08x04 - All the World's a Stage

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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08x04 - All the World's a Stage

Post by bunniefuu »

What time is it?

: .

Anonymous call or no anonymous
call, there's no dead body.

You're getting cynical.

What can I say? I'm shallow.

The fact is, we have been out here forever

and we still haven't found anything.

Harry was very clear.

He does not want a dead body

floating up on the shore in the

middle of tourist season.

Harry's not or the mayor's not?

Let's give it, give it another half

an hour, we'll go.


Here, have some breakfast.

I hate fishing.

You hate fishing.

I do.

Hate is a strong word.

I thought you loved fishing.

No, I only went fishing
because you liked it.

What is it that you dislike about fishing?

Mostly the clothes.

But then that look on that
dead fish's face is right up there.

What about the, uh, thrill of the hunt?

You know, the fight.

The strategy.

The feeling of landing the big one.

Are we talking about fishing or dating?

Why didn't you ever tell
me you didn't like fishing?

Because we were still in that

stage of our relationship.

I think it's because
you never caught a fish.

I did, too.

No, you didn't.

Yeah, yeah, I did.

Do you remember that time up in Vermont?

No, no, while you were
asleep I hooked a big one.

I switched the Poles.

I said it was yours.

Why did you do that?

Because we were in that loving-caring-

giving-sharing mode

of our relationship.


Man: Hey, I got something

over here.

Looks like a body.

Well, looks like we caught
another one together.

Oh, boy.

Tom: The diver said that the tide

must have pushed this
guy under the pier supports.

Talked to missing persons.

None of their descriptions match.

See those guys over by the docks?


You see what they're wearing?

So maybe there was a sale?

He might be wearing blue collar clothes,


But, uh, those are white collar hands.

If this guy fishes for
a living, call me ahab.

Man: Oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah.

Oh... hey, hey...

Hey, hey, what, what...

What are you doing?

Sorry, honey, got to go.

But you just can't

stop, in the middle.

I'm not done yet.

Early call.

Hold on.

If this is about the movie...

Gee, I don't know, is it?

Just come back to bed, huh?

Just for a little bit.

I'd love to, but, I didn't get
to where I am by being late.

It's unprofessional.

All right.

About the movie...

I talked to Marty and Mike, I told them

I wanted you for the
part, but I don't know.

For some reason, they
seem to think Sharon...


I needed your support on this, Bob.

How about... now, don't take this

the wrong way...

How about...

You read for the part?

Do you have any idea how long ago...

How many years ago it
was I was asked to audition?

I said this exactly.

I said, "Mike, even if Juliette doesn't

I am taking this as a personal insult."

You told me this role was mine.

You promised.

I know, sweetie.

I know.

It's just that, the studio doesn't think...

Hell, nobody thinks...

Juliette, you are a wonderful comedienne

but... a cop?

I mean, come on, you'd have
to do some serious acting.

Look in the mirror, Bob.

What do you think I've
been doing for the last hour?

All right.


Are you crazy?

You see this little
doohickey on the side here?

This is called a safety.

Come on, Juliette.

Face facts.

There are only two facts here, Bob.

I'm going to get this part.

And you...

Have been remarkably disappointing.

Tom: Franco simonovic.

What kind of a name is that?

Well, it's the one his
fellow fishermen gave me.

It's serbo-Croatian.

Croatian as in Serbian, like Bosnia?


According to his friends

there's an entire
community of these refugees

about miles away.

So this guy comes from a w*r-torn country

and dies in palm beach?

I think we're redefining irony here.

It just doesn't make sense.

One of the fishermen, his
palms, they look like a hand model

and his buddies could be extras
from the old man and the sea.

Ryan, St. John.

Both: Morning, Harry.

Your attendance is required.

Now what?


Sergeants Ryan, St. John

let me introduce you

to miss Juliette Steele.

Cassy: Oh, wow!

Pleased to meet you, sergeants.

Captain lipschitz here...

Eh! Harry.

Harry appears to think
very highly of you two.

Tom: Wow.

It's nice to meet you.


So, you two used to be married?

