Der Kaiser von Kalifornien (1936)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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Der Kaiser von Kalifornien (1936)

Post by bunniefuu »



John A. Sutter was born in the
small town Kandern in Baden, Germany.

At the age of 16 he moved to Switzerland
and later became a Swiss citizen.

This settler of
almost legendary stature,

as well as the memory of his
court case against the United States,

are still alive in the American West

and inseparably linked to the
historic development of California.

This screenplay was loosely based
on existing documents

and the locations were chosen
at the discretion of the production.


The spirit of Napoleon is about!

Our fatherland is torn!

- I got startled.
- Because of me?

No, just because.


"He who fights tyrants is holy, he who
tames arrogance serves the Lord. "

"The Lord only dwells in proud hearts
and Heaven is too high for low desires. "

Beautiful, isn't it?
Yes. Did you write it?

No, it was written by a certain
Ernst Moritz Arndt.

We'll hang them all over town.

The things you print don't bring
in money. No wonder we're in debt.

They're spying on you everywhere.

You're sacrificing too much.
So do others.

As a reputable person,
I can't act any differently these days.

The police!
I think they're coming here.

Good day. Is Mr. Sutter home?

He's in the workshop.
What do you want from him?

There he is.

Did you print this
inflammatory pamphlet?

Inflammatory? Yes, inflammatory!

"German brothers!
The spirit of Napoleon is about. "

"Our fatherland..."
I know the text well.

What do you have to say?

Except that every word is true.

And that you think the same as I do!
Pardon, I'm just a civil servant

and don't talk about politics.

We simply have the order to confiscate
the machine and arrest you.

Here's the arrest warrant.

Christ Almighty!

Stop! Guards!

Oh my God!

Did you see Sutter?
He didn't come this way.

Commence the pursuit.
sh**t if necessary.

Don't drive him to despair.

You can't just sh**t him down!

Constable, I must admit,
we have orders to arrest him,

but not to sh**t at him.

He'll come back. He has to.

He has no choice,
no other place to go.

Yes. It will be better to
take care of this case discreetly.

Worries, my dear Sutter?

Nothing left of your bold plans,
but to leap from this tower?

What do you want from me?
Who are you?

Don't be afraid.
Only he who gives up on himself is lost.

The Lord only dwells in proud hearts
and Heaven is too high for low desires.

Don't pester me with sayings!

You can serve your people anywhere.

You can fight anywhere.


Isn't the world beautiful?

Isn't it immense?



Immeasurably rich.

The oceans vast.

The world has room for all.

Go out and conquer it,
if you have the courage!

Thy will be done,

on Earth as it is in Heaven.


Make a nice cross.

Very good. Now sleep tight.

It's still so early, Mommy.


You have to leave right away.
I'll pack your things.

Anna, have faith.

God willing,
we'll see each other again soon.

Yes, I have faith.
And I love you.

270 going once!

280 going once, going twice...

290 going once, going twice and...

300 going once, going twice and...

Top-quality furs!

300 going once, going twice,
going three times. Sold!

Hey-ho! 5000!


Ermattinger, where've you been?

Damn! I'll buy you a drink!

Two whiskeys!
That guy's on top of things.

Remember how he showed up here
six months ago

with a borrowed nag and a rusty shotgun?

I won't be staying here much longer.

Hey, Willy, where's our whiskey?
Please pay first, guys.

Nice try.

You hear it everywhere:
West, west, west, west.

That's all I've heard
for two years now!

They say it's like paradise there

and that the wheat ripens
three times a year.

We should really get to know that guy.

Do you know the way there?
I know it to Santa Fe,

but not any further.

And to Santa Fe it's already 2000 miles.

So, it's 2000 miles to Santa Fe,
then 1000 miles to the coast.

That's 3000 miles, right?

That means...
about one year in the saddle, huh?

Good horses... and hard asses!

What's keeping us here, Ermattinger?
You coming?

With you I'd go all the way to hell!

- Bravo! We're going!
- Cheers!

