05x07 - The More Things Change

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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05x07 - The More Things Change

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I'’ve got troubles
wall-to-wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won'’t be long ♪

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'’ll be all right ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night. ♪



Well, well, well.

Can I see
your license?

You a cop?

Why a cute broad like you
want to do that?

So'’s I wouldn't
have to marry
a dumbbell like you.

That ain'’t nice.

Give me the license.

Mr. Chambers
is in a meeting.

I'’ll have him
call you?

I sure will.


Would you tell
mr. Chambers
I'’m here?

Is he expecting you,
miss todd?

When does he
ever expect me?

Mr. Chambers is busy
all day long.

You should let people
know when you'’re coming.

And you should keep
your face

Out of private
family business.

Mr. Chambers.

Cyrus, I beg you
to reconsider.

You haven'’t signed
anything yet.

It'’s not too late
to back out.

Mr. Chambers,
faith todd is on her way in.

Tom, could you give us
two minutes?

Sure, I'’ll be in my office.

Come on in.

If you'’ve come
to blackmail me
some more,

Forget it.

What are you saying?

I'’m your daughter asking
her father for money.

No judge will
call that blackmail.

I promised your mama
I'’d remember you in my will,

And I intend to.

I don'’t intend
to sit around

And wait for you
to die.

I want my money now.

You mean
your inheritance.

I don'’t know,
but I want 250,000.

Oh, don'’t be silly.

Well, my lawyer doesn'’t
think it'’s silly.

He thinks that'’s
how much we should get,
mama and me.

He'’ll take you
to court.


What'’s he going
to sue me for?

I don'’t know.

I'’ll leave that
up to him.

But he says we
can do it.

Why do you need
so much?

I want to leave
and get married

And maybe even
go to school,

And I need some cash
right away.

I can get you
the usual,

But the rest will
take time.

Let'’s get together
tomorrow night

Down at the mill.

The mill.

Mama said y'’all
used to meet there.

Said that'’s where
you and she started me.

I got things to do.

I can be there
at 11:30.

Not sooner.
Not later.


Now I have
made up my mind.

I'’m definitely
selling the business.

Cyrus, why?

I'’m tired
and I want out.

I'’m taking irene,

And we are going
to travel around the world.

What about me?

The partnership.

You brought me down
here 13 years ago

Assuring me--

You never blended in.

Should have stayed
in chicago.

It was a promise.

There was no promise.

Besides, do you think

I'’d let somebody
that threatened me

Be a partner?

Oh, come on, cyrus.

Come on. We were
having an argument.

All right.

I was a little
out of line.

Way out of line.

I remember what
we argued about.

It was irene,

The way you always
watched her.

You said you'’d like
to k*ll me.

I didn'’t mean
anything, cyrus.

It didn'’t worry me.

You don'’t scare me.

The point is, anyone
dumb enough to say
something like that

I'’d hardly have
as partner.

You there?

Where else?

Well, officer corbin,
you got anything
to report?

Nothing worth mentioning.

Chambers consolidated.

Headed for the county line.

Chambers consolidated

Hey, isn'’t that
a coincidence?

Mrs. Cyrus chambers
just walked
in the front door.

Afternoon, mrs. Chambers.

Shall I tell the chief
that you'’re here?

So he can run out
the back door?

No, thank you.
I'’ll surprise him.

I have worked very hard

To make this policeman'’s
ball a huge success.

I know.
I appreciate it.

And you got me into it!

Is something
the matter?

Everyone is
going to be there.

But that'’s good,
isn'’t it?

It'’s bad,
if you'’re not there.

Who said
he wouldn'’t be there?

A little birdie.

Little birdie
with a big mouthie.

Irene, the chief
will be there

With bells on.

And if it'’s cold,
I'’ll wear more.

Well, I hope it'’s warm.

Well, I'’m running.

Say hello to althea
for me.

I'’m looking forward
to seeing her.

Goodbye, irene.

Now, this is no
smiling matter.

This is all
your fault.

I know.

Let me tell you.

A policeman'’s ball

In a little place
like sparta is

It'’s not ridiculous
to raise money
for our pension fund.

Look, don'’t think
of it as a ball.

Think of it
as a nice party.

I still say
run a lottery.

