04x09 - The New Year's Dragon!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bubble Guppies". Aired: January 24, 2011 - present.*
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Series follows a "school of fish" as they attend school in an underwater classroom.
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04x09 - The New Year's Dragon!

Post by bunniefuu »

Bubble Guppies!

Hi, it's me, Molly. And it's time for--

[Chomping and moaning]

[Leaves rustling]


It's time for--




What's Gil pretending to be?

That's right, a panda.

It's time... [Straining]




Gilly, are you okay?

It's time forBubble Guppies!

♪ Bu-bu-bubble gu-gu-guppies

♪ Bubble bubble bubble guppy guppy guppies ♪

♪ Bubble ♪ Bubble

♪ Guppy ♪ Guppy

♪ Bubble Guppies

I'm Molly.I'm Gil.

I'm Goby.I'm Deema.

I'm Oona.I'm Nonny.


Bubble Puppy! Bubble Puppy!

♪ Bu-bu-bubble gu-gu-guppies

♪ Bubble bubble bubble guppy guppy guppies ♪

♪ Bubble ♪ Bubble

♪ Guppy ♪ Guppy

♪ Bubble Guppies

♪ Bubble Guppies

[Reading onscreen text]



Come with us.

Hup! Hup! Hup!



Come on.



Wow.That was awesome.

Gong Xi Fa Cai,kids.

Gong Xi Fa Caiis how we say "Happy New Year" in Chinese.


BOTH: Gong Xi Fa Cai.

Thank you.

We are practicing for the big Chinese New Year parade.

I love parades.

[Laughing]: Me too.

Especially this one.

Yeah. We hang up lanterns for decoration,

and there's music and fireworks,

And don't forget the big dragon.

[Growling and barking]


Don't worry, puppy. It's not a real dragon.

It's a puppet, and it's so big

that it takes lots of people to hold it up with poles.

They swish and they swoosh with the poles

to make the dragon look like it's flying through the air.


If you come to the Chinese New Year Parade later,

you can see it all.

But now we have to get back to practicing for the parade.

Hup! Ha!

Let's go tell everyone about the Chinese New Year Parade.

Yeah, and the big dragon puppet.

Bye.See you.

BOTH: Goodbye, kids.

Hup! Hup! Ha!

Come on.

Hi there.



Good morning, Mr. Grouper.

Well, good morning, everyone.

Gong Xi Fa Cai.

Yeah, Happy Chinese New Year, everybody.

Well,Gong Xi Fa Cai to you too.

We saw acrobats practicing for the big parade.

That's right.

Every year, all over the world,

people have parades to celebrate the start

of the Chinese New Year.

Yeah and there's going to be a huge dragon.

All right!

A what?

[Laughing]: Don't worry, Deema.

It's not a real dragon.

It's just a puppet.


China is also where panda bears come from.

Wow, you guys sure know a lot about China.

Let's think about it.

In China, they celebrate Chinese New Year with a big...?


That's right. A parade.

And at the parade, there are big dragon puppets and...?



And a black and white bear that lives in China is the...?



Pandas live in China and eat a plant called bamboo.

China sounds bamboo-tiful.


Let's sing about it.

♪ There's a place in Asia on the globe ♪

♪ With a lot to see and do

♪ It's got cities, deserts, mountains with snow ♪

♪ Pandas munching on bamboo ♪

♪ So, hey,ni hao ♪

♪ Let's go right now

♪ Check, check, check out China ♪

♪ It's got so much history

♪ Check, check, check out China ♪

♪ From the great Himalayas to the Yellow Sea ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, check out China ♪

♪ We can watch the dragon hear his call ♪

♪ At the New Year's parade

♪ We can go explore on the Great Wall ♪

♪ And wear red for a lucky day ♪

♪ So, hey,ni hao ♪

♪ Let's go right now

♪ Check, check, check out China ♪

♪ It's got so much history

♪ Check, check, check out China ♪

♪ From the great Himalayas to the Yellow Sea ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, check out China ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, check out China ♪

[Cheering and applause]

Pandas are really cute bears.

Come on.

Ni hao.

That's how you say "hello" in Chinese.

Now what can I do for you?

I'm taking this baby panda home to her mommy.

Well, she's certainly come to the right place.

Welcome to Panda-monium.

And who's this little one?

Her name is Li, and it's time for her to go home to her mommy.


No problemo.

China, here we come.

You see, China is a place in the world,

and it's right here.

But I don't see Li's mommy.


Hmm, neither do I. But don't worry.

China has big cities,


and China even has bamboo forests.

Wow, China has lots of different-looking places in it.


And I'm sure we'll be able to find Li's mommy in one of them.

But which one?

Hmm. We need your help.

Pandas eat bamboo.

Where will Li find her panda mom?