How about three clever Wild West men
as companions?

Five men are better than two.

He could supply you
with your own travel money!

Do you know him?

Captain, when are you leaving?

None of your business.

Concentrate on mixing
less water in your whiskey.

There's their tracks.

They went that way.


There they are.

Three riders are coming.

I bet it's Harper.

Hello, boys!

Hello, Harper.

Nice coincidence meeting you here.

Indeed, a lucky coincidence!
You must have ridden real hard.

We had to, to be able to
eat that soup with you.

Sit down and join us.

Ermattinger, wake up!
You fell asleep.

What's wrong?

They're gone.

The horses and money are gone.

What a mess.

Damn it!

That hasn't happened to me in 20 years.

This neither, huh?


I guess that the three gentlemen
will have to walk now, huh?

Shut up!

Move on!
Carrying a saddle is silly.

Three, four, five.

Eight. And ten.

Twelve, fourteen, sixteen.

Indians, by golly! Quick!

Damn bastards!

Is it bad?
No, just a shoulder wound.

Indians are tough.

Horse thieves!


Move on now!

Leave me behind.

Go on alone.

- Stay with him.
- Okay.

I'll try to find water.
Or all three of us will die.

I never thought
we'd get out of that hell.

California must be a sham.

Our situation is just as bad as yours.

My caravan is completely lost.

But you can help each other.
You're over 30 people!

Who are starving and thirsty.

They won't go one step further.

But there's mountains, Marshall.

So there's got to be water, too!

Because of those damn mountains
we haven't reached our goal.

We have to find a way out of here!

Give me a horse.
I'd like to ride up there!

Take my horse, Sutter.

Thanks, Marshall.


I'll find a way out.
You can rely on me.

Here's some water.

Thank you.

- Good-bye everyone.
- Good-bye!

Good luck, Captain.



I like it here!

We're staying here.
What did you say?

Get down and take a look.

Look at this soil.

It's like bread.

It's the same dirt everywhere.

The soil is surely good here.
But I'll eat Mexican spores,

if the soil isn't just as good
by the ocean.

But do you want to have to tip
your hat to others all the time?

But do you want to have to tip
your hat to others all the time?

I think we'd all prefer
to live in a place

where we can leave
our hats on as we please, huh?

I suppose you're right.
You bet I am.

We would like to stay with you,
if you have use for us.

Thanks. We'll ride to the governor
in Monterey to get land.

And I hope
we'll all get along well in the future.

Give me the land
on the upper Sacramento

and I'll turn it into paradise!

You'll die of thirst.
I'll get water from the mountains!

The sun will k*ll you.
I'll plant trees.

The Indians will scalp you.
They'll be our friends.

You have big plans.

Goals can never be too big!

Okay, I'll give you
one square mile to start with.


I traveled 8000 miles to get here.

Almost d*ed of hunger and thirst!

I had a garden at home as well!

We need soil. Land!
What do you mean by "land"?

His demands aren't very modest.

Who cares about modesty.
I came here to propose...

I wonder what Sutter is doing up there?
He's fine.

The longer he stays up there,
the more he'll achieve.

Besides, I'm sitting on an ant hill.

Governor, you know my opinion.

I have nothing more to add.


Cultivate as much land up there
as you can.

I give it to you provisionally
for ten years.

We'll see what you do with the desert.
Thank you.

How will you start?
The way God created Earth:

From the beginning!

Look at this.

It's like gold.

Remember what you said
when we started?

- You mean me?
- Yeah, you!

You said,
"It's the same dirt everywhere."

Where's the Marshall? Over here!

Hopkins, come on over here!

So now...
everyone take a close look.

Starting at the San Francisco coast,

we'll build a road directly along
the Sacramento River

up to Sutter's Fort.

Then we'll continue over
the American River

past Hock Farm
to the Coloma saw mill.

Then we'll have a connection

from Coloma
through our fields to the ocean.

What is this Hock Farm?
I'm building it near the Coloma woods.

- It'll be special.
- How so?

