01x19 - Beylik Zamani

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Dirilis: Ertugrul". Aired: 10 December 2014 – 29 May 2019.*
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Show is set in the 13th century and is based on the life of Ertuğrul, the father of Osman I, the founder of the Ottoman Empire.
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01x19 - Beylik Zamani

Post by bunniefuu »

How will you take me in?

There is a secret passage that goes
to the dungeons. My vizier told me.

We will slip through there
without anyone realizing.

Don’t give in, son! Be strong!

They will test your will to the limits.

What more can they do to me?

I do not care about myself...

...I wonder what they are doing
to that innocent boy.

They might have even k*lled him.

Look, young man...

...if your body is in this dungeon...

...the thing that awaits you
is much more than death itself.

If you are so sure about what will happen to us...

...you must know those infidels well.

Because I know them so well,
I am in this dungeon for 17 years.

How did you bear this for so long?

With love.

Don’t stop even for a moment
thinking about the One...

...who enlightens the darkness in you
when you close your eyes.

-Are you a hunter.
-I am the hunt this time.

The new home will be a new and joyous life
for all of us. Especially for us.

-Does Aleppo have everything?
-It has everything.

When we reach there, it will be complete.

We will go and we will wed.

This is my promise to you.


Let me see?

It is a deep wound.

Thank you.


...I was presumptuous.

I broke your heart.
But believe me, it was not my intention.

When you talked like that
about Ertugrul...

Aykiz, there is nothing
in my hand except my dreams and hopes.

It’s only my hope that keeps me alive.

If I lose it, I cannot live anymore.

You cannot sooth your pain
by hurting others, Gokce.

But do not despair so much.
My problem is not you.

I thought that as we near Aleppo
I would be relieved...

...I would be joyous with
seeing Turgut again.

But now there is a shadow
casting over my heart.

It’s like I’m not getting closer
but away from my loved one.

I keep dreaming about our memories.

Don’t tire your heart in vain, Aykiz.

Over all the hardships and
sorrows we go through...

...your love is like a flower
that heralds the spring.

Ertugrul’s love made you a poet.

May God bless us all.

I only want to meet Turgut safe and sound,
that is enough for me.

Come on.

I am hungry as a bear, Hatun.

Can’t you hurry up a bit?

I am coming, my Bey.

I have prepared your favorite meal.
It has been a while since we ate alone.

-May it be healthy, Gundogdu.
-Thank you, Hatun.

May it be healthy.

Hatun, I’m engaged with the matters of our tribe.

You are right, Gundogdu.
You are like the Bey of the tribe right now.

It’s not easy to handle all this.

May God give you strength.

-Come on! In the name of God. Please.
-In the name of God.

Do I have permission, Gundogdu?


What do you want?

Control yourself, Gundogdu.
Don’t do anything you might regret.

You stay away from this, Selcan Hatun.
There are things you don’t know.


...these are the things
that happened, my Bey.

But as you have opened your eyes,
nothing is important anymore...

...they will all pass away,
if God permits.

Now, even if all hell breaks loose,
we can put it out with our hearts, my Bey.

As long as we fight shoulder on shoulder,
nothing can defeat us.

You have always stood by me, Deli Demir.

You have always supported me in any difficulty.

You are more than a brother to me.

When you talk about brotherhood, my Bey...

...you, I, Kurdoglu...


Yes, we once were.

Look, we still are so but…

The older the friendship, the stronger the ties, my Bey. Old friends like you and I.

Did you see Kurdoglu? He could not hit
a bear in front of him in the old times.

As he gets older, his eyes started
seeing better than a hawk, God bless.

This man… the man I call as my uncle…
the man that our Shah calls his blood brother…

But what did he do?
He tried to k*ll our Shah.

The matter is not like you think,

-First you have to listen to me.
-What will you tell me? What?

How you panicked when I told you
that you secretly went into the tent?

Or how you went to finish off the job
in the middle of the night? Which one?

What are you saying, Gundogdu?

I went to save Suleyman Shah from
the fury of the rabid son of Baybora.

I saved our Bey at the last second.

Moreover it was you who warned me
by telling me the tear in the tent.

It was Bozok who went
into the tent that night.

I went after him so that he wouldn’t be able
to complete his will.


...I just came to congratulate you.

Mother Hayme told me.

I came here to say how happy I’m for our nephew.

Everyone in the tribe is talking about that.

Did Suleyman Shah,
our father heard it as well?

What did he say?

He was the most happy one.
Suleyman Shah was overjoyed with...

...the news of a grandson.


...I said what I came to say.
I should not bother you anymore.

Everything happened as you expected,
Ertugrul Bey.

Yes, it did.

They've become prey while they were the hunters,
with God’s permission.

But the situation is more complex
than we thought.

If Sahabeddin’s most trusted maid
whom he sent for me is a traitor...

...the vizier is caught in the trap.

If a lion is caught in a trap
even the coyotes nurse a grudge.

