4x04 - Eggtown

Complete collection from season 1 to 6. Aired: September 2004 to May 2010.*
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The survivors of a plane crash are forced to work together in order to survive on a seemingly deserted tropical island.
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4x04 - Eggtown

Post by bunniefuu »

[Closeup of John’s right eye. He awakes in a hospital bed. He gets up, and as he begins to make breakfast we realize he’s in the barracks of New Otherton. He pulls a book off the bookshelf (“Valis” by Philip K d*ck), and as he moves through the house we realize he’s in Ben’s house. John goes down to the basement which looks like the underground corridors of all the Dharma facilities (actually, these corridors are way too long to be part of a true basement – perhaps all of the basements are interconnected). John unlocks a door and gives the tray and book to a seated prisoner.]

LOCKE: These are the last two eggs.

[John stands back and we see Ben looking at the book.]

BEN: From my own bookshelf?

LOCKE: Help you pass the time.

BEN: (flipping the book over) I've already read it. (puts down the book)

LOCKE: You might catch something you missed the second time around.

BEN: (chewing thoughtfully) Why did you move me from the rec room down here?

LOCKE: I wanted you under my own roof.

BEN: (continues chewing) Where are you keeping your other prisoner? Miles, is it?

[John shrugs]

BEN: Oh, you don't wanna share.

LOCKE: Actually, I was hoping YOU would share Ben; seeing as you claim to have a spy on his ship.

[Ben just looks at Locke for a while]

BEN: I feel for you, John. I really do. You keep hitting dead ends.

[John looks at Ben.]

BEN: (sarcastically) You couldn't find the cabin, you can't make contact with Jacob...You're so desperate to figure out what to do next, you're even asking ME for help! [John smiles calmly at Ben] So here we are, just like old times. Except I'm locked in a different room, and you're more lost than you ever were.

LOCKE: (clenching his teeth, but grinning) I know what you're trying to do. It's not going to work.

BEN: Excellent, John! You're evolving!

[John steps forward, and grabs the unfinished tray out of Ben’s hands.]

LOCKE: (sarcastically) Done with your breakfast?

[John doesn’t wait for an answer from Ben, instead John leaves, locking the door behind him. As Ben sits in the dark, John walks down the hall a few steps then slams the tray against the wall. Ben hears this, and seems satisfied.]

[Cut to the outside of Ben’s house where John walks out the door, slamming it behind him and storming away. Kate and Claire are nearby sitting on a porch. Kate turns to Claire who has Aaron in her lap.]

KATE: What was that all about?

CLAIRE: Who knows? It's Locke.

[Sawyer walks up.]

SAWYER: Mornin', ladies.

CLAIRE: Good morning.

KATE: Mornin'.

[Everyone exchanges knowing glances]

SAWYER: Mmm, the coffee smells good.

CLAIRE: (takes the hint to leave them alone) Well, why don't I go make you a cup?

[Claire & Aaron go inside. Sawyer sits down at Kate’s feet.]

SAWYER: Kinda weird, ain't it? Sittin' on porches, drinking coffee out of mugs? Anyway, I found some clothes about your size, and hung them in the closet. So after I kick out Hugo...

KATE: (interrupts) I'm not moving in with you, James.

SAWYER: Well, then why did you stay?

KATE: That's none of your business.

SAWYER: (becoming annoyed) Oh, you got a secret agenda, huh? Well, if you're spying for Jack---

KATE: (resigned) I'm not spying for anyone.

SAWYER: So why don't you tell me why---

KATE: (cutting him off) Because I don't trust you.

[Sawyer nods knowingly, as Kate looks away.]

SAWYER: This is about the pregnancy thing.

KATE: (takes a sip of coffee to avoid replying) James?


KATE: (firmly) Go home.

[Sawyer looks resigned, and gets up.]

SAWYER: OK, fine. See you later, then.

[Sawyer walks back to his house and goes in.]

[Cut to flash-forward where Kate is in a car, sitting next to a man. She’s all dressed up, and looks out the car window anxiously.]

KATES’S LAWYER: You ready?

KATE: Is there a back entrance?

KATES’S LAWYER: Yeah, but you're going in the front door, with your head held high, OK?

[Kate glances back at him nervously.]

KATE: Yeah. OK. Let's do this.

[Kate puts on large sunglasses, and they both get out into a throng of reporters who are shouting out questions, and shoving cameras in their faces. The man with Kate must be her lawyer (Duncan Forrester). Mixed in with the reporters are a mob of people.]