Tom: Yeah.


And now you're partners.

It's an interesting story.

It's great, it's exactly
what I was looking for.

Well, so what brings you to palm beach?

Lipschitz: Oh, miss Steele's

in town

to do some research
for a part in a new movie.

Wow. Oh.

I'm up for a film where I would play

a homicide detective who is partnered

with her ex-husband.

I don't think I understand, though.

Well, the studio has
doubts that I can do the role.

So I'm going to do my research
and learn what it's like to, you

know, be a homicide detective.

It's imperative that I
learn from the very best

so my agent called around

and we were put in touch with your captain.

He says you two are good.

Lipschitz: Good?

These are two of the best I ever...

My thoughts, if I can just
get out there in the street.

You know, see what it's like

to stand in your shoes.

I think I have a real shot
at nailing this character.

That's great.

Yeah, if there's anything
we can do to help...

Sergeant St. John...

I really want to get your input especially.

The female perspective, I mean.

No offense to you guys.

Look, uh, I just got to
say that me and my wife

we are such fans.

If you could just... "To frannie."


In fact, first chance I get

I'll have the studio send over some photos.

Maybe some...

Crew jackets for all three of you.

This isn't the movies, Harry.

We're flattered, but we're in the middle

of a m*rder investigation.

Hey, cass, you know, on the other hand

what would it hurt if
she just tagged along?

Oh, please. Are you thinking
with your brain or with your...

No, I'm just saying that
it might be interesting.

Lipschitz: It's good for the department.

Public relations.

Since when have you been
concerned with publicity?

That's enough. Your reservation

is duly noted, St. John

but until further notice

Juliette Steele is riding with you.


I'd say two, three days, maximum.

Single tap to the back
of the head, . caliber

the choice of a professional.

As far as the hands
go, nice work, sergeant.

They definitely lack the
wear and tear you'd have

from a manual laborer.

Then again, we don't know
how long he did this for a living

but, um, if you ask me,
I'd have to say that, that...

Oh, my god.


You're, uh...


Yes, I am.

She's working with
cassy researching a movie.


Steele: This place is incredible.

It's so real.

All this equipment.


What's that?


No, you...

You don't want to see that.

That's really...



You know, I would
really love to learn more.

Perhaps, if you have time

we could have lunch?

Lunch? Lunch?

Keep it together.

Oh, thank you, Sophie.

Come on, get up.

Stand up, have a drink.

Take a sip of this.

I see it on sets all the time

but that's... makeup.

This is incredible.

On a daily basis, it can
be a little hard to take.

Oh, of course.

I didn't... I didn't mean
to appear insensitive.

Why do you do it?

I mean, there's got to be
days when it's really hard.

Oh, I don't know.

Um, I guess, you know, growing up

I liked figuring things out.

Puzzles and stuff.

I tried law school, but
it was just too... dry.

So I enrolled in the academy
and, well, I guess this is it,

my life.

Tom: She's just an actress.

What about you? How did you decide

to become an actor?

The truth?

I don't know how to do anything else.


No, honest to god.

If I had to get a regular job tomorrow

I'd probably spill the special
sauce and burn the fries.

Will he be okay?

Oh, hey, after a couple of days

of kicking himself

he'll be fine.

It was very nice to meet you, sterling.


Oh, thank you so much.

This is just way beyond the call of duty.

Oh... well, I figure, you know

if you're going to be with me all day

might as well go all the way

and live the glorious
life that I call my own.

It's an actual home.

I mean, it's almost too real.

Thanks, I think.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Mine is more like a mausoleum, you know?

My housekeeper actually
had to draw me a map.

No, it's... it's beautiful.

Thanks, again.

Oh, well, I figure, you know

it's something to tell my grandkids.

You really don't have
to go to all that trouble.

Don't be ridiculous.

You invite me into your home

I'm going to make it worth your time.

Besides, do you know
how long I've been trying

to make these cooking lesson pay off?

Okay, right here.

There's no way

this would ever happen.

Mark it down.

Anything that doesn't
ring true, you tell me.

Here, where she sticks
her finger in the coke

and tastes it.

