01x03 - Episode 3

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Top Boy". Aired: 31 October 2011 – 10 September 2013.*
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Series is set on the fictional Summerhouse estate in the London Borough of Hackney and focuses on two drug dealers, Dushane and Sully, along with others involved with drug dealing and g*ng v*olence in London.
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01x03 - Episode 3

Post by bunniefuu »

- We have lost our way.
- Amen.

But Jesus will save us. Amen!

Jesus will save us! Amen!

Jesus will save us!
Jesus will save us!

We must forgive every man,
woman and child.

We will forgive. Amen!

Amen. Amen!

Hallelujah. Hallelujah.

See, I told you it wasn't
gonna be that bad, didn't I'?

You know my son, Dushane?

What you doin' here?
What you doin' here?

I ain't seen you
in, like, three days.

You OK'? Yeah.

Look, you know we knew this was
gonna happen sooner or later, innit'?

Yeah, I woulda preferred it
to be later though, bruv,

and I woulda preferred it to be someone
that f*cking deserved it.

Those aren't good thoughts to be
having right now, Shane.

Trust me, the best thing we can
both do is just block it out.

You tell anyone?

You think I'm mad?

Look, as long as only
me and you know what went down...

then we're cool.

Well, keep it that way, innit'?

You alright, Mrs Hill'?

Wanna lift?
No, thanks, we'll walk.

You sure?

Later on.

There's something about that boy.

What's wrong with him?

It was alright. It was alright.
Good, good.

I told you you'd like it.
Some nice girls in there.


What a waste of life.

Mrs Campbell is
my church sister, you know.

She'll never see her son again.

I'll buy some flowers
and bring them down tomorrow.

Listen, I'll be up
in a minute, yeah, Mum?

Go on. I'm coming.

That must be your mum.
Looks like a nice lady.

I thought you'd have
been in touch with me by now.

I'm dealing with it, innit'?
I'm gonna get your money.

I ain't in the habit
of chasing my own debts.

That's Lee's job. Now look at
the f*cking state of him.

Yeah, well, he deserved that.

What happened to your brother,
that was down to me.

Now, when I get my money,

you're gonna have to come up with
a way to make this right by Lee

'cause he ain't gonna f*cking
swallow this and neither am I!


Right, who wants some gym time?




I'll go. Good.

There's room for more.

OK. Come on.

This is it.
I just need 20 grand for the deposit.

Do you like it?
What do you think?

Where are the shops?
Where are the shops?

It's nice to be away from the shops
and people and all that.

It's boring. Shut up.

Needs decorating, of course.

I'll decorate it for you.
You're on.

I don't think I've got enough
for that deposit.

You could ask more for the crop.

I'm selling wholesale to the Vietnamese.
You know what that means.

Lower price?
Quite a good bit lower.

You should sell to somebody else.
I know the olders on the estate.

No, no, no.

You haven't told anyone, have ya'?

I swear.

That's the way
you get caught, that is.

It's safer to sell to the Vietnamese.

But then you don't get the flat.

Well, if it's not meant to be,
it's not meant to be, is it?

Just getting bare missed calls,
you know.

Snack's poppin', bruv. No food.

At this rate, it's
a job centre thing, bruv.

Settle down. You think I'm joking?

I ain't goin' to
no f*cking job centre, bruv.

Yo. Wha gwan'?

Yo, Shane, did you hear about Shaun'?
That was some messed up shit, bruv.

Yeah. What happened
to Shaun was dark.

Shaun wasn't even a road man,
like, he was innocent.

It's bad luck on him, bruv.

Either way, it gives us
an opportunity, ya get me?

Shaun is Kamale's cousin, innit'?

He might be careful,

but he ain't gonna disrespect
his family, you get me?

Kamale's gotta show.

I reckon either at the shrine
or at the aunties yard.

Alright? And when he shows
that's when we make our move, innit'?

Alright, you two,
you go down the shrine.

What? Go to the shrine.

