943 - February 3, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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943 - February 3, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

VOICEOVER:A night of panic for Barnabas Collins.

Maggie Evans is missing,

and though he suspects Jeb of the Leviathans have taken her,

in retaliation for his hiding Carolyn,

he cannot make Jeb admit it.

And, Barnabas knows he must proceed very carefully.

If the Leviations find out he is working against them,

Josette will die in the past,

and Barnabas himself will become a vampire.

Little does he know that in a lonely cemetery

not far from Collinwood,

there is an ancient crypt, and in it,

Maggie Evans faces her enemies,

a man she does not know,

a man she has thought dead,

and finally, Jeb himself.

Open the box.

I don't want to open it.

Why not?

I don't know.

Are you sure Barnabas hasn't told you

about this box?

No, he--

There's nothing in it to hurt you, Maggie.

Do you think I believe you?

You'll stay here until you open it.

And if I don't,

will you do to me what you did it Sheriff Davenport?

What about him, Maggie?

He's dead.

I went to his funeral.

Do the dead walk, Maggie?

Do they speak?

Then, Davenport isn't dead.

Obviously, a mistake has been made.

But, if he isn't dead, then why is he here?

Why do you keep him prisoner?

You want me to bring him back here, Maggie?

To tell you to open the box?

Put your hand on the box, Maggie.

[suspenseful music]

That's it.

Everything's gonna be alright now, Maggie.

Just as soon as you open the box.

Open the box.

[suspenseful music]

Look in it.


Look in it.

[dramatic flourish]

[surf whispers] [eerie theme music]

[suspenseful music]

Surely, Officer, you've had some reports.

Someone must have seen her, somewhere.

Well, your men are still out looking for her, I hope.

I see.

Yes, well, you'll let me know as soon as they get back,

won't you? Call me at Collinwood.

Thank you very much.

You should have told him to go to the antique shop.

She's not there.

I'm not even sure Jeb had anything to do with this.

Oh, he must.

Call them back, Barnabas.

I cannot give myself away.

If I am to defeat the Leviathans,

I must do it from within.

I know that.

What are we going to do?

I'm going back to the antique shop.

JULIA: Barnabas.

I'll talk to Phillip and Megan.

If he is their leader,

he may have told them more than he's told me.

Barnabas, you must be careful.

[suspenseful music]

[eerie music]

There's nothing in it.

The box is empty.

You feel afraid now, Maggie?


You're not even afraid of me.


How can this be?

There is something in the box, Maggie.

There's a spirit...

Of peace.

A belief.

And now, you are one of us. [laughs]

And, you're not alone.

Missus Stoddard is one of us.

[dramatic flourish]

David, Amy, your own nanny.

Even Barnabas.

But you must not trust any of them, Maggie.

You must trust no one, for that is how you will serve.

Now, tell me about Barnabas, Maggie.

Is he faithful to our cause?

What has he said about it?

Only that Carolyn must be kept away from you.

JEB: He explain why?


You must tell the truth.

He didn't.

He told you nothing about the Leviathans?

I've never heard that name before.

Oh, but you're gonna hear it often, Maggie.

Quite often.

But you must not listen to the book.

Your loyalty is going to be to me.

Barnabas Collins likes to follow the book.

But, I do not.


That is why you were told

to discourage Carolyn from seeing me,

when all I wanted to do was bring Carolyn

the same peace that you feel.

Where is Carolyn?

I don't know.

Didn't Barnabas tell you?



You're gonna find out for me.

But, you're gonna have to be careful with Barnabas, Maggie.

'Cause, he's not to know that you're one of us.

But, I want to tell him.

JEB: No!

But, if he's one of you.

[suspenseful music]

You care for Barnabas, don't you?

Well, that's alright with me.

I'm willing.

As long as it doesn't interfere with what you must do.

I won't let it.


Tell me about Barnabas and Quentin Collins,

are they friends?

They know each other.


I don't know.

You know.

[suspenseful music]

Tell me about Quentin.

MAGGIE: He's had an accident.

That's all I know.

Well, that's not gonna be his last.

[suspenseful music]

Now, Maggie, you must stay here for a while.

But you told me I could go back to Collinwood.

We must make you return very easy.

You don't want questions about where you've been, do you?


You're gonna see how easy

life is gonna be with us, Maggie.

We take care of everything.

And soon, you're gonna go back to Collinwood,

and you're gonna know exactly what to say

and what to do.

[suspenseful music]

[wind howling]

[suspenseful music]

If Jeb has anything to do with it.

Well, Megan and Phillip know nothing.

I kept hoping they would,

at least we'd have some idea where she is.

[suspenseful music]

What's this?

Barnabas, oh, this is for you.

It's Maggie's handwriting.

[paper rattles] [suspenseful music]

I won't be able to meet you tonight.

When I get back from town, I,

When I got back from town,

I had a telephone call, from Portland.

My Aunt Louise is on her way to Montreal.

She's spending a few days there at the Hotel Earl.

I haven't seen her in so long,

I know you'll understand.

I'll probably be back in a day or so.

See you when I get back.

Love, Maggie.

How did we ever miss it?

It must have fallen from the table.

Oh, we would have seen it by now.

Well, it is her handwriting.


Barnabas, what are you gonna do?

I'm going to call the Hotel Earl.


[dramatic flourish]

[suspenseful music]

Barnabas, I can explain this.

Oh, Maggie, there's no need,

it just fell from the table, that's all.

We're glad you're back.

I'm just terribly sorry

that I had to cause you both so much worry.

Barnabas, there is something that I do want to talk with you.

A personal matter.

I'll talk to you about it later.


I should check on David.

[suspenseful music]

Barnabas, you've got to call the police

and tell them she's alright.