And get run out
of town

By the women'’s
watch society?

Oh, a little
birdie, huh?

Parker, I think you

Must have misunderstood
me about something.

I did?

Yes. I didn'’t say
that I was not going

To the policeman'’s ball.

You didn'’t?

No. I must have said

That you
were not going,

Because you'’re not.

You'’re going to stay
here at this desk on duty.

People who offer
unsolicited remarks

To visitors
to police stations

Often find themselves
in regrettable situations.


How'’d you know
I was here?

Phoned the house.
Mathilda said
you'’d be here.

What'’s the matter?


He'’s off
the deep end.

Why? What happened?

He'’s talking
about selling
the business,

Taking you away
for good.

Oh, my.

We can'’t let him
do that, now, can we?

Believe me,
I have no intention

Of letting him
do that.

[Waltz plays]

What'’s the matter,

Mary jo'’s far too pretty
to be a wallflower.

Get a wiggle on.

Chief, you can'’t do much
wiggling to this.

Kind of slow.

This is snuggling-up

That'’s something

I know you'’re
good at.

Well, virgil, this
turned out to be

A good idea
after all.

One of my
better ideas.

When I pat him
on the back,

I find him
doing it himself.

I'’ve never seen you ladies
looking lovelier.

Thank you.

If you'’re warming me
up for a dance,

I'’m ready.

Let'’s waste no time.

And you gentlemen
look pretty sharp

This evening

Well, harriet,
just trying to add

A little something
to the cop'’s image.

Hi, y'’all.

I'’m so tickled about
the turnout.

Is cyrus here?

Cyrus is not here yet.
He will be.

He wouldn'’t miss this
for the world.

Mrs. Chambers
is going to be
awful mad

If you don'’t get
over to that party.

I know, mathilda.

I'’m keeping you
out of trouble.
It'’s 10:30.

I know, mathilda.

Mr. Dalton
just phoned.

What did he want?

To know if you'’d left.

If mrs. Chambers calls,
I am on my way.

Good night, mathilda.

Try to drink
only a little.

Tell her
the same thing.

Good night, mathilda.

Unh! Uhh...


They should
have put out
those little signs.

What little signs?

The ones explaining
what this stuff is.

That'’s for
a delicatessen.

This is a buffet.

Where'’s your

I'’m still
waiting for it
to come along.

Be adventurous.

Sometimes it'’s
better not to know.

You can, uh...

For instance,
right here.

These canopies look lovely.

Well, there'’s always
the tiny hot dogs.

Hot dogs?
You see some?

No, but if you do,
let me know.

It'’s sparta's
biggest problem,

One the city council
can'’t do anything about.

You mean
not enough men?

There'’s enough men,
just not enough bachelors.

Oh, harriet,
look at--

um, ron daniels,

And, oh,
lonnie rhodes.

They'’re eligible.

Only thing that
makes them eligible

Is they'’re--they're single.

Well, harriet,
shall we?

Well, I'’d be

Will you excuse us?


Never thought
I'’d see that.

That wouldn'’t be
some form

Of busting loose,
would it?

Althea, not at all.

It'’s a cops' party.
It'’s a public affair.

We'’re just looking
at two public officials.


It means nothing
more than that.

Mrs. Tibbs, I do believe
this is my dance.

Just where have
you been?

Oh, I had some
things to do.

You know,
phone calls.

isn'’t here yet.

Do you know
where he is?

No. He should
have been here.

Dance with me.

Will it look o.k.?

Why not?

Everything else
seems to look o.k.

Oh, well,
that'’s different.

That doesn'’t mean
a thing.

Irene, I'’ll dance
with you later,

But there'’s one more
call I'’ve got to make.

Just what is all
this phone calling about?

Hi, there.

Sparta police

Parker williams here.

Yes, sir. I want to report
a disturbance.

I can'’t hear you, sir.

Speak up.

Yeah. There'’s something
going on

At the old mill.

Mill race falls?

Yes, sir.
It'’s a violent argument.

We'’ll check it out.

I need
your name and--

Dad-gum it.

What was that
all about?

Uh, we better check out
mill race falls.

going on there,

to somebody.


My favorite

Aah! Aah!


It was wonderful.

