East of Eden (1955)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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East of Eden (1955)

Post by bunniefuu »

Nice fat deposit.
You're sure in the right business, Sally.

Thank you.

Good morning.


Another nice deposit.

You and Sally are sure
in the right business.

I'm in a hurry, please.

Hi, Kate.

Have you cleaned up the house
across the way?

I haven't had time yet.

You should always do that one first.


Come here.

Did you ever see that kid out there before?

I think maybe he was in the bar last night.

Send Joe in.


Hello, Pretty Boy.

- Call me, Kate?
- Yeah. Take a look out the window.

There's a kid who's been following me
all the way to the bank and back.

Come here, you young squirt, come here.

- You want me?
- What's the idea of throwing that stone?

Any law against throwing stones?

You're tough? Come here!

What are you hanging around here for,

- Would she talk to me?
- Kate?

What for? What do you want?

Just wanna talk to her.

- What do you want, you?
- Nothing.

You live around here?

- In Monterey?
- Salinas.

What's your name?

You're not talking? Now, look...

why are you following Kate around?

What's the idea, squirt?

Any law against following
around the town...

madam, whatever you call her?

I don't know if there's any law against it,
but she don't like it.

She owns that house over there, too,
don't she?

But don't you go hanging
around there, squirt. You're too young.

Now come on. Now beat it.

Is that her real name?

- Kate. Is that her real name?
- Sure, as far as I know. Why?

What's her last name?

Nobody's got any last name
around here, kid. Why?

You tell her I hate her.

I should have gone right on in there.

Should have gone right on in there
and talked to her.

Cal wasn't home all night.
Boy, is he gonna catch it from Dad.

- You know what the girls in class call him?
- No, what?

The Prowler.

- I'll tell him that.
- You better not, Aron.

- Promise me you won't.
- Why not?

Please don't. I don't want you...

- Hi, Cal.
- Hi.

Hello, Cal.

Excuse me for talking.

We're going down to see the icehouse
that Dad's gonna buy.

- Do you want to come?
- What icehouse?

The one he's buying
to freeze the vegetables with.

He's been talking about it every night
for the last week.

Is Dad gonna be there?

Why sure, he's gonna buy it.

I'll skip it.

You're gonna have
to see him sometime, Cal.

- Come on.
- Hey, Aron.


- Why don't you ask me where I've been?
- Would you tell me?

- No.
- Then what's the use of my asking?

- Is Dad mad at me?
- Well, you were out all night.

He was worried.

Yeah, I bet.

You gonna come or not?

Okay. I'll see you at supper.

He's coming.

He's coming.

You see, Will, I got the idea
from an article I read.

They dug up a mastodon
somewhere in Siberia.

Been in the ice for thousands of years
and the meat was still good.


What have you got to say for yourself?

This is my son, Cal.

When you were his age,
I imagine you thought it only right...

to let your father know
before you stayed out all night.

Or at least to offer some kind
of apology when you did come home.

Well, times change.

As I was saying,
a mastodon is a kind of elephant.

Hasn't lived on the Earth for a long while.

- And the meat was still fresh?
- Sweet as a pork chop.

You're more excited about this
than you've been for a long time.

Now, I seem to be, don't I?

See, Will, I've been sort of
in a rut out there in the ranch.

- Sixteen, 17 years, I've kept out of things.
- I know.

But now I feel that
if I could only do something...

some little thing for, before I die,
some little thing for progress...

for people, maybe.
Call it anything you want.

I might make up for all the years
I've been lying fallow.

So, lately I've been reading up all I can
about refrigeration.

And I can't get it out of my head
that you can keep anything good...

as long as you can get it cold enough.
Like that mastodon there.

- Good afternoon, Abra.
- Good afternoon, Mr. Trask.

- Hello, Mr. Hamilton.
- Hello.

- Hello, Son.
- Hi, Dad.

Now my son, Aron, that is,
thinks I may have a good idea here.

Dad wrapped a head of lettuce
in wax paper...

and kept it in our icebox
for over three weeks...

and it still came out fresh and good.

Quite right, Son.

- Dad, is it all right if we look around?
- 'Course, Aron. Belongs to us now.

Do you know where the biggest market
for vegetables is in the winter?

- Where?
- New York City.

And they can't raise them there.

But the railroad had promised me
those fruit cars.

Don't you have anything to say to me, Cal?

- Yeah.
- It's about time. Well?

I read in the Monterey newspaper...

that if we get into this w*r...

there are gonna be some fortunes made.

But you're gonna make them
in beans and corn, and stuff like that.

- You don't need all this ice.
- You're perfectly right.

Beans are up to 3 cents.

You wanna make a profit, you plant beans.

And they keep, too, don't they?

But I'm not particularly interested
in making a profit, Cal.

Look here, Will.

I'm not an inventor nor a scientist...

but I know I have an idea here.

I come from a whole family of inventors.
People full of ideas like this one.

I'm the only one that didn't have an idea...

and the only one that ever made a dime.

You wanna make a profit, you plant beans.

Put out that cigarette!
That place is full of sawdust!

- Come on, Adam, he's just thoughtless.
- Thoughtless? He's inconsiderate.

I don't know.
I'm at my rope's end with that boy.

I don't understand him. I never have.

Aron I've understood since he was a child.

Help me up.

- He doesn't like anybody, does he?
- Who, Dad?

No, Cal.

It's dark in here and spooky.

Why is he so alone all the time?

- He wants to be.
- Nobody wants to be alone all the time.

Dad's made a wonderful buy, hasn't he?
We'll freeze vegetables.

It'll really give him something
to live for now.

What's the matter, Abra,
don't you like Cal?

- I guess I don't know him very well.
- I love him.

Well, naturally, he's your brother.
He's scary.

- Scary?
- When he looks at you.

Sort of like an animal.

I don't know, he scares me.

Aron, when are we gonna get married?

Just as soon as I get through
with that darned school.

I wish it was right now.

- So do I.
- Do you?


- When we get...
- I love you, Aron.

When we get married,
it's going to be perfect.

Everything about it is going to be perfect.

You're gonna make
a wonderful mother, Abra.

- I hope so.
- You are.

A perfect one.

You don't remember your mother at all,
do you, Aron?

No, she died
right after Cal and I were born.

Must be hard never to have had a mother.

- What's that?
- Look, what's he doing up there?

- Crazy guy.
- He's watching us.

- No, he isn't.
- Yes, he is, too.