REPORTER: Why’d you do it Kate?

KATES’S LAWYER: Coming through. Folks, we're not making any statements or answering any questions right now. Thank you.

BEARDED MAN: (shouts in Kate’s face something unintelligible)

[Cut to the courtroom, where Kate is sitting nervously.]

BAILIFF: The people vs. Katherine Anne Austen, the honorable Arthur Galzethron presiding.

JUDGE GALZETHRON: The Bailiff will read the counts, will the defendant please rise?

[Kate and her lawyer stand.]

BAILIFF: Katherine Anne Austen, you are charged with fraud, arson, as*ault on a federal officer, as*ault with a deadly w*apon, grand larceny, grand theft auto, and m*rder in the first degree. Ms. Austen, how do you plead?

KATE: Not guilty.

[Murmurs from the crowd at the back of the court are heard.]

JUDGE GALZETHRON: Thus entered. I’ll now hear the argument on bail.

[The prosecutor (Melissa Dunbrook) stands as Kate sits.]

PROSECUTOR: Your honor, we are requesting that the defendant be remanded into custody for the duration of the trial.

[Kate looks shocked]

KATE’S LAWYER: Your honor, my client's been free pending arraignment, now suddenly she's a flight risk?

PROSECUTOR: She's the very definition of a flight risk.

KATE’S LAWYER: She has one of the most recognizable faces in America. Where's she going to run?

JUDGE GALZETHRON: Ms. Austen, based on your prior history, I'm inclined to agree with the people. You are hereby remanded into federal custody for the duration of your trial.

KATE’S LAWYER: Your honor--

JUDGE GALZETHRON: (interrupting) Bailiff, please take the defendant into custody.

KATE’S LAWYER: (looking at Kate) Sorry.

[Kate stands, and has handcuffs put on her, and is led away.]


[Cut to real-time on the beach where Jin is looking at an atlas showing Albuquerque NM.]

JIN: Al-buh-cookie?

[JIN smiles, looking up at SUN.]

SUN: Too hot.

JIN: New York.

SUN: Too many people.

JIN: (in Korean) More than Seoul?

SUN: (in Korean) What's wrong with Seoul?

JIN: (in Korean) Sun, we're going to leave this island any moment now.

JIN: (struggling to make himself clear in English) I learn English...for you...to live...in...America.

[SUN gives him a big smile.]

SUN: (in Korean) I want… to raise my baby at home. In Korea.

JIN: (in Korean) You mean OUR baby.


[Sun, Jin, and the other beach survivors notice Jack and Juliet returning with 2 strangers. They run to greet them.]

JACK: (to crowd) This is, uh, Charlotte, and Dan. Their helicopter already took Sayid and Desmond back to their freighter. They can make arrangements to get all of us off this island.

[Daniel looks at his feet]

SUN: Where's Kate?

JACK: (pauses) She stayed with Locke.

[Jack walks away]

[Cut to the barracks where John opens the door to Ben’s house to greet Kate.]

LOCKE: Hello, Kate.

[Kate looks at John wiping his bloody hands on a dishrag.]

KATE: You got blood...

LOCKE: (Continuing to clean his hands) I just k*lled a chicken. What can I do for you?

KATE: I want to talk to Miles. Where are you keeping him?

LOCKE: Why do you need to talk to him?

KATE: Well that’s personal.

LOCKE: (abruptly) No.

KATE: And what gives you the right to decide whether or not --

LOCKE: (cutting her off) You may think this is a democracy, Kate, because of the way Jack ran things, but this is not a democracy.

KATE: Well, I guess that makes it a dictatorship.

LOCKE: If I was a dictator, I would just sh**t you, and go about my day.

[Kate glares at John]

LOCKE: Dinner's at six if you're hungry.

[John closes the door. Kate strides off but pauses when she sees Hurley walking away with a lunch tray.]

KATE: (running up to Hurley) Hey, Hurley! You bringing that to Miles?


KATE: Well Locke asked me to do it.

HURLEY: Cool. That dude creeps me out.

[Hurley hands Kate the tray]

KATE: (casually, without meeting Hurley’s eyes) He's still in the rec room, right?

HURLEY: No, we moved him to the boathouse that... [pauses and realizes his mistake] You just totally Scooby-Doo’d me, didn't you?

KATE: (somewhat embarrassed) Sorry.

HURLEY: You're not going to let him go, are you?

KATE: No. No, I promise.

HURLEY: (nervously) Just don't tell Locke it was me.

