03x03 - Big Brother

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Kingdom". Aired: November 24, 1994 - December 25, 2022.*
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Mrs. Drusse, a hypochondriac psychic, gets herself admitted to the Kingdom because she believes the hospital is haunted.
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03x03 - Big Brother

Post by bunniefuu »

The Kingdom Hospital rests
on ancient marshland

where the bleaching ponds once lay.

Here the bleachers moistened
their great spans of cloth

in the shallow water
preparing for bleaching.

The steam from the wet cloth
shrouded the place in permanent fog.

Later the hospital was built here.

The bleachers gave way
to doctors and researchers,

the nation's brightest
and the most perfect technology.

To crown their work they called
the hospital The Kingdom.

Now life was to be charted,

and ignorance and superstition
should never again shake science.

Perhaps their arrogance
became too pronounced,

as well as their persistent
denial of the spiritual.

For it is as if the cold
and damp have returned.

Tiny signs of fatigue are appearing
in the solid, modern buildings.

No living person knows it yet,

but the gateway to The Kingdom
is opening once again.



Do you know where Little Brother is?

Take these, Mona. Vanilla cookies.

"Follow the carotid artery."

Thank you, Drusse.

Thank you, Drusse.

The snake is the doctors,
and the birds...

are the spirits.
The tiger is the hospital.


Do you see a change in me?

Take a good look.

I don't see any changes.

I've had the other leg
amputated as well.

Ah, yes. I see that.
I'm sorry about that.

Well, it looks a bit dramatic
of course, but you know what?

There's a very funny story behind.

You and I have a lot of
elevator elf talk ahead of us.

Hi, Little Brother.

I'm Big Brother.

First came Little Brother.

Then I came.

My spirit and my tissue
are in even the smallest stone,

they used to build The Kingdom.

I have had great power.

I have been able to move
buildings and the highest walls.

But now my power is quite small.

What is that in your ear?

That's the key to the gateway.

Could you show me...

how much power you have
over The Kingdom?

-The Kingdom rages!
-What does that mean?

All that rumbling
and the walls swaying.

The gatekeeper has been found.
That is what all the rumbling means.

-What now?
-We don't know.

But it will not be
a quiet Christmas.

Why did you call for help?

I am drowning
in a lake of my own tears.

My heart is sick.
If I don't get help, I will drown.

And then I cannot be the Gatekeeper,

who alone must carry
the responsibility for Exodus.

-What the f*ck is he doing?
-Shit, he's stupid.

He can't get out.



Dad was a giant.

-No no no. Not now.


Halmer! Halmer!

The door is locked.
It is securely locked.

It is securely locked...

according to the stringent

and, don't forget,
Danish locked-doors policy.

Vacation or work?


No no no!

What are you doing?
What on earth are you doing?

Either I'll treat you as a god
for the rest of your life.

Carve a small totem pole
with your portrait.

Or I can hit you in the face,
right here and now.

He hit me!

No, they hit! They hit, Halmer!

Easy now. I'll go.
I'll go by myself.

I'll go. I'm calm.

Easy, boys.

They keep hitting me!

What are you doing?
Have you lost your mind?

Let go, dammit!

Ew, that's so gross!

-What's the diagnosis?
-Verruca plantaris.

The director is suffering
from a simple plantar wart.

Had he been more sick, we could
have pressed him for that cyclotron.

Hospital administrators
are born hypochondriacs.

Did you tell him
it's a plantar wart?

No, that... I thought
we would do it now.

No, Jesus. Bob doesn't know anything
about Latin or symptoms.

Can't I be the specialist?

Come in.

Who... Who are you?

-I am the specialist.
-Well, we all are.

That's my colleague
from neurosurgery.

She just told me
about your obvious limp.

That doesn't look good.
We must act as soon as possible.

I had hoped
it was just some kind of wart.

Yes, well, life is a journey...

between hope and desperation.

What the f*ck do you mean?
Am I sick or well?

That's always
an interesting question.

Yes. And one we hear quite often
in our line of work.

I'll be the first to acknowledge
the importance for the patient.