Let's move over here. Aron.

- He's not watching us.
- I feel as if he can still see us.

I love you, Aron.

Really, I do. Really.

Sure. I love you, too.

Cal, stop! Stop that, Cal!

What are you doing? Stop it!

"Blessed is he
whose transgression is forgiven...

"whose sin is covered.

"Blessed is the man unto whom
the Lord imputeth not iniquity...

"and in whose spirit there is no guile."

And you are forgiven, Cal.

I think there is no iniquity
in your actions...

only something I do not know.

Why did you push that ice down?

I don't know.

Was it...

Was it vengeance? Anger?

Fear that I would punish you
for not coming home last night?

What was it?

I wanted to see it slide down the chute.

- Perhaps you had better read from here on.
- I'll read it, Dad.

No, it's for Cal to read.

Start at the fifth verse.

Verse 5.

"I acknowledge my sin unto thee,
and mine iniquity have I not hid.

"I said, I will confess my transgressions
unto the Lord...

"and thou forgavest
the iniquity of my sin. Selah."

Go on.


And I suggest a little slower, Cal.

And you don't have to read
the verse numbers.

"For this shall every one that is godly
pray unto thee.

"And surely in the floods of great waters...

"they shall not come nigh unto him.


Not the numbers, Cal.

"Thou art my hiding place,
thou shalt preserve me from trouble...

"thou shalt compass me about
with songs of deliverance. Selah."

- Eight.
- You have no repentance! You're bad!

Through and through, bad.

Excuse me. I'll go out and wait for Abra.

You're right. I am bad.
I knew that for a long time.

I didn't mean that, Cal. I spoke in anger.

Well, it's true.

Aron's the good one.

I guess there's just a certain amount...

of good and bad you get
from your parents...

- and I just got the bad.
- That's not true.

Cal, listen to me.

You can make of yourself
anything you want.

It's up to you. A man has a choice.

That's where he's different from an animal.

You don't listen. You'll never remember.

My mother...

she's not dead and gone to heaven...

is she?

Why do you ask that?

She's not dead at all.

She's not buried in the East
like you said, either.

She's alive.

- What makes you think so?
- I heard from a guy.

- Who?
- I don't know his name.

He was just passing through.

How come you told Aron and me she died?

- I thought it would save you pain.
- Pain?

If she was still alive,
where do you think she'd be?

I have no idea. She went East.

How do you know?

When she left the ranch we lived on
when you and Aron were born...

I heard she went East.

What was she like? Was she bad?

I guess she...

I never really knew what she was like.
She wasn't like other people.

There was something she seemed to lack.

Kindness, maybe. Conscience.

I never knew what she was after.

- How come she left you?
- I never knew that, either.

She was so full of hate.

- Hate for you?
- For everything.

You won't tell Aron that she didn't die?


Must not do anything to hurt Aron.

Where'd you get that scar
you got on your shoulder, Father?

I've told you, Cal.

It's an old wound I got
in the Indian campaigns.

- Why do you ask that now?
- What'd she look like? Was she pretty?

She had the most lovely hands.

Like ivory.

She took such good care of them.

Her mother had arthritis.

She was always afraid
it would come to her in her hands.

Talk to me, Father.

I got to know who I am.
I got to know who I'm like.

I got to know...

Where is she?

I'm telling you, truthfully, Cal...

after she left, I never heard from her.

Cal, wait. I want to talk more with you.

If you leave this room now
we may never be able to talk again.

You coming home tonight, Cal?

What's the difference?
You're home. You're the one he wants.

Good evening, Cal.

High strung. Very high strung.

Good evening, Abra.
Where is my chess victim?

- He's waiting for you, Mr. Albrecht.
- Good.

What do you suppose he meant by that?

Go on, beat it!

Your wife has called up three times.

- My wife's a...
- I know she is. Now beat it.


All right, fella, you've run out of money.

Mr. Hawks.

- What do you want?
- I want...

- What do you want to drink?
- Beer.


- Where's my drink?
- All right.

That's not very neat, is...

It's okay.

- You'd better get out of here.
- How come?

You're the one who followed Kate
this morning.

- It's a free country, isn't it?
- It's a free country.

Only, Joe said if I saw you again,
I was supposed to tell him.

You can tell him if you want to.

You're just a kid, ain't you?

- I'm older than you are.
- Yeah, sure, but that isn't...

- Hey!
- All right.

Kid, please...

you oughtn't to go around
throwing stones and things.

That isn't nice. And drinking beer.

There's Joe.

Look, kid, please go.
You don't want to get yourself hurt.

You could tell him now, if you want to.
There's your chance.

You sure have got a nerve, haven't you?

- Do you know Kate?
- This is Kate's place.

- She's treating you okay?
- Sure.

I gotta go now, kid.

Is she nice?

Don't let Joe see you, please.

She doesn't treat you rough
or anything, does she?

Please, kid, I gotta go now.
It was nice meeting you.

Isn't there anything nice about her at all?

What's the matter, kid?

- She had pretty hands. Did you see them?
- Hands?

Did you look at them?

No, I don't think I ever saw them.
She always wears gloves.

Where is she?

- You mean now?
- Yeah.

- Back in her office, probably.
- Where's that?

Back that way.

Will you show me?

Look, kid, please don't start any trouble.

I'm not gonna start any trouble. Come on.

We... You can just point the door to me,
and I'll go there.

No, honest.

This is a tough place. I can't lose this job.

- I'm not very good at it, anyway.
- You won't lose it.

If I step out of line
Kate will throw me out on my ear.

Come on, will you?

You can just show me where the door is.

Come on.

Be a sport.

Come on.

There's the door.

Thank you. You can go back now.

What are you gonna do?

Please, kid, don't make any trouble.

I'm not gonna make any trouble.
I'm gonna wait till you're gone. Okay?

Will you let me talk to you? Please.

I gotta talk to you.


Get out of here! Joe! Tex!

Call the sheriff! Get him out!

Call the sheriff! Get him out of here!

I want to talk to her!

I want to talk to you!

Please, talk to me!

Talk to me, please! Mother!

Is there any law against a guy
trying to see his own mother?

No, I guess there isn't.


Put this on your cheek. Here.

Drink some coffee.

How did you find out about Kate, anyway?

That guy I saw you talking to
in the bar the other night?

The one they call "Rabbit."

I thought so. He never was any good.

I remember when he used
to work on your father's ranch.