[Kate pats Hurley on the back, and then walks the lunch tray to the boathouse. Kate makes sure no one is looking before she enters. Miles is tied to a chair.]

MILES: (mockingly) So the Arab traded you too, huh?

[Kate pulls up a chair at sits.]

KATE: (seriously) Do you know who I am?

MILES: Excuse me?

KATE: Do you know who I am? Do you know what I did?

MILES: (mockingly) What did you do?

KATE: Answer the question.

MILES: OK. I'll tell you what you wanna know. But you gotta do something for me first.

KATE: I'm not letting you go.

MILES: I don't wanna be let go. I'm exactly where I wanna be. What I want is one minute of someone’s time. You bring him to me, and I will tell you everything I know about you.

KATE: Who?

MILES: Who do you think?

[Cut to flash-forward in prison where Kate is being led by a guard into a small room where her lawyer is waiting.]


KATE: Yeah, I'm fine.

KATE’S LAWYER: Listen. The D.A. has decided to try this case herself. Which means they're gonna do the full-court press. Now we need to start talking about cutting a deal.

KATE: What kind of deal?

KATE’S LAWYER: Honestly, my best guess, I'd say...she'll take a fifteen year sentence, and you serve seven.

KATE: (shakes her head in denial) No way.

KATE’S LAWYER: If you go to trial, Kate, you're looking at twenty years on each count, not to mention a life sentence on the m*rder charge.


KATE’S LAWYER: Kate, you confessed to your mother that you k*lled your father. And now, she's their star witness. So you tell me, what am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to win this thing?

KATE: Put me on the stand.

KATE’S LAWYER: And take a chance with the D.A. crossing you, no. The way I see it, we've got one shot at this.

KATE: What's that?

KATE’S LAWYER: We make it about character. Not about what you did or didn't do, but about who you are.

KATE: What do you mean who I am?

KATE’S LAWYER: [pauses, knowing he’s about to bring up an uncomfortable issue] I want him in the courtroom.

KATE: Absolutely not.

KATE’S LAWYER: We need him, Kate. It will generate tremendous sympathy--

KATE: (cutting him off) Duncan, listen to me. (emphatically) You are not bringing him in here. Alright, you want to make this about me, about my character, fine. But you are not using my son.

[Cut to real-time on the beach where Charlotte and Daniel are going through the pantry, selecting from the Dharma-food. The beach survivors are seen in the background packing for their imminent rescue. Jack is up the beach trying the satellite phone as Juliet watches from afar.]

JULIET: (shouting at Jack) Maybe you should try a number other than the boat, like 911.

[Jack ignores Juliet’s joke, while Sun approaches him]

SUN: What's wrong?

JACK: Nothing. I'm just having some trouble getting ahold of their boat.

SUN: (very surprised) You haven't heard from Sayid? You said they left yesterday!

JACK: And I'm sure they're fine.

[Jack and Sun join up with Juliet]

SUN: What if Locke was right? What if these people are here to hurt us?

JACK: Locke has no idea what he's doing.

SUN: (pause) Then why is Kate with him?

[Juliet raises her eyebrows and looks at Jack who doesn’t reply]

[Cut to the barracks where Kate and Claire are hanging laundry. Kate is watching John’s front door. Aaron is in a basket just behind Kate & Claire.]

KATE: You sure he's got Ben in his basement?

CLAIRE: Uh-huh. I saw Rousseau take him in there last night.

KATE: Does Locke ever go out?

CLAIRE: No, he's been in there cooking all day. He invited us all over for dinner.

[Aaron begins crying, Claire’s arms are full of laundry.]

CLAIRE: Oh, can you get Aaron for me?

[Kate looks nervously at Aaron, but doesn’t move towards him.]

CLAIRE: (not noticing Kate’s discomfort) Just pick him up and rock him a little bit.

KATE: Um...yeah, I'm just not very good with babies. I wouldn't want him to get more upset.

CLAIRE: (smiling, and handing Kate the laundry she's holding) Here. I got him.

CLAIRE: (to Aaron, as she picks him up) Ohhh...it's OK. There we go, muffin. Yeah, there we go.

KATE: You're so good with him.

[Claire giggles at Kate.]

KATE: What?

CLAIRE: Just...the last thing I ever thought I'd be good at was being a mom. You know, you should try it sometime. (to Aaron) Hey Aaron, come on sweetie.

[Cut to flash-forward in court where Kate is being tried.]

BAILIFF: Please rise.


BAILIFF: Court is now in session. Please be seated.

