Battle of the Warriors (2006)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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Battle of the Warriors (2006)

Post by bunniefuu »

Xiao Xiao, stay in here

no matter what, don't come out, okay?

I'll be right behind the wall

In 370BC, the Warring States China

Zhao Nation dispatched 100,000 warriors

led by Xiang Yanzhong, to att*ck Yan Nation

LIANG stands right on his path to Yan

There's no way she can
resist Zhao's mighty troop

and will be definitely taken as buffer

Their only chance for survival is to

ask for the help of Mozi warrior

who are experts in defending


as Liang teeters on the edge of peril

Mozi warriors...

still didn't arrive

Father, we must fight

Zhao's Commander
Xiang Yanzhong is a brilliant strategist

His advance troop has already arrived

We have to take action now

before the arrival of their main force

we must surrender

otherwise, we're all done for

Fighting with bare hands...

ends up the same...

My Lord

My Lord

what if the Mozi army were to make it here?

Assemble at the Gate, quick

Get the horses ready

Move on, quick

Hurry up

Come on, hurry up

Cavalry Chief

Who told you to ride out?

Your Majesty's decree

All cavaliers await at the South Gate

for General Niu's order

General, the surrender notes
and cavaliers are ready

Open the Gate

Open the Gate

Someone's approaching from the West

Who are you?

Mozi, Ge Li

Mozi has finally arrived

Open the Gate

Open the Gate

Take this

Zhao soldiers... they're here

Zhao's hostile force

They're furious, shall we inform the King?

Who are you?

How dare you trespasses on our camp site

This is General Niu of LIANG

I'm here to deliver the surrender note

Send cavaliers to pass them
our surrender decision



You think surrendering and not fighting

can please the Zhao?

And stop the w*r?

Zhao's army is huge

you want us all to get k*lled?

When they take over Liang,
you'll still have to suffer

Ministers will be k*lled

soldiers will be captured

your families will be ruined

women will be dishonored


Are you contented with this?

Why don't you give a try?


we may die in the battle

but at least you'd tried

and if we can make it

we'll make it worth

We can't give up our homeland

What shall we do then?

Sir, please lead us to defend

Yes, lead us

Take action now, Mozi

Zhao army is already here

Can you give me your bow?

Their distance is too far

Give me

To fight or surrender?

No one is allowed to intrude into my city

Protect the General

General Gao...

General Wei commanded us to retreat?


Thank you

Good job, they'd retreated

They are only the vanguard troop

It's just the beginning


Your majesty


A Mozi arrived and
drove away the Zhao's vanguard

Congratulations, My Lord

Liang is saved


My Lord, please take care

My Lord...

My Lord...

Your Honor, the King was drunk

Back off, the Prince is coming

Come on, good boy

The King is not feeling well

your request had to be put back later

Enemies are right outside,
we don't have much time

By the way

which cities have you protected before?

This is my first time

You are the only one they sent?

How about the jade pendant?

Did you bring it?

It's still in the Mozi Hall

It was our token for Mozi's help

How can you forget?

Let me have a look

General Wei


Just a little modification...

and double the sh**ting range

Why do you stop my att*ck?

What for?

We don't need to att*ck

Liang had already sent someone here to surrender

Then, why are they sh**ting me?

Give out my order

block off all the paths to Liang

poison all its water source.

No one is to go near Liang without my order


That just...

gives them time to defend

Don't worry

we'll discuss when the Commander arrives

Sir, Prince Liang Shi offered...

you to rest here for the night

Thank you

Thank you

Cavalry Chief

Who did the arrangement?
He's here to protect us

It's the Prince's order...

The Prince? How can he...

My Prince was convinced by an outsider

and stimulated the Zhao's vanguard

They will definitely retaliate.

I'm sure your majesty understands

What is your suggestion?

Your servant believes that...

Don't hesitate? Say it.

