06x10 - True Gritty

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Adventures of the Gummi Bears". Aired: September 14, 1985 – February 22, 1991.*
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Regarded by many as a fairytale they are gentle, loveable creatures who want to live in harmony with mankind - but sometimes it's not easy.
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06x10 - True Gritty

Post by bunniefuu »

Dashing and daring

Courageous and caring

Faithful and friendly
With stories to share

All through the forest
They sing out in chorus

Marching along
As their song fills the air

Gummi Bears

Bouncing here and there
And everywhere

High adventure
That's beyond compare

They are the Gummi Bears

Magic and mystery
Are part of their history

Along with the secret
Of gummiberry juice

Their legend is growing
They take pride in knowing

They'll fight
For what's right

In whatever they do

Gummi Bears

Bouncing here and there
And everywhere

High adventure
That's beyond compare

They are the Gummi Bears

They are the Gummi Bears


Can you teach me
to sh**t like that, Gritty?

Sure, Cubbi.
No problem.

Oh, yeah?

Sorry, kid,
there's no time for play.

-But Gruffi--
-But nothing.

It's going to take all of us
to get Ursalia back in shape

the way it was before
the ancient Gummies left.


You mean before the humans
ran them off.

But we're going
to be ready

the next time those
furless fiends attack.

But there aren't any humans
around for miles.

And besides, they have no reason
to harm us.

Humans don't need
a reason.

They're a greedy bunch.



Nice try, kid.

Next time, aim for something
that's not so wet.

That does it!

Stop fooling around and help me
wash down these streets.

[Sir Thornberry]
Afraid our washing days
are all over, Gruffi.

That was the last
of our water. All gone.

No water?

Well, we can't survive
in Ursalia without it.

Settle down, Ursa.

There's got to be some
around here.

The ancient Gummies
wouldn't build a city

where there's no water.

Water? Who said
there's no water?

Why, there's plenty
down at the river.

Of course, that's a whole day's
journey from here.

Oh, we can't haul water
that far.

Maybe not, but a Rama can.
Right, Gritty?


What do you say you and me
go on a little Rama roundup?

Wow, a Rama roundup!

Uh, what's a Rama?

Smelly old animals
that only a Barbic would use.

You can be sure
the ancient Gummies

had a much better way
to get their water.

Well, we're here,
and the ancient Gummies aren't.

And that's because
they trusted humans.

We Barbics will never
make that mistake.

You can be sure of that.

I know and you've been told

Barbic Bears
Are mighty bold

We're rough and tough
We're lean and mean

We're the best
You've ever seen

- Sound off
- Grr, grr

- Sound off
- Grr, grr

Looks like us Barbics

are finally rubbing off
on you Glen Gummies.

Maybe we'll teach you
something yet.

That'll be the day.

If there's any lessons
to be learned,

it's from the ancient Gummies.

And according to this blueprint
of the city,

the answer to Ursalia's
water problem

should be right over
these boulders.

Well, I'll be
a goofy-eyed Gummi.

It's a whatchamadinger.

[Gruffi] No, it's not.
It's an aqueduct.

[Sir Thornberry]
That's just what I said.

The ancient Gummies built it
to supply Ursalia with water.

Yeah, but there's only
one problem.

No water.

You want water?
Why didn't you say so?

I'll just do
a little rain dance.

[tribal music]

[tap dancing music]

[festive music]

There, that ought
to do the trick.

Save your feet, twinkle toes.

There's only one way
to find what we're looking for,

and that's to follow
this canal.

Why bother?

I say we just wait here for
the Ramas to bring us our water.

What's the matter, Ursa?
Afraid of the dark?

Barbic Bears
aren't afraid of anything.

Now, are you coming
or not?

We're right behind you,
oh, fearless one.

Let's see.

I'd say we got
three or four Ramas

grazing within
easy roping range.

Whoa, you can hear
all that?



...but I can see it.


Hey, wait for me.

Hurry up!

You're missing
all the fun.

This is going to be easy.

-Giddy-- Whoa!

Ride 'em, Cubbi!

Get me off this thing!


Yup, you're a tenderfoot,
all right.

Yeah. Only it's not my foot
that's tender.

Yahoo. Giddyup.


Say, partner,

that rock's about as tame
as you're going to get it.

Uh, Gritty!

Well, I was--
Uh, you see--

Look, just because
one Rama threw you

doesn't mean
they all will.