KATE’S LAWYER: (whispers to Kate) Don't fire me, OK?

KATE: (whispers to her lawyer) What?

KATE’S LAWYER: (whispers to Kate) We got k*lled in the opening. I had to do this.

BAILIFF: Does the defence have a witness?

KATE’S LAWYER: Yes we do your honor. The defence calls Dr. Jack Shephard to the witness stand.

[Kate looks startled. Jack enters the courtroom smiling reassuringly to Kate.]

PROSECUTOR: Your honor, I'd like to renew my objection to this witness on the basis of relevance.

JUDGE GALZETHRON: And I'm going to renew my overruling of your objection.

JUDGE GALZETHRON: (addressing the jury) You have to be aware that this witness did not meet the defendant until after the alleged crimes she's been charged with. He is to be viewed as a character witness only.

JUDGE GALZETHRON: (to the bailiff) Proceed.

BAILIFF: Please raise your right hand. Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?

JACK: Yes.

[Jack sits.]

KATE’S LAWYER: Dr. Shephard. Could you please tell the ladies and gentlemen of the jury, if there are any of you who don't read the newspapers or the internet or watch television, how you met the defendant?

JACK: Um..on September 22, 2004, Kate… uh… (smiling) --Ms. Austen and I were both passengers on Oceanic Flight 815, which crash-landed on an island in the South Pacific.

KATE’S LAWYER: Were you aware that Ms. Austen was a fugitive being transported by a United States marshal on a flight to Los Angeles for trial?

JACK: I did learn that eventually, yes.

KATE’S LAWYER: From the U.S. Marshal?

JACK: No, the marshal died in the crash. I never spoke to him. Ms. Austen told me.

KATE’S LAWYER: Did you ever ask her if she was guilty?

JACK: (smiles and laughs) No. Never.

KATE’S LAWYER: Well, that seems like a reasonable question. Why not?

JACK: I just assumed that there had been some kind of mistake.

KATE’S LAWYER: And why would you think that?

JACK: (becoming serious) Only eight of us survived the crash. We landed in the water. I was hurt, pretty badly. In fact, if it weren't for her, I would have never made it to the shore.

[Kate squirms in her chair, continuing to look uncomfortable with Jack testifying]

JACK: She took care of me. She took care of all of us. She--she gave us first aid, water, found food, made shelter. [Kate looks extremely distressed, and begins to stand up]

JACK: She tried to save the other two, but they didn't--

KATE: (interrupts) Stop!

JUDGE GALZETHRON: Ms. Austen, please sit down.

KATE: This has nothing to do with...with anything. This is my trial, and I don't want him to say anything else.

KATE’S LAWYER: That's fine. I have no more questions, your honor.

JUDGE GALZETHRON: Ms. Dunbrook, your witness.

PROSECUTOR: That was very moving, Dr. Shephard. I only have one question for you. Do you love the defendant?

KATE’S LAWYER: Objection!

[Jack looks very thoughtfully at his shoes]

JUDGE GALZETHRON: You opened this door, Mr. Forrester, I'm going to allow it.

PROSECUTOR: Doctor Shephard, do you love Ms. Austen?

JACK: (gritting his teeth, but looking sad at the same time) No. Not anymore.

[Kate looks away, not showing any emotion]

[Cut to real-time at the barracks where Sawyer and Hurley are inside one of the houses. It’s evening and Sawyer is wearing his glasses reading a book while Hurley is messing with the TV/VCR in front of him.]

HURLEY: So...what do you wanna watch? Xanadu or Satan's Doom?

SAWYER: I'm reading.

[Hurley inserts a tape, and the TV begins to play loudly.]

TV: [song] "They call it Xanadu..."

SAWYER: (grimacing) Turn that thing down, dammit!

HURLEY: (turns the volume down) Sorry.

[There's a knock on the door, and Sawyer answers it - it's Kate.]


KATE: Can I come in?

[Kate walks in without waiting for a reply, as Sawyer seems surprised but pleased.]

SAWYER: Sure. I believe you know my roommate.

KATE: Hey Hurley.

HURLEY: Hey Kate.

[Hurley winks at Sawyer (Kate can see this).]

SAWYER: Got something in your eye, Hugo?

[Hugo glances from Sawyer to Kate]

SAWYER: (leading Kate away from Hurley) Why don't we talk in the kitchen?

