03x19 - Shattered (Part 1)

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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03x19 - Shattered (Part 1)

Post by bunniefuu »

"Tonight on" Baywatch...


You do have
some serious damage

to your spinal cord.

Physical therapy
is crucial

if you're to walk again.

If you want to get up
out of this chair,

there is absolutely no room
for self-pity.

I'm hiding out here

till the guys who wasted
my brother get on trial.

You make it sound like
you're not coming back.

I'm not coming back.


It's pretty steep.

I know,
but it will be safe.

Trust me.

I trusted you
about my blind date.

Watch your step here, girls.

It's a little slick.

Come on, girls, put
the stuff in the boat

and let's go.

Okay, we're doing it.

Hop in.

Hi, Mitch.

Oh. Hey.

How's it going?

Well, it, uh...

turned out to be a busy day.

Yeah, I can see there's a lot
to keep your eye on today.

Well, that is in our
job description, isn't it?

Well, when your job is over,
if you can tear yourself away,

would you mind meeting me
up at headquarters?

That is, uh,
if you don't have other plans.

No, no, no other plans...


Great! Because I have a stack

of incident reports
that need filling out,

and I'd like you to join me.

Oh, yeah.



Isn't this beautiful?

Look at these waves.

It's hard not to.

Boy, this wind's
really kicked up.

Gary, are you sure
we're okay up here?

Oh, we're fine.
Relax. We're okay.

Let's have some wine
and hang out.

Chill out. Relax.




Why do you always finish
your rescue reports

before I do?

I use smaller words.

As a matter of fact,

there's a very small word
for what I'd like to do

right now.

Animal, vegetable, or mineral?

Hmm... a little of all three.

Eat. I'm starved.

Aren't you starved?
Let's take a break.

Leave it to a man
to always be thinking

about his stomach.

Not always.

Oh, my God.

We'd better
get going, Gary.

Look at those waves.

No biggie.

We've got our raft
to take us back to land.

We'd better
get going.

Let's pack up and go.

Why don't you put
all our stuff away?

The boat!

Gary, go get it.

Gary, get it back!


Watch out!

Hurry! Hurry?

Come back!

Gary! Come on, Gary,
come back here!

Come on!

There's a wave! Hurry!

Gary, come on!

Come on, Gary. You'd better
get out of the water.

The waves are way too big.
Get up here, come on!

I got your hand.

Come on.
Come on.

Oh. What are we
going to do?

We can't get back
to shore.

My God.

Oh, my God.



We're here.

Somebody, hey!

Hold on! I'll radio for help!

This is Unit .

I have an emergency situation
on Point Dume Bluff.

Baywatch. This is Buchannon.


We're on our way.

Steph, let's roll.

Ben, get Newmie and
Barnett on the horn,

tell 'em to meet us
in the garage

in five minutes.
Will do.

I don't know how long
they've been down there,

but the tide
is rising fast.

Radio the paramedics.
Tell them we need backup.

Keep an eye out.


Somebody, help us!

Hurry, please!


Help us, please!

Help! Help!

Help us!

All right, hook up
the rescue basket.

We might need it.

Help! Help!

Help! Somebody!

Okay, you ready?

Help us!

Help! Help!

Help me up.
Pull me... help.

Gary, help me.




Somebody help!


We're here.

Keep calm.

I got you.

All right,
I got you.

Okay, hold on.

Okay. Okay,
just come with me.


Okay, okay.

Trust me.
There's no waves now.

Come off the rock
and come with me.

No, I can't.

Grab my can.
I'll swim you in.

You'll be all right, okay?

No! No, I can't make it!

Hang on. Hang on.

Come on. Come on.

Help! No!

Hang on.

Help me!


All right.

Come on.

Take her.

Mitch, look out... a wave.

Mitch, look out!


Newman, Mitch
is in trouble!



I got you.

You'll be okay.

I can't...
I can't move my legs.

Hold on, hold on.
Okay. Okay.

Hold on.

I've got you.

Come on!

Be careful
climbing to the top.

Don't lift his legs!

He can't move his legs!

Hold him. I'll
get the backboard.

All right, just
keep on his head.

Just keep on his head.

