03x48 - All Adults Are Instructors For All Children

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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03x48 - All Adults Are Instructors For All Children

Post by bunniefuu »

I see you're working hard, Shin-chan.

Ah, Sis.

Sorry about making such a racket with my swishing.

Did I wake you up? Well, I'd call that swooshing instead of swishing But it's fine.

Don't mind me.


I'm sorry.

I'll be careful.


That's not the issue here.

Changing your cry won't accomplish anything I want to become stronger Stop! Stop! So I'm not the one being protected all the time So I can protect everyone else! I don't have use for weaklings.

Big! I want to become stronger I'll protect Kagura! I'll protect the Kagura we believe in! So I won't lose to Kamui or myself [Stronger]

Stronger! We want to become stronger.

"All Adults are Instructors for All Children.

" Yeah? Then do it.

Good luck.

That's all you have to say? Wait, weren't you listening to our monologue before the episode title? I mean we had that serious look and all Building up to a whole training arc thing after running into enemies stronger than anything we've seen What training arc? That's what you guys are about to start? Sounds rough.

No, not that.

Isn't there some kind of special training you know? That you can teach us? That's right! You need to do some training too, Gin-chan.

We've got lots of tough enemies coming up.

We want to become stronger.

And so, three months passed.

Man, that was some tough training.

Three months haven't passed! Only three seconds have passed! It's good to be home.

Why does your narration make it sound like you've been training?! Don't worry.

The flow of time here and there is different.

A month over there isn't even a second over here.

Where is over there?! You're making no sense at all!! It means that in three seconds here, we were able to reap the benefits of training three months over there.

We never moved an inch from here! And where is over there for crying out loud?! Since when did we train in the Room of Spirit and Time?! [Note: Room of Spirit and Time - Training space that appears in the Dxxxxn Baxx series.


What's wrong with that? Let's just say we got it over with.

It's such a pain.

I don't wanna do any training.

It's such a pain.

He just said something a JUMP main character would never say! He doesn't have a shred of ambition! Have you forgotten the three principles of JUMP?! Friendship! [Friendship]


Effort! Victory! [Victory]

You can't have victory without effort! You can't defeat stronger rivals if you have no ambition! No way Sounds like a pain.

Cause I mean, y'know It's a pain.

Nothing's more painful than, y'know For example Man, this is a pain.

Giving an example is a pain.

How much pain are you in?! Besides, did you plan out a basic outline for your training? You're both saying that just 'cause everyone's doing it, right? You just wanted to talk about training.

If you think that training will make this show more JUMP-like, you're wrong.

They're them.

We're us.

If you want to train that badly, you can go live in some other anime.

Mom?! You're saying things like a mom when you're just a lazy bum! Besides, the whole "Friendship, Effort, Victory" thing is so old-school.

Stop clinging to a slogan from dozens of years ago.

The world has moved on.

Ibaragi is dead.

[Note: This is referring to Masahiko Ibaragi - Former editor-in-chief of Shonen JUMP]

He hasn't d*ed yet! He's working hard as the editor-in-chief for JUMP SQ! [Note: JUMP SQ is a Monthly JUMP magazine targeted for older teens and young adults.


Besides, a training arc just consists of boring tasks.

That's not going to get you ratings.

And it's tiring for us, too.

The ones that can get away with stuff like that, are shows with flashy special att*cks and effects [Note: Example used here is from Dxxxxn Baxx's Kamehameha]

Or the training itself is innovative.

It only works for a select few.

[Note: Example used here is from JxJx's Bxxxxxe Adventure Part 2 training.


It's an area beyond our reach.

This guy's despicable.

He's bringing up shady topics just because he doesn't want to train.

Or what? You two have an innovative, yet visually stunning training method in mind? Of course you don't! You just want to train, right? I do too! I do have an actual plan! Oh? Then let me hear it.

First, we do that Camp out in the mountains.


And? What do you do there? That thing, uh With bears.