[Kate sits on the kitchen counter, while Sawyer reaches into a kitchen cupboard retrieving a white Dharma box labelled “Red Wine”]

SAWYER: I know it's in a box, but, uh, it's pretty damn good wine. I tested it. So, how's life in Casa de Claire? Baby Aaron keeping you up all night?

KATE: No, no, he's a good sleeper.

SAWYER: (pouring Kate a glass) Good for you.

SAWYER: (handing Kate the glass) You are terrible at this, Freckles.

KATE: (rolling her eyes) Terrible at what?

SAWYER: You already said you didn't stay behind for me. [pause] So at least be woman enough to tell me you want to use me for something.

KATE: (pauses, then replies seriously) I want to use you for something.

SAWYER: (smiling in a self-assured manner) See? It wasn't that hard. [takes a drink of his wine] For what?

KATE: For Ben.

[Sawyer looks very puzzled]

KATE: I want you to help me bust him out.

[Cut to John opening the door of his house, with Sawyer standing there holding up a backgammon board.]

SAWYER: Wanna play some backgammon?

LOCKE: You're on.

[Sawyer enters and they sit down and begin to play.]

LOCKE: Do you think I know what I'm doing?


LOCKE: Do you regret following me out here? Are you worried about what we should do next?

SAWYER: All I know is that I'd be a lot more worried if I was sitting on that beach.

LOCKE: And the rest of the group, what are they saying?

SAWYER: I think they're saying (makes sheep noise) "Baa-aah."

[They both chuckle.]

SAWYER: That's the nice thing about sheep. They're predictable. But I ain't so sure about Kate.

LOCKE: What do you mean?

SAWYER: (sighing) I need your word you ain't going to do nothing to her.

LOCKE: Why would I do anything to her?

SAWYER: (interrupts) Just give me your word, John.

[John looks puzzled and says nothing]

SAWYER: You know what? Forget it. (rises to leave)

LOCKE: (motions for Sawyer to sit down again) No, no, no, alright. You have my word.

SAWYER: She came to me about an hour ago. Said she wanted my help busting Ben out of your basement.


SAWYER: She talked to that guy...Bruce Lee from the freighter, the guy you've got locked up. He told her to bring Ben down to him for a chat.

LOCKE: No, that's impossible. She doesn't even know where Miles is.

SAWYER: What, the boathouse down by the dock? (John looks shocked that Sawyer knows this) If Hugo knows, everybody knows.

LOCKE: (standing up quite alarmed) Are you sure about this?

SAWYER: Yeah, I'm sure.

[John pulls out a g*n.]

SAWYER: Whoa, whoa, whoa (standing up) where are you going with that?

LOCKE: (tossing Sawyer a flashlight) Whatever Miles has to say to Ben, he can say to me.

[John and Sawyer leave the house. As Sawyer leaves he glances off to the side of the house. They run to the boathouse, but find the chair that Miles had been tied to is empty. John looks very concerned.]

SAWYER: (faking surprise) Son of a b*tch.

[Cut to Kate breaking into the back of John's house, leading Miles whose hands are tied. She takes him downstairs to the basement.]

KATE: Come on.

[Down in the basement Kate sh**t the lock off of the door to Ben’s cell, and shoves Miles forward.]

KATE: (to Miles) You got one minute. Go.

MILES: (to Kate) How about some privacy?

KATE: (refusing to leave) Fifty-five seconds!

MILES: (to Ben) Do you know who I am?

BEN: Yes.

MILES: Do you know who I work for?

BEN: Yes.

MILES: Then you know he's put a lot of time and energy into finding you. [Miles and Ben stare at each other] So now I've found you. And I can tell him exactly where you are. Or I can lie, and tell him you were already dead. I'd be willing to do that, for 3.2 million dollars.

BEN: [shocked] You've arranged this meeting so you could blackmail me?

MILES: (his lips move silently for a moment) It's extortion if you want to get technical.

BEN: 3.2? But why not 3.3 or 3.4?

[Miles stares at Ben meaningfully, and Ben realizes something.]

BEN: What makes you think I have access to that kind of money?

MILES: Do not treat me like I'm one of them! (motioning towards Kate) Like I don't know who you are, and what you can do!

BEN: Your friend Charlotte has seen me, she knows I'm alive.

MILES: I'll take care of Charlotte. You just worry about getting me the money. You have two days.

BEN: My present situation is a little bit restricted. Can that be amended?

MILES: OK. One week, in cash.

KATE: (grabbing Miles and shoving him out of the room) Time's up.

MILES: (yelling into the cell) Don't even think about ---

KATE: (Cutting Miles off and slamming the prison door closed) I said time's up!