Well, he won't be around anymore, Cal.
He's left town for good.

- What do you hang around bars for?
- Any law against hanging...

Yes, there is! I'm the law.

Get that through your head.

Shut up!

Does Adam know that you...

roam around over here at night?

Adam's an old friend of mine,
you know, Cal, from...

way back in his ranch days.

I was afraid when you moved here
last year...

that you might find out something
about Kate.

But then she was over here on the Bay...

and you were way over on the other side
of the mountains in Salinas.

- So I figured it'd be all right.
- You think he'll ever find out about her?

He'd never come over here.

Here. You might as well look at this now.

It's a picture of your father
and your mother on their wedding day.

You're the first person
I've ever showed it to.

I knew it.

I knew it was true.

When that old guy told me in the bar,
I knew it.

How did you know it was true?

'Cause she ain't no good
and I ain't no good.

I knew there was a reason why I wasn't.

I hate her.

And I hate him, too.

Come on, I'll take you home.

- You don't have to drive me home!
- I know I don't have to take you home!


A little bit of the hair
of the dog that bit you.

Come on now.

How did Dad meet her?

Where did she come from?

Nobody ever knew
where she come from, really.

There were a lot of drifters in those days.

Of all the people.

How come he married her?

You have no idea how pretty she was, Cal.

Young and full of spirit.

And your father hadn't been
off the ranch much, you know.

He's not a worldly man.

- Did she sh**t him?
- Yes, she did.

How come?

I don't know.

Did he do something to her?

- Did he hurt her?
- No.

It wasn't in him to hurt her.

After she left him, he died.
He walked around, but he died.

He must have done something to hurt her.

No. No, sir.

He gave her everything
that any woman could ask for.

You see, your father has more kindness...

and more conscience
than any man that I've ever known.

He's a good man, Cal.
Don't sell him short, boy.

It's going to work.

If only I can keep them
cold enough long enough.

It's going to work.

All right, there she is. Let's try it.
Step back, girls.

All right, bring her on. Come on.

Now do you think it'll work?

- Good morning, Mr. Trask.
- Good morning.

Somebody swiped our coal chute
right off the wagon.

Dear, dear.
Times are getting pretty lawless.

It's this w*r in Europe.

There's a wave of lawlessness
spreading through the country.

Anyway, somebody swiped our chute.

- Is that where you're loading?
- Yes.

We'll move on, then. Good day, Mr. Trask.

It's this w*r in Europe.

Do you know where Aron is?

He's out in the fields. He's checking.

Can I do something for you?

No. There were just some matters
I want to talk over with him.

What have you got there?

I figured it would save some time. So I...

It's very ingenious, Cal. Very ingenious.
Did you think of it?


I'm very pleased
with the way you're taking hold...

and are working so well, Cal.

Thanks. Thanks, Dad.

Think you better have your lunch now.
It's time.

Hi, Cal.

- Aron's out in the field.
- I brought his lunch.

- Okay, I'll take it to him.
- Cal.

Lydia, vamoose.

He'll be here in a minute.

I've been fixing Aron's lunch.
I'll fix yours, too, if you like, after this.

No, thanks.

Would you be eating with her
if I weren't here?


No, I didn't ask her to come up here.

Girls follow you around, don't they?

- Does she bother you?
- She doesn't bother me.

Who is she?

I never saw her before in my life.

I'll bet.

You're really working
at this lettuce business, aren't you, Cal?

Do you think it'll turn out all right?

Your father will lose quite a lot of money
if it doesn't.

Just about all he's got.

I like your father.

Do you?

I threw away about $3,000 once.


- When I was 13.
- You threw it away?

It was a diamond ring worth about that.

At least, my father told me
that's what he paid for it.

I threw it in the river.
Made Dad terribly angry.

I reckon it would.

But I forgave him.
And it's been all right ever since.

- You forgave him?
- Yes.

You forgave him 'cause you threw
a ring of his worth $3,000 into the river?

- That's right.
- And you forgave him?

That's right.

Is there an egg in this basket?

You see, I thought he didn't love me.
That made me feel awful.

Girls love their fathers terribly.

Do they?

My mother died when I was 13...

and Dad got married again soon after that.
Did you know that?

No, I didn't know that.

Are you interested in hearing about me?


When Dad got married again,
it made me sick.

I just hated everybody.

I used to sit and just glare at people...

or I wouldn't even answer
when they spoke to me.

- Why you telling me all this?
- I want to.

I was that way for months.
I just hated everybody.

I thought nobody in the world loved me.

And it was awful.

Then I found this ring
that Dad gave my new mother...

- so I took it and threw it in the river.
- Good.

I thought you'd like that.

- Did he ever find it?
- Never.

They tried.

What'd they do to you?

Dad punished me. Not badly, I guess.

But I felt
he shouldn't have punished me at all.

I felt he should have loved me more
because I did it.

But he didn't.

Isn't it funny?

I'm grown up now...

but I still understand kids better
than I do grownups.

You're not so grown-up.

- I'm very grown-up.
- That's a matter of opinion.

I'm very grown-up.

More so than Dad, because I forgave him
for not understanding.

And the minute I forgave him in my mind...

I felt better.

Now we get along fine.

We love each other.
Not like we did when I was 13...

but enough so we can live together
till I get married.

He's just my father now.
Nothing to rave about.

I still don't like her much,
but then, she's a woman.

My, that girl just hates me, doesn't she?

You better tell her I'm your brother's girl.

I don't have to explain anything
to anybody.

I'll go now and leave the field to her.

My, your hair's in a mess.

Dad, what's that?

That's something Cal rigged up.
It's a good idea.

Aron! I brought your lunch.

Looks like a coal chute.

Coal chute?

Okay, woman, where's the beans?


What makes you think you have the right
to come and take something like this?

You probably lost those men their jobs.
Now, you take it back.

He's praising Cal and Cal is lapping it up.

Aron! Look, have one of those
made of wood.

- It'll save a lot of time.
- Yes, sir!

- Good waste of time and money.
- And lettuce.

- What'd you say?
- I said, it's a good idea if it works.

It's gonna work, 'cause it's gotta work.

It's gotta work, 'cause I said so.

If it don't work, it ain't that kid's fault.

I never saw anybody work
so hard in my life.

Let's go, Pete. Now, Leonard!

Good luck, Adam.

Do you know the principle
of the internal combustion engine?

No, I'm afraid not.
Will, I'll never be able to...