Ge Li persuaded the people

and offended the Zhao against your decree

We must arrest Ge Li

and hand him over to the Zhao

That will placate them

and show My Lord's sincerity

If Xiang Yanzhong and his troops arrive

Liang will be in great danger

Royal Tutor wants me to...

turn against the Mozi?

My Lord

this is the only way to save Liang

What about the Mozi?

They would be furious

Ge Li didn't bring the pendant you sent

his identity is unclear

My Lord


The Prince came to see
your majesty with Mozi Ge Li

Bring Ge Li to the Main Hall alone


Long live My Lord

Ge Li


I've heard that you've never lead troops

or protect a city before

Facing Xiang Yanzhong's force

how will you save Liang?

Zhao's target is Yan Nation

they won't risk their mission on Liang

The battle with Liang must be fast and clear

Survival or not

depends on how long Liang can hold

How long will it take to repel the Zhao?

If Liang can hold up to one month,
Zhao will retreat

Ge Li

You think...

how long can Liang hold?

That's up to your trust on me

I trust you unquestionably

Then, I urged you to

hand over all command to Ge Li

The utmost care must be taken

orders must be clear & strict

efficiency is most important



It seems that...

Liang is going for a long siege


But what if...

...I mean if you were k*lled?

What else can we do?

How about...

not fighting?

Not to fight?


That's all on your will

My will is strong for that

Then tie up Ge Li now

let Prince Liang Shi...

bring him to the Zhao

That will stop the w*r

You can bring along your families

go to Zhao Nation

and plead for forgiveness

You then hand over Liang to the Zhao

All men will become slaves


the people of Liang will suffer no w*r

If your majesty prefers this

Fine, Ge Li will do all he can


The king sees his people as everything

My decision is... at all costs

Liang Shi


You must obey Ge Li's command

Apart from the Royal guards

Mozi Ge Li will command all troops

to resist Zhao's invasion

Anyone who disobeys his orders will be...


Our enemy will poison our water source

from now on

we must not use any water flowing into Liang

We'll have to dig more wells in the city

Collect farmer's harvest

select several locations in the city

as food storages

All food and water will be under distribution

Direct all water drainage

to the farmland and let it swamp

Swamp the farmland?

We'll starve ourselves of food

With appropriate allocation

our coffers will last us for a year

Then what?

We'll have kept the city

but there'll be nothing left

If we lose our lives,
what good will come of that?

Even if we block off the East

enemies will att*ck us from other directions

The west and north give us natural barriers

Enemies will not att*ck from those directions

How about the south?

Why don't we spend more effort on it?

Every city must have one weakness

this is where our enemies will att*ck

so as to control their att*ck

Gather all the strong men

we've to build a bulwark
at the south in seven days

Can that be done?

Mr. Ge Li

how can we build a bulwark in such a short time?

It would take at least a year

to bring the stones from the mountain

Knocking down the palace wall?

How can you protect the palace?

Are you revolting?

These stones are for building a bulwark

The bulwark

is our first line of defense

If we lose the city

the palace will be lost too

Protecting the city means protecting the palace

Ge Li

can a bulwark built in such a short tim

defend Xiang Yanzhong's troop?

To defend Liang in such a way...

This is not only defending

it's also a psychological tactic

The bulwark has to be built precisely

matching with the main wall

The efficiency of the Liang people

will definitely thr*aten our enemies

Your highness

please allow cavalry to
help with moving the stones

to speed up the process

Cavalry troops represent
the superiority of Liang

how can they be used to move stones?

I believe that...

this may prove My Lord's love

and care for his people


With their help, seven days will be enough

Unload and move on quickly

The sun rises in this direction

Sunlight will be the strongest after 3 hours

Move back

There's drinking water outside the Gate

Go by the side

Move on quickly

Record the landscape


Let's go the stream


What a disgrace, never-ending warfare

There's w*r everywhere

I don't want to run anymore

You want to die here?

That Mozi looks quite capable

maybe Liang can hold

Why don't we just give them the city?

Who cares who we pay tax to?