My colleague is trying to say,
that from a doctor's point of view

the question is rather:
Is the patient more or less sick?

Yes, life leads, unfortunately,
sooner or later to death.

-And you can't do anything?

-Not at this hospital.
-Not here? Then where?

We're about to have you transferred
to a better equipped hospital.

What? "Better equipped"?

I have asked the helicopter
to immediately fly you to Skejby.

Skejby? What does Skejby have
that we don't?

A cyclotron.

Please leave me alone.

I have a very important phone call,

that I should have made
many, many years ago. So...

-Is that Einar?
-Depends who's asking.

It's Bob from school.

Bob? I don't remember any Bob.
Ridiculous name.

Yes, it might be a bit ridiculous.

My father didn't talk much,
so the name had to be short.

What do you want, Bob?

I want to apologise.

An apology I've carried
most of my life.

And look how it all turned out.

You're the director at Skejby.

And I'd had to
settle for The Kingdom.

Get to the point.

I don't know about The Kingdom,
but at Skejby, we're busy.

I did it.

I cut up Anne-Lise's panties.

I didn't really think
that Anne-Lise lived up to your...

in every way
high standard, but...

I didn't want to see you
married to a doll.


Bob cut up the panties,
your mum bought with her last money.

I knew that. He came on to me,
that pathetic, little man.

The cyclotron.
That's the issue, right?

The fact that it ended up in Skejby
is a terrible accident.

It should have been here.
Just send us that damn cyclotron!

-Then I'm not angry anymore.
-Forget it.

Someone touched the jigsaw puzzle.

There are many
broken dishes around us.

It's a giant jigsaw puzzle.

A jigsaw puzzle no one has to solve.

And those puzzles
are the most dangerous.

If you are going to look
for Big Brother's heart

all over the hospital,
you will have your hands full.

It is Krogen, isn't it?

How many people
did you k*ll that night?

Twenty one?


Come on, gasp. Gasp.
And again. Push.

-Yes, it's going very well.

Hey, hey.

-Good morning.


Welcome. Just stroll on in.

Are you all here?

A crime has been committed.

Right under our noses!

And I can tell you, Pontopidan,

that I expect
a police investigation.

Not to mention a sentence.
I would like that.

But Halmer, the police?

What happened?

We have nursed a snake
in our bosom.

A doctor from neurosurgery
has committed a crime.

I'm Swedish. I'm conscientious.

I've called the police.

Goddammit, Halmer.

A doctor from
The Kingdom on trial...

He would have to retire to
a meagre practice on Falster.

Maybe even Jylland.
The press wouldn't leave him alone.

Finally some justice
in this bloody country. Thank you.

The police.

I'm impressed.
Finally some efficiency.

-Thank you for coming.
-Yes. Are you Helmer?

I am Helmer. Welcome.
I made the call.

I'm the victim, as you can see.
The perpetrator is there.

I don't know about that
but you need to move your car.

Are you the driver
of the leased Volvo...

-Yes, I have a Volvo.
-...CY 34 930?

-Is that you?
-What are you saying?

-Do you own the Volvo?
-I have a Volvo, yes. But...

The parking guards called us.

The car is illegally parked,
even on the ambulance spot,

repeatedly after several warnings.

I don't understand...

We're talking about a crime
of a whole other calibre.

He is the perpetrator.

He hit me as you can see.

I can't see that.
You'll get a bill for the towing.

And I wouldn't get my hopes up

for a quick reaction from us.
Or any at all.

If we were to interfere
in controversies

between doctors in hospitals,
I wouldn't be doing anything else.

You are not the first Swedish
smart-ass to get in a fight here.

Remember, I never forget
a Swedish face.

-Merry Christmas, everybody.
-Merry Christmas.

As I was saying, it's an
uncomfortable case, but not unusual.

In this country,
we deal with things internally.


Look at it from the hospital's
and the department's point of view.

That's what I'm bloody doing.

That's what I'm doing right now.

If I had died,
if it had been a homicide,

would your customs and the police
still protect him?

Then I'm out.

It's not a precedent here
that doctor's k*ll each other.

But I can feel
that you are angry. Right?