Sure you will. You just listen to Roy.

He's been to the automobile school
in Chicago.

Mr. Trask has just revolutionized
the entire vegetable market.

- Wait till those cars get to New York.
- Don't you worry.

It's about time he owned
his own automobile...

and about time he learned to drive it.

- Now don't you think so, Roy?
- I'll do my best.

Now pay strict attention, boys.

Don't touch that!

Wait till it's explained to you.

No, now for heaven's sake,
don't touch anything, anybody.

The power of the expl*si*n
is exerted on a piston...

and through connecting rod
and crankshaft...

through transmission,
thence to rear wheels.

- Got that so far?
- Sure, he's got that.

Now, we go on
to the operation of the automobile.

This here's the ignition key.

Would you mind putting out
that cigarette, please.

Turn this doohickey here to the left.
That puts her on battery.

- See where it says "bat"?
- Yes.

- Bat, short for battery.
- That's right. Good boy.

Thank you. Thank you very much.

First you gotta ret*rd the spark.

If you don't ret*rd the spark,
she'll probably kick your blasted arm off.

Now remember that.

This here is the spark.

You push her way up. Listen.

- This here's the gas. You push her...
- Down.

- You had lessons before.
- No, I just saw you do it.

- You're a pretty smart old buzzard.
- Thank you very much.

- Keep your eyes open, don't you?
- Try to.

Now, this here is the crank.

See this wire sticking out of the radiator?
That's the choke.

Now watch careful.
Grab hold of the crank like this.

Push in till she catches.

See how my thumb is turned down?

I noticed that. Why do you do that?

If you put her around this way
with my thumb around her...

she'd probably knock
my blasted thumb off.

Dear, dear. First you lose your blasted arm
and then you lose your blasted thumb.

- That's kind of wrong way around.
- How's that?

He made a joke.
I never did see him so happy.

You pull out this choke
turn her around to suck gas in.

Then you give her a hard spin.

- She caught, first time!
- Caught on what?

Advance the spark and ret*rd the gas.

Reach over real quick and switch
to mag. That's magneto.

So, there you are.

Isn't that wonderful?

Of course, it isn't exactly
going anywhere, is it?

That's the easy part.

- Adam.
- I want you all to repeat after me.

Spark up, gas down.

Switch to bat.

Crank to compression, thumb down.

You get that? Let's have it again.

Spark up, gas down.

- What's the matter?
- Big snow slide.

Closed the pass and stopped the cars
about 100 miles out.

Can see water running out of the cars.

It's still a good idea.
Cold can preserve things.

Someday, somebody'll prove it.

- It was your idea.
- No!

It was presumptuous of me
to think it would be I.

Guess we bit off more lettuce
than we could chew.

What do you know about that?
I thought he'd really be hurt.

You don't understand him.

- You can't go in there.
- I gotta see Will Hamilton.

He won't be through for an hour.
They just started.

- Let me see him.
- There's a w*r in Europe.

These boys are trying
to get themselves in shape. So beat it.

Right, left.

Now, deep knee bends, follow me.

- What's that?
- That's the fire bell.

We better have a look.

- It may be the Germans.
- Fire, Germans, who cares? I surrender.

- Howdy, Mr. Albrecht.
- Hello, Cal.

- Mr. Hamilton.
- There's a fire somewhere.

- No. I rang the bell.
- You rang it?

Yeah. I had to see you.

You know, you're crazy.
You're really crazy.

I knew it when you pushed that ice
down the chute.

Let's get out of here
before they start up that piano again.

There must be some easier way
to stop the Germans than this, anyway.

- You see, I gotta make some money.
- Sure, everybody's got to.

Remember, you said that
if you wanna make money...

you ought to raise beans?

Yeah, beans are up 3.5 cents now.

Now, the way I figure it, it's like you said.

The country's gonna get into w*r, isn't it?

I don't see any way out.

- w*r's good for business.
- The best there is.

See, that's why I wanna go into beans.

See, I gotta get enough money
to give my father back what he lost.

I see.

You think you can make
all that money back?

I gotta.

You know, you're crazy.

Look, Cal, don't you know...

that you gotta have money
in order to make money?

- I'll get some money.
- How?

I'll get it.

Look, don't get so near to me.
I don't wanna get all hot again.

- How much money could you get?
- What do you think I need?

If you had $5,000...


It's a little different when you start
putting it into figures, isn't it?

I know you wanna help your father...

but a kid your age can't be expected
to put his hands on $5,000.

Maybe if you could raise $100 or so,
we could let you have a little share.

I don't want a little share,
I want the whole thing.

- I'll get $5,000.
- Maybe if you and Aron went in together...

Aron ain't got nothing to do with this.
This is my deal.

I'll get the $5,000.

What're you gonna do, borrow it?


All right. If you can borrow $5,000...

I know a farmer who's got over 800 acres.

- It's under cultivation.
- All right. What do we do?

If we can guarantee him 5 cents a pound...

and make him a seed loan,
he'll plant beans.

So will a lot of other farmers.

Why, we can contract
all the bean acreage you want.

That's it. That's great. When do we start?

How do you know the price
will go above 5, though?

Did you read the newspapers
this morning?

We're apt to be in w*r any minute.

You know I got a contract
with the British Purchasing Agency...

and I got a friend in
the Quartermaster Corps.

Do you know
that we could sell all the dry beans...

that we can find
at 10 cents a pound or more?

That's what I want. That's it. See?

- How much will I make?
- Enough for what you want.

- What does Cal stand for?
- Caleb.

It's in the Bible.

- What's your brother's name?
- Aron.

That's in the Bible, too.

What's he like?

He looks like you.

Is he like me?

No. He's good.

I'm more like you.

How's Adam?

How's your father?

I don't wanna talk about him.

- You don't?
- No.

I didn't know who you were
when you were here before.

I knew you didn't.

Aren't you afraid
to come around here again?

Yeah, I am. No. Well, kind of.

What do you want?

Just to look at me?

I want $5,000.

All right, come on in. Sit down.

Come in.

Try that chair.

You got your father's eyes.

That's all I can see of him.

- You're a nice looking boy.
- Yes, ma'am.

- I was very beautiful once.
- Yes, ma'am.

Caleb and Aron.

Your father still thinks
he's living in the Bible, huh?

Them's just names.

Joe says that you go to school in Salinas.

Are you good in your studies?

I get by with them.

Does Aron get by with them?