Quick, unload these alcohols


Cai Qiu...

Don't go

Come back

Just let the baby cry...

Be quiet

What is it?

Zhao troops arrived

Don't let the baby cry

Keep quiet

Don't let her cry

- Let me hug her
- Give her to me

Don't hurt the child

Stop the crying

Let me hug her

Don't let the baby cry

Give her to me

Give her the child

Stop her crying and keep quiet


My child

My child

Shut up

We are all going to die

Stop crying

You flee because you don't want to fight

we're also tired of k*lling

We're heading to Yan Nation

and just bypassing Liang for supplies

How come Liang confused our purpose?

Is there someone persuading you?

A Mozi came...

his name is Geli...

Only one?

4,000 people persuaded by one person

to fight against 100,000 soldiers?

We dare not

Leaders must earn their respect

Zi Tuan, you'll lead the archers

Will you take the command?

Why don't you take Ge Li's order?

How dare you

Your skill and experience is not up to mine

how can you be the leader?

You're not qualified and hiding the truth


Take him



Not up to the Prince's skill
will had to be imprisoned

I should be taken too

Leaders must earn their respect

Zi Tuan is not qualified

Zi Tuan's archery

had amazed me on the day I arrive Liang

Warfare is a matter of
strategies and cooperation

no single man can ever hold off an army


For m*llitary tactics

we can only judge
when the enemy is at our doorstep

But for archery, let's settle it right now

the top of that pole is the target

you each have five sh*ts

You start first

Quit now and I can spare your life

Please start

Even if you made it, you'll never b*at me

You lose

Guards, take him


You're the best archer

best rider, and best fighter

all because you're the Prince of Liang

You should widen your scope

the world is bigger than you think

What's going on?

They're b*ating up those who tried to escape

I dare not run again

Please stop, please

Do you remember the location of Zhao camp?

We don't know

When we saw the Zhao's sentry

we just turn and run

Sir, Zhao's Commander Xiang Yanzhong

wants to meet with you at the South Gate

w*r on a board game?

So we know where we stand




Just to check you out

you certainly are a fine catch

Small defeat means nothing,
it's just a board game

It isn't worth

wasting Commander's time on Liang


It won't cost much

I'm not done yet

Neither am I

See you in the b*ttlefield


Thank you, My Lord

I'd changed my words in surrendering

and I'd hand over all commands to Ge Li

General, I hope you won't take offence...

My Lord, I really don't mind


Your servant is loyal to your majesty

I'm always at your command

I appreciate your generalship

and your understanding

General Niu, you're always my great General

This battle is critical for Liang

If we can defend Zhao's first att*ck

Liang will have hope

Any questions?


We'll get everything ready

So, dismiss and prepare for the battle



Mr. Ge Li...

What is it?

Cavalry troop is not yet assigned with any work

Cavalry troops belong to the royal guards

I've no rights to command

Don't argue anymore


People flee from w*r

do you really know what w*r is?

This is my homeland

When my father was still alive

he was always on the front line

I don't want to be despised

just because I'm a girl...

There's one very important job...

You're responsible for the square

Collect them to the City East for distribution

We don't have much time, the rest come with me


Wake up, everybody

By the command of Mr. Ge Li

give us all your excrement now

give us all your excrement

I can't take this anymore

I'm really cracked up

The Zhaos...

when will they att*ck?

Are they... waiting for us?

That's impossible

Ge Li is no dummy...

We've to think it through

We can't wait anymore

They'll really k*ll them all

Don't you know our wives
and kids will all be dead?


We're here all because of your wife...

Forget it... it's over already...

it's over

...I k*lled my own child, he is still in...

It's over already

Everybody get up

and follow me out

What's going on here?

- What is it?
- Get up! Quick

Keep quiet


What's going on here?

You... shut up

For no matter what reasons you're here

from now on

no one will care

You'll be sent to the front line of the battle

to fight against your enemies

Defeat your enemies

and you'll be freed

We're innocent

why do we have to give our lives?