Keep a lookout. Anyone comes,
you make sure you call one of us.

- f*cking hurry up.
- Find a good spot, bruv.

Where no-one can see you lot.

What you sayin"? Wha gwan.
Wha gwan.

Hey! Where you lot goin'?

Nah, you've got the day off.

I want you to do me a favour.
Go down to London Fields for me.

That's E8. That ain't my gates.

Bruv, shut up, man.
Don't worry about that.

Just go down there,
keep your eye out.

You see Kamale, Ninja, bell me.
Straightaway, yeah?

Here, take that.

- Make sure you bell me, you know.
- Yeah.

- Don't leave till you see him.
- Safe.

Yo, you know I got a ting that lives
opposite Shaun's mumsie's yard.

Yeah? Yeah?

Right, you go and check
there, then, innit'?

Alright. Cool.

He's going to f*ck that.
I know he is.

Come, Sully, come.

Bruv, I'm telling you now,
if man don't deal with Kamale,

Raikes is coming after man,
as simple as that.

Hear that, still. But, yo, there's
that other ting. The snake.

Bruv, we ain't got time for that now!

Blud, we can't put this off
no more, you know.

If it weren't for that snake,

f*cking house wouldn't have got
licked down in the first place.

Man wouldn't even be
in this mess right now!

You know someone's talking, man.
It's that Gem kid.

Listen, you're going on like you want it
to be him or something, bruv.

I'm sayin' I don't think it's him.
Just f*cking leave him, man!


What are you sayin"? What?

Blud, why you giving me orders?
I ain't giving no orders.

You just said leave him, no?

Like, that sounded like
an order, fam.

Like, why you giving me orders?
Bruv, I ain't givin' you no orders.

I just said we ain't got no time
for this shit, bruv.

You know what?

You go down the school here, tell
that kid I wanna talk to him, yeah?

Hold it.

Fam, what's up wid you?

I ain't tryin' to make a big issue
out of this or nothin',

I'm just sayin', like,
I don't think it's him.

Well, we're just gonna have to disagree
on this one.

Whatever, man.

Just need to collect
as many pictures as possible

for your subject,
and just bring them in.


What ya sayin"? What you up to?
Nothin'. It's school, innit'?

Come, man, come chill with us.
Bring your dog, come do some tricks.

I can't, my dad will go mad
if he finds I'm not at school.

Bruv, f*ck your dad, man,
f*ck school.

Come, we go. Come, man.
I gotta go. See you after, innit'?

Oi! Hear what I'm saying to you?
Sully wants to chat to you.

Miss, look, I think
Gem's in trouble.

Stay here. Get some help.

What are you doing? Leave him alone.
f*ck off.

Gem, get inside.

I'll call the police.
f*ck off. f*ck off, you stupid b*tch.


p*ssy, man.

Are you alright, Miss?
You OK'? Up you get.

Come on. Come inside.
Let's get you cleaned up.

Hey, Gem! Stop f*cking running.
I ain't gonna hurt you, bruv.

Dog boy! When I catch you,
I'm gonna f*ck you up!

What's happened?

Some boy come for Gem
and punched Miss in the face.

What'?! Come on, you two.

Stop chatting and get to class.
Move on. Go on.

You lot, clear the corridor
and get to class.

What's he done? I don't know.

Where is he now'?
He run out of school.


Oi! You're pissing me off!

Where the f*ck are you?!

Let's have a look.


Oi, Gem!

What do you want?
f*ck you, man.

f*ck off! f*ck you, p*ssy.

Go on, f*ck off!

Dickhead. f*ck off!

You can f*ck off too.

Tareek says it was them Muslim boys
from Whitechapel that done Shaun.

Or it might've been
the Tottenham mob.

It weren't no Tottenham Mob.
It was Dushane.

Dushane done Shaun'? Yeah, man.

Dushane's done, like,
loads of hits, bruv.

How many hits has he done?
Like, 20, 37.

Gets a k*ll every time
and the feds never catch him

'cause he's too smart
for them, innit'?

