01x10 - Rashōmon and the Tiger

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Bungo Stray Dogs". Aired: April 7, 2016 - September 20, 2023.*
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Follows individuals who are gifted with supernatural powers and use them for different purposes including holding a business, solving mysteries, and carrying out missions assigned by the mafia.
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01x10 - Rashōmon and the Tiger

Post by bunniefuu »

[DOPPO] Speed: knots, heading out to open sea.

Don't you die on me, kid!

[CHUUYA grunts]

You call that a punch?!

That wasn't even a massage. Your martial arts skills

are below average for the Port Mafia.

It doesn't even matter that I can't

use my ability against you.

Now get up. The party's only just getting started!

Heh... You always were the best with hand to hand combat.

Whoopsie daisy...

Thought my arm would get destroyed there...

[CHUUYA] He blocked my strike at the last second?

He must've predicted it.

[OSAMU] We've known each other for a long time.

I'm very familiar with your moves, pacing, and behavior.

That's what made me a great partner... right?

[OSAMU] He's fast!

Then I bet you saw this coming too, didn't ya?!

Watch closely now! This is how you punch!

[OSAMU grunts, coughs]

Did you really think you could predict all of my moves?

Before I k*ll you... why did you let yourself get caught?

What the hell were you waiting here for?

Ah. Not talking, huh?

All right... I'll just enjoy torturing you a bit more.

The main reason... was for Atsushi.


[OSAMU] The weretiger you're all obsessed with.

I wanted to know who was responsible for putting

the seven billion price tag on his head.

[CHUUYA] You put your own life on the line just for that?

Heh. I'd like to say that's a real feel-good story there,

but look where you ended up.

Seems even a genius like you,

the youngest executive in Mafia history, can screw up.

I guess Lady Luck isn't on your side today.

It just so happens I caught you on the very day

I returned from putting out fires in the West. Heh.

Lady Luck must be on my side.

[OSAMU] Heh.

What's so funny?

[OSAMU] You should probably know this.

Tomorrow... the five execs are meeting.

Impossible. They only meet to make decisions about

the future of the organization. Critical decisions.

And that only happens every few years.

If that was happening tomorrow, I would know about it.

This particular meeting is in regards to a letter

I sent them the other day.

Allow me to make a prediction.

You are not going to k*ll me after all.

Not only that, you're going to give me information before

leaving this room, about who's paying the weretiger's bounty.

Plus, once you exit,

you'll prance and talk like a little rich girl.


My predictions always come true. But you already know that.

You think you can wiggle out of this?

Your letter... What did it say?

Would you like me to recite it for you?

"Should Dazai fall... all of your secrets

will finally be revealed and brought to light."

You've gotta be bluffing!

[OSAMU] So, yes, you've caught me,

a former executive turned traitor.

But you have a problem. If you k*ll me, a list of

all the organization's transgressions will be released.

The public prosecutor?

He'll feel obliged to execute all the Port Mafia leaders.

That's more than enough of a threat to trigger a meeting.

[CHUUYA] You really think you can push around

the Port Mafia with a bunch of words?

The only execution... will be yours!

[OSAMU] Possibly.

But in the end, that'll be the Council's decision.

If you k*ll me without their permission, your action

will be considered unsanctioned and therefore a betrayal.

You'll be discharged. Or ex*cuted.

Even if I decided to go ahead and k*ll you anyway, I have

a feeling that you'd actually enjoy that, wouldn't you?

I think it's time you made up your mind.

[CHUUYA groans]

Well then. What do you say?

I'm waiting, Chuuya...

Really? Not doing it?

I was so hoping I'd be the reason you were thrown out...

I'm a little disappointed.

Don't tell me...

The main reason... was for Atsushi.

[CHUUYA] Dazai! Was your second reason for coming here

to force me between a rock and a hard place?!

[OSAMU chuckles]

By the way, just why are you here?

To pay you back!

So this whole time, you had set me up

so you'd have the last laugh.

[OSAMU] With a reunion this long in the making,

I had to do something special.

Someday... I swear that I'll see you k*lled!

By the way... you realize you're the one

who broke my chains and freed me, right?

If I were to run away right now, I'm certain

you'd be suspected of aiding my escape.

[CHUUYA] Why, you!

If you do as I say, I could make it look

like someone from the Agency came and rescued me instead.

Why should I believe a thing you say?!

I never lie in these kinds of negotiations.

I think you know that.

Bastard... What do you want, anyway?

[OSAMU] I mentioned it earlier.

[CHUUYA] If it's about the weretiger,

Akutagawa's leading that operation. He should have

records in the comm storage room on the second floor.