Who are not victims in a w*r?
Answer me

Your anger and rages

your freedom...

is in your hands now

Fight for yourselves

and the innocents

Freedom is more valued only if

you defeat your enemies, understand?





Hurry up, pass around the arrows


The excrement really works

it puts out the fire

Spread more on the other roof tops

Front att*ck

inv*de South Gate

inv*de South Gate

Everybody get up and fight

Pour the sulphur


Give me the stone

Pass it along to the wall


Hurry up


Come with me

I'm not, not me

My Prince, there are Zhao spies in the town



You shouldn't be here...

You shouldn't...

Get back inside the Gate


Bulwark had been taken, two units are moving in

South gate was opened, we are moving in

You stay behind


Raise the drawbridge

Hurry up

Pull it

The drawbridge got stuck

we can't get out and rescue Ge Li


Three units are approaching

Focus the att*ck in the Bulwark

Cover Ge Li. Go

sh**t! Just sh**t

Draw back

Ge Li

- sh**t him
- Pull

Close the gate

Remove the bodies, quick

Close the gate

Hurry up

Close the gate

Tear down Liang

Protect Commander

Close the gate

Stop crying

Close the Gate


Move back

What sound is that? Quiet

Come with me


Zhao's retreating drum sound

- Zhao is retreating
- Really?

They're retreating, we've made it

The Zhao's retreating

Stay in bed

tend to your wounds

I'm fine

Where am I?

Dong's room

I'm sorry

He can finally relieve...

only that he cannot die in peace...

Brand new

It's okay, I'm fine with what I have

It isn't worth much

please keep it

Mozi shouldn't accept gifts

or else

people will think we are
helping others for their return

Not accepting gifts

doesn't mean no one suspect you


You'd better stay in here

there're lots of people outside

Mr. Ge Li has recovered

Commander, we can't postpone attacking Yan

My suggestion is...

Let's leave 4,000 soldiers guarding Liang

they'll surrender when they
run out of food and water


we can then take revenge for General Gao

Commander, what do you think?

This battle is no longer a personal affair

Liang seems meaningless to us, but...

we under-estimated our enemies,
and were defeated

You think...

we can defeat Yan with our dispirited troops?

Do we have this courage?

I would like to have
opinions from other Generals

This dagger has poison

someone dropped it into my house

They're already here...

even if we don't do it...

they'll do it

You don't want to k*ll Ge Li, right?

You must have forgotten your wife and son...


he came here to protect us

How can we do that?

Protect us?

He is giving up our lives

by putting us in the front line?

We're just lucky to be still alive

Even if we'd k*lled Ge Li...

can we save our families?

If we k*ll Ge Li...

who's going to save Liang?

I know where he is...

Take it



Everybody listen

no matter what, armor or swords

collect all the useful stuffs

What are you doing?

Why do you want to k*ll me?

Drop the Kn*fe

Stay away


Drop the w*apon

Mr. Ge Li, he's dead

I've one important announcement today

But before I announce

let's give a...

silent meditation to Pu Le, who d*ed yesterday

As usual

close your eyes

until the 10th stroke


Little girl...

don't be afraid

why do you have to come to Liang?

It must be the Zhao
assigned her to k*ll Mr. Ge Li

Right, why do you want to k*ll Mr. Ge Li


Bastard, how dare you are

Don't let her go! k*ll her


Back off

Back off

Mr. Ge Li

Where are you going?

I'd like to make myself clear

Mozi will not accept any gifts

Thanks for your gesture


Why do you follow me?

You nearly got k*lled! Go back

Aren't you going to spy on Zhao Camp?

I always came here riding with the horses

I'm familiar with this area

Follow me

You're not going

This way is the shortcut

What are they carrying?


They're digging a tunnel...

To Liang?

Why are they dumping it into the stream?

The stream will wash away the soil

then, no one will know

how far they had dug

Let's go

Someone is up there

There they are

Get them

Can you swim?