Thanks for your
hard work.

I wanted
to thank cyrus,

But I never saw him.

Cyrus wasn'’t here
to be seen.

And I can'’t imagine
what he--

Why don'’t I give you
a ride home?

That'’d be
just fine.

Good night.
Good night, sir.


Good night, chief.

Shall we?

Oh, I have to stop by
the office.

Some case studies
I forgot.

Honey, case studies

We'’ll just swing
by the office.

Uh, I'’m sorry.

That o.k. With you?

Oh, that'’s fine.

Wait a minute.

Well, I can drop
harriet off.

It'’s not out
of my way.

Well, i--

That'’s great.

Honey, let'’s go.
Etta'’s waiting.

She'’s gonna be mad.

O.k. Good night, then.

Thank you, bill.

I guess
it'’ll be o.k.

Fine. Why are you
looking at the time?

I'’m hoping we'll beat
eugene home.

I think we will.


Nothing'’s changed
there, huh?


Did you see
edna'’s expression
when we were dancing?

No. I see
nothing wrong

With me dancing
with my boss.

I'’m not your boss.

Well, you'’re
the chairwoman

Of the city council'’s
committee on police.


Well, I want
to thank you

For a very enjoyable

Listen, harriet.

Hope I didn'’t
scare nobody.

Of course not,

I'’ll be in
in a minute.

Hi, eugene.

Chief gillespie.

All right. Good night.

I'’m sorry.

Very sorry.

How long is this
going to go on?

Well, as long as
we are who we are.

And as long as we
live in this town.

That'’s not going
to change, is it?

All I know is,

It'’s all a kind
of a pity.

Yes, it is.


I'’m crazy about you.

Good night, bill.

I didn'’t do
nothing wrong.

What'’s going
to happen now?

Well, that'’s up
to you, faith.


Drop it!

You got to be scared.

I didn'’t hurt nobody!

Well, something'’s going on.

Why you say that?

I was by chambers
consolidated yesterday.

I waved.
You ignored me.

I didn'’t see you.

Why were you there?

No law against it.

Now, you see your
daddy all the time--

My daddy ain'’t white and
I wasn'’t found standing

Over his dead body.

You got to
believe me, lu ann.

I didn'’t k*ll him!


That'’s all
I can tell you.

that'’s fine with me,

But it'’s not
going to be enough
for everyone else.

What have we
got here?

The body in the car
was cyrus chambers.

According to the
identification he was

How was
he k*lled?

Stabbed in the back
three times.

With what?

Detective tibbs is still
looking for a w*apon.

He'’ll be in shortly
to question the suspect.

Is that the suspect?


But I can'’t believe that.

She was on the scene.

That sure puts
a little pepper
in the gumbo.


Sweet, that girl
right there--

Faith todd--

cyrus'’ daughter.

[Knock on door]

Why, chief gillespie,
this is a surprise.

Mr. Dalton.

Come on in.

Thank you
very much.

We still haven'’t
heard from cyrus.

Irene'’s starting to worry.

Well, uh...

I'’m going to have
to talk to irene.

It'’s official

Official business?

At this hour?


It'’s cyrus,
isn'’t it?


Yes, irene.

Is it bad?

Yes, it sure is.

Cyrus is dead.

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god!

What happened?
Car accident?

Uh, apparently,
it wasn'’t an accident.

What happened?

Well, mr. Dalton,
at this particular moment

I'’m going to need to talk
to mrs. Chambers alone.

May i?

Of course.

I'’ll see you
in a minute.

Take your time.

I'’ll fix another
one of these.

What is it?

I hate to bring this up,

But I believe
you know faith todd.


What about her?

She was with cyrus.


Cyrus was found dead--


Down by the falls,

And, uh, we found
faith todd on the scene.

Well, did she k*ll him?

She says she didn'’t.

She says
he was already dead

When she went to meet him.

Meet him? Why?

To have a talk
with her daddy

And tell him she was
about to get married,

She says.

Well, anything else?

I was hoping you
could tell me that.

I mean, i...

Well, I suppose I could
think of something.

I could guess!

But I don'’t want to.


I got to get my
thoughts together.


All right, irene.

We can talk later.

I remember you
as a little girl,

Always running
around town.