He's bright.

What are you gonna do when you finish?
You're going to college?


Or back to some ranch?

No, I don't like the ranch.

You take after me.

Makes me mad just to think about a ranch.

Sit down.


What do you want with $5,000?

I want to go into business.

- You're a little young for that, aren't you?
- I'm old enough.

Yeah, I guess you're right. I guess you are.

- What business do you wanna go into?
- Beans.

Beans are up to 3.5 cents now.

And if we get into w*r,
they're gonna go up to 10, 12.

- Lf we get into the w*r.
- That's a gamble you have to take.

- Will Hamilton says that...
- Will?

You going into business
with Will Hamilton?

You see...

my father, he lost about all he had in...

Yeah, I know. I heard about that.

I wanna make enough to pay him back.

What's the matter with him?
Can't he make any money?



Only he's too good to bother with money.


What makes you think I'd give you $5,000?

I don't know who else to ask.

You got a lot of nerve coming to me.

Why? I didn't do anything to you.

It's a good business venture.

I'll pay you back. I'll give you interest.

You're a business woman, ain't you?

One of the best, Son.

You know, Sam told me that you think
I ought to be run out of town.

You're afraid that your father and Aron
might find out about me, is that it?

This $5,000, now.

That wouldn't be
any kind of blackmail, would it?

I never thought about that.

But now that you do, it's a good idea, huh?

- I guess, maybe.
- It's not.

Anyway, I'm not gonna hurt
your precious father or your brother.

- Do they know anything about me?
- No.

Father thinks you're in the East...

and Aron thinks you're dead.

Then, there's no reason to think
that they ever will find out about me.

We don't exactly move in the same circles.

What are you staring at?

How come you did it?

Did what?

Shot my father?

Did he tell you that?

How come you ran away from all of us?
How come you shot him?

- Ran away and did all that kind of stuff?
- None of your business.

I shot him because he tried to stop me.

I could have k*lled him if I'd wanted to,
but I didn't.

I just wanted him to let me go.

- Why?
- Because he tried to hold me.

He wanted to tie me down.

He wanted to keep me
on a stinking little ranch...

away from everybody.
Keep me all to himself.

Nobody holds me.

- But he loved you.
- Love.

He wanted to own me.

He wanted to bring me up
like a snot-nosed kid...

and tell me what to do.
Nobody tells me what to do.

Always so right himself.
Knowing everything.

Reading the Bible at me.

- What are you grinning at?
- Nothing.

Maybe you know what I'm talking about?

Always so right himself?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Maybe like you said out there,
maybe you are more like me.

Yeah, you got sense.

Maybe you don't fall for that slop
any more than I do.

Maybe you know what people
are really like. What they want.

I got the toughest house on the coast...

and the finest clientele.

Half the stinking city hall go there.

They sneak in at night...

and I walk in this front door
in the daytime, see.

And I built it up from nothing.

Now you want $5,000 of my money...

to go into business
to pay your father back what he lost.

You know, that's funny.

I don't think he'll know where I got it.

No, but it's funny just the same.

Your father.

He's the purest man there is, isn't he?

He thought he had me all tied up
with his purity.

And now I give you $5,000
of the money that I made...

to save him his purity.

If you don't think that's funny,
you'd better not go to college.


Tell Will Hamilton to come and see me.

He's a good businessman.

How'd he ever happen to let you go
into this bean business, anyway?

I don't know.

I do. Maybe he likes you.


You're a likeable kid.

You give this to him.

If he wants to gamble
that we get into the w*r...

it's okay with me.

You're a likeable kid.

Go on, get out of here.

Go on, get out. I'm running a business.

- Them Germans can't fight.
- No.

Hi, partner.

Every day in every way,
we're getting richer and richer.


All we have to do is call his bluff.
He'll come to heel like a dog.

We'll be there to clean up this mess
for those foreigners in a couple of weeks.

Cal, stop it.

There's Cal.

- Hi, boy. Hey, want some?
- Hello, Cal.


Your own Woodrow Wilson said you gotta
make the country safe for democracy.

- Didn't he say that?
- Yes, he said that.

Will you go?

I think the w*r will be over. I don't think...

If you believe in all this, why don't you?
If you really think it's right.

I didn't say it was right, Aron.

No, I guess you didn't.

Why don't you go back
and join the parade?

Nothing'll ever make me go. Nothing.

I just don't believe it's right.

- Did you water them good?
- Sure, lots of water.

- Not too much, though.
- No, just right.

Marty Hopps got a telegram today.
His boy was k*lled.

I remember the day we sent him off.

A lot of troop ships have sunk
they don't tell us about.

- It's gonna be a long w*r.
- Those Germans got an army.

They're a military nation.

Go back where you came from, German!

Go on home, German!

This is just the start.

That rock through the window
is just the beginning.

The German people don't want this w*r.

And the stories they tell
of what the Germans are doing...

it simply is not true. Not the good ones.

I've been wondering lately
if we shouldn't all go back to the ranch.

You can't get away from it there, Dad.

I don't know, somehow, on a ranch,
I don't know...

w*r seems to be
city people's business somehow.

Farmers. What's a farmer got to do
with w*r?

You tired, Dad?

My eyes, I guess.
I work too hard at the Draft Board.

Better have my glasses looked at,
see if they're all right.

I had a look at the bank account
the other day...

not much left after my great fiasco.

Let's not worry about money, Dad.

Let's not worry about money, Dad.

Let's don't worry about money.

Hey, Rantani!

Ain't this some sight?


Yeah, boy, some beans.

You come here everyday, boy,
what do you think...

you gonna make them grow quicker?

He's crazy.

Hey, where have you been?

Come on.

We're gonna have lots of fun tonight.

- You won another cigar.
- Wait a minute.

You wanna try one? No?

Pick up my cigar.

- I'm waiting for somebody.
- You're waiting for me.

No, I'm not.

Why don't you let me
take you for a nice ride?

If you don't stop bothering me,
I'll have to call someone.

- Hello, Cal.
- What's the matter?

I was trying to tell this gentleman
that I was waiting for somebody.

This is a lousy place
to keep your girlfriend waiting for you.

- Sir, it won't happen again.
- I hope not.

Lots of lousy characters around here.
Sorry, miss.

Here I am, lady.

That's the first time
that ever happened to me.

- What're you doing out here?
- I'm meeting Aron.

I thought I'd come out early
and look around.