- Do you know who it's for?
- No.

It's for my wife and my two boys.

Are they coming now?

I want them to come, but it's still too early.
- Why?

We don't know if we can stay here.
The land is just leased.

I want to be a landowner,
not a leaseholder, when she comes.

Immigration must be stopped, Governor.

That German is bringing in
too many foreigners.

San Francisco is almost a city!

We have room for many more.

Sutter's people are hard-working,
honest farmers

who are of benefit to us.

So you will continue to tolerate
his growing power

and let this foreigner act like
the "Emperor of California"?

I'm having Sutter's tenure papers
signed by the President.

He deserves it, after all. What?

You're going to bestow him the land?
The best part of California?

- That he cultivated!
- Governor!

I'm warning you.
And let me tell you

that all my work will be focused on...
Your "work"!

If you want see a man working,
then take a look at Sutter.

In the name of the almighty Lord,

we, Antonio Lopez Santa Anna,

President of the Mexican Republic,

by the authority rested in us,
have resolved the following:

"We thank Captain John August Sutter"

for his beneficial activities
for our country

and grant him the estates cultivated
by him north of the Sacramento

"as permanent and inheritable property. "

This makes you one of
the richest men in California.

We are proud of you, Captain Sutter.

I thank you, Governor.

And I hereby solemnly promise
to continue to serve

this blessed land with all my power.

This land has become a new home
for me and for many others.

Long live California!

Thank him for the new school.

We are proud to have such a townsman.

I always said that
Sutter is a great guy.

I'm sorry that back then...

Well, have a nice trip.

Send him regards from
Police Council Friedel.

Send Sutter my regards.

Come on, boys!
Mrs. Sutter, we have to go.

Don't cry, Mother.
I'll be praying that you're alright.

- Farewell.
- Oh, Mother.



U. S. Citizens!

The Union government
has occupied California,

which had been agitated
by rebellion and civil w*r.

California has now joined the union

of the United States of America.

Peace has been restored.

The ditch is almost done.
Where are you from?

- From Eimsb?ttel.
- Really?


Where are you from? I'm Italian.

- Good day, Sutter!
- Hello!

- Where are you from?
- I'm Swiss.

- Where are you from?
- From Bern.

- And you?
- Partenkirchen.

Listen to what I have to say.

When you finish here
with the saw mill,

go tell Marshall
where you want to settle.

By the ocean or up here.
There's plenty of land.

Now continue working. Good-bye!

Now continue working. Good-bye!

Soon we can build as many ships
and storehouses as we want.

It's got to be a land
full of happy people.

I'll do my bit.

I know I can count on you.

- Are you alone?
- Yes.

- What's wrong?
- No one's here?

We're alone, damn it.
What's wrong?



Do you know what this is?

It's pure solid gold.

Yes, Captain. Gold.

Pure gold, huh!

Where did you find it?
Near Coloma, in the riverbed.

Is there more?
As much as you want.

You just have to pick it up.

What's your plan?
To stop working for you.

I'll dig for gold. Stake claims.

I've already marked my land.

Overnight I've become
the world's richest man!

Marshall, be reasonable!
These are just a few gold nuggets.

A few gold nuggets!
Do you know what this means?

You can buy everything with them!

You can buy America,
California, everything!

Yes! That's what the gold means!

Scream it out about the gold!

Tomorrow the workers will know
and then the whole country.

Our people will run off.

The riffraff, rogues and tramps
of the world will come here.

There'll be m*rder and theft
because of your gold.

Go ahead and preach all you want!

I'm riding to San Francisco
to get horses, wagons and food.

Or the others will take what's mine!

Stop, or I'll sh**t you down!

You're staying
until we come to an agreement.

Swear to me
that you'll shut up about the gold

and not tell anyone until I say so.

Even if it takes five years!
Five years? That's crazy!

I found it!
The gold belongs to me, not you!

The land belongs to me!

And that means everything
that's in it and on it. That's the law.

Marshall, come on!

