08x04 - Loyal Order of Ingerman

Episode transcripts for the TV show "DreamWorks Dragons". Aired: October 2010 to present.*
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1 - Riders of Berk
2 - Defenders of Berk
3-8 - Race to the Edge
9-10 -Rescue Riders
11-13 - Heroes of the Sky

Follows the life and adventures of Hiccup (Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III) and his friends on the Island of Berk.
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08x04 - Loyal Order of Ingerman

Post by bunniefuu »

This changes everything.

Hiccup! Yeah-ah-ah! I balanced the weight using Gronkle Iron so it's lighter and easier to carry.

- Hiccup! Ooh! - Oh.

Hey, Fishlegs.

Uh, I was just going over some of the new features on the Dragon Eye Two.

You're not gonna believe what I discovered in Oswald's papers.

Okay, I was in my hut, preparing my lesson plan for the Dragon Explorers campout.

Dragon Explorers? Here? Soon? Great.

A bunch of kids invading the island.

Ugh, I'm starting to miss those Changewings.

The Dragon Explorers are not just kids.

They're our future Dragon Riders.

Hey, wait a minute.

- Where's the Zippleback badge? - Travesty! And the Gronkle badge is the highest rank? Ha! Yeah, right.

Fishlegs, what are you trying to say? You found something in Oswald's papers? Oh, it's horrible, Hiccup.

Worse than horrible.

I I can't even say it.

Well, just take a deep Generations ago, my ancestors were Dragon Hunters! What? They called themselves the Loyal Order of Ingerman.

They decimated the Dramillion dragons, pushing them to the brink of extinction.

- Who would do that? - The Ingermans.

I mean, after you said the Ingermans, I assumed the Ingermans.

Oh This was a long time ago, Fishlegs.

Everything I thought my family name stood for is destroyed.

What am I gonna do, Hiccup? Dragon hunting is in my genes.

It's a part of me.

I'm doomed.

There you are, dragon.

A hearty meal for a hungry hunter.

Oh! Oh, I'm sorry, girl.

I'm so sorry.

Oh, come on, come on, come on.

It's got to be here somewhere.

Come on, Fishlegs, find it! He's been at this for hours.

He seems pretty upset.

Well, think about it the guy who loves dragons more than anything else in the entire world found out he comes from a long line of bloodthirsty dragon K*llers.

I mean, if that's not iconic, I don't know what is.

Oh, I found it! Hiccup, look! I referenced what I found in Oswald's papers with the Book of Dragons.

Then used map lenses on the Dragon Eye Two Blah, blah.

What did you find? Dramillion Island.


We've scouted some of these islands, Fishlegs.

- There's not much out there.

- But what if I'm right? What if there are Dramillions left? I have to make sure they're okay.

Fishlegs If we leave now, we can make it by dusk.

What about the Dragon Explorers? They're coming tomorrow.

They need their leader, Fishlegs.

I'm sorry, but we're gonna have to wait to check out Dramillion Island.

Hiccup Gronkle badge as if that was a thing.


I can't do it.

It's just not responsible.

No! No! I have to do it! How can I be expected to shape young minds knowing my ancestors were dragon K*llers? It's completely hypocritical.

I can't do it.

What should I do, Meatlug? What? Oh! Uh! Whatever you're doing, do it faster.


You just ruined a perfectly good nightmare.



Okay, listen, I'm going to Dramillion Island.

Oh, sure you are.

Nighty-night, shellfishlegs.


I'm going right now.

Taking off in the dark of the night, hmm? Totally alone and without Hiccup's approval? Well you have our approval, 'cause this is awesome.

I need you to watch the Dragon Explorers for me until I get back.

Can you? No problemo, my soon-to-be-disgraced amigo.

You got the right Nuts for the job.

Stamp of approval.

Okay, but don't do anything with them.

- Hey! - How could you? Don't show 'em anything.

Thor forbid, don't try to teach 'em anything! I'll be back before they get here.

Most likely.

I probably won't even find anything.


Hold on tight, little ones.

Grump is known for his hard landings.

Are you sure about this, Gobber? Let the dragon do the work, Gobber! Nice and easy.

Bit easier.

Oh, Toothless! Whew! Perfect four-point landing, Grump.

Couldn't have done it better myself.

I figured I'd give 'em a bit of a thrill.

Welcome to the Edge, Dragon Explorers.

- We're going to - Toothless! Toothless! pet Toothless, apparently.

- Uh - Toothless! Not to worry.

They're good kids.