I know you better
than you think.

So what?

She knows me, too.

We all knew that
your father and his wife

Lived in one of
the finest homes in sparta,

While less than
a mile away,
you and your mother

Lived in the bottoms.

That'’s what I hate
about this town...

Everybody'’s nose is in
everybody'’s business.

Come on, faith.

He just wants to know
why you were there.

Can'’t you
figure it out?

I guess it'’s
related to money,

But I'’d rather you tell me.

I'’d rather talk
to a lawyer.

Wise decision.

I'’ll meet you back
at the garage.

There'’s just the two
sets of tire tracks.

If chambers came
here to pay her off,
where'’s the money?

She didn'’t have any.

Maybe he didn'’t
have any with him

When he met her.

And that'’s why
she k*lled him?

Maybe somebody else
k*lled him.


Well, I only
said maybe.

But how do you s*ab
someone in the back

While they'’re
sitting in a car?

You don'’t.


Is that
doc robb'’s report?

Yes, sir.
It looks like

Cyrus was k*lled
at least an hour

Before sweet found
faith with the body.

I'’m not a bit surprised.

Nobody believes
that girl did it.

Well, she didn'’t
do it there.

If you k*ll somebody
you'’re getting money from,

You don'’t get your money.

Yeah--she only
stood to lose.

Who stood to gain?


Irene will inherit

Yeah, but she'’d
get them, anyhow.

Maybe not soon enough
for her.

Yeah, but, uh...

Irene was at
the party all night.

Couldn'’t buy
a better alibi.

But I bet she
got some help.


I'’ll bet
I know from who.

From whom, bubba.

Tom dalton,
that'’s whom.

[Dalton] something'’s going on
down there at the old mill.

[Parker] you mean
mill race falls?

Yes, sir. It'’s a
terrible argument.


Sounds like he tried
to change his voice.

What time did that
call come in, parker?

Uh, exactly...11:21.

was going on

Between dalton
and irene
at that party--

I mean,
apart from what
always went on.

If that was dalton'’s voice.

You really think
irene was involved
in this, chief?

She was a cause of it,
no doubt about it.

Whether she was
a party to it...

If the call
came in at 11:21--

He was partying
at 11:00.

Then the call came
from the party,

But tell me this--

Why were there
only two sets
of tire tracks

At the scene
of the crime,

One of them
the girl'’s?

Dalton k*lled cyrus
someplace else,

And then drove him to
the mill in cyrus'’ car.

I think dalton
had plenty of time.

Say what?

Time to k*ll mr. Chambers
at his house,

Drive out to the falls,

Then walk back
to the chambers'’
for his own car.

All by 11:00?
Uh-uh, parker.

Hold on, bubba.
Parker'’s right.

Trouble is,
there'’s only one way

For parker
to prove his theory--

He'’ll have to test
that theory himself.

Well, parker, we'’ll see you
back at the chambers'’.

Have yourself a good walk,
you hear?

Miss chambers?

Is something
missing from
the safe, irene?

Cyrus always kept
emergency cash in there,

But I don'’t see it
or the bonds.

So, mathilda,
what happened next?

He went out
to the garage.

You hear him
drive off?

Yeah, finally.

Well, what you mean,

For some reason, he kept
dilly-dallying out there.

Then he left.

So this...

This is about where
cyrus'’ door would be.

Oh, I suppose so.

What are you doing?

What'’s that,
an oil stain?

No, it'’s not oil.
It'’s blood.

Does that mean cyrus
was k*lled here?

Well, parker,
it took about...

20 Minutes.

I would'’ve been here
a little bit earlier,

But I ran into
mrs. Dumar.

She said her instep
was crushed
by a monkey wrench.

Parker, bring me
the evidence kit.

Uh, yes, sir.
Right away, detective.

Thank you.

I don'’t think faith
k*lled her father...

Do you?

No! I don'’t.

I mean...

I can'’t answer that.

I don'’t know
what I think. I...

Chief, irene chambers
is here to see you.

Oh! Well...

Come on in, irene.

Thank you, sweet.

I don'’t really know
quite how to say this,

Nor why you should
even believe me.

You seem all upset.

Come on over here.

Sit down on the sofa.

We'’ll talk about it

Faith todd didn'’t
k*ll my husband.