Where you fight bears to hone your natural instincts? That's old.

That idea's been done to death.

Where it holds your feet as you do sit-ups.

Use the bear more effectively! How can you use a bear that way?! That's such a waste! Let the bear do its thing! Oh, I see.

You call that doing its thing?! Why is the bear training now?! You could do kind this kind of stuff in a gym! A fitness instructor could handle that! You need something different Why?! You're not even doing anything anymore! And you're back from the mountains! It's pretty innovative! It's way too innovative! You're not even training! Not doing anything! So that's why you've been behaving so oddly the past few days, Shin-chan.

You really are the son of a samurai.

S-Sis Why didn't you come to me sooner? I-I'm sorry.

I guess I was embarrassed or I wanted to keep it a secret If you rely on that failure of an adult, forget about improving.

You'll only get worse.

You say that when I'm sitting right here? Leave it to me.

I promise I'll help you two become a top-notch samurai.

Now listen carefully, you two.

The desire to become stronger and the desire to become more beautiful may appear different, but are actually the same.

In other words, you have a desire to change yourself Did you know that when you go on a diet, there's something more important than limiting how much you eat? That would be to picture what you look like after you've lost weight.

You could say that your goal is to reach that ideal.

People are unable to run down a path with no goal, but once they have a goal, they can continue to run any path no matter how long it is.

The same goes for becoming stronger.

Picture a basic image of how you want to become.

If you have a goal in mind, you can work towards that goal little by little.

[The Strongest]

Okay, everyone.

Write down how you want to become stronger on this sheet of paper.

This may seem like a roundabout way of doing this, but it's important.

Hmm I see.

A perspective only a woman could have.

I've never thought of it that way.

This is pretty hard.

[I want my hair to become straight.


Why are you the first one to finish writing?! And he doesn't look like he has any intention of becoming stronger! I'm also done.



Can we move past that already?! Why are you so focused on training a bear instead of yourself?! And what's that blood around his mouth?! Don't tell me it's that instructor?! Is it that fitness instructor?! You should say something, Sis.

You're still holding back.

You need to get over being shy.

Is that the problem here?! If you set a goal that isn't reachable, you might as well not have a goal.

You need to keep your feet on the ground when you set your goal.

Not only are your feet off the ground, it's flying off into the air!! What are you trying to become, Sis?! Isn't this a totally different person No a totally different life form?! And how did you draw this in such a short time?! That's amazing! Huh? Wait Heyyyyy?! Why is that instructor here?! It came to save him after seeing him att*cked by the bear.

Why are you picking up the story where the last picture left off?! Why is this turning into a picture story?! Hey, now.

You'll never get stronger by taking drawing lessons.

Hasegawa-san! [Everything turns to ashes.


Pattsan, little lady, leave it to me.

And yeah, this guy drew a really scary picture! What the hell is that?! A great player may not necessarily become a great coach.

Though I may be powerless, I can still offer shining guidance to a few lost lambs as your elder in life.

No way! What do you mean, shining?! You're leading us into the fires of hell! The whole story's drawn there! Just listen As someone who's fallen from the very top to the very bottom, I can see things others can't.

Listen up.

In this world, people who live their lives by trying to climb a huge mountain in one go or trying to reverse a situation in one sh*t will definitely slip.

Sure, it might work once.

But then they get cocky and throw big money after the same dark horse.

Luck doesn't strike twice.

Next thing you know, you're broke.

Wait, you only lost in a horse race.

You're saying the whole world should burn in hell just from losing in a horse race? I'm saying that I can't b*at people who work their way up little by little.

That's right.

Those who want to instantly become strong can never defeat those who have worked hard year after year.

When you consider training as separate from your daily lifestyle, you're already a drop-out.

Got it? Training isn't something that you just start today or tomorrow.

You begin training the day you're born.

In other words, training isn't anything worth fussing about.

Every little task you do can be considered training.

