04x05 - A Tale of Two Lives

All episode transcripts for this TV show, "Every Witch Way". Aired January 2014 - July 2015.*
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A teenage girl moves with her father to the suburbs of Miami, Florida, where she learns that she is a witch who is said to have great powers and abilities, as are many of her classmates, good and bad. Based on the Latin American series Grachi.
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04x05 - A Tale of Two Lives

Post by bunniefuu »

- Surprise!

- W-wait a second.

How did you just do that?

- Do what?

- Um, hello?

The flying...


- How--what just happened?

- Guys!

Guys, there is a simple explanation for this.


Why don'’t you, uh, tell Daniel over here

why there'’s a candlelit dinner

that appeared out of nowhere?

- Oh! Right! [chuckles]

It was... - Definitely not magic!

- Um, a mind trick!

See, your photoreceptors were so busy collecting

visual information that your cognitive

energy caused you to see something

that wasn'’t... really there.

- What? - Ooh!

I love it when Katie speaks science.

- Sometimes your brain sees stuff that isn'’t there.

- Boom, there you have it.

- Simple math.

- Uh, science. - And science.

- No, no, no, no. This is not right.

Let'’s go.

- Me? Thought you'’d never ask.

- No, wait! - Stop!

- [grunting]

- [screaming]

[screaming silenced]

- Are you done yet?


- This is the weirdest first date ever.

- This isn'’t a date.

- We should go get Diego.

- You need to untie me now.

- I'’m sorry, guys, but I'’m gonna have to make you

forget everything that just happened.

- What'’s going on in here--



[upbeat pop music]

WOMAN: ♪ I cast a spell

♪ It takes a hold of you

♪ I see my dreams

♪ And they'’re all coming true ♪

♪ Come on

♪ Let'’s go ♪

♪ You and me together

♪ Look up ahead

♪ There'’s a magical adventure ♪

♪ Every witch way

♪ Ay-ay-ay-ay-ay

♪ I'’m trying every witch way ♪

♪ Ay-ay-ay-ay-ay

♪ I'’m going every witch way ♪

♪ Ay-ay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Every witch way

- Are you okay?

- Gigi?

- I'’m fine...I think.

- Emma?

Can I talk to you in private, please?

- These are ropes and-- and there were flying fish.

- I know, dude. I know.

- But this can'’t be an optical illusion.

There has to be a better explanation.

- You'’re totally right. There is.

And if you can think of one, just let me know,

'’cause I'’ll be over there.

- He saw me cast a spell.

- So you tied him up?

- It was the nicest thing I could think of.

- Jax! - Emma!

We can'’t let him tell anybody about what he just saw.

You know that better than anybody else.

- [sighs]

- Okay, I totally need to download what just happened,

because what I saw in there was so--

- An illusion! - And un-magic-y.

- It was way weird.

- So, it'’s bad weird.

- It was flying salmon weird.

Stemware from thin air weird.

- Stemware? Was it crystal?

- Shh, keep your voice down, okay, please?

- I--I can'’t!

Everyone needs to know what just happened.

- Proxy?

- Who am I kidding? Everyone needs to know

what just happened.

- Do something! - Uh... um...

- She'’ll ruin everything if someone hears her dish,

so make Gigi only speak in...


- OMG.

[speaking Turkish]

- Oh, no, her brain is overheating!

- Oh, she'’s fine, it'’s just Turkish.

- Maddie! - I had to!

She was way loud.

Plus, I think it has a romantic ring to it.

- Oh, yeah, Turkish, the language of love.

- Don'’t worry, I can understand her.

- Since when do you speak Turkish?

- Since forever.

Gobble, gobble, gobble!

- I think that'’s Tur-key.

- Okay, well, she can'’t talk like this forever.

Maddie? - With this memory wipe,

she'’ll forget our powers.

Now, erase what she saw in the last hours.

- A memory wipe? Really? What if it'’s irreversible

and she never goes back to who she really is?

- Oh, please, not like it'’s dangerous or anything.


I-it'’s not too... dangerous.

- [grunts]

Can you help?

I'’d use my... special gift,

but it hasn'’t exactly been firing on all cylinders lately.

