01x01 - Save the Dolphin!/Save the Chimp!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Wonder Pets!" Aired: March 3, 2006 - October 17, 2016.*
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Series follows a trio of classroom pets—Linny the Guinea Pig, Turtle Tuck, and Ming-Ming Duckling—who use teamwork to help animals in need.
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01x01 - Save the Dolphin!/Save the Chimp!

Post by bunniefuu »

[kids chanting] Wonder Pets! Wonder Pets!

We're on our way

to help a friend and save the day.

We're not too big, and we're not too tough,

but when we work together, we've got the right stuff!

Gooooo, Wonder Pets!


[kids giggling]

[bell dinging]

[teacher] It's time to go.

[girl #] Bye, everybody.

[boy #] See you later.

[girl #] Mom, we're learning about the ocean.

[woman] Great.

[boy #] Bye, Linny.

Bye, Tuck. Bye, Ming-Ming.



[ringing continues]

[whimsical music]

[gasps] ♪ The phone,

♪ the phone is ringing.

♪ The phone; we'll be right there. ♪

♪ The phone,

♪ the phone is ringing.

♪ There's an animal in trouble. ♪

♪ There's an animal in trouble. ♪

♪ There's an animal in trouble somewhere. ♪


[dolphin chattering]


♪ It's a baby dolphin.

♪ Well, what is she saying? ♪

Yeah, we don't speak dolphin.

She says

♪ she's caught in a net used for fishing. ♪

[both gasp]



[Ming-Ming] She's twapped.

♪ A baby dolphin caught in a net. ♪

♪ This is se-wious.

♪ We have to help her. ♪

♪ Let's save the dolphin. ♪

♪ Let's save the dolphin. ♪♪ Let's save the dolphin. ♪

[all] ♪ Let's save the dolphin.


[all giggling]

These are the bestest shirts ever.

♪ Linny.

♪ Tuck.

♪ And Ming-Ming too.

[all] ♪ We're Wonder Pets, and we'll help you. ♪

[Ming-Ming] I'll get the wheels.

[Linny] Okay, Ming-Ming.

♪ Uh, little help.

♪ The yarn got me.

Hang on, Ming-Ming.

Do I have a choice?

She's too tangled.

What if we cut the yarn with those scissors?

That's a great idea, Tuck.

Yeah, but be careful.

I am vewy attached to my feathers.


Let me help you with that, Tuck.

♪ What's gonna work?

[all] ♪ Teamwork.

Maybe we should sing later and cut now.

♪ What's gonna work?

[all] ♪ Teamwork.

We did it.

I'm fwee as a bird,

get it?

Good one, Ming-Ming.

Now, let's finish the flyboat.

[all] Ooooh.


Come on, Wonder Pets.

We've got a baby dolphin to save.

We are coming to save you, baby dolphin!

Better late than never!

[all cheering]

[all] ♪ Wonder Pets! Wonder Pets! ♪

♪ We're on our way

♪ to help a baby dolphin and save the day. ♪

♪ We're not too big.

♪ And we're not too tough.

[all] ♪ But when we work together,

♪ we've got the right stuff.

Gooooo, Wonder Pets.


[tropical music]

Wonder Pets, welcome to Hawaii.

[Ming-Ming] There's so much water.

♪ That's because Hawaii is an island. ♪

[Tuck] Actually, it's a whole bunch of islands.

[all] Whee!


Aloha, Hawaii.

Ooh, it's vewy tropical.

It sure is.

Now, let's find that baby dolphin.

[dolphin chatters]

♪ Hey, I hear the dolphin.

Good ear, Tuck.

♪ I think she's in the water. ♪

How can we save the dolphin if she's in the water, Linny?

♪ We can swim.

[both] Swim?

High five!

I'll put on my mask and fins.

I can swim without those things, Linny.

Ducks are gweat swimmers.

Turtles are better.

Dweam on, Tuck.

Last one in is a wotten egg!

Hey, wait for me.



♪ Now, where's that dolphin? ♪

[all] Hmm.

Look, fishing boats.

