04x19 - First Deadly Sin

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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04x19 - First Deadly Sin

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

It will be ready
for you.

Is that the shoe print
of the r*pist, detective?

It may be.
It's a size 11.

You got
something for me?

The lab report
just come in

For the nolley case,

And the blood type
of the r*pist is "o."

Chief: we got
that blood type
off the semen,

If you can
depend on that.

And we found the skin
under the nails

From him that proves
he's a white man.

We'll get him,

But will she be able
to recognize him?

always a problem.

Especially when
somebody att*cks you
from behind

And ties a pillowcase
over your head.

Elliot gardner phoned

Reminding you about today's
hospital fund raiser.

Now, why did I
agree to that

In the first place?

At the time, you
think you're escaping.

Isn't that

Yeah. You put it
off your mind,

And I still got to
put it on the calendar.

Boyd: "every man shall give
as he is able,

"According the the blessing
of the lord thy god,

"Which he hath given thee.

"Heal the sick,

"Cleanse the lepers,

"Raise the dead,

"Cast out devils.

"Freely ye have received,
freely give.

"Every man according,

"As he proposes
in his heart,

"So let him give.

"Not grudgingly
or of necessity,

"For god loveth
a cheerful giver."

All: amen.

My boy has a fine
presence, hasn't he?

They say he's
going on to
be a preacher.

Sounds great,
doesn't he?

He sure does, elliot.

That concludes
our luncheon

For the children's
hospital wing.

But before we depart,

How about a hand
for our fund raiser--

And the proud father
of our reader--

The chairman of
our hospital committee

Mr. Elliot gardner.

Thank you.

Well, elliot,
I want to thank you
for inviting me.

Thank you
for the donation.

Everything helps.

Like the widow
who gave her might,

We all do
what we can.

That reading
sounded good.

Where did you
learn to add
that emphasis?

I just picked it up.

Somebody told me
you're going into
a seminary next fall.

It's not for sure yet.

Of course it is,
at the moment.

It was nice
seeing you, sir.

Likewise, young man.

I'll see you,

[Class bell rings]

Hi, boyd.


ms. Tibbs.

Mr. Reynolds told me
you're dropping out
of earth science.

Well, it is
an elective.

What will you take
in its place?

I enjoy using my hands.

We're going to have to
discuss that one.

Come to
my office tomorrow.

All right.
I'll see you then.

[Class bell rings]



Oh, lord.
You startled me.

I'm sorry.

you have boyd gardner

In your homeroom,
don't you?

Yeah, and
for english, too. Why?

Does he seem like he's--
I don't know--

Acting a little
strange lately?


Not that I noticed.

Hmm. It just seems
like something's
bothering him.

I don't know.

I guess you're wondering
what I'm doing here, huh?

Computers always
make me wonder.

I'm entering
some test scores

I forgot to include.

Julie patterson
usually does that for me.

Yeah. Well, I don't
like to trouble her

With my little mistakes.

I'll let you
get back to your work.



Why don't we try
to get together
for lunch sometime--

Maybe some place other than
our dreadful cafeteria?

That would be nice.


I'll check
around back.

Mrs. Nolley.

You called us
here, ma'am?

Please come in.

I--i heard somebody
out there--

Out by the kitchen door
where I was att*cked.

Did you
see somebody?


I--i was
too frightened to look.

Don't you worry
about a thing, you hear?

An officer is out there
checking everything.

I been--

I been thinking about--
shopping that day.

I don't recall
talking to anybody
at kobb's market.

Well, do you
recall seeing anybody

That you thought
might have been
following you home?

I--i didn't notice.

You think
he came back here?

[Knock on door]

Oh!it's o.k., Ma'am.

It's just
sergeant jamison.

It will be o.k.

Look here, why
don't you sit down
for a little bit?

Yeah, that's it.

You know, you know,

I'll bet you
it was just a dog

Rummaging around
out there.

Yeah, I guess.

It--it happens.

You think
that's what I heard?

Yeah, I'll bet.
I was telling her
it was a dog.

Yeah. It's
hard to tell.

Mrs. Nolley,

Have you ever
thought about maybe

Going and
spending some time
with relatives?

The nearest one
lives in jackson.

I got to work here.

Um, what
about some friends?

All my friends
have too many kids

And too little room.

Have you contacted
social services yet?

I'm not ready
to talk to some stranger

About being r*ped.

Yes, ma'am.

It probably was
just a dog out back.

You sure?

Pretty sure.

