02x19 - Donkey Punch

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Robot Chicken". Aired: February 20, 2005 –present.*
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American adult animated comedy with a series of pop-culture parodies about everything.
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02x19 - Donkey Punch

Post by bunniefuu »

It's alive!

¤ And I love you ¤

Hey, Mr. T!
I'm Dave Grohl of the Foo Fighters.

I am honored you wanted
to check out our rehearsals.

Quit your jibber-jabber!
It's time to fight some fools!

- What are you talking about?
- What's your name?

The Fool Fighters, right?
Then why aren't you fighting fools?

What's all this mumbo
jumbo about music?

Come on! Let's go fight some fools!

- Aren't you Mr. T?
- Shut up, fool! Fight this fool!

Get that sucker!
Yeah! Yeah!

Shut up, fool!
Punch him in the microfiche.

Overdue charges! Give me a penny!

Come on!
I think there's some more fools this way.

I think we have to stop
fighting fools together.

You think everyone is a fool.

- That ain't true, fool!
- See?

Oh, my God. You're right.

Now I see it is I
that have been the biggest fool of all.

You must fight me.
But it won't be easy.

- I put up a...
- Shut up, fool!

I pity that fool.

Dad, can you reach
the frisbee for me?

No. You should
have been more careful.

Pass the salt.

Please, pass the salt.

- Well, that was... good.
- Don't patronize me.

Doc, I've lost my stretching powers.

That's no surprise.
You're getting on in years, Stretch.

- Your corn syrup has hardened.
- Oh, no.

I recommend
a full corn syrup transplant.

The transplant was a success...

but you mustn't do any stretching
until your stitches are healed.

Would you like the salt, honey?

I'll get the salt and afterwards,
I'm getting the frisbee off the roof...

and showing my wife
a night she'll never forget.

- Honey, your stitches!
- My stitches!

Remember me as I once was!

My baby!

- Stretchy.
- Daddy!

- Who wants salt?
- You're not my real dad!

Why so sad, Chairry?

- It's Chili Day.
- Happy Chili Day, everyone.

I hope you have your spoons.

Hi. I'm Gary Coleman.
And when I need $ fast...

to get my power turned back on,
I use Fast Cash Now.

- And cut! Great job, Gary.
- Thanks.

Speaking of cash,
when do I get my paycheck for this gig?

Sure. Here you go.

Take it. Just take it.
Just take it, Gary. Just jump.

There you go. Just jump.
Just get it. Come on. Get it.

You can get it.
You can get it.

Yo, Coleman,
check out the new ride.

Hi, Emmanuel.

I go by Many-Mo these days.

As in "I don't know
how many-mo hot b*tches...

"I could possibly fit
into my new Porsche, b*tch!"

Later, tard!

Gary, my boy. What brings you
to the old nursing home?

Hi, Conrad.
I'm having one hell of a crappy day.

Well, this should cheer you up.

Oh, my God.

That reminds me, I got you a gift.

- A leprechaun outfit?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah. Try it on.

It's ass-less.

I can't believe they towed my car!
This day just gets worse and worse.

Gary, you haven't yet
earned your halo.

I'm going to send you back to earth
until you get it right.

What's my first assignment?

My prayers have been answered!

Now, dance!

Books are fun!

Hello. I'm Lisa, your GPS
navigational onboard computer.

What address
would you like to go to?

I'm going home
to Deer Brook Lane.

One moment, please.

- Take a left here.
- Cool!

So, what kind of music
do you listen to?

- Alternative.
- Like this?

Yeah! Rock on!

- So, do you have a girlfriend?
- Why do you ask?

- Just curious.
- No. No, I don't.

What are you doing Tuesday night?

So, then I go,
"that's not a foot-long hot dog. "

Oh, my God. You're so funny.

The waiter is approaching.
He is ten feet behind you.

What would you like, sir?

- Just a salad.
- And for the GPS computer?

The lobster, please,
with some butter-lemon dipping sauce.

- The kitchen is feet to your left.
- Excellent. Thank you.

I'll walk you to the door.

- I had a great time.
- Me, too.

You're facing north right now.

So, what's the deal with us anyway?

You know, I can't really
get too serious right now. I...

Then what was last night,
just a game to you?

No, no! I like you, Lisa.
I do, it's just...

I just got out of a relationship,
and, you know, the timing...

It's not you. It's me.

You're a pimply,
prickly-faced son of a whoremonger...

d*ck breath, lying, shit-faced assh*le.

What a shit eater.
Take a left here.

OK, let's take it from the top.

¤ Christmas,
Christmas time is here ¤

¤ Time for nuts and time for beer ¤

They're just so terrible.

They've eaten me out of house and home.
They've got to go.

¤ Christmas, Christmas ¤

¤ I need a hula hoop... ¤

- They're fantastic!
- This could sell thousands of albums.

Right. The deadly helium.


My name is Timber!

Good evening. I'm Roger Ebert.

Roeper is out
with a bad case of who gives a f*ck?

Guest hosting with me
is director M. Night Shyamalan.

- What a twist!
- Yeah, what a twist.

First up is a three-quel
to the popular Transporter franchise.

I'm late for my bridge game!

I'm telling Boolie
you're my worst driver yet.

Miss Daisy, the first rule
when entering a man's car...

Don't sass me!
And stop that infernal ticking.


Hang on!

Watch out!
What are you doing?!

Look out!
Look out!

Oh, no!

Frank, you're my best friend.

Well, they were gonna deliver
a b*mb one way or another.

- Thumbs down.
- Lots of aerial twists!

Next up, Adam Sandler
takes on another dramatic role...

as America's fourth
President James Madison.

You suck, Madison.

Shut up!

Rob Schneider plays double duty
as Vice President George Clinton...

who died in office
from a severe heart attack.

But Rob Schneider returns
as Elbridge Gerry...

Madison's second Vice President...

who also died in office
from a severe heart attack.

I wouldn't eat that movie
if it was a sandwich.

- Thumbs down.
- Rob Schneider, what a twit!

The original Rudy was about
a short, stout football player.

Rudy is about minutes long.

I'm doing it, Fortune.
I'm living my dream.

Remember what I said.
Keep your hands up and...

- I'm doing it. I'm really doing it.
- Knock him out. That's good! Left hook!

- I'm doing it.
- Keep your guard up! You're doing it, son!

- Yeah, yeah! Punish him!
- I'm doing it.

Rudy -D not fresh, not fruity.

What a fist!

What's this? What's this?

There's magic in the air!

- This sucks.
- I couldn't agree more.

Gefilte fish!

If this bus drops below miles per hour,
we're all going to die.

We are running out of gas.

¤ The wheels on the bus
go round and round and round... ¤

Stop the short bus,
I want to get off.

- Thumbs down.
- It was OK.

Now we look
at one of next week's new releases.

Liam Neeson
reprises his Oscar-nominated role...

in Schindler's List .

He's making a list.

He's checking it twice.

He's gonna find out
who's n*zi or nice.

Schindler's List :
Schindler's Pissed.

What a list!

Why couldn't you come down
with a case of who gives a f*ck?
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