05x06 - Tricks of the Trade

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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05x06 - Tricks of the Trade

Post by bunniefuu »

( Crickets chirping )

( People chuckling )

I enjoyed that.

Nothing like an evening
at the ballet

to get your hormones going.

big sister?

That's right,
little sister.

At least it wasn't
the opera.

That really
puts me to sleep.

Oh, Kyle--
and you seemed
so cultivated.

That's me--
one big cultivated guy.


( Chuckling )

Can I ask
a stupid question?

Of course, Michael.

Wouldn't be
the first time.

You're beautiful,
you're rich.

You could have your pick
of any of the men in palm beach.

So... why do you pay us?

( Woman chuckles )

We're not looking
to wind up

in somebody else's
trophy case.

This only costs us money.

Plus, we're
the sensitive types.

We like...

Well, you know
what we like.

You, uh... you going
to report to skip?

I thought
maybe we'd split it.

Angela has rules
about that.

I know, I know,
but what's a little tip?

You done it before?


Do I look like a thief?

Matthew's like a son to me.

I want him to have some fun.

Don't you think
he would like to spend

a little more time
with you and Fran?

No, he doesn't want to watch me
shuffle baseball cards.

Come on, the kid
wants night life.

He wants restaurants,

the meaningless, mindless side
of life that you know about.

Thank you, captain.

Yeah, look, I know the kid
since he's five years old.

I coached him in his
first little league game.

I know he's real important
to you...

Good, then go to dinner
with him.

Make small talk.

Show him the sights.


Why don't you ask
that new detective?

You know, the one in vice.

What's her name? Uh...

Please, please, Lance.

The woman has more
facial hair than I do.


Look, I'll think
about it, okay?

Yes! Yeah, good.

As long as you think yes.

Can I have half? Thanks.

The cap has been trailing you
all morning. What's up?

You know that time

he fixed you up
with his niece?

The teenager
from hell, yeah.

Yeah. He has a godson.

Oh. No.
No, no, trust me, Sam.

No matter what he says,
don't do it.

How am I gonna say no
to the captain?

It's simple.
"No" is a very small word.

Two letters: N-o.

( Phone ringing )

Easy for you to say.

Yeah, Sergeant Lance.

Hello, Fran. Um...

( Chuckles )

Yes, he's told me
all about Matthew.

I, uh... look, I don't...
I, I'm not, I'm not sure.

Ten more.

Come on, Angela,
give me a break.

I was up late
last night working.

Oh, it's a tough job,
isn't it, Kyle?

I wonder if anyone else
would suffer through it.

Ten more laps.

Clients like it hard.

Hard's never been a problem.

You called?

Now this...

Is a hard body.

What's up, Kyle?

What the hell
is going on?

Have you studied much history,

In ancient Babylonia, when
a thief was caught stealing,

they cut off his hand
as punishment.

You've been charging
my clients extra.

That's stealing.


You haven't been stealing
from me with your hand, love.

You know what I should cut off!

Look, I got a couple hundred
bucks in my wallet.

( Chuckles ):
Two hundred?

Come on, let's get real, Kyle.

You could skim that in a night.

No, the figure I had in mind
was more like... , .

I don't have that kind of bread.

Well, you better find it.

Or I'll get angry... very angry.

Now get out!

What, you... you said yes?

Frannie has been bugging me
for two days

it's the only way
I could get her to stop.

What's this guy's name?

Matthew, and he's a vet.

I hope you don't get fleas.

Just for that,

you are going to type
the entire Lovett case.

I hear veterinarians

are into very heavy petting
on the first date.

Lovett and Skinner case.

Excuse me.

( Police radio chatter )

Stand back, people. Keep back.

Copy that.

We got us a floater.

Couple of kids found him.

Looks like whip marks.


Hands tied
behind the back.

Letters "S" and "M"
mean anything to you, Sam?

Yeah, unless he wasn't
enjoying himself.

Any I.D.?

All we found was this key
in his pocket.

Marina key.

That float keeps the
key from sinking.

must be the slip.