[Kate shoves Miles up against the wall]

MILES: (sarcastically) Ooh, this is hot.

KATE: (holding Miles loosely by the throat) You got your meeting, now I want my answer.

MILES: (closing his eyes to concentrate) We got your name when you called the freighter. Of course we know about you and everybody else on the 815 manifest.

KATE: Then prove it.

MILES: (reciting quite calmly) Your name is Katherine Anne Austen, and you're wanted for m*rder, fraud, arson, and a bunch of other stuff I can't remember. You're a fugitive. You got caught in Australia and the feds were bringing you back. So yeah, we know. If I were you, I'd stay right here, on the island. Who knows, maybe you didn't survive the crash.

KATE: (dragging Miles up the stairs) Come on.

[Kate and Miles are met at the top by Sawyer and John.]

LOCKE: (pointing a g*n at Kate and Miles) Go back to your house, Kate.

KATE: John, this has nothing to do with you--

LOCKE: (shouting furiously) Go back to your house, Kate!

[Sawyer surreptitiously nods “no” to Kate, and she leaves. John keeps the g*n pointed at Miles]

[Cut to Kate in Claire’s house, relaxing on a couch listening to music (“She’s got you” by Patsy Cline). Claire walks in.]

CLAIRE: Hey. You OK?

[Kate smiles and nods “yes”.]

KATE: I couldn't sleep.

CLAIRE: Yeah. The beds take a little getting used to.

KATE: (concerned) I didn't wake Aaron up, did I?

CLAIRE: No. Aaron was born on this island, he can sleep through anything…

[The front door opens suddenly, and John walks in without knocking.]

CLAIRE: John, what are you doing?

LOCKE: (out of breath) I'd like a… a moment alone with Kate. Would you excuse us please, Claire?

[Claire looks with concern at Kate, who smiles back.]

KATE: It's OK.

[Claire nervously walks out.]

KATE: John, I--

LOCKE: (interrupting) I don't need to know why you did what you did, Kate. I just need to know what they said to each other.

KATE: Miles told Ben that he would lie to the people he works for on the boat, tell them that Ben was dead for 3.2 million dollars.

LOCKE: (thinking) Hmm.

KATE: (standing) Listen, John. I'm sorry. I asked you where he was --

LOCKE: (motioning “stop” to Kate) You're not welcome here anymore. I want you gone by morning.

[John walks out of Claire’s house]

[Cut to a flash-forward where Kate (wearing a suit) is let into a small conference room by a guard. Her lawyer then pushes her mother (Diane) into the room in a wheelchair.]

KATE’S LAWYER: I worked it out so you two could have a few minutes of privacy.

KATE: I don't need any privacy.

KATE’S LAWYER: You need to talk to her, Kate. I'll be outside.

[The lawyer leaves, and Kate and her mother stare at each other]

DIANE: Hello, Katherine. Was it true, what he said? (Kate looks away and covers her face) Dr. Shephard. That you're a hero?

[Kate says nothing.]

DIANE: (wheeling herself closer to Kate) Why won't you talk to me?

KATE: (angry) Because, mom, the last time I tried to talk to you, when you got sick? When I risked my life to see you? You screamed for help and called the police!

DIANE: (unable to deal with Kate’s intensity) Please. I don't want to fight with you, Katherine.

KATE: (resigned) Why are you here?

DIANE: (trying not to cry) Because I...It all changed, when I thought you were dead. [tears start running down her face] My doctors have given me six months to live for the last four years. I don't know how long I'm going to last. So I came here to tell you that I don't want to testify against you.

KATE: (coldly) Then don't.

DIANE: I want to see my grandson.

KATE: (shocked) You came here to make a deal?

DIANE: (desperate) I just want to meet him.

KATE: I don't want you anywhere near him.

[Kate walks away from her mother, and bangs on the locked conference room door]

KATE: (to whoever’s on the other side of the door) We're finished! We're finished!

[Cut to real-time at the barracks where Kate enters Sawyer's bedroom, where he’s lounging in bed shirtless.]

SAWYER: (kindly and concerned) Oh hey, Freckles. You OK? [Kate sits on the edge of the bed] Listen, look, I'm sorry I couldn't do nothin’. I wanted him to think that you'd fooled me too. No sense in him not trustin’ both of us.

KATE: He wants me gone by tomorrow.

SAWYER: (Shocked) What, he… banished you? (smiles) Well, I un-banish you. You can stay right here. (takes Kate’s shoes off) This is my house.