Shouldn't be any trouble at all.

I'll be back in a few days to pick 'em up.

You listen to Hiccup, now.

Toothless! Okay, hey, uh, you guys hungry? We have some fresh yak stew.

Where's Fishlegs? Now, that is an excellent question.

He's gone.

When are you gonna learn that nobody listens to you? - Fishlegs is gone? - What about us? We want Fishlegs! We want Fishlegs! We want Fishlegs! Have no fear, my fearful leader, because Fishlegs left us in charge.

What? No, wait, why would he ever do that? Follow us, Explorers! Adventure awaits! Yeah! Stings, huh? I know the feeling.

Aah! No tracks.

No molted scales.

No dragon droppings.


Watering hole.

Come on.


Well, I guess this was a giant waste of time.

What's wrong with him? Huh? A Dramillion! They'rethey're not extinct! They're not extinct! No! Oh! W-Why is it so aggressive? Oh, it knows.

It knows I'm an Ingerman.

Oh! Be careful, girl! Meatlug! Okay, okay.

I can see you're very upset.

Whoa! Clear out, Fishlegs! Ha! Fire! Oh! What? It has a lava blast and a magnesium blast? That's incredible! Fight now, geek out later! Stormfly! sh**t to stun.

We don't want to hurt him! Stormfly, fire! Oh, I've never seen anything like that.

Multiple att*cks! Hiccup is gonna oh! Was he really mad that I left? If he was, he'll be mad at both of us.

- Thanks, Astrid.

- Hey, someone had to watch your back.

Okay, you've seen one.

Now what? We know the Dramillion isn't extinct.

Need to make sure they're not endangered.

He's probably heading back to his pack.

We should follow him.

So now we're looking for a pack of aggressive dragons with multiple att*cks? Isn't it great? Come on.


Listen up, tiny future Vikings.

The Zippleback is a mystery class dragon known for its evasive, cunning behavior and totally insane gas explosions.

Much like us.

Do you think you have what it takes to earn your Zippleback badge? Fishlegs says the Gronkle badge is the highest rank an Explorer can earn.

I've spent half my life working for it.

Well, then that's half of your life wasted, isn't it? What's your name, Explorer? And what is your position in this badge-hierarchy debacle? Oh, that's Shrug.

He doesn't say much.

- Hmm.

- All right, listen here.

If you're going to be our Zipple Scouts, then the first thing you need to do is forget the teachings of one Fishlegs Ingerman.

Fire at will, my gaseous compadres.


That, my little Zipple Scouts, is Zippleback gas.

Rule number one, a little is never enough.

Rule number two, a Zipple Scout is devious.

A Zipple Scout is sneaky.

A Zipple Who wants to be devious and sneaky? Who doesn't want to be devious and sneaky? - Us.

- Duh.

Duh? That's the best you got, Brenda? Ugh.

It's worse than I thought.

He's completely brainwashed them.

It's up to us to un-brainwash them.

We must teach them the way of the Zippleback.


Hey, don't listen to those two Zippleback clowns.

If you have the guts, follow me to get your Monstrous Nightmare badge.

It's way cooler.

- Mm-hmm.

- Huh? I thought I smelled the stink of a Jorgensen.

Stop soiling the minds of our Zipple Scouts! All right, well, why don't we just ask them what they want to be, rather than forcing them to be Zipple Scouts? Where'd they go? Based on the Dramillion's teeth, I'd say they're omnivores.

Maybe I can plant some of their favorite berries or even build them a feeding station.

Fishlegs, you don't have to prove anything to anyone.

Yes, I do, Astrid.

My ancestors were Dragon Hunters.

Yeah, but you're not.

Nobody cares more about dragons than you.

I mean, well, maybe Hiccup.

But look, you guys are neck and neck.

When I was a kid, I was never the best in battle training, and I was never the best in weapons testing, but that didn't matter to me, because I was an Ingerman.

We were kind, caring, intelligent.

Being an Ingerman stood for something.

Get down! Who is it? Dragon Hunters! Astrid, they're hunting Dramillions.

It's still going on.

Ugh, stickle thorns.

Loki's favorite bush.

Nightmare Scout would have no problem getting through there.

Neither would a Zipple Scout.

Come on, Ruffnut, let's show him how it's done.

Good teachers always go the extra mile.


Oh! Ow, my elbow.

- Ooh, the chin! - Oh, my Thor.

Oh, you guys are so easy, it makes me feel bad.

