08x18 - Planes, Cranes, and Virgin Claims

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gold Rush". Aired: December 3, 2010 –present.*
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Reality based series follows the placer gold mining efforts of various family-run mining companies, mostly in the Klondike region of Dawson City, Yukon, Canada, as well as in the U.S. state of Alaska.
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08x18 - Planes, Cranes, and Virgin Claims

Post by bunniefuu »

Todd: there's no season
that ends normal.

It's always kind of crazy.

on this "gold rush"...

For the first time,
we're yukon landowners.

I overpaid a fair bit.

How much?
Half a million dollars.

[ Bleep ]

So, here's
our new playground.


Ness: what a mess.

Todd: you know, this season
sure as hell hasn't turned out

Like we thought it would.

Son of a g*n.

The biggest boulder
I've ever seen.

That's a king kong, man.

Right in the middle
of our cut.

It's a freaking

Are you [bleep] me?

Tony is like
a bad [bleep] virus

That you just
can't get rid of.

Like, we finally get
some other ground,

And I'm still having
to deal with his ass.

parker schnabel started
the season with two goals --

Mine 5,000 ounces of gold and
get out from under tony beets.

Last week, we hit
our 5-thousand-ounce goal,

Which is really sweet.

Narrator: getting out from under
tony and his 20% royalty fees

Is proving a little harder.

I can't [bleep] believe
tony beets right now.

Narrator: last week,
parker opened up a new cut

With new landlord ken tatlow
on just a 10% royalty deal.

the truth is, on ken's ground,

We'll pay half the royalty rates
that tony charges us,

But without good access
and a good road over there,

We're pretty well
dead in the water,

And I don't know why tony
has to start things out like,

This tearing our road out.

Really, tony?

Narrator: in an effort to keep
parker from mining ken's ground,

Tony destroyed the access road

Which runs through
his property.

Do you really have that big
of a problem with me?

But parker is
fighting back.

Schnabel: so, I'm going to
go talk to the neighbor here.

I know he's got some ground
right next to ken's ground.

It's away from tony,
and I'll do my best here

To swing a deal with him.

a neighbor is selling 11 claims

That would allow parker
to build a road to ken's claims

Without crossing tony's ground.

This guy hates cameras
and doesn't like you guys.

I don't want you guys
to [bleep] this up,

So I need you to get out.



Narrator: while parker tries
to cut a deal,

Rick is running sluicifer
in the last cut.

A week ago, he ran out
of pay dirt at indian river,

So big red is idle.

Ness: you know,
indian river being out of dirt,

I'm not going to let it
[bleep] beat me, man.

Narrator: rick promised parker
he'd mine 2,500 ounces,

But he's still 102 ounces short.


Ness: you know, we're trying
to be proactive

And get to ken's ground,
and tony's a [bleep] [bleep],

And he won't let us
cross his property to get there.

I'm not a person
who accepts failure.

I'm not a person that gives up.

So, I said I was going get
2,500 ounces out of big red,

I'm going to [bleep] do it.

Narrator: after two hours
of negotiation, parker's back.

He's around here



We're yukon
landowners, rick.

No [bleep] way.

Want to look?
[Bleep] yeah, man.

Finally, we're
yukon landowners.

After five years,
we've finally done it.

Oh, yeah.

I'm pretty stoked on that.

You know, we bought that chunk
of ground next to tony.

The really nice thing
about this ground

Is there should be a little
chunk on it that's stripped,

And then there's
some pay there, actually,

So I overpaid
a fair bit.

It cost us
a half a million dollars.

How much?
Half a million dollars.

[ Bleep ]

You know, if there is gold
to get in that ground

My vote is going to be
to get it with big red,

So this season might not be
done yet for big red.

[Bleep] yeah.

Narrator: parker paid half
a million dollars for 11 claims

That give him access
to ken's ground,

But they contain
an open cut with gold

That won't cost parker
a cent in royalties.