Him and Sully come my house
the night it happened.

What for'? To keep the straps.

What straps?
The ones they blew Shaun away with.

But the news didn't say nothing
about Shaun gettin' blown away.

That's because the news
don't know nothin'.

They shot him.

Thank you.

Yeah? Yo, cuz.

My man got away, you know, blud.

What do you mean he got away?
He's a fast runner, you know, blud!

Listen, listen, Dris,
I don't want to hear the excuses.

Look, just... you find him,
and when you do, bell me, yeah?

Alright, cool.

Keep sending him texts,
but he ain't replying.

Try him again.

It's going straight to voice-mail.

Nat, who is it?

It's no-one, honey.

It's me, bruv.

That's alright. Let him in.
Thank you.

Alright, then.

So, go on, what is it?

Well, you're the one
going through it.

Listen, man,
I'm your older brother.

I can read you like a book, remember?

I just came to check you, innit'?

Just make sure
you're alright and that.

I haven't seen you since it happened.

Look, Shane, you've gotta
get yourself out of this, man.

I will.

When I've made enough money.

You know what? You're gonna be dead
before you've made enough.

It ain't right
you making money that way.

Chris, what's wrong with you?

You ain't never smoked no weed?

You ain't ever done a line of coke?

Where do you think
all that comes from?

I'm trying to make it right, here.

You're not gonna
make it right, are you?

I mean, look at me!


You're my brother and I love you, OK'?
I always will.

I can't let you step foot
in this house again, man.

I'm sorry.

I didn't know about what happened
with you and your dad.

Don't tell no-one.

I wouldn't tell anyone anything
you didn't want me to, Ra'Nell.

He used to beat my mum.

That time when he had her
in the kitchen by her throat,

I picked up a knife.

Don't remember what happened,
but I know I stabbed him.

I won't tell anyone.

You've made really good progress, Lisa.
We're very pleased with you.

So what we have to discuss now

is putting together a package
of support to enable you to go home.

Home? -


That's good news.

You'll still see me as
an outpatient once a week.

We'll discuss any problems,
any anxieties.

But the important thing
is to keep taking the medication.

I will.
Don't be tempted to stop.

We'll aim to reduce the dose
very, very gradually,

when the time's right.


We think you're ready.

I'm really very sorry.


There's a load of people
outside the house.

Lot of people coming in and out.

But Kamale ain't one of them so far.

So you're saying, what,
you can't see Dwight or Ninja?

What, none of Kamale's boys?

No, none of them showed up neither.

Alright, fam. Just keep watching.

He has to turn up
sooner or later, innit?

Alright, cool.

Boy, put the phone down
and come grind the garlic!

Alright, Mum. I'm coming.

You're on this phone,
phone, phone every minute.

Just come to see my girl, isn't it?

Where is she?


You right, Tash'?

What you doing?
Who you on the phone to?

Off the phone - Daddy's here!

I got this. Good to see you.

What you got, a chip? Yeah.

Can I have it? On the mat.

What are you doing, just playing?

I can see the chip.
You want coffee?

Er, you got something cold?

I've got a present
for you, you know.

I've got a teddy bear for you! Look!

Do you like it? Yeah.


Give it a kiss.

Now give Daddy a kiss. Mwah!

You're the most beautiful girl
in Hackney, you know.


Marnie, no! Wake up! Marnie!


Wake up.

Wake up!

Are you gonna stick around
the rest of the day?

Yeah. Yeah. Good.

Shall I put a movie on for Tash'?

What, now'? Yeah.

Look. Cat. Alright.


Tash'? You wanna watch cartoons?

Yeah? That feed them.

Can't feed no nuts.
Let's see what's on.

Are you gonna watch cartoons?

Hey, man, I'm hungry.

I've got some food in my bag.


Do you think the boy got him?
I don't know.

What are you gonna do?
Go back to the flats, I suppose.

Maybe Gem'll creep in later.

Do you wanna
come and wait with me?