What's wrong with that?

Well, that would never happen.

A real cop would never do that.

What if it was poison?

They do that in the movies
all the time and I hate it.

I never thought of that.

It makes total sense.

Those little gems of truth

if you want to nail a scene

makes all the difference.

Well, go ahead, show 'em how it's done.

Mark up that script.

Good morning.

So what do you think?

She's here to learn.

Okay, the call for the d.B.

Came in from an
apartment on the third floor.

It was anonymous, and
I figure whoever he is

he's probably not too anxious to cooperate.

I'll take the front.

I'll go to the back in
case he decides to run.

Be careful.

Yeah... back in the car.


Yeah, back in.

Hold it.

Where are you going?

With you.

Oh, no.

You can watch, but stay back.

I can't do that.

Look, I take my job

just as seriously as you do yours.

In order for me to do that

I've got to get out there

and find the... essence of the character.

Not on my watch you don't, all right?

Now get back in the car
and we'll talk about this later.

Get back.

Tom: Police.

Hold it right where you are!

Cass, he's running!

Police, freeze!

Get down!


All right, get in.

Watch your head.

Cassy: What were you thinking?

He was getting away.

No, we're the cops, all right?

Me and him!

You're here to observe, period!

Another stunt like that

and it's back to Hollywood.

I didn't do anything!

He could have had a g*n.

Do you know how many cops get shot?

He could have taken you hostage.

I just saw this thing racing toward me.

And I just reacted.

I am sorry, okay?

I just... I guess I wanted
to know what it felt like.

You don't get it, do you?

This is real life.

We don't get multiple takes here.

We get one chance.

We blow it, we die.

I see.

Cassy, cassy, could
you repeat that, that line?

That was such a great line.

Tom: Okay, let's try again.

Your name.

Kovac, me kovac.


Good, so you're Mr. Kovac.

I think we'd better
wait for the interpreter.

I'm sure Harry has a dozen

serb interpreters in his desk drawer.

Sir, yo habla ingles.

So how do you say, "pleased to meet you"?

Very good.

Good work, Harry.

How much did you have to pay him?

I didn't.

Kovac's employer called.

Said he was going to send over

a volunteer from the community.

This is mio vilovic.

Good afternoon.

I understand you require some assistance.

Yeah, we sure do.

This way.

Come with me.

In here.

Okay, let's start from the top.

His name, his address

how he knew about the body.

Why he ran.

Mr. Kovac?

Mr. Vilovic, I'd appreciate
it if you kept it simple.

He's very nervous.

He says he called the
police as a concerned citizen.

He's frightened.

In our country you must be very careful

when dealing with the authorities.


Perhaps we could speak outside.


He's terrified.

I told him that I would bribe you

that it would be all right.

In our country, it is often

the only solution.

What did he say?

He saw a man putting the
doctor's body in the water.

Simonovic was a doctor?

That is correct.

He was much loved in our community

a great loss.

Kovac swears he didn't recognize

the guy.

He swears.

The doctor's face is all he remembers.

It was dark.

He then called the policia.

That is all he knows, I
assure you, sergeants.

If I can be of any more help

you will please call.


Hey, you, you're a paralegal?

In this country, yes.

In my own, I think you would call it

prosecuting attorney.


Here I only do the legal work


to help people.

The truth?

I make more money catching fish.





Dr. Franco simonovic.

It's all here.

A.m.a. Member in good standing

since mid- .

I don't see anything odd, except...

Except what?


It's probably nothing but

this guy here, Dr. Sandeep gilwani

he immigrated from India, .

It took him a full five years

to get licensed in the U.S...

Course records

requirements to practice
medicine in the U.S.

Now take a look at simonovic.

No record of any tests

no university courses taken, nothing.

And yet, here he is, fully licensed

since roughly the day

that he stepped off the boat one year ago.

It doesn't make sense.

It sounds like a plastic surgeon type

I once visited in L.A.

I swear, he waved a
dead chicken over my face.

Did it work?

Well, do you see any wrinkles

on this face, sergeant?

Looks like the good doctor

was anxious to set up shop.

