Black Robe, The (1991)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Black Robe, The (1991)

Post by bunniefuu »

The Indians,
who went to Flangis

there was a city of gold


In the South
there is a city of gold.

My brother saw it.


Look at these, Tramblé.

Where did you
trap them, Sainte Marie?

In the forest.

It's my secret, Tramblé.

And how do you
pay the Indian trappers?

With knives, father,
with cooking pots

with brandy
and whiskey, I am told, with brandy.

And what if
there is no mission?

What if
your Father Laforgue arrives

to find
yet another two Jesuit martyrs?

We'll cross that bridge
when we come to it.

It's not we.

It's Father Laforgue
who must cross it.

Has he journeyed
far from this settlement?

Even in good weather?

He's been studying
the Huron and Algonquin languages.

He's very
dedicated and devout.

Of course.

Even I have been
on these journeys, Monsieur Champlain

from the lakes of Hurons
to the rivers of Maine

- and now
- We are too old.

- Perhaps younger men are more suitable.
- Perhaps. Perhaps not.

In that country

at the beginning of the winter

death is
almost certain, father Bourque.

Death is not always
a great evil, Monsieur Champlain.

God should have made me
a Jesuit, to have answers for everything.

He must
paddle with them, 12 hours a day

or they will not respect him.

He must
smile and not show anger.

He must carry a pack animal's loads
on his back as they do.

The journey,
like our lives, is in God's hands.

Look at them.
The English and the Dutch are colonists.

We have priests.

Who would want to
bring a woman here!

And have kids
running half wild in the woods!

We are starving in winter.

- Good afternoon, father.
- Good afternoon.

Good afternoon, father.

- Do you think they're going upriver?
- Who cares?

As long as
I am not going.

Leave the forest
to the savages.

that priest who came back like that?

It was the Iroquois.
They caught him.

That was just fingers.

One might lose
something that is more useful.

Why do you want to
accompany Father Laforgue?

For the greater glory of God.


I am told
you're bored in this settlement.

Sometimes a little:

To come all this way
and to just build huts...

I understand.

Can you read and write?

Yes, father. I was taught
by my uncle, who was a priest in Tour.

He speaks it
more fluently than I do.

If we send you, and if

when you return

you could go to France
to study for the priesthood

would that
please you, Daniel?

Yes, father.

These are our fathers.

They are soldiers of heaven.

They left
their friends and their country

to show you
the way to Paradise.


I entrust to you
Father Laforgue

who is journeying
into the land of Herons.

Love and honor him.

Guard him well.

Look at him,
dressed like a savage Chieftan.

We are not
colonizing the Indians.

- They are colonizing us.
- Not me, they are not.

I am not becoming
one of those wild woods men.

In one more year
I am going back to France.

How are you?

Are any of us?

If winter doesn't k*ll us,
the Indians might.

If they don't,
it could be the English.

So keep your faith.

I made that point
with you, God in mind.

Good morning.

You are...

- Paul Laforgue.
- You have to serve my mass?

I am
the priest of New France.

The savages did this to me.

Indians? But why?

They are uncivilized

just as
the English or the Germans were

before we took our faith to them.

In a few weeks

I will be returning.

Returning to New France?

The savages
live in total darkness.

We must convert them.

What more glorious
task than that, Paul?

What more glorious task?

Black Robe,
what are you doing?

I'm making words.


You do not speak.

I'll show you.

- Tell me something.
- Tell what?

I do not know.

My woman's mother

d*ed in snow last winter.

Last winter,
Chomin's wife mother

d*ed in the snow.

I have still
other greater things that I can teach you.


I did not mean any disrespect

but do you have any doubts?

What about?

Them. These people.

If we change them.

If we do not change them,
how could they enter Heaven?

Intelligence is not
lacking among these people.

He speaks
only Algonquin, father.

What is
the meaning of that word?

You love
that tobacco more than you love us.

What can I do? I know that.

He will ask and ask
until they have

everything we brought with us.

Father, they do not understand.

They share everything
without question.

Then they should question.

They plan nothing,
but think only of the moment:

hunting foods...

Go and
get the tobacco, Daniel.

They say it's soothing
once you become used to it.

That may take some time.

They don't seem to
be very happy, father.

They should be.
I have told them the truth.

So charming,
Mademoiselle Lafontaine

and so attractive.

So modest.

She is
from a very good family.

What do you think
they are talking about, father?

I don't know.

Of us?

Mother, what are you doing?

Praying to Saint Joan.

Perhaps God
has chosen you, as he chose her.

You must not
compare me to a saint, mother.

In New France
you will remember me in your prayers?

I always do.

God will hear your prayer.