[A toilet can be heard flushing.]

SAWYER: (sighing) OK, me and Montezuma's house. (caressing Kate’s neck) You're gonna be alright. I'll keep you safe.

[They kiss, and lie down together.]

[Cut to Daniel and Charlotte on the beach, sitting next to a campfire. There is a table with cards on it between them, holding 3 cards face-down.]

CHARLOTTE: (looking at her watch) Time. OK, tell me. What do you remember?

DANIEL: (looking at the back of the cards) Uh...queen of diamonds? Then we...six! Of clubs. Sorry. And then we have the red ten of...hearts, maybe?

[Charlotte flips the cards over. He got the first two correct, but the third was the three of spades.]

CHARLOTTE: It's two out of three. (Daniel squirms with frustration) It's not bad. It's progress.

DANIEL: (frustrated) Three cards, Charlotte. Is that progress?

[Jack and Juliet approach and interrupt. Jack is holding the satellite phone.]

JACK: Hey. I've been calling your boat all day. Why isn't anyone answering?

CHARLOTTE: We're here, how should we know? If they're not answering, they're probably--

JACK: (cutting her off) Are you telling me there is only one line on that boat?

[Charlotte and Daniel glance at each other]

CHARLOTTE: There is another number that we're only supposed to use in emergencies.

JULIET: (handing Charlotte the phone) It's an emergency.

[Charlotte hesitates, but finally takes the phone]

JACK: Put it on speaker.

[Charlotte again shares a concerned look with Daniel, but dials.]

[A woman (Regina) answers.]


CHARLOTTE: Regina, it's Charlotte.

REGINA: Why are you calling me on this number?

CHARLOTTE: Minkowski wasn't answering. The people on the island want to talk to their friends, make sure they're alright.

REGINA: What… friends?

[Jack looks at Juliet, concerned]

CHARLOTTE: They left last night! Frank took them up in the helicopter.

REGINA: (surprised) What do you mean they took off? I thought the helicopter was with you.

[Jack looks furiously at Daniel & Charlotte]

[Cut to morning at the boathouse. Miles has his arms tied over his head to the rafters. John enters.]

LOCKE: Morning.

MILES: Listen. I don't know what you think you're doing, but you're wasting your time.

[John pulls a grenade out of his backpack.]

LOCKE: Open your mouth. Open your mouth.

[John forces Miles’s mouth open, and shoves the grenade in.]

LOCKE: Wide. Don't talk, bite down, bite down. (John pulls the pin on the grenade, arming it)

[Miles makes muffled but desperate sounds]

LOCKE: (calmly) I realize that when I tied you up in here the other day, I made the mistake of failing to introduce myself. My name is John Locke, and I'm responsible for the well-being of this island. Eventually, Miles, you're going to tell me who you are, and you're going to tell me about the people on the boat, and your going to tell me why you're so interested in Ben. (twirling the grenade’s firing pin around on his finger) In the meantime, however, you're going to keep your mouth shut. (heading to the door of the boathouse) I learned something yesterday. No use in having rules if there's no punishment for breaking them. You'll be fine if you bite down on the trigger. Enjoy your breakfast.

[John walks out the door, leaves Miles alone with the grenade in his mouth.]

[Cut to Kate and Sawyer asleep on the bed. She wakes him with kisses, climbing on top of him. He wakes up, and flips her underneath him.]

KATE: (groaning) Wait a minute, wait a minute. Just slow down.

SAWYER: (continuing to kiss her) Oh, come on! It's not like we ain't never done it before. Now, I'm cool we didn't go all the way last night. I get it. You were sad. But I mean, how can you resist after that whole "I'll keep you safe" thing?

KATE: (laughing, but serious) No, Sawyer.

[Kate pushes him off.]

SAWYER: What? What, what'd I say?

KATE: Forget it.

SAWYER: Oh, right. You still think you might be pregnant.

KATE: I'm not worried… And I'm not pregnant.

SAWYER: Are you sure?

KATE: Yeah, I'm sure.

SAWYER: (laughing with relief) I mean, whoo!

KATE: (frowning and sitting up in bed) Would it have been the worst thing in the world?

SAWYER: Yes, yes it would have been the worst thing in the world. What would we have done with a baby?

KATE: (getting dressed) I'm going back to the beach.

SAWYER (incredulous) Beach? What, you're leaving? Because of this? That's that? You crawl up in my bed one second, and the next you just--

KATE: Goodbye, James.