How sure would
you be if somebody
was after your wife

Or your sister?

[Classical music plays]

[Classical music plays]

[Television plays]

Why aren't you
at marcella's?

I knocked on the door,
but no one answered.

She wasn't home?

She was home.

Then what are you
talking about?

She was entertaining.


I heard music,
and I saw a man
through the window.

You can't afford
to miss lessons.

We can't afford
to lose time.

It's not like her.
She probably forgot.

I don't understand
your attitude.

You should have busted in
and demanded your time.

Which I'm paying
a fortune for.

I can get you
in the seminary,
but that's step two.

I know, dad.



Elliot: put marcella allen on.

Who is this?

Who are you?

Detective tibbs,
sparta p.d.

Why would the police be
at marcella's house?

Why? Say something!

I don't know, sir.

I don't know.

Who was on the phone?

The man hung up.

Any idea who?


It's all right.
It's all right.

We're here, and
an ambulance
is on its way.

The neighbors didn't
see or hear anything.

There's a lot of room
between the houses,

Just like the nolley case.

Uh, the ambulance
just got here.

Oh, good.

Luann will go with you
to the hospital.

I--i can't.
I--i have to--

I can't go like this.

I--i need to shower,

And I want
to change my clothes.

Marcella, please,

You'll have to stay
just as you are

For a little
while longer.


This is the way
the doctor
has to examine you.

It gives us
a better chance

To catch the man
who did it, o.k.?

It's o.k.

Come in.

How you feeling?

Pretty calm,

Tell althea the
flowers are lovely.

Oh, yeah. She should
be here any minute.

You feel like answering
a few more questions?

Uh, I think so.

You say you were on
your way home from school.

Yeah, I stayed late

To catch up
on some paperwork.

Did you stop anywhere?

No, I came
straight from school.

Do you shop
at, uh, kobb's market?


Virgil: did you talk
to anyone there?

No. Well, just the--
the check-out girl.

I'm sorry.
I want to see
if there is a pattern,

If your story
is anything like
another woman

Who was r*ped
a couple of days ago.

You want to hear
something funny?

I always
leave the music on

So burglars will think
someone's home.

If I hadn't,
maybe somebody would
have heard me screaming.

O.k. If I come in?

How awful
do I look?

Well, you
look about right

Considering what
you've been through.

Don't worry about it.

Well, I'm going to
let you two talk, o.k.?

Uh, marcella,
you call me if
you think of anything--

Anything at all.



The whole time
it was happening,

I kept thinking--

"What have I done
to deserve this?"

I know.

You keep
blaming yourself,

But don't.

You didn't do
anything wrong.

God, I'm tired.

But every time I close
my eyes, I just--

See that pillowcase,
and i--

I start to feel like
I'm suffocating.

Maybe you need something
to help you sleep.

Yeah. But what do I do
to escape it?


But you will escape it.

It will take some time,

But gradually you just
stop thinking about it.

I don't think I'll--

I'll ever feel safe
in my own house again.

Althea: yes, you will.

I used to feel
that way.

I know this is
going to be really
hard to believe...

But you will get
your peace of mind back.


Well, what
do we know?

Does he, uh,
go for the same
type of women?


They're both blondes
in their 30s.

Could just
be coincidence,

But we know both
victims lived alone

And used
rear entrances
to their homes.

He trailed them
and waited for
the right moment.

Dr. Robb.

Elliot, what
are you doing here?

We're finalizing plans
for the new children's wing.

There's been
another r*pe?

Yes. A young teacher.

My heart goes out
to the poor girl.

Dr. Robb, about
the lab report?

There was nothing
on her clothes to help,

But we got a blood sample

From underneath
her fingernails.

Type "o."

Well. Same
as the other guy.

Or the same guy.


Anything else?


What did you find
at the crime scene?

Well, you've seen
all we've found.

Nice to see you,


Hmm. Boyd. Come on in.

So how are things

Fine, ms. Tibbs,

But I don't understand
why we need to talk
about this.

You did so well
in chemistry.

I want you to reconsider
dropping earth science.

I've already
thought it through.

It's not something
I want to study.

Have you considered

The other classes
that are available
besides wood shop...

Like, um...
Creative writing

Or, uh,
modern literature?

My mind is made up.

[Class bell rings]

I don't want to be late
for ms. Allen's class.

Ms. Allen
isn't here today.

Why? Is she sick?

A man broke
into her house.

He att*cked her.

Is she going to be
all right?

In time.

Ms. Tibbs, do
these kinds of guys
ever come back?