What, at yours?
No, I'll take you somewhere else.

Yeah, OK.

Where are we going'?
You'll see.

I wouldn't like to live on my own.

Neither would I. But hopefully
my mum comes home soon.

Do you come up here a lot?
Yeah. I like it up here.

I come here to think.

Got something to show you.

What are you thinking?
I don't know.


Do you wanna go out with me?

Do you wanna go out with me?

OK, then.


Yo, Chantelle. Yo.

There's some boys there, yeah,

and they're putting down
flowers and that.

Is it Kamale, yeah?

Chantelle, come on, man -
is it him or not?!

I can't tell, innit, they've got their
full hoodies up!

What do you mean
they all got hoodies on?

Look good, yeah. Is it him or not?

I don't know!

Nah. Nah, it ain't him.

It ain't Kamale.

Well, are you sure?
Definite, bruv.

Ain't none of his boys, neither.

How long we gotta
stay out here, bruv?

Wait there till you see him, yeah?

You know, Dushane says you've
gotta act like my boyfriend,

so people don't get suspecting us.

Are you taking the piss?

Bruv, come on, you know
how to act like a boyfriend to me!

f*ck off, man. See, that's it!

Acting like my boyfriend already.

Probably wanna bocat
me next, innit'?

In your dreams. Dickhead.

His dad said
he ain't been home all day.

We should call the police.

I think I know where he is.

Oi! Where's your bredrin, fam'?
I ain't seen him.

What do you mean,
you ain't f*ckin' seen him?

Prick had me running for time.

Have you seen him?
She don't know him.

How can she not f*cking know him?
They go to the same f*ckin' school.

What's he done, anyway'?
He's a snake, innit'?

He's a snake man for Kamale.

He doesn't even know Kamale,
how can he...

Get off him, he's done nothing wrong!
Move, man!

Leave her alone.
Shut your f*ckin' mouth, you...

Oi! What's up here, man?
Who you talking to, you little...

Come off the kid, come off the kid.
Get off him, man.

Gem ain't a snake,
he looks up to you lot.

You know what? f*ck all that.

When you see Gem, tell him
to come and see me, yeah?

We'll sort this thing out. Go on.

Go on. Yeah.

Take your b*tch home, man.
What's wrong with you, man?

He's not telling man
where the snake is, bruv.

So?! It's his boy, innit'?

That's what you do,
you back your boy.

We got big things
to think about out here.

f*cking grabbing up youths on the
block, what's wrong with you, man?


What happened to Marnie?

They k*lled her.


Why? Why would they do that'?

They think you're a snake.

They think you told Kamale about
the house that got knocked down.

I'd never do that.

Look, Gem, we gotta go.
They might come back.

You alright?


That's Gem.

And you must be Precious.

They k*lled his dog.

Right, get in the car.


f*ck's sake.

Thank you,
it's really nice.

You're welcome.

Thanks for the food, Leon.

Not gonna try any, Gem?

I'd never tell on Dushane,
he's my friend.

What you've gotta understand is
none of 'em's your friend.

Not Dushane, Sully, none of 'em.

They'll make you think you are
so you'll do what they want.

They don't care about you.
Trust me, I know how they think.

What are we gonna do?

I'll talk to 'em.
They won't listen.

Don't worry. I'll sort this out.

OK, guys, come on.
Better get you home.

You think we can go now'?

Dushane said we've gotta stay here until
we see Kamale.

I need to go toilet, man.
Go ahead.

I need to bust a big shit.

I'll talk to them.
Don't worry about it.

I know these boys. It'll be fine.
Go on, you go on up.

See you later.

Yo, what do you want, bro?

Wanna talk to you
about this kid Gem.

Yeah - what about him?

I want you to leave him alone.

Leon, man, I told you already, this has
got nothing to do with you, bruv.

Kid trusts you, Shane.

What the f*ck you doin', man?

Why you coming up here
chatting shit?

Shane, he doesn't
understand why...