How interesting! I had a pretty good hunch that was the case.


Oh, you're such an ass.

Just finish what you came for and get outta here.

[OSAMU] I duly appreciate it!

Just one last thing...

My dream is to commit su1c1de with a beautiful woman,

so dying by your hands never really interested me. I'm sorry.

[CHUUYA] Okay...?

I'll let you know when I find

a beautiful woman willing to k*ll herself.

[OSAMU] Chuuya!

You are... such a wonderful human being!

[CHUUYA] Go to hell. I was being sarcastic.

Listen to me carefully...

This isn't the end!

Next time, you won't be so lucky!

[OSAMU] No, you're doing it wrong!

Aren't you forgetting something?

[CHUUYA grunts]

[OSAMU] Come on!

You know you're forgetting something, Chuuya...

[CHUUYA growls]

Next time, you won't be so lucky!

[CHUUYA] ...y-you won't... be so lucky...

Jeez, you could at least laugh!

[ATSUSHI groans]

[ATSUSHI] Hey...

Did you... come here to rescue me?

[ATSUSHI yells]

[ATSUSHI grunts, groans]

[AKUTAGAWA] I had struck to k*ll.

However, it seems your healing powers are partially in effect.

[ATSUSHI] Where am I? At sea?

[AKUTAGAWA] This ship is usually used for smuggling weapons,

but today it's been reserved just for you.

You should savor this voyage before we hand you over.

It'll likely be your last.

[ATSUSHI] I can't win in a fight against him.

I need to find an opening and run.

[AKUTAGAWA] The weak must die.

There's no room for them to exist in this world.

[ATSUSHI] I don't understand.

Why does this guy hate me so much?

[g*n cocks]

[AKUTAGAWA] Ha, ha, ha. It seems being in the outside world

has changed you... What a shame.

Let go of him, now.

[KYOUKA chokes, gasps]

[AKUTAGAWA] Have you ever been in the pit of despair?

It's a quagmire. Desolate. Full of anguish.

At times, someone may peer down on you from high above,

but they'll never notice you.

Every moment, your body aches from self-loathing.

That is what's waiting for you out there, Kyouka.

Demon Snow is slaughter made flesh.

Do you really think you can lead a normal life out there?

Weretiger... teach her how it feels.

Never helping anyone. Never being trusted.

Living your life in fear, trembling like a worm.

[AKUTAGAWA] You have two choices, Kyouka:

Continue k*lling for the Port Mafia, or perish by my hand.

Because a human without purpose has no right to breathe.

You actually may be right about that...

But that's okay...

Those crépes... They were delicious...

[ATSUSHI gasps]

[DOPPO] Where are you, kid?

Are you here?!

Mr. Kunikida?

[AKUTAGAWA] So, they've found us already...

Atsushi! Run while you still can!

This ship isn't going to its destination.


Just where is it going, then?

The pit of despair.

[ATSUSHI grunts]

--[ATSUSHI] Kyouka! --[KYOUKA] Run!

[AKUTAGAWA] Weretiger!

[AKUTAGAWA] You set expl*sives in the armory?

You're trying to die, aren't you?

Is that man really worth sacrificing your life for?

Is he?!

[ATSUSHI gasps]

[DOPPO] Kid!

Listen! I can't get any closer, so you're gonna have to jump!

[ATSUSHI] I'm going to live...

I'm safe now.

[DOPPO] That ship'll sink at any minute!

You need to hurry!

[DOPPO] You fool!

Don't cause more trouble than you already have!

No one is getting paid a cent for this rescue!

[ATSUSHI] What about her?

You have to let the girl go!

We can't save everyone, no matter how hard we try.

I know that far better than most.

That's just the world we live in!

[ATSUSHI] There's nothing we can do?

[DOPPO] That's right. We're not heroes.

I've wished so many times that we were.

But that's not reality!


[ATSUSHI] Kyouka...

[DOPPO gasps]

[ATSUSHI] She said the crepes she had with me were delicious.

She was told humans who don't serve a purpose

have no right to live...

But I don't think that's true.

Because neither Dazai nor the Agency ever gave up on me!

I'm going to save her!

[DOPPO] Hey!


Run, as fast as you can!

[AKUTAGAWA] Kyouka... is this truly the path you've chosen?

In appreciation for your service...

...I'll lay you to rest.


I'm here... Akutagawa!

[AKUTAGAWA] Curious... I had a feeling

things would eventually end like this between us,

[ATSUSHI] You're not gonna get that bounty.

[AKUTAGAWA] Don't worry. My intentions

to hand you over alive have expired.