Go, don't worry about me

Go, quick

Stop running

Surrender or you'll die here

You'll have to save me




very brave

If I didn't jump...

would you jump?

I would

But I'll k*ll you first

Is that what you Mozi would have done sanely?

You think k*lling you is rational?

How are you going to k*ll me?

Push you down the waterfall

Do you feel better now?

Can you walk by yourself?


There's nothing in the West City and the barn

where are they going to att*ck?

They'll dig a few tunnels,
there'll be more than one exit

we can't be sure whether we had blocked them all

I'm not blocking them off

I'm letting them in


they must be collaborating
with the force outside

I know

we're going to defeat our enemies in a dragnet

After ten days

we can dig three tunnels in here, here and here

Commander, what do you think?

Can you speed up the process?

If our soldiers can enter the City

Liang will not be able to defend

Three days later

will be the advent of winter

Longer night time is an advantage for our att*ck


Someone was spying on us a few days ago...

The longer we take

our enemies may find out the tunnel exits

Gather all the slaves

three days later

we'll att*ck from here

Warriors, get ready


The exit was blocked, move back



Drop your weapons

and your lives will be spared

They're here

I'm just a sl*ve

I don't want to come

Stop him

let me go

k*ll him

What are you doing? Please let her down

Stay back

Please... please, let her go...

Please... please, let her go...

Please... don't...

he'll really k*ll my sister

The Zhao force me

I don't want to come

Please, please...

Please give her back to me

Please let her down

Stay back

No please

Let her go...

let the child go

She's innocent

I just know how to dig tunnels

they force me to come

Get ready



Defeating enemies in a dragnet


Xiao Xiao, it's okay

Let go of the child

I promise

no one will hurt you

Give her to me


Give me




Let him go





Move back

Move back

Everybody back

Everybody move back

Sir, are you alright?

I'm fine

All of you assemble at the Square

Hurry Up! Go

Are you okay? Did you get hurt?

Let's go back

Don't come back

Go along the stream, you'll not be found

Why don't you k*ll me?

Why do you ask such a foolish question?


should people k*ll each other?

I must take revenge for you

It's all my fault

I shouldn't make you suffer

They're inhuman

Congratulations on your astounding victory

The King would like to reward you

Please come with me to the Palace


General Niu...

can't you see all these dead bodies?

They were our enemies

Aren't they humans?

When enemies is trying to k*ll me

I'll have to defend or even k*ll him

but k*lling someone because of hatred...

it's absolutely wrong

What a pity

Every man has his weak point

Mozi Philosophy is not for ruling a country

This Mozi clan will fall...

I'd like to be excused

You seem very appreciative of Ge Li

I acknowledge his defending skills

That's where it should end

Mozi philosophy is only
applicable in times of w*r

They're not suitable in times of peace

You must be clear on this

Yes, my Lord is right


Watch him closely


don't let him getting off the track


General Niu


you must pay close attention

all those revolting thoughts

shall never spread in Liang


Are you okay?

I'm fine

The weather is getting cold...

I know you don't have any warm clothing...

so I took out my father's coat
and see if it fits or not

I can adjust it...

Just fit, thanks

I'll return it when I leave


I'll leave when this battle is over

The battle should be over soon...

very soon

Did you go to the Square last night?


You assigned me to keep guard in the North

I'd heard the Zhao army was defeated

Many of them d*ed...

lots of them

They're still...

moving their bodies out for burial

Defeating enemies
in a dragnet... is that right?

I remembered

my father told me this
when I was a little girl...

When you start questioning
what is right or wrong

you are uncertain with your faith and beliefs

Is it only w*r can make you stay?

I thought...

you are always looking for peace


What for?

You're always like that...

You're so protective with everything you do

You always ask whether you're right or not

Is it really that important?

Even if you know it's right

but for some people...

they prefers to be wrong

I would want to tell you

no matter it's right or wrong

I just want to be with you

You talk about universal love all the time

You should know how to love

you know

Ge Li arrives...