- You know I'’d do almost anything for you.

But this, this is a no-go.

- Jax, I know Daniel.

That same person is in here somewhere.

- You used to know Daniel.

- She did? - Yes.


Sorry, I don'’t feel well.

Look, just give me a minute of alone time.

I have an idea.

- Alone time? With gator boy?

What if he tries to escape?

- You know I'’m sitting right here, right?

- Okay, let'’s go.

And if he tries anything, we'’ll be down the hall.

Which in case, if he does try anything,

I got nunchucks and I'’m not afraid to use them.

- Quick, there'’s scissors in the cabinet.

- They'’re not gonna work. I have to try a spell.

- A spell?

- I trust in Daniel and I have hope.

Now, set him free, remove this rope.

I need to be honest, it'’s no time to lie.

Now, help me, please make this rope untie.


- Wh...what are you?

- I don'’t wanna freak you out.

Technically, this is the second time

you'’re gonna hear this.

But Daniel, I'’m...

I'’m a witch.

- What if we do, like, a half brain wipe?

- Uh, I'’m half on board with that.

How '’bout a no brain wipe?

- Mmm, I'’m wholly not on board with that.

- Okay, but who knows, you know, like, she might surprise us.

She'’s fluent in Turkish now.

- Yeah, and still fluent in gossip.

[phone beeping]

- Word on the street is the Panthers

have a new cheer buddy, and it's none other than...

my own brother, Diego!

- And that'’s just from yesterday.

- How could she? I told her that in confidence.

- Great, so I'’ll pencil her in for a brain wipe ASAP.

- No, just...

not until I'’m sure that it won'’t hurt her.

Until then, keep her away from all recording devices, okay?

- On it. - She won'’t leave our side.

- Good.

Wait... where is she?

- She'’s right...

[groans] - Uh-oh.

- Oh, and this is of our trophy case.

[thunder cracking]

Or a dirty locker.

Yeah, they kinda just look the same.

- [chuckles] - Wow.

That'’s exciting, isn'’t it, Mia?

- Fascinating.

- So, what about your kids?

Any athletes? Competitors?

- Well...

[laughing] Now that you mention it,

Daniel is actually an exceptional--

- Swimmer? Doggie paddle champion?

Swim team captain?

- No, dancer.

Swimming was never really his thing,

but he can really pop, lock and drop it.

[laughing] - Oh.

- Speaking of Daniel, has anyone seen him lately?

- Wait, I almost forgot.

Check out our new... vending machines.

They'’re aluminum.

[women laughing]

- And then you tele... transported me to a pool?

- Oh, well, not on purpose.

Only because my powers are still growing.

- Whoa! This isn'’t the toilet, is it?

[chuckles] Might as well just...

stay here then, you know?

- Bathroom'’s this way, Don Juan.

- But you can'’t be a witch.

Witches are old and fly... and are old.

Not girls from Miami.

- Sometimes you find magic in the most unlikely places.

- And...you'’re saying I knew you?

- You still do. You know all of us.

- Emma, what are you doing?

- The right thing.

Daniel, we'’re your friends.

We go to school together.

Iridium High in Miami.

You'’re on the swim team with these two--the Sharks.

You'’re the captain.

- Emma, I'’m still a little hazy

about this whole universe shifting thing.

But isn'’t what you'’re about to do, like, really bad?

- Like, he could disappear forever bad?

- Wait, what? [dramatic music]

- That'’s not going to happen.

I won'’t let it.

Do it now, there can be no stall.

Cut these ropes once and for all.

- No one'’s going to hurt you.

It'’s okay.

[tense music]

- I'’ve got a bad feeling about this.

- [shouting in Turkish]

Ring-a-ling-a. Ring-a-ling-a!

- Hello? Hello?

Must have been a wrong number.

- Oh, finally! My ears were getting numb.

- What? This isn'’t my first rodeo.

- Uh, guys?

- [sighs]

- Wonder what they told him?

- The truth.

- Ahh, the truth.

[whispering] What kind of spell is that?

- It'’s not a spell.

- Ugh, boring!

- Wait, you mean that you actually--

- I told him.

- About...magic?

- About everything.