Good eye, Tuck.

I'll bet the baby dolphin

got caught in one of their fishing nets.


♪ Let's swim out and save her. ♪

♪ Tuck, try and keep up.

[inhales sharply]

Ming-Ming. [inhales sharply]

Hey, don't swim too fast.

[inhales sharply]

[airy instrumental music]

[Ming-Ming] Water, water everywhere.

It's so beautiful.

[Linny] Look, a school of fish.

It's nothing like our school, Linny.

[trumpet flourish]

[Tuck] Wow, what's that?

[Linny] ♪ That's a swordfish.

♪ He's got a sharp nose.

[Tuck] Hey, it's me...

only me really, really big.

[Linny] That's a sea turtle.

Maybe one day, I'll grow up to be that big.

You gotta have a dweam.


♪ The baby dolphin in the net. ♪

[Tuck] ♪ She's all tied up.

[Ming-Ming] ♪ And she's all wet.

♪ Poor baby dolphin.

♪ Linny, what do we do? ♪

♪ We've got to get her to the top. ♪

♪ She needs some air.

♪ At least a dwop.


[all gasp]

Why does the baby dolphin need air, Linny?

Dolphins need to breathe just like we do.

If we don't get her to the surface, she'll drown.


[dolphin chatters]

How can we save her?

♪ I know.

♪ I will untangle the net all by myself. ♪

♪ Untangle the net all by myself ♪

♪ and save the day.

Uh, can we help?

Sure, the more, the mewwier.

[all inhale]

[Ming-Ming] It's not working.

She's too tangled up.

Think, Wonder Pets.

There must be a way to get the dolphin free.

I know.

We could use scissors to cut the net.

Scissors would be gweat,

but we don't have any scissors.

[trumpet flourish]

We don't have scissors, Wonder Pets,

but I know someone who can cut things.


The swordfish.


♪ With his sharp nose.

[Tuck] It's going to be okay, baby dolphin.

[Ming-Ming] Hello, Mr. Swordfish, sir.

We could not help noticing that your nose is vewy sharp.

[trumpet flourish]

[Tuck] And there's a baby dolphin caught in a fisherman's net,

so we were wondering...

[all] ♪ Can you cut her net?

♪ I think that is a yes.


[Linny] ♪ She's sinking.

♪ She's going to drown.

♪ This is se-wious.

[Linny] Let's work together, Wonder Pets,

with the swordfish.

♪ Linny.

♪ Tuck.

♪ And Ming-Ming too.

[all] ♪ We're Wonder Pets, and we'll help you. ♪

♪ What's gonna work?

[all] ♪ Teamwork.

♪ What's gonna work?

[all] ♪ Teamwork.

[Linny] It worked!

[Ming-Ming] The dolphin is fwee.

Thank you, Mr. Swordfish, sir.

[Tuck] You've done a good thing.

[all gasp]

Poor baby dolphin.

♪ Are you all right?

[chatters happily]

She's okay.

Hug me, baby dolphin.


[Tuck] It's the mommy and daddy dolphin.

[dolphins chatter happily]

[Ming-Ming] Another happy ending.

Thank you, Wonder Pets.

Now, let's all go celebrate Hawaiian style.

[Tuck] Hawaiian style?

Sure, hop on our backs, Wonder Pets.

[both gasp] Can we?

You heard the nice lady.

Hop on, Wonder Pets.

[all cheering]

[tropical music]

Wow, it's a luau.

A who-au?

A luau, a Hawaiian party.

Gwass skirts.

And flower necklaces.

This calls for some celery.

[rhythmic drumming]

Oh, yeah, we still got it.

Well, Wonder Pets, our work here is done.

And so are my hips.

To the flyboat?

To the flyboat.

[all] Bye, dolphins. Bye.

[dolphins chatter excitedly]

[all] ♪ Wonder Pets! Wonder Pets! ♪

♪ We found a way

♪ to help a baby dolphin and save the day. ♪

♪ We're not too big.

♪ And we're not too tough.

[all] ♪ But when we work together,

♪ we've got the right stuff.