Liang will survive

Ge Li stays...

Liang will be safe

Ge Li goes...

Liang cannot hold

How about if Ge Li leaves?

Just those small pieces?

Anyway, melt it quickly


It is time to retreat

News from our spy who returned from Zhao Nation


News from Zhao Nation

The King of Qi has ordered an army of 200,000

setting off five days ago to att*ck Zhao Nation

Zhao Nation is preparing for the w*r

Thanks for your majesty's blessing

If that is the case

Xiang Yanzhong will be called back

Liang will be saved

Liang will be saved

However, the news of
Zhao's retreat must not spread

I plead My Lord

to withdraw all power from Ge Li immediately

otherwise, people will think it is Ge Li

who defeated the Zhao troops

We have to demolish any chance

for Ge Li's supporters to rebel

You think Ge Li will rebel, General?

I don't think so

Why are you so sure?


Because there is no such need

Ge Li's popularity

is now higher than the King

he doesn't need to do a thing


Someone defending Liang under false pretenses

and initiates rebellion by
imposing personal adoration

Doesn't it sound the same as rebel?

General, what do you think?

I agree with Royal Tutor but lack of evidence

General Niu


if you restores your m*llitary power

would you be able to put down the riot?

And arrest all the rebels?

They're back

How's it?


Liang must think that we had retreated

We're just left with 1,000 soldiers


shall we call back part of
our army for the att*ck?

Victory will come

when there's no way to retreat

This battle has to be fast and clear

We'll end this up with Ge Li

New boots?

No problem, Mr. Ge Li

it will be ready when you come back

I disagreed on the m*ssacre last night, but...

You can't stop them...

I always think that k*lling enemies
is a kind of glory...

where will you go after the battle ends?

Wherever needs me, I'll be there

What if Zhao is being
invaded and ask for your help

will you go?

Of course I would

You've wiped out their army

then turn around and save their lives?

Those you'd defeated before...

will they accept your help?

Frankly speaking

I'm never sure

whether those people I had helped

really appreciate what I've done for them...

Then, Mozi's universal love
is just blind talking?

Nothing is perfect

I just want no regrets in my life


is the pot ready?


Mr. Ge Li is a true hero

He's humble and skilled

Just the opposite to our royals

If our King got a bit of his talent

Liang will be undefeatable

Mr. Ge Li

Mr. Ge Li

we are all set

Let's go

Is this really going to work?

That's psychological tactic

Can you really cook Zhao food?

I can guarantee that
the Zhaos will be miss home-

Here are the firewoods

Put it here

Thank you

Pass me the seasoning

Mr. Ge Li...

How is it?

There's no one is the Zhao camp

They retreated?

Yes. It's abandoned. Nothing's there

You guys first go back.
I'll go and check it out

Come on

Let's have some meat

Is that Zhao's food? What a great smell

Open the Gate

Ge Li is back

By order of the Royal Court

Ge Li is defending Liang under false pretenses

and initiates rebellion by
imposing personal adoration

Be arrested, otherwise

you will be k*lled


Ge Li!

I'd always suspected your motives

How dare you seize my land

I'm going to k*ll you today

Take me hostage

My Prince...

Thank you

Draw back

Move back

Open the Gate

Open the Gate

Ge Li, let go my Prince

the King will pardon you

Prepare Ge Li's arrows

Yes sir

Thank you

Mr. Ge Li


may I follow by your side?

You should go back

Staying in Liang is much more important

Don't you wish to see more people

passing on Mozi's thought of peace?


those who know how to defend a city

cannot bring peace to the world

Peace lies on the kings of all nations


Ge Li, release the Prince

Ge Li had released me

I'm coming back



Thank you

Let's go

We're not going back

Where're you guys going?

Let's go home

We've got no home

The Prince is coming back

Get ready


Aren't they...

retreated already? Why...