I think it's time that we start taking

an active role in our community.

This must be the th pharmacy

we've visited today; I'm exhausted.

You said you wanted to walk

a mile in our shoes.

This is it, Juliette...

The wonderful world of
homicide investigation.

Are they still there?

Yeah, still there.

Well, it's not my fault.

It happens to me wherever I go.

Welcome to my private hell.

Community's really
going to suffer without him.

Most of those people don't trust outsiders

especially doctors, despite the accident.


I'm not surprised you haven't heard.

It's amazing how slow the
a.C.C.P. Can move sometimes

even in a case like this.


Pharmacy licensing board.

I reported the incident.

What happened?

A few months ago

I filled a prescription for the doctor.


It's a common antihistamine.

Anyway, the next morning,
I get a call from the police.

The patient died of heart failure.

Not a glowing endorsement
for Dr. Simonovic.

But you said

it was an accident.

The patient was an asthma sufferer.

The doctor should have known...

You never prescribe
astemizole to an asthmatic.

It can cause arrhythmia

even cardiac arrest.


Hey, haven't I seen you someplace before?

No. No.

I guest-starred on E.R. last season.

So, you said you reported
this to the a.C.C.P.?

That's correct.

At the time, you can understand

I was pretty nervous.

I mean, even if you know

you're not the guilty party

it's still incredibly nerve-wracking.

The patient who died

it was a kid, his father was

shall we say, looking for someone to blame.

Did you discuss this with Dr. Simonovic?

Briefly, he was just destroyed.

I'm sure you can understand.

That, and the fact he was going through

some other problems.

Something with immigration, I believe.

Do you still have an address of the family?

With all I've been through on this case

I practically have it memorized.

The doctor writes a simple prescription

and suddenly you no longer have a son.

Yeah, enough motive for some people.

Fan: Can I have one, please?

An autograph.

Yeah, make it to Julie.

I'm sorry, officers, but there
is no one here by that name.

So there's no Mr. Wojinek here?

I'm sorry, no.

You're jelena wojinek, your son, Benjamin

he died several months ago, yes?

I am busy now.

Please you go.

I cannot talk anymore.


She's totally indicating.

She's what?

It's an acting term.

She's lying.

He's in the house, trust me.

We'd like your permission
to search the house.


Please don't hurt me.

Jelena: Our little boy's

gone forever.

Please, I beg you.

Do not take my husband also.

It's okay.

It's going to be okay.

So things don't look too
good for you, Mr. Wojinek.

Say something.

It doesn't matter what I say.

You blamed Dr. Simonovic
for your son's death.

You had the oldest motive
in the book: Revenge.

My son.

Your son didn't have to die.

It's all Dr. Simonovic's fault.


He k*lled your little boy.

That's enough, cassy.


No, no, no, not now.

Look, Tom, I'm sorry but...

Stop, please.


Wojinek's not even
trying to defend himself.

He knows he's caught.

He's probably smart enough
not to compound it by lying.

Did you see the guy?

He doesn't look like a calculated assassin.

This doesn't read like a
crime of passion to me.

Wojinek's only motive
for the m*rder is emotion.

But the m*rder is not about anger.

So why won't he deny he did it?

Maybe the real k*ller
is scarier than prison.

And you, another stunt
like that and you're out.

You were being cruel.

Cruel? Juliette, this
guy is a m*rder suspect.

And we're not going to break him

through positive reinforcement.

Sometimes I think kindness

might be a little more effective.

This is the real world, you get it?

And charm just doesn't cut it.

There's more than one way

to get people to do what you want, cassy.

I'm sorry, I came as soon as I could.

Who called you?

I did.

If you wish for me to leave?

No, no, please stay.

How well did you know Mr. Wojinek?

Quite well. And his wife.

They've both been through much hard times.

Well, we're very sympathetic to their loss

but, well, frankly if he
k*lled Dr. Simonovic...

Of course, but you must understand.

He's not been himself
since he lost his son.

Do you think he's capable of v*olence?

The boy was five years old.

May I see him now?

Yeah, he's been very quiet so far.

