03x07 - Labyrinth Pt. 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?" Aired: February 5, 1994 - January 2, 1999.*
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While Carmen is originally presented as the show's antagonist, she becomes more like an anti-hero as the series progresses; she even helps Zack and Ivy against mutual enemies.
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03x07 - Labyrinth Pt. 1

Post by bunniefuu »


Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?

♪ Where is Carmen Sandiego?

♪ Carmen Sandiego

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

♪ Tell me

♪ Where is Carmen Sandiego? ♪

♪ Oh, Carmen Sandiego

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

♪ Sphinx, Mona Lisa ♪

♪ Leaning Tower of Pisa ♪

♪ London Zoo, Timbuktu ♪

♪ Can you help us find a clue? ♪

♪ Oh, where is Carmen Sandiego? ♪

♪ Carmen Sandiego

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

Yes, Ivy, with the answer to this trivia question,

you can take home a gorgeous set of unbreakable luggage

by Cinder Block.

And The Professor Pinhead Home Chemistry Kit,

a product so cheap that even after you master it,

the only way you'll get into science

is by donating body parts!

Let's give her a hand.

Come on Chief, This is for a tie score.

Get to the question.

Okay, okay.

Here we go.

Where and when was ice cream Invented?

Ice Cream, ice cream, uhm - Ice Cream was first made in

China with, hmmm, uh, a mixture of milk and rice

packed in snow oh, about , years ago.

[bells ding]


Your turn, little bro.

Top that.

Whoa! Half-time sis.

But it's a tie score.

You can't bail now!


We're just taking a break.

Current Copy's doing a big story on Carmen.


Tonight Current Copy's own Sandy Savage is going to

tell us everything we ever wanted to know about

Carmen Sandiego!

Just who is this mystery woman,

and where will she strike next?

Thank you, Maurry.

The only certainty is, whatever this master thief

has up her sleeve, it's going to be big!

[speaking French]


[speaking French]

[dog snarling]




[speaking French]

[speaking French]

[cat screeches]


[speaking French]


So, as you can see from my report, Carmen Sandiego

may be the greatest thief of all time, Maurry.

Intelligent woman.

Well, I wouldn't go that far, Sandy.

Face it, no one had even heard of her years ago.

And who's to say she won't be "old news"

by tomorrow morning.

The Greatest Thief of all time? Puh-leese.

I think not.

Carmen, should we go?


We don't have much time.

Ah, but that's where you're wrong.

I just realized I have all the time in the world.


...when you used to steal the real ones.


As usual, no one knows what Carmen

Sandiego will be up to next, except Carmen herself.

And me! Whoa! Think about it.

If I know what Carmen's up to then [screams]

maybe I am Carmen. [screams]

Whoa! What are you talking about, Chief?

I have always looked good in red, Zack.

But those shoes! Whoa!

A real pain in the neck!


Chief, what do you mean you know what Carmen's up to?

In the last hour, Carmen herself,

personally skated off with the Leaning Tower of Pisa,

the Parthenon and the Arc De Triomphe.

But that's impossible!

She couldn't have visited all three of those countries

in the last hour.

Usually you'd be correct, my merry mapmeister,

but Carmen actually stole miniature replicas of these

architectural wonders from the Mini-Europe theme park

in Brussels, Belgium.

Then, Player, C-Five us to the site of her one-stop

shoplifting spree! Double time!

Chief: Break out your forks, gumshoes!

You're on your way from San Francisco to Brussels,

Belgium, birthplace of Brussels sprouts!


Zack: We scanned the crime scene for three hours now.

Carmen didn't leave a single clue.

Hey boy, what you got there?

[speaking French]

Well, we got to start somewhere.

Player, try an Info-Search of all Carmen's henchmen

who wear a size ten.

Ivy, Ivy, Ivy!

Do you have any idea how many Cinderfellas could fit

that glass slipper?

Oh, wait a second.

Maybe Carmen left us a clue without realizing it, Ive.



It smells like ammonia?

There's a muddy substance here, too.

And if my hunch is right - I knew it.

Bat guano!

Bat guano - Zack, are you telling me I just sniffed

bat manure?!

Player, Info-Scan bats a 'sec.