Snotlout! Nightmare Scouts must love poison oak, 'cause you just crawled through a whole Guys! Just look at them, Astrid, all of those poor dragons.

Quiet! You should be happy in those cages.

When we let you out, the new recruits are gonna hunt you down one by one.

New recruits? - This is a training ground for Hunters.

- Of course! The Dramillions are capable of multiple att*cks, which makes them perfect training dragons.

And with their tails manacled, they can't fly away.

These guys are smart, just like Ingermans.

Wait a minute.

We don't know that these Hunters have any connection to the past.

For generations, Hunters have learned the trade using the Ingerman Method.

To our founder, Ingar Ingerman! Ingar Ingerman! Ingar Ingerman! Ingar.

An Ingerman's shot is fine and true With axes in hand We'll run you through No Dragon has heart Like our finest few We're Hunters! We're Hunters! We're Hunters till the end! He's trying to rescue his pack.

I have to help him! No! You'll break our cover.

Dramillion! Huh? Ah, he probably followed us.

I led him right to the Hunters.


Ingar Ingerman would have been so proud.

I got it now.

Not so fast, is it? We need a plan.

Wait, Fishlegs.

Fishlegs, don't! Let that dragon go! On whose authority? - Mine.

- And who might you be? I am Fishlegs, Fishlegs Ingerman.

That's right, Ingerman! He says he's an Ingerman! I suppose you're also related to the mighty Thor! And perhaps Odin himself! Whoa! Whoo! Archers! Don't worry! We'll get him during the hunt.

Then we'll feast on the beast like true Ingermans! No! Hey! Run! It wasn't our fault, Hiccup.

Those little derelicts went rogue.

I can't imagine where they got these ideas.


Oh, please! Somebody make it stop.

Where's Gothi and her bony bag of tricks when I need her? She only shows up when I'm not itchy! How is it that three Dragon Riders who've gone head-to-head with Viggo Grimborn can't handle three children from Berk? What is it, bud? I'll tell you what it is.

Odin's rage! The 1,000-year storm that wipes every living thing off the planet.

Bam! Hookfang.


Hookfang! Uh! Oh, no, no, no! Aah! Or it's a bunch of stampeding Night Terrors, often mistaken for Odin's rage.

No! Huh? You! Hmm.

All right, we have to wrangle these kids before somebody really gets hurt.

What do you call these, Hiccup? Beauty marks? He could be anywhere, Fishlegs.

We'll find him.

We have to.

There! Stay here.

I'm not gonna hurt you.

Okay, okay.

I know why you're scared.

I would be, too.

You just have to trust me.

Oh! Aah! He thinks I'm one of them.

How do I make him believe? Your helmet! It looks just like the Hunters'.

You're all right.

I'm sorry this happened to you.

You did it.

Now, let's get this barbaric manacle off your tail.


They've reinforced the iron.

All right.

Blast it, Stormfly! Oh, it's not Gronkle Iron.

We need something to heat the metal and break it down.

Meatlug, lava blast.

Hit it again, Stormfly.

Whoo! Yes! - Ha! - Whoo! The hunt.

Ready for the hunt.

Watch it! Let the hunting begin! Come here, little dragon.

Oh! Ha! Hurry, get the manacle off.

Ah! We're never gonna be able to save 'em all.

Ugh! Fishlegs, they're doing it by themselves.


Huh? Ugh! Whoo-hoo! Yeah! With this knowledge, the Dramillions will never again be manacled.

I'd say the Ingerman family legacy has been reversed.


Come on, girl.

Meatlug, spew! Whoo-hoo! That's right! That's Fishlegs Ingerman for ya! Whoo! Help me, Ingar! Oh! Help me, Ingar.

Oh! Okay, yeah, yeah.


I think we've found our elusive guests.

Or that is one happy tree.

What a bunch of idiots! I hope you three have learned your lesson.

Yes, how not to lead a campout.

So? Dramillions? How were they? Oh, amazing, Hiccup.

You're not gonna believe it.

Well, well, well, look who finally decided to show up.

They're your problem now, Fishface! Did you guys behave yourselves? Yes, Uncle Fishlegs.


- Wait, Uncle? - Fishlegs! Ugh, you're Ingermans? Zippleback gas.

A little is never enough.

Devious and sneaky.

What? There will be repercussions for this! Ah, the student becomes the teacher.

Makes it all worth it.

Well, it looks like they've earned their Zippleback badges.

Now let's see if we can't work on the other, less destructive achievements.

After all, we do have the Ingerman name to think about.

There will be repercussions for this! Repercussions!
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