[dramatic music]

- I don'’t see him anywhere.

- He disappeared already?

That was fast.

- It was the only way!

I need him to trust me enough to come back to Miami.

- Is this what you do to your friends now?

Risk their lives? Their families?

This is selfish, Emma.

- She'’s right.

- She is? - I am?

- I'’m sorry, Emma, but you have no idea

what you'’re dealing with.

And the truth is, no one really knows.

- I had to try!

This is easy for all of you.

You didn'’t put him here.

You don'’t remember the life he had.

- Yeah, now, he'’s not gonna remember it

or anything else because he'’s gonna disappear.

[door opens]

- Daniel.

[dramatic music]

- No more magic!

I'’ve already been tied up, kidnapped,

and oh, yeah, hit in the head with a fish.

And you know, I can take all of that.

But if anything happens to my family or my home--

- But this isn'’t your home.

- Hey, guys.

- Miami is, and I can prove it to you

if you come back with us.

- Come back with you?

I'’ve never been to Miami.

- Hey, guys.

- I literally just said no more magic.

- It wasn'’t her.

It'’s the Continuum Break, it'’s becoming more volatile.

The moment you told him about his old life,

you set a new break in motion.

- Daniel, wait!

You and your family could be in serious danger.

- Danger? What kind of danger?

- Well, it'’s-- it'’s hard to say.

Continuum Breaks are so rare.

But there'’s a chance you could disappear, but--

- What?!

- All trace of your existence, wiped away.

Your family, too. You only have five days.

- That'’s why you need to come back with us.

We can stop this from happening, together.

- Or...you can stay here,

and we'’ll disappear from here.

Personally, I like that option.

- Please, you don'’t have to do it for me.

Do it for...

Your family.

- Fine...

I'’ll come.

- Yes!

- No.

- I can be packed and ready in .

Guys, come on. A little hustle, please?

Let'’s get a move on.

- I don'’t think that'’s the best idea.

It'’s still coming down pretty heavy out there.

- But we don'’t have time!

[thunder cracking]

- I'’m sorry, Emma, but I'’m not putting

any more lives in danger.

We'’re staying the night.

- I'’ll go get some extra blankets.

- Thank you.

- [sighs] Great.

So he'’s coming with us.

- The shift in the break is happening

whether we like it or not, okay?

So if we wanna save him, then our only option

is to bring him back to Miami.

- Nice work, Emma.


- Well, this is awkward.

- I had no other choice. Right?

- Oh! No.

I mean that.

[light music]

- I'’ll take him to the Seven and to school.

Do you think I should teletransport him

into the pool first?

- Emma-- - That was when

he found out about my powers.

You think that will jog his memory?

- Emma! - What about his locker?

BOTH: Emma!

- What?

- Listen, I-- - I got this.

Look, Em, I'’m sorry.

It'’s just, I'’ve seen this story , times.

Girl meets boy, girl likes boy,

boy eats brains '’cause he'’s a zombie,

Zombie gets shipped off to the video game that he--

- And we are off track.

- Sorry.

[clears throat] What I'’m saying

is Chosen One or not,

no one likes saying good-bye to someone they care about.

- And the thing about space and time?

- I said I got this.

- Okay.

- You'’re not just messing with time and space.

You'’re messing with lives.

I just don'’t wanna see anyone get hurt.

Especially you.

[gentle music]

- Uh, I got dibs on top bunk.

[both laughing]

- So, this Maddie...

she'’s a pretty great girl, huh?

- Yeah, man, she'’s one of a kind.

- Bet she gets a lot of attention

from the other guys, right?

- Well, yeah, I mean, she'’s super pretty.

- Well, I gotta hand it to you, man.

You'’re handling this whole Daniel thing

really well, so bravo.

- What Daniel thing?

- Oh, just...just forget I even brought it up.

- Oh, come on! Now you gotta tell me.

That'’s teammate .

- Well, it doesn'’t bother you that Emma said

Daniel used to date Maddie?

- Well, it didn'’t bother me until you told me that!

Do you think it'’s true? - I don'’t know.

But if he is from our world and he remembers everything,

then there'’s just as much chance

he'’ll wanna date Maddie as there is with Emma.