- You never been out here before?
- Not at night, no.

- What time you gonna meet him?
- At 8:00.

Thought I'd try and cheer him up.
He's been so depressed lately.

Yeah, I know.

I'm so glad you happened to be here.


You got a half hour?

How are you, Cal?
We never see you around anymore.

I'm around.

I've been over to the house several times,
but you were never there.

- I never go home anymore.
- Aron says he hardly ever sees you.

I feel awfully sorry for him.

You're terrible.

That's the first time
that ever happened to me, too.

Wonder if we can see Aron from here.

I feel awfully sorry for him.
He's right, you know.

I mean, it's awful, the w*r and people
k*lling each other.

Why feel sorry for Aron?
Feel sorry for the people.

But it just seems to affect him
so personally.

I'll agree with that.

He's right.

He's always right.

And he has always been right.

Now let's talk about something else.

All right.


We got a lot to see.

Will we be back in time for Aron?

All right. I'd love to.


Here's your cigar,
and where have you been hiding?

- Who was that?
- Who?

- That girl.
- I don't see nobody.

She was standing right...
Girls follow you around, don't they?

What are girls like that like?

All right, never mind.

These Huns have been the aggressors
in every w*r in Europe...

since the time of Julius Caesar.

I couldn't attempt to describe to you
the horrors committed by the Germans.


Would we have time?

...after the Germans had been through...

- the women of the town...
- That German's here again.

It is not true. It is lies, all lies.

Come on, Cal. Is it scary?

Here we go.

It is lies, all lies.

I'd like to give that guy
a piece of my mind.

See over there. That's Castroville.

Everything looks so small down there.

Higher and higher and higher and higher


Growing and growing
and growing and growing

- What are you talking about?
- I'll tell you sometime.

Does Aron really love me?

I seem to have sort of lost him.

I mean, we're going
to be married someday, but...

Well, if he does love me, he doesn't...

I can't tell anymore.

Cal, can I ask you something?

Yeah, go ahead.

These girls that you always
go around with.

You know, remember there was
that little Mexican girl once.

What are girls like that like?

You don't really love them, do you?

Why do you go out with them?
Is it because you're bad?

You're not angry, are you?

- Well, why do you, then? Are you bad?
- Do you think I'm bad?

I don't know.

I guess I don't know
what is good and what's bad.

I mean, Aron is so good...

and I'm not.

Not good enough for Aron, anyway.

Because sometimes when I'm with Aron...

Aron likes to talk about our being in love...

and think about it
and that's all right, but...

These girls that you go out with, do you...

Maybe I don't know what love is, exactly.

I know love is good the way Aron says...

but it's more than that, it's got to be.

I shouldn't talk to you this way...

but I don't know who else to talk to.

Sometimes I think I'm really bad.

Sometimes I don't know what to think.

- Aron'll knock that out of you.
- Will he?

He's got to.

The way I figure it out...

Aron never having had a mother...

he's made her everything good
that he can think of...

and that's what he thinks I am.

That's who he's in love with.
It's not me at all.

'Cause I'm not a bit like that made-up one.
Not a bit.

I don't mean I think I'm really bad.

Look at that star.

It must be a planet, it's so bright.


I bet that girl's waiting for you
down there somewhere.

She can just wait.

She was pretty.

You've been awfully nice, Cal,
taking care of me.

I love Aron. I do, really I do.

I do.

To give these fiends a lesson that...

Have you seen Abra, Mr. Albrecht?

Lies. All lies.

What's the matter with you tonight, Gus?

Gus, come on.

There's Aron.

You're a good shoemaker.

There's Aron, down there.

Major, why don't you stay out of politics?

Mr. Albrecht.

They're pushing him around.
What are they doing?

That'd k*ll Dad if he knew that.

Hey, operator,
when does this thing move again.


Cal, don't!

Watch yourself, get back!

Please. Somebody pull him back.

Don't bother me!

Come on.

- Gus, come on, have a drink.
- No, Charlie, no drink.

What are you waiting for?

Mr. Albrecht, calm down.
They're not bad fellows.

Aron, you are a child.

All I tried to do was buy him a drink.



You all loved him a few weeks ago,
what's gotten into you?

I'm sick of him sticking up
for the Germans.

- You a friend of the Germans?
- I'm a friend of this German.

There are rose plants in that border there.
Please be careful where you step.

We liked him. He made us laugh
because of his funny German accent.

Let him read this
in his funny German accent.

- What is it?
- Let him come down and read it.

- He doesn't have to read anything.
- I will read it.

Here, give it to me.

"The Government, with deep regret,

"that your son was k*lled in action,
15th of April.

"He died a hero and an American."

I'm sorry, Mrs. Hopps. I did not...

You're not sorry enough.

- I don't think he's sorry.
- He's not sorry at all.

- Listen, why don't we all go on home...
- You're not sorry enough.

Why aren't you in the w*r?

This will make you sorry.

Hello, Charlie.

Danny, what are you fellows
doing here, anyway?

Get up.

Loretta, I didn't expect to find you here.

Evening, Rose.

Looks like they messed up
your rose garden a little here, Gus.

Somebody owes you an apology.

How about you folks all going home now?

I think this'll do for tonight.

Good evening, Mrs. Albrecht.

- May I?
- Come in.

This place will be fixed up
just like it was before.

- I'm gonna see to it.
- Ja. He will see to it.

Where were you?

Where did you get his coat?

You all right?

You had to start slugging, didn't you?
Were you showing off for her?

You had to start slugging.

- I was trying to help you.
- I don't need your help.

If you want to slug people,
do it for yourself and not for me.

- And don't lie to me about trying to...
- Aron, I tried to help you!

- Great big Aron.
- You finished?

- No!
- Cal, stop it! Don't.

- Don't.
- Don't do that.

- Don't.
- Abra, don't do that!

Wait here.

I was trying to help him.

Who am I kidding?

I tried to k*ll him.

Mike, give me a drink.

- Don't drink any more.
- Why?

- No, please. It's not good for you.
- It's good for me.

- No, you're gonna get drunk.
- Yeah, I'm gonna get drunk.

Please forget it, what happened up
on the ferris wheel.

It didn't mean anything, really.

Please, forget it. It didn't mean anything.

Say it didn't. Please, say it didn't.

Someday he's gonna know
who his real son is.


Someday he's gonna know.

I don't understand you. You scare me.

- I know. I scare myself.
- Abra.

Fix me another drink.