What sound is that?

sh**t as far as you can





Mr. Ge Li

Don't come back, go


Search for the bodies

Come with me

My Lordship Liang Shi has fallen

Your servant has k*lled the Prince by accident

I'll never be forgiven

However, Liang is still under the thr*at of riot

I plead with you my Lord

to let me accomplish
my mission in a hundred days

I swear I can eliminate all Ge Li's league

I will take my punishment after that

Please, My Lord

Liang Shi...

is my only son

he was the future of Liang

You ruined the future of Liang

Pardoning you?

That's ridiculous

But taking into account of your loyalty

and all you've done in defending Liang


protection of Liang

cannot lie on outsiders

I'm in a hard position

I'll accept your plea. Hundred days later

your accusation will be denounced

Thank you, My Lord

Why are you taking me?
What have I done?

General, what's happening here?

The King's decree

capture all the rebels

Rinse again with water

What have you asked me for, Sir?

The King ordered you to k*ll Ge Li

Why didn't you sh**t him last night?

Ge Li has done nothing wrong

He saved all the Liang people

You disobeyed the King's command

You will be punished

What do you guys want?

Let go of me



Sometimes, I really don't know...

what is cause and effect

There's no cause and effect

You saved them, and they turn against you


doesn't ask for returns

Are all Mozis like that?

How come you came here alone?


didn't send anyone to Liang

You came here on your own will?

How many cities can you protect?

There are never ending wars and battles

peace will only come

when the seven nations are united

I believe universal love

is the only path towards peace

Mozi's "universal love" is loving everyone

that means you don't know whom you should love

Where are you going?

To Liang

and let someone I love know that I am safe

It's all underground stream here

and you're injured

It's too dangerous, I'll go for you

Your Majesty

these people were in league with Ge Li

They are traitors

My Lord...

I have nothing to do with Ge Li

I know nothing about his rebellion...

Immoral, selfish

When everyone praise Ge Li

respect him and listen to him

Will you say such things?

I'm just a farmer, I just want to live my life

I don't care who's a hero

I just miss my family, my child

my home... My Lord...

Your city is in great danger

and you are just self-seeking

Don't you know how many unfortunate lives

we had lost to save our city?

Without Ge Li

we never would have been saved



Slap her


You are the descendants of my loyal servant

and you grew up with my beloved son

I'll have mercy on you, I'm granting you death

you'll have a Royal funeral

you'll be honored as Calvary Princess

and buried with my beloved son...

It's all rubbish

You just want me

to be a burial item in your son's tomb

You want all of us

to die under you verdict

so as to prove and

show your power

But if it wasn't Ge Li

and those who d*ed in the w*r

Would you still be able

to abuse your people?

Shut up

This girl no longer
belongs to the royal families

She was in league with Ge Li

She will be ex*cuted in the public...

ripped to shreds by five horses


Execute them all



My Lord! My Lord

Report to the King, Yi Yue was muted



behind this slope, there is a city

in that city, there're 4,000 people

but under the ground outside this city

there're 5,000 warriors

friends and brothers who came with us

we can't just leave them there

they were k*lled even after

throwing down their weapons

their bodies were even

tossed from the Wall...

we'll fight for our
fallen brothers to our last soldier


What's that?

Anything you want to say?

What did you see?

There's nothing

Look! Over there

Zhao is attacking again

sh**t them

The Zhao's here...

Protect the King

Hurry up, protect the King

My Lord, this way

Get more soldiers up here

Wait! How about us?

All soldiers report to you captain

Bring her back to the prison

Come with me

No! Stop


Stop sh**ting

Go, quick



General, let's go


This is betrayal

If you won't leave, neither will we


whatever we do...

we're all rebels

All your men have been...

dispersed already

or you would like...

to see us all get our wrists broken?

Fight for our homeland

Bring more arrows here

k*ll all those who tried to run

and all those evade

What's going on, sister?

Come, quick

Xiao Xiao, stay in here

no matter what, don't come out, okay?