Thanks, Santos.

I don't get it-- there's
no sign of forced entry,

yet this guy's boat
is turned upside down.

Whoever it was,
they weren't looking for money.

Two phone lines,
a cell phone, and a beeper.

Possibly a drug dealer?

Could be.

Whatever it was,

he didn't want to be
out of touch for long.

And why would this guy
have a case of condoms?

I know you have to be
careful these days, but...

Maybe he was
working overtime.

What, a sexual assembly line?

Do me a favor, read me
the number off that beeper.

Uh... - .

Cool, thanks.


( Phone ringing )

Mr. Right.

Uh, I'm looking
for a Kyle Warner.

He's not here. Did you want
to make an appointment with him?

Uh, yeah, I do actually.

Uh, for what night?

Well, how about tonight?

Uh, let me see
if he's available.

Yes, he is available tonight.

How long would you need
to be escorted?


I'm sorry,
I didn't get your name.

It's, um, Fran...

And you know what?

I'm going to have
to call you back, all right?


Well, guess we just solved
the condom riddle.

Did you say escort?


No way, forget it.

Chris, it's
our only way in.

Read my lips, Rita: No.

No chance, forget it.

Women cops do it all the time.

Do I want to hear what
women cops do all the time?

Or is this not for
general consumption?

They go undercover as hookers
all the time.

Here it comes.

Another speech on
how demeaning it is

for women cops
to pose as hookers.

Heard it all
before, Lance.

At a meeting of the
bleeding hearts club.

Politically correct

I'm not a member
of that club, captain.

However, the point is, we
tracked our floater down

to a male escort service

run by a woman named
Angela Martin.

Vice knows all about her,

but they can't
make anything stick.

So I was just thinking...

So, she wants me to go
undercover as a male escort.

Can you
picture that?

Yeah, in perfect
focus. Do it.

No, wait a minute, captain.

Just make sure
you create

a very thorough
background for yourself.

if this Martin

is as smart
as vice says,

she's gonna nose
around plenty

before she gives
you the job.

And you keep a lid
on her stud's death.

No press, no


You got it, cap.

Is this decided?

It's done.

Go, Lorenzo.

Be a prost*tute, only...

Don't enjoy yourself
too much.

( Groaning )

Who is it?

How you doing?

It's the pool man.

How you doing?

You're not
the pool man.

Maybe not,
but I will be.

I got this package

yearly price
includes everything--

cleaning, parts,

You name it-- I fix
it all, one low figure.

Save the sales pitch.

The guy we got
speaks a language
we understand-- cheap.


I'll beat his price.

Who's here?

Some pool rat.

How you doing?

Can I help you with something?

I thought I could help you.

See, I service pools.

I'm the best
in the neighborhood.

You would be a fool
not to hire me.

Direct, but not bad.

I always enjoy discussing
a business proposition,

so, uh, why don't you
come sit by the pool

and see if you can try
and sell me?

Yeah, that'd be great.

Thanks, tough guy.

Got a beautiful place.

Too much chlorine.

See, these amateurs--

they come in, they'll
dump in gallons,

they don't come back
for a few weeks.


Well, if you were
to clean my pool,

how much would you charge?

$ a month.


Well, I'll do it cheaper.

Oh, never sell yourself cheap.

Who said I was selling myself?

Tell me something, mister...?

Lucas, Jack Lucas.

Mr. Lucas.

How much money do you make
cleaning pools?

Oh, about five grand a month.

I know handsome men your age
who make five grand a week.


How's that-- with a g*n?

In a manner of speaking.

So, tell me,
what'd you do

before you got
into the pool business?

( Groans )

You know, stocks, bonds.

Wall street investments.

That type of thing.


From stocks and bonds
to pool cleaning.

Sounds like a plunge to me.

What's with
all the questions, huh?

What are you, you a cop?



( Chuckling )



Do you need a new pool man?

You know, Jack,

this line of work doesn't really
seem to suit you.

Yeah, well...
I'm not married to it.

I see you in something
more glamorous.