Their new plan --
rick will bring in big red

And mine this ground
for the rest of the season.


So, here's
our new playground.


What a mess.

it's not pretty.

[Bleep] mud as far
as the eyes can see.

So, underneath
all this water over here

Is supposed to be
where there's a cut?

Yeah. Big old [bleep] lake
with mud everywhere.

Well, what do you
figure we should do?

Let's just get
the [bleep] water out of here.

See what
we're dealing with.

Well, rick,
make it happen.

Come on, dozer!

Man, this is bad.
It's a giant [bleep] hole.

There's probably a million
gallons of water in here.

[Bleep] me.


Up we go.

after a frustrating season,

Tony beets is finally taking
his second dredge apart,

But with winter
fast approaching,

He's racing to finish the job.

the front gantry is taller
than a five-story building.

Tony's plan to remove it
in one piece

Will take the combined lifting
power of both his cranes.

This front gantry is
the most massive structure

On this whole dredge.

The small crane?

Narrator: a crossbeam holds
the front gantry in place.

Tony's plan --
use the 20-ton crane

To take the weight
of the crossbeam

And the 50-ton crane
to support the gantry.

Remove the four pins connecting
the two, then lower them both.

Once down, they can detach
the gantry from the dredge.

Narrator: sheamus will operate
the 20-ton crane,

And tony's son,
mike, the 50-ton.

Go, mike.

Mike: hey, sheamus.

Mine's bigger.

Yeah, I noticed.

[ Laughs ]




Len: yep, pretty good.
Let's see the last one.

We're almost there.

Yeah, I'm ready, tony.

Going down.
Going down.

Okay, it's down.

Narrator: the final step --
re-attach the 50-ton crane

While tony separates
the gantry from the pontoons.

it's not moving.

Apparently my actual load
is higher than my max load

to this thing.

Narrator: even at its
maximum lifting capacity,

Mike's 50-ton crane
can't raise the front gantry.

Len: mike. Whoa, mike.
Whoa, mike, mike, mike.

It's stopped,
for [bleep] sakes.

I think it's caught
on a bolt here, tony.



-whoa, whoa, whoa.

Tony: careful.

Len: yeah, I'm good.
I'm safe here.

tony beets has finally freed

The massive front gantry
from the dredge.

Exciting, but I was out
of the way not soon enough,

But I tried to.

But I don't need
clean underwear, so...



Kevin, go walk around.

Make sure we've got good water
coming through.

in colorado, todd hoffman is

Running two wash plants,
rusty red

And his new 300-yard-an-hour
trommel, the holy roller.

You know, this season
sure as hell hasn't turned out

Like we thought it would.

Narrator: a season of legal
issues and constant shutdowns

Means he's mined
less than 1,500 ounces of gold,

Worth around $1.7 million.


Now we've just got to focus
on making a profit

And getting gold for every
single guy to take home.

Narrator: todd still needs
another 63 ounces

Just to break even, and with
the end of the season in sight,

He's counting on his new cut,
the golden gulch,

To take him into profit.

and it's looking really good.

And if golden gulch turns out
like we think it will,

We're going to be
able to do that.

andy digs the pay,

Logan hauls it up the hill,
and hunter feeds the plant.

We have had to go through
a lot of challenges this season.

You know, I don't know
if I can keep doing this.


Hitting a lot of boulders
and stuff in here.

But you know what?
I'll take what we can get.


Holy crap.

Right now, it looks
like I'm hitting

A freaking huge-ass boulder,

Right in the middle of our cut.

Son of a g*n.


Come on.


This is the biggest boulder
I've ever hit.

700 Won't even budge it.

You copy, todd?

Todd, sandy, I think you need
to come down here to the cut.

We got a big problem.

Jiminy christmas.


big problem is right.


What in the hell.

Right in the middle
of our cut.

I was seeing big rocks,
but that's a king kong, man.