Okay. Okay.

Okay, real good. We're gonna get
you on a backboard, Mitch.

Easy. Easy.

There's a wedge there.

Hurry up, topside!

On three!

One, two, three.

Easy, easy.

Okay, Mitch.

Okay, let's go.

It's his back.

He can't move his legs.

The girl make it?

Shh. Don't say

Did she make it?

Don't talk. Save your energy.

" I got to write
the incident report.

Don't worry.
I'll write up the report.

I'll even use smaller words.

Come on, let's get him
in the ambulance.

Ready? Go.

Slow. Slow.


Easy. Go ahead.

I'm going to ride
with him.

All right.

I'm taking care

of everything at your house.

Hobie's doing all his homework,
and I'm doing the cooking.

Yeah, she, uh... she
even b*rned a few things

so we wouldn't
miss you too much.

Dad, are you okay?

Maybe you need to take
your pain medicine.

I can call the nurse.

" No.
No, it's okay.

Are you sure?

It's okay now.

Dad, I'm gonna
take care of you

till you get better.


Well, that's going to be soon

so you better enjoy taking care
of your dad while you can.

Good morning.



Well, you...
you got my test results?

Hobie, let's give your dad

a little time alone
with the doctor.

- I want to stay with him.
- No, it's okay. You go

with Stephanie.
You can come back

after the doctor leaves.

It's okay.

Well, Mitch, um...

I know this must be
the longest day of your life,

so, um, I'll cut
right to the chase.

Why do I get the feeling
this isn't good news?

Well, your x-rays and your MRI

confirm no breaks
along the vertebrae.

That's good news.

But, um...

you do have some serious damage
to your spinal cord.


what kind of damage?

When your back was thrown
up against the rocks,

while nothing was broken,

the compression
that it caused

left bruising,

which, in turn, caused swelling;
that's why

you have no feeling
below your waist.

How long will it take
for the swelling to go down?

Well, it may be some time
before the swelling goes down.

And you'll need rehabilitation
and physical therapy...

and time.

But I, um...

I "am" going to walk.

I mean, I, um...

I "am" going to walk again.

I wish I could give you
some guarantees, Mitch,

but I can't.

Now, as soon
as you're able,

I'm going to transfer you
to a rehabilitation center.

And I can't stress enough
that physical therapy is crucial

if you're to walk again.

WOMAN " Paging Dr.
Latham, Dr. David Latham.

Looks like
the doctor's through.

You can go see
your dad now.

Yeah, okay.

Dr. Bowman.


Please tell me the truth.

Uh, what are the chances,
you know...

for a full recovery?


Well, the most
important thing

is a positive
mental attitude.

If patients knew
the odds

they were facing,
they could easily give up

before they even start.

And what are those odds?

With the lumbar compression,

I'd say the odds
for a full recovery

are about five percent.

Five percent?


Five percent.

I just...
I just can't believe

that Mitch
might not ever walk again.

Well, then
don't believe it.

Mitch is going to need
all the support, encouragement

and positive energy
that you can give him.



All right.

You know, Jason, there's a lot
of kids here your age.

I think you're gonna
like it here.

You okay?

The doctor will be with you
in a moment, okay?

Dr. Zack, I spent
over a year

working on this case.

Jason took a b*llet
in the spine

trying to protect his
older brother, who's...

mixed up with a g*ng.

A drug deal
went down.

Jason's brother didn't make it.

And Jason is my only witness.

It's an awful lot for a boy
that age to go through...

that "and" a trial?

Well, it's still a month away.

I brought him here from Chicago
'cause I need to keep him safe.

Detective North, this is
a rehabilitation hospital.

It's not a safe house.

He needs both facilities
right now, Doc.

No one but you
knows who he is

and why he's here.

I'm going to get us
checked in, okay?

I'm going to go get
some snacks.

You want anything?



Here, kitty, kitty.

Come here, kitty, kitty.

Here's a little
friend for you.


Maybe someday you and I
will have a drag race, huh?

Yeah, sure.

Well, I knew it
wouldn't take you long

to make friends.

Who's this?

Come on, let me take you
to your room, okay?


See you, pal.