Julia, she never mentioned her aunt.

She probably thought we wouldn't be interested.

And her overnight bag, have you ever seen it before?

No, no, I don't think so, why?

Neither have I.

Well, she may just have bought it in Portland.

Oh, Barnabas, she's back.

We don't have to worry about her, we worried needlessly.

But, Barnabas, there is something else to worry about.

Chis Jennings.

Yes, Barnabas, there will be a full moon tonight.

[eerie music]

Only five hours till dark.

And then, I'll feel that pain.

And then, I'll begin to change,

locked in some cell at Windcliff, once every month,

for the rest of my life.

[eerie music]

Who's there?

[wind howling]

[twigs cracking]


[dramatic flourish]


I look different, don't I, Chris?


I was afraid you wouldn't want to see me.

You never came to me.

You know why.

I told no one your secret.

Maybe you should have,

maybe you should go to the police, now.

Sabrina, you know what's going to happen tonight.

[wind howling] [eerie music]

[door thunks]

What do you want here, Sabrina?

I've often tried to picture where you live.

Go back to your hotel.

We loved each other once, Chris.

I'm the reason that you are what you are,

I'm the reason that your hair is white,

the reason that you couldn't even talk.

That's over now.

I've forgotten about those years.

- You must, too. - I can't.




What is it?

Open it.

[box thunks]

It will bloom as the moon rises.

It may save you--

Save me?


I read of it.

It is the moon poppy.

You must take the flower, and eat it.

That's only a legend.

No, it isn't.

I found a journal, a new one, published in England.

A study of lycanthropy.

The author told of someone being cured.

I wrote to him, and he sent me this flower,

he had raised it himself.

It's the only one left that he knows about.

Chris, please believe in it.

[eerie music]

You say that it's a legend,

but you're holding the flower in your hand.

Can't you believe anymore?

Is that's what's happened to you?

What if it's a fraud, what if the man's a fool?

Believe, Chris.


If you eat this flower when it blooms,

you will never become...

That thing again.

But, you must eat the flower while the moon is shining.

At dawn...

The flower will die.


If I try, will you...

Will you promise to go?

Touch my hand.

[melancholic music]

Do you remember all the plans that we had?


Well you don't have to go through with any of them,


That will be for you to decide.


Don't try to give me hope.

When you touched my hand,

I knew that there was still hope inside you.


I'll do it.

If you'll go.

Chris, you will come to me after the moon has risen.

You will walk into that room looking just as you do now.

It will be over, Chris.

I know it.

[door clunks]

[melancholic music]

I'm sure Miss Stuart meant well, Chris.

But, let me take you to Windcliff.

Julia knew about this flower

when she was doing her research,

but she was never able to authenticate it.

Sabrina has.

I know how much you want to believe her, Chris.

CHRIS: Do you, Barnabas, do you believe her?

I only want to help you two--

Ever since you came back from the past, Barnabas,

you haven't done anything to help me.

If you had brought me the plant, yourself,

wouldn't you want me to try it?

I would only point out the impossibility of it.

The flower does not bloom until the moon rises.

You would have no desire for it then, as you do now.

Chris, do you think once you change,

that you would know enough to use it?

I will make myself remember.

Chris, you'll take the flower to Windcliff.

If you do not eat it, or it doesn't succeed,

well, at least you'll be safe until the morning.

There's only one way I can remember,

that's to stay here,

knowing that I'm going to change unless I do it.

There's nothing you can do to stop me, Barnabas,

nothing, go on back to Collinwood.

Dusk is coming.

I'm going through this one by myself.

[dramatic flourish]

It's impossible.

Chris will never be able to do it,

even if it is the flower.

I've got to go and talk to him, now.

Julia, it won't do any good.

Do you think I would have left him there,

if I thought there was a chance?

He's determined.

Well, then, I'll call him up, anyway.

There's no point in going there now, anyway,

we won't have time.

Barnabas, he can always go to the mausoleum,

he doesn't have to go to Windcliff.

Let me try.


[phone clunks]

Where have you been?


I'm deeply sorry.

I've been on an errand.

I've been looking for you.

Julia, I'm terribly sorry.

It's alright, but there's something I have to do,

anyway, right now.

Barnabas, I know.

[dramatic music]

I know why you've been so concerned.

I know what's been going on around here.

At least, a part of it.

I didn't go to Portland to see my aunt.


And, that note, it--

It was Jeb, wasn't it.

What did he do to you, I'll k*ll him.

No, don't, Barnabas.

You must never do anything against him.

He has Sheriff Davenport.

What do you mean?

He's there, and he's walking and talking.

And, he said that you were a part of it.

No, Maggie, no, not now.

But, how did you get out of there,

how did they let you go?

He made me open a box,

and something was supposed to happen,

I don't know what.

I did know that if I wanted to get out of there,

the only way to do it would be to pretend

that something had happened.

And then, to agree with everything

that happened afterwards.

So, I did.


I knew that you weren't a part of it.

I'm so glad that you're back alive.

Barnabas, there are things that you've got to explain.


I'll explain everything.

To think, that on this night, this strange night,

you might have come back to us in that,

in that dreadful condition.

But, we're lucky, in a way.

We can fight, and we will.

Forget it.

You know, if he thinks that you are one of us...

You can help.

Barnabas, there are questions on my mind that I--

I'll answer everything.

[door clunks]

I'm sorry, I thought I should tell you.

I can't do anything with Chris.

He's determined, he insists on staying.

We must accept it.

But, Julia, we have a new ally.

Someone we need.

But, someone we must protect.

[eerie music]

[dramatic music]

[ragged groan]

CHRIS: [groaning] I won't do it.

I won't. [gasping moan]

[ragged growling]

[dramatic flourish]

[eerie theme music]
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