03x13 - The Medusa's True Face

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dr. Stone". Aired: July 5, 2019 – present.*
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Japanese anime series based on the manga series of the same name, 3,700 years after a mysterious light turns every human on the planet into stone, genius boy Senku Ishigami emerges from his petrification into a "Stone World" and seeks to rebuild human civilization from the ground up.
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03x13 - The Medusa's True Face

Post by bunniefuu »

All right.

It's finally time to bring

our god-tier craftsman, Kaseki, back to life.

I'm ten billion percent sure he'll have

a bad-ass drone ready in no time.

Just a little splash and we can rock 'n' roll!

Whoa! Hold it, Senku! Don't be asty-hay!

Not that this is too unceremonious or anything...

Though I guess that's somewhat part of it.


Either Kaseki had a giant birthmark right here,

or a sizable piece of his back is still M.I.A.

Wow! You're right!


Thing'll heal right up thanks to the restorative effects

of the revival process.

Sure. But it's bound to leave a brutal scar, though.

Like the ones on Senku and Gen's mugs.

Well, the cracks on their faces look cool,

but Kaseki's mark kinda looks like a...

I'd hate to have something shaped like that

permanently carved into my skin...

This is the age of the stone world.

No one gives a crap about that crap.

No, I'm sure some of us still do.

Fine. If we wanna play it safe,

we can wait until Taiju gets back from his errand.

Taiju? Where did he go?

Hey, check it out, everybody! I just gathered a buncha parts!

Whoa, how'd you do that? There aren't any oxygen tanks left.

How? Freediving!

I can hold my breath for a couple of minutes, easy!

And I already knew where they were thanks to you, so... Ha!

Piece of cake! If we're talkin' endurance, then I'm your guy!

Which fragment is the one Kaseki's missing, though?

That I couldn't tell ya. Best to just get all of 'em!

Hang on!

Your brute strength is incredible,

but there's no way you can retrieve every single piece...

Not in one go! But I can bring 'em back little by little!

It's gonna take a few hundred trips,

but that's totally doable!

Um, please save some of your crazy strength and take a boat.

Oh! Good thinking!

He said it's gonna take a few hundred trips

like they're casual strolls through the woods.

I love how shocked you guys are

even after all the time you've spent with him!

You haven't figured out

that Taiju defies logic on the regular!

Well, there is one thing that I fully grasp now.

I was baffled by how Senku and Taiju got on

like a house on fire despite being polar opposites.

But you both have the same resilience.

Never folding in the face of adversity.

That chunky hunk was the perfect size to fill Kaseki's poop hole!

Yes, you're technically correct, but please mind your phrasing.

Whatever, man. It's splashy time!

No ceremony at all?!

No clothes to spare for our god-tier craftsman?

The dude's rockin' that kelp. It's fine.


So that's how it feels to have your whole body petrified.


Though I'm a first timer, I was thrilled from start to finish!

Oh, yeah.

All of you Ishigami people are new to the stone thing.

Since it entails being motionless, powerless,

and fearful of what might happen,

I would call it "harrowing"

before "marvelous" or "thrilling."


I was perfectly relaxed

because I knew you fellas would crack me out with science.

My confidence in that didn't waver for a second,

not even the tiniest bit!

And now, for some reason,

I'm feeling as spry as I did in my younger days!

What's up with that?

Yep, that's how the restorative effects work.

I'm sure an old fossil like you

had arthritis and stuff that got cured.

And I've got just the job for ya, Kaseki . ,

assuming you're up to the task of building something.

Like what?

A drone.

A d-d-d-d--! A drone?

I completely forgot you do that!

You're gonna need a stronger outfit!

Oh, no! I can't work without my beloved mobile lab!


Guess your first project isn't the drone.


All right.

We gotta start somewhere,

and I say that somewhere should be with the propellers!

Ah, yes. A feature that many would deem essential.

The blades have to be extremely light,

so we'll gather some bird feathers,

or pluck them if need be, and dunk them in plastic.

Once coated, we'll adjust them by hand.

Trial and error will be quicker

than explaining aeronautic theory.

Oh, one more thing.

There's a key item we need Kaseki to make for us,

and that'd be a fidget spinner!

Ah, yes. That's quite essential, too.

You wanna waste resources on a frivolous children's toy?!

This is the furthest thing from a waste, though, Gen.

All our sub-par motors shook enough

to register on the Richter scale.

But that would change if they had a bearing.

It stabilizes things along an axis,

which allows for high-speed rotation.

As I'm sure you know,

Leonardo da Vinci came up with the idea.

You act like that's common knowledge

when most people know him as the guy who painted the Mona Lisa.