Yes... And Naver is angry as well.

But not angry with me,
remember that.

And we're rolling again.

We will have to ride out the anger
through internal court-martial.

"Internal court-martial"?
What does that mean?

Internal offence
demands internal penalty.

Internal offence
demands internal penalty.

Danish nonsense!

It's one of the most important
unwritten rules here.

And I feel strongly, that consensus
would be an internal court-martial.

There will be a judge
and a jury and everything.

-Right, Mogge?
-Yes. As usual, boss.

The judges have already
been appointed by the Tusses.

The Tusses?

Yes, the emeritusses.
Everything will be fine.

For Naver as well.

Thank you for meeting my legal...

suggestions without
any counterclaims. It's big.

Don't be so sure.

Nothing is big in this country.

One thing needs to be clear.

This is only the beginning.
It will get worse.

It gets worse every day.


What do you think, Pontopidan?

Forgive me, hospital director.

-Are those fine peas?
-Yes, they are alright.

But are they... medium-sized?

Food is not allowed
in the freezer of the juice fridge.

There can be no private food
in a surgical ward.

It could attract vermin.

Speaking of juice...

Idea... Juice dilution.

25 percent in the whole hospital.
That would save some money.

The health minister will
be thrilled. Yes.

What do you think, Pontopidan?

Yes, why not?

-Is solitaire still too difficult?

I don't have time for that.

My foot hurts. Don't you get that?

And stop solving that jigsaw puzzle.

I swear, we haven't
been in your office.





You're not dead, are you?

There we go.

No, Bulder.

I found a cavity.

There's a space behind.

Do we have some plaster?

If we pour plaster through the hole,

we can get an imprint
of what was once in there.

Like the excavations at Pompeii.

I feel that an imprint like that
has something to do with Exodus.

Then we would have to
tear down the whole wall.

Mrs Drusse also had walls torn down.

I'll see what I can do.

Take me to the window.

But... that's us.

Go into the world
and make all people my disciples.

I met him. Your child.

Little Brother?

He calls himself Big Brother now.
Can't you hear him?

No, I don't hear anything.

Try with the stethoscope.

-Where is he?

He is in every stone of The Kingdom.

Big Brother has
so much pain in his heart.

He's crying big tears.

And he's drowning in them,

so we have to help him
and find his heart.

A mother knows so much.

Maybe you just have to think.

Back then I would have asked Krogen.

I know where Krogen is.
He locked himself in at the Tusses.

I just need the key.
One, that looks like a small toad.

-Put it in the corner.

In the corner.

A visit from the opium den.

Welcome. Welcome.

We managed to get the emeritusses
out between two naps.

Welcome, gentlemen.

The court-martial is in session.
The court-martial decides.

As usual under the guidance
of judge Antonsen,

a Jesus at his last supper.

I have watched C-beams

glitter in the dark
near the Tannhaüser Gate.

And Mogge will act
as defence for Naver

who, as the accused,
has the right to remain silent.

And Anna will represent Halmer.

Either I'll buy you
the world's finest cigars

and serve them with a cognac
of an outrageous quality,

or I'll take this whole jury and
stuff them up Pontopidan's ass.

All the way up.

Alright. Good, Naver.
We need everything on the table.

If we have established
who everyone is,

I consider this trial pretty trivial
and therefore quickly concluded.

I call the witness Mrs. Svendsen.

Naver did it.

Yes, we have seven or eight
witnesses saying the same thing.

And even a video, as mentioned.

I've sent it to you all,
so please take a look.

Either I'll treat you as a god.

Carve a totem pole
with your portrait.

Or I can hit you in the face,
right now.

-He hit me!
-No, they hit, Halmer!


I just want to help.

I would like to emphasise one thing.

To place guilt, we cannot only
consider my client's actions.

Halmer committed a deadly sin,
well documented on the video.

He defends himself.
That's not a crime.

Exactly, he defends himself
with his hands.

A surgeon's most important tool.

A chief surgeon we had here walked
around with gloves full of Vaseline.

-His hands were that important.

What are you doing? Stop that!

Let them talk.