You just got to let them know
you're their friend.

And then they'll
be your friend.

Boy, Gritty, I want to be
just like you.

You know everything.

Not quite everything.

But I do know that we ought
to find some water down below.

-You know, you're right.

This isn't so hard
once you get the hang of it.


Not so fast there, Cubbi.

Oh, come on, slowpoke.

Last one down's
a rotten gummiberry.



Whoa, boy!


Well, partner,

your riding's just fine.


But I'm afraid
your dismount's all wet.

Hold it right there.

And don't think
you can get away.

Get ready.

[sheep bleating]

Got you!

Now, no more running away.

He's just a shepherd boy.

Yeah, but he's still human,

and I wouldn't be surprised
if he was trying

to steal our Ramas.

[blows horn]

[both croak]



Hang on, partner.

I am!

I am!

Easy, now.

Whoa, boy.

Gummi Bears?

Omar, you must see this.

Real-live Gummi Bears.

Raffi, what is going on?

Gummi Bears.
Look, over there.

I am looking.

And all I can see
is a worthless Rama.

There were Gummies,

[Omar] Sure. And yesterday
you thought you saw elves.

And the day before it
was pixies.

But I saw them.

You've got to believe me.

See? Leave it to humans
to scare off our Ramas.

I'm sure it was only
an accident.

Well, it wasn't an accident
when humans forced us

from Barbic Woods.

But these shepherds
are peaceful people.

You can't blame them
for something that happened

a long time ago.

Maybe not,

but I'll still
keep an eye on them.

You know what I say.

Never turn you back
on a human.


Or a Rama.

I can't believe
I'm following you.

You don't even know
where we're going.

Don't worry.

There's only one way to go.


Gruffi, hold on.



Well, at least it was
a soft landing.

The only thing soft around here
is your head.

Hmm, no wonder Ursalia's
not getting any water.

This thing's come apart
at the seams.

Looks like I'm coming apart
at the seams.

Better get me
another patch.

Not until we've patched up
the aqueduct.

Hmm, I still say rounding up
Ramas is an easier way

to get our water.


Dirty, no-good
stubborn Ramas.

Here, let me try.

You? Ha!
What can you do?

Well, I'll be.

You said to let them know
you're their friend.


So I did.

That's the last one, Gritty.

Good. But now it's too dark
to go back to Ursalia.

Guess we might as well
sleep here.

-You mean it?
-Sure do.

You know, camping out kind of
reminds me of the good old days,

back at Barbic Woods.

Before the humans came,

it was a place where Gummies
were free to have fun.

Well, we had fun today,
didn't we, Gritty?

You're right, kid.

We did.

But the real fun's
just about to begin.


[sheep bleating]

[Raffi] Please, all I ask
is one more chance.

Why should we trust our sheep
to a lazy daydreamer like you?

But I can do it!

Very well, Raffi.
You may watch the flock tonight.

Really? I--

But you must stop living
in a world of make-believe.


Yes, Omar.

-[all grumbling]
-[man] What's the use?

Just remember,
the flock is what's real.

Not ghosts,
goblins or Gummi Bears.

[men snoring]

[sheep bleating distantly]

[man grumbling]


Letting these sheep loose

ought to get rid
of those humans.

The flock is what's real.

The flock is what's real.
The flock is what's real.

Okay, cut that out.

-Go away.



Blast! Beat it!


There's no such thing
as Gummi Bears.

There's no
such thing as Gummi Bears.

But you really are
a Gummi Bear!

Omar, quick, come see!




[sheep bleating]

Look! The sheep!

[indistinct chattering]

Come back here! Stop! Come back!

Are you all right?


Raffi, how could you do this?

It wasn't me.
It was a Gummi Bear.

See? I told you
we couldn't trust him.

First, he lets our sheep
wander off.

Then he tries to pull the wool
over our eyes

with this childish story.

Wait, this time he did
see something.

-A wolf.
-[all] Wolf?

Let's hunt him down!

Yes! Come on, let's go!

[all shouting]

Up and at 'em, kid.

-Company's coming.


No time for questions.
Come on.

[all shouting]

They're gaining on us.


Here, drink this.

Ah, I don't need
gummiberry juice.

I'm a Barbic.

[indistinct shouting]

Okay, maybe just a little.


Come on, they won't be able
to follow our tracks

-in this stream.
-[Cubbi] Right.