Look, man, just keep an eye out.

And if anything goes down, I got your back.

- Yeah, man, same.

- Sharks gotta look out for each other, right?

- Swim, swim, rush attack, my fellow Shark...

BOTH: He'’s got my back! - One on the left,

one on the right, my fellow Sharks...

ALL: Won'’t back down from a fight!

- [groans]

This is so heavy.

What kind of animal sanctuary doesn'’t have a concierge?

- I know, right?

Wait, what?

- Now I know exactly how my Proxy feels.

- [scoffs] Samesies.

- Hold on a second.

Where is my Proxy?

[both grunting]

- Only / more!

[both grunting]

- Legs feel like jelly.

- Ooh! The red or green flavor?

- I haven'’t seen him.

Uh, I think this place is good.

- Sleeping on the floor, now, that'’s a hard sell.

[chuckles] Turn our little corner

into a five-star hotel.

I guess this'’ll have to do.

- Can I interest anyone in a pillow?

- Oh, over here!

- Sorry we have so few extras.

I'’d loan you mine, but--

- No, I get it. It'’s yours, after all.

Gotta have your pillow.

- Actually, I pulled a pelican out of a croc'’s mouth last week,

and I'’m letting him sleep on it while his wing heals.

- Aw. - Aw.

- Oh.

- So, breakfast is at : , if anyone wants in.

- My mom said to tell you that breakfast is at : .

- : ?

You said it was at : . Was that--

- A lie? Guilty.

You'’re our guests,

and I wanted you all to have first dibs.

So looks like you'’re all set.

If you need anything else, just give us a shout.

- Thanks, but I think we'’re all pretty beat,

so you won'’t be hearing a peep from us tonight.

SOPHIE: Andi! Flutter kicks, now!

Swimmers are made in the pool,

but champions are made outside it!

- On it!

- Well, most of us are beat.

- I don'’t know how Daniel dates her.

She'’s just so...

- Nice? - No.

- Well, she seems pretty nice to me.

- Gigi, can you hand me that suitcase?

- [speaking Turkish]

- Slow down. Breathe, Gigi, breathe.

- That'’s not fast talk. It'’s Turkish talk.

- Turkish?

- Hello! She'’s been like this for the last day.

- We didn'’t know what else to do.

- I wanted to wipe her mind.

But Proxy said it was too dangerous.

- It is. - Ha!

- It isn'’t.

It can be,

but only if two witches do it at the same time.

Like when Jax and I did it to Daniel.



- [sighs] All right,

I guess you can do-- - Keeping her like this

would be a reach. Now, clear her mind

and return her speech.

- Are we going into the sanctuary place,

or are we just gonna stand here?

- [laughing] It worked!

- Um, we can'’t stay, Gigi.

We have to head back to Miami.

- But we just got here.


Where'’s my phone?!

- Who am I riding with?

- That would be in the convertible with us.

- Great, should be pleasant.

- [giggling]

Hi, I'’m Gigi.

- Uh, I know. We'’ve met.

I'’m Daniel, remember?

- No.

- You guys are so strange. I'’ll be right back.

- I call sitting next to Daniel.

- Can we all at least agree that she is not riding with us?

- It'’s just a week, or , seconds.

Start counting now, and when you hit zero,

I will be home.

- He'’ll be home when he gets to Miami.

And if I can help it, it'’ll be for good.

- All aboard!


- It was nice meeting you, Daniel!

I love you.

- Get off of me!

- This couldn'’t get any weirder.

- Wait, Daniel, you forgot Billy.

- Somehow, it just did.

[water running]

- Junior, you left the door open.

Still warm.



I mean...sir?


Oh, no. The clones!

[upbeat music]

[girl giggling]


You there!

[music stops]

- Hey, yourself.

- Who are you, and what are you doing in my kitchen?

- You like cake? We made a bunch!

Chocolate, double chocolate, triple chocolate, vanilla.

- Who are you, and why are my clo--

quintuplet brothers letting you hang and bake?

- Quintuplets? Don'’t you mean clones?

- You told her?

- Well, yes. Because she'’s your--

- I'’m Jessie.

Jessie? Your sister?

[upbeat pop music]

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