Gooooo, Wonder Pets!


[all cheering]

[kids chanting] Wonder Pets! Wonder Pets!

We're on our way

to help a friend and save the day.

We're not too big, and we're not too tough,

but when we work together, we've got the right stuff!

Gooooo, Wonder Pets!


[kids giggling]

[bell dinging]

[teacher] Time to go home.

[girl #] Bye, Ming-Ming. Bye, Linny.

[boy] Dad, we made stars and planets today.

[man] That sounds great.

[girl #] Sleep tight, Tuck.


[ringing continues]

[whimsical music]

[gasps] ♪ The phone,

♪ the phone is ringing.

♪ The phone; we'll be right there. ♪

♪ The phone,

♪ the phone is ringing.

♪ There's an animal in trouble. ♪

♪ There's an animal in trouble. ♪

♪ There's an animal in trouble somewhere. ♪


[chimp hooting sadly]


♪ It's a baby chimp

♪ up in a spaceship.

A baby chimp...

In a spaceship.

[both] Are you sure?


[chimp hooting]

[Tuck] That's a baby chimp in a spaceship, all right.

What's a chimp, Linny?

♪ Chimps are like monkeys, but they're smarter. ♪

What's he doing up in space?

I thought chimps lived in forests.

♪ Usually they do.

♪ But sometimes

♪ they get sent up to space.

[both] Why?

To help people learn about space.

But sometimes the chimps get lost.

[both] Lost?

♪ A baby chimp

♪ who's lost in space.

♪ This is se-wious.

♪ We have to help him. ♪

♪ Let's save the chimp. ♪

♪ Let's save the chimp. ♪♪ Let's save the chimp. ♪

[all] ♪ Let's save the chimp. ♪


[Ming-Ming giggles]

♪ Linny.

♪ Tuck.

♪ And Ming-Ming too.

Uh, what's that, Ming-Ming?

It's my space suit.

I made it myself.

[musical flourish]

Can I wear it into space, Linny?

Sure you can, Ming-Ming.

Once more, from the top.

♪ Linny. ♪ Tuck.

♪ And Ming-Ming too.

[all] ♪ We're Wonder Pets, and we'll help you. ♪

[Linny] Come on, Wonder Pets.

We've got to build a spaceboat.

A spaceboat.


I'll flip this over.

Nothin' to it.


[Linny] Let us help you with that, Ming-Ming.

♪ What's gonna work?

[all] ♪ Teamwork.

[Linny] ♪ What's gonna work?

[all] ♪ Teamwork.

[electronic beeping]

[all] Ooooh.

[Tuck] A spaceboat.

Now, let's push it

over to the launch pad, Wonder Pets.

[all grunting]

It's too heavy.

Wait, I know.

That Linny, always thinking.

Hop in, Wonder Pets.

We're going to tow the spaceboat.

Gweat idea, Linny.

Ready for takeoff, Wonder Pets?

[both] Ready!

[all] , , , blastoff!

We are coming to save you, baby chimp!

Through the woof!


[all cheering]

[all] ♪ Wonder Pets! Wonder Pets! ♪

♪ We're on our way

♪ to help a baby chimp and save the day. ♪

♪ We're not too big.

♪ And we're not too tough.

[all] ♪ But when we work together,

♪ we've got the right stuff.

Gooooo, Wonder Pets.


[Tuck] Whoa, we're in space.

[Ming-Ming] There sure is a lot of space in space.

And look at those stars.

[Ming-Ming] They look like a gweat big spoon!

[Linny] Uh-huh, that's called the Big Dipper.

Can we go for a dip, Linny?


[all cheering]

[Tuck] We're dipping!

I love this universe!

♪ Linny, what's that? ♪

♪ That's a meteor.

♪ What's a meteor?

[Linny] ♪ A meteor is a rock that sh**t through space. ♪

♪ We better be careful that one doesn't hit us, ♪

♪ 'cause that would hurt.

Bye, meteor.

Where's the baby chimp, anyway?

[Linny] I'm not sure, Tuck.