The city, the desert, or the bamboo forest?

There. The bamboo forest.

Yeah. There's lots of bamboo there for pandas to eat.

So that's where we'll find Li's mommy.

[Camera shutters clicking]

Ah, here we are. The bamboo forests of China.

Do you see your Mommy anywhere, Li?


Li doesn't see her mommy yet.

We need your help to find her.

When you see a panda, say "panda."


There. The panda's right there.

DEEMA: That's Li's mommy.


Isn't that beautiful?

Thanks for helping Li find her mommy.

You're welcome.

And thank you for your help.

Excuse me.

What time is it?

It's time for lunch.

♪ What time is it?

♪ It's time for lunch ♪ What time is it?

♪ It's time for lunch

♪ What time is it? ♪ It's time for lunch

♪ It's lunchtime ♪ Hey, what's for lunch?

Hey, Gil, what did you get for lunch today?

I got chicken soup and a sandwich for lunch.

What did you get, Goby?

Yum. I got carrot sticks and a sandwich.

What'd you get, Nonny?

I got carrot sticks and a...


Ni hao.


ALL: Ni hao.

A panda-wich.

That's crazy business.

[All laughing]

China is full of really cool stuff.

It has big cities, bamboo forests,

and it even has the biggest wall in the world,

called the Great Wall of China.

GIL: Okay, one more.

Hi, Gil.

Hey, Molly.

Put that one right on top, please.


What are you doing?

We're building a really big wall,

just like the Great Wall of China.

But, Gilly, the Great Wall of China

took a really long time to build.

No big deal, Molly. I have lots of help.

Okay, one more on top.

Um, Gil?

I don't think your wall is going to stay up.

What? Of course it is.

This wall is built to last.




Hey, you guys. We're celebrating the Chinese New Year

with noodles.


Come on.

Hi there. It's Chinese New Year.

Have some noodles.

Noodles were invented in China.

Here you go.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Hmm, may I have a fork, please?

In China, lots of people eat with these.

They're called chopsticks.



You can pick up your noodles with them.


[All laughing]

Hey, look.

There's a panda.

Would you like some noodles, Mr. Panda?

Pandas don't eat noodles.

We only eat bamboo.



And I like to eat pandas.

Aah! Dragon!

[All laughing]

GROUPER: All right, all you noodle lovers and dragons.

Line up. It's time to go outside.

♪ Outside, outside Come on.

♪ Outside, everybody, outside ♪

♪ Line up, everybody, line up, line up, line up ♪

♪ My gup-gup-gup-gup ♪ Guppies

♪ Everybody get out, get-get-get up ♪

♪ Get out, get everybody going outside ♪

♪ Here we go, here we go, here we go ♪

♪ Everybody line up, here we go outside ♪

♪ Everybody let's go-go-go-go

♪ Get-get out-out-out-out-out-out

♪ Outside Bubble Guppies.

We're villagers.

In ancient China.

Once upon a time,

there were two villagers who lived in Ancient China,

and they wanted to fly some kites.

Kites were invented in China.

[Wind gusting]

Whoa, what a windy day.

Yeah. It's a perfect day for kite flying.

But we don't have a kite.

Let's make one.

Great idea.

I already have string and a nice piece of red silk

we can use for the tail of the kite.

Great. To make the body of the kite,

we'll need bamboo and paper.

We can get all of that here in China.

Let's get the bamboo first.

So the villagers set off to the Western Bamboo Forest.

Look. Here's some bamboo.

That bamboo will be perfect for the frame of the kite.

Next we need...




Yeah. Something's peeking at us.

Let's get out of here!

Phew. That was close.

And we still need to find paper to finish building our kite.

Good thing paper was invented in China too.

Let's go.

So the villagers travelled to find paper for their kite.

I've got the paper from the paper shop.

And I've got the...


What's wrong?

[Whispering]: What should we do?


[Both screaming]



Phew. We made it to the other side of the Great Wall.

Let's build our kite

before whatever's peeking at us comes back.

Okay. First I'll use the bamboo to make a frame.

Next, I'll use the paper as the part of the kite

that the catches wind.

Uh-oh, I have lots of paper,

but I don't know which one should I use for our kite.

I need your help.

Which one of these pieces of paper

matches the shape made by the bamboo frame?

Should we use the circle, the rectangle, or the diamond?

That one!

The diamond.


And the piece of red silk goes here for a tail.

We've got our kite.

Now we just need the string.

I have it right here--

Oh, no. I must've dropped it.

Now we can't fly our kite.

We really need some string.

Hey, look.


I bet the rest is in...

[Both screaming]

Oh, no. Wait, please.


Please don't run away again.

I have your string.

You dropped it back there and I picked it up.


Why were you peeking at us?

Well, I'm just a little duck.