If we would've behaved like this
in the desert, we'd both be dead.

Think about it. Be reasonable!

You decide!
Put your g*n down first.

We're old friends, after all.

I admit...
that you're not completely wrong.

Thank God.

I knew you were a decent fellow.

Let's drink a glass of wine

and calmly think about
what needs to be done.

Gold is no simple matter.

Calmly or not,
he who acts fast, gets rich.

A bottle of whiskey!

So, how are things for you
up there in Coloma?

Is the mill running?
Better than that.

- What?
- Can you give me change?

From where?
Coloma. Sutter's land.

Is there more?
As much as you want.

Something's going on.
He has gold.

Here. Look.

- It's gold.
- My God!

Working for Sutter is over.
A new life begins.

I need horses, wagon, food.

Are you in?
I'm in! Let's get the gold!

Gold! Gold!

What are you doing?
Get back to work.

Panning gold is better
than sawing boards.

Damned lowlifes!

Damn it!
You're here to work, not to pan gold!

Get away!

Hurry up!
Get back to work, you dawdlers!

Damn it, have you all lost your mind?

Has the gold
already gone to your head?

Turned you into crooks?
We want our share! We want gold!

Sutter! Get out of here!

Look, gold can't conjure up bread
from the ground.

And gold never made
anyone happy for long.

I tell you,
gold only brings disaster and ruin!

He wants to keep
the gold for himself!

We want our share, too.

You will all get
your fair share of the gold.

But you can't forsake me just now!

And what's our reward?

Working is more important than gold.
Please listen to me!

Gold-hungry men from all over
will be here soon.

They'll rob you of your gold
and your bread.

We were always good friends.

Don't we want to stay good friends?

Hey, Sutter.

Are you done now?

Hey! Hola!

Why are you still here?

Let's head to Coloma
to where the gold is!




Twenty-five and a half.

Twenty-five and a half.

Twenty-three and a half.

Wait, that's not enough.

- Twenty-three...
- Wait a minute!

Not one cent more.

I've been looking,

but I think I won't
recognize him anymore.

- Do you see him?
- No.

But he has to be here, by golly.

Wait here for a moment.
I'll go see what's going on.


Have you seen any of Sutter's men?

Sutter's men?
Who knows if he even still has men.

You can't cut off my credit just now.

I've fought too hard for this land.

I can't pay back the money.
I don't have any.

What will you do? Keep working.

You don't have men.
I'll get more.

They'll run away.
Not all of them!

There's no point. It's unprofitable.
At first maybe.

But not in the long run.

In 20 years there'll be nothing left
of the gold rush,

while my fields will still bear crops.

Let's stick to the facts, Mr. Sutter.

Most of your land is ravaged
and out of your control.

You have one last chance.

Join one of our gold syndicates
with the rest of your land.

The choice is yours.

Either you participate in
the greatest business venture ever

or the chance will pass you by

and you die as a poor man.

I understand.

"The greatest business venture ever."

And if Sutter doesn't comply,
you'll wring his neck.

That's no doubt the easiest way
to take his land

and get the gold mines cheaply.

But... I won't give up my land!

As you wish.

But then you have to pay
your debts within two months.

Or your land will be auctioned off.

This means you want to ruin me.

Gold is now more profitable
than my work.

Basically, you're just the same
thieves and robbers

as the crooks who are ravaging
and stealing my land.

But the law's on my side!

And I'll defend it until my last breath.


I wasn't even at the ship.

I'm so happy.

One can see you had a good mother.

Our Father, who are in Heaven,

hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come,

thy will be done,

on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread

and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those
who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.


Haven't heard that for a long time.
Yes, real long.

- Wine?
- Yes, please.


How did you get up here?
We got a ride in a wagon.

Oh yeah?
And who allowed you to steal?

We're not stealing.
It all our father's.


Good evening.

Can I help you?

Someone's waiting.

You should go downstairs.

Who's waiting?
Tell him to come up.

What is that?

Oh my God.

What happened?