The biggest boulder I've
ever seen.

-No 700s are going to move it.

I don't care if you put
three 700s on it.

It ain't gonna
budge it.


I mean,
you couldn't have placed it

Any more perfect to be
in our way.

Narrator: the ridge
they're mining is so narrow,

They'll never get
a haul truck past the rock.


Holy crap.

Can we blast it?

We can't blast here
'cause we don't have a permit.

I'm open to ideas.

Only thing I know to try is try
and split it chemically.

You drill it?
Yeah, drill holes.

Pour in this compound.

It hardens, expands,
and it splits it.

All right, let's go try
to drill it and crack it.

Narrator: over 25 feet wide,
weighing in at 100 tons,

King kong is blocking the pay
from the golden gulch.

We've got to get it
out of there...now.

Trey's plan -- drill a line
of 12 holes in the rock.

Add water to a quick
lime-based formula

To start a chemical reaction.

When they fill the holes, the
compound will heat up and expand

To four times its original size,

Splitting the boulder
into two movable pieces.

Okay, what do we got?
It's the real deal, man.

This is hammering
and turning.

Water comes out the head,
and it just hammers and cuts.

A lot of guys have
been k*lled by these,

Both by the fittings
coming apart rattling loose

And whipping off
and hitting them,

And just getting
wound up in it.

Well, I don't like
hearing that.

This isn't the light-guy sport
by any means, so...

So, you're telling me

My weight is actually going to
come in handy on this?

[ Chuckling ] yeah.

All of our weight, finally,
we can put to use.


The only pay that we have left
is this little, tiny chunk,

So we've got to get this boulder
out of here,

And we've got to
do it quick.




so, we're out of pay.

The holy roller runs
as the pay comes.

All the guys are running
the little stockpiles

That they have.

We've got to get this rock
drilled, cracked,

Get the hell out of here.


Stay up here in case
they screw something up.


Holy [bleep]

It's going pretty good.

We've got to go
about 7 feet deep,

So we're probably
not quite halfway there.



Hiatt: hey, juan!

It's not spinning.



I'm not sure, but we broke
something internally in here.

There's a couple collars
that are bronze sleeves.

I think maybe one of
those stripped out.

Shut the air off.


Ibarra: this sucks, man.

How bad is it?

It's going to have
to be rebuilt.

We don't have any parts
for that here,

So we're going to have
to take it to denver

And get it redone.

We're 4 hours out.
[ Bleep ]


hunter, give me an update.

How are we doing
up there?

Yeah, the plant's
not looking good.

I am out of pay.

All right!
Shut it down!


We're literally going to get
no gold out of this plant.

I'm tired of having seasons
where we feel like failures.

This season, I mean,
it's just falling apart.

What the hell is going on?!

Todd: we got to get this
freaking rock out of here.

It is a freaking nightmare.


Hi, buddy!

Were you lost?


I know.
We're home.

Narrator: in the klondike,
parker schnabel

Is the proud owner
of his own claim.

Schnabel: after five years
of mining up here in the yukon

And looking for ground, you
know, we finally bought some.

This is royalty-free ground.
Every ounce we find, we keep.

Narrator: he's bought an area
the size of 45 football fields

For $500,000, and it includes
a partially mined cut

He's been told contains
$400,000 worth of gold.

Once dewatered, the pay dirt
will be ready to sluice.

there's so much water in here.

Rick's bringing an excavator
so we can get the water out.

Just see what we've got.

Its a good thing.
It's definitely a good thing.

I'm looking forward to
getting set up down here

And finding some gold and not
giving anybody any of it.

Narrator: just one problem --

Until they build a new road,

The only access is through
the middle of tony's camp.

I figure we just stay
the [bleep] out of their way.

Just unload the thing
right here, and I'll just...

Truck right past him.

...truck right past him
in the machine.

I'll get the chains, rick.
You want to fire it up?