Chief, the lab results
are in. The blood'’s--

The blood'’s
the same type as cyrus'’.

Tom dalton
k*lled cyrus.

Dalton and you were
involved, weren'’t you?

I was involved
in an affair...

Not a m*rder.

And I suppose he wanted
to have you all to himself.

Cyrus was planning
on selling the company.

If I thought
tom loved me

Half as much
as cyrus'’ money

I probably wouldn'’t
be here right now.

So far, the evidence
we have on dalton
is circumstantial,

But with your help, um...

I really don'’t know
what more I can do.



Mrs. Chambers
is in your office.


What a nice surprise.

It was you,
wasn'’t it?

Irene, don'’t look
at me that way.

How am I supposed
to look at you?

You k*lled cyrus
and tried to blame
it on that poor--

lower your voice!

What was I
supposed to do?

Cyrus was
going nuts.

He wouldn'’t
listen to me.

I had to
deal with him.

I can'’t stand it!


He was going to
sell the company...

Leave me out
on the street...

Split us up.

How would you
deal with that?

The more you say,
the guiltier I feel

About ever having
been involved with you!


It doesn'’t matter
how you feel.

You'’ll get over it.

As for the girl...

She can plead
or something.

The point is,
we'’re in the clear.

no, you'’re not, dalton.

You were never
in the clear.

This is how you
tuned in on
faith and cyrus.

You were the only
one who knew about
their meeting.

You did this?

You set me up
like this...

After what we meant
to each other?

You said we had
to do something.

I never wanted
cyrus dead.

Why should i?

You jerk!

Uh, sweet,
would you please...

And say that thing.
You know...

You have the right
to remain silent.

You have the right
to an attorney.

Anything you say
can and will

Be used against you
in the court...

It'’s a shame when love
goes sour, isn'’t it?

Well, harriet.


This is
faith'’s mama?

This is cora todd.

Chief gillespie.

ms. Todd.

Conference room'’s clear.

Do come in, ladies.

Lu ann...

Would you take
ms. Todd downstairs?

She'’s got some things
for her daughter.

Come this way, ma'’am.

Care to step into
the conference room, ma'’am?

Oh, thank you.

You know ms. Todd
a long time?

Long, but not well.

You know how it is--

knows everybody.

Ms. Delong,
we have a plain car

We could take the
two ladies home in.

If you have something
else you wanna do.

Thank you, but I'’d planned
to take them myself.

Yes, ma'’am.

Irene chambers is on
her way over here.

To see whom?

Faith todd,
if she'’ll allow her.

I can'’t think
why she would.

What has irene chambers
got on her mind?

I didn'’t ask her.

So, you really didn'’t
know this woman

Well at all, did you?


She had a lot
in common
with my sister.

Cora said it on
the way over here--

"Your sister and I

"Was the mothers
of children from
rich white daddies

"Who finally drowned
in money and blood."

Did she find
any lesson in that?

That'’s exactly
what I asked her.

She looked at me
and said,


"I been too busy
trying to stay alive

"To find
any lessons."

I expect I owe you
a "thank you."

I'’m told I had one
of your better cells.

by our standards.

No mirror, of course.

They don'’t want

The dangerous criminals
to have any glass...

But there was
a seat on the toilet...

Just like
for regular people.

Are we ready?

Oh, yes, we are.

Oh! Excuse me.

Uh, could I say something?

Just one thing
to faith, if I may?

May i?

I know you'’ve got
to be mad as hell,

But if I may...

Have you ever met
my mother, mrs. Chambers?


I--i'’m burying
him wednesday...

Just in case
anybody would
like to come.

And I want you to have
the money you wanted, faith.

I'’m sure it's
something fair...

For a daughter...

And a mama.

Bill tells me
you have a lawyer,

So I'’ll have
my lawyer call

And then we'’ll
set this all right.

I sure hope this
passes quickly,

And i, uh...

I was hoping
maybe you'’d feel

Like coming to
see me sometime.

Bye, y'’all.

Does she mean that?

I don'’t know.

Can something
come from this?

Oh, I think so.

It'’s certainly right
that it should.

I have faith
that something good

Can come
of anything,

As long
as it'’s right.
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