Chief: Ahh. Bats!

Those fabulous flying furballs are transglobal,

don't you know, living almost everywhere in the

world, except the frigid Arctic Zone.

Who can blame them!

Not a decent croissant for miles.

Zack: Hey, a vampire bat!

You know, Ive, they really do drink the blood of animals!

Ivy: Yeah, well leave your garlic at home 'cause they're

not likely to attack humans.

And they only live in Latin America!


Think, think!

Oh most bats live where?

Dark, cool, places like trees, attics, or.

Chief: Caves.

Zack: Oh, great Chief!

And there are only how many caves in the world?

Uh, don't answer that!

Chief: This just in The Acme Bug Network just picked up a top

secret V.I.L.E. Transmission that

mentioned heightened henchmen activity

in and around Bowling Green, Kentucky.

Ivy: Wait a 'sec Bowling Green, Kentucky?

Zack, it's got henchmen and it's near the biggest cave

system in the world!

Mammoth Cave National Park.

Sounds like a good place to scan for our

one-shoed wonder, huh?

Player, C-Five us stateside and cave-side!

Chief: Strap on your safety gear,

spelunkers, your C- Five'ing it from Brussels,

Belgium to the longest known cave system on

the planet Earth: Mammoth Cave National Park.

Mammoth Cave is a real spelunker's paradise.

There's that word again.


I like saying it Spelunker, Spelunker, Spelunker.

Zack: Spelunker means someone who explores caves

as a hobby, Chief.

Chief: Well, get ready to "spelunk" you bad selves,

'cause you're coming in for a landing feet below the

earth's surface, near Mammoth Caves' Echo River!

Wah! Oh!

Nice landing Chief!

feet up on a stalagmite!

It's a stalactite, Zack.

Oh, whatever.

I always get them mixed up.

A stalactite has to hang on tight to stay on top!




Ivy, I don't-

Zack! Look!

A tour group!

Those two don't look much like spelunkers to me.

It's Carmen's henchmen, Touriste Classe

and Clay Tandoori.


This is getting totally weird.


Come on in, sis.

The water's fine.

It's just a holograph.

Welcome, new V.I.L.E. recruits.

State your names, please.

Don't give your real name.

State your names, please.

Uh. I'm Bat Guano!

Ewww! Gross!

Welcome Bat Guano and U. Gross.

Prepare for body scan.

This must be where Carmen tries out the crooks who

want to become V.I.L.E. henchmen, Ivy, I mean U. Gross.

Just keep your eyes and ears open, "Bat Guano."


Whoa! Check it out!

Look out!


It's Carmen's training ground all right.

Come in, Chief.

Come in!

Her security system must be jamming our signal.


She's using holographic reproductions of world

landmarks to weed out the henchmen who won't cut it on

the real jobs.

Ivy, she must have stolen those scale model miniatures

from Brussels, to scan into her holosystem.

Totally ingenious!


Carmen: Attention all V.I.L.E. henchmen!

Cease your training drills and rendezvous

for a top priority job.


Ten hut, you V.I.L.E. wannabees!

What in the world is that?

Must be Carmen's idea of a joke.

The Chief was her boss.

Now she's programmed her own version of him

to oversee training.

U. Gross and Bat Guano!

So you think you're good enough to become V.I.L.E.

Henchmen, eh?

Well, as long as you stand there,

I don't think you're good enough to make my lunch!

Mmmm! I guess you were good enough.

Okay, let's move out!

And remember, if you botch a job in here you're off the team!

In fact, you'll hit the trampoline so hard on your

way out you'll be buying your next wardrobe in a

square half acre.

But succeed and you move on to the next level.

We've got to try to make it through, Zack.

We're right at Carmen's front door!

So, let's get started!

Your first mission See if you've got what it takes to

help Carmen steal the Leaning Tower of Pisa!

But you can't steal it if you don't know where it is,

lint breath!

Uh The Leaning Tower of Pisa is in Pisa,

Italy, Chief, uh, I mean Sir.

Correctamundo, Bat Guano!

Now it's crime time!

Easy enough.

Guess we climb the tower and hook the cable to that

blimp, little bro.

