01x01 - Pilot

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Orphan Black: Echoes". Aired: November 3, 2023.*
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Set in the original series of Orphan Black universe it explores the scientific manipulation of human existence.
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01x01 - Pilot

Post by bunniefuu »

(birds chirping)

(gentle clinking)



You're awake.

Take your time.

You might feel...

Was I asleep?

Not exactly.

Who are you?

(soft ethereal music)

Do you...

Do you know
where you are?

I don't think so.

You may feel
a little disoriented.


been through a procedure. Uh...

What procedure?

I'm going to read a list
of words

and I want you to repeat
them back to me, okay?







Face, velvet, church,
daisy, red.

That's good.

And, uh...

Good, and uh...

Can you tell me
what year it is?

I don't know.


is something wrong?

Take a look at this picture.

Do you recognise the baby?


It's okay.

Who is this?

Who are you?

Do I know you?

I thought you might.

I don't understand.

Whose baby is this?

Can you tell me your name?

(eerie music)

What's wrong with me?

It might take you
a little bit of time

for things to come back to you.

What's happening?
(birds chirping)

Your, your short-term memory
seems to be intact...

Why don't I know who I am?

You've had a procedure.

The process may not have
captured the subtleties

of your...
your long-term memory,

but physically you are...
- What the f*ck

are you talking about?!

(birds chirping)
- We can, we can talk about this

when you've gotten
a chance to rest.

Why don't I remember


What is happening? Where am I?

It's okay. You, you
just need to rest.

Who the hell is this?
(breathing heavily)

Who is this?
- Easy.

No! Get away from me!
No! Get away from me!

- You're overwhelmed.
- No, no, don't!


Okay, all right.
There you go.

There you are.
- No one's going to hurt you.

(breathing slows)

(birds chirping)


(eerie music)

(door rattling)

(breathing rapidly)


f*ck off, creeps.

(breathing rapidly)

(suspenseful music)


(door rattling)

(lock clicks)

(alarm beeping slowly)

(breathing shakily)


(door opens)


(distant indistinct chatter)

(breathing rapidly)

(breathing heavily)

(lights buzzing)

(ominous music)


(breathing heavily)

(beeping, whooshing)

(liquid trickling)



(ominous music)

What is this?

This isn't how
I wanted you to...

What is this?!

You were created.

You were...



from a high-resolution scan

using a very complex process.

I was...

I was printed?

It's a new technology.

It's a, the four-dimensional

printing of human tissue.

That doesn't make any sense.

It's the truth.

(ominous music)

(alarm blaring)

(breathing heavily)

(sinister music)

("Janine" by David Bowie plays)

♪ So stay, Janine

♪ And we can glide along

♪ I've caught your wings
for laughs ♪

♪ I'm not obliged
to read you statements ♪

♪ Of the year

♪ So take your glasses off

♪ And don't act so sincere

(singing along to radio)

♪ Janine, Janine

♪ You'd like to know me well

♪ But I've got things
inside my head ♪

♪ That even I can't face

♪ Janine, Janine

♪ You'd like to crash my walls

♪ But if you take an ax... ♪

(music continues indistinctly)

(music stops)

(birds chirping)

(gasps in pain)
- Shit.

(eerie music)



(eerie music)

(door opens)





(bright music)





- She okay?

Yeah. I, uh,

let her eat a bunch
of pizza and drink a coke so...

Yeah. Solid decision-making.

Right. Before I forget.

Next month's rent.
- Oh, hey, great.

I, uh, I got the next rocket,

by the way.

Better put in some dad time
before she disowns me.

Thanks for hanging with her.
- Yeah. No problem.

See ya.

See ya.

(rhythmic music playing)

(paper fluttering)

(door closes)

She's asleep.

No "hello, how are you?"


You taste like SpaghettiOs.

You know you like it.

(rhythmic music)

You really don't remember
how you got this?

Um, I just...

I guess I blocked it out?

I was a kid.

Well, it looks like
they did sutures.

I'm sorry; what is that,
Retired Army Medic?


Say "sutures" again, but slowly.

Sutures again, but slowly.

And what colour
was your uniform?

This really isn't a turn-on
for me. You know that?

What about scalpel?
Did you use a scalpel?

Not hot, weirdo.



So, have you, um...

have you thought about...

telling Charlie about us?

It's been almost a year. I...

feel like it's weird

to lie to her.

Yeah, I just want to make sure
that she's ready.

When Clara left, I wasn't sure

if she was gonna
come back from that.

You know I'm not
going anywhere, right?

This is home now.

Why was it so hard
for you in the city?

What happened there?

It's just, it's not even
really worth talking about.

So you've said.

It was just a rough year.

I was just lost...

until I came here,
until I met you.

(soft music)

My mystery woman.


My name is Lucy.
- Hmm.

I like...

- Uh-huh...

And crossword puzzles.

And long walks on the beach.


And I have an almost

pathological desire to avoid
talking about the past.

That's true.

And I love you.

Hi, nice to meet you, Lucy.

My name is Jack.

I work at a diner
and I used to use a scalpel.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.


