07x04 - Pomp and Circumstance

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RWBY". Aired: July 18, 2013 – present.*
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Set in the fictional world of Remnant, where young people train to become warriors to protect their world from monsters called Grimm.
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07x04 - Pomp and Circumstance

Post by bunniefuu »

Keep dreaming bout.. A better world.

We always hope. Know it's going to save you from this gravity.

You're holding out for some romantic.

But in time you'll find.

When you don't know.

Turn to. And you sure all hope is gone when the.

Calm and dark will yield the dark traveler.


Rob Dobrado.

You guys were incredible. Oh, the way you took down that guys,

without needing to plan your tactics out,

you just knew exactly what to do.

Well, esops are handpicked to perfectly complement

one another so we can focus on our

assets and leave our liabilities behind.

Some of us are all asset zero liability.

Yeah. Think I've got some liabilities. L'm your brains for one.

Oh. You did ask.

Hi. Do you need a new best friend? Our pair name can be.

Perfect complementary teamwork. Oh, yeah. I want

to have my friends backs just like that.

Friends. This isn't the schoolyard kid thunder thighs.

But I mean, when you go through so much with someone,

it kind of changes things, doesn't it?

We got along well enough. Sure. I count

on them to keep me alive. They do the same. But that's a

job. We don't confuse the two.

Speaking of the job. The first duty ever beckons you all.

Hang back a second.

Okay. All ready sir. What do you guys want to do when

we get back to Atlas? Sightseeing.

Oh, what should we visit first?

How about our buds? Oh, come..

On, guys, this is a great time to go exploring.

We haven't done that in so..

Long, Ruby. We just explored a whole

continent on foot before flying to this one. Well, yeah.

But it was only the boring parts. We almost died.

Hey. Heads up. Can I get the team leaders over here?

There's something I'd like to discuss with you. You too. Crow.

I need you on the ground. But be subtle.

If people see too many huntsmen milling around,

they'll get nervous.

And clover. Don't take marrow.

New problems in mantle. More of the same, unfortunately.

Someone in mantle is taking up public

leaders who speak out against Atlas.

Specifically people who speak out against me.

It didn't look like a pattern at first,

but this is the third m*rder of its kind in the last week.

Wait a minute. That's the guy that rode

with us after we were arrested.

He died. Your opposition and mantle dropping

dead isn't exactly a good look for you, huh?

I'm not really worried about my public

image, but it is causing unrest.

I think someone's trying to frame me.

And by extension, Atlas. And it's working.

Well, if it wasn't for the embargo,

making everybody so mad, people probably wouldn't

be so quick to blame you for everything else.

Sir. No, no. You're right. Things in mantle

have been hard to manage lately.

I'm not blind to its issues. In fact,

that's what I want to talk to you about.

With the launch of this mobile communications

tower and tensions down in mantle.

I think there's a lot of good your teams can do here.

What? Already here. No. It's fine. Let

him land. I'll deal with him myself.

More mental problems. No.

This one's an atlas problem.

So let me get this straight, James.

In addition to this nonsensical embargo of yours crippling my business,

you've also decided you have the authority to commandeer private property.

When the council hears about this, you will never.

Actually, I've already informed them, as this

is now the site of a classified military operation.

It didn't even require a vote.

Didn't require a vote? You might want

to brush up on council long before

you lose this upcoming election. George.

Now, I've allowed you to land here once as a courtesy.

The next time it won't be a friendly reception.

Lately you seem to forget who your friends really are.

I'm going to get that council seat, James. And maybe then you'll.

You. You roped my missing daughter into these schemes of yours too.

How long has she been back in Atlas?

Did Winter know about.. My decision to come here? Just like

it was my decision to leave.

Or have you forgotten all about that?

If you think I'm one to forget anything,

girl, then you've misjudged the man. Your father is.

Believe me, I know exactly the kind of man you are.

How dare you speak to me that way? I have half a mind.

Half a mind to what? Shock.

You know, your mother was devastated when you left.

Didn't leave her room for days. You know

how she gets when she's upset.

I knew one day you would overextend your reach.

I didn't come here to beg for an abandoned mine.

I came here to thank you. For

personally handing me the noose to hang you.

You'll regret this.

So these are the little

friends you threw everything away for? Not friends. Family.

Oh, now you show up, winter.

You just missed father. I wouldn't say I missed the.

Uh, did we not start yet? Apparently, we haven't start. What?

It goes without saying that this arena

holds a significance to all of us.