He's an OP dude who mastered both art and science.

You get these incomprehensible crazies once in a while.


I think you fit in that category pretty nicely, too.

Take little fragments of steel,

throw 'em in these tubes with some rocks,

then spin them around real fast

so the rough edges grind down and round off.

And you're left with a bajillion pachinko balls.

Then pachinko machines are on the way, too!


We'll have 'em sometime in the next ten billion years.

We'll sort the balls by size with these holes.

And once we've got a bunch that are the same size...


It's a simple enough concept, but making that with the parts

and lathe we have lying around here

is gonna be another back breaking job for us, huh?

Hey! This haul's the last of the pieces, everyone!


The god-tier craftsman of the kingdom of science

is back and things are really looking up!

Chrome. Francois. Ukyo.

Who's this guy?

It appears we have a rando on our hands.

I did bring back everything I found out there.

And yet another victim of petrification.

No telling how long he's been like this.

Well, fancy that.

Taiju managed to assemble our entire crew and then some.

Most of us may still be petrified, but we're here.

Though it's not the way we originally planned,

the kingdom of science is finally making landfall

on this island.

Yes, that we are. 'Bout time.

I should be glad we're all on dry land together,

but I'm still so sad we can't wake everyone up.

There's more revival fluid on the way,

just takes some time to make.

And time is one resource we're scarce on right now.

The enemy will find this cave

and they'll fire a petrification beam from the outside

when they do.

Then we'll really be screwed.

That would suck.

So before those guys are able to locate our hideout,

we'll just have to nab their petrification beam by air.

Numbers won't matter once we have that.

Because the power of science will beat them every time.

The drone's our trump card.

If Kaseki can build it.

You certainly have a way with words.

I'm more fired up than ever now!

I've been crafting for over five decades!

Don't underestimate me, kid!

-- --

Wow! It's flying!

It's like a mechanical bird!

Yeah, it's just a mark one, guys.

Stabilizing it comes next.

No. No, no!

Have a heart! I really don't wanna meet the master!

At the very least, please come with me!

You were the one who was called. Not us.

This is as far as we're going. Now suck it up!

Ha! It's a golden opportunity for our team!

Our mission is to investigate the enemy,

and you're about to make contact with their leader!

Get friendly and get info,

and then maybe we can even take him hostage

if we get the chance!

You think I can stay collected enough

to accomplish all that stuff?

I think you can do whatever you set your mind to,

and I doubt he'll as*ault you since you're a man.

You doubt that he will, and I'm stuck hoping he won't!

Not my fault I look good in a dress.

Heh. Hey, Kohaku.

So about that intruder Ibara mentioned.

He meant you, right?

Since you're caught,

go on and tell me where the rest of your friends are hiding.


Oh, yeah! I have a secret w*apon right here!

Behold! The pineapple!

It's pretty likely the master will call

for one of you on the beauty squad at some point.

I don't even wanna think about it.

When that moment arrives, use this in the room.

A pineapple?

No, it's what's inside of this thing.

Some good ol' ethyl acetate.

Bug collectors normally use it

to k*ll and preserve their specimens.

Just need vinegar, booze,

and a drop of our old friend, sulfurina.


That reeks! Why so stinky?

Hang on. Smells just like an ordinary pineapple to me.

Uh-huh. That's 'cause it's the same aroma compound.

I'm sure it smells like a ripe pineapple

to all of you southern islanders,

or an overripe one in Ginro's case.

It's not powerful, but it's also not totally safe.

You shouldn't even sniff it in the comfort of your own home.

Makes you dazed and confused in a bad way.

I gotta wonder, will it really work?

Um, hello? Master? It's G-Ginrolina.


All right, so one unavoidable thing led to another,

and I wound up in the inner palace somehow!

I hope this won't make you mad,

but I'm honestly not even supposed to be here

because looks can be deceiving

and mine have definitely been a little deceptive,

and I'm really, really, really sorry for that,

but the truth is, I--!

You called, my noble master?

Yes, yes.

The usual, then? I'll happily oblige, sire.

Please settle your anxious heart, Ginrolina, dear.

I'm here to appraise, not harm.

For we can't give you to the master

before a proper assessment, now can we?

I'm going to teach you everything you need to know.

Then, if you're able to completely sate me

using my tender and affectionate ways,

you'll go to the master and satisfy him just as thoroughly.

Oh, I told you I mean no harm, so relax.

And I told you, I'm not what you think!

I'm a boy!

I noticed.

You're very tomboyish,

and if that means you'll put up a good fight... perfect.

The heck?