You're looking good.
Just keep it nice and straight.

There you go.
We're good.

There you go. Let's
get this [bleep] out of here

While we still can.


Things are finally
turning in our favor.

Got lucky there,
I think.


[ Horn honks ]

[ Laughs ]

Schnabel: it just looks like
a disaster zone.

Wow. There's just so much
[bleep] water in this cut.

Ness: there's nowhere close by
to drain it to.

I'm going to have to work
a ditch back

Probably several hundred feet
just to get this thing to drain.

What did we
get ourselves into?

It's not good.

A lot of water in here.

This whole cut got 1 1/2 feet,
2 feet of mud in it, right?

Find any pay yet?

[ Laughs ]

All right, well...yeah.

We've got to get that water
out of here somewhere, somehow.

Yep. Yep.

All right, thanks, rick.

It's a good thing.

If we can make some money
off of this, that'd be great.

No royalties.



-Got her, huh?
-Got her.

It's all rebuilt,
ready to go.

All right.

Narrator: in colorado,
after an overnight repair,

Todd has the drill he needs
to split the massive boulder

That's blocking
his way to the gold.

We're back rolling again
on this damn rock,

But I had to
the shut down the trommel.

Holy roller is dead
in the water.

the temperature is dropping,

And winter will soon
freeze them out.

The hoffmans are in a race to
get pay dirt through the plant.

We're done.
How does it look?

It looks good, man.

We went a little deep on a few
of these holes, but it'll work.

The only thing
I'm worried about now

Is the damn temperature
of this rock.

When I ordered
that stuff,

I ordered it for 40 degrees
to 60 degrees.

It's damn sure
not 40 degrees.

It's definitely not going
to get any warmer.

We've got a blizzard
rolling in now.

Fairplay just hit 30 degrees,
and it's dropping fast.

I'll tell you what.
I got insulated blankets.


What if we did
something like this?

We set up some fires around it,
put the blanket over the top,

And then take temperatures
around it when it's right,

Then we pour
the chemical.

That's a good idea.
Try it.


You got to light it.

Oh, what?
I've got to light it?

Yeah, mm-hmm.

[ Bleep ]
my hands are soaked in diesel.


Ready, guys?

Holy frick.
There it goes.


Mining, there's no season
that ends normal.

It's always kind of crazy,
but you know what?

We're going to move
this big turd we call king kong,

And away we go.

It's hot.


four hours later, todd is ready

For some complex
inorganic chemistry.

Do we know what
we're doing here?

Not really.
We're going to wing it.

[ Both laugh ]

So, mix -- the ratio --

1.5 liters of water
per 11 pounds of product.

I'm pretty sure each
of those bags is 11 pounds,

So I guess we'll just
get mixing it, man.

It says, fill the holes
within 10 minutes of mixing.

All right.

To have any hope
of running tomorrow,

They need to start
cracking this rock tonight.

It seems awfully thick,
doesn't it?


Here you go.

It looks
like a good mix.

Want to do it?

Let's start
at the back.

All right.
Wish me luck.

I find myself
in the damnedest positions.

I've been to the jungle, been to
the top of the world and peru.

My buddy cut his fingers off
in the beaches of chile.

Now I'm with trey
in the middle of the night

On top of a rock
that we call king kong.

[ Chuckling ] we're going to try
to crack this [bleep].

Let me see your light
for a second.

I wonder how far
down this one --

Oh, this one's empty.

What the heck?

I think there's a hole
through it.

To the bottom?


And that one.

what can we do?

Let's throw something
down in there.

Hit it again.

We're out of material.

We don't have
any more bags?

I'm pretty sure we're out, todd.
I think that's it.


Let's cover it up.

Let's just put rocks over
the cover and hope it helps.

The best?
Yeah, hope for the best.

I don't know
what else to do.


I think we've got
a 50/50 chance it will break.