"You can't do the crime if you don't have a mind."

So let's burn some brain cells if you've got any!

Why does the Leaning Tower lean?

Its foundation shifted because it was built

on very wet soil.

And it still shifts today!

Only not this much!

And what do you call these groovy curved openings

all around the tower. Hmmm, U. Gross?

I'm waiting.

Simple. These are called Arches.

And, Paisano Guano, what's the key ingredient in these arches?


Need some help?

Key ingredient, Hmmm?

Uh they're made of marble?

Nope. Not. No way.

Ahh! Ivy!!

Hang on Zack, uh, Bat!

All right, Gross, your turn.

The key ingredient in these arches?

The key in any archway is the stone that holds the

other stones in place!

The keystone!

It's the center stone in the curve of an arch.

I knew that!

I did!


All right!


I can't believe we're celebrating.

We just stole the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

Well, aren't we just ready for Final Jeopardy!


Moving moving we're moving on people.

We're on the wrong set! Work with me. Focus!



Alert! Alert! Security breach in level two!


There's no one at the training-

You two!

Well, well.

Let's find out how smart you really are.

I have a test you'll never pass.

Thirteen! Wow!

Nobody's ever made it to level !

I forgot we even had a level !


You're not going to like this one.

The lightning round!

Okay, listen up my maybe wannabe henchmen!

You've got two minutes to complete this level or

remember you're exit meat!

[blows whistle]

Let's move!

We've got places to go, things to steal.

Carmen Sandiego wants you to steal a flying buttress.

Which one should you go after?

Wait! Zack!

A flying buttress isn't a bird.

It's an arch used in Gothic architecture!

Come on!

A minute-thirty left!

Flying buttresses were built on the outside of Gothic

Cathedrals to help support the weight of the roof and -

Whoa! Hey, wait for me!

Hurry, Zack!

Now, which of these dams doubles as a

comfortable home?

Hey, that's the Hoover Dam on the border

of Nevada and Arizona.

It generates hydro-electric power.

But nobody lives there.

And that's a beaver dam which is also the beaver's home!



Only seconds left!


Is it real or part of the program?

Oh, I'm real detectives.

Congratulations on your success at negotiating my

obstacle course, thus far.

It's nice to have some worthy adversaries.

Get to me and I'm yours detectives.

Otherwise, who knows how long you'll be trapped in my

mind maze.

Wow! Look Ivy!

That's a holograph of Angkor Wat Temple in Cambodia.

But how are you going to get there using the common,

everyday items, is the million dollar question?

If we can get this rope into that bulls-eye,

it should get us across.

You'll never be able to throw it far enough.

And I don't think Carmen left this here for us to

drink either.

Water can't be compressed, it can only be moved.


So we use the air from the bicycle pump to build up

pressure on the water inside the bottle!

You're just about out of time!

And when we release the pressure with some

exceptionally good aim -

[beeping] Yes!

Hang on!

Chief: Only seconds left!

Carmen's in there!

Chief: Nine seconds.



Six, five, four, three, Hey!


Ah! Mayday!

What are you, you can't, hey!

Hey! Hey! Hey! What! What! Help!

I'm out of here! Bye!

We beat your system.

You're history, Carmen!

Carmen: You don't know how right you are, Zack.

We've got to stop whatever she's doing!

Where'd she go'?

There's no way out of here.

Ivy, look!

The Acme Chrono-Skimmer!

Hey, our signal isn't jammed anymore.

You never call, you never write!

Crime Net's going bonkers.

Carmen just stole the bust of Marcus Arelius.

Chief, remember when the Acme Chrono- Skimmer turned

up missing the last time we went time skipping?

How could I forget.

I got stuck with that bloody English accent!

Well, Carmen stole it and used it to make her own

time traveler!

And I assume she didn't leave a forwarding address.

What are we going to do?!

Well, gumshoes, looks like you'll be needing this,

then, eh?

A new Chrono-Skimmer!

Ah, Chief, you're the best!


If we're fast enough we should be able to trace

her ion trail.

So, go get her, crime dogs, when ever she is!


She's headed -

Where, Zack? Where?!

The futuurrrre!!!

♪ [upbeat music]
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