To the same woman?

Not as a rule.

Uh, maybe.
But they'll go on and on

Until they're identified,
caught, and stopped.

I'm sure boyd'll
appreciate hearing that.

It's always a pleasure
to speak to you, reverend.

Reverend campbell
heard you reading
at the women's club,

Said you are
the type of young man

They like
at the seminary,

So it's on
to step two.

Dad, the guy I saw
at marcella's house

Must've been the guy
who r*ped her.

Boyd, you never
actually saw that happen.

I think
I should go to
the police, sir.

Why? What are
you going to say

About your reason
for being there?

I went for tutoring.

There's no crime
against being tutored.

Son, we both know
it goes much further
than that.

One thing's bound
to lead to another.

The woman is not
in a rational state.

But I'm a witness.

The man's
a serial r*pist.

How do you know that?

The police say so.

You talk to them?

No, sir.
It was on the radio.

The police have
already zeroed in
on the culprit.

How do you know that?

I ran into
chief gillespie
at the hospital.

I just want to do
the right thing.

Well, you're doing
the right thing

By not getting

Trust me, son.


[Dog barks]


Everything's going to
be all right.

Oh, detective.

Yes?here's the report.

Thank you, dee.

We ought to get
a list of all
men in sparta

With type "o" blood,

Then narrow it down
to the one type "o"

Who wears
a size 11 boot.

That's ingenious,

Thank you for
the compliment, sir.

Lydia kinsey
never saw his face.

Average height,
medium build,

Nothing very special
about him.

Except for that pillowcase
he left behind.


As she was driving home
from kobb's market,

Ms. Nolley
was returning home
from there,

And marcella allen
shops there, too.

Chief: it appears...

The gentleman
prefers blondes.

Bye! Bye!

Marcella: well, I appreciate
you stopping by,
chief gillespie.

No, I want
to thank you
for your time.

I wish I could
have been more helpful.

I--i just can't recall
anything else.

Is there anything
that I can do for you?

I'll be fine.

My sister's coming
to stay with me.

That'll help a lot.

That sounds good.
In the meantime,

I've doubled
our police patrols
in the neighborhood.

[Telephone rings]excuse me.


No. I got home
this morning.

I'm doing...o.k.

It's sweet of you to call.
Thanks, boyd.


I know a boyd.

Boyd gardner.

Yes. He's my student

For home room
and english.

It's just like him
to call.

I expect he must be
an excellent student.


He's a wonderful
reader of the scriptures.

Ever hear him?

No, I haven't,
but I've heard that
about him.


Thank you.


Elliot: in here.

What's wrong?

You weren't quite
straight with me, sir!

What are you
talking about?

Brian kinsey's sister
was att*cked.

It was the same guy
who r*ped ms. Allen.

You said the police
were about to
arrest that guy.

Well, they were.i have to
go to them,

I have to tell
what I saw.

And risk everything?

I've got to stop him.

It's not your concern!

It is! How could you
be like that?

How could you not care?

I care...about you.

I will not allow you
to jeopardize
your future.

We both have too much
to lose here.

People shouldn't suffer
so I can hide my problems.

already suffered!

You can't change that,
foolish boy!

You can't change that!

Woman: we need clean up
on aisle two.

Clean up
on aisle two, please.

Excuse me, ma'am.

I noticed you're
having a hard time

Yes. I've never
tried this brand.

It's good, but
the family size is
a much better value.

Mmm. I live alone.
It would only spoil.

Thank you.



Just let us know.


Bubba and the boys
are in place.

Well, whatever did you
have in mind, sir?

Get serious.
You hit on me
at the market,

Then followed me

You need help.
I'll get you help.

I said
I don't know nothing
about no r*pes.

Then why'd you follow
this officer home?

She flirted with me.

I wanted to ask her out.

Virgil: that's a different way
of asking a woman out.

Walk up behind her,
then jump on her.

The door was open.
I didn't att*ck her.

I stumbled and fell.

And accidentally
put a pillowcase
over my head.

Why are you
trying to pin
these r*pes on me?

We got his
blood test back.

What is his blood type?

Type "o."

Blood type "o"
is the same type
as the r*pist's.

That don't mean
a damn thing.

You know, he's right.

He's going back
in his cell,
but he is right.

Sweet, please?

Pleasure, sir.
Let's go.

I want that man
in a prison uniform!

Yes, sir!


I need to see
chief gillespie.

He's right about
the blood type. It's
purely circumstantial,

But so's the pillowcase,
come to that.