Something in the, uh,
entertainment business?

Depends on the entertainment.

Oh, yeah?

Do you know
how to kiss a woman, Jack?

I've had some practice.

Prove it.

Right here,
right now?


( Moaning )


Your talents are definitely
going to waste.

Smile, Jack.

You and I are about
to make some serious money.

I can't find
Kyle anywhere.

It's like he's vanished
into thin air.

Funny how that happens
when you owe somebody grand.

I'm putting Jack Lucas
in his place.

Just like that?

You don't know
the first thing about him.

I've already
had him checked out.

He did time for securities fraud
in New York

and they got him
on pandering in
New Orleans.

Sounds like a first-class guy.

I'm not hiring him
for his character, Michael.

How much have you
had to drink?

Just this one.

Don't lie to me.

I can smell it on you
from here.

Any more drinking

and you're history.

Whatever you say.

So you're saying Kyle Warner
died of cerebral hemorrhage?

Was it caused by
blunt-force trauma?

It was?

You know what?

Actually, I'm going
to come by and see you

after this lunch date.


Well, no,

it's not really a date.

It's more of a favor.

Not a charity case, I hope.

Keshia, I'm going
to call you right back.

Got to go.


Uh, Matthew?

Wow, when I heard
the word detective,

I pictured someone who smoked
non-filter cigarettes

and smelled like
cheap bourbon.

Not you.

Well, actually, when I heard
veterinarian, I...

I know, someone who scratches
all the time, right?

Yeah, something like that.

Well, this calls for a toast.

Uh, waiter, champagne, please.

So, um, what are we
toasting to?

First impressions.

And second...

And third.


Can't wait to see you
in some of these things.

Yeah, you know,
I'm not too sure

about the skimpy
bathing suit.


You're not afraid of revealing
yourself, are you, Jack?

I'm just not into
bun huggers, you know?

Don't want
to embarrass myself.

Oh, I can't imagine
that happening.

Listen, um...

You want me to help
you slip into them?

What are you going
to slip into?

( Sighing )

How about nothing?

How about that?

( Phone ringing )

Oh, my private line.

Well, I guess
good things

come to those
who wait, huh?

I guess so.

I'll be back.


I'll be right here.


You know something?

This was really fun.
I'm glad we met.

Yeah, me, too.

You really, um...

Changed my mind
about blind dates.

I thought all good men
were either married or gay.

( Chuckles )

Rita, there's something
I have to tell you.

You aren't married, are you?

That would be the good news.


And I was already out
picking out the China pattern.

We can still be friends,
can't we?

Yes, of course.


You know, my godfather
talks about you all the time.


How smart

and generally wonderful you are

Well, I feel the same way
about Harry.

But don't tell him I said that.

I won't.

You know,
ever since I was a kid,

I've looked up to Harry.

And sometimes

it's hard to be honest with him.



Be myself around him.

Since he thinks
so highly of you,

I was hoping

you might help me
with something.

Wow, the cap's godson
is gay?

Yes, and smart and witty
and charming

and he wants me
to help him out.

Uh, out as in out?

Out as in out, yeah.


I don't even know how

I'm going to begin
that conversation.

Why don't you do it
through the mail?

You know, a brief note:

"Dear captain,
your godson is gay.

Best regards, Rita."

That's a big help.
Thank you so much.

Actually, you know,

I don't understand
what the big deal is.

If two people like each other
and they have lots in common,

then, you know,
they should be together.

I don't understand
what the problem is.

I think it's more than
just having lots in common.

I mean, look at me and you.

We have lots in common,

but, I mean, you know,
we're not together.

No, but that's different.


It just is.


It just... why?

Why, do you ever
think about...


No, never.


Well, maybe, you know,

Late at night,
early in the morning,

when my brain's not running
on all cylinders, I do.


What about you?

No, I think you're right.

I mean, I, I, uh...

I'm really glad that we're
just, you know, friends.

Yeah, good friends are
definitely hard to come by.

I have
a fortune cookie.

Hmm, let's see.