The point is to consistently perform these those tasks on a day-to-day basis.

Have you heard this story before? Once, there was a neat freak and a dirty slob.

[Dirty ]


The man who was a neat freak would always sit down when taking a piss.

So he wouldn't splatter any on the floor.

Meanwhile, the man who was a dirty slob paid no heed.

He always took care of his business standing, regardless of how much he got on the floor.

A very slight difference.

One that wouldn't attract anyone's attention.

But what do you think would happen if this continued for several decades? The neat freak's toilet was always clean, but his legs became thinner as he aged.

While the dirty slob's legs became thicker as he aged.

One did his business standing.

One did his business sitting.

One who used his muscles.

One who didn't use his muscles.

Who could predict that such a slight difference would end up determining the victor in the Battle of Sekigahara.

[Note: The Battle of Sekigahara - The decisive battle that made way for the Tokugawa Shogunate.



The two men were Ieyasu Tokugawa and Mitsunari Ishida! Stop lying! How could you know how Ieyasu and Mitsunari took a piss?! How could a kick determine victory in a battle?! The Battle of Sekigahara went into overtime and was decided by penalty kicks, I heard.

Why?! And this has nothing to do with penalty kicks! I'm just saying, Ieyasu pretended to be a dirty slob when in reality, he was standing as he pissed to build leg muscles.

That's normal! He trained little by little, day by day, while fooling the enemy.

What a fearsome man, yeah? That wouldn't be called training! It's too normal! The story continues [Note: Tenkai was a Buddhist monk who is said to have served Ieyasu.


Ieyasu learned this secret form of training from a monk named Tenkai What the hell were those monks preaching?! The true identity of Tenkai, known as the man who controlled the Edo Bakufu behind the scenes after earning Ieyasu's favor, [Note: Incident at Honno-ji is a historical event where Nobunaga Oda was assassinated by Mitsuhide Akechi at the Honno-ji temple.


was rumored to be the man responsible for the Incident at Honno-ji and later k*lled by Hideyoshi Mitsuhide Akechi's fitness instructor.

[Note: There is a theory in Japanese history of Tenkai possibly being Mitsuhide Akechi.


You again?! I've never heard a rumor like that! And how long are you people going to drag on that instructor thing?! Have you been cursed by that instructor or something?! Now, now.

There's no need for shouting.

It's merely nonsense from a commoner.

Only a samurai can guide you down the path of a samurai.

Katsura-san! He's! He's using rain to cleanse the city DORK b*rned down! Leader.


I shall teach you the knowhow of the samurai! Hasegawa-san is correct.

Training should be a part of your daily life.

However, I have a question.

Is the strength you seek merely physical strength? Is that what you seek from training? Right.

The true purpose of training is to push you to your limits and discover your true self that remains hidden in ordinary times.

Your true self Exactly! Once you've found that, you will not merely attain simple physical strength Yes! You will attain true strength! Once, there was a man who discovered his true self.

He was a white-collar worker.

He always woke up at the same time, always got on the train at the same time, always went to the same workplace, and always went home at the same time.

Never late.

Never absent.

An excellent job performance.

He was the very picture of diligence, but anyone that looked would find him a dull person.

However, the man never felt bored.

In fact, he had no interest in living his life any other way.

It was a bone-chilling winter morning The man attempted to get on the usual train at the usual station at the usual time.

But the difference was the presence of an old man standing in front of him.

Out of consideration for the old man, the man boarded through a different door.

When he reached the next station, the seat in front of the man was open.

This was rush hour.

Under normal circumstances that would be impossible.

Nobody around him moved towards the seat, so the man had no choice but to sit down.

After some more traveling, the train reached the man's stop.

To get off, he needed to leave his seat and make his way through the crowded train to the exit.

That was when the man thought "I'd rather get off at the next station and turn back instead of bothering all these people.

" And then it was the next station And the next By the end, he'd decided to ride until the last stop.