Whatever it takes, we do have to save him.

I will be gone for a while, Ertugrul Bey.

Is this the right time, Afsin Bey.

Will you be leaving us alone
in this fight?

Ertugrul Bey, I know that you wonder
who I am, how far I can reach and...

...where my roots are. I will answer
all your questions and more in time.

But now, we have to pass through a bridge
that is thinner than a hair and...

...sharper than a sword. I ask for
one thing and that is for you to trust me.

We fought side by side, Afsin Bey.
We have the merit of a w*r between us.

I trust you.

Tomorrow you should go to the Turkmen
carpet man in the market, Ertugrul Bey.

His name is Aykutluk.
He will help you in every way he can.

And I will enter through
the gates of hell for Turgut and Yigit.

Thank you.

Where did those men come out of?
How could you not see them, Aftalia?

He didn’t have time to inform anyone.

It is clear that he became suspicious
and prepared for it in advance.

But how could you not notice
those two goat herders while walking?

Do you have an explanation for this?

I could not see, Commander Titus,
that is why I escaped in the last minute.

Just like you failing against
Ertugrul every single time...

...I failed to notice his warriors.

You should understand me very well in this
manner as you are much more experienced.

Stop! What are you doing?

We are all like the apostles
fighting for God’s sheep.

If we don’t trust each other, Jerusalem
can only be a far-reaching dream for us!

Moreover, when Sahabeddin
is k*lled tomorrow...

...Ertugrul will only be like a sewer rat
walking around the streets of Aleppo.

Then it’s up to your personal pleasure
to decide what you will do to him.

You caused all this!

When will you stop being a stubborn brat?
You don’t care for anyone.

Not your father, nor your tribe!

Look at the state of this tribe!
It is cracking up!

Winter is coming and we don’t even
know where to go! Open your eyes!

Open your eyes!

How will this tribe stand strong,
Ertugrul? How?

You are lying, Ertugrul.

The eagle is in the cage.
Now it is the wolf’s turn.

Be the sultan of my heart,
the mother of my children...

...and my companion till the end.

When I could not even become
the sultan of the palace I was born in...

...I cannot be the sultan of your heart.

Great God, Creator of the heavens and earth!
I wended my way to you…

my aim is to set off for a new path.

You are the owner of both the path and the range.

May You bless us at the end of this road.

My request from you is not the throne,
not the crown or being the possessor.

I have set off with your name and
what lies in my heart is...

...to exalt your name on this path.

My aim of using my sword is to make it
the servant of the scales of justice.

Oh God! If I ever happen to think
or feel and lose my path...

...lead me back to my path
by the ones who represent justice.

On this path in which I have set off
to exalt your name...

...prevent me from thinking of the earthly life...

...prevent me from following Satan and
prevent me from getting embarrassed.

Oh God! Let me and my descendants
serve for your purpose.

Let me and my descendants
close our eyes as martyrs.


Yes, my Bey?

Take this and load it to the camel.

Look, Gundogdu.
His little feet will be wearing these.

With time our son will grow and
be a valiant man, just like his father.

Your heart and mine is b*ating
right here now.

Everything we have, all our hopes,
our happiness is here now.

He will be our life, our blood,
future of our progeny.

You will see that
all troubles will be left behind.

The new homeland will be
a new world for us.

If God permits, Hatun, if God permits.

Let us complete
this migration journey first.

Come on, I have some business to
attend to, you should get ready as well.


We ran away for so long...

...we faced so many troubles...

...we went through so much...

But at the end,
we could not protect Yigit.

There is nothing we can do
but pray, father.

Look at me.

I cannot even move.

We will find a way in the end, Halime.

God will surely open up a blessed path
in front of us in time.

Ertugrul Bey promised me.

He will not let Yigit and Turgut Alp
be c*ptive in enemy hands.

He will not, right, father?

Your wound is very serious. I beg you,
don’t distress yourself so much, Halime.

There is a Turkmen carpet man
around here with the name of Aykutluk.

Do you know his place?

Wake up! Wake up!

Wake up!

Be patient, my girl, Leila, be patient.

Do not throw yourself
into those dark wells once again.

May God help you.

-Didn’t she eat?

Today will be a difficult day
for all of us.

We do not know how it will end.

No news about our vizier
shall reach Leila Sultan, do you understand me?

As you wish. We will of course be careful.
But, how can something like this be?

How can our great vizier,
Sahabeddin Tugrul...

...whom no one can suspect his honesty
and righteousness be put on trial?

You are right. We don’t know with
what kind of a slander he was imprisoned.

The only thing we can do for him
is to pray God. You may leave.

God! God! God!

God! God! God!

God! God! God!

Welcome, Ertugrul.

Those mad men of ours have been giving
the good news of your coming.

Are all those mad men, beggars and
drunkards your comrades?

When mayors are being bought
and sold in the market...

...we work with mad men
in this life or death market.

We need to rescue
the vizier from the dungeon.