"Destiny is right
under your nose."

Does it really say that?


( People laughing,
rock music playing )

Hey, pool boy.

Michael, how you doing?

Let me have the towel.

Why don't you
just drip dry?

So, this is where I decide
whether I want to joke with you

or just smash in your face, huh?

You know what?

I'm just going
to walk away.

You let go of me

or I'm going to hurt you
very badly.

It's nice to see you two
are getting along so well.

Just doing
a little male bonding.

Well, good.

Listen, Jack, uh...
Sheri Weiss

has been watching you
like a dog eyeing a bone.


Could you set me up
with her?

In time, in time.

Come on, let me
introduce you to her.

Why don't you cool off

in the pool,

Oh, clumsy dork!

I apologize.

I wasn't looking
where I was going.

Well, are you
looking now?


In fact,
my eyes are frozen.


Why don't you stay here

and we'll see if we
can't thaw them out?

Be careful
with this one, Shannon.

He's brand new.

I wouldn't want you
to break him.

He doesn't look
fragile to me.

Don't let her scare you, Jack.

She's really just a little
mermaid in shark's clothing.

Run along, Angela.

Leave me
to my feeding frenzy.

( Machine humming )

Jack Lucas is a cop.

I know it
like I'm standing here.

What are you
talking about, Michael?


"The body of a man

"in his mid- s
was found off
the west palm pier

"two days ago.

"Authorities described
the man as Caucasian,

"five foot ten,

No other details
were released."


So? So it's Kyle.

And the guy who's here
to take his place

knows all about it.

Whoa, wait a minute.

You just did that
at warp speed.

Come on, this guy shows up
right when Kyle disappears.

Awfully coincidental.

He's a cop.

I can smell them a mile away.

Hey, you want
to see me?


Michael thinks you're a cop.


Michael's wrong.


Take it.

If you say so.

This won't take long.


Through the head.


Prove to me
you're not a cop.

Are you nuts?

Do it.

Angela, this
is crazy.

Oh, I don't know.
It seems kind of poetic to me.

After all,

You are the one who accused him
of being a cop.


( Clicking )

Was a mistake, Michael.

Please, please.

I'm sorry.

What do you
want from me?

I want you to die
like a man.

( Clicking )


You passed
the test.

What a disappointment.

You b*tch!

You were

You'd like it better
if I weren't?

She's got a point
there, Mikey.

Now get out and don't come back.

What did I do

besides look out
for you?

You bore me, Michael.

You're getting sloppy.

You drink too much

and your ego's bigger
than your attributes.

I'm warning you,

push too hard,
and I'll push you back.

You come
on pretty strong

for somebody who was just
pleading for his life.

You got a real
mean streak, Jack.



You know, I would have
k*lled that insect

just for
the fun of it.

But I'm not
your hired g*n

and I'm not
your boy toy.

If those are
job requirements...

I'm out of here.

You're so bad, Jack.

Yeah, if we both
remember that,

we'll get along

How'd you know
it wasn't loaded?

It was a standard
. special.

I cut my baby
teeth on that g*n.

If you look at it
from the side,

you can see the cartridges
inside the cylinder.

Very good.

What if she handed you
a semi-a*t*matic?

I don't know.

Probably would have
shot him.

No, I, I can't hold...

So tell me.

How is it coming

on the operation
Matthew front?

I feel so caught
in the middle,

I don't even want
to talk about it.

Longer you wait,
the harder it gets.

Uh-huh, is that what
you told Angela?

You're so funny...

Thank you.

You're up.

Chris, don't...


Cap, hi.

Do you like kugel?

I'd have to know
what it is first.

Jewish lasagna,
only more fattening.

Matthew's favorite.

Frannie is cooking up
a big batch on Friday night

and she wants you to come over.


Could I get back to you on that,

Absolutely not.

Frannie will not take "no"
for an answer.

That's it,
you're coming.

Besides, you have
no personal life.

Well, if I did have
a personal life,

it would be on Friday.


Um, : ,
be hungry.



( Sighs )

: sounds great.