- I want that money. Now you give it to me.
- You know I haven't any money here.


- When will you get it?
- In the morning, I suppose.

Okay. I'll sleep here.

Come on. You've gotta go home.

If you still feel the same way
in the morning...

you come back, we'll go to the bank...

and I'll see that you get everything
that's coming to you.

I'll buy out your share.
I'll go on and make a fortune with it.

Okay. That seems fair to me, Will.



- Who is it?
- Cal.

- Cal?
- Yeah.

- What on earth are you doing here?
- I want to see you.

Wait till I put something on.

I gotta tell you something.
Can you keep a secret?

Yes. What is it?

What's the matter? You look terrible.

- I got it.
- What?

Remember that money? Dad lost?

On that lettuce business?

- I got it.
- You mean you earned it all back?

- I've earned every cent.
- That's wonderful, Cal.

You got any time off tomorrow
from the hospital?

I get an hour at lunchtime. Why?

Thursday's Dad's birthday.

And I'm gonna give a party for him.

And I want you and me,
you and Aron and me...

to be there.

I'm gonna give him that money
just like it was a birthday present.

You could come
and help me get some junk...

- and we could decorate the house.
- Sure.

And we'll get balloons...

- and all that kid stuff, birthday stuff.
- We can go to the five and 10.

- Will you do it?
- I'd like to.

I'm sort of...

Why did I hit Aron?

Why did I hit him so hard?

Will you help me?

Will you really help me?

I'll help you, Cal.

Be careful.

How'd I get up here?

- Is your father coming?
- Yeah.

- Cal, don't get nervous.
- I think it looks beautiful.

Don't you? I love the way it looks.

- It looks festive, doesn't it?
- Yes, it does.

Yes, Cal, it looks very pretty.

- Do you think this is childish?
- Not a bit.

The room looks lovely.
Your father's going to love it.

- How's the turkey?
- It's a good turkey.

- Smells ready.
- It'll be ready.

- Aron didn't get him anything?
- He told me he had something.

- What?
- He didn't tell me what it was.

- It won't stack up against mine, will it?
- No.

- Do you wanna see mine?
- I'd like to.

- I got it wrapped up.
- Show it to me.

- Wanna see it?
- Yes.


- You like it?
- It's pretty.

You think it's pretty?

Don't drink any more wine.

- Did Aron tell you what the present was?
- No.

- You sure?
- Honestly, he didn't.

I'd tell you if he did. Honestly, I would.

Now everything's gonna go off fine. Here.

The brooms.

- Don't you do anything to give me away.
- I wouldn't.

We'll let him come in
and let the house speak for itself.

- We'll act like it was any other old day.
- Yes. Wait, Cal.


You look wonderful.


But I need my son.

It isn't that he doesn't want
to fight for his country. He does.

I need him to work the farm.

Things can't be as bad as you say,
Mr. Piscora.

You must be making plenty of money
out of your crops.

No money. I sold this year's crop
for 5 cents before I even planted it.

Everything cost so much now.

And now I got to sell next year crop.
So I need my boy.

I can do nothing about it, Mr. Piscora.

In all conscience,
I cannot excuse your son.

- Come on, Poppa.
- I don't like it.

I'm telling you. I don't like it.

Hello, Abra. Nice to see you.

- Gonna stay to dinner?
- Yes, I am. Is something the matter?

No, nothing. I guess I shouldn't
have taken that job in the Draft Board.

- Did you notice the snow on Mount Toro?
- Yes, I saw it.

Say, that means we got
a good year coming in.

- We could use it.
- Let's go in.

- Happy birthday, Dad.
- Happy birthday, Mr. Trask.

Is it possible? I'm very touched.

- Are you surprised?
- I had no idea. I'd forgotten completely.

- We knew you had, didn't we?
- Completely. I don't know what to say.

We got turkey.

- And champagne.
- Champagne, and we got all the things.

- We got the trimmings here.
- Isn't that pretty?

Got something for you.

Presents, too. Isn't that nice. Look.

- Ain't you gonna open it up?
- Yes.

Dad, Abra and I have one for you, too,
only we can't exactly give it to you.

I didn't tell Abra I was going to do this,
but we're engaged.

I couldn't have wished for anything nicer.

A lovely birthday present.

- You have my blessings.
- Thank you, Dad.

- But you haven't opened Cal's present yet.
- No.

But I can't imagine having
anything better than this.

Excuse me.

'Course I suspected it right along.
But, Cal, coming on my birthday.

What's this?

What is this?

I made it. And it's for you.
It's all the money you lost on the lettuce.

You made it? But how?

Go on.

- Beans.
- Beans?

Yes, we bought futures at 5 cents...

and the w*r came along
and the price went sky-high.

So, that's for you.

It's all the money you lost
in the lettuce business.

It's for you.

- I made it for you.
- You will have to give it back.

No, I made it for you, Dad.
I want you to have it.

- You will have to give it back.
- Who? I can't give it...

- To the people you got it from.
- No, the British Purchasing Agency?

- I can't give it back.
- Give it to the farmers you robbed.

We didn't rob anybody, Dad.

We paid 2 cents a pound,
2 cents over market for that stuff.

I sign my name
and boys go out and some die...

and some live helpless
without arms and legs.

Not one will come back untorn.

Do you think I could take
a profit from that?

I don't want the money, Cal!
I couldn't take it!

- I thank you for the thought, but...
- I'll keep it for you.

I'll wrap it up
and we'll just keep it in here...

I'll never take it!

Son, I'd be happy if you'd give me...

something like your brother's given me.

Something honest and human and good.
Don't be angry, Son.

If you want to give me a present,
give me a good life.

That's something I could value.

I hate you!

What are you doing?

He doesn't want anything from me.

Cal, don't.

Please, don't.


Don't you ever touch her again.

I don't trust you.

You're no good.

You're mean and vicious and wild.
And you always have been.

You know it, too, don't you?

Father and I have put up
with every vicious thing...

you could think of since you were a child.
And we've always forgiven you.

But now I don't want you to go near Abra.

I don't want you to talk with her.
Just stay away from her!

- You want to go some place with me?
- Why should I?

I got something to show you.

- Think you'll find it very interesting.
- What are you talking about?

Maybe our mother didn't die
and go to heaven after all, Aron.

- What do you mean by that?
- Maybe she didn't.

Maybe she's alive someplace.

What are you up to now?

Remember when we were kids,
we used to make up stories about her?