I can't forgive you for this!

The sentiment is mutual.


[ATSUSHI yells]

[ATSUSHI] This is the same ability

that stopped those b*ll*ts.

My att*cks won't get through as long as it's active!


[ATSUSHI yells]

Is that the best you can do?

I don't like t*rture.

However, you have nothing to blame but your own weakness.

You deluded yourself into thinking you were worthy

just because you were accepted by those fools at the Agency.

That in itself was merely a matter of happenstance.

You're quite the blabbermouth today, aren't you?

I don't recall introducing myself as a mute.

[ATSUSHI] You're right about one thing...

I am weak. But there's one thing I can do.

[AKUTAGAWA] And what's that?

I can beat you!

He transformed back to escape!

[ATSUSHI yells]

[ATSUSHI] I thought so. He needs time to activate his barrier.

I'll just use my speed to compensate, then!

[ATSUSHI] What?!

[AKUTAGAWA] I have no time for childish fist fights.

You'll forgive me if I observe your efforts from a distance.

[ATSUSHI] I have to close the distance between us

if I wanna win.

Oh, no!

[AKUTAGAWA] Not long now before this ship will sink.

[AKUTAGAWA] Using the expl*si*n to propel himself?!

[ATSUSHI yells]

[AKUTAGAWA coughs]

[OSAMU] Your ability's slow to activate.

Your opponent's not gonna be polite and wait for you.

On your feet.

Answer back with your ability.

[AKUTAGAWA grunts, pants]


[AKUTAGAWA retches]

That won't be enough to survive in the Port Mafia.

Or would you rather go back to being a stray dog in the slums?

[AKUTAGAWA grunts, pants]

Excellent. Let's go again...

[ATSUSHI grunts]

Before this ship sinks, I have to get her safely to Kunikida.

[ATSUSHI retches]


Why are you the one?!

[AKUTAGAWA] You've only just learned how to use your ability,

and it shows. Your technique and strategy are sloppy at best.

So why...

Why did it have to be you?!

There it is.

That overwhelming feeling of hatred...

Where does it come from?

[OSAMU] You think you can pull that off? Really?

My new apprentice is superior to you in every way imaginable.


I won't allow him to say such things. Not ever again!



[ATSUSHI retches]

[ATSUSHI groans]

[AKUTAGAWA] I've finally defeated him.


Tell me...

[AKUTAGAWA] There's no way he should be able

to move after that!

[ATSUSHI] There's no question that you're powerful...

So then why did you have to use Kyouka like that?

[AKUTAGAWA] I didn't use her.

The sole purpose of her ability, Demon Snow, is to k*ll.

Only by upholding this responsibility

does Kyouka's existence have any purpose.

I merely did my part in giving her life meaning.

[ATSUSHI] About that...

Whether someone is worthy of being alive...

...isn't your decision!

[ATSUSHI] Why did you tell her those horrible things?

She didn't need to hear any of that.

People need to hear that they're worthwhile

and that somebody cares they're alive!

That's human decency! What don't you get about that?!

[AKUTAGAWA] He ripped it off!

And he's regenerating!

[ATSUSHI yells]

[AKUTAGAWA] I have to make sure that I keep him at a distance.



[ATSUSHI groans]


[AKUTAGAWA chuckles]


Goku Mon Agito!

[AKUTAGAWA] Just die already.


[AKUTAGAWA] He used his tail...?!

[AKUTAGAWA] Devoured Space!

[ATSUSHI yells]

My new apprentice is superior to you in every way imaginable.

[ATSUSHI yells]

[KYOUKA grunts]

[KYOUKA gasps]

[DOPPO] Hmph. You big idiot...

[DOPPO] Well done, kid.

[OSAMU] Let's see here...

Who in the world wants to spend seven billion on a tiger?

I should know right about... now.

[OSAMU gasps]

Is it really them?

[bell peals]

[FITZGERALD] They're late.

The bounty approach seems to have failed.

Those Mafia types sure are a mediocre lot.

It's a small setback, though.

The Promised Land will soon belong to The Guild.

[DOPPO] We have a challenging assignment that even

the local police passed on. I'm counting on you, Atsushi.

[ATSUSHI] Right! I'll do my best!

[DOPPO] What's that? Kenji was assigned to help him out?

[ATSUSHI] That's amazing, Kenji!

You've already found a lead for us!

Next time on Bungo Stray Dogs ,

episode : "First, an Unsuitable Profession for Her.

Second, an Ecstatic Detective Agency."

[DOPPO] This has to be the best and worst team ever.
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