.

In fact,

whenever he'd make
a play on the field,
he'd run up to me and say,

"Did you see that, Coach?
Way better than Jon
could do."


Man, how he
looked up to you.

I loved Luke.
Like a son.

He picked on me and
teased me every day.

Pulling my hair bows.
Making kissing sounds.

But you could
never get mad.

Because if Luke teased you,
you knew you were his friend.

I bet he's in heaven now.

Tearing up
a golden football field.

Smiling all the while.

Go, number 5.

My family has been
deeply touched

by the love and support
of our dear community.

Please continue
to pray for us.

Because I...

I suspect...

...that the journey
will be both dark and hard.

Our lives have been shattered
into a million pieces.

And I have no idea
how to put them
back together.

Luke was,
and always will be,

deeply loved.

And now...


He will be
deeply missed.


This is my...

My baby. My baby.

One day you're here
Then you're gone

You were an angel to me


Setting me free on my own

And it's hard
to say goodbye

Yeah, it's hard
to say goodbye

And it's hard
to say goodbye

I will leave you
here tonight

You ready?

No way you can catch me.
You're way too old and fat.


Man, are you crazy?

You gotta hang on
to the ball,
little brother.

You don't want
everybody to know
you got lousy hands, man.

LUKE: Yeah, laugh it up.
You just wait.
I'm gonna be bigger.

And faster.
And stronger than
you'll ever be.

Is that a promise?

Yeah, it is.
Well, good.

Nobody will be
happier than me, man.

First things first.
We gotta talk about this
number 5 crap. All right?

You're a linebacker now.

You gotta get
a real number, like 40.

None of these low-digit,

prima donna
quarterback numbers.

Get off, man!
JON: Get up!

LUKE: I mean it!
I'll tell Dad.

JON: Are you
gonna tell him?

Yes! Yes!


Keep your mind on your music
Do it right and you can use it

To pursue getting laid
Getting paid when you say

Keep your mind on your music
Do it right and you can use it

To pursue getting laid
Getting paid when you say

Keep your mind on your music

Get ready to take life
with Mama's Gravy

Take you really high
Gonna take you sky-high

Hey, Justice.

Body! How you doing, man?

I'm all right, I guess.

You gonna work out
with us today?

No, not today, man.

You met with Coach?

[SIGHS] Tomorrow, I think.

All right.

I'll be around if you
want to grab a bite.

It's good to
have you back, Body.

Thanks, Justice.

Keep your mind on your music

Keep your mind
on your music

Nice to see you back, Jon.

I appreciate it.

Hey, Jon.

No satellite
to guide me here

No, no, not a star

Just my own motivation

Hey, guys.
Hey, Jon.

You okay?

Those dark inclinations

Bring me banging at your door

GROBE: Hey, Jon.
It's great to see you, kid.

JON: Thanks.

How are your folks doing?
How's your brother and sister?


Well, it's been
really rough.
You know?

Adam's still trying to
finish up at Georgia,

so at least
he can come home
whenever he wants.

And Mom and Dad.

You know...

They really appreciated
you and Mrs. Grobe coming
to the funeral and all.

Wouldn't have missed it.

What about you, Jon?

How're you doing?
How are your classes?

Well, I haven't actually...
I haven't actually been.

Well, I'm sure
they'll all be
very patient,

and give you
a lot of support
while you need it.

You know, this university,
well, it's a pretty
exceptional place.


You know,
I remember Luke well.

I remember him sneaking
around the locker room
after the games,

asking all the guys
for their gloves.


I want you to start
practicing with the team.

I don't know, Coach.

Look, Jon. I don't pretend
to know what you're
going through.

But I do know one thing,

and that is that you are
a heck of a football player.

You're one of
the finest linebackers
we've ever coached.

Now, I'm not forcing you.

I just think it would be
a good idea for you
to get back on the field.

A good diversion.

Even if it's just for
a few minutes at a time.

You think about it, okay?



BOY 1: Come on, now!
Come on, now!


Come on, now!
Come on, now!

Hey, Body.
How you doing?

I was missing your ugly face
staring at me across the line.

Don't worry, Micah,
it'll come back to you.

Just keep running
that mouth. All right?



BOY 2: Let's go,
let's go, let's go!