(tense music)

(breathing shakily)



(breathing heavily)

(soft music)


(insects chirping)

(speaking Spanish)

(exhales heavily)

(man): Hey, Lucy!

- See ya.
- Mm.




(eerie music)


(horn honking)


- Lucy!

Lucy! Lucy!
(indistinct shouting)

(all): Lucy! Lucy!


- No, no. I'm okay. No doctors.
- I got it.

We need an ambulance.
There was an accident.

(muffled chatter)

(soft whirring)


(distant indistinct chatter)


My name is Dr. Palmer.

- What happened?
- Uh, you were in an accident.

We did a full scan, blood panel.

You did tests?

Yes. A full workup.

There were no internal injuries,

no concussion.

You're very lucky.

Did you see anything else?


Um, the, the tests.

Did anything seem...

Did anything seem different?

Lucy, your tests came back
completely normal.

Were you expecting us
to find something?


No, I was just worried.

Um, you know, this is...

this is probably
a weird question...

That's fine.

If I wanted to know...

if I had had a baby,

is that something you could
tell from these tests?


Not with any certainty, no.

Is that something
you're unsure of?

Hey, hey, hi.
Jesus, Lucy. You okay?

Yeah, I'm okay.
I want to go home.


I still don't understand
what happened.

It was stupid. I...

just was tired.
I wasn't looking.

(clears throat)
- I woke up in the middle

of the night last night
and you weren't in bed.

I-I couldn't sleep.
I just needed to clear my head.

Move in with me.

(soft music)


You're right, okay?

You're right.

We should tell
Charlie about us.

And, and you should move in.

And maybe you'll stop
skulking around

in the middle of the night
and whatever you do.

I wasn't skulking.
Who says "skulking"?

Stop it.
You know what I meant.

- Is that, like, Middle English?
- Lucy.

I love you too.

Okay? And I want to be
closer to you.

So just stop being
such a mystery

and move in with me.



(distant sirens wailing)


(exhaling deeply)

(phone ringing, vibrating)


Which hospital?

And you're positive
the scan's a match?

Well, then it's her.

(soft mysterious music)


(indistinct chatter)

So sorry to bother you.

I'm hoping you could help me?

I'm looking for my sister.

I heard she was in
an accident last night.



Go again?

(eerie music)


(insects chirping)

(chuckles softly)

You're probably gonna tell me
not to bring all these books.

(muffled screaming)

Scream and I'll
snap your neck.

No! No!


It's been a long time.


Bet you thought
you'd figured it out this time.

Set up a whole little life
for yourself.

But I know what
you really are.



(breathing heavily)



(breathing heavily)

(vocalises softly)


(man growling)



(tense music)




(air hissing)

(tense music)

(breathing heavily)

(leaves rustling)




(breathing heavily)

Okay, so, I grabbed Fred.

I couldn't find the other
dinosaur PJ bottoms.

I'm sure I forgot something.
You should go check.

- What are you talking about?
- We have to go. Now.

Hey, hey. What the f*ck
is going on?

We're not safe here anymore.

Why? Why did you leave
a g*n in the trailer?

I'll explain to you
when we get someplace safe.

No. No, no, no.
I'm gonna call the cops.

No, no. the cops, they can't
do anything to help.

Lucy, my daughter
just shot someone!

There's a body in the fields!

Jack. That man?

There could be more like him
on their way right now.

And they will hurt me,
and they will hurt you,

and they will hurt Charlie.
We have to go!

I am not going anywhere
until I understand

what the hell is happening!


Before I met you,
I had a very different life.

And it is so f*cking complicated.

But it has come back for me.

- Did you do something?
- No. No, no.

The people that are
looking for me are dangerous.

They were after me for a year.
They got close a few times,

but I thought I was
off their radar,

and I thought I was safe.
I thought we were safe.

- Jesus.
- You...

you and Charlie

are the most important
things to me.

You are the only thing
that matters.

'Kay, what do you want
me to do? Just run away

with you? Is that your plan?

No. I have to face them.

And get them to back off
for good.

I know that now.

I will take you to Tina's,
you'll be safe there.

You'll be safe there. Please.
- That's great.

That's a great plan.
- I will fix this. I'm sorry.

- f*ck you, you're sorry, okay?
- I will fix it.

My daughter is...



(tense music)

(breathing heavily)


(door opens)

(door slams)


Um, I'll call as soon as I can.


I'm sorry.

(breathes deeply)

I know you are.

Let's go.

(indistinct chatter)


(man): Settlement House.
Password please.

f*ck. Off.

(door buzzing)

Good memory.

Hey, Craig.

Hey, what happened?

I thought you were
a country mouse now.

Let's go somewhere
where we can talk, okay?


(indistinct chatter)



They finally found me.


It was someone that works
for them.

He tried to take me.

There was a struggle and um...

he's dead.

- Jesus.

I have to find them.

I have to find them
and get them to leave me alone.

Feels like we've been through
this before, though, doesn't it?

You, living on the street,

high as a kite.

Couldn't remember your own name,
as I recall.

Only thing you wanted
to do was...

find out who you were.

And all that did was...

get you in trouble.