He has
chosen you to die for Him.

I will never see you again.

I'm afraid, Lord.

I don't welcome death

as a holy person should.


I too have
committed the sin of the flesh.

Do you, father?

In France, long ago?

No, here:

sin of intent.


I've lusted after her.

Kneel with me

and say
an act of contrition.

Father, life is not
so simple for the rest of us.

I am not a Jesuit.

You said
you wanted to serve God.

Yes, father, but I

I'm afraid of this country.

The Devil rules here

controls the hearts and minds

of these poor people.

But they are true Christians.
They live for each other.

They forgive
things we would not forgive.

The Devil makes them
resist the truth of our teachings.

Why should they believe them?

They have
an after world of their own.

They have no concept of one.

Annuka has told me

they believe that,
in the forest at night, the dead can see.

Souls of men
hunt the souls of animals.

Is that what she told you?
It's childish, Daniel.

Is it
harder to believe in a paradise

where we all
sit on the clouds with a good God?

Black Robe.

Oh, God of mercy

bless this innocent child.

Where are my paddlers?
You promised.

You go with your own mission to the Hurons,
alone, Black Robe.

Ask your Jesus
to help you, Black Robe.


if it be Thy wish
that I suffer greater tribulations

in the days ahead

I welcome it.

Thou has given me
this cross for thy honor

for the salvation
of these poor barbarians.

I thank Thee.

Father, forgive me.

What for?

For the things I said to you

for leaving you.

God is with us.
He is the one who forgives us.



The arrowhead is still there.

If we try to remove it
you will die.

You want to be one of us?

What do you think now?

The Iroquois
are not men. They are animals.

the same as us or Hurons.

If they showed pity
others will say that they are weak.


do not cry out.

If we do cry out,
will they stop?

No. They would not stop.

if you cry out when you die

they will have your spirit.

When I die, Chomin,
I will go to Paradise.

Let me baptize you
so you will go there also.

Why would I
go to your paradise?

Are my people there?

My wife? My son?
There's only Black Robes there.

We go
downstream to my people.

No. We go
upstream to the Huron mission.

You're so weak,
the Iroquois could easily catch you

and they would not
expect you to travel away from your people.

You're not so stupid, Black Robe.

Lord, I beg you

show your mercy
to these savage people

who will never
look upon Your face in Paradise.

Tell me, Black Robe:

What does your dreams see now?

I'm too weary for dreams.

But you must.

If you do not,
how do you see the way that lies ahead?

I trust in God.

He will guide me
all the way to Paradise.

You have not seen this paradise.

No man should welcome death.

This world is a cruel place

but it has the sunlight.

I'm sorry
that I should leave now.

Chomin, do you hear me?
My God loves you.

If you accept His love,
he will admit you to Paradise.

I'll go with you, father.

You must stay with her.

She has lost everything
because of us.

She needs you more than I do.

We will do what she ask.

What can we say to people
who thinks that dreams are the real world

and this one is an illusion?

Perhaps they're right.

Goodbye, Father Laforgue.

No Farewells

not in this land

and no greetings, no names.

The forests speak.

The dead talk at night.

God bless you both.


Who are you?

I'm Father Laforgue.

How many are with you?

I am alone.

Some months ago
that fever struck this village.

The Indians thought
that we brought it to punish

those who would not
accept our faith.

Many d*ed.

One man who lost his child
k*lled father Duval.

What are they all doing now?

Who knows
what the savages will do?

Who knows what they think?

Even after 20 years
I still do not understand them.

They would probably
t*rture and k*ll us both.

But what about those converts?

We must have some influence.

Perhaps there are no converts.

Our only hope
is that some believe

that baptism
will cure their fever.

If they ask for baptism

we must have
a great public ceremony at once.

Father Jerome

shouldn't we...

I mean

Should they not
understand our faith

before accepting it?


But they are in danger of death

and we are offering them
a place in Paradise.

Father, death may be near.

Will you hear my confession?

If you will hear mine.

Bless me, father,
for I have sinned.


why is Father Jerome
with you in Heaven

while Chomin
lies forever in utter darkness?

Help me.

Demon! Why are you here?

I am not a demon.

I take the place of Father Jérome.

- Is he dead?
- Yes.

How long will you stay?

All of my life.

If we take the water sorcery

we will not be sick?

Baptism does not cure you.

The other Black Robe said so.

He meant only
that we must ask the help of Jesus.

Perhaps He will answer your prayers.

Many want to k*ll you, Black Robe.

I know.

A demon cannot feel pain.

Are you a man?


You must help us, Black Robe.

Do you love us?

- Yes.
- Then baptize us.

Spare them.

Spare them, oh Lord.
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