I'll be right behind the wall


Get the horses out, quick

Hurry up

k*ll all those who run



The archers had taken down the North Gate

around 800 of them had escaped

Abandon the North Gate

get all soldiers to the Bulwark

await for my command



it's over

we should...


We can't surrender...

General, Ge Li said

if we surrender, we will end up even worst

General, Ge Li said that...

Stop talking about Ge Li, there're only us now


Any arrows left?


We can't rely on others

We have to hang on even if we have

only one soldier left


the enemies are here. Leave now

Everybody, run now

Let's go



This person is the great General Niu


defending the city is Ge Li's intention


we're suppose to hand him over to you...

but he had escaped

Ge Li...

Ge Li...

by tomorrow's noon time

if you don't come back...

we'll burn down the City

and its entire people

Please lead us to fight back

I am willing to give up my life

So do we

If we go back, more people will die

Why can't we end this w*r...

in a rational way?

You really want to go back? it worth it?

If this can really stop the w*r

and save more lives

why not? it worth it?

Bring all the men out, leave the women here

Go, quick

Keep moving, hurry up

Commander, I think Ge Li will not come

We'd taken Liang already, why don't we go back?

We can reach our main force

and return Handan

and protect our homeland

Isn't that just another battle field?

There's only victory & defeat

we have taken Liang

but it's not a victory

Ge Li had lost

His theory is impractical,
idealism leads to jealousy

He can't even gain the trust

of those he helped

He was totally beaten

There is no winner in this battle

I know Ge Li had lost


I had to defeat him myself

Someone is coming

Mr Ge Li?

Close the Gate


on the b*ttlefield

we had a fair fight

and no regrets

You've taken Liang already

why do you have to k*ll all its people?


You think w*r is a game?

They fought for you

you failed

and with no responsibility

you left

It's you...

you bring them to the b*ttlefield


It's totally between you and me

Will Commander end all this with me alone

on the gate tower?

No matter who wins

please spare these people's life

It is all between me and Ge Li

Only one of us can walk out from the Gate Tower

No matter who he is

everything will end

What are you waiting for?

Let's start

Forget it

As you had said

no matter who get out of here

this whole thing will be over

Go now, Ge Li is willing to stay here

Good strategy

I promised to retreat

just because I want to defeat you

but now, you give up

I am leading 100,000 soldiers

but before attacking Yan,
I'd already lost 5,000 men

and afterall, I didn't get Liang

but at least...


I can k*ll you

and take revenge for my men

Don't use the dead ones as an excuse

to cover up your savageness


will only cause more death

Both the dead and
the living ones have to suffer...


In battlefields

survivors are the winners

Survivors are winners?

Though you survive

can your 5,000 soldiers come back?


end this w*r now

or else...

the rest of your men

will also lose their lives

My auxiliary troop has arrived

General Wei, we're besieged



Everybody fight and drive the Zhaos out

That way

Ask yourself

Is it for the soldiers

or for your own savageness?

Please leave

don't let any more people lose their lives...

Go now

I was defeated

I'm staying here

Please go


Survivors are the winners


is victory

more important than your life?

My life must be meaningful

Please go

and tell my people to leave

I can't help you

You bring them here

you should save them

There is someone I have to save

Yi Yue...

Yi Yue...


Don't run


Yi Yue...

Can you hear me? Are you there?

Yi Yue! Where are you?

Yi Yue...

Commander, we must leave now

You all leave now.
General Wei will lead you home


This is my command

I want you all to leave

Back to you homeland



Aim at their feet



General Wei, the Commander ordered you

to lead our retreat


Leave now

I'll stay with the Commander

The commander ordered you

to lead our retreat

We came together, we'll leave together

Right! We came together
and leave together

Yes, we'll leave together

I'm not leaving

Go now

Take the General

Let me down

I'm not leaving

Let me down, that's my order...

Let me down

I order you to let me down...




Get ready


Long live My Lord

Long live My Lord

Where's General?

Xiao Xiao, stay in here

no matter what, don't come out, okay?

I'll be right behind the wall
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