I don't know. I guess
we'll find out at daylight.

Let's hope it works.

Going to be honest
with you.

If it's broken in the morning,
it's a miracle.


What do you think, trey?
I'm doubting it.

I'm not too optimistic.

Narrator: todd and trey return
to the boulder

That's blocking
their way to gold.

12 Hours ago,
they injected a chemical

to split it in two.

How is it looking?

You're kidding me!

[ All cheering ]

Are you [bleep] me?

It broke!

It worked!


I never thought I would be happy
for something so stupid.

No kidding.

Dude, let me up there, man.
We need pictures.

We need a picture!

Oh, my word, dude!

Take a picture of us.

Isn't that awesome?

A crack here, too.

That is absolutely amazing.

Not only did it crack.
It cracked it big.

[ Laughter ]

That is awesome.

Hey, andy.

Andy, can you grab your 700
and come over here?

We'll get
this boulder moving.


King kong is now
in two pieces.

We're going to get the 700
in here, start stripping,

Start running this pay dirt
right through the plants.

Dude, we just beat the biggest
badass boulder I've ever seen.

[ Chuckles ]
it is awesome.



Spinks: I can't believe
this boulder split.

Once we get this out of the way,
I think we'll be in good shape.

We'll be able to move this dirt
and get it to the plant.



[ Laughing ] yeah!

That's it.

Good job, andy!

Hey, todd.
King kong is dead.

We're good to go, man.
Andy got it cleared.

We're going to start
sending pay.


Hunter, fire it up.


Hunter: we're going to try
to run some dirt.



I can't believe
this worked.

You know what?

We're going to start
getting this awesome pay dirt

To the plant
and start kicking ass again.

That was a miracle right there.
That was a miracle.



[Bleep] you, ditch.

Oh, there is nothing [bleep] fun
about this right now.

Narrator: in the klondike,
rick ness is attempting to drain

A flooded cut on the new ground
parker has just bought.

Ness: I mean, it's a big [bleep]
ditch that I didn't think

I would have to dig,
and it's full of mud.

It's just a [bleep] day today.

Narrator: over the last
two days, he has dug a ditch

240 Yards long by 6 feet deep.

Ness: that ditch right there
is 4 feet of water.

All I got to do is cut that
road out that's holding it back.

he's connected his ditch
to an old drainage channel.

All that's left
is to pop the cork.


Ness: there is about to be
a whole lot of water

Coming through this ditch.

Here we go.


And so it begins.


That's going to [bleep] drain
in a big hurry.


Narrator: claim owner parker
comes to check out his new cut.

Welcome to
the mud hole, parker.

[Bleep] mess in here, huh?

[ Bleep ]

Well, at least we're getting
the water drained out of here.


That's gravel.

Where's our gold pan?

Draining the cut reveals
potential pay dirt.

Parker pans
his $500,000 investment.

According to
the previous owner,

This cut contains around
350 ounces of gold.

Schnabel: a good pan
right on bedrock contact

Should have
at least 10 colors.

That's pretty standard.

First pan
on our own ground --

One pebbly little flake.

Oh. Make that two.

Wow. Two flakes of gold
doesn't really tell you much,

So, you know.

One pan is
just one pan.

Like, not like
it's the end of the world.

We just paid quite
a bit of money for this place.

Not much to write home about.

This is mined out.

Now that the water's
draining out of it,

You can see bedrock showing up.

So, there is no gold in here.

[ Bleep ]

I mean, when I bought this,
I overpaid on the basis

That we had a stripped cut
ready to sluice,

Not a mined-out cut.

That [bleep]

Narrator: up ahead...

Approximately 350 ounces
left in pit.

I don't buy that
for a [bleep] minute.


He's a gold miner
just like the rest of us.



Narrator: in the klondike,

While transporting dredge parts
to eureka creek,

Tony's son mike
wants to swap vehicles.