It's only fitting that we should be able to reconvene here now,

when the world needs to be brought together more than ever.

The road you travelled from our first meeting hasn't been easy.

You fought for your school and your friends at beacon.

You Fought for the world and the

innocent at Haven Academy and beyond.

You faced down terror as people can't even fathom.

That's not the behavior of students. It's

the behavior of huntsmen and huntresses.

Hm hm hm hm. Wait, what is this?

You are being granted your huntsmen licenses today.

I know this is coming a little ahead of schedule,

but brothers know you deserve it.

I only regret that I couldn't do something

a little more ceremonious for the occasion. I.

We were honored, General Ironwood. But you

really don't have to do this.

With the threat of Salem still out

there and tensions rising in our kingdom,

I certainly could use more trustworthy fighters by my side.

I should be so lucky to have all of you.

It's okay. It's a big moment. And what

better way than to celebrate here?

When this tower is ready and communications are back up and running,

we'll tell the world about Salem and face

down whatever comes at us after that. Together.

That's just about all the pomp I have in me.

If you'll excuse me, I have to get

back to running this operation. Well, then, enjoy the cake.

Your speech. Outros are improving, sir. After

everything we've been through, I almost forgot.

This is what I wanted in the first place.

When beacon fell, I didn't think this

would even be possible. It almost feels trivial now.

Geez, guys, lighten up a little. Enjoy

yourselves for a change. You've earned it.

Finally, someone said it. Let's k*ll some cake, huh?

Because I could eat two slices before Ren even eats one.

Who says I can't? Who says it?

Huh? Nora, nobody is arguing with you about this. He.


Big day for you, huh, kiddo? It's

definitely a lot to take in.

Which part? The finally getting Atlas part.

Getting your license part. Or the not

quite disclosing everything to Ironwood part or all of the above?

All of the above. I'm trying to do what I think is best,

but I really can't tell if what's

best is what's right or if I'm no different from Oz.

Ruby. Oz only trusted himself with the whole truth.

You're trusting others, but you're making sure they prove themselves first.

I think that's a pretty big difference.

I hope so. This says I'm a huntress now.

But I don't feel like I know much more than I did at beacon.

That feeling never goes away. Your mom.

Summer. Would be proud of you.

Her last mission. Was that another secret?

There were a lot of those back in our day,

but this one was a summer secret.

When she didn't come back, her husband

seemed just as in the dark as myself and your father.

Still, who knows what he may have

hidden from us over the years?

What do you think she would have done

if she learned the truth about Salem? That she can't be destroyed?

Pressed on, I think. Like you. She was always the best of us.

Bit of a brat though. But hey, I like brats. Ha ha..

Ha! Hey, Ruby, come check this out.

Oh my gosh, is that a mission board? It's an app now.

Can we ride a megalith? Stop an underground crime ring.

Do I get to go undercover?

Maybe. Hey, you guys smell that? Smells like fresh meat.

That's odd. I don't smell meat. Neither do I.

You know what? Never mind. Let me get this straight.

You've only been official for an hour now,

and you're already looking for Huntsman work.

To be fair. We've been official for a whole minutes.

I'd like to remind you all that the real

mission here is ensuring the successful launch of the communications tower.

True. But we can also keep training

and improving by helping where we can.

The enthusiasm of youths. Well. It's hard to argue with that.

Okay, let me show you how it works.

Ooh, here's an important one. Who wants to volunteer?

All right. We need someone to escort

children to pre-primary school down in mantle.

There's not actually any danger, but the parents fret,

and that attracts grim. Perfect. Thanks. One. One gym.

Close enough, I guess. Wow. My first Huntsman mission.

Next. A massive saber is loose in the mantle sewers.

We need two brave warriors to flush it out.

But why didn't I get a choice for that one?

Father, you have a visitor.

I told you I didn't want to be disturbed.

Why did you let them in? I didn't. He let himself in..

A spitting image of you, this lad jock.

Creepily so, I might add. He's definitely inherited your affect.

Arthur. Whitley, leave us and shut the

door. I said shut the door.

All right. You're supposed to be dead.

That is what I wanted people to think. You're right.

However, I've heard things about you, too, jock.

Namely, that you have an Ironwood problem.

That bastard is costing me more money every day with this embargo.

And lay off every employee in mantle.

If I wasn't trying to get their

damn votes for this council seat.

What have I said? You could have your cake. And eat it too.

your cake. And eat it too.
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