I had no past.

I was trying to fill that void.

But I have finally
built something for myself.

I have a life.

I have people who care about me.

I'm not gonna let them
take that.

So if I have to find out
who I was

to protect who I am...

and now I have a lead.

I took their guy's phone.

It's clean;
there's no information on it,

but... if I can pull GPS data
off the SIM card,

maybe I can find out
where he was coming from

before he got to me.
Maybe I'll learn something

about who he was working for.

Have at it.


Still trying your best, I see.

It's a sober living community.

But I don't live here.

Okay, so there's
a privacy app.

It kept wiping the phone clean,

but it didn't stop it
from pinging the satellite.

Look, right there.

That's where
he started his drive.

Might be his home.

Or an office.

It's a start.

When you found me

on the street,
high off my ass...

why did you believe me?

People need a lot
of different things

when they come here.

You needed someone
to believe you.


- And, to be honest,

maybe I started a little bit
early that day.


- Thanks, Craig.
- Mm.

(door opens)

Meeting with the director.

Let's go.

(machines beeping)


At the Additive Foundation,

we have pioneered the process

of -D printing precise replicas

of vital organs for transplant,

saving thousands of lives
all over the world.

As a global health organisation

rooted in social justice,

we refuse to accept
that one life

is worth less than another.

The body was
in the adjacent orchard.

Small-caliber g*nsh*t wound
to the head.

There was also evidence
of a struggle

in the suspect's trailer.

Owner of the property
and his young daughter are AWOL.

At this point, they're presumed
missing or dead.

She was att*cked. She reacted.

That doesn't mean she's capable
of hurting a child.

Okay, I think
the takeaway here

is that she's violent
and unstable.

No, you don't know that.

Okay. You built her.

You sure all the pieces
are in the right place?

The scan we used
didn't have enough detail

for certain kinds
of memory recall.

She doesn't remember who she is.

That doesn't mean
there's something wrong

with her executive functioning.

You sure?

There's no room for error
anywhere in there?

Say what you
came here to say, Tom.

She just k*lled
one of my guys.

If she's got some kind of
whatever you want to call it,

uh, flaw,

then she is a bigger problem
than we had anticipated.

She's not a problem,
she's a person.

- She's a liability.
- For you?

Or for the man you work for?

This isn't just about us.

I mean, look, you've built
a really nice place here.

I mean, look at this.
You're helping people,

you're saving lives.

What happens if she walks
into a restaurant,

just kills a bunch of people

and then starts talking
about where she came from?

We've been trying to bring her
in alive for two years.

All I'm saying is, if...

there's something
wrong with her,

we may need to consider
some other options.

Well, thank you
for your input, Tom,

but that's not your decision
to make.

I'll expect an update
on her location

by the end of the day.

You can show yourself out.

(water running)

(phone ringing tone)

(woman): Hi, I can't come
to the phone right now.

Please leave me a message
and I'll call you right back.


I, uh...

I've been thinking about you
a lot today.

And, uh...

I just wanted to hear
your voice.

(ominous music)

(tense music)

Come on, let's go.


Marnie, please.

Marnie, please.
Stop licking your hands.

Sorry, excuse me.

Oh, excuse me,
I was just looking for someone

who just left their keys
at the coffee shop

across the street,
and I think I saw him

come in this building.

What does he look like?

He was, like, ' ",

brown hair,
sort of clean-shaven.

I'm sorry,
that could be anyone.

This is a really big building,
but good luck.


(distant cars honking)

(indistinct chatter)


Hey. Sorry, uh, sorry.

I'm not sure
how to say this,

but do we...
do we know each other?

No. Don't think so.

Sorry, wait.

You don't recognise me at all?

No, weirdo. I don't.

Because you look
really familiar-

Sorry, wrong person.

- What's your name?
- Hey!

I don't know you, okay?
Can you just screw off, please?

- Wait, uh...
- What the hell?

Shit. Sorry, I... Shit.

(music playing
through headphones)

♪ Janine

♪ You'd like to crash my walls

♪ But if you take an ax to me ♪

(ominous music)

Get. The f*ck.

Away from me!


(indistinct chatter)

Defence, get your back!
Cover your back!

(indistinct chatter)

(tense music)

Yep, I'm following. On it.

- Please help me!

(breathing shakily)

Put the g*n down.

Put your g*n down.

I'm unarmed.

I'll wait.

Toss it over there.

Who are you?

I'm nobody.

I'm an employee.

Bullshit. Who do you work for?

Look, we can talk about it,

but first you gotta let
the girl go.

Jesus Christ,
please don't hurt me.


She's the same, isn't she?

She's the same as me?

It's above my pay grade.

Please, please, please
let me go.


Look, don't do this.

Lucy, it's not gonna end well.

All I wanted was
to be left alone.

Come on.
- Okay.


Get in. Get in!

Yeah, they're getting
in her truck.

(tires screeching)

Hey, Aunt Cosima?

It's Kira.

I'm worried.

I think I may have done
something terrible.

Yup, no, I-I'm fine.

I-just, have you got a minute?

(slow rock music)
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