Frannie'll be very pleased.


No luck yet, huh?


Uh, look at this.

DMV report on the car

that Shannon lord drove
to Angela's pool party.


Shannon St. John,
Seabury drive...

Wait a minute.

St. John?

of state senator

Avery St. John.


Shannon, don't I always
take care of you?

You want Jack, he's yours.
: ?

Fine, he'll be there.

Um, listen, sweetheart

I've got to go.

Give a kiss to Laura
for me, will you?

Uh-huh. Ciao.

Come here.

You know I had to put
Jack to the test.

I'm sorry it was
at your expense.

So I'm back on?

Oh, not quite.

You've been screwing
up, Michael.

I'm not going to stand
for it anymore.

You want to come back?

You clean up your act

and you do
what I tell you.

Those are
the ground rules.

Take it or leave it.

Anything else?

Oh, yeah.

Something I want you
to do for me.

Name it.

That's a good answer.

But first...

( Sighs )

You've been
a very bad boy, Michael.

: , right?

Right on time.

Angela said
something about...

Taking you and your
sister to a party.

Well, there are parties
and there are parties.

Come on in.


Uh, no.

It's not one
of my vices.

Well, I'm sure
we'll find one.


Nice place.

Thank you.

Look at this.

This your family?

That's me and Laura
when we were little.

That's daddy then...

And now.

Your father's a
state senator, huh?

That's right.

You ask too many questions.

Well, you know...
I'm a big fan.

I voted for him.


Well, we'll try not
to hold that against you.

There's other things
we can hold against you.

Curtain time.

( Knocking at door )

Police, open the door.

It sounds like
your basic raid.

Put that on,
go downstairs.

Don't volunteer

any information.

Are you crazy?

Open the door.

They can't
prove anything, Laura.

We haven't even done anything.

Open the door.

You Shannon
St. John?

That's right.

Sergeant Lance,
palm beach police.

What is this about?

I'll give you a hint.

It's not trivial pursuit.

Hey, no, you can't
come in here like this.

You ever hear
of the fourth amendment?

I'm investigating
the m*rder of Kyle Warner.

Kyle who?


He's a male prost*tute
employed by Angela Martin.

And according
to his calendar,

Shannon here was his last date.

So why don't we drop
the stupid act?

Shall we?


What happened?

He was injected with heroin

and dumped in the ocean.

But, actually, you know,
what I'm more interested in is

what were you doing
the other night

when he left here?

I took a shower.

Went to bed.

And I bet you were alone, too,
weren't you?


I was with
my sister.

Of course you were.

Listen, tell me something.

What is this going to do to
your father's political career

once this hits the media, huh?

That's enough.

Don't answer any more questions.

If you have anything else
that you would like to ask them,

you consult their attorney.

Who the hell are you?

I'm Jack.

From, uh... from Minnesota.

Jack from Minnesota?


So, what, you one
of Angela's boys?

You, uh, taking
Kyle's place?

You should be careful.

Could be hazardous
to your health.

Thank you very much
for the information.

Don't come back
without a search warrant.

Oh, I'll be back.

Don't let the door
hit you in the butt.

( Door closes )

Hey, you okay?

Don't worry
about anything.

It's all right.

We were here
and that's that.

It's not that.

It's Kyle.

He was so sweet.

Who would do
a thing like that?

That's what
I want to know.

Do you think Angela had
anything to do with this?

I mean, did Kyle
say anything

that might
tip you off?

What difference
does it make to you?

Hey, I'm trying to look out
for number one here.


I think we better
call this party off.

No, hold on...


Get out of here.

Ciao, baby.


What are you doing here?

None of your
damn business.

I think it is.

You're out of a job,
my friend,

that means that you
steer clear of the ladies.

I'm back on the roster,

so stay the hell
out of my way.

You didn't answer my question:

What are you
doing here?

I need to talk
to Shannon and Laura.

You got a problem
with that?

And if I do?

We'll just have
to nip it in the bud.


( Grunting )

( Both grunting )

You give whipping boys
a bad name.