Do you know


How it feels

to find yourself
where you can't breathe?

Do you know...

Just check out the article
in this morning's Post, okay?

'Cause it does
a really good job
of spelling out

how these hospital-borne
infections have just exploded
in the last few years.

If you want to get sick,
a hospital's not
a bad place to do it.


If we're successful
pushing through
the new legislation,

and Medicare actually
starts covering our in-house
intravenous treatments,

this could be
a phenomenal business.


We need to
start chasing...

Jon, don't you think
it's enough?

We have practice
in the morning.

You can go to your
field hockey practice
in the morning.

I can't play.


I can't even pretend to play.
I mean, you saw me, Justice.

Body, give yourself
a break, man.

It was your first minute
on the field in months.

Yeah, I know.

I just don't feel like
I'm gonna want to
play again.

You can't mean that.

The heck I don't.

You're gonna play, man.

This could be our year.

The sixth season
under Coach's program.

We're ready to win.
You know that.

Yeah, right.

Like people don't already
think we're not the worst
team in the conference.

Read a paper.
Okay, Justice?

They're saying
we'll be lucky to win
a game this year.

We know better
than that, don't we?

[SCOFFS] Whatever.

You better take it easy.

Honey, please.
No more tonight.

No, all right?
You don't understand.

You don't know
what it's like.
All right? How could you?

How could you?
How could anybody
understand it?

I don't understand
any of this!

I mean,
if God is so good...

If he's so good, then how
can he let such bad things
happen to good people?

He was just a little kid.
You know what I mean?

How could he be dead
at 15, baby?

Baby, don't cry, okay?
It's okay.


Please, baby, don't cry.

You have to promise me
something, all right?
You can't let me forget.

Promise me you won't
let me forget.
All right?

What, Jon?

The dates! The dates!
All right?

The date of the crash.
The date of the funeral.

The date that he died.
You can't let me forget.

'Cause I don't want
to forget him, you know?

You have to promise me
you won't let me forget.

I'm right here.

I think we need
to go home, Body.

Take a little break.

Be back with
Moms and Pops.

I'll go with you.

We'll get back
on track together.


Yeah, okay.



Here we are.
Are you ready for this?

I don't know.

I don't know?

What the heck are you
talking about, Body?

Come on, man,
we got work to do.

URIA: Look, Jon.

Don't come here
if you want
to be coddled,

cause I'll give you
no quarter.

I'm sorry
about your brother.

But the way I see it,
you got a choice to make,

right here
and right now.

You can keep drinking
every night

and feel worse
about yourself
in the morning,

and do what your brother
would want you to do.

In fact, everything
you do should be
for you and for Luke.

You've gotta start
living for two, man.

That's gotta be
your motivation.

That's gotta be
your fire.

You've got to do
what would make
your brother proud.

So, you tell me,

in front of your mother
and your friend.

Are you willing to do
whatever it takes to be
the best that you can be?


Well then you've come
to the right place,

because I will
take you there.

Thank you.

Come on, Jon, knees up.
Drive! Drive! Drive!

Abs tight!
Pull those arms!

Come on. Drive.
Pull, pull, pull.

On the ball of
your foot, come on.
Abs tight. Bounce!

Get light on those feet.
Come on. Move, move!

Get down.
Right here, right here.


Yeah. Abs tight,
chest up.

Up and down!
Come on, Jack.

You know who this is for!
Hold. Out to the side.

Who's giving up first?
Who's giving up first?

Come on, come on, come on!

Turn your foot. Pivot, pivot.
Right arm across the body.

You guys are pitiful.
Hit the ground,
give me pushups.

Seven, six...

Your grandmother does it
better than that, man!


Kick! Back! Kick! Back!

Kick that bag.
What's wrong,
are you tired already?

Four, three, two...

Blow that air out
and squeeze.

Come on girls, get tough.

Come on, man. Hit!

Yeah, that's real hitting.

Come on, hit the pads
like you mean it.

How bad do you want this?

Right. Lie back.
Breathe, breathe, breathe.

MARYANNE: Green tea.

Uria says you're
supposed to drink some
after every meal.

That's one crazy
South African.

I honestly believe
he'll k*ll us.

It was the toughest workout
I ever had, man.

I heard he used
to be some kind of
Delta Force trainer

or commando or something.