"Yes What's wrong with being late today?" And he finally arrived at the beach.

As the man stood in front of the ocean, he realized that he was such a tiny existence That he'd been living in his own little world And so the man quit his job and went on a journey.

Yes, that was when he finally realized his true self hidden within and attained true strength.

Why?! Wow! No! You're not supposed to be impressed by that! And your flashbacks are always too long! And why would his true self be a bear?! Why are you making connections with Kagura-chan's picture?! [Note: Mega Drive was called Sega Genesis in the United States.


Well, I was up all night yesterday playing Altered Beast on Mega Drive.

That's not a reason! But the bear's really strong.

That's simplifying things too much! That only covers physical strength, no matter how you look at it! Then I'll get to the subject at hand.

What training is required to become a true samurai.


Long ago, Gintoki and I trained in both the pen and the sword at the same school.

Yes, if I directly pass on the instruction received from our honorable teacher, you should be able to become a true samurai like us.

We'll go through your former training? Hey, cut it out, Zura.

That training's too dangerous.

It's still too early for them They can handle it.

They do not merely seek strength.


They want to fight by your side.

Do you think a little hardship will be enough to b*at them down? You should know the answer very well.

The training will be harsh, but I'm sure you can endure it.

I like the look in your eyes.

Okay, then start by putting these turtle shells on your back.

They're heavy, but you're not allowed to remove them.

Okay, now you have to go search for a certain item while wearing those weights.

I'm going to throw this rock that has "Katsura" written on it outside.


You must discern this perfectly ordinary stone, besides for the "Katsura" written on it, from the other stones, and bring it back here.

There's only one stone.

Whoever doesn't bring it back doesn't get dinner tonight.

And just so you know, you won't be able to pick up a random stone and write "Katsura" on it.

I can tell from the handwriting.

Okay, then go! What is this?! What is this training?! We've definitely seen this before! [Note: Again, a training done in Dxxxxn Baxx.

Manga Vol.

3 to be specific.


What? Has someone ripped me off? You're the one who ripped it off! That's odd.

I remember our teacher doing the same What? Are you trying to say that you're a student of Master Roshi?! [Note: Master Roshi.

Character from Dxxxxn Baxx.


Hey, Zura.

That's totally wrong.

You're the fool.

Huh? This wasn't how it went? It wasn't.

It was a mistake to lend the entire Dragon Boozu series to an idiot like you.

[Note: Dragon Boozu is a Gin Tama parody of Dxxxxn Baxx.


Right? Don't surprise me, Gin-san.

I almost thought you became strong through this copycat training.

Hey, give me a break.

It was totally different.

Nothing like this.

First of all, we were carrying fitness instructors, not turtle shells.

Heeyyy! Cut it out, you freaks! I told you to drop it already! And where did these people come from?! [Gin]

I'm going to throw this instructor that has "Gin" written on it outside.

Why are the instructors the ones being thrown?! The instructor on the back of the person who doesn't return them doesn't get dinner.

Why?! The instructor didn't do anything wrong! And you won't be able to pick up a random instructor and write "Gin" on it.

There aren't random instructors standing around! I can tell from the handwriting.

You can tell from the instructors' faces! I can't take this anymore! We were fools for asking you people! We won't depend on anyone else! We'll find our own method of becoming stronger! Thank you very much! Just wait and see! We'll become so strong you'll be shocked! That's how it should be.

You must choose your own path by yourself.

They've cleared the first stage of training.

I won't go easy on them if they whine.

We're always watching over them.

Yes, because we are your instructors in life.



I think we screwed up.

Looks like we've been captured.


And after getting the spotlight for the first time in 19 episodes.

The next episode: "Zip Up Your Fly Nice and slowly.

" Women wouldn't understand.

[Hijikata and Okita are locked in a room by the mysterious villain Jigsaw.


[Fear and paranoia abound Forced to make a choice The game for these two men's lives begins.


[See you next time.

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