- Can you hear me now'?
- Yo!

What the f*ck's wrong with you, man?

Can you f*ckin' hear me now'?

We already told you drop it?

- Sully...
- Sully, mellow, man.

Put the f*ckin' g*n away, man.

f*ckin' make me
sh**t you out here, man.

No-one wants to hear shit
about Gem or f*cking Ra'Nell.

Jog on!

Kid trusts you, Shane.

He says he didn't snake,
and I believe him.

f*ck off, man.

Get in your monde, man.


You here to stay?

I'm not going anywhere.

You know, that's it, man.
I gotta go.

I need to find a toilet
before I shit my pants.

What?! You can't leave me alone.
Come on, man.

What if he comes when you're gone?
I don't know.

- There's a tree over there. Use it.
- No.

Just use it! -

Come on, you can't leave me alone.
Just use the tree.



Dushane. It's Kamale.

What, are you sure it's him?
It's definitely him.

And are you sure they didn't see you?

Right, stay there and keep watch.

Alright, I'll come. I'm on my way.

Now, which yard is it?
The one with the green fence.

Alright, man, you done good. Go.

So, what are you saying?

Listen, if we don't do this now, we've
got nowhere to go.

Let's f*cking do it then, man.

Back up! Wait...

You think you can
f*ck with me, yeah?

What you saying, p*ssy?

Where the f*ck is he?
Shut up, man.

f*ck! The fucker's in here!

Shut up!

Shut up! Shut the f*ck up!

You're a p*ssy.

f*ck. You're a p*ssy.

Shut up, man.

What weed is this?
f*cking shut up, you little p*ssy!

Shut up, you little p*ssy.
You fucker, I'm gonna f*cking...

Where's the f*cking food, blud'?
Where's the f*cking food, blud'?

f*ck you!
Where's the f*cking food?

Yo, you're coming with us, brother.

Where's the f*cking food?

Where the f*ck
is the food, cuz?

Talk or I'm going to break
your f*cking face, blud.

f*ck you!


Answer me, bruv.

Yo, fam. You're gonna tell us
where the food is. You know that, innit'?

f*ck you! I don't know
about no food!

Fam, you need to start talking
right now, you know, bruv.

I need to know where that food is, G,

or it's gonna get peat
for you out here.

f*ck you.
What do you mean, f*ck me, bruv?

Where's the f*cking food?


Put him in.

f*ck off. f*ck you! Get off me!

Give me the f*cking spade.
f*ck you!

Bruvva, come on, man,
that's enough now.

Come on, get him up.

Come on, Dris.

f*cking p*ssy-

Where's the f*cking foo...
Trust Tyres!

Where? Trust Tyres!

You p*ssy. Trust Tyres.

Shut up, man.

f*cking p*ssy-

Let me out, please.

It's at Trust Tyres, man. Please, man.
Come on, let me out, bruv.


What are you doin' here, bruv?

Listen, this is where Kamale is
keeping all your food and all that.

Come to get it for youse lot,
you know what I mean?

Take it.

How the f*ck did you
know that anyway, blud'?


How the f*ck did you know
where Kamale was keeping the food?

Dushane, take that out my face,
will you, for f*ck's sake.

Take that out my f*cking face, bruv.

Lee, are you the snake'?

What do you mean, am I the f*cking
snake'? What's wrong with you?

Dushane, what you doing, bruv?
I gave you your first break, Dushane.

Take that thing out my face.
I can't take it no more.

I put you on the f*cking road,
I'll sort you...

Do it!

Hey, let's go, fam.

Yo! Come on! f*ck, let's go.

Whoo! Jackpot, blud!

What ya sayin"?

Yeah, man must've got
our stash back and theirs.

Paper, everything.

Yo, look after, bruv.
Keep safe, man.

I will.

Yo, listen, come here, man.


Hey, yo, where you...

Don't f*ck with us, innit'?!

Tell Dushane and
f*cking Sully they're next.

You p*ssy-

Come on, babe.
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