We need at least one week, my lad.

We need to contact the guards in
the dungeon, arrange their schedule.

Besides, Sahabeddin has his trial today.

In the Muslim world the balance of justice
is not that crooked yet.

We should not lose hope from God.
We should wait for the outcome.

What if it is crooked?

What will we do then?

If betrayal harms the justice...

...then our swords will bring those ones
to the right path.

But, Nasir...

...this is dangerous.

Judge Effendi!

You never thought of any danger while
pouring your belt with gold-filled sacks.

You were saying the vizier is as good as
dead. Why do you tremble like a leaf now?


...think well, Judge Effendi...

...after the issue of the
vizier is done...

...his highness Melik will need
consultants like you beside him.

Can you really do this, Nasir?

Of course.

You are very important for me,
Judge Effendi.

It is not easy to find a man
that can be bought so easily in Aleppo.

On behalf of Emirate of Aleppo,
Melik El Aziz.

In the name of God; The Embodiment of Justice,
The Retaliator...

...The All-Prevailing One and The Beneficent...

...we shall commence the trial of Emirate
of Aleppo Vizier, Sahabeddin Tugrul.

The accusations are m*rder,
disobedience of an order...

...breach of confidence, betrayal of trust
to the city of Aleppo...

...and the Muslim world.

I am one of the private guards of
Sahabeddin Tugrul...

...he ordered me to provide him with
a highly effective poison.

I did as I was ordered.

I saw the people who tried to k*ll the
Kayi envoy with the vizier in the market.

The vizier was giving something to them
in a pouch. I am sure that it was gold.

I am a trader, the vizier forced me...

...he used me as a tool for his trade business...

...in Antioch, the Earldom of the Crusaders.

Sahabeddin Tugrul, you heard
the accusations.

Is there anything you wish to say?

I deny all what has been said.

The people speaking here are
false witnesses that were paid to lie.

This is the council of the rights and truths.

These eyes distinguish the truth from the lie...

...as they distinguish black from white
with the permission of God.

You do not need to worry.

Call in the last witness.

God send you to us, sister Ummulhayr.
We were going to send a message to you.

-We have a problem.
-Peace be upon you.

-And peace be upon you.
-Welcome, sister. What happened?

You talked about an important matter.

I do not know whether you heard about
what happened to our vizier.

Sahabeddin Tugrul is
an honest person inside and outside.

He is a valuable statesman
Great God has bestowed upon us.

Everyone knows that he had been doing
his duties in a competent manner.

He is going through a difficult test...

...May God the Opener, the Judge help him.

Leila has learned about her uncle.

She is devastated since she learned that
it was her brother who arrested him.

I worry that she may fall ill once again
and turn her back on life.

Poor girl, she was recovering
quite well recently, wasn’t she?

Yes. She had recovered with
the support of our vizier but...

How can we of help, sister?


...if it is possible...

...she may be refreshed with
a conversation with our Sheikh Effendi.

I just thought that she could have
a relief with his divine light...

...before she gets worse.
-You thought well.

I shall inform our Sheikh
and tell you his decision.

May God bless you.
I heard that you have a problem as well.

We have visitors in our lodge.

They are also going
through difficult tests.

A young girl like Leila is wounded.
The doctor did all he could but...

...the wound is getting worse.
The cure is in God’s hands.

If the palace physician checks her,
maybe he can find a remedy.

Of course, I will immediately
tell him to visit you tomorrow.

The girl’s condition
is an emergency, sister.

Will you swear on the Qur’an
that there won’t be any lies...

...nor contradictions about
what you will tell us?

I do, my Effendi.

Tell everything as you
told me before, my girl...

...and do not be afraid of anyone.
What happened in that room that day?

The vizier and I went into
the room the k*ller was in, Effendi.

Was there anyone else who knew that room?

What did you see when you went in?

The man...

...was lying down.
He started to tremble...

...and his mouth foamed up.

He was poisoned…


...he d*ed in the arms of my vizier.

You may leave, my girl.

We have heard enough.

The decision has been made.

The physician has completed
his examination.

You were wise to inform us.

The wound is infected,
her condition is not well.

-I have given her a small medical treatment.
-May God bless you.

But we cannot do much here.

She needs to be looked after in the palace
and treated with special medicine.

We can take her to the palace. If her
condition requires it, we shall abide.

Physician, can you tell us what to do
so that we can treat her here?

I don’t find it in my heart
to let her out of my sight.

Her situation is critical,
she may not come out of this alive...

...we did whatever can be done here,
we shall do the same in the palace.

But only God knows
what the outcome will be.

You can be rest assured, Effendi.
Your daughter is entrusted in me.

I will personally take care of her.

Ummulhayr Hanim is my sister.
She will look after your daughter well...

...in the palace and she was also
the governess of El Aziz and his sister.

Sultan Aziz is like her son.
If God permits, there'll be no problem...

...you can be rest assured.
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