A peeking duck.


And I wanted to build a kite too,

but I'm shy.

Well, you know what, little duck?


Everybody gets shy sometimes.

Even you guys?

Even us. Yeah.

And we'll totally show you how to build a kite.


And so the villagers showed the peeking duck

how to build a kite.

And they all lived happily--

[Duck quacking]

I mean, quackily ever after.

[All cheering]

Come on, everybody. It's time to dance.


Come on, all you China lovers.

Get up and dance with us.

Come on.

We're gonna swish and swoosh like a Chinese dragon.

♪ It takes us all to make this dragon fly ♪

♪ We've got to raise our poles up high ♪

♪ We are the puppeteers, the time is almost here ♪

♪ To celebrate the Chinese New Year ♪

All right, everybody, when I say "go"

we're going to do the dragon dance:

swish and swoosh, then roar.

Are you ready? Here we go.

One, two, three.

♪ Swish and swoosh

♪ Come on, everybody

♪ Give a big roar Roar!

♪ Like a dragon

Great job. Again.

♪ Swish and swoosh

♪ Come on, everybody

♪ Give a big roar Roar!

♪ Like a dragon, yeah

♪ I love the music and the lights ♪

♪ The fireworks are great

♪ But what I love most of all ♪

♪ Is when the dragon leads the parade ♪

♪ Swish and swoosh

♪ Come on, everybody

♪ Give a big roar Roar!

♪ Like a dragon, yeah

[Cheering and applause]

All right! Yay!

Chinese New Year is celebrated all over the world.

GIL: I think we're ready.

Whoa. Cool dragon.

Thanks, we made it ourselves.

Now, everybody grab a chopstick.

Bubble Puppy, you get inside the head.

Ready, guys?


Now do what I do.




[Laughing]No, no, no.

Not fish foosh.

Like this.


Try it again.



Fish-foosh.No, guys, no.

[Barking] Aah!

[All laughing]

Hey, everybody, it's time to go to the Chinese New Year parade.

ALL: Field trip!

Do you want to go with us to the Chinese New Year parade?

Great. Come on.

[Crowd cheering]

ANNOUNCER: Gong Xi Fa Cai,everyone.

And welcome to the Chinese New Year Parade.

[Cheering and applause]

Gong Xi Fa Cai, Bubble Puppy.


Who's ready to celebrate the New Year with acrobats,

drums, and an enormous Chinese dragon?

[Crowd cheering]

ALL: Yay!

ANNOUNCER: And here come the acrobats.


Look. There's Ming.

And there's Ping.

That's awesome.


Here come the dancers.

ANNOUNCER: The fan dance is a wonderful way to welcome spring.

OONA: Ooh. Look at their fans.



[Drums beating]

ANNOUNCER: That sounds like...

Yes, it is.

Here come the drummers.

[Drums beating][Crowd cheering]

Cool! Cool!

And now the moment we've all been waiting for/

Here comes the dragon.

[Crowd cheering]

[Indistinct murmuring]

Again, let's hear it for the dragon.

[Crickets chirping]

[Crowd gasping softly]

Hmmm I wonder where the dragon is.

ALL: Aww!

Oh, no. Oh, no.

I think something's wrong.

Uh-oh. Oh, no.

What's wrong, Ming?

Yeah, where's the dragon?

There's a problem.

We don't have enough people to hold the dragon poles.

How many more people do you need?

Hmm, I'm not sure.

We need your help.

Help us count the poles.

One, two, three,

four, five, six.


We need six people to hold the rest of the poles.

Wait a minute.

One, two, three, four, five, six.

We're six people.

But can you swish and swoosh like a dragon?

You're talking to the best swishers and swooshers

this side of Bubbletucky.

Perfect. Come on, this way.

ALL: Yay!

[Whispering in Chinese]


It looks like this parade will have a dragon after all.

Please welcome the New Year's Dragoon!

[Crowd cheering]

Swish, swoosh.

GROUPER: Wow. Look at that, Bubble Puppy.

ANNOUNCER: Gong Xi Fa Cai,everyone.

ALL: Happy New Year!

Wow, I had so much fun

celebrating the Chinese New Year.

Didn't you, Gil?Totally.

It was really cool pretending to be the dragon.


Bubble Puppy, where are you going?

Gong Xi Fa Cai.


[All laughing]

♪ Bu-bu-bubble gu-gu-guppies

♪ Bubble bubble bubble guppy guppy guppies ♪

♪ Bubble ♪ Bubble

♪ Guppy ♪ Guppy

♪ Bubble Guppies

♪ Bubble Guppies

♪ Check, check, check out China ♪

♪ It's got so much history

♪ Check, check, check out China ♪

♪ From the great Himalayas to the Yellow Sea ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, check out China ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, check out China ♪
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