Maybe now you'll get your confession.

Oh, save it, all right?

Why don't you just...
please go back to my place

and we'll talk about this when I get home.

I'd rather stay.

Was there a question Mark on what I said?


No, so it wasn't a request.


He doesn't have an alibi

and he admits to threatening Dr. Simonovic.

That's it?

We gave him a chance to deny it

and he didn't.

Not enough to get him to court.

It's enough to book him.

I don't know.

Tomas is a good man.

But if he thought he
was protecting his family

well, sometimes even good men

have been known to commit m*rder.

Steele: Mio!

I'm so glad I could catch up with you.

I'm flattered.

You were so helpful today.

I just wanted to make
sure you were thanked.

It is not necessary.

I like to help.

I'm so glad.

So then she tells me to
go home, to her house.

Like I'm not a real person,
I can just be dismissed.

I'm sorry, but I find her very insensitive.

So then the sergeant

is not what you would
call a... a people person?

Definitely not.

But you are, though.

You know the way you're
always helping your neighbors

coming to their aid.

I think you make too much of me.


People wouldn't confide in you

if they didn't believe you care.

Like Mr. Wojinek.

I'm sure he said more to you

than he said to the police.

I like to help people, too.

You are rich, no?

You can make donations

give people money?

I'd like to do more than that.

I'd like to help someone
personally, make a difference.

Perhaps you know someone I can help.

Hey, Juliette, it's Bobby.

Let's go out some time.

Hey, Juliette, it's your sister.

Give me a call.

Hey, Juliette, this is
Jack, from the agency...

Wait till I tell you what I found out.

Juliette, did you forget
what I said at the office?

I needed for you to meet me back here.

I told you I had something
to talk to you about.

Why are you acting like this?

I thought we were friends.

You're the only one acting here.

You're acting like you
know what you're doing

what you think a cop is.

Tom seems to think I'm doing a good job.

Well, Tom is more diplomatic than I am.

Oh, I see.

Look, I know it's difficult
having someone like me around.

Excuse me?

A little tinge of jealousy is quite normal.


It would explain why

you're treating me like this.

Oh, I talked to mio.

He's friends with Tomas

but he found out...

Wait a minute, you talked to mio?

I have every right to
speak to whomever I wish.

No, Juliette, you don't have
any right to talk about this case.

Not with mio, the national
enquirer, with anybody.

We'll have to agree
to disagree on that one.

Juliette, it's a confidentiality issue.

Oh, it's an issue, all
right... you're a control freak.

You know, I think that you might
be more comfortable at a hotel.

Well, if you're going to act like this

I think I just might be.

Fine, then it's settled.


Just a minute.

Just a minute, just a
minute, just a minute.


All right! Geez.

Harry, this better not be you.

What are you... what time is it?

It's : .

Are you nuts?

Get dressed, Tom.

I've got a hot lead.


Come on.

Do you mind?

Good of you to call.

Very last minute.

Had to wake a judge to get the warrant.

How'd you find out about this?

I can't reveal my sources.

No, it's reporters

who can't reveal their sources.

Uniforms have been over this
place with a fine-toothed comb.

I told you, it's in the freezer.


Peas, more peas.


Hey, hey, careful.

Haven't you ever defrosted a freezer?

Frost-free freezer, cass.

Obviously you haven't either.


Just have a seat here.

What'd you say to him?

I explained to him

that it's in his best
interest to cooperate.

To get this over with.

He will sign your confession now.

It's a match.


Cassy: How convenient.

He confessed.

What do you want me
to do, talk him out of it?

Look, is this about wojinek,
or is this about Juliette?

Thanks for the vote of confidence.

He had a motive, no alibi

and the m*rder w*apon was in the fridge.

Did wojinek confess to the D.A.?

Alexander was present.

But did he do it in English?

He doesn't have to until
after the arraignment.

He signed the piece of
paper, he knows what it said.

Right. I'll make you a deal.

You indulge me on one more thing.

If I'm wrong, I'll go along
with whatever you say.

And if you're right?

You don't want to know.

Man: It's all right here.

There you go.