Probably k*ll us
with his pinkie.

ADAM: Remember we used
to fight over who Luke
would sleep with?

Yeah. He used to hide
under my bed when I was
taking a shower.

He'd stay there for hours,
waiting for me to fall asleep.

Then, all of a sudden,

he'd start rattling the bed,
making these crazy
animal noises.

He'd send me running
to you guys screaming
like a little girl.

Which you are.

And always will be.


I know it doesn't compare
to losing Luke or anything,

but I lost an older brother
when he was just
a few weeks old.

You did?

BRADLEY: He was born
with a bad heart.

I know it sounds
kind of crazy,

but I think about him
all the time.

Not necessarily the fact
that I miss him or anything,

just wondering what
it might've been like
to have an older brother.

Well, to Luke.

May he rest in peace
forever in heaven.

To Luke.
To Luke.

You know in the mornings,
when you're somewhere

between your dreams
and being awake?

Hmm. Yeah.

I used to have these
reoccurring dreams

that something awful was
about to happen to them.

Especially Luke,

being the youngest.

What kind of dreams?

Oh, different things.

Falling off
a hotel balcony.

Someone trying
to k*ll them.

But the worst
was Luke drowning,

being pulled
toward this black hole.

And I'd dive in
and I'd be trying
to save him.

And when I realized
I'm not going to be
able to save him,

I'd just wake myself up.

So that it didn't
actually happen.

I didn't know.
You never said.

I didn't want to
even say the words.

I just wanted
those thoughts
out of my mind.

And I remember
I would be so relieved.
It was just a dream.

It's because
you love your
kids so much.

And now,
it's all turned around.

I dream of Luke.

And Maryanne...

He's here.

I can feel him.

I smell him.


And now
I don't wanna wake up.

All the way. All the way.
You wanna be number one?

Come on.
Come on, Jon, for two.

Come on, Jon, all the way.
Keep it tight. Pull, pull!

Jon, you've got this
all day long.

Down. Up. Hold it down.
Arms back. Circles.

Come on, come on, come on.
Let's push.

Uppercuts! Up! Up! Up!

Five, four, three...

Come on! Come on!

Come on, for two, baby!
All the way! All the way!

We never give up, man.
We never give up.

Two more, Jon.
You're doing it for two.
You're doing it for two.

Jab, cross, down.
Drop it down. Get down.

Hit me!
Come on, man, come on!
Three, two. Other side.

Let's go! Let's go!
Five, four...

Jab, cross. Come on, Jon,
let's finish strong.
Jab, cross. Jab, cross.

Come on, hit me.
Come on. Work.

URIA: Once more!
Get it right! Come on!
Three, two...

Nice. Nice.

URIA: Come on, pro!

Come on, Champ,
all the way!
All the way!

Nice. For two, baby.
Come on.

Three, two, one!

Now he's proud!
That's the way
to party, man.


Wake Forest!

Wake Forest!

Wake Forest!
Wake Forest!



Go team!

JON: I want to talk to you
about my number, Coach.

I wanna wear
Luke's number 5.

Today, the season opener.
An ACC, Big East match-up.

The Orangemen of Syracuse
versus the Demon...

JOE: Dear God, protect Jon
during this upcoming battle.

Protect him, his team,

and the opposing team
from physical injuries.

And please, God,
allow Jon to perform to
the best of his abilities

on this glorious day.


All right, guys,
this is where
it all begins. Okay?

Defense, be fast
and physical.
Right, Coach.

Offense, make sure
you take care
of the football.

Now play like
your hair's on fire.
Yes, sir.

And let's go get us a win.
One, two, three...

ALL: Go Deacs!

Wake Forest, first down.

Ben Mauk back to throw.
He's got Idlette!

Touchdown Wake Forest!

COMMENTATOR 2: Demon Deacons
on the board first.
Man, he was wide open.


Anderson, he's got Moss
in the end zone!

And Syracuse has
another touchdown.

quarter, all tied at 10.

They sure are,
but Mr. Ohio's...

It's a loose ball!
They're diving for it!

Who's got the ball?

It's hard to tell.

Oh! It looks like
Mauk may be hurt.

Uh-oh! Ben Mauk is down.

Oh, my, he could have
hurt himself diving in
for that loose ball.

gotta be a scary moment
for the Wake Forest team.