We've established
that Halmer is no serious surgeon

so that puts this case
in a different light. Thank you.

Look. There it is.


We can easily
probe it without plaster.


There, I've done
a 3D scan of the place.

I'll have it printed full-size
at the sawbones' office.



If we don't have
any more evidence to present

we can ask the jury
to start deliberating.

I would like suggest myself
as representative of the jury.

Anyone against, put up your hand...


That's unanimous then.

There can be no doubt in this case.

Naver is clearly guilty
of v*olence against Halmer.

Naver is a good man.

He is definitely guilty.

-Regarding the penalty,

I sentence Halmer to one hour

in the pillory
down in the lodge room.

But if Naver is guilty,
why punish Halmer?

In Denmark, we have...

...our ways.

Allow me to quote Wessel:

The smith in a small town
committed a m*rder.

And since a life should
be paid with a life...

the smith received...

a death sentence.
The townspeople...

went to the judge to...

personally cry it out.

Without the smith, all the town's
trade and production would stop.

On the other hand,
they had two bakers,

but needed only one.

The judge sentenced
one of the bakers to death instead.

How he screamed

when they dragged him
off to the gallows.

Anyway, Naver...

is the only one at this hospital
who has experience with...

the cyclotron.

If we insult Naver

and risk that he himself
moves to Skejby,

then we have to sentence
baker for smith and punish...


It is adjudged that
Halmer is sentenced to

one hour in the pillory
in the basement.

He will furthermore be
forbidden any conversation.

The court stands adjourned.

It pinches my brain.

-He's dead.

Should I start resuscitation?

He's had 20 good years on opium
down in the emeritus den.

Let's leave it at that.

Rest in peace, Antonsen.

Court stands adjourned.

I need to get hold of a man
from the cleaning staff.

His name is Andersen.
He took my carton.

I don't have time for this.

No no, we're standing here,
and we have Anna here as well,

standing so buxom between us.

If I can say that without...

You are standing so nicely here
with your tipples.

With your nipples, I mean.

Of course I don't mean anything...

-Come, take him.
-You look so nice. Let go!

-I have a lot to... Let me go!
-Easy now.

What is that, Bulder?

It's the cast
that Kalle helped us make.

-It's the spawn of Babylon.
-Hell, it's gross!

Don't call Satan.

Look, I've had a cast made.

Here you go. Do you need this?

I think so. I'm glad you came.

I think I found the heart.

And I found juice
that has not been well diluted.

I thought so.

In this bottle, the juice solution

is at 22 percent.
We're aiming for maximum 15 percent.

An insignificant saving,
you might say,

but if you think about how much
juice is consumed here every day...

You were asked to stay in bed.

Don't treat me like a patient!
I'll go where I want!

I'm sorry, where is Camilla?
I haven't seen her in a while.

-Camilla left the hospital.
-But she has all the answers.

-We have to look at that heart.

Take this, Bulder.

I just hope I can fall asleep.

Bulder, would you tell me
a bit about your childhood?

I'm from the countryside.
That's what we called it back then.

Out there, you have to work.

You are, for better or worse,
part of something bigger.

And here I would like to add
a detail about my birth...

The monstrosity is of Babylon's
lineage. The spawn of Babylon.

-She is the mother of the whores

and the abominations of the Earth.

-"Oh" is not enough.

Looking directly at Babylon

is like looking into darkness
from before anything existed.

Show me the heart.

What's going on here?

Dr. Antonsen just died, director.

You're wrong.

-I just wrote the death certificate.
-Still, this man is not dead.

Everybody thinks a hospice
is the right place for dear Antonsen

during his last days. You know what?

Antonsen won't make it
to his hospice,

because he passes away
in the ambulance on his way there.

That way he will not tarnish
our death statistics in any way.

Now we're rolling!

Please move this patient.

If no ambulance is available,

just throw him in a taxi.

The heart is in there.
The main key doesn't fit.

I see it very clearly.

I think you will soon see
with a mother's eyes.

I need to get in there
to diagnose it.

We need help.

Maybe Krogen can help us
with some kind of machine.

If we can convince him.

Easy now, I'm coming.