Well, I'm going to hold
him for as*ault anyhow.

Let's try
to get more.

I hear you.

Well, boyd.

Come on in.
Have a little visit.

Make yourself
on that sofa there.

Thank you, peake.

Yes, sir.

Well, well.

Uh, this is
detective virgil
tibbs over here.

This is
boyd gardner.

Boyd: how do you do, sir?hi.

Well, son,
what's on your mind?

I may have seen the man
who r*ped ms. Allen.


I went to the house
that night.

Knocked on the door.

She didn't answer.

So I went around
the side.

That's when I saw him.

Exactly what
did you see?

A white man.

He was tucking in
his shirt.

He was fixing
his belt.

Why didn't you
tell us this
right away?

I was ashamed.

I didn't want
anybody to know

She'd been tutoring me.

What is shameful
about being tutored?

Boyd: I just didn't want
anybody to know.

She'd been helping me

Prepare to get
into the seminary.


Let's do a lineup.


Come on, let's go.

That's him.
Second from the left.

You sure?


Well, good.
Then you're our witness.

Why didn't he say
something before?

Virgil: we don't know.

I think he's afraid
of getting found out.

Uh, could they
be having an affair?


Although she could
be doing something
more than tutoring.


Althea: I caught her
doing something

With the school's
main frame computer.

I thought
it was strange,

But I didn't give it
a second thought.

What does
the system store?

Test scores.


Grade changing?


When am I
leaving here?

You'll be leaving
pretty soon, boyd.

this is the good book.

Open it
to that bookmark.

And it's set at
matthew23, verse 28.

I want you
to read that for me.

I'd rather not, sir. I--

I know it,
but read it anyhow.



Oh, um...


I can't, sir.

"Even so ye also
outwardly appear
righteous unto men,

"But within, ye are full
of hypocrisy and iniquity."

I did what
you've always done.
I memorized that.

See, people always
thought that you
were really reading...

Because you
memorized things,

And you went
over them and over them
and over them again--

No doubt with
somebody helping you.

I never meant
to lie, sir.

It wasn't my idea.

But I don't imagine

That you thought
it was a bad idea.

Good afternoon,
ms. Allen.

May we come in?

Y-yeah. Please do.

So, what brings
the two of you here?

Boyd came by here
the day that
you were r*ped,

And he identified
the man who was
in here with you,

And we arrested him.

You saw it happen?

I came for
my regular lesson.


They know
about the tutoring.

Boyd didn't want
to risk anybody else's

Finding out about
his special problem.

Yeah, well,
boyd's father wanted
to keep it a secret,

So I went along.

You broke the law,
ms. Allen.

I'm--i'm sorry,
I'm not following you.

Boyd reads like
a third grader,

But his transcript
and the copy

That went
into the computer

Registers nothing
but as and bs

Right up through
the 12th grade.

If I did anything,
I was only
trying to help.

You were trying
to help yourself
by accepting bribes

To falsify his record.

N--you falsified
a public document.

No.what do you mean, no?

I was...what do you
want to say?

Do you have any idea

How hard it is
to make ends meet

On a teacher's

There's millions
of teachers

Trying to do
that very thing,

But they wouldn't
condone anything
like this.

Boyd: it wasn't her fault.

My daddy can be
very convincing.

He was going to buy
my way into the seminary

And transfer me
to a regular college

Just as soon as
I could read better.

Don't blame her. She
really tried to teach me.


I'll lose my license.

Oh, I expect you will.

You may lose a little
freedom as well.


Afternoon, chief.

Hey, chief.well.

The d.a. Is going
to want boyd

To testify
against his daddy.

That's horrible.
Will he?

I have my doubts.

Where will this case be
if he doesn't?

What about marcella?

Virgil: she gains
nothing by talking.

Her lawyer will
tell her to keep quiet
and challenge us.

Did elliot gardner
bribe anyone else?

Virgil: we figured out
that, uh,

He must have been paying
somebody all along

To fix the boy's grades
throughout school.

Hard to believe
a thing like this
could happen.

Illiteracy happens.

Cover-ups happen
more than we suspect.

different schools.

Think of
all the help

That man
had to pay for.

He called me
on the phone,
yelled at me,

Told me I'd
have done no less
for a son of mine.

Not for his son.
For himself.

God forbid
he should be known

For fathering a kid
that wasn't perfect.

Pride. It's stupid.

Sinful, too.

First deadly.

Sin of lucifer.
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