[ Laughs ]

Christie: oh, you're smiling,
michael. That's a good sign.

They made this look so easy
in grand theft auto.

[ Laughing ]


hopefully it is a good cleanup.

It looks good, but we didn't run
a lot of dirt.

Narrator: in colorado,
todd's "king kong" boulder

Prevented the holy roller
running for half a week,

But rusty red ran steady
without a problem.


Wow! Looks good.

Yeah, it is.
It's real good.

Really kicking butt.

How did rusty red
do, jack?

Yeah? You want
to find out?

Weigh it up.
Here we go.

Let's weigh it out, man.
That looks really good.

todd hoffman is approaching
an important milestone.

At 1,500 ounces,
he'll break even.

He needs just 63 ounces.



-Good week.
-Way to go, man.

We did it.

worth nearly $90,000.

-We're profitable, guys.

If we could keep running like
this, we're going to make money.

Well, you know, holy rollers
have a problem...

Yeah, but we had to fight
a boulder we called king kong.

I'll tell you what --
I've never drilled

Or broke a rock
that size.

I've actually never even
seen a rock that big.

That thing was huge.

Well, I got to tell you
it cost you.

How much gold we do?

Well, this is it.
That's it right here.

Want to see
what it is.

We'll take
what we can get, man.

That was a tough week.
-Yeah, dude.


28 And a quarter.

worth around $34,000.

You know, it's not great,
but we'll take it.


You did lose
a half a week.

next week's better.

All we can do is hope.

All right, let's have
a good week next week. Let's go.

-All right, see you guys.
-Thanks, dad.

Todd: been a tough year.

We're not anywhere near
where we thought we'd be.

We're not be able
to beat parker in the bet,

But I'll tell you what --
I'm proud of our team.

We broke a boulder.
It was a miracle.

Got it out of the cut.

Got some gold
out of holy roller.

Rusty red did great, so
hopefully, next week's better.


Approximately 350 ounces left
in pit ready to haul and sluice.

I don't buy that
for a [bleep] minute.

He's a gold miner
just like the rest of us.


Narrator: in the klondike
at the weekly gold weigh,

Parker is not happy
about the initial test pans

On his new $500,000 claim.

Schnabel: so, there is a fair
bit of unmined ground there.

I don't know what's left

As far as the pay goes
and virgin ground.

Like, really, the reason
for buying it is for access

Down to ken
and stuart's place.

I guess if you own it,
nobody can block you, right?

And we own it.
There's nobody that can tell us

To leave or do any
of that kind of stuff,

And, you know, as far as buying
ground goes, it's a start.

Well, you guys have been
checking all that stuff out,

You know, sluicifer
has been down there,

Just banging away,

So we have some gold
to weigh up

And maybe pay for some
of that ground you've got.

-That's good.
-Let's see some gold.

Narrator: to reach
his new 6,000 ounce goal,

Parker needs
155 ounces a week.



-[ Bleep ] nice!
-Yeah, that's a good week.

Narrator: worth $276,000.

Our overall total now
is 5,611 ounces.

-No way.

worth over $6.7 million.

We're well over a thousand more
than all of last year.

Oh, yeah.

So, we've got
389 ounces to go for 6,000.

As long as we can keep
doing cleanups like this,

Then we can pay
that ground off,

We can get things shored up,
and call it a muddy swamp.

Call it whatever you want,

But at the end of the day,
we're yukon land owners,

So we might regret it,
but cheers.



on the next "gold rush"...

Well, I was wrong.
Quite a bit of gold in that.

Hey, man, did you
shut the water off?

Well, you can't
deny us water.

Go through
the [bleep] river.

I think we're
pretty well [bleep]

We need to go find
another property.

We've never mined a yard of dirt
that didn't have gold in it.

I'd like to test it
for myself.

Beets: get it up.
Let's do it.

that's a [bleep] load of weight.

I don't think that thing is
going to lift it.

There we go.
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