I just need a meeting with,
if I can use the word, the detainee.

Not possible, he's detained.

Thus the perfect tense,
but I'm the detainee's companion,

and I'm allowed at least
ten minutes of visit/conversation

before the punishment.

Okay, you get ten minutes.

Not one more second.
We'll be down there.


Those nice things you said before...

were they true?

So very true!

Oh, so true!

Why did you suddenly speak?
We've met many times before.

What was so new,
that you had to say it now?

You make me flustered.

Tell me your feelings.

I'm afraid to.

If I hold your hand, you'll be able.

Your nipples...
Your breast nipples...

What about them?

I don't remember
having seen them before.

The curves of your breasts.

I know that it is
every woman's right

to choose
to expose herself or not...

to expose herself.

What would you like to do
with your hands?

Give them to me!

Give me your breasts.
Give me your nipples.

Good evening.

Hi, Mrs. Svensson.

Give me your nipples.

Give them to me.

It's the antidote.

Come, Judith.

Call me if you have any questions.

-No, no, no...
-Hold on.

I have something for the detainee.


Now I live up to
the dress-code at The Kingdom.

There you go, detainee.

-Let's go.
-My bottle is gone.

Wait! My bottle is gone!
It was that idiot!

The idiot took dad's little bottle!




Now you have to use the antidote.

Then we'll see what kind of mood
he's in, when he wakes up.

You have to wake up.

Here's something to drink.

Drink it. Otherwise
we need to insert a drip.

Come on. Yes, good.

Yes... Yes.

Damn, they knew
how to make tents back then.

Mogge, what are you doing here?

Is all of this really
the work of Krogen?

Nobody wants to work with him

since he cut the power
and k*lled 21 people.

He needed a classic business
that could run itself.

In China, a happy life consisted in

working hard when you were young
to provide for your family.

Then at a certain age,
you could retire to an opium den.

And just focus on the happy state
of the opium till you died.

Why are they lying
on those uncomfortable things?

They're authentic opium pillows
with a small compartment inside.

The idea is to put your few
personal belongings inside

so they don't get stolen.

When the smoker sleeps,
he covers the pillow with his body.

It even has a lock.

-Is he ready now?
-It seems like it.


We need to open a door
in the cardiology ward.

The main key is not enough.
It's quite urgent.

And this one goes...

Amazing that they sell
these things in IKEA.

Try the other one.

I suspect that something is
lodged in the right ventricle.

Prepare for surgery.


-Suction ready?
-It's ready.

Barrier. Hurry.

-Check circulation.
-Checking circulation.

-Wait, something's wrong!
-Patient's losing pressure.

-Losing pressure.
-Ventricular fibrillation.

Start cardiac massage. Hurry!

Initiating cardiac massage.

One, two, three, four, five, six...

...13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19...

-He's losing a lot of blood.
-...21, 22, 23, 24...

We're losing him!

Chicken feet and carrots
And the neck of a rabbit

A disgrace for The Kingdom
Which has a horrible habit

Chicken feet and carrots...

The blood runs in the gutter

from the main square in Stockholm.

It's Christian the Tyrant
who invited to the party.

But what a party.

Almost one hundred people
were k*lled...

on the scaffolds in the square.

There's howling in the forest.

There's rumbling in the fells.



Danish scum!

It's him again.

Still nothing on the radar.

Cardiac arrest!


A very old-fashioned concept,
even biblical.

According to the Bible,
Esau sold his birthright

to his twin brother Jacob
for a meal of red pottage.

Later, Jacob fools their father
and gets his blessing

helped by his mother's
clever schemes.

Generally speaking, the Bible
only uses women for intrigues.

Why do I mention primogeniture
in our own little story?

It is indeed being very vague

when talking about
Big Brother and Little Brother,

since Little Brother
undeniably came first.

But is it even important?

I can only urge the viewer,
with or without primogeniture,

to courageously follow the series

and determine whether
the answers outweigh the puzzles

or the other way around.

And of course to be prepared,

with a repenting Lars von Trier
at the wheel,

in the Bible,
the world and The Kingdom,

to take the good with the evil.
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