Wojinek, Tomas.

Out of here of last Monday.

And when did the boat come back in?

High noon Wednesday.

Tom: You sure he was on the boat?

I mean, you just check the vessel, right?


But I remember Tomas, though.

He was definitely at the helm.

You going to say I told you so?

Check and mate.

Thank you.

How was I supposed to know?

You weren't.

That's why we have the badges.

Wojinek was a perfect patsy.

He threatened the doctor, he had a motive.

Somebody set him up.

Yeah, looks that way.

Mio told you about the g*n, didn't he?

That's what you were
trying to tell me last night.

Maybe if you'd listened

you guys wouldn't be in this situation.

I think I would have done

exactly what Tom did.

It was mio, wasn't it?

It was mio.

I thought he trusted me.

I don't think so, Juliette.

Truth is, you've been played.

Mio vilovic has a record.

Two arrests.

No wonder he's the neighborhood hero.

No wonder they're protecting them.

Accessory after the
fact is a lot better bet

than deportation.

Should have known.

You know, where he comes from

prosecuting attorneys
are rarely the good guys.

Oh, you got that right.

Hey, remember what the pharmacist told us

about simonovic's immigration problems?

He said it was a rumor.

Yeah, well, what if
simonovic was in trouble?

Okay, I'll bite.

What if he was?

And who would go after him?

The I.N.S., I guess.

And who else might
want to talk to the I.N.S.?

The guy who boosted
fraudulent documentation.

So all paths lead back to mio.

So simonovic knew about

vilovic's green card business.

Known about it?

It's probably the only
way he got into the country.

So he offers vilovic up as a trade...

That's got to be the connection.

Let's call the feds.

Man: Backlog, sergeant;

we're understaffed.

Don't you read the papers?

Cassy: My heart bleeds for you.

Would a warrant help?

That won't be necessary.

What is it you're looking for?

Simonovic, Franco.

He immigrated from Sarajevo in .

And anything having
to do with a mio vilovic.

We've got thousands
of yugoslavian refugees.

Most of them are in the
states on asylum visas.

This isn't going to be easy.

Yeah, I knew you were going to say that.

Dr. Franco simonovic?

That's the one.

Yeah, he came to us two months ago.

Claimed he was practicing
medicine on a forged license.

Offered to give us the forger.

Was it mio vilovic?

Simonovic wants to make a deal for himself

before he gives the name.

Doesn't want to be deported.

We'll get to it eventually.

Yeah, well it's too late.

The good doctor's dead.

You're right.

Simonovic was gearing up
to shop vilovic to the I.N.S..

Motive enough for me.


I can't believe I just played

right into his hands.

I helped frame that poor man.

God, I was naive.


You tried, you know...

You didn't know.

I guess I've done enough damage, huh?

You know, we should
probably wrap this up alone.

I'm sorry.

I don't know what I was thinking.

No hard feelings?

Of course not.

Good luck.

You think we were hard on her?

Call it tough love.

Let's go get the bad guy.


Oh, why do they always do that?

Freeze! Freeze, freeze!

Turn around.

Mio vilovic, you're under arrest

for the m*rder of...

You okay?

Yeah, I feel great.

I think that realigned my back.

This time we know there's a body.


We're too late.

No, no, we're okay, we're okay.

You should have run the red light.

Next time, we'll get a helicopter.

You got the tickets?

Yes, and you owe me $ . .

Okay, I'll buy the popcorn.

Woman: Ow!


Watch it.

Where's the napkins?



With popcorn?

What do you think sleeves are for?

This has got butter on it.

Cassy, you got to have butter.

It's too dry otherwise.

Shh, shh, it's starting.

Juliette: You just don't get it, Lance.

When I go out on that
street, I get one chance.

I blow it, I die.

Being a cop's not just
a day job, it's who I am.

Both: I said that.


No, it was me, I know I said it.

Please, cassy, I remember saying that.

Well, so do I.

Woman: Shh.


It was me.

Was not.

Was so.

Was not.

Was, was infinity.


You shush!

I remember saying it to her.

Was too.

Was not.
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