Heh. Let's pretend I am the invader for a second.

Do you think I'd betray my allies so quickly

and just reveal their location to the enemy?

A w*apon!

Explain yourself this instant, courtesan!

Hmm. So I was right.

Kohaku, you are strong.

There's no end!

Go! Quit holding back and k*ll the intruder right now!

k*ll her?

Who granted you permission to slay a beauty like her?

I can think of no greater waste than that.

The inner palace ladies are my primary source of entertainment.

You'd do well to remember.

His battle prowess

blows the others out of the water.

The petrification kingdom's mightiest warrior--Moz.

How fitting.

Not to sound full of myself or anything,

but I'm currently the best card the kingdom of science can play.

Heh. If I can't stop this man,

it's fair to say no one on our team can.

Just as promised, I'm ready for that fight we talked about.

The strangest noises come out of your mouth, child.

It's now or never!

Uh. This smells like pineapple juice? Or alcohol?

Oh, my. I'm suddenly feeling dizzy.

Thank you, science! I can escape from--!

Oh, wait.

You were right there in the master's chambers

and you didn't inspect a single damn thing?

I should at least get a glimpse

of the master's face before I book it,

otherwise Kohaku's gonna k*ll me!


Well, it's hard to tell for sure in the dark,

but he looks kinda familiar.


H-H-He's petrified!

Ah, so you saw.

I didn't see anything at all.

P-P-P-P-Please let me go.

Lying will only get you into more trouble!

That's Moz and Kohaku!

But why are they fighting?

Being as adept as you are,

I imagine that you've realized the undeniable truth by now.

You're hopelessly outmatched.

Even if there were a dozen more of you fighting at your side,

you'd still lose.


I figured as much well before we ever crossed blades.

So you can save your cocky talk for another girl!

What was the point of that, anyway?

Trying to intimidate me into selling out my friends?

Is that it?

If your lips aren't feeling loose,

then let's get better acquainted.

I'll make you fall so hard

you'll be spilling all kinds of secrets.

I really don't mind a strong girl

as long as her face is pretty enough.

Like yours.

Now that you know my type, you should tell me yours.

Like 'em strong, too? Because I'm strong as hell.

What I value is strength of character.

Someone who follows his ideals step by step,

who keeps at it no matter how long it takes.

That's the kind of man I'm drawn to.

So your exact opposite.

It's a cryin' shame, but I'm just not that into you, Moz.

Sure, your face is cute and your body won't quit,

but your perks stop there.

A few girls have laid eyes on the statue before.

One of the last things they saw, in fact.

It really is such a pity.

I don't relish the k*lling, but I'm left with no alternative

once someone has seen the secret that you have.

I ain't dyin'!

Kohaku's here! And in battle mode, no less!

Time to use my special skill: Let someone else deal with it!

Please, help me! Kohaku!

I need you!

Ginro! Watch out!


That attack pierced several organs.

These wounds... are fatal.

Will you...?


I bet you were just about to ask me to finish you off

and put you out of your misery, weren't you?

Well, that's not happening, so tough luck!

I'm saving you!

The master is a statue.

He's Soyuz's twin.

Just a little bit older, though. Soyuz might be re...

Thank you.

That's some excellent sleuthing you did.

I hope it helps because it was my last mission.

I want it to make a difference, you know?

Plus, I'm still a gatekeeper. A warrior, even.

So if I'm gonna go out, it's gonna be in style.

No meaningless death for me.

See ya, Kinro.

You're right, Ginro.

Your wounds are beyond healing.

So there's only one thing for me to do.

Kohaku, is he--?

Listen! It's vital you hear!

--The master you revere is--! --Don't be deceived!

The villainess speaks nothing but silver-tongued lies!

She'll be silenced by the master's power soon enough!

Quickly close your eyes or else you'll be petrified

along with the trespassers!

It doesn't matter if we look or not.

He just wants to hide the petrification w*apon!

I get it now. Why you made a scene.

You wanted them to use the petrification.

Wow, your instincts really are a superpower.

That might work.

Worth a shot.

If we can get you petrified

before the final flames of your life flicker out for good,

the revival fluid might heal you.

It's the only way, Ginro.


There it is.

With my eagle-eyed vision, I see Medusa's true face.

Senku, you were spot on yet again.

It isn't a curse or a demonic device without rules.

Though the Medusa of legend used magic... this is science.

It's up to you, Amaryllis.

Tell Senku and the others.

Tell them all the secrets the infiltration team uncovered.

If we're retaliating with science, we can't lose.

All that's left to do is wait

and trust in the power of science.

You're right. It'll turn out okay, I know it.
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