Let's try to find him.

[Tuck] Linny, look, the baby chimp.

Good eye, Tuck.

That's the lost baby chimp, all right.

Hang on, Wonder Pets.

Wonder Pets to baby chimp.

Do you hear me?

[Ming-Ming] He doesn't hear you, Linny.

Baby chimp,

take the banana out of your ear.

Now do you hear me?

[chimp hoots]

He hears us.

♪ Baby chimp, we're here to save you. ♪


[Linny] Just follow us, okay?

[Ming-Ming] We know the way back to Earth.

[Tuck] We're from there.

We'll get this baby chimp home, no problem.

[spaceship beeps and fizzles]


♪ That didn't sound so good. ♪

His engine gave out.

♪ Houston, we have a pwoblem. ♪

[Tuck] Poor baby chimp.

He's drifting in space.

[hoots sadly]

Hey, uh, Linny?

Remember what you said about meteors?

♪ A meteor is a rock that sh**t through space. ♪

No, the other part.

♪ We better be careful that one doesn't hit us, ♪

♪ 'cause that would hurt.

Right. Look!

[Tuck gasps] ♪ A meteor,

♪ and it's headed right for us. ♪

♪ And if it hits us...

[all] ♪ That would hurt.

[Linny] We better save that baby chimp, Wonder Pets, and fast.

If only we could fix his spaceship.

I'll fix it.

Excuse me.

[both] Ming-Ming!

Be careful, Ming-Ming.

No need to worry.

I have on my space suit.

[musical flourish]

Better hurry, Ming-Ming.

[Tuck] The meteor's coming this way fast.

Don't wush me.

[hoots nervously]

Ming-Ming's here, baby chimp.

You're going to be okay.

I just have to fix your spaceship.



Uh, Linny?

Yes, Ming-Ming?

I don't know how to fix a spaceship.

I was afraid of that.

Hang on, Ming-Ming.

We'll think of something.

Roger, dodger.

[Tuck] ♪ Linny, the meteor.

♪ It's almost here.

[Linny] I see it, Tuck.

[Tuck] Whoo.

♪ This is se-wious.

♪ Linny, what do we do?

Hey, I know.

We can tow the chimp's spaceship

just like we towed the spaceboat.


We'll pull it out of the meteor's way.

That's a great idea.

Ming-Ming, we're going to tow the chimp's spaceship.


That's right, together.

I'll drive the spaceboat.

And I'll point the way.

And I'll tie the spaceship to the spaceboat.

And you can watch.[hoots]

♪ Linny. ♪ Tuck.

♪ And Ming-Ming too.

[all] ♪ We're Wonder Pets, and we'll help you. ♪

♪ What's gonna work?

[all] ♪ Teamwork.

♪ What's gonna work?

[all] ♪ Teamwork.

We'd better hurry up.

The meteor's coming stwaight at us.

[hoots nervously]

[Linny] We did it, Wonder Pets!

Teamwork, the final frontier.

[all] Yay!

[Linny] Let's head back to Earth, Wonder Pets.

We've got to get this baby chimp

home to the forest where he belongs.

So long, space.

[Ming-Ming] Bye-bye, big dipping spoon.

That's Big Dipper.

Oh, yeah; I forgot.

[chimp hoots happily]

I guess this is where the chimp lives.

I'm bweaking fwee.

A-okay, Ming-Ming.

[Tuck] We missed you, Ming-Ming.

[chimps hooting excitedly]

[Wonder Pets] Bye, chimp family!

Well, Wonder Pets, our work here is done.

This calls for some freeze-dried celery.

Fweeze-dried celery?

What's that?

It's the kind of celery that astronauts eat.

[both] Ooooh.

[all] ♪ Wonder Pets! Wonder Pets! ♪

♪ We found a way

♪ to help a baby chimp and save the day. ♪

♪ We're not too big.

♪ And we're not too tough.

[all] ♪ But when we work together,

♪ we've got the right stuff.

Gooooo, Wonder Pets!


[all cheering]

[kid] Little Airplane.

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