Ben Mauk...

Hey. This is why
you're here. All right?

This is why
you got a scholarship.

Now, go earn it.
All right?

The backup quarterback
is number 11, Riley Skinner.

Skinner's a true freshman.
And I can guarantee you

Coach Jim Grobe hadn't
intended on playing him

unless absolutely necessary.

Well, it is now.
It's late in the third.

Tight game,
season opener,
pressure situation,

and Skinner needs
to grow up quickly.


We have finished
three periods here in
Winston-Salem, North Carolina

with Syracuse
and Wake Forest
locked in a tight one.

This has certainly been
an entertaining game so far.

We're expecting
another 15 minutes...


Good game. Good game.

All right, girls,
that's one.

But it's only one.

We got a long way to go.

Oh, Gat, man,
enjoy it, man.
This is a good day.

I mean, look at Brim.

He doesn't even
look as ugly as
he usually does.

Real funny, Micah.
Oh, he speaks!

Be careful, son.
I'll run you down and
make you cry like a baby.

You'd like to try?

All right.
Chill out. Chill out.

How're you doing, Body?
I'm good.

you just won for two.


Come on, fellas. Fellas.

MAN: Yeah, yeah.


You lose your way?

Coach Lambert's office
is just down the hall.

Unless you're thinking of
switching to wide receiver.


You got a minute?

Of course I do.

I've been expecting you.


Coach Grobe thought...

That we should speak.
I know. He told me.

See, we have
a shared experience,
you and I.

Both having to deal
with a big loss.

Who was it?

My first wife.

It wasn't
like your brother.

She just got sick.

One minute
she was a beautiful,

vibrant young woman
with her whole life
ahead of her.

The next minute,
she was dying

and there was nothing
anyone could do about it.

It made no sense.

How do you deal
with it, Coach?

You know,
how do you go on?

Jon, there are no rules.

We each have to
figure that out
in our own way.

The thing is,

for the entire history
of mankind,

everyone is born,
everyone dies.

You'd think we'd know
how to handle it by now,
but we don't.

We just never seem to be
prepared to deal with
the death of a loved one.

Especially when it
happens so suddenly,
and to someone

as young as your brother.

You know,
I just don't get it.

Just realize that
at this very moment,
somewhere in this world,

a mother has just lost a son,
a husband his wife,

a brother his brother,
just like you.

I know you're hurting,
but you're not alone.

There are people
out there that share
what you're feeling.

You never have to do
anything more

than just walk down that hall
and walk into this office.


[SIGHS] Yeah.
Thanks, Coach.

We were telling the story
of Abbate earlier,

wearing number 5 in honor
of his brother, Luke.

A standout
high school player
who wore number 5.

earlier in his career
had worn number 40

in honor of fallen
w*r hero, Pat Tillman.

And when he asked Coach
if he could switch
to the number 5,

Coach Grobe never blinked
and said, "Absolutely."

It's been said before that
Jon is a spiritual leader.

The heart and soul
of this Wake Forest team.

Touchdown Duke!



And we've come to the end
of the third quarter.

Duke 13, Wake 7.

You see what's going on?

You see what's going on?

What do you mean?
Look around you.

They're honoring
Jon's brother Luke,
number 5.

They're calling
the fourth quarter
the fifth quarter.

They say it's gonna be
our advantage.

How about that?

Hand off to Andrews.

Micah Andrews
into the end zone!

Touchdown Wake Forest!


With the score tied,
here comes Swank
for the point after.

Oh, my God!

And that gives Wake Forest
the first lead
of the afternoon.

With 1:28 left in the game,
the Demon Deacons lead 14-13.

Wake Forest
better not let down,

this expl*sive new
Duke offense is capable of
moving down the field quickly

and getting into
scoring position.

And with the ball
on the 11-yard line.

Six seconds left
in regulation.

Ted Roof will get his
field goal kicker in

for a potential
game-winning field goal
for the Blue Devils.

Last play of the game.
This should not be
a difficult kick.

Let's see what he's got.

Will that be 18 from
the right hash mark?

There's the snap.

And it's blocked!
It's blocked!

And time runs out.

And the score
after it all...

Wake Forest wins it 14-13!


JON: I don't understand.
I thought you were always
gonna go to law school.