Son of a b*tch.

You're going down!

You stay clear, Michael.

( Engine starts )

You stay clear.


Pretty nice grouping
for a civilian.

Well, my godfather
is a police captain.

Is he really?

It's your turn.

No, are you kidding?

I'm not even going
to try and top that.


Hey... Matthew,

listen, I, um...

You haven't told him.


And I would like
to help you,

I really would.

But I just, uh...

I think if you don't
face this thing head on,

then you'll always feel
less than you are.


Every time I get close
to telling him,

i-i-i just get...


I've always been sort of
in awe of him, you know?

Yeah, well, he's just a man.

I mean, he's a good man.

I just think, you know,
if you can accept who you are,

then I know he'll understand.

But if you don't...

I don't know what I can say
to make it any better.


Hey, watch it.

Hey, cap,
have you seen Rita?

Yeah, she's off
playing with Matthew.

What a great kid.

I am so thrilled they're hitting
it off so good together.

Frannie's bursting
at the seams.

Ah, that woman is
a natural-born matchmaker.

Life is just full
of surprises.

Hi, guys.

Hey, Sam.

How's it going
with Matthew?


Uh, great.

We just, uh, just
got off the firing range.

He's a real sharpsh**ter.

Well, why not?

I taught him
everything he knows.

Well, maybe
not everything.

Uh, if I can
tear you away

from your
social schedule,

I got a detail
for you.

Uh, not another
guest spot

on lifestyles of the rich
and sexually risque?

No, no, it's time
for Rita Lee Lance

of palm beach homicide

to go and rattle
Michael Morris's cage.


So we got a couple
of defensive wounds

in both hands.

Spite sh*ts to the knees.

I'd say our victim
crawled across the
floor over here

and got the coup de grace
in the back of the head.

We got a k*ller
with a serious ax to grind.

Or just a plain old sadist.

You check out those whip marks?


The same ones I saw before.

I'd say our boy's
into some wild games, huh?

I don't know, Sam,
those look pretty vicious.

More punitive than playful.

Yeah, I'm not sure I know
the difference-- sick is sick.

So we got
a . caliber

-grain snub nose.


Basic wad cutter.

Crude but effective.

Ross, take
this for me.

Sure thing.

So we got a sh**t
with a bad attitude

and horrible taste
in firearms.


Guys, you can wrap
him for shipping.

The k*ller was trying

to make this look
like a robbery.

I'd say he was doing
a lousy job.

No forced entry.

The entire place
is ransacked.

$ , cash still
in the nightstand.

Nah, he was looking
for something

and it wasn't cash.

So whoever it was
probably knew the k*ller.

They were trying
to make him suffer.

Sam, check this out.

Steve, come here.

Get a photograph
of this.

What do you know?

Borrow your pen?



The old drop
and walk, huh?

Mm-hmm. No, it's more than
that-- I know this g*n.

It's probably got
my fingerprints on it.

It belongs
to Angela Martin.


Jack, you startled me.

You know what?

Actually, it's not Jack,
it's Chris.

Lorenzo, sergeant.

Palm beach police.

My partner,
Sergeant Lance.

Good afternoon.

So Michael was right.

And to what do I owe
this invasion of my privacy?

You're under arrest.

Well, in that case,

I'm entitled to make
a phone call.

Yep, as soon as we book you,

you can make just as many
phone calls as you like.

Is this really necessary?

I mean, my lawyer
will have me out

before you can say "pandering."

We're not vice.

We're homicide.

And who is it I'm supposed
to have k*lled?

Kyle Warner, Michael Morris.

Any of those names
ring a bell for you?

Is this some kind of angle?

Nope, just a line
from dot to dot.

Where have you been
for the last few hours, Angela?

Right here.

Anyone see you,
you make any phone calls?

I've been spending a quiet
afternoon at home up till now.

Yeah? A couple of your boys
end up dead

within a couple of days
of each other.

One was full of b*ll*ts
out of your g*n,

which we just found.

I have one g*n, sergeant.

It's in my desk.