-Did we lose them?

I'm afraid we've lost the trail.

We'd better go back.

[all grumbling]

Don't go thinking
I'm scared of a bunch of humans.

I, uh... just didn't want you
getting hurt.

But why would they
hurt us?

Because they're humans.

Hmm, the humans ran
the Barbics off once before.

They won't do it again.

There. It took all night,
but we finally fixed it.

Hmm, what makes you so sure
this old thing will still work?

Because the Great Gummies
built it, that's why.

Oh, the Great Gummies
didn't know everything.



They knew better
than to do that.


Very funny.

[Cubbi] Wait!
What are you going to do?

Nothing that those humans
don't deserve.

[chains rattling]

But I tell you,

it was a Gummi Bear that
scared the sheep last night.

It was a wolf.

And as soon as we catch it,
I'll prove it to you.

Wolves don't wear

But I know who does.

Uh... I can explain.

Why bother?

Gruffi was right.

You're nothing but trouble.

Cubbi, wait.

-[bells clang]
-Oh, no!

[bells jingling]


-The wolf!

We've caught him!

[all shouting]

[bells clanging]

See? I told you those humans
were nothing but trouble.

[body crashes]

Come on, partner.

I'm not your partner.

Well, you're coming

Now, giddyup!

The trap's over here.

But where is the wolf?

No mere wolf
could have done this.

Perhaps there was
more than one.

And there they go.

Quick, after them!

[all shouting]

Hyah! Hyah!


Come on, jump. Hyah!

It's no use.
He won't budge.

A Barbic never
gives up.

[men shouting indistinctly]

I hope this works.


Hey, wait for me.

We lost them.

I knew no human
could outsmart this bear.

Oh, yeah?

Well, maybe you
don't know humans

as well as you think you do.

They went that way.

Then we've got them trapped.

There's no other way
off this mountain.

Hyah! Hyah!

Gritty, stop!


They're getting closer,
and there's no place to go.

Maybe once they see
we're not wolves,

they'll leave us alone.

If humans had left Gummies alone
in the first place,

I'd still be
in Barbic Woods.

But if you'd left
these humans alone,

we wouldn't be stuck here.

Well, we won't be for long.

No, Gritty. Don't!

Why not? They deserve it.


Omar, look out!


[all shouting]

-[Gruffi] What's that rumbling?

Well, it could be
my stomach.

Or that big boulder.

Big boulder?

[distant rumbling]

Whew. That was close.

And getting closer!

[all scream]

Now's our chance.

No. Leave the Gummies--
Wolves-- Alone.

We've got to stop the flood
before it reaches our sheep.

Raffi's right.
To the dam!

[all shouting]

Ha! Look at those
cowards run.

[all screaming]

Hey, that sounds like
Gruffi and Ursa.

And look.

They're in trouble!

We've got to do something.


I've got you,
old friend.

[gasping and sputtering]

Thanks. But where's Gruffi?


Say, you ought to be
more careful.


No kidding.

Gruffi, hold on!

I'll get you out.

No, we'll get you out.

Hurry, Gritty.
We can't hold on much longer.

Just grab on to this.

Oh, no!

It's no use.

The rope's
not long enough.

Here, let me try.

A Glen Gummi
never gives up.


You got them!

Now pull us in!

[both grunting]

Pull harder, Cubbi.

I'm trying, but the current's
too strong.

[both scream]


This is all my fault.

If only I wasn't
so bullheaded.


The flood's stopping.

[all sputtering and gasping]

Whew. Thank goodness.

No, thank the humans.

They stopped the flood.

By gum, I never would have
believe it

if I didn't see it
with my own eye.

Would you do the honors, Gruffi?

With pleasure.

-[all cheer]
-[Ursa] It's beautiful.

Maybe the ancient Gummies

did know what they were doing
after all.

Which is more than I can say
about myself.

Say, partner,
how about you and me

going on one last roundup?

But we've got plenty
of water now.

Why do you want more Ramas?

Who said anything
about Ramas?

Did you find the sheep, Raffi?


Why can't I do
anything right?

It is not your fault
they ran away.

The flood scared them off
this time.

Yes, I know.

But maybe I'm just not meant
to be a shepherd.

[sheep bleating distantly]

Huh? Omar, look.

It's our sheep!

Raffi found our sheep.




Raffi, you're a hero.

[all cheering]

[theme music]
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