You said she must have looked
like heaven's youngest angel, remember?

Remember that time I shot that rabbit?

You cried and you said...

that she would have cried, too,
'cause she was so tenderhearted.

And you said I was bad,
you remember that?

I just want to show you something.
It's not gonna take very long.

What's the matter, you afraid?

I'm not afraid to look at anything
you could show me.

Can you look at the truth, just once?

Come on, you can look
at the truth just once. Can't you?

Come on.

I want to show you something.
It won't take very long.

Oh, Cal.


Mother, this is your other son, Aron.

Aron is everything that's good, Mother.

Say hello to your mother.

Say hello to your mother, Aron!


- Play another song!
- Quiet!


"I'm thinking of the lilac trees
that shook their purple plumes

"I'm thinking of the rivulet
with its cool and silvery flow

"Of the old gray rock that shadowed it
and the peppermint below"

- Where is Aron?
- I don't know. I'm not my brother's keeper.

- Where did you go?
- For a ride.

- What did you quarrel about?
- You.

- You're angry about the money.
- No, I'm not angry.

I like it. I think it's great.

I'm gonna go away
and take that money with me.

I think I'll start me a little business.
Just like my mother did.

- What do you know about your mother?
- I know where she is and what she is.

And I know why she left you.
Couldn't stand it.

You didn't really love her
any more than you do me.

Because of your goodness, your rightness.

You never gave either one of us
an inch, ever...

from what you thought was right.

You kept on forgiving us,
but you never really loved us.

I know why you didn't love me.

Because I'm like my mother...

and you never forgave yourself
for having loved her.

I'm not gonna forgive him.
I'm never gonna forgive him.

- Where is Aron?
- He's with her, with his mother.

She's over there in Monterey,
if you want to know.

She owns one of them houses.

I took Aron there tonight
because I was jealous.

I've been jealous all my life.
Jealous, I couldn't even stand it.

Tonight, I even tried to buy your love.

But now I don't want it anymore.

- I can't use it anymore.
- Don't talk to your father like that.

I don't want any kind of love anymore.

It doesn't pay off.

No future in it.

Let him go if he wants to.

No, I won't.

You hate me, too, don't you?

I'm afraid of you.

What you did to Aron tonight,
I don't know what it will do to him.

I feel like I'm to blame, too.

- Adam!
- Here. What is it?

...drunk and had a couple of fights.
He's gone kind of crazy.

He's at the station now.
Wait, I'll drive you down in my car.


- What happened between you and Aron?
- Why?

He's gone kind of crazy.
He's drunk and had a couple of fights...

and seemed determined
to get himself hurt.

He's leaving on that troop train tonight...

and says he's gonna enlist tomorrow
at King City.

Adam's on his way down there now
to talk to him before the train leaves.

I think you better get down there.

- Yeah.
- My car's downstairs.

Do you know what a stroke is, exactly?

This one is a leakage of blood in the brain
caused by shock.

There have been earlier, smaller leakages.

The left side is paralyzed,
and the right side partly.

In other words,
your father is nearly helpless.

- Will he die?
- He might live a week or a year.

He might die tonight.

- Will he know me?
- You'll have to find that out for yourself.

Good day.

Good day, Doctor. Good day, Sam.

"Cain rose up against his brother Abel,
and slew him.

"And Cain went away and dwelt
in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden."

Now why don't you go away some place?

- He's right.
- No.

Yes, he is. He's right. That's what I'll do.

Who's gonna wash these things for me?

Thank you.

- There you are.
- How is he?

He's fine. He's my darling.

Washed his face, combed his hair.

Can I go in there now?

Just for a minute. I want him to rest.
Gotta get lots of sleep.

- How is he, really?
- Haven't I seen you at the hospital?

- Not part of the family, are you?
- No.

I didn't think so.

I can tell you,
I won't have this job for long.

That's my luck. Always seem to get them
when they're old and ready to die off.

Now doesn't he look nice?
He's going to be a darling patient.

Even tried to smile at me,
didn't you, my dear?

- I don't want you to tire my patient.
- Please go.

Now listen, miss,
don't you try to order me about.

I'll report you to the doctor.

Will you go out of the room
and shut the door?


Can you hear me?

I did an awful thing.

I'm sorry.

Mr. Trask, can you hear me?

Is it just Cal you won't answer?

Can you answer?

I think you can understand me, though.

I think behind your eyes
you're just as alert as ever.

You understand everything I say
only you can't show it.

Excuse me, Mr. Trask,
for daring to speak to you this way...

but it's awful not to be loved.
It's the worst thing in the world.

Don't ask me how I know that.
I just know it.

It makes you mean and violent and cruel.

And that's the way
Cal has always felt, all his life.

I know you didn't mean it to be that way,
but it's true.

You never gave him your love.
You never asked him for his.

You never asked him for one thing.

Cal is going away, Mr. Trask.
But before he goes...

He did something very bad,
and I'm not asking you to forgive him.

You have to give him some sign
that you love him...

or else he'll never be a man.

He'll just keep on feeling guilty
and alone, unless you release him.

Please, help him.

I love Cal, Mr. Trask,
and I want him to be whole and strong...

and you're the only one who can do it.

So try, please try.

If you could ask him for something.

Let him help you so that he knows
that you love him.

Let him do for you.

Excuse me, Mr. Trask, for daring
to speak to you this way, but I just had to.

You've tired my patient...

and I most certainly shall report it
to the doctor in the morning.

You don't know that he accuses you.
You don't know what he's thinking about.

Stop it, Cal.
You gonna cry for the rest of your life?

- No.
- Then stop it.

Go in there and talk to him
before it's too late.

- I can't.
- Please try.

Get it straight.

Get through to him, somehow.
Please try, Cal, before it's too late.

- Is there any coffee around here?
- I'll get you some in a minute.


Is there anything to read around here?

What would you like?

- Something to get my mind off my feet.
- There's something in there.

I tried to believe it was born in me...

and that I couldn't help it,
but that's not so.

A man has a choice.

You used to say that was where
he was different from an animal.

You see, I remember.

A man has a choice,
and the choice is what makes him a man.

You see, I do remember.

- Look, I can't find any coffee.
- Get out!


Do something...

for me.


That woman...

the nurse, can't stand her.

Get me another.

I can't stand her, either.

What did he say?

He said, "Don't get anybody else."

He said, "You stay with me...

"and you take care of me."
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