Lead the way.

Yeah, you know,
I'll take it from here.

Over here?

Top drawer.

( Imitates buzzer )


You're under arrest.

Hey, wait a minute.

I'm going to k*ll two
of my best meal tickets

and then leave
my g*n behind?

Do you really think
I'm that stupid?

Probably not,
but the evidence
says otherwise.

Look, Laura
was here earlier.

We talked in my office.

She must have
taken my g*n.

Really? Why would she do that?

I don't know.

You have the right
to remain silent.

Anything you say...

You guys don't want
me, and you know it.

I help you...

You help me.

Guess it all depends
on what you give us.

All right,
I'll show you.

What do we
have here?


Yeah, Laura was always paranoid

about the press.

What they'd do
to her father S always paranoid

if they found out
about her little... appetites.

She'd do anything
to protect him.

So Kyle and Michael
put the screws to her.

But they got worse
than they gave.

How'd you get these?

I took them,
but that's all I did.

The boys did the rest.

Michael had the originals
at his place.

That's why the k*ller
tore his place apart.


I got one question for you.

How'd your g*n end up
at the m*rder scene?

Laura came by here earlier

and tried to get me to call off
our little squeeze play.

That's when
she must have taken my g*n.

Read her her rights.

You have the right...

Wait. I thought
we had a deal!

Yeah, we do... with the people
of the state of Florida.

We'll drop you off

at the women's
correctional facility.

If your story holds up,

we'll talk
to the county attorney.

Anything you say

can and will be held against you
in a court of law...

I don't believe it.

Why didn't you
just pay them, Laura?

They would have
kept coming back.

Don't you see?


I had to make them go away.

For you.

And me.

And daddy.

Don't you realize
what you've done?

It's all your fault, Shannon.


You're the one
in the photos.

You're the one that put us you
in the position to be hurt.

It was you.

You need help, Laura.

We're going to get you
all the help you need.

The best doctors,

the best lawyers.

You're not going
to go through this alone.

I got to call daddy.

( Dialing phone )

Sorry, that's just not the way
it's going to be.

senator St. John's office.

Um, sorry, wrong number.

Sleep, little sister.

That's good.

You're safe now.

Nobody's going
to hurt you anymore.

Nobody is going to know
the bad little girl you've been.

Daddy won't find out.

He won't be mad.

Punish you
for ruining everything.

You stupid little b*tch.

( Knocking at door )

Police, open up!

Go away, leave us alone.


Laura, stand up,
turn around slowly.

Keep your hands
where we can see them.

Do it now.


Slow and thready.

Yeah, same here.
Call .

( Dialing phone )

Yeah, this is
Sergeant Lorenzo,

palm beach homicide.

We need paramedics, code ,
at Seabury drive.

We have two victims,
both females.

head injuries.

narcotics overdose.

Standing by.

I'll tell him, George.

Okay, bye-bye.

Hello, Rita.

Well, hello there.

Your pimpess has
been shut down.

Donovan's charging
her with pandering

and accessory to m*rder.

And I was just getting
into that job, too.

The hospital called.

Both girls
will be a-okay.

Well, I guess a jury will
make that decision, huh?

Have you talked to the cap
about Matthew yet?


I was actually kind
of putting that off.

Well, you just got
to get in there,

take a deep breath
and do it.

Go, go.

I'm going, I'm going.

Like the wind.

Cap, you got a second?


I've been wanting
to talk to you.

So talk.

Well, um, I'm really glad

you fixed me up with Matthew.

I mean, I think

a great guy...

But you don't date gay men.

He told you?


And, um, how do you
feel about that?

What's to feel?

This is not a big deal.

If he's happy, I'm happy.

You know,
you may think of me

as an old-fashioned
by-the-numbers kind of a guy,

who can't stand
anything different...

No, not really.

Well, you should, because I am.

But not when it comes
to something like this.

You know what makes me
real proud of him?


That he was man enough
to tell me straight to my face.

That must have been hard.

He's really lucky
to have you, captain.


We're both lucky.

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