SAWYER: Don't make this about me, Kate. You didn't want a baby any more than I did. (Kate looks away and purses her lips) You're just looking for some excuse to split, and now you got one. But it's alright, Freckles, I ain't gonna hold it against you. I'm just gonna sit right here in my comfy bed. Because in about a week, you'll find some reason to get pissed at Jack and bounce right back to me.

[Kate slaps him, and walks to the bedroom door. They stare at each other, then Kate leaves.]

[Cut to flash-forward where Kate is back in court.]

[The prosecutor is discussing something with an assistant. The whispered discussion drags on and on.]

JUDGE GALZETHRON: (impatiently) Ms. Dunbrook? Are the people ready to proceed?

PROSECUTOR: May we approach the bench, your honor?

JUDGE GALZETHRON: (sarcastically) Oh, please.

[The prosecutor and Kate’s lawyer approach the bench]

PROSECUTOR: Unfortunately, your honor, our chief witness, Diane Janssen, the mother of the defendant, is unable to testify because of medical reasons.

JUDGE GALZETHRON: How long will you need?

PROSECUTOR: (grimacing) I can't say right now.

JUDGE GALZETHRON: What I'm going to do is grant a recess for lunch, but be ready to proceed with the case after we return. (to all) This court is now in recess.

BAILIFF: All rise.

PROSECUTOR: (to Kate’s lawyer) We have to talk.

[Cut to a conference room where Kate’s lawyer, Kate, and the prosecutor are talking.]

PROSECUTOR: My key witness spoke to her daughter yesterday, and now she's got cold feet.

KATE’S LAWYER: Quit posturing, and let's get to it. What are you offering?

PROSECUTOR: Four years in.

[Kate shakes her head “no” at her lawyer.]

KATE’S LAWYER: No jail time. Kate Austen is a worldwide hero who saved five other people's lives after a plane crash, and nearly starved to death on a deserted island. And after all that, you put this woman on trial for rescuing her mother from an abusive husband. If you think that jury is going to give her actual time, then… you must have a hell of a closing, Melissa.

PROSECUTOR: Alright. Time served plus ten year's probation in agreement that she does not leave the state.

KATE’S LAWYER: (puzzled) What does that matter? She can go anywhere she-

KATE: (cutting him off) No, I'll take it.

KATE’S LAWYER: No, wait, Kate--

KATE: [to the prosecutor] Give me something to sign and I'll sign it. And then I walk out the back door. I just...I just want this to be over.

PROSECUTOR: I can do that. Ten years probation, and you stay put.

KATE: I have a child. I'm not going anywhere.

[Cut to Kate leaving the courthouse by the back door – she’s in an underground parking garage. Jack approaches Kate as she heads for a waiting taxi.]

JACK: Hey.

KATE: (smiling) How did you know I'd be here?

JACK: Uh… your lawyer gave me the heads up. [Kate looks nervously over her shoulder at the taxi] He owed me one.

KATE: Thank you for saying what you did.

JACK: (laughs) You're welcome.

KATE: You know, Jack, I've heard you say that story so many times, I'm starting to think you believe it.

[Jack glances away, avoiding the issue]

JACK: I just...I just wanted to tell you that what I said in there...I didn't mean it.

[They stare lovingly into each others eyes]

KATE: Do you want to follow me? Come by for a visit?

JACK: (frowning, and making an excuse) Uh…I actually have to get over to the hospital. But um...maybe you and I could grab some coffee together or something.

KATE: (disappointed) I know why you don't want to see the baby, Jack. But until you do...until you want to, there's no “you and me going for coffee”. But um... (hopeful) If at anytime you change your mind, come and see us.

JACK: (insincerely) Yeah. OK.

KATE: (getting into the taxi) Bye.

JACK: Bye.

[The taxi drives away. Jack stares at the departing taxi until it’s out of sight]

[Cut to the taxing arriving outside a suburban home. Kate goes into the house.]

KATE: Hello?

[A nanny comes into the room.]

NANNY: (hugging Kate) Kate! I'm so glad you're back. He missed you so much.

KATE: Did you keep him away from the TV?

NANNY: Absolutely. I just put him down for a nap.

[Kate climbs the stairs and enters a young boy's room. She sits on the edge of the bed, next to a sleeping blonde boy who seems to be two or three years old.]

KATE: (whispering) Hey buddy. Hey.

[The boy begins to wake up, yawning and stretching.]

KATE: Hey.

BOY: (sitting up) Hi, mommy.

KATE: (hugging the boy) Hi, Aaron.

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