Oh, yes! Bye-bye!
Who would have ever thought?

Oh, boy from Arizona,
your money isn't tight!

And that is why Lona
will stay with you all night!

Hello, boys.

- Hello, boys.
- Hello!

Hello, Harper. Hello, Marshall.

Oh, boy from Arizona,
are your pockets full...

Hey, you!
You just sold some land.

Will you pay me back
if Sutter wins the trial?

- Not one cent!
- What?

Everyone bought and sold things.
San Francisco was created that way.

Those idiots in the Senate
want to honor him tomorrow

at the celebration
of the founding of the city.

What if he wins his trial?

They say the ruling is against us.
If Sutter wins, all is lost.

There are 50,000 of us.
We'll deal with the verdict.

And what if he wins?
And doesn't give in? He'll be lynched.

We won't have to lift a finger.

They even want to
appoint him general.

They even want to
appoint him general.

A general!

He wants to clear the gold fields
and chase the prospectors away!

He wants San Francisco back.

He might even sue us!

Actually, he's right.
All his land was just taken from him.

And he lost his two boys and his wife.
Shut up, damn Sutter agent!

And? What happens if the verdict
is against you tomorrow?

Then San Francisco will burn.

Then Hock Farm will burn.
Then we'll clean up here.

Oh yes, my friend,
isn't that just great?


Dear townspeople
and distinguished guests...

Today we are celebrating
the 10th anniversary of our city.

Ten years ago a man
came over the mountains

and set up a small trading post here.

He ploughed the first furrows
up in the hills.

He built our first roads.

From the desert sand,
he produced the first Californian wine.

John August Sutter.

He gave bread and work to thousands.

And to thousands more
he gave happiness and a new home.

In appreciation of your services,
I appoint you, John August Sutter,

Senator of the State of California
on behalf my government.

on behalf of the U.S. government

I present you with this saber,

and inform you of your appointment
as general of the U.S. Army.

Long live General Sutter!

The verdict!


- Order!
- We want the verdict!

Order! The Chief Justice
of California has the floor.

Dear citizens,


the Supreme Court has passed a verdict
in the case Sutter vs. The state

and the cities of San Francisco,
Fairfield, Sutterville and Venetia.

With the greatest objectivity

and much detail, the courts
have attempted to resolve the situation

and have decided as follows:

The Supreme Court recognizes

the legitimacy
of John August Sutter's claims.

Order! The Court recognizes
his lawful possession

and the inviolability of his estates.

The cities of

San Francisco and Fairfield

are obliged...

- Down with him!
- Damn him!


Or I'll have the m*llitary
clear the room!

In effect...

the decision is only a formal one.

The Supreme Court merely
recognizes his right in principle.

For it to be legally effective...

Down with Sutter!
The U.S. Congress must confirm it.

Say something or there'll be mayhem!
I have nothing to say.

Say that you'll be satisfied
with the formal judgment

and will waive all your claims.

I insist on having my rights.

I don't want a formal judgment.

I demand
the immediate return of all estates

on which San Francisco,
Fairfield and Stockton

were built without my consent!

Hang the bastard!

I demand that the gold mines
be vacated immediately!

And that all prospectors
be removed from my land!

I will not give up!

Halt! Listen to me!

Sutter's brood must be destroyed!
Exterminate them!

Sutter! Quick, to Hock Farm!

The city's burning!

Sutter's storehouses are in flames.
There's his verdict.

San Francisco is burning!

Shut up! Let it burn.

What have you done?
It was you... It was you...

Everything's burning...

It was you...

Hang him!

To hell with his title deeds!

Hello, Sutter.

We know each other.

Now your travels are over.

Why are you still fighting
against the gold and for your rights?

You can't stop the wheel from turning.


The human race
is triumphing over everything.

Look at the splendor of the cities.

The eternally pulsating power
of the machines.

Wealth and blessings.

Who can say what's right or wrong?

Be satisfied.

You have served the world in your way.

Your heart will b*at forever
in the forests and rivers of California.

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