My God, you're a handsome hunk.

Well, let me tell you, now,

I'm going to do everything I can
to get you out of that chair,

'cause I want to see those buns
of yours up and moving.

I'm Sophie Jones.

Hi, I'm...

Honey, there
isn't a person here...

well, unless he's in a coma...

that doesn't know who you are.

You're a hero.

Can I call you Mitch?

That's my name.


Oh, um, Sophie,
this is my son Hobie.

Hi, Hobie.

Hi. Nice
to meet you.

And my friend Stephanie.


It's a pleasure
to meet you both.

Well, I'm speaking for all
the women on the planet now.

Don't you go breaking
our hearts, okay?

I won't.

He's even more
handsome than you.


So, have you all been
taken care of?

Oh, yes, thank you.
We're all checked in.

We're just waiting
for his physical therapist.

Oh. Well,
then wait no longer, honey.

You have got

your own personal
gym teacher.

"You're" my physical therapist?

Aren't you the lucky one?

Detective Riddick.

Yeah, it's me.

I have our
witness tucked away

safe and sound
in a rehab center.

Where are you?

L.A. I'm not taking
any chances this time.

We nail these g*ng-bangers,
they'll hand us

their suppliers
on a silver platter.

Thanks. Good work.

North has the kid stashed in
some rehab center out in L.A.

I'm on my way.

Don't worry... I'll make it
look like an accident.

We'll be using
the therapy pool every day.

Swimming ought to make it feel
a little like home.

Mitch, you ever been
in the armed services?

Navy Seals.

Navy Seals, huh?

Sounds like some kind
of summer camp.

Summer camp? Yeah.

It was the most grueling thing
I've ever been through.

You mean until now.

Well, are you
ready to get started?

I don't know, I...


if you want to get up
out of this chair,

there is absolutely
no room for self-pity.

Uh-huh. Good.

All right, let's
give it a try.

Now you're talking
my language, sugar.

Hi, everybody.

This is Mitch.

Hi, Mitch.

Mitch, this is

Don't worry,
you'll meet them all

in the therapy

You got a lot
of work to do,

but it's going
to pay off, Mitch.

You're going to walk
out of here.


You okay, partner?

Can you get
my cards for me?

Yeah, sure.

What happened, you
drag-racing without me?

Yeah, I guess so.

I was just going too fast.

Oh, by the way,
I never introduced myself.

I'm Mitch.

What's your name?


Jason, nice
to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

Okay, let me get

your chair up here.

Okay, now you just
grab on to my arm.

Okay, let's go.

These are
the best candy bars.

The nurse keeps
them hidden

behind the desk
in the lobby.



Can I have a piece?

Yeah, sure.

Well, now I know
two things about you...

you like candy bars
and baseball cards.

Here's my most
valuable one...

, Ken Griffy Jr.

It's his rookie.


This is a Ted
Williams card.

It's an okay card, but not
as valuable as an autographed

Ted Williams.

My brother was saving up to
buy me one just before...

just before he d*ed.

Your brother d*ed?

Sorry, Jason.

You must miss him a lot, huh?

He was my best friend.

He took care of me.

Now I've learned how
to take care of myself.

I'm never going to walk again.

Your doctors sure about that?

I only have two chances...
slim and none,

and slim just left town.

You're so lucky.

Really? Why is that?

At least you have a chance
to walk again.

Man, what I wouldn't give
to have that chance again.

Mitch, the way you got hurt,
saving that girl,

if you had a chance
to do it over again,

would you do the same thing,
even knowing what happened?

Jason, that's a heck
of a question.

I, um...

Yeah, I would.

I would do the same thing.

How about you?

I had to try to save my brother.

I'd do that over again
a million times.

Hey, Mitch.

If there's something
I'm not supposed to tell anyone,

is it okay if I tell you?

Well, that depends, pal,
on if you trust me.

I'm hiding out here

till the guys who wasted
my brother get on trial.

I'm going to be
a star witness.

Your secret is safe
with me.

Drag race?

You're on!


Hey, hey, hey,
come back here!

Come back here,
hey, hey, hey!



Hey, hey!

I got you.

Hey, okay...

Whoa, there, partner.