It's not even a question.

I'm just not...
I'm not sure
I can do it.

You're kidding, right?

You've got
a 4.0 average, Adam.

You're the smartest guy
I know. Okay?

You could do law school
in your sleep, buddy.

I keep
thinking of you and Luke
running around the house

playing knee football.

Just kicking the crap
out of each other.

[SIGHS] Yeah.

He was a tough little guy.

He never quit.

No matter
how hard you pounded him.

How about when
he and I would wrestle?

You'd just be
on the couch laughing.

I'm worried about Mom.

What do you mean?

Dad's gone a lot.
She's home with
Rachel, like always.

She was so strong
when it all happened.
None of us are the same,

but she's just
not doing well.



Harris breaks to the outside,
he's got a lot of...


Harris up the middle!
Looks like he got...

It's a big lead
for Wake Forest.

They are undefeated,
and they will stay
that way.

Great job, Wade.
Great job.

STAN: This is
amazing, Coach.
Hi, Stan.

How does it feel to have
the first five-and-zero
start since 1987?

Especially after losing
your starting quarterback
and running back to injuries?

Well, it feels good, Stan,
it feels really good.

Isn't it time to
start dreaming about
an ACC championship?

No, I think might be
just a little early.

No, check that.
It's way too early.

Now tell me about
the fifth quarter, Coach.

Is that our
secret w*apon?

I'm not gonna take
anything away from our kids,
Stan, but, who knows?

Thanks, buddy.



GATTIS: That was the worst
practice I ever saw.

I was embarrassed
to be part of it.

You boys think
this winning is easy?
[SHOUTING] It ain't easy!

Do you know who's coming
into our house next week?

Freaking I'm-gonna-

They're coming
to our house!

And they only have
one thing on their mind.

These guys are coming
in here to try and spoil
our miracle season!

What I think my man here
is trying to say

is that if we let
our egos get in the way,
we're gonna get beat.

All right?
We gotta stay sharp.
We gotta stay focused.

And we gotta watch
each other's backs.

GATTIS: That's right.

You see this man, here?

He is my brother.

My family.

I would die for him.

I love him.

I would never
let him down.

Remember the last time
we did this?

We were at that
Mexican place
near Mom and Dad's.

Oh, my God.

And that waiter with
the white linen shirt
came over to you.

And he started
serenading you.


For goodness sakes.

You were paralyzed.

Holding your burrito
with the melted cheese...

I was mortified.

And then
you got all flustered
and you told the guy

we had to get home
to our parents.

I was like,
"We're over 40!"

You're ruthless.
You're just terrible.

That was unbelievable.

Oh! It's Jordan.

Hey, Jordan.
How are you, sweetie?


You got caught
cutting out to have lunch
with Jessica, again?

I don't care if it was
taco Tuesday, Jordan.


You better start
hitchhiking to Canada now,

because if I don't
k*ll you when I get home,
your father will.

Jordan, I gotta go.


You're gonna be okay.

I'm sorry, honey.
I am so sorry.

I can't breathe.

I am so sorry, Mare.

I just couldn't breathe.

I've got some old buddies
at the University of Miami.

Darn good law school.

Coconut Grove,
South Beach.

Not the worst place
to spend three years.

I don't know, Grandpa.

I just...
I don't know yet.

You need to go
to therapy with her.

I can't do that.

You need to.
It's important, Steven.

Look, Jo. It's not
something I can do.

It won't help me

to sit around some
stranger's office
talking about Luke.

It's not how I deal
with it. All right?

It's not about you.
It's about her.

She's in real
trouble here.

She needs you now.

Not next week.

Not next month...
Look, Jo.

I can't even
take care of myself.

How am I supposed
to take of her?
And everybody else?

I'm sorry.

I just don't have
any generosity
left in my soul.





COMMENTATOR 1: Wake has been
dominating the game thus far.

As they move
toward their sixth win
without a loss.

This will be
a 42-yard attempt.

He mishandled the snap.

It is loose and he has got
nowhere to go. Heavy rush!

Oh! And a big hit
by Gaines Adams!

He recovers the loose ball
and it looks like he is
going to go all the way...

I mean, how many times
can they show this play?

It's embarrassing.

Freak play.
Turns the whole game around.