Hobie said you had
a surprise for me.

Well, actually,
it's a surprise for you

"and" for Mitch.

As a matter of fact,
you're not wearing a uniform.

What is going on?

What's going on is that
I am going to the beach.

The beach?!
Wow, you're lucky!

I've only seen
pictures of the beach.

How would you like
to go there for real?

Get out of town.

No. Get into the van.

Both of you, come on.

We're heading
for the beach.


Okay, let's go!

I don't know...

All right, beach!

The beach! Whoo!




Okay, good.


On the beach!

How are you doing?

Hey, can I take Jason

for a tour
of the bike path?

I don't know.

I'll be really careful.

We'll stay right
in the bike lane.


Okay. But don't you two
speed demons

go knocking anybody
off the path.

- "Okay. - We won't.

- See ya.
- See ya!

- Bye.
- Bye.

Man, can't you go
a little faster than this?

We're going slow.

We're at the beach!

Not too fast.

I think I'm gonna go down
and say hi to Matt, huh?

Okay, well, if you want
to be alone,

I have any number
of phone calls

I can make.


Hey, Matt.


How's it going, man?

We missed you.

I missed you, too.

God, it's great being back
at the beach.

I forgot how beautiful it is.

Forgot how great

it smells, I mean...

I forgot what it was like
being a lifeguard.


You make it
sound like

you're not coming back.

Haven't you heard?

I'm not coming back.

Anyway, great seeing you, man.

I'm going to go check
on Hobie.

Mitch, I'm not going to let you
do this to yourself.

Do what?

Give up.

You told me
in rookie school

that I was a quitter. I was.

But you told me to fight
for what I believed in.

I'm fighting!

I just don't know what the hell
I'm fighting for.

Mitch, I'll be
right back, okay?

Watch it.


Break it up now.

Yeah, come on,
hit him!

Hey, stop!

I said stop!

Wait a minute.

Take it easy.

I told you to stop this.

Victor ...

Get up!
Come on, move.

Those two guys right there!

I got 'em.
Hold it!

Help! Help! Save me!


Somebody help me!

Please, help!

Help me, somebody!

Please, help me!


Easy, now.

Matt! There's a girl in trouble

at the end
of the jetty!

Hey, check it out.


Oh, my foot...

Nice throw.

Boy, the beach
is the greatest.

I just love it here.

You'd love the
water, too.

I could help you
learn how to swim.

My brother tried
to teach me once.

I just couldn't do it.

I was just too scared.

Well, you know, I wouldn't
want you to be scared,

except... by a daredevil


Keep going!

Hey, this is fun, man!
Let's go!

Faster, faster,
faster, faster!

Turn right!

Turn right,
turn right.

I'm a devil

And we're going!



faster, faster!


You okay, Jason?


That guy must have
been crazy.

Or drunk.

We got to get back.

Hey, Hobe. Anytime today will be
fine for you to help me up.


Hey, Jason, listen...

you got to promise
not to tell my dad

a word of this.

He'll never let us come
to the beach again.

Okay, I promise.

Keep your eyes open, huh?

Mr. Masurick.

Well, let's walk.

How long have I
known you, Frankie?

Since you were
in high school?

No, college. Freshman year.

I picked you myself,
out of the gutter.

You remember?

I'll get rid of the kid,
don't worry.

But I am worried.

Here we are just a week
away from the trial,

that could put our Chicago
operation out of business,

and you bungle
a simple attempt

to get rid of a kid
in a wheelchair.

It's tough
to get him alone.

He's always hanging out
with this crippled lifeguard.

Well, if this lifeguard
becomes a problem,

you get rid of him, too.

I own you, Frankie.

I made you what you are

and I put you where you are.

But if this kid lives
to testify,

I put you in the ground.

Got it?

"Next week on" Baywatch...

I'm thinking
I'll never walk again.

You know it, and I know it.

Mitch, are you giving up?
Is that what this is?

- I'm facing facts!
"You're quitting, Mitch!"

Come on, Dad, you can do it!

Just leave me alone, will you?!

We have to be strong
for your dad.

"We don't permit"
visiting doctors here.

Hospital rules.
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