The point is
we let it demoralize us.

You know what I mean?
Get under our skin.


Hey, Rach,
what's going on?


You okay?

I'm fine, Jon.
Are you okay?

Yeah. You know I am.
What's going on?

When are you coming home?

Rach, I mean,
I just saw you yesterday.

I know. But I miss you.

I love you, Jon.

I love you too, Rach.


[SIGHS] Oh, man.




I tried to clean
his room today.

You know, I haven't
touched it since he left.

Yeah, I know, Mom.

His bed.

His drawings.

The CDs on the floor.

He shaved that morning.

[LAUGHS] Like he
really needed to.

I didn't wash the sink.

I think there might be
little hairs in it.

You know?


little pieces

of him.

You're a good boy, Jon.

A good son.

Why don't you lie down,
Mom? Okay?

I'll tuck you in.

I didn't want
to move anything.

Because if

he came home,
he would be

so upset.

It's okay.
It's okay.

He always worried

that I'd be safe.

Why didn't...


Why didn't he...

I lost Luke.

I don't wanna
lose my mom, too.

MARYANNE: "I'll lend you,
for a little time
a child of mine," he said

"For you to love
the while he lives

"And mourn for him
when he is dead

"I've looked
the wide world over

"in my search for
the teachers true

"But from the throngs
that crowded life's ways

"I have selected you

"Now will you give him
all your love?

"Nor think the labor vain


"Nor hate me
when I come to call
to take him back again

"We'll shelter him
with tenderness

"We'll love him
while we may

"And for the happiness
we've known

"forever grateful stay

"But should the angels
call for him much sooner
than we planned

"We'll brave
the bitter grief that comes

"And try to understand."

Now, as it's always
my pleasure to do,

let me bring up
the guy we all come here
to see each week.

Head Coach of
the Demon Deacons,
Jim Grobe!


Afternoon, folks.

ALL: Afternoon, Coach.

Well, it's no secret that
this is a particularly
important week for us,

after the loss to Clemson.

It's the first time
the kids have faced
this type of adversity.

And I've told them
this is a genuine

to test their
strength of character.

[CHUCKLES] Last week
was a real shock
to many of them.

I mean, here we are
about to go up 20 to 3
in the fourth quarter,

and then, boom,
on one play, we're reeling
and we're on our heels.

And then we let
Clemson beat us up
by scoring 24 points.

Now before that,
we did some good things.

Riley Skinner
played a good game.

Jon Abbate was
very dominant
in the middle.

What did he have, Bret?
Twelve? Thirteen tackles?

But, we did not
protect the football
on the field goal attempt,

and we did not
respond as a team
once the momentum shifted.

So you can bet this week,

I'm gonna expect
some better play
from our kicking game

and our special teams.

Any questions?


Coach, Riley's such
a young quarterback.

Are you worried that
he's got last week
out of his head?

How's he looking?

Well, he looks good.

He's got nice hair
and a good tan.


No, he's fine.
One thing Riley doesn't
lack is confidence.

He stepped
into that starting job
and never missed a beat.

He's a leader.

I'm expecting him
to play well this week,
not throw me under the bus.

Anybody else
got a question?

WOMAN: Coach...

Yeah, Coach. I know
we've been playing
a lot of running backs

since Micah went down.

And no one has really
emerged as the key back.

Who do you expect
to do that?

I'd keep an eye on Harris.

I'm expecting him to have
a big game this week.

All right, folks,
I'll see you on Saturday.

Go Deacs!
ALL: Go Deacs!


Nobody out there
expects us
to bounce back

after the type of loss
we suffered last week.

Make no mistake, gentlemen.

It will require
a tremendous effort

from each and every man
in this room

to give us a chance
to win this game.

They don't think
you're gonna come back.

They think
you're gonna fold.

They think
you're gonna crumble.

They think
you're gonna quit.

We need to raise
our level of intensity.

And do the things
we know how to do.

Stay focused!

Whether it's
going our way or not.

Don't get too high,
and don't ever get too low.

That's the lesson
that we learned
from last week.

Now let's pick
each other up
and play together.

And remember!

We finish!

Do you hear me?
ALL: Yes, Coach!

Then let's go out there
and win this game.

Bring it in!

MAN: On three.
One, two, three!

ALL: Go Deacs!


And Wake Forest off to
their best start since 1979.

Complete for
another first down.

And he's got
Hakeem Nicks open!

Nicks all the way down
to the three-yard line
of the Demon Deacons.

Forty-one seconds left.

Demon Deacons lead
by a touchdown, 24-17.

Deac! Deac! Deac!

fourth-quarter nail-biter
here for Wake Forest.

Third and goal
for North Carolina.

This will be really
demoralizing for the Deacs
if the Tar Heels score.


Deacons gotta get back.
Daley pump fakes,
looking left.

He throws
but it's picked off
by Jon Abbate,

who takes it
out of the end zone
and wisely stays in bounds.

That'll do it.
Another unbelievable win.

I love you, baby.
I love you like
a brother, man.

Hey, Luke was
with you today.
I know he was.

This year is for Luke.
Yes, sir.



to College Park, Maryland,

home of the Terrapins.

It's a play-off-type
atmosphere for
a championship game.

The Wake Forest
Demon Deacons,
nine and two this year.

That is the best record
in the history
of their program.

And their first
winning record
in the ACC since 1988.

There's nine wins so far.

That includes all
five of their games
this year on the road.

Will tonight be their sixth?
The prize?

The ACC's Atlantic Division.

The winner tonight moves on
to the ACC championship.


AUDIENCE: Five, four,
three, two, one!


STAN: Coach.
Hey, Coach.
Hey, Stan.

What about
the pundits now, huh?

Well, I just don't think
they factored the Deacs in.

You know,
that's just my gut feeling.

But you know what?
We have paid a lot of dues
to get to where we are.

To be able to compete
for an ACC championship.

And I just want everybody
to have a chance to enjoy
it for a bit.

And the dream?
Is it time yet?

You know what, Stan?
Yeah, I think it is.

I think it's time
for that dream
to come true.

Go enjoy it, Coach.
Thanks, buddy.

We're going to
Jacksonville, baby!

We're booking
a first-class ticket
to Jacksonville

to meet up
with Georgia Tech!

Crossing the room
with my feet off the floor

Did I imagine
that knock on my door?

Your photograph
just spoke my name
I could swear

These empty echoes linger
like you're still there

Just like you used to say
Hang on for one more day

Tomorrow things
will look better

But not this time
It's not going to work

Can't get over this

There were
two basic groups
working on the pipeline.

Eskimos and Texans.

Don't ask me why.
But there they were,
working side by side,

laying the pipe
clear across Alaska.

Eight hundred miles.
Took two years.

Thing is, the Texans would
only last a few hours
in the frigid weather.

They couldn't take
the physical or emotional
strain very well.

But the Eskimos
would last forever.

The company
couldn't figure it out.

So they started
doing all these
physiological tests.

They checked their diets,
physical attributes,

the density of their blood,
all sorts of things.

In the end, the Eskimos
just said that they knew
it would be cold,

but were focusing
on the task at hand.

The Texans
were just focused
on the weather.

The Eskimos were
mentally tougher.

By a long shot.

So when you take
the field this week,
don't be a Texan.

Be an Eskimo.

I used to love taking
these morning walks.

I'd think the world
was so beautiful.

How you doing?

Feeling good
about this game?
Oh, yeah.


You know, I don't
think I've really told you
how proud I am of you, Jon.

You've been in
the eye of the storm
ever since Luke.

Now you've got
the media attention,
the pressure,

and to perform
the way you have.

And do your school work.

Every time I think about
how you've handled it all.

Honest to God,
I'm in awe.

Thanks, Dad.
I appreciate that.

You went from
not being able
to get out of bed

or ever wanting
to play again,

to being the inspirational
leader of the team.


Listen, that time
you came home
with your mother,

I'm so sorry
I wasn't there.

Dad, forget it.

All right?
I know you gotta work
and support this house,

take care of the family.

You're doing
a great job, too, Dad.

You're doing a great job.

Thanks, Jon.

[EXHALING] What a year!

What a mess.

Yeah. What a mess.

Listen, I know you've been
playing for Luke all year.

But for this game,
I want you to play for you.

You've earned it.

I want you to take
the burden of this family
off of your shoulders.

And I want you to go out there
and I want you to have a ball.

I want you to
hit someone hard.

I want you to play
for the joy of
playing the game,

for the love of
[SHOUTING] playing
for the championship!

All right?

I want you to enjoy
every moment of it.
Can you do that?

Yeah. I'll try, Pops.
I'll try.

Today in Alltel Stadium,

you'll be treated
to what might arguably
be considered

the most unexpected
conference championship game

in the entire history
of college football.

It was just a few months ago
that Wake Forest was picked
to finish last

in the Atlantic Division
of the ACC.

They surprised everyone...

GROBE: Gentlemen,
we have faced a great deal
of adversity this season.

Both on the field and off.

The difference
between winning and losing,

in football and in life,
is how you respond.

And I am so proud
of how each and
every one of you

has handled some
pretty tough situations.


See, I've never enjoyed
coaching as much as I have
this season.

Thank you.

Very much.

You have cared
for one another.

You have been unselfish.

And make no mistake,

You have made
all this happen.

You know,
before the season,

the press picked us
to finish last
in our division.


I had to wonder
whether I was
losing my mind

because I thought we had
a chance to be pretty good.

Now, here we are.

So today, I want you to
go out there and I want you
to do what we do.

We block and we tackle.

We protect
the football on offense,
and we fly around on defense.

Now some things
will go our way today,
and some things won't.

Don't get too high
and never get too low.

Now let's pick each other up,
and good things will happen.

Now get out there
and play like
your hair's on fire!

ALL: Go Deacs!


From the Atlantic Division,

here comes the Demon Deacons
of Wake Forest!

It is the second annual
ACC championship.

And here comes
the Ramblin' Wreck
from Georgia Tech.

The Coastal Division kings.

Please, God,
allow Jon to play to
the best of his abilities

on this glorious day.



What do you say
When there's no words to say?

To wrestle and wrangle
your heartache away

You search for the answer

But silence
is all that you hear


Deac! Deac! Deac!

How do your shoulders
just sum up weights?

And make the load lighter
a little today?

How do you attempt
to catch...


Will you just
reach out your hand?

That's how they'll know
where you stand

JON: Oh, this is it, baby!

Right here, right now!
We're gonna
make something happen!

We gotta
make the play.

Fourth quarter, we gotta
make something happen, baby.

Let's go, people.

When you just
reach out your hand


As far as you can

When you're
caught in emotions


Trapped by the pain
every way that you turn



But you're not alone
No, there's someone beside you

And they're
just an arm's length
away from your heart

So if you need help
if you're hurt...



Just reach out your hand


Someone will help you to stand

Hey, Justice!
Good game.

Good game.
Good game, champ.


I love you, Abbate.

That's good,
cause I love you too, baby.


You gotta let it go.
Let it go. It's all right.

It was a strike.

Oh, you big babies.

You know Greg Maddux
is still pitching well.


How old is he,

Oh, my...

Lynn Garber?


How do you do?

Very well, thank you.


This is...

Would you mind if I...



Hi, sweetheart.

Are you our
angel's mommy?


I am.

Our boy.

Weightless and numb
as I stand here

Trying to take it all in
But I just can't believe

everything's different

Something's missing

I wonder, can anyone say

that I don't have

the faintest idea what to do?

And I can't begin

to fathom a life without you

As I live and breathe

I feel you
right here with me

I will remember you
my whole life through

As I live and breathe

So far beyond comprehension

They don't tell you a thing
to help you understand

So give me a moment
I want to remember

Each line in your face
Every crease in your hand

'Cause I... I don't have

The words to say goodbye

But I... I will try
I will try

As I live and breathe

Feel you beside of me

I will remember you
my whole life through

As I live and breathe

Counting the walls
just to make sure
they still fall

Crossing the room
with my feet off the floor

Did I imagine
that knock on my door?

Your photograph
just spoke my name
I could swear

These empty echoes linger
like you're still there

Just like you used to say
Hang on for one more day

Tomorrow things
will look better

But not this time
It's not going to work

Can't get over this
There's no way, but through

You got me
through the good and bad

You gave me
everything you had

But you forgot
to tell me what to do
When it came to losing you

But not this time
It's not going to work

Can't get over this
There's no way, but through

You got me
through the good and bad

You gave me
everything you had

But you forgot
to